Application form

SciLifeLab Bioinformatics Long-term Support
(Wallenberg Advanced Bioinformatics Infrastructure)
Application form
Applications can be sent at any time to
For the next evaluation deadline, please check
Contact details
Note: The applicant should be a PI/group leader.
First name*:
Family name*:
Mobile phone:
Project short name (max 20 char)* :
* mandatory fields
Project description (max 2 pages!)
Please describe your research project. Make clear the i) background, ii)
questions to investigate, and iii) the scientific value of the study. Also give a short
outline of your suggested strategy for using sequence data to answer the
questions of the study.
Available and planned sequencing data (max 1 page!)
Please describe your available and planned sequencing data in terms of data
types, platform, read lengths, amounts and number of samples. Also state where
your sequencing was done (will be done) and when it was delivered to you (will
be delivered to you), including sequencing project ID:s when applicable.
Note! It is of outmost importance that this section is as correct and complete as
possible; unclear descriptions might render your application a lower priority.
Support needed (max 1 half page!)
Please outline briefly (in priority order) your main needs of bioinformatics
support, which you think is achievable within 3-6 months FTE (admittedly this is
hard to predict, but make your best guess here). Also state when you would
prefer the WABI support to begin.
Involvement (max 1 page!)
Please state the name(s) of the data analysis scientist(s) assigned to work in this
study from your side, their current skills working in a linux/unix environment,
their current skills in programming/scripting, the time-frame of their current
contract and the fraction of their time they can devote to data analysis together
with WABI personnel in this project over the next 12 months.
CV, main applicant (max 1 page, including max 5 relevant publications!)