Selection of School Districts and Charter Schools for Monitoring

September 25, 2000
SUBJECT: Selection for On-Site District Effectiveness and Compliance Monitoring
The purpose of this letter is to inform school districts and charter schools of the results of the
Texas Education Agency’s current analysis of special education data and information obtained
through the Agency’s complaints management system. Based on this information, the Agency
has selected certain districts and charter schools to receive a comprehensive District
Effectiveness and Compliance (DEC) on-site visit in the Spring of 2001. The Agency has also
identified a number of districts and charter schools which will be required to participate in a selfevaluation and review of their special education programs during the 2000-2001 school year.
The process used by the Agency to make these selections is explained below.
Section 29.010 of the Texas Education Code (TEC) requires the Agency to adopt and implement
a comprehensive system for monitoring school district and charter school compliance with
federal and state laws relating to special education. Section 29.010 specifically requires that the
Agency’s monitoring system provide for an ongoing analysis of:
district and charter school special education data; and
complaints filed with the Agency concerning special education services.
The Agency is required to use the information obtained to determine the appropriate schedule for
and extent of its monitoring of school districts, either on site or by other means of monitoring
and review.
The Data Analysis Process: Special Education Data and Information from the Complaints
Management System
The methodologies used by the Agency in analyzing district and charter school special education
data are described in a document entitled Special Education Data Analysis System School Year
2000-2001. By letter dated August 18, 2000, special education directors of districts and charter
schools were informed that a preliminary version of this document had been released and was
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available on the Agency’s web site. At that time, the Agency had not yet completed its analysis
of the actual numbers (or “cut-points”) associated with each risk level for each data element
described in the Special Education Data Analysis System. Prior to conducting its analysis of
district and charter school special education data, the Agency determined all cut-points and
prepared a finalized version of the Special Education Data Analysis System. That document will
be posted on the Agency’s web site early this week. (A complete copy of the Special Education
Data Analysis System is also enclosed with this letter if your district or charter school has been
identified as having an overall risk level of 4 based on the methodologies defined in the
Selection of School Districts and Charter Schools for Monitoring Activities
As described in detail in the Special Education Data Analysis System, the Agency has analyzed
the special education data of each school district and charter school based on ten separate data
elements. For each data element a “risk level” (ranging from 0 to 4) was determined. The risk
level for each data element was then cumulated across data elements to arrive at an overall risk
level (also ranging from 0 to 4) for each school district and charter school.
In selecting school districts and charter schools for a comprehensive DEC visit in the Spring of
2001, the Agency initially identified all school districts and charter schools with an overall risk
level of 4. Certain of these sites had already been selected for a comprehensive DEC visit during
the 2000-2001 school year based on the Agency’s analysis of district or charter school programs
other than special education. Those districts and charter schools will receive a comprehensive
DEC visit as previously scheduled.
Of the total remaining school districts and charter schools with an overall risk level of 4, the
Agency removed from the list of sites for the Spring of 2001 any district or charter school that
had received a “recent comprehensive special education on-site visit.” Such a visit is defined as
a visit from the Agency during either the 1998-99 or the 1999-2000 school year which involved
a comprehensive review of all special education program compliance indicators. Districts or
charter schools with an overall risk level of 4 that received an on-site visit during either school
year which did not include a comprehensive review of all special education program compliance
indicators were not removed from the list for the Spring of 2001. The Agency remains
committed to ensuring that any and all corrective actions resulting from “recent comprehensive
special education on-site visits” are implemented successfully.
School districts and charter schools that have an overall risk level of 4 but that have fewer than
twenty special education students were not selected to receive an on-site visit. However, each of
these sites will be required to participate in a self-evaluation analysis and review of its special
education program. This self-evaluation analysis and review will be completed in the Spring of
In addition to analyzing special education data in the selection of school districts or charter
schools for a comprehensive DEC on-site visit, the Agency also reviewed and considered
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information obtained from the Agency’s complaint management system. Certain districts and
charter schools were selected for such a visit in the Spring of 2001 based on complaints filed
with the Agency which met one or more of the following criteria:
Significant difficulty in obtaining district or charter school compliance with
corrective actions resulting from one or more complaint investigations;
Substantiated allegations of serious procedural and other violations impacting the
quality of decision-making for individual students over a significant period of
Substantiated allegations that impact a “class” of students (such as students placed
at a separate campus); or
Substantiated allegations from multiple complainants involving a single district or
charter school.
Description of Enclosed Documents
Enclosed with this letter are a number of documents which provide you with additional
information regarding the Agency’s special education monitoring system and the Agency’s
analysis of your district’s or charter school’s special education data. The specific documents
enclosed reflect the following:
If your district or charter school has been selected to receive a comprehensive DEC
on-site visit in the Spring of 2001, or if your district or charter school would have been
selected but had already been scheduled for a comprehensive DEC visit during the
2000-2001 school year (based on the Agency’s analysis of your programs other than
special education), or if your district or charter school has an overall risk level of 4 based
on the data elements described in the Special Education Data Analysis System but you
have fewer than 20 special education students, then the following documents are
A two-page document which summarizes your district’s or charter
school’s special education data and the risk levels assigned to each of the
10 data elements;
A two-page document entitled How To Interpret the Findings for each
Data Element, which contains a brief explanation of each of the 10 data
An eight-page document entitled Cut-points for Risk Levels, which
summarizes the risk levels and “cut points” for each of the 10 data
elements; and
A complete copy of the finalized version of the Special Education Data
Analysis System.
If your district or charter school has not been selected to receive a comprehensive DEC
on-site visit in the Spring of 2001 based on the Agency’s analysis of special education
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data and information obtained through the complaints management system, then the
following documents are enclosed:
A two-page document which summarizes your district’s or charter
school’s special education data and the risk levels assigned to each of the
10 data elements;
A two-page document which contains a brief description of each of the 10
data elements; and
An eight-page document entitled Cut-points for Risk Levels, which
summarizes the risk levels and “cut points” for each of the 10 data
You may obtain a copy of the finalized version of the Special Education Data Analysis
System by accessing the Agency’s web site.
A copy of this letter, together with copies of the enclosed documents, is being sent to your
regional education service center.
Please be aware that the Agency will be conducting another analysis of special education data
and information obtained through the complaints management system in January 2001 as part of
its Program Analysis System for all special programs. At that time, additional districts will be
selected for comprehensive DEC on-site visits to be conducted in the 2001-2002 school year. It
is also possible that certain districts and charter schools may be selected to engage in a selfevaluation and review of their special education program during the Spring of 2001 or during the
2001-2002 school year.
We understand that the special education data analysis system is a complex and still fairly new
process. If you should have any questions about the process or your district’s or charter school’s
risk levels for one or more data elements, please contact your education service center for
Karen Case, Associate Commissioner
Accountability and School Accreditation
Executive Director
Education Service Center