Pedagogy of Higher Education: Research Review Under the MHRD Project on “National Mission in Education through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)” 1 Cognition, Affection and Conation: Implications for Pedagogical Issues in Higher Education Review of Literature In the last three decades ‘Cognitive Science’ as a new branch of science has emerged out of the efforts of researchers in linguistics, computer science, psychology and neuroscience. This is the science of mind which is concerned with mental phenomena like perception, thought, learning, understanding and remembering. Its scope is very wide ranging from observing learning processes in children to programming computers to solve problems through ‘artificial intelligence’. This cognitive revolution was primarily driven by the progresses in computers and computer science. Simulation became a powerful research tool. We can not observe the mental processes directly but can simulate these by computers. Various cognitive theories emerged from this new paradigm. The most successful was the information processing theory, and cognitive science merged with it as a part of computer science. Thus, Cognitive Science views the human mind as a highly complex information-processing system – that is, a system which receives, stores, retrieves, transforms and transmits information. However, at the very outset cognitive science encounters a deeply philosophical issue – the ‘mind-body’ problem, which has been plaguing the minds of philosophers and psychologists for several decades rather centuries ago – the ontological and the epistemological riddles. In philosophical language, the ontological questions are – 1. What things really exist in the mind? 2. What is their essential nature? 2 Primarily there are two theories which attempt to answer these questions: 1. The ‘Materialist Theory’ holds that only the brain exists and what we call mental states and mental processes are merely sophisticated states and processes of a complex physical system called the brain. 2. The ‘Dualist Theory’, on the other hand claims that mental processes constitute a distinct kind of phenomenon that is essentially non-physical in nature. Subsequently, both ‘Metaphysics’and ‘Epistemology’ in philosophy play very significant role in the development of various cognitive theories. Along with these another basic discipline ‘sociology’, sociology of knowledge in particular has also played a very important role in the growth of cognitive science. According to Thagard (1996), “Cognitive science proposes that people have mental procedures that operate on mental representations to produce thought and action”. What is common among the researchers across the various contributing disciplines is the notion that – the processes that occur during cognition can be represented abstractly by some type of predictive representation. The nature of that specific representation depends on the discipline; such as, philosophers rely on formal logic, artificial intelligence researchers employ computer code, neuroscientists are guided by biological structure, and cognitive psychologists often use statistical analysis to fit data resulting from experimentation. Thus, by building theoretically driven, and empirically tested structures of cognitive processes, cognitive scientists seek to increase understanding of the mind, as well as to build systems that are able to understand, predict, and generate human thought and action (i.e., information processing). However, the methods employed by cognitive scientists vary greatly. Like linguists (in Linguistics) are most concerned with developing formal systems of 3 syntax, semantics, phonetics and pragmatics (discourse & cognitive approach), and their work typically consists of comparing sentences and utterances. Often this is done by examining databases of existing language and computer models. Psychologists rely primarily on laboratory experiments, aiming to understand how people form categories, reason, perceive stimuli, and encode, store, and retrieve memories. To, accomplish these goals, psychologists examine the outcome of various experimental manipulations, the amount of time it takes an experimental subject to perform a task, and the various strategies people implement to complete the task. Computer scientists, very often build algorithms to simulate artificial intelligence, creating programs that can comprehend or generate language, exhibit creativity, or solve problems. Cognitive anthropologists and sociologists compare multiple cultures and societies to assess the universality of mental structures often using ethnographies, field observations, and some direct manipulation of experimental variables. Thus, it seems cognitive science spans many disciplines and methodologies, but researchers across this field seek to answer the same fundamental question: “how are information processes – represented in the mind?” Knowledge, Understanding and Cognition: So far as knowledge, cognition, understanding and their interrelationships are concerned, researchers have viewed that knowledge in one sense is the verified propositions, warranted assertions and a category of truth. It is the category of cognition, located in recorded language and propositions, which is usually kept in libraries and computer data banks. In another sense, knowledge means competencies, states of mind, expertise, learned abilities, located in people and especially deals with their ability to perform in well informed ways. Thus, knowledge is also the process of knowing and understanding, conceived of as the realized ability, to perform adequately in relation to one’s personal purposes and states of affairs. This makes cognition the same process as 4 knowing and understanding that is realized through much practice, care and learning. However, cognition can be distinguished with respect to levels of knowing and forms of knowing. Levels of knowing are degrees of extent to which one has realized the ability to perform adequately in relation to some state of affairs (refer James E. Christensen). They are degrees of extent to which one knows. There are at least three levels of knowing, such as 1. Level 1 ( ) preconventional knowing (Alpha state); 2 – ( ) Level 2, conventional knowing (Beta state); 3 – Level 3 ( ) post – Conventional knowing (Theta state). At level 1, in pre-conventional knowing stage, the individual experiences a high degree of disorganization, makes many mistakes, and has a low degree of control. In this level there are many trials and errors and much self-conscious effort, as performed by a novice learner. At the level – 2 of knowing that is at conventional stage of achievement, the individual’s performance becomes habituated and automatic. There is high level of mastery, control and very little or no selfconscious effort, the person performs quickly, efficiently and accurately. But the achievement of level-3 knowing (post-conventional) requires exploration, inquiry, and creativity, so that one breaks new ground and forms new standards of performance that extend beyond the conventions of Level – 2 knowing. In addition to these there are also forms of knowing. At least six forms of knowing can be there which deal with different kinds of performance, such as – linguistic, emotional, imaginal, physical, physiological, and conative. Linguistic performances which signify meaning with symbols, include speaking, reading, writing, reasoning and performing logical operations such as deduction, reduction, induction and retroduction (Steiner, 1978), may be in silent, spoken or written form. Emotional performances are feelings of emotion in relation to some state of affairs, such as the emotional response in a panic situation, feelings of anguish about being falsely accused, or a sense of ecstasy while experiencing the nature’s beauty. Imaginal performances are the acts of forming images shapes, imagined sounds, and imagined relationships in ones awareness or consciousness. 5 Physical performances are organized movements and gestures like swimming, driving or diving etc. Physiological performances are the actions like deliberately showing one’s heart rate, diminishing one’s blood pressure or blocking out pain. Conative performances are acts of volition or will. Conation is the state of mind of having purpose, and conative knowing is choosing or willing to perform in relation to some set of circumstances or state of affairs. It is a state of knowing – to, as distinct from knowing – that or knowing how. Conative knowing is the state of willingness. But when a person achieves a state of ‘knowing – how’, it includes all the instances of emotional ,imaginal, physical, physiological as well as linguistic knowing. Understanding is closely related to knowing, especially linguistic knowing. Understanding arises from realizing the ability to signify meaning to one’s self with symbols; through symbolizing that one can make sense out of various states of affairs in relation to his/her environment. The development of understanding requires experience and an ability to talk about that experience. At least there are three levels of understanding i.e., levels of prehension, apprehension, and comprehension. In the development of understanding, enunciation precedes adjudication. That is, the act of saying or talking about a matter must take place before one is able to engage in the act of exercising competent and adequate judgment about a matter. The three levels of understanding relate to the acts of uttering, conceiving, enunciating as well as adjudicating. Thus, prehension is operating with language at the level of uttering without conceiving much meaning. Apprehension is conceiving symbols with meaning, but the meaning is restricted largely to denotative meaning. It is the most expanded level of understanding. Denotative meaning is the relationship between an object and a word; and connotative meaning is the relationship between a word (or a set of words) and another word (or set of words). Enunciation is saying or making a pronouncement about something and 6 adjudication is making judgment about something. The levels of understanding relate to the acts of both enunciation as well as adjudication. At the level of prehension, well informed judgments are not possible, but this is a precondition for the development of adjudication. Understanding enables an individual not only to describe, explain, and predict but also control to some extent the state of affairs through anticipation, prescription and intervention. As understanding develops through to the two higher levels, the capacity to make well informed judgments about something also develops. The realized abilities to describe, explain predict and prescribe are all linguistic abilities. That is, understanding is linguistic knowing which is articulated with all other forms of knowing. Understanding is a system of knowing in which linguistic knowing guides the other forms of knowing that are functioning within the system. Human development, considered as the extension of cognitive function, is the process in which this system of knowing understanding develops from (1) – a restricted and relatively uncomplicated, undifferentiated function in to (2) – an extensive, higher complicated and extremely differentiated function. With regard to the categorizations of cognition by various authors like, Bloom, Gagne, Piaget, Bruner, Biggs, Collis and others, these are either subsets, combinations or conflations of the elemental/primary categories of (the above mentioned) three levels and six forms of knowing and the three levels of understanding. For example, Bloom et al. (1956) and Krathwohl et. al. (1956) have used the categories of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains to classify abilities that can be learned. Thus, learned cognitive abilities, in Bloom’s terms, are the same as linguistic knowing. They include the linguistic (conceptual) abilities to recall comprehend, analyze, apply, synthesize and evaluate states of affairs by means of signifying meaning with symbols or using language. Recalling in Bloom’s terms is an instance of understanding at the ‘prehension’ level. Bloom et al. characterize comprehending as the ability to 7 understand to the extent that an individual can restate a statement in other words (translation), reorder the statement (interpretation) or estimate or predict from a statement (extrapolation). And applying is the realized ability to use general ideas or procedures appropriately in new situations without help, direction or prompting. Bloom’s analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating are instances of understanding at the level of comprehension. Learned psychomotor abilities are knowing in relation to physical performances and physiological performances. psychomotor abilities also include linguistic (conceptual), But imaginal, emotional, and conative knowing, such as in playing tennis one must know the rules of tennis, willing to play by the rules (conative knowing), must keep his/her emotions in control (emotional knowing), one must also imagine (anticipate) the positions of ball (imaginal knowing). Psychomotor knowing, in this way is actually a complex combination of all these physical, linguistic, emotional, imaginal, conative and physiological knowing. Krathwohl et al. (1956) have categorized the learned affective abilities as these involved in the process of attaching a value to something, holding a strong belief about something, or having a deep-seated attitude about something. Affective knowing thus is also a complex phenomenon of linguistic, emotional, imaginal and conative knowing. Gagne (1977) offers the categories of cognition as a scheme for classification of learned abilities such as intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, verbal information, motor skills, and attitudes. Intellectual skills are instances of linguistic knowing and Gagne categorizes these in a hierarchy of less complex to more complex: signal learning, stimulus-response learning, chaining, verbal association, discrimination learning, concept learning, rule learning, problem solving. The way in which these eight levels of ability relate to the categories of prehension, apprehension and comprehension is that signal learning and stimulus – response learning function at the level below prehension; chaining and verbal association function at the level of prehension; discrimination and concept learning function at the level of apprehension; and abstract concept 8 learning, rule learning, and problem solving learning function at the level of comprehension. The progression in understanding is from denotative to connotative linguistic performances. Verbal information is the ability to recall, cognitive strategies used for solving the problems are all instances of linguistic knowing. Motor skills are same as psychomotor abilities, and attitudes (of cooperativeness, aggressive, passive, inquisitive) are closely related to the category of affective abilities. These are the result of a complex combination of linguistic, emotional, imaginal, physical, physiological and conative knowing. Piaget (1971) has classified level of understanding into four categories like – 1) sensori– motor, 2) pre – operational, 3) concrete – operational and 4) formal operational stages. The pre-operational level functions at the level of prehension; the concrete and formal operational level are the instances of linguistic knowing and functions at the apprehension and comprehension levels of understanding respectively. Another alternative classification of understanding has also been proposed by Bruner (1964) and he has conceived the categories as 1) enactive, 2) iconic, and 3) symbolic stages of representation. That is, understanding can be developed and represented enactively, by physical action (like feel, taste); can be developed and represented iconically, shape, line, colour and tone. Finally, it can be developed and represented symbolically with conception of meaning with symbol systems (words, signs, sentences). Bruner relates these categories of understanding to periods in childhood when children develop these categories; enactive understanding is below the level of system of physical knowing. Iconic understanding is an instance of imaginal knowing, and symbolic understanding is linguistic knowing at all of its levels. Biggs and Collis (1982) classified the distinction between developmental stages and learning outcomes. They addressed the problem of what learning outcomes were possible, and they conceived of five categories: - 1) prestructural 2) unistructural, 3) multistructural 4) relational, and 5) extended abstract. Prestructural is pre-conventional linguistic knowing (level 1- α alpha stage). It is also understanding at the level of prehension. 9 Unistructural, multistructural, relational, and extended abstract are instantiations of conventional linguistic knowing (level 2 - β Beta stage).Also unistructural, multistructural, and relational are instances of understanding at the level of apprehension, while extended abstract is an instance of understanding at the level of comprehension. This is implied here that all these research works of Bloom, Piaget, Gagne, Bruner, Biggs and Collis as well as Krathwohl et al. have focused upon the problem of identifying categories or knowing (learning outcomes) that a learner might undertake to study and learn under guidance. A system of categories of knowing is important for competently performing the task of selecting and specifying educational goals, aims, objectives, and purposes. All these classifications given by different researchers / authors are actually the subsets, combinations, or conflations of these elementary categories of levels, forms and range of knowing and levels of understanding. Out of this prehension, apprehension and comprehension are teachable. The other six forms of knowing and two level of knowing (pre-conventional and conventional) can also be taught, but the post – conventional knowing is purely creative and innovative in nature. Thus, these can give some guidelines to our educational researchers and planners to think about how to devise curriculum which would incorporate a clear conception of the levels and forms of cognition, as well as facilitate the development of affective, psychomotor and conative domains of the learner. Different Approaches to Cognition: Presently, two dominant approaches constructivists views rule the cognitive era. i.e., rationalists and They claim that cognitive phenomena does not constitute merely the behavioral (stimulus – response) patterns of a ‘black box’. Constitutive reality agent is today considered highly relevant for the scientific study of mind. There are predominantly two kinds of camps: those who believe that cognitive faculties are completely specified by 10 the innate biological reality (Noam Chomsky, Jerry Fodor, see Nagarjuna G., Review Talks, 2006), and those who believe that they develop during ontogeny based on incompletely specified ‘embryological’ reality (KarmiloffSmith, Susan Carey, Alison Gopnik, see Nagarjuna G., Review Talks, 2006). A striking observation made by cognitive developmental psychologists based on experimental findings that ‘language is instinctive and peculiarly human’. A leading developmental psychologist Karmiloff-Smith demonstrates that some behavioral / cognitive modules actually are culminations of developmental process and not entirely innate. The theory by ‘representational redescription’ (RR) proposed by her explain that gradual and recurring reencoding of more or less inaccessible (encapsulated) implicit representations into explicit accessible representations leads to behavioral mastery. There are very few scholars who believe that cognition is only human, but often it is also argued that the so called higher modes of cognition such as selfconsciousness, theory of mind, fabrication of tools, language, scientific knowledge, etc. must be peculiar and defining characteristics of human nature. The review of research (i.e., Merlin Donald’s three stages of the evolution of culture and cognition; & Peter Gardenfors’s account of How Homo became Sapiens, see Nagarjuna G., Review Talks, 2006) has revealed that most of the peculiarly human characteristics are strongly correlated to the social fabric of human life rather than genetic, neuro-physiological domain. Evidence is gradually accumulating to suggest that the larger size of human brain (encephalization) has mostly to do with the new found socio-cultural context during phylogeny. Socialization and language go hand in hand, as both are dependent on each other. Thus, it is hypothesized by the current generation of researchers that representational redescription is an essential mechanism in producing external memory space helping to enhance much needed memory capacity for storing cultural heritage, and also for detached processing of information: explaining thinking. There are two interdependent but 11 superveniently evolving inheritance mechanisms: - biological and social. The nature of human beings cannot be understood without delineating the two. Many leading cognitive psychologists (e.g. Alison Gopnik, see Nagarjuna G., Review Talks, 2006) today believe in a strong working hypothesis called: theory – theory. According to this view no knowledge worth the name can be nontheoretical, and the basic mechanism (or methodology) of knowledge formation and evaluation happens by theory change, and this mechanism is universal. The above author argues that even infants in the crib are little theoreticians. The mechanism that makes us know the world around is the same as the one that makes science. Formal knowledge is an explicitly constructed form of knowledge in the sense that the rules of construction are overtly specified. This form of possible world construction creates an idealized description of the actual world that describes indirectly (mediated by models) the phenomenal world. Only in this form of construction can we find invariant relativistic descriptions of various flavors of scientific theories. Representation of knowledge in memory and the evolution of consciousness span the range of problems in understanding cognition. Knowledge representation, probably the most intelligent behavior is the typical characteristic of human activity. It is unique to humans because of its dependence on language and other symbolic systems. The full development of language and thinking is what constitutes intellectual development. One of the central functions of language is that it frees us to refer to objects without the need to manipulate them physically; representations of knowledge through language lead to an explosion of interconnected information. The social-constructivist view places the evolution of all higher mental functions, including language, firmly in the lap of culture (Vygotsky, 1962). Language is a good example of cultural evolution of the mind as well as of the brain. Cultural evolution has accelerated the development of brain systems that must support the emergence of both 12 cognitive and non-cognitive functions. In today’s world of progressive use of visual modes such as computer and information storage devices, it is hard to imagine that the brain would not be under pressure to develop new structures (Donald, 1993). Not only the content of thought and its cortical organization but also its structure is determined by the culture in which an individual lives. In sum, cultural evolution has a comprehensive influence on intellectual activities an influence that is mediated by the tools of cognition and its architectural basis in the brain. In contemporary cognitive psychology two main approaches usually predominate1) Information – processing approach, and 2) Connectionist approach The information – processing approach is squarely rooted in the emergence of the computing machine. The information psychologists sometimes argue that the mind works like a computer. This can trace its lineage back to the work in human factors. The research has demonstrated that humans actively seek information about the world, and the plans and goals that humans formed for the world were based on the information they sought and found. The information processing psychologists have adopted the ‘computer metaphor’ to understand human intelligence or cognitive process. However, there are several basic questions that arise in information processing approaches to intelligence (Sternberg, 1985 a). The first relates to the processes underlying performance on any intelligent task or test. The second relates to processes. The third is concerned with the strategies of performing the task, these strategies being an outcome of a combination of different processes. The fourth pertains to the mental representations of these processes and strategies. Finally, the last is concerned with the knowledge base that enters in to any kind of task solution. These five different issues are a common 13 concern of several contemporary theories of intelligence although they may themselves differ from each other in various ways. The connectionists, on the other hand, have adopted the “Brain Metaphor”, and sought to develop computational models of cognition. Their work is intimately linked to historical roots in neurocomputing and therefore is very much neuronally inspired. Actually this is an offshoot of the association theory of learning – (Thorndike’s Connectionism, 1913). This theory suggests that the most rudimentary type of learning occurs in the formation of associations or connections between sensory experience and neural impulses. When a modifiable connection between a situation and a response is made and is accompanied or followed by a satisfying state of affairs, that connection strength is increased (Thorndike’s Law of effect, 1913). Thus, connectionism is a method by which cognitive activities are explained in terms of interactions between units that resemble neurons (Schneider, 1987). The basic elements in connectionist models are nodes and links. These are also called units and connections. The nodes are assumed to be simple, homogeneous processing devices. Each node takes on a level of activity based on a weighted sum of input from the environment and from other nodes. However, the nodes do not individually correspond to external objects or situations; they are characterized only by levels of activity and by their ability to transmit activation over the links between nodes. The links provide the means by which the units are able to interact with each other. The set of nodes and the links that connect them are typically referred to as a network. The network’s behavior as a whole is a function of the initial levels of activity of the nodes and of the weights on its links. The connectionists’ models assume many of the principles of learning theories based on behavioristic approach (i.e., Hull, Tolman, Gutherie, see Hilgard & Bower, 1956 etc.). Even though the connectionist models have not really worked on spatial-temporal network, the recent advancements in 14 formulating such networks show the potential of the connectionists’ approach from simple associations to systematic reasoning from simple associations to systematic reasoning (Shastri & Ajjanagadde, 1993). At the same time the information processing approach to intelligent behavior has culminated in providing models for problem solving and other intelligent behaviors in terms of artificial intelligence following the pioneering work of Newell and Simon (1972). Thus, in the last half-a-century, developments in computer science, particularly ‘Artificial Intelligence’, have contributed several enlightening metaphors to cognitive science. The most significant contribution has been in the area of knowledge representation and memory, drawing mostly from the centuries of deliberations on epistemology and logic. Today these remain the least controversial among the proposals on the architecture of mind based on the information processing approaches. Most notable and highly relevant are the concepts of ‘modularity’ and ‘encapsulation’, borrowed from object oriented abstractions of procedural and declarative data modeling. Fodor’s (1983, 2001) highly influential architecture of mind proposed that the mind is composed of peripheral (perceptual), domain-specific, dissociable functional sub-systems that are mandatory, swift and involuntary processing units, wholly determined by evolutionary selected genetic endowment. However, the high level central cognitive systems that are involved in belief, creativity, reasoning etc., are (according to Fodor) a modular and non-encapsulated. A group of scholars disagree with Fodor and attempt to modularize almost every cognitive faculty of mind making it entirely modular. Moreover, this notion of ‘informational encapsulation’ has also been challenged by Nagarjuna G. (2006) by arguing that cross-representation of cognitive dimensions, which is essential for the formation of concepts of any kind, is totally impossible with encapsulation. 15 Research on computational modeling in cognitive science has two different pursuits; one is computational ‘cognitive models’, the software systems that propose testable hypotheses, highlight the inadequacies of current theories, and predict the behavior of people in simulations. The second pursuit is the development of ‘inferential theories’, software systems that propose representation and inference mechanisms that describe the explanations and predictions that people generate. These are about human cognition and falls under the heading ‘Commonsense Psychology’, also called ‘naïve psychological reasoning’. Cognitive models are authored to describe the way people think (the process of human cognition). Inferential theories about the mind are authored to describe the way people think they think (the inference that people make about human cognition). These two pursuits have been widely discussed, in the context of ‘Theory of mind reasoning’, originally started to investigate as an ability that young children acquire to reason about the false beliefs of other people (Wimmer & Perner, 1983). This has included a range of social cognition behaviors, perspective taking, metacognition, and introspection etc. (Baron – Cohen et al., 2000). Two competing theories of ‘Theory of mind reasoning’ have been proposed. One, the advocates of ‘Theory of Theory’ have argued that ‘Theory of Mind Reasoning’ relies on tacit inferential theories about – mental states and processes (inferential theories), which are manipulated using more general inferential mechanisms (Gopnik & Meltzoff, 1997; Nichols & Stich, 2002). The proponents of ‘Simulation Theory’ argue that ‘Theory of Mind Reasoning’ can be better described as a specialized mode of reasoning, where inferences are generated by employing one’s own reasoning functions (described as cognitive models) to simulate the mental states and processes of other people (Goldman, 2000). 16 Cognition and Memory: Human memory has been widely studied in the history of cognitive psychology. Many different approaches have been pursued to develop an understanding of memory process, including the computational cognitive models. One such model called ‘Similarity – based memory retrieval’ has been authored by Forbus et al. (1994) to justify its utility in memory processes. In this two-stage model, a target situation in working memory serves as a retrieval cue for a possible base situation in long –term memory. In the first stage, a fast comparison process is done between a target and potential bases using a flat feature – vector representation, resulting in a number of candidate retrievals. In the second stage, attempts are to identify deep structural alignments between the target and these candidates using a graph – comparison algorithm. Based on the strength of the comparisons made in these two stages, base situations that exceed a threshold are retrieved. This computational model has helped to explain the empirical evidence of human memory retrieval performance, including why remindings are sometimes based only on surface – level similarities, and other times based only on deep structural analogies. This model has enough simplicity in (its) functional mode. The system is initialized with a database of situations to be stored in longterm memory. Its processes are initiated when a target situation is in working memory. Its role effect on other cognitive processes is the retrieval of base situations from long-term memory into working memory. Gordon and Hobb (2003) developed a ‘formal inferential theory’ which explains and encodes a commonsense view of how people think human memory works (commonsense theory of human memory). It describes – human memory concerns memories in the minds of people, which are operated upon by memory processes of storage, retrieval, memorization, reminding and repression, among others. The key aspects of this theory are as follows: - 1 Concepts in memory – people have minds with at least two parts, one where concepts are stored in memory and a second where concepts can be in the focus of one’s attention. Storage and retrieval 17 involve moving concepts from one part to the other. 2 Accessibility – In memory the concepts have varying degrees of accessibility, but there is some threshold beyond which they cannot be retrieved into the focus of attention. 3 Associations – concepts that are in memory may be associated with one another, and having a concept in the focus of attention increases the accessibility of the concepts with which it is associated. 4 Trying and succeeding – people can attempt mental actions (e.g. retrieving), but these actions may fail or be successful. 5 Remember and forget – Remembering can be defined as succeeding in retrieving a concept from memory, while forgetting is when a concept becomes inaccessible. 6 Remembering to do- A precondition for executing actions in a plan at a particular time is that a person remembers to do it, retrieving the action from memory before its execution. 7 Repressing – People often repress concepts that they find unpleasant, causing these concepts to become inaccessible. Then again Hobbs and Gordon (2005) began an effort to develop inferential theories based on 30 representational areas to support automated commonsense inference, which have a high degree of overlap with the classes of cognitive models. The aim of this work is to develop formal (logical) theories that achieve a high degree of coverage over the concepts related to mental states and processes, but that also have the necessary inferential competency to support automated commonsense reasoning in this domain. These theories were authored as sets of axioms in ‘first-order pedicate calculus’, enabling their use in existing automated reasoning systems (e.g. resolution theorem – proving algorithms). These 30 areas are considered as taxonomy of cognitive models which participate in an integrative cognitive architecture. Underlying these 30 areas there are 16 functional classes of cognitive models. These are as follows: - 1. Knowledge and inference model (Managing knowledge) describes how people maintain and update their beliefs in the face of new information (e.g., Byrne & Walsh, 2002). 2. Similarity judgment model – explains how people judge things to be similar, different, or analogous (e.g., 18 Gentner & Markman, 1997). 3. Memory Model says about memory storage and retrieval (see Conway, 1997). 4. Emotion Model states about emotional appraisal and coping strategies (e.g., Gratch & Marsella, 2004). 5. Envisionment (including Execution envisionment) Model explains how people reason about causality, possibility, and intervention in real and imagined worlds (e.g., Sloman & Lagnado, 2005). 6. Explanation Model (including causes of failure) narrates the process of generating explanations for events and states with unknown causes (e.g., Leake, 1995). 7. Expectation Model describes how people come to expect that certain events and states will occur in the future, and how they handle expectations violations (e.g., Schank, 1982). 8. Theory of Mind Reasoning Model – explains how people reason about the mental states and processes of other people and themselves. 9. Threat Detection Model analyses how people identify threats and opportunities that may impact the achievement of their goals (e.g., Pryor & Collins, 1992). 10. Goal Management Model describe how people prioritize and reconsider the goals that they choose to pursue (e.g., Schut et al., 2004). 11. Planning Model deals with plans, plan elements, planning modalities, planning goals, plan construction, and plan adaptation and narrates the process of selecting a course of action that will achieve one’s goals (e.g. Rattermann, 2001). 12. Design Model shows how people develop plans for the creation or configuration of an artifact, process information. 13. Scheduling Model explains how people reason about time and select when they will do the plans that they intend to do. 14. Decision Making Model describes how people identify choices and make decisions (e.g., Zachary et al., 1998). 15. Monitoring Model explains how people divide their attention in ways that enable them to wait for, check for, and react to events in the world and in their minds (e.g., Atkin & Cohen, 1996). 16. Plan Execution Model deals with execution modalities, repetitive execution, body interaction, plan following, observation of execution and defines the way that people put their plans into action and control their own behavior (e.g., Stein, 1997). However, it is 19 evident that it is only through the parallel development of inferential theories and cognitive models that we can appropriately assess the strengths and limitations of each, which can be possible through further research and analysis. Cognition and Metacognition: Since Flavell’s (1971) coining of the term ‘Metamemory’ many have investigated the phenomenon surrounding cognition about cognition. Developmental psychology has reported the most positive evidence regarding how cognitive function develops during childhood and the importance of metacognitive strategies and monitoring in it. Wellman (1992) views human metacognition, not as a unitary phenomenon, but rather as a multifaceted theory of mind. Metacognition involves several separate but related cognitive processes and knowledge structures that share as a common theme the self as referent. Wellman explains that the theory of mind emerges during childhood from an awareness of the differences between internal and external worlds , that is from the perception that there exist both mental states and events that are quite discriminable from external states and events. A number of psychological variables (knowledge classes) are in this theory such as 1) person variables that deal with the individual and others (for example, cognitive psychologists can recall many facts about cognition, whereas most people cannot), 2) task variables, which concern the type of mental activity (e.g., it is more difficult to remember non-sense words than familiar words), and 3) strategy variables that relate to alternative approaches to a mental task (e.g., to remember a list it helps to rehearse). This theory also includes a self-monitoring component, whereby people evaluate their levels of comprehension and mental performance with respect to the theory and the norms the theory predicts. Nelson and Narens (1992) present a general information – processing framework for integrating and better understanding metacognition and metamemory. Their model is based on three basic principles: 1) Cognitive processes are split into an object – level 20 (cognition), and a meta-level (Metacognition); 2) The Meta-level contains a dynamic model of the object-level; and 3) A flow of information from the object-level to the meta-level is considered monitoring whereas information flowing from the meta-level to the object-level is considered control. Monitoring informs the meta-level about the state of the object-level and thus allows the meta-levels’ model of the object level to be undated. Then depending upon the state of this model, control can initiate, maintain, or terminate objectlevel behavior. Object-level behavior consists of cognitive activities such as problem solving or memory retrieval. Control Meta – Level Object Level Monitoring (Nelson et al.’s model of ‘Metacognitive Monitoring and Control of Cognition’.) Both the authors (Nelson & Narens, 1992) address knowledge acquisition (encoding), retention, and retrieval in both monitoring and control directions of information flow during memory task. Monitoring processes include easeof-learning judgments, judgments of learning (JOLs), feelings of knowing (FOKs) and confidence in retrieved answers. Control processes include selection of the kind of processes, allocation of study time, termination of study, selection of memory search strategy, and termination of search. This framework has been widely used both in psychological research and computational sciences. Moreover, research examining the relationship between metacognitive skills and educational instruction has made significant progress. Researchers (Forrest- Pressley, Mackinnon and Waller, 1985; Garner, 1987) report successful instruction procedures related to both problem solving and reading comprehension (see also 21 Ram & Leake, 1995 for related topic in computer/ cognitive science). Metacognition research encompasses studies regarding reasoning about one’s own thinking, memory and the executive processes that presumably control strategy selection and processing allocation. Metacognition differs from standard cognition in that the self is the referent of the processing or the knowledge (Wellman, 1983). Thus, metaknowledge is knowledge about knowledge, and metacognition is cognition about cognition. But often metaknowledge and metamemory (memory about one’s own memory) are included in the study of metacognition as they are important in self-monitoring and other metacognitive processes. Many of the roots of metacognition in computation are influenced by the large body of work in cognitive, developmental, and social psychology, cognitive aging research, and the educational and learning sciences. Problem Solving and Metacognition: Problem solving is one area where a natural fit exists, to computational theories in ‘Artificial Intelligence’. Concepts such as executive control and monitoring are important to problem solving in order to manage problem complexity and to evaluate progress towards goals. Dörner (1979) reports the earliest experiment on the effects of cognitive monitoring on human problem solving. Derry (1989) offers a comprehensive model of reflective problem solving for mathematical word problems inspired by John Anderson’s ACT * (Anderson, 1983) and PUPS (Anderson& Thompson, 1989) theories of general cognition. Based on such a theory, Derry and her colleagues developed a computer-based instructional system to teach word problems to military servicemen. Swanson (1990) has also established the independence of general problem aptitude from metacognitive ability. Subjects with relatively low aptitude, but high metacognitive ability, often use metacognitive skills to compensate for low ability so that their performance is equivalent to high aptitude subjects. 22 Moreover, Davidson, Deuser and Sternberg (1994) from a series of studies show that the use of metacognitive abilities correlate with standard measures of intelligence. In their experiments on insight problem-solving they report that, although higher IQ subjects are slower rather than faster on analyzing the problems and applying their insights, their performance is higher. They argue that the difference in performance is due to effective use of metacognitive processes of problem identification, representation, planning how to proceed, and solution evaluation, rather than problem solving abilities per se. Dominowski (1998) reviews many such studies and concludes that although some conflicting evidence exists, subjects in metacognitive conditions generally do better on problem-solving tasks. The reason for the difference is not just that subjects are verbalizing their thoughts. Silent thinking and simple thinking out loud perform equally well. The difference is that problem-focused attentions of subjects improve local problem-solving behavior, whereas metacognitive attention allows subjects to be flexible globally and thus have a greater chance of finding a more complex and effective problem-solving strategy. Recently the researchers are also proposing ‘Metareasoning’ strategy. Forbus and Hinrichs (2004) have proposed a new architecture for “Companion Cognitive Systems” that employ psychologically plausible models of analogical learning and reasoning and that maintain self-knowledge in the form of logs of activity. Singh (2005) has created an architecture called ‘EM-ONE’, that supports layers of metacognitive activities that monitor reasoning in physical, social, and mental domains. These layers range from the reactive, deliberative, reflective, self- reflective, and self-conscious to the self-ideals layer. More recently, the metacognition community in psychology and cognitive science has started a novel line of research on metacognition and vision which examines how people think about their own visual perception. For example Levin and Beck (2004) demonstrated that not only do people overestimate their visual capabilities but most interesting, given feedback on their errors, they refuse to believe the 23 evidence “before their eyes”. Brown (1987) has described research into metacognition as a “many-headed monster of obscure parentage”. This also equally applies to many approaches of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ that deal with metacognition, metareasoning and metaknowledge and the interrelationship among them. But in essence the researchers have concluded that a metacognitive reasoner is a system (in Artificial Intelligence Programs) that reasons specifically about itself (its knowledge, beliefs and its reasoning process), not one that simply uses such knowledge. In the field of education and pedagogy much of the groundbreaking work in metacognition was conducted by researchers who desired to understand whether young students could effectively monitor and regulate their learning, reading, writing and mathematical problem solving. General models of self-regulated learning – which have largely grown from an educational perspective attempt to capture all aspects of students’ activities and their environment that may contribute to student scholarship. Accordingly, educational psychologists are interested in students’ basic cognitive abilities, along with the integration of these abilities into a framework that highlights goals settings, self-efficacy, domain knowledge, motivation, and other factors. The core of these general models, however, is most often constituted from the two powerhouse concepts in metacognition: monitoring and control (John Dunlosky & Janet Metcalfe, 2009). Cognition and Intelligence: Intelligence is cognition comprising sensory, perceptual, associative, and relational knowledge. According to Das, Naglieri, and Kirby (1994) intelligence is the ability to plan and structure one’s behavior with an end in view. If the end is social one, then it is the most parsimonious solution to a problem for common good. Sternberg (2005) defined intelligence as a number of components that allow one to adapt, select, and shape one’s environment. Gardner (1999) defined intelligence as the ability to create an effective product or offer a service that is 24 valued in a culture; a set of skills that make it possible for a person to solve problems in life. Contemporary theories about intelligence may be broadly divided into two closes, psychometric and cognitive types. The quantitative approach to intelligence is better reflected in psychometric theories of which Charles Spearman’s two factor theory (‘g’ – general ability &‘s’ – specific ability) is an early example. In contrast, cognitive theories are both qualitative and quantitative. Following Spearman, and even his predecessor, Galton, (Jensen, 2006) is perhaps the chief advocate of general intelligence or “psychometric g”. His evidence for ‘g’ goes beyond factor analysis and seeks validity in reaction time studies of elementary mental processes. He is poised to launch a movement for finding a “super G” or all inclusive general ability, picking up where Galton left off (A.R. Jensen, 2008). A popular way to divide intelligence is “Fluid Intelligence” and “Crystallized Intelligence” as advanced by Cattell and Hunt. Fluid intelligence is the ability to deal with novel intellectual problems, whereas crystallized intelligence is the ability to apply learned solutions to new problems (Hunt, 1997). Psychometric approach to general intelligence has continued to advance. A recent classification of abilities has been proposed comprising verbal, perceptual , and image rotation abilities with general intelligence or “g” at its top. But all the psychometric classification of intelligence has a common weakness, that is – “The weakness of psychometric models is related to their strength. They stand on an impressive mathematical model of analysis of a given set of tests, without any clear stance about what the tests should be in the first place” (E. Hunt, 2008). Intelligence as cognitive processing is a common theme for all cognitive theories of intelligence. These theories also advance the idea that intelligence has multiple categories. Such as both the modern cognitivists like Sternberg and Gardner view intelligence as neither a single nor biologically determined factor, but as a number of domains that represent the interaction of the individuals’ biological predispositions with the environment and cultural context. Das et al’s 25 (1994) PASS (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, Successive) theory of intelligence is a further developmental step in this direction. The most recent theories of intelligence with the cognitive processing (information processing) approach are, of Gardner’s ‘Theory of Multiple Intelligences’, Sternberg’s, ‘Triarchic Theory’ and Das et al’s ‘PASS Theory’. The theory of “Multiple Intelligences”, developed by Gardner (1999), proposes seven separate kinds of intelligences comprising linguistic, logical mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal domains as well as two recent additions such as naturalistic and existential intelligence. Even though these nine types of intelligences are highly popular, the theory lacks much empirical support. Earl Hunt remarked that the theory of ‘Multiple Intelligences’ cannot be evaluated by the canons of science until it is made specific enough to generate measurement models. Thus, if one cannot operationalize the concept intelligence, it cannot be evaluated. R.J.Sternberg’s “Triarchic Theory” (Sternberg, 2005) proposes three components of intelligence. The first relates to the internal world of the individual that specifies the cognitive mechanisms which result in intelligent behavior; its components are concerned with information processing. Learning how to do things, and actually doing them, is the essential characteristic of the second component of Sternberg’s theory. This part is concerned with the way people deal with novel tasks and how they develop automatic routine, responses for wellpracticed tasks. The third component is concerned with practical intelligence. More recently, Sternberg has expanded the three dimensions of intelligence adding to these a measure of creativity. This latest edition is called “Theory of Successful Intelligence”, which is still evolving. 26 (Intelligence comprises: Analytical, Creative, & Practical abilities) The ‘PASS’ theory of intelligence (Das et al; 1994) proposes that cognition is organized in three systems and four processes. The first is the ‘Planning’ system, which involves executive functions responsible for controlling and organizing behavior, selecting and constructing strategies, and monitoring performance. The second is the ‘Attention’ system, which is responsible for maintaining arousal levels and alertness, and ensuring focus on relevant stimuli. The third system is the “Information processing’ system, which employs ‘simultaneous’ and ‘successive’ processing to encode, transform, and retain information. Simultaneous processing is engaged when the relationship between items and their integration into whole units of information is required, e.g., recognizing figures such as a triangle within a circle versus a circle within a triangle. Successive processing is required for organizing separate items in a sequence as for example remembering a sequence of words or actions exactly in the order in which they had just been presented. These four processes are functions of four areas of the brain. Plannings are broadly located in the front part of our brains, the frontal lobe. Attention and arousal are a function of the frontal lobe and the lower part of the cortex, although some other parts are also involved 27 in attention as well. Simultaneous processing and successive processing occur in the posterior region or the back of the brain. Simultaneous processing is broadly associated with the occipital and the parietal lobes, successive with the frontaltemporal lobes. Das and Naglieri (1997) have also developed a psychometric test battery called “Cognitive Assessment System” based on their PASS model of intelligence, through which all these above processes (four) can be assessed. These tests have been widely used for understanding, assessment (diagnosis) and intervention of different educational problems like mental retardation, reading disability, autism, attention-deficit etc, as well as cognitive changes in ageing process. In recent times the PASS theory has the support of both psychometric measures as well as empirical findings of brain functions (in favor of). However, the significance of brain studies awaits further discussion in the context of biology of intelligence. The biology of intelligence is concerned with explaining how intelligence is related to specific areas of the brain and the connections between 28 them (connectionists approach). A brain network of general intelligence involving the parietal and frontal lobes has been recently suggested by Jung and Haier (2007). Their “Parieto – Frontal Integration Theory” attempts to explain individual differences in reasoning. Earl Hunt expresses his confidence over this theory in explaining individual differences in intelligence. However, it still considers intelligence as a general ability and is unable to explain how emotions impact reasoning. Cognition and Creativity: Creativity is a multifaceted phenomenon. People are creative by virtue of a combination of intellectual, personality and motivational attributes whose outcome also depends on the environment. R.J. Sternberg says (1998) “Creativity can take many forms and come in many blends. Some people have more of the intellectual attributes and still others more of the personality attributes”. Intelligence is seen as related to both creativity and wisdom, although more to wisdom (Sternberg, 1985). The making of a new, different and aesthetically stimulating product is more salient in conceptions of creativity than of wisdom, whereas balanced judgment and skillful and undistorted appraisal of meaning is more salient in conceptions of wisdom. The creative personality is dynamic; the wise personality is balanced and virtuous (Sternberg, 2001; Baltes & Staudinger, 2000). Research findings have shown that both creativity and wisdom show much evidence of openness and complexity (including intelligence). Originality being more saliently associated with creativity and meaning – making with wisdom; furthermore, ambition, autonomy, and perseverance are more associated with creativity and benevolence with wisdom (Helson & Srivastava, 2002). However, cognitive – affective vitality is an essential component of both creativity and wisdom. 29 In cognitive science Terry Dartnall (2007) (author of the book “An Interaction: Creativity, Cognition and Knowledge”) holds the view that an account of creativity is the ultimate test for cognitive science. A system is said to be creative if it can articulate its domain-specific skills to itself as structures that it can reflect upon and change. Such an account will provide an explanation of how our creative products emerge, not out of combination of elements but out of our knowledge and ability. Dartnall (2007) further argues that cognitive science is in need of a new epistemology that reevaluates the role of representations in cognition and accounts for the flexibility and fluidity of creative thought. In fact such an epistemology is already with us in some leading edge models of human creativity. The various aspects of creativity are – mundane creativity, representational redescription, analogical thinking, fluidity and dynamic binding, input vs. output creativity, emergent memory and emergence. The author argues that we construct representation in the imagination, rather than copy them from experience. It gives us the fluidity and flexibility that we need about creative cognition. Rather, cognition emerges out of our knowledge about a domain and our ability to express this knowledge as explicit, accessible thought. Hence, we need an epistemology which could account for the way in which we can understand the properties of the objects and vary them in the imagination. This is called “property epistemology” which recognizes the role of representation or knowledge about the properties of objects in the world. The representations are constructed in our mind by the knowledge and the conceptual capabilities that we acquire in making sense of the world. We do this by redeploying capabilities that we first acquired in learning and problem solving. In concurrence with this the researchers like Prinz and Barsalou (2002) have emphasized concept acquisition as a form of creativity. The representations we form contribute to an ever-growing repertoire of concepts. 30 They develop an account of concept acquisition and explore prospects of constructing computational model of perceptual symbols using current strategies and / technologies. They argue a more promising account such as perceptual symbols (a class of non-arbitrary symbols) are derived from the representations generated in perceptual input systems and therefore can be systematically combined and transformed. Perceptual symbols are multimodal and schematic and can represent dynamic symbols which can be changed according to the context. When the perceptual symbols modify or accommodate each other in combination, new things can be discovered. For constructing perceptual systems computationally, the authors have chosen connectionist models because these are good at acquiring symbols, modeling perceptual input systems, are context sensitive as well as address information semantically. The authors have suggested that a model of perceptual symbols must include mechanisms for grouping together multimodal symbols. Perceptual symbol systems yield multiple perceptual representations concurrently. Integration mechanisms convert these perceptual representations in to symbols and group them together to form concepts that can be assessed by higher level systems. Another author Donald M. Peterson (2002) advocates for representational redescription as the explanation for understanding creativity. He holds that the concept of creativity can be better understood as “representations”, that is cases in which we increase our knowledge by figuring knowledge which we already possess. Representational re-description hypothesis describes that the mind is endogenously driven to go beyond what behavioral mystery and to redescribe and represent its knowledge to itself in increasingly abstract forms. It does this without any external pressure. In the course of development this knowledge is re-described as explicit, declarative knowledge that becomes available to other procedures, nor to the system as a whole. This approach to knowledge gives a description of the cognitive processes behind our thoughts 31 and the recurring changes. It is an explication of knowledge, that is rearrangement or re-representation, which produces new output from old structures. Explication is creative where its access output at issue is new, but the procedure / knowledge accessed is not. When drawing procedures become accessible and manipulable new drawings become possible, so that the performance can be altered in a flexible manner. Two other researchers Halford and Wilson (2002) think that creativity requires explicit representations that are accessible to and modified by other cognitive processes without need of external processes. They believe that creativity requires the ability to represent and recursively modify explicit complex relations in parallel. John E. Hummel and Keith J. Holyoak (2002) think creativity as mapping a problematic situation onto a structurally similar situation that we are familiar with. Such analogies play an important role in creative thinking as it enables us to draw inferences in the sense of generating hypotheses. Analogical thinking has four components: accessing a useful potential source analog, mapping the source to the target to identify systematic correspondence, using the mapping to draw new inferences about the target and inducing a generalized schema that captures the commonalities between the source and the target. Induction also depends on mechanisms that access and use relevant prior knowledge from outside the immediate of the problem at hand like reasoning by analogy. The central part of induction is the discovery of systematic correspondences among existing elements and using those correspondences to guide inference. The authors have developed a computational model of analogy called ‘LISA’ (Learning and inference with schemas and analogies) which fulfils some essential requirements for creativity. Structure mapping and schema induction involve the ability to appreciate abstract relational similarities between situations and the ability to induce a more general principle from those relational similarities. Actually this is the first step in creative thinking. 32 Derek Partridge and John Rowe (2002) have presented a computational study of the nature and process of creativity, the model called “GENESIS” also features a representationally fluid emergent memory mechanism. These two authors primarily focus on two psychological theories of human creativity, the ‘cortical arousal’, or “special mechanism”, theory and the theory that creativity does not involve a special mechanism, and that it is just normal problem solving. They have distinguished between input and output creativity. Input creativity helps in solving problems and makes sense of the world while output creativity helps us when we deploy our knowledge to create something on our own. Thus the mechanisms and inner capabilities that are put into place during the input creativity phase are re-deployed in the output creativity phase. On the other hand, Chris Thornton (2002) has tried to carry out a logical analysis of the operational characteristics of basic learning procedures and to use this analysis to find out some interesting facts about the relationship between learning some types of creativity. The key idea to be worked out is our ability to be creative might be partly founded on our ability to learn. He argues that certain creative processes may be viewed as learning processes running away out of control. He further clarifies that the generative aspect of creativity may be understood in terms of a particular type of learning. Author observes that the identification of a relationship within certain data effectively recodes those data. The relational learning always implicitly recodes the data, thus generates new data, and thus can potentially be applied recursively. Authors like Gary McGraw and Douglas Hofstadter (2002) have tried to implement the findings of a project called “Letter Spirit Project”. According to them, it is difficult to quantify and model creativity. The ‘Letter Spirit Project’ is an attempt to model central aspects of human high-level perception and creativity on a computer. It is based on the idea that creativity is an automatic outcome of the existence of sufficiently flexible and context sensitive concepts or fluid concepts. 33 Author Richard McDonough (2002) suggests that ‘emergentism’ offers the possibility of a kind of creativity that involves the birth of something genuinely new. This means that more can come out of an organism than can be accounted for by what is materially/ mechanically internal to the organism. Emergent materialism is the view that life and mind are emergent characteristics of matter, but emergence is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for creativity. Author Terry Dartnall (2002) suggests that currently cognitive science needs to get lessons from classical empiricism by claiming that it is our knowledge about the domain that does the hard cognitive work, and representations are constructed out of this knowledge. Current research in cognitive science also supports the view that representations are not mere stored copies in mind. However, this novel epistemological approach seems especially useful when it comes to accounting for complex cognition when creativity emerges where representations are not practically possible because they are not spatiotemporally present, such as having an idea a thousand sided plane figure (a chiliagon). However, here one’s creative imagination gets a boost by the extent to which one knows that ‘a chiliagon is a thousand sided figure’. The above discussion gives us a comprehensive summary of the current research on creativity and cognitive science. Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Creativity: Intelligence is primarily associated with one’s level of academic achievement and professional accomplishment. It is the capacity to reason validly about a domain of information, and typically requires converging on a single answer. On the other hand, creativity is associated with the degree to which a person engages in novel endeavors. It requires generation of multiple alternatives that are both novel and appropriate alternatives that are both novel and appropriate 34 alternatives that are both novel and appropriate ( Lubart, 1994). With regard to the relationship between intelligence and creativity a number of views have come up, like – ‘creativity is a subset of intelligence’ (Guilford, 1975); that creativity and intelligence are related or partially overlapping constructs (Barron & Harrington, 1981); and these two constructs are mostly distinct mental abilities (Torrance, 1975; Runco & Albert; 1986). Over the last few decades the research on these concepts have also incorporated the affective domain and the concepts like ‘Emotional Intelligence’ and ‘Emotional Creativity’ have emerged. Emotional intelligence (EI), is defined as the ability to perceive emotions accurately, use emotions to enhance thinking, understand and label emotions, and regulate emotions in the self and others (Mayer & Salovey, 1997). Similar to cognitive intelligence, EI require reasoning skills, and analytical skills. Parallel to EI, one new domain of creativity has been introduced called ‘Emotional Creativity’ (EC). Emotional Creativity (EC) is the ability to experience and express original, appropriate and authentic combinations of emotions (Averill & Thomas-Knowles, 1991). Similar to cognitive creativity, EC requires divergence from the norm/ standard. Where as EI pertains to how a person reasons with emotions, EC pertains to the richness of a person’s emotional life. As such, a person with high EI will have knowledge of and may use a variety of regulation strategies, whereas a person with high EC will experience more complex emotions. Both EI and EC have been compared to cognitive abilities, such as verbal intelligence (Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, & Sitarenjos, 2003; Averill & Thomas Knowles, 1991). But the question arises whether the relationship between EI and EC is parallel to that of cognitive intelligence and creativity. That is, will these two abilities be mostly uncorrelated, or will they be more highly related? Studies have shown that both EI and EC may be related to creative behavior. In their study Gutbezahl and Averill (1996) have found that emotional creativity is related to behavioral creativity that involved expression of emotion (e.g., writing a love narrative). One 35 component of EI is the ability to use emotions to facilitate thought processes, such as when directing one’s efforts in to activities best performed in certain emotional states (Palfai & Salovey, 1993; Mayer, 2001; Mayer & Salovey, 1997). Another EI ability concerns the regulation of emotion to reduce negative or maintain positive emotions. Positive emotions can enhance creativity by increasing flexibility and breadth of thinking (Estrada, Isen, & Young, 1994; Isen, 1999). Both the EI and EC have been analysed to describe the emotional abilities. Emotional intelligence pertains to how an individual reasons about and with emotions. It includes four component abilities: the perception, use, understanding, and regulation of emotion (Mayer & Salovey, 1997). Perception of emotions is the ability to accurately identify emotional content in faces and pictures. Use of emotions concerns the utilization of emotion as information to assist thinking and decision making. Understanding emotion involves adequately labeling emotions and understanding their progress. Finally, regulation of emotion pertains to effective managing of feelings in oneself and others to enhance well-being in self and others. Emotional creativity is the ability to experience and express novel and effective blends of emotions. There are three criteria for EC: novelty (i.e., the variations of common emotions and generation of new emotions), effectiveness (i.e., appropriateness for the situation or beneficial consequences), and authenticity (i.e., honest expression of one’s experiences and values). Another condition for EC is emotional preparedness, which reflects a person’s understanding of emotions and willingness to explore emotions (Averill, 1999 a, 1999 b). While EI requires analytical ability and convergence to one best answer to an emotional problem, EC involves the ability to diverge from the common and generate a novel emotional reaction. Emotional creativity can involve a manipulation and transformation of experience that leads to problem solving in the domain of emotions, but experience alone, rather than problem solving, is sufficient for a response to be considered emotionally creative (Averill, 1999 b). Regarding the relationship between EI and EC several theoretical predictions have emerged, such 36 as EC is a component (subset) of EI; EI and EC are partially overlapping abilities; EI and EC are two distinct sets of abilities so on. Most recently Ivcevic, Brackett, and Mayer (2007) in their study found that EI and EC are indeed distinct abilities. Their study also revealed that EC showed low, but significant, correlations with personality attributes like ‘Agreeableness’ and moderate correlations with ‘Verbal Intelligence’. On the other hand, EC was mostly uncorrelated with cognitive intelligence, and it was highly correlated with ‘Openness to Experience’ personality trait. The authors have suggested that EI is not directly related to creative behavior in the arts. Now the question is how can EI be used to enhance creative thinking? They offer two explanations for the role of EI in creativity. The first hypothesis is that EI would be important for certain classes of creative behaviors. Activities that call for generation and manipulation of emotions, such as acting on stage, could be more relevant criteria to examine the contribution of EI to creativity. Alternatively, EI might moderate the relationship between emotional traits and creativity. Emotional creativity is an ability that significantly predicted involvement in the arts. This was more strongly related to artistic expression and appreciation in performing arts than to artistic activity in writing and visual arts in which the expression of emotions is not always necessary. The authors have concluded that emotional abilities play a significant role in creativity only when the products express emotional content. However, they have further suggested that the relationship between EI and EC could be investigated by examining open-ended descriptions of problem solving in emotional situations that would vary in explicitness of problem definition and in the format of successful solutions (Correctness vs. fluency and originality criteria). Moreover, to investigate the role of emotional abilities in creativity it would be crucial to develop a variety of different criteria for creativity. 37 When we consider creativity as a process and try to translate it into teaching–learning process, automatically Torrance’s (1993) “Incubation Model of Teaching” comes to our mind. This is a three-stage model that provides opportunities for incorporating creative thinking abilities and skills into any discipline at any level from preschool to graduate and professional educations. The three stages in the model are: heightening expectations and motivation, deepening expectations or digging deeper, and going beyond or keeping it going. The purpose of the first stage is to create desire to know, to learn or to discover; to arouse curiosity; to stimulate the imagination, and to give purpose and motivation. The goals of the second stage it to go beyond the surface or warm-up and to look more deeply into the new information. For Creative thinking to occur, there must be ample opportunity for one thing to lead another. This involves deferring judgment, making use of all the senses, opening new doors, and forgetting problems to be considered or solutions to try. The objective of the third stage is to genuinely encourage creative thinking beyond the learning environment in order for the new information or skills to be incorporated into daily lives. It is found that those teachers who have applied this instructional model have reported that teaching becomes an exciting experience to them and their students. Torrance has further confirmed that this model can be applied not only to “teaching”, but to lectures, sermons, workshops, seminars and conferences. Some field reports indicate that this program resulted in more reading, more books checked out of libraries, more seeking information through interviews and experiments, and discovery learning. Research has also highlighted another model called “Interactive Learning Model” (Johnston, 1996, 1998) which proposes that learning is a process occurring because of the continuous interaction of no less than three mental processes: Cognition (thinking), Affectation (feeling) and Conation (willingness to act). Researchers, have found that ‘Interactive Learning Model’ (ILM) gives an opportunity to teachers, learners as well as policy makers (a means) to identify how each student processes information, 38 uses his/her personal tools for learning, and develops as a confident and successful life-long learner. These three mental processes (cognition, affectation & conation) form patterns of behavior within each learner. It’s also found that different learners learn in different settings and therefore not all learners learn best in a non-traditional setting and vice versa (Zelezny, 1999). More recently, the researchers such as Vanhear Jacqueline and Pace Paul J (2008) have confirmed that for a learner to take interest in learning, the teacher must be aware of the learner’s own preferred way of learning (learning style) in order to address his/her needs and enhance his/her learning experience. Empirical research has already shown that new meaningful knowledge does not occur in a vacuum, and thus prior knowledge has to be taken into consideration if we expect meaningful learning to take place (Bruer, 1993; Johnston, 1996, 1998; Novak 1998). Jacqueline and Paul (2008) found that the integration of some of the meta-cognitive tools such as heuristic (Moria’s vee Heuristic), concept mapping along with an understanding of learner’s learning style (preferred learning mode) can provide the teacher with a clear picture of how the learner responds to and act upon incoming information. These meta-cognitive teaching strategies, if adopted by the teacher can easily shift the control from him (teacher) to the learner. Consequently, learners become the agents of their own learning and actively participate in the learning process. They even exhibit their planning for future learning activities, and this is very important/ useful for the teacher to be able to collaboratively build a learning program which would be relevant to the learner’s style of responding to new information and can be truly motivating, meaningful and innovative/creative. So far as the role of emotion in decision making is concerned Prof. J. P. Das (2008) has narrated about his cognitive planning model and stated that emotions and conations interact with cognition. This is the recent received 39 view that decision making no longer assumes a rational information processor, be it in business management or entrepreneurship. Rationality is bounded by emotions and in any case, emotions cannot be separated from rationality in either personal or business decision-making. Both emotion and cognitive functions are integrated to determine a basic component in making decisions, which is working memory (Gray et al; 2002). It’s a common fact that today’s forward looking corporation actively strive to determine what employee characteristics are of greatest value in enhancing organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Empirical research findings also boost the fact that the prospective employers mostly want/seek communication, emotional and interpersonal skills in their employees. It’s a corporate notion that IQ gets you hired, but EQ gets you promoted. However, EQ should not be considered as substitute for intellect, but rather as an enhancer for work skills and employment opportunities. Goleman (1999) has asserted that emotional intelligence abilities were about four times more important than IQ in determining professional success and prestige, even for those with a scientific background. emotional intelligence (EQ) covers a range of skills like self-awareness, self-regulation, emotional resilience, motivation, empathy, decisiveness, conscientiousness, communication, influence and a persuasive skill which has considerable impact on individual’s personal competence, social competence as well as job performance. EQ can be nurtured and stimulated. A person’s EQ level can have a considerable impact on learning. This indicates that education has a prime role to play in enhancing the EQ levels of students that should reflect in the behavior are improved working abilities of graduates (Riemer, 2003). Goleman has pointed out that engineering education has ignored this range of EQ skills that incorporate communication, and collaborative abilities, teamwork, selling an idea, accepting criticism and feedback, learning to adapt, and leadership. He further explained that when the graduate engineers are promoted to leadership positions, they often lack the requisite leadership and managerial skills. Hence, such EQ related skills need to 40 be integrated urgently into engineering curricula for engineering to regain relevance in education, across disciplines and in society. Of course, in our present curriculum engineering students are supposed to take some humanities and management subjects as their breadth electives. Academicians (Riemer, 2003; & Jaeger, 2003) have suggested that incorporating elements of EQ learning in studies, rather than as a separate study unit or module will link learning and work attitudes, including motivation, creativity and interpersonal skills, with the tasks at hand, such as project work, group assignment etc. Learning EQ skills seem to be in line with experiential learning and a constructivist approach to studies, as EQ by nature implies an experiential approach. Thus, encouraging students to learn these new skills through, collaborative learning, problem based learning, project work activities and in student – centered learning will succeed more than would a standalone lecture on EQ theory without practice in real life situation. Research findings have also indicated that in a graduate professional education course, by the end of the semester, the students in the EI (Emotional Intelligence) curriculum section had higher average emotional intelligence scores than those in non-EI curriculum (Jaeger, 2003). Analysis revealed that changes in students’ emotional intelligence levels were related to the type of curriculum offered. The EI- curriculum section had a higher average change score in overall emotional Intelligence (9.9.) compared to the non-EI curriculum sections (1.7). These findings also suggest that students, who are generally attuned to their emotions and feelings and can adapt to emotionally driven situations, were more likely to attain higher levels of academic achievement in the course. It is the combination of emotion and cognition and their influence on decision making that connects them to the learning process. Emotion impels memory and attention drives learning. Thus, it is important to ensure that learners become emotionally involved in what is taught. This research shows that emotional competence can be increased in a classroom setting and is strongly correlated with student academic performance. With regard to EI, it has 41 been a well conceived and consensus view that if graduate professional schools begin addressing emotional intelligence within the academic environment, corporations will not need to invest millions of money to improve EI of their employees (Cherniss & Goleman, 1998). Moreover, the sustainability of increased levels of emotional intelligence and implementation of EI curriculum are the more vital issues, needed to be addressed by the current researchers. Along with EI, creativity and innovation is also recognized as a vital component of entrepreneurship now-a-days. Hence, the researchers and educators struggle today to reform the enterprise pedagogy. In one of the study Berglund and Wennberg (2006) found that engineering students tended to emphasize incremental development and solving existing problems, while business students tended to focus on the radically new and generally were more market – oriented in their creative styles. In the business context creative novelty and appropriateness is often translated into idea development (Ward, 2004), new product innovations (Amabile, 1996), and adapting or improving existing innovations (Kirton, 1987). Methodologically, creativity in entrepreneurship and innovation has been explained through cognitive processes, attitudes, motivation, existing knowledge, work environment and personality traits (Amabile, 1996; Walton, 2003; Ward, 2004). Much research also addresses the question of different kinds of creativity, such as Sternberg and Lubart (1995) distinguish between uppercase ‘c’ or genius creativity and lowercase ‘c’ or mundane creativity. Boutaiba (2004) takes another approach by stating that – ‘we need to recognize that entrepreneurial activity is an inherent part of everyday life, and even the seemingly trivial activities of everyday life have great capacity to move us in new and unexpected directions’. Thus, some suggestions have been given by the researchers for engineering entrepreneurship education. It may be advisable to include more elements that emphasize market orientation and a focus on the bigger commercial picture (H. Berglund & K. Wennberg, 2006). Engineering students generally have higher creative potential and if these energies can also be geared towards more 42 commercial pursuits, students should end up better prepared for the realities of entrepreneurial life. One way of such learning could be to actively mix engineering students with students from business schools. This would lead to a pooling of creative strengths as well as induce learning between individuals. Another way could be more successful if the educational structure is flexible enough to formulate heterogeneous entrepreneurs’ group. The pedagogy should cater to both group and individual needs by allowing both the extremely creative individual and others to thrive and develop in collaborative learning situations. Motivation, Cognitive Processing and Achievement: Over the years many studies have shown that apart from cognitive factors, motivation and emotion significantly influenced educational outcomes. According to the ‘Expectancy – value model of motivation’ (Jacobs & Newstead, 2000; Walters & Pintrich, 1998), motivation consists of three components, namely a) – an expectancy component which concerns the students; belief about his or her ability to perform the task (e.g. can I do the task?), b) – a value– component, which refers to the students’ goals and beliefs about the importance and interest of the task (e.g. why am I doing this task?), and finally c) – an affective component, which refers to the students’ emotional responses to the task (e.g. how do I feel performing this task?). The relationship between expectancy and achievement may be mediated by the use of cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies. The students who believe that they are capable of performing a task tend to use more, and more appropriate, cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies. These students are more likely to persist in performing the task, resulting in higher levels of achievement (Vollmeyer & Rheinberg, 2000). In this regard the mastery goal perspective assumes that mastery goals, which increase one’s competency, understanding and appreciation for what is learned, are beneficial for learning whereas performance goals are not. The multiple goal perspective, 43 on the other hand, argues that both mastery and performance goals might be beneficial for learning (Barron & Harackiewicz, 2003; Harackiewicz, Barron. Pintrich, Elliot, & Thrash, 2002). Moreover, the goal difficulty also determines the amount of effort to attain a goal; effort is greater when attaining difficult goals. Studies on the affective – component have shown that various emotions influence both the quality of thinking and cognitive information – processing (Meyer & Turner, 2002; Wolters & Pintrich, 1998). Positive emotions, such as curiosity, generally enhance motivation, and facilitate learning and performance. Negative emotions, like mild anxiety, can also enhance learning and performance by focusing the learner’s attention on a particular task. However, intense negative emotions, like anxiety, panic, insecurity and related thoughts, feeling incompetent, generally adversely affect motivation, interfere with learning and contribute to a lower performance (Sarason, as cited in Kuyper, Van Der Werf & Lubbers, 2000). The existing literature in this area indicates that cognitive and meta-cognitive strategy uses may mediate the relationship between expectancy, values, and affect on the one hand, and achievement on the other. However, more information is needed on whether the effects of motivation on achievement change over years and if so, how these effects change over years (Jacobs & Newstead, 2000). In this context one longitudinal study has shown that the students’ expectancy and value influenced the total achievement credits directly, and higher motivation resulted in higher academic achievement (Bruinsma, M., 2004). But a deep information processing approach did not automatically result in a higher total number of credits. Rather, the deep information processing was found to be negatively related to achievement. Some other studies have also found similar results like no significant relationship existed between self-efficacy and performance when cognitive engagement variables were included in the design/analyses (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990). Even though self-efficacy might play an important facilitative role in a cognitive engagement, cognitive engagement itself might be seen more as an indicator of actual behavior and less of achievement in 44 terms of grade point average (GPA). Furthermore, cognitive engagement could be enhanced by teaching students about different cognitive and metacognitive strategies, while enhancing a students motivation would enhance the frequency of use of these strategies. In another study on the relationship between perception of the learning environment and academic outcomes, Lizzio, Wilson and Simons (2002) found a positive relationship between surface approach and ‘Grade Point Average’ (GPA) for commerce students, but not for humanities students. They suggested that characteristics of the learning environment, such as a job-specific and narrow vocational focus, might be an important intermediating variable. These above studies imply that teachers can influence motivation and deep information processing strategies by adopting instruction and curricula accordingly, such as by developing and maintaining students interest in the subject matter, by providing high-quality learning environments, by illustrating the meaning and purposes of the course and by indicating the reasons for learning etc. Intelligence / The general ability, and Pedagogy: Out of the many features of general intelligence, two most important characteristics are: (1) its general component which operates across all contexts and domains, (2) its plasticity, or amenability to enhancement, or acceleration, in response to appropriate environmental influences and this plasticity goes as far as the brain itself. When we accept the fact that the functioning of the general intellectual processor in the mind can be improved by education, then the construct of intelligence becomes more acceptable by the researchers. It no longer has ultimate control over our students’ ability to learn. Thus, the educators now have it in their power to raise their students’ general cognitive ability, and so raise all of their academic performance. Recently a group of researchers (Adey, et al, 2007) have recommended for action plan for raising general cognitive ability in terms of certain principles as well as approach. 45 These principles are: 1 Learning activities must be generative of cognitive stimulation, that is they must have the potential to create challenge rather than being comfortably within the reach of the learner’s current processing capability. 2 Learning should be collaborative in the sense that learners learn to listen to one another, to changing their positions. 3 We need continually to raise awareness in students of what may be abstracted from any particular domain specific learning, such as: a) factors in the concept, such as the organization or the quantity of information that cause difficulties in representing and processing; b) connecting the present concept to others already in their possession, as they differentiate it from other concepts, and even as they decide that some concepts need to be unlearned; c) control of the thinking and learning processes as such, thereby transferring mental power from the teacher to the thinker. Gradually students become self-reliant and self regulating rather than depending on the teacher. 4 The present learning experience needs to be connected to the concept space and the learning space of the past. Considering the above principles the researchers (Adey et al, 2007) have advocated for “Powerful learning environments”. This approach emphasizes the metacognitive, self-regulated and motivational aspects of the learning environment with a special emphasis on the mastering of the mental operations and concepts related to a particular domain. In this learning environment, students are led to plan their learning or problem-solving acts from the start, reflect on what they know, what they can do, and what they do not know about the problem and the domain, build relations between the problem and their prior knowledge and systematically and continuously monitor and regulate the process from the start through to the end. The focus is to guide the students to make full use of their intellectual abilities for learning in specific domains. However, it does not seem to pay sufficient attention to either the processing or the developmental constraints of learning 46 at particular phases of life by particular individuals. Moreover, teaching for cognitive stimulation is far more demanding. Recent Trend in Learning and Instruction: Cognitive Load Theory Over the years the teaching learning practice has been evolving and the recent findings in cognitive science suggest that knowledge acquisition is a constructing process of building coherent mental representations within conceptual frameworks, and that such representations may be built from verbal and pictorial symbols (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000). In this regard multimedia offer many possibilities to facilitate knowledge construction (Mayer, 2005a, 2005b). Constructive theories of learning assume that students use their prior knowledge to construct new knowledge from the presented information that is relevant for their individual goals and which is based on their individual experiences. This is a widespread belief that knowledge construction is facilitated by technology using multiple channels of communication (see Verhoeven & Graesser, 2008). Now the question is how students acquire new knowledge in multimedia environments with multimodal (visual & auditory) presentation of information when working on multiple tasks and how cognitive overload can be reduced by attuning instructional design to the characteristics of the student. Thus, the cognitive load theory emerged in the field of learning and instruction (through multimedia mode). Cognitive load has been defined as the load that performing a task imposes on the learner’s cognitive system. The components of cognitive load theory have been explained by number of researchers (Pass, Renkl, & Sweller 2003; Sweller, 2005). 47 Aspects of Cognitive Load Theory This theory explains that learning processes that lead to knowledge construction and automation are determined by the goal, the required mental representations, the learner’s inventory of cognitive schemata and processing strategies. Performance of learning tasks and the associated learning processes impose a cognitive load on the learner’s working memory. The main focus of this theory is the distinction between intrinsic load, which is due to the task, and extraneous load, which is due to sub-optimal instruction. Intrinsic load involves element activity which is determined by the nature of the task demands in relation to the expertise and motivation of the learner. Instructional design may result in extraneous load (which is ineffective for learning) and in ‘Germane’ load (which is effective for learning). Extraneous cognitive load is defined as unnecessary extra load due to poorly designed instruction. Germane load is 48 defined as load that contributes to learning such as, self-explanation. Cognitive load theory primarily focuses on how constraints of working memory have to be taken into account in order to optimize learning processes. This is concerned with techniques of adopting cognitive load by optimizing the use of working memory capacity in order to facilitate changes in long-term memory associated with schema acquisition. This theory has many implications for instructional design, such as the learning materials should keep the students’ extraneous cognitive load at a minimum and germane load at a maximum during the learning process. A recent reconceptualization of cognitive load theory by Schnotz and Kürschner (2007) suggests that germane load should not simply be maximized, but rather adapted to the intrinsic load of the learning task within the constraints of working memory. Now the important question is how cognitive load influences knowledge construction in interactive learning environments. Interactive knowledge construction is normally facilitated in an environment that stimulates meaningful, social and strategic learning processes (Bransford et al, 2000; Verhoeven et al, 2006). Meaningful learning presupposes that students attend to the essential aspects of the presented material, organize it into a coherent cognitive structure, and integrate it with what they already know. Social learning occurs when the students learn by observing teachers, tutors, or other students and when they receive feedback on their own activities. Strategic learning occurs when students can identify and apply, consciously or unconsciously, the intelligent procedures, processes, skills and strategies that help them to master the learning material and to transfer these strategies from one situation to another. Information Communication Technologies (ICT) are often expected to facilitate knowledge construction (Graesser, Chipman & King, 2008; Jonassen, 2004; Mayer, 2005a), but how learning environments can be designed to optimally facilitate students’ knowledge construction and elaboration. A common way to ground learning in 49 meaningful context is to anchor the learning experience in an information rich, coherent, realistic, problem scenario (Leu & Kinzer, 2000). These environments with anchored problem-based learning provide an authentic context for students to identify and define problems, to execute strategies to solve the problems, to specify reasons for attempted solutions, and to observe results. Research on multimedia comprehension has evolved various models in which cognitive, memory-based, and constructive views are integrated. The memory based view considers comprehension as a product of processing of explicitly presented information, whereas constructivist theories emphasize the roles of world knowledge and inferences (Verhoeven & Perfetti, 2008). The point of debate is how multimedia processing takes place and how students learn to develop multimedia comprehension skills. The comprehension of multimedia demands specific strategies of information utilization and is highly vulnerable to goal competition and task difficulty (De Stefano & LeFevre, 2007). The cognitive theory of multimedia learning (Mayer, 2005b) is based on the idea that there are separate processing systems for both kinds of information, such as verbal and visual channels in the working memory with limited capacities. The integrative model of text and picture comprehension assumes channels on two different levels. On the perceptual level, the model includes sensory channels (auditory & visual), and on the cognitive level, it assumes representational channels, namely a descriptive channel and a depictive channel in working memory (Schnotz, 2005). Mayer (2005a, 2005b) argues that a higher quantity of learning (i.e., capacity to transfer what is learned to new situations) is attained when text and pictures are presented in an auditory – visual mode as opposed to a visual-visual mode (Schnotz, 2005). The additive learning effect of pictures accompanying oral or written text is referred to as the multimedia effect (Mayer, 2005b). For hypermedia comprehension, the student must combine the meaning of each unit with the message accumulated up to that 50 point on the basis of prior units and their mutual links. Knowledge integration involves a large number of component skills that are not always adequately covered in instructional design. One such skill is the chunking of multiple information elements into a single unit or into cognitive schemas that can subsequently be automated and stored in long-term memory. The information that becomes integrated may stem from different information sources such as text and pictures. These integrative processes may impose high working memory load on the student’s working memory (Paas et al, 2003). The review of recent studies concludes that the knowledge base in learner long-term memory (LTM) provides executive guidance in the process of knowledge elaboration. Accordingly, the role of external instructional guidance could be described as providing a substitute for missing LTM knowledge structures in a schemabased framework for knowledge construction and elaboration. It is also argued that adaptive learning environments based on rapid diagnostic methods could provide instructional support at different stages of knowledge elaboration in order to optimize cognitive load. Continuous balancing of executive function is seen as essential for optimizing cognitive load by presenting required guidance at the appropriate time and removing unnecessary redundant support as learner proficiency in a domain increases. Moreover, learning outcomes are dependent on personal characteristics also such as prior knowledge, motivation, and perspectivetaking. Furthermore, it appears to be mediated by task demands, which are the result of instructional design. Concept map structures and interactive animations in the instructional design can be seen to impact the learning outcomes. Finally, the success of learning is also clearly related to environmental factors such as interactivity, locus of control, opportunities for collaboration etc.. Thus, in order to optimize cognitive load adaptive learning environments should be implemented in which task demands and 51 instructional support levels are attuned to the expertise and memory capacities of the individual learner (Salden, Paas, & Van Merriënboer, 2006) Based on the re-analysis of these above factors, Schnotz and Kürschner (2007) have also identified the need for research on more sensitive ways of assessing learner characteristics, both prior to and during instruction, in order to understand learning processes and outcomes. The same learning environment is differentially demanding and produces different results depending on characteristics of the learners, most importantly their knowledge in the task domain. Goldman (2009) has also indicated that to optimize learning outcomes, theories of instructional design and learning need to be more adaptive and reflect the nuances of interactions among learners, tasks and instructional supports. Researchers have extensively worked on ‘Cognitive Load Theory’ (CLT) in order to contribute to a global understanding of how individual, task and environment variables interact in shaping the learners’ activity and the associated cognitive load. These messages have lots of implications and guidelines for instructional designers. Such as, Kalyuga (2009) demonstrates that task instructions have to be carefully tailored to fit the learner’s level of prior knowledge. Segers and Verhoeven (2009) suggest that “a layer of structure between the child and the Web is a useful addition to education”. Amadieu et al.’s (2009) results point to the need to design content representations that are easy to interpret and to use (as apposed to complex / confusing network concept maps). Similarly, Schnotz and Rasch (2009) show the importance of designing visualizations that facilitate the processing of contents in a way that is consistent with task demands. Scheiter et al. (2009) illustrate the need for flexible environments that will accommodate students’ strategies. Moreno’s (2009) conclusions support the view that collaborative scenarios should be kept simple and should not bypass students’ individual work on the subjectmatter. Another important aspect of this research domain is the novelty and versatility of the tools, representations and learning contents that are presently being investigated. 52 Beyond the level of knowledge construction, knowledge elaboration is a process of using prior knowledge to continuously expand and refine new material based on the processes like organizing, restructuring, interconnecting, integrating new elements of information, identifying relations between them and relating the new material to the learner’s prior knowledge. These processes are essential for meaningful learning as they allow the learners to organize knowledge into a coherent structure and integrate new information with existing knowledge structures. According to cognitive load theory, two key functional components of our cognitive architecture are responsible for these processes (Sweller, 2003, 2004; Van Merriënboer & Sweller, 2005). One is our long-term memory (LTM) the permanent store of organized information and the other is working memory (WM), the immediate storage of information, at hand and its processing. The knowledge structures in LTM are essential for preventing working memory (WM) overload and for guiding cognitive processes. Accordingly, the role of external instructional guidance in the process of knowledge elaboration could be described as providing a substitute for missing LTM structures. Thus, knowledge elaboration processes require executive guidance that is shared between the learner and instructional means (or another expert). Specifically, three processes are identified: 1) The available knowledge base in learner LTM is used to provide executive guidance in the process of knowledge elaboration; 2) External instructional guidance substitutes for missing LTM schema – based guidance; 3) Adaptive learning environment based on rapid diagnostic methods could be effective means for tailoring knowledge elaboration processes to changing characteristics of individual learners and optimizing executive guidance at different stages of knowledge elaboration. 53 Elaborating higher-level knowledge requires cognitive resources for dealing with flexible, non-routine aspects of performance. Acquisition of task specific skills is an essential condition for the release of such resources. Continuous balancing of executive guidance is essential for reducing or eliminating other sources of cognitive over-load by presenting required guidance at the appropriate time and removing unnecessary redundant support as learner proficiency in a domain increases. Adaptive learning environments that dynamically tailor levels of external instructional support to changing individual levels of learner knowledge could effectively optimize executive guidance during knowledge elaboration processes (Kalyuga, 2009). Some other researchers (Calcaterra, Antonietti, & Underwood, 2005) have examined the influence of cognitive style, spatial orientation and computer expertise on hypertext navigation patterns and learning outcomes when participants interacted with a hypermedia presentation. Their results indicated that hypermedia navigation behavior was linked to computer skills rather than to cognitive style and that learning outcomes were unaffected by cognitive style or by computer skills. However, learning outcomes were positively affected by specific search patterns, such as by re-visiting hypermedia sections and visiting overview sections in the early stages of hypermedia browsing. Further, navigating overview sections and holistic processing fostered knowledge representation in the form of maps. These findings suggest that individual differences can affect hypermedia navigation even though their role in learning is complex and the impact of cognitive style on learning outcomes was proved to be lass important than initially predicted. Researchers like P. Jamieson, J. Dane, and P. C. Lippman (2005) have worked on the issue ‘‘what type of design layouts can promote the diverse ways in which students create knowledge and develop skills?” ‘‘What would be the future of the ‘classroom’ as a paradigm for teaching and learning settings within the university’’? They have proposed the notion of ‘learning spaces’ as layered 54 transactional settings for liberating our thinking and our approach to spatial design in order to achieve dynamic learning environments, and to meet current and future needs of teachers and ever increasing students. Problem – based Learning and Pedagogy: Problem solving in real-world contexts involves multiple ways of knowing and learning. Thus, intelligence in the real world involves not only learning how to do things effectively but also more importantly the ability to deal with novelty and growing our capacity to adapt, select and shape our interactions with the environment. Knowledge in this new millennium is increasingly characterized by the creative integration of information and learning from diverse disciplines. Hence, educators, policy makers and researchers need to be aware of new approaches of dealing with knowledge and information where problems can be used innovatively in pedagogies. Problem based learning is an inquiry-based pedagogy that is best rooted in sound understanding of the psychological processes of problem solving and the development of cognition. The ability to learn when plunged into an unfamiliar situation and to adapt positively to rapidly changing demands is a reality for every worker today. Our students now-a-days not only need to learn to confront problems as a matter of necessity but also need to develop a positive mindset of observation and taking on ‘problems’ as a matter of inquisitiveness to improve and invent processes and products. Thus, problem solving in real world contexts involves multiple perspectives and multiple ways of knowing and multidisciplinary learning (Tan, 2003). In present times one of the most important things today is the ability to gain different perspectives, develop multiviewpoints, be aware of different worldviews and paradigms and different ways of reasoning and thinking so that we can highly be flexible in our thinking in new environments. 55 Research on memory and knowledge points out that memory is not just associations, but more importantly the connections and meaningful coherent structures of learning experiences. Learning is not just about being systematic and breaking things into small parts but also seeing the big / whole / total picture. The whole is more meaningful than sum of its parts is not a new concept, but learning to get an overview first and learning to get into important details more selectively as and when we need was not the common practice in pedagogy. Now we can know more about “novice” learners and “expert” learners. We can develop better learning in individuals by providing opportunities for acquisition of procedures and skills through dealing with information in a problem space and learning of general strategies of problem solving. We need to talk aloud – thinking processes and strategies and not just content or factual knowledge. Moreover, individuals can be taught meta-cognitive processes and self – regulatory thinking. Initially we need a structured and organized approach for acquiring fundamental knowledge and foundations. Our brain and mind are wired in such a way that we learn well through pattern recognition, observation and imitation. The mind can also be highly stimulated through novelty – dealing with situation of newness. Often mind seeks for change and new challenges. This calls for a different perspective in thinking that would require a more holistic and integrative approach. Once upon a time, good pedagogy was about making content knowledge visible to students. This was probably started by behaviorist psychology where specific behavioral objectives followed by the management and reinforcement of learning led to the attainment of the desired knowledge and skills. Teaching involved providing clear explanation to students in disseminating knowledge and solving problems. In 1960s Jean Piaget’s work on cognitive development gained momentum which was based on three interrelated conceptions such as 1) – the relation between action and thought, 2) – the construction of the cognitive structure, and 3) – the role of self – regulation. 56 According to Piaget, logical thinking and reasoning about complex situations represent the highest form of cognitive development. In the 1970s, cognitive psychology gained new ground as interest in “mentalism” grew. Vygotsky (1978) believed that intelligence begins in the social environment and directs itself inward and that all psychological processes are in genesis essentially social processes, initially shared among people. He posited that higher mental processes are functions of mediated activity. According to Vygotsky’s explanation in his ‘theory of internalization’, in the classroom, an expert teacher may model many approaches of a problem – solving process for the student. The students will need to internalize these processes as their own problem – solving activities if they are to develop effective self – regulation and meta-cognitive abilities. In 1980s the emphasis was on the “teaching of thinking” as a relatively new concept (Costa & Lowery, 1989; Resnick, 1987). Staff development in teaching thinking was stressed, and making teachers’ thinking visible was in many ways the next wave of good pedagogy. Thus, towards the last decade of 20th century, effective teaching was characterized by modeling the process of learning so that students could observe and learn process skills, problem – solving skills, and thinking skills while acquiring content knowledge. In 1990s, instead of being concerned about what students failed to learn, Feuerstein, (1990; see OonSeng Tan, 2007) turned his focus to what they could learn, and the inner structure of cognition. He was more concerned with cognitive processes pertaining to learning to learn and thinking about thinking. He preferred to search for a more proximal and optimistic determinant of cognitive development, the presence of a competent mediator by helping learners discover their learning potentials and gain awareness of their thinking and thinking about thinking. His theory of mediated learning experience, provides the psychological basis for pedagogy that helps to make student’s thinking visible. The use of challenging learning environments, as in PBL activities, encourages questioning and overcomes the fear of making mistakes. 57 Pintrich (2000) described self-regulated learning as a process by which students engage in different strategies to regulate their cognition, motivation, and behavior, as well as the context. Problem – based learning processes call for strategies that are goal–directed and self–directed in the context of problem. Facilitating the acquisition of self–regulated learning strategies is an important aspect of metacognition. In the 21st century, the knowledge– based economy globalization and fueled rapid by information proliferation of explosion and technology accessibility, demands new competencies, thus calls for a different paradigm in pedagogy. Currently educators have to confront new ways of looking at knowledge and participation in the learning process. Pedagogy in the 21st century has to go beyond making content visible and making teachers thinking visible. Good pedagogy today is about making students’ thinking visible. The challenge of education is to design learning environments and processes where students’ ways of thinking and knowing are manifested in active collaborative, self– regulated, and self directed learning. The role of the teacher is to enable students to recognize the state, repertoire, and depth of various dimensions of their thinking and to sharpen their abilities to deal with real world problems. The “Visibility” of students’ cognition is a prerequisite for effective mediation and facilitation (O.S. Tan, 2007). Thus, the progressive challenges of pedagogy can be summed up as – a) Making content knowledge visible to learners b) Making teachers’ thinking visible to learners c) Making learners’ thinking visible to themselves, their peers, and the teacher. Problem – based learning focuses on all the above – mentioned challenges. PBL process embraces / incorporates progressive active learning, learner – centred approach and the use of metacognition and self –regulation in the context of real world or simulated complex problems. It is a pedagogy based on 58 constructivism in which realistic problems are used in conjunction with the design of a learning environment where inquiry activities, self – directed learning, information mining, dialogue and collaborative problem solving are incorporated (Tan, 2004a). PBL has certain characteristics as following (Tan 2003, 2005). i) Use of real – world problem as the starting point of learning, which calls for multiple perspectives. ii) Self – directed learning is primary. iii) The problem calls for identification of learning needs and new areas of iv) learning. Harnessing of a variety of knowledge sources and the use and evaluation of information resources are essential PBL processes. v) Learning is collaborative, communicative and cooperative. vi) Development of inquiry and problem – solving skills is as important as content knowledge acquisition for the solution of the problem. vii) PBL tutor facilitates and coaches through questioning and cognitive coaching. viii) Closure in the PBL process includes synthesis and integration of learning and concludes with an evaluation and review of the learner’s experience and the learning processes. Research in PBL approaches found that students trained in PBL were more likely to use versatile and meaningful approaches to studying, compared to non – PBL students (Major and Palmer, 2001). PBL create an intrinsic interest and enhance self – directed learning skills (Morrison, 2004). By reflecting upon prior learning, students are able to analyze and synthesize the contextual information, acquire further knowledge and assimilate it into their existing knowledge base (Nelson et al., 2004). 59 Recent, research on student-centred learning and its pedagogical implications revealed that good teaching should be understood not as a set of performance skills which may only be opportunistically related to students’ extant conceptualizations , but as the locus through which students confront their own epistemic beliefs also. In addition to this, teaching practices at higher education must focus explicitly on the difficult issue of what counts as evidence in order to boost students’ reasoning ability/process. Thus, if student-centred learning is to grow, students need to be socialized to ask genuine questions and to rely on themselves and their peers as resources in solving the problems they identify. Therefore, pedagogical approaches which support this kind of endeavour, must determine / appraise the extent to which student – centred discussion activities or hands – on learning activities are purposefully / intentionally included in the pedagogical practices of teachers who genuinely subscribe to a constructivist view of learning (Maclellan & Soden, 2004). In addition to this research and theory into cognitive load and technology – enhanced learning suggests that complex information environments may well impose a barrier on student learning. However, teachers have the capacity to mitigate against cognitive load through the way they prepare and support students engaging with complex information environments. Thus, learning is enhanced when integrating pedagogies are employed to mitigate against high–load information environments (Bahr & Bahr, 2009). This suggests that a mature policy framework for ICTs in education needs to be considered for the development of pedagogical practices as well as professional competencies to effectively design and integrate technologies for learning. Of course, this enhanced teaching practice or professional competency is dependent upon teachers problematizing the ways and contexts in which they learn and make sense of that practice. In this knowledge – based society self study and lifelong learning have been strongly advocated as the cornerstone of effective professional practice (Clarke & Erickson, 2007), and instrumental in strengthening 60 the relationship between teaching and learning irrespective of developmental stages and levels of education. Conclusion: From the above discussion, it can be concluded that insightful, flexible, inventive, and breakthrough thinking develops best when people are immersed in solving a problem over an extended period of time. 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