Laois and Offaly ETB Programme Module for Listening and

Laois and Offaly ETB
Programme Module for
Listening and Speaking
leading to
Level 2 QQI
Listening and Speaking M2C03
1. Title of Programme Module
Listening and Speaking
2. Component Name and Code
Listening and Speaking M2CO3
3. Duration in Hours
50 hours (typical learner effort, to include both directed and self directed learning)
4. Credit Value
5 credits
5. Status
6. Special Requirements
7. Aim of the Programme Module
This programme module aims to develop learner confidence in personal and social interactions
through a focus on listening and speaking
8. Objectives of the Programme Module
To assist the learner in listening to obtain specific information
To encourage the learner to ask questions to obtain key information
To encourage interaction in a class, social and formal setting.
To facilitate the learner to Express opinions, facts and feelings appropriately
To build confidence in the learner in interacting appropriately in certain personal and social
To assist the learner to develop the language, literacy and numeracy skills related to
Listening and Speaking through the medium of the module themes and content
To enable the learner to take responsibility for his/her own learning.
9. Learning Outcomes of Level 2 Listening and Speaking M2C03
Learners will be able to:
1. Listen to obtain information relating to more than one option e.g. using a speaking timetable
to get a train arrival and departure time and ticket prices
2. Ask questions to obtain information e.g. to check dates/ prices/other facts, face to face and
by telephone
3. Follow a series of spoken instructions e.g. top up a mobile phone, follow directions to a
familiar place
4. Express opinions, facts and feelings appropriately e.g. expressing an opinion on a television
programme within a small group, give directions, leave a voice-mail message
5. Practical formal and informal communications e.g. an interview or parent teacher meeting
and chatting while out with a friend
10. Indicative Content
This section provides suggestions for programme content but is not intended to be prescriptive. The
programme module can be delivered through classroom based learning activities, group discussions,
one-to-one tutorials, field trips, case studies, role play and other suitable activities, as appropriate.
1. Listen to obtain information relating to more than one option
 Discuss basic listening skills for everyday life such as
o Removing distractions, Eye contact, Body language, paraphrasing
 Discuss barriers to listening such as
o Physical
o Environmental
o personal
 Explore everyday listening and speaking situations such as
o In the classroom
o With family
o In work
o Social situations
o On the telephone
o Weather forecast
o At the bus/ train station
o Sports results
o Directions/ instructions
2. Ask questions to obtain information
 Ask tutor for clarification
 Ask peers about their weekend
 Ask about time off
3. Follow a series of spoken instructions
 Create awareness of the importance of using instructions
 Methodology for following instructions
 Discuss language associated with verbal instruction such as first, then, finally
 Follow verbal instructions in the classroom e.g. open a book, complete an assignment
 Pair work involving giving and receiving instructions
 Fire drill
4. Express opinions, facts and feelings appropriately
 Explore the concept of fact and opinion
 Give opinions about a video clip
 Discuss relevant issues to the group such as a day trip, timetable, current affairs
5. Practice formal and informal communications
 Distinguish between formal and informal communications
 Greeting tutor/ peers
 Speaking with guidance officer
 Making appointments
 Cancelling appointments
 Communication with doctor/ teacher/ school
11. Assessment
11a. Assessment Techniques
Collection of Work
11b. Mapping of Learning Outcomes to Assessment Techniques
In order to ensure that the learner is facilitated to demonstrate the achievement of all learning
outcomes from the component specification; each learning outcome is mapped to an assessment
technique(s). This mapping should not restrict an assessor from taking an integrated approach to
Learning Outcome
1. Listen to obtain information relating to more than one option e.g.
using a speaking timetable to get a train arrival and departure time
and ticket prices
2. Ask questions to obtain information e.g. to check dates/
prices/other facts, face to face and by telephone
Collection of work
Collection of work
3. Follow a series of spoken instructions e.g. top up a mobile phone,
follow directions to a familiar place
Collection of work
4. Express opinions, facts and feelings appropriately e.g. expressing an
opinion on a television programme within a small group, give
directions, leave a voice-mail message
Collection of work
5. Practice formal and informal communications e.g. an interview or
parent teacher meeting and chatting while out with a friend
Collection of work
Guidelines for Assessment Activities
The assessor is required to devise for the Collection of Work. In devising the assessment briefs, care
should be taken to ensure that the learner is given the opportunity to show evidence of
achievement of ALL the learning outcomes. Assessment briefs may be designed to allow the learner
to make use of a wide range of media in presenting assessment evidence, as appropriate. Quality
assured procedures must be in place to ensure the reliability of learner evidence.
Collection of work
The collection of work may be produced throughout the duration of this programme module
The collection of work assembled by each learner is designed to indicate that they have achieved
each of the specific learning outcomes, and should demonstrate an ability to do the following:
Obtain specific information from an aural source
Demonstrate an ability to ask questions to obtain key information
Interact in a class, social and formal setting
Express opinions, facts and feelings appropriately
Follow a series of spoken instructions
Evidence of this may include:
 Photographs, audio/video tapes
 Receipts/other documentation arising from verbal interaction
 Tutor verification, for example a description by the tutor what was done by the candidate,
clearly signed off by the tutor and candidate
The collection of work may also include worksheets, diagrams, cloze tests, multiple choice
statements or other appropriate evidence in the form of written, oral, graphic, audio, video, visual
or any combination of these. Any audio or video evidence must be provided as a recording.
All instructions for the learner must be clearly outlined in an assessment brief
12. Grading
The achievement of awards at Levels 1-3 are graded as follows:
Successful indicates that the learner has achieved all the learning outcomes, within a narrow range of
predictable and structured contexts.
Referred indicates more learning is required to enable satisfactory achievement of one or more learning
Listening and Speaking
Learner Marking Sheet
Learner’s Name: ________________________________
Learner’s PPSN: ________________
Learning Outcome
Learners will be able to:
1. Listen to obtain information relating to more
than one option e.g. using a speaking
timetable to get a train arrival and departure
time and ticket prices
2. Ask questions to obtain information e.g. to
check dates/ prices/other facts, face to face
and by telephone
Evidence/ Explanatory Note
3. Follow a series of spoken instructions e.g. top
up a mobile phone, follow directions to a
familiar place
4. Express opinions, facts and feelings
appropriately e.g. expressing an opinion on a
television programme within a small group,
give directions, leave a voice-mail message
5. Practice formal and informal communications
e.g. an interview or parent teacher meeting
and chatting while out with a friend
This is to state that the evidence presented in the attached portfolio is complete and is the work of
the named learner.
Assessor’s Signature:
Date: ___________________
External Authenticator’s Signature:
Date: __________________