Binary numbers LESSON PLAN

Lesson Plan 2010/11
Unit Title: Binary numbers,
powers of 2
Lesson Focus
(and number in sequence)
Binary numbers
Lesson date:
Name: Christopher Watchman
Jo Hughes
Heather Brooks
Zoe Hill
Links to targets identified from previous Lesson Evaluation and/or Weekly Review
Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Understand how to convert between decimal numbers and binary numbers.
All – Be able to work out the binary number lines for the monsters
Most – Be able to work out the binary equivalent of a decimal numbers, and the decimal equivalent of binary
Few –
The ideas/concepts, skills and subject material you aim to teach
What the students will have learned during the lesson
Equality, diversity & inclusion strategies
Health and safety and wellbeing
Involve whole class when doing a class discussion.
Normal classroom health and safety
Groups or individuals with specific needs (initials only), differentiation, TA deployment
Resources checklist
Binary monster sheets
Interactive Whiteboard and Pen
Lesson Plan
Mini whiteboards
Binary decimal dominoes
Lesson Plan 2010/11
10 mins
Assessment for Learning
What do we want the pupils to learn?
For each task what are the main learning points
(skills, Knowledge, understanding)?
How will I organise the class and resources?
What key instructions are needed? What will
the class be doing?
For the main tasks, how will I adapt the task to
make sure that all pupils are challenged?
How do I know if they have learnt? What
strategies will I use to check this?
Class work by themselves, writing
answer on mini whiteboards. Ask
somebody who has answered
correctly how they have got their
answer. Go through reasoning on the
Check whiteboards for answers.
Listen to reasoning for the answers.
Correct answers that are given if
Class following PowerPoint on board.
Listening to explanation of binary
Watch class copy the binary monster.
Ask class to self-assess / mark their
own work by asking for the codes for
each row.
Mini whiteboards for powers of 2.
Ask class to write the answers to:
22 (2 x 2) = 4
25 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2) = 32
28 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2) = 256
Ask class to write the answers for 2x
64 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2) (26)
8 (2 x 2 x 2) (23)
1 (20)
15 mins
Ask class for their explanation.
Explain to class what binary numbers
1 = 20
2 = 21
4 = 22
8 = 23
Class using binary monsters hand out
to copy the binary monster. Working
out the code for each row.
Explain to class the binary digits are
either on or off. Show to class the
binary monster, and each block
Lesson Plan 2010/11
represents a binary digit which is
either on (black) or off (white). For all
blocks which are on in a row add up
the binary values for those blocks and
write the number next to the row.
Binary monster exercise.
Class copying the example monster
shown, and working out the binary
value for each row.
15 mins
Check classes binary values.
Pupils colouring their own binary
monster, and working out the codes
for each row.
Explain to the class how to convert
from the code into the binary digits.
Take away the largest binary digit you
can first of all, and then take away the
next binary digit you can etc. Colour
the blocks that are taken away (as
these are on). Show an example on
the whiteboard for a number between
1 and 128.
Pupils colouring their own binary
monster, and working out the codes
for each row.
Pupils can make their binary
monsters as difficult or as easy as
they like.
Show class the procedure for
converting the code into the binary
Pupils copying their partners code,
and drawing the binary monster.
Should be the same monsters.
When complete, their partner must
copy the code to their partner who
must work out what the monster looks
like, using the procedure above.
Compare monsters with their partner
(should be the same!)
Peer assessment. Are the monsters
the same? Can they correctly convert
from the codes to the binary digits,
and hence the monster.
Lesson Plan 2010/11
10 mins
Pupils working in pairs, playing the
binary decimal dominoes. Class have
to work out the decimal equivalent to
the binary numbers. There are 11
connections in total.
Pupils playing the dominoes game in
pairs, matching the binary numbers to
their decimal equivalents.
Can each pair correctly identify the
connecting trail.
Lesson evaluation - to be completed after teaching this lesson. Reflect on what you did that either enabled or hampered learning.
Pupil progress
Did you achieve your SMART targets? Did the pupils meet the learning outcomes? How do you know?
Action to take next lesson with the class a) to improve my teaching and b) to improve the classes learning. Please refer to the Profile Characteristics.
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