Spatial and Temporal Variability of SeaWiFS Chlorophyll Distributions West of the Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for krill development [the whole purpose of this paper is NOT chl distribution, otherwise it is hard to answer the “so what” question. So adding this “implication” in the title is important, and should also be emphasized in the abstract. I am not sure if we shall use “development” or other terms] [for the same reason, I think it is better to add at least one more figure to show krill distribution and its change between 2000/2001 and 2001/2002] Marina Marrari*, Kendra L. Daly and Chuanmin Hu College of Marine Science University of South Florida 140 Seventh Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33701, USA 1 * Corresponding author:; Tel: 727-553-1207; Fax: 727-553-1186 Abstract Keywords: Antarctic krill, chlorophyll, climatology, Euphausia superba, SeaWiFS, Southern Ocean, Antarctic Peninsula, Bellingshausen Sea. Introduction The waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula support relatively high densities of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and upper trophic level predators, and the region is considered to be one of the most productive of the Southern Ocean (Deibel and Daly, in press). The Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, plays a key role in this ecosystem as one of the primary pelagic herbivores and prey for many predators, including whales, seals, penguins, seabirds and fish. In addition, krill have been commercially harvested in this region since the 1960s and are still the subject of an active fishery by several nations (Ichii, 2000). The large krill population appears to be maintained by occasional strong year classes, with often poor recruitment in the intervening years (Siegel and Loeb, 1995; Quetin and Ross, 2003). The suite of physical and biological factors that govern krill reproduction and recruitment, however, remain poorly known. Successful krill reproduction (November-March) and larval survival during summer require an adequate food supply (Ross and Quetin, 1983; 1989). Adult females may require above-average phytoplankton concentrations (1 - 5 mg chl m-3) to initiate reproduction (Ross 2 and Quetin, 1986) and relatively high chlorophyll concentrations (>0.5 mg chl m-3) to sustain multiple spawning throughout the summer (Nicol et al., 1995). Early primary production in polynyas, near ice edges or shelf breaks, and summer blooms onshelf may provide important food sources for young larvae. Laboratory experiments suggested that first-feeding larvae may not survive delayed food or when only small flagellates are available as a food source (Ikeda, 1984; Ross and Quetin, 1989). Furthermore, enhanced food availability allows larvae to achieve faster growth and developmental rates, thereby obtaining a larger size and being in better condition to survive over winter (Daly, 2004). Thus, knowledge about differences in the timing, extent, and evolution of phytoplankton blooms is important for understanding interannual variability in krill recruitment. The Southern Ocean Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics Program (SO GLOBEC) investigated the physical and biological factors that influence the growth, recruitment, and overwintering survival of Antarctic krill in the vicinity of Marguerite Bay, west of the Antarctic Peninsula, during austral fall and winter of 2001 and 2002. Large differences in abundances of larval and juvenile krill were observed between these two years (Daly, 2004). During fall 2001, larvae were very abundant (1 - 19 individuals m-3), with younger stages dominant off-shelf and older stages dominant on-shelf. Few juveniles were observed anywhere. On-shelf larvae were in better condition than offshore larvae, suggesting that there was enhanced food availability near Marguerite Bay during the preceding summer. During fall 2002, although larvae were again found in elevated numbers off-shelf (0.01 – 110 individuals m-3), overall abundances were an order of magnitude lower than in 2001 and all stages were scarce in coastal areas. Juveniles, however, were relatively abundant (xxx individuals m-3), indicating that there was successful recruitment from the 2001 larval population. These results prompted us to investigate the environmental conditions that 3 contributed to the large krill reproduction and subsequent high larval densities particularly during austral spring and summer 2000/2001. Herein, we investigate the interannual chlorophyll patterns and dynamics west of the Antarctic Peninsula using SeaWiFS ocean color data between 1997 and 2004, with special emphasis on the Marguerite Bay region to better understand the conditions that make it a suitable habitat for krill. We generate a climatology of the surface chlorophyll field and examine the anomalies corresponding to summer-fall 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 with respect to the interannual variability in krill abundances during SO GLOBEC. We also investigate the effects of sea ice extent on the timing and location of phytoplankton blooms west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Materials and Methods The study area consisted of the coastal waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent deep waters in the Drake Passage and Bellingshausen Sea (45 - 75˚ S and 50 - 80˚ W), as chlorophyll in these areas are most likely to influence regional krill populations (Fig. 1). The chlorophyll dataset includes 6606 SeaWiFS daily Level 2 files (~ 1 km/pixel near nadir) between September 1997 and April 2004 were obtained from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ( These data were collected by all ground stations, as well as occasional satellite onboard recording over the area using the most recent algorithms and software package (SeaDAS4.8). The Level 2 data were mapped to a rectangular projection with approximately 1 km2/pixel for the western Antarctic Peninsula region (Fig. 1). The parameter used in this study is the surface chlorophyll concentration derived from the OC4v4 empirical band-ratio (blue versus green) algorithm (O’Reilly, 2000). 4 Comparison with in situ chlorophyll a values measured by HPLC showed that for >90% of the waters in the Southern Ocean (Chl between 0.05 and 1.5 mg m-3) SeaWiFS Chl was accurate (Marrari et al., in press). For higher concentrations the accuracy is less satisfactory, but the data are expected to be consistent through time. A bi-weekly time-series and bi-weekly 7-year climatology of chlorophyll a (mg m-3) distributions were generated from the mapped Level 2 data, between 1997 - 2004 (Fig. 2). In total, we generated 191 bi-weekly composite images, 27 climatology bi-weekly composite images, and 191 corresponding anomaly images for September 1997 through December 2004. Fourteen regions were defined within the study area, each representing different geographic locations and oceanographic conditions (Table 1, Fig 3a). The average (median) chlorophyll concentration for each region (mg m-3) was estimated during the 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 productive seasons (September - March) and plotted over time in relation to the climatology (Fig. 3b). In addition, the anomalies (mg chl m-3 above or below the climatology) within the entire study area were mapped during the spring-summer of 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 (November - February) (Fig. 4). The mean monthly location of the ice edge within the study area during October, November and December of 2000 and 2001 was determined using a two-dimensional linear interpolation of monthly ice-concentration on a 25 km resolution grid. Monthly averaged gridded ice concentrations, generated using the NASA Team algorithm and Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I passive microwave data, were obtained from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (Cavalieri et al., 2005). The ice edge was considered to be the location where sea ice concentration was equal to or less than 15% (Gloersen et al., 1992) [what’s the meaning of 15%? Proportion of ice versus melted water? Need to clarify]. The mean location of the ice edge during these months was superimposed over the concurrent biweekly SeaWiFS 5 chlorophyll images. In addition, the location of the ice edge during the preceding month was also overlaid on the image in order to evaluate whether chlorophyll concentrations increase significantly within the region of the ice edge retreat and the time scale associated with those changes (Fig. 5). The daily area free of sea ice (km2) in the northern and southern sections of Marguerite Bay was estimated from satellite data following the methods described in Arrigo and van Dijken (2003) (Fig 6a). A daily climatology from 1997 through 2004 was calculated as the mean daily ice-free area within each sub-region for the 8 years analyzed. A running average was applied to the data to reduce the daily variability. The climatology was plotted in relation to the daily ice-free areas for 2001 and 2002 in Figure 6. Results Biweekly climatology patterns of chlorophyll in waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula between September and March 1997 - 2004 (Fig. 2) indicate that offshore waters in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) typically had relatively low chlorophyll concentrations (0.1 - 0.2 mg m-3). In contrast, the highest chlorophyll concentrations consistently occurred in coastal waters in the vicinity of Marguerite Bay and to the south of the Bellingshausen Sea. These phytoplankton blooms persisted throughout the summer (December - March), with mean values in January of xx ± SD mg m-3 and in March of xx ± SD mg m-3 for 1997 - 2004. A wide range of intermediate values (mean = xx ± SD) were observed over the more northern continental shelf regions west of the Antarctic Peninsula and downstream in the Scotia Sea. The spatial and temporal changes in chlorophyll patterns suggest that the biomass accumulations initially occur during October and November in offshelf waters, mainly in the Bellingshausen Sea and to a lesser extent near the shelf break in 6 the vicinity of the Shetland Islands at the northern end of the Antarctic Peinsula (Fig. 2). As the season progresses (mid-December), phytoplankton blooms develop onshore especially in the vicinity of Marguerite Bay, where they remain well established until early April. Thus, oceanic areas in the Bellingshausen Sea and coastal Marguerite Bay waters showed particularly high chlorophyll concentrations during spring and summer in comparison with any other area west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Of the 14 pre-defined regions (Table 1, Fig. 3a), regions 1 - 6 represent offshelf oceanic regimes with depths greater than 2000 m, while regions 7 and 8 are located over the continental shelf slope, defined as the area between 500 and 2000 m. Regions 9, 10 and 11 represent coastal waters along the Antarctic Peninsula shelf and regions 13 and 14 are located in Marguerite Bay. Region 12 includes both coastal and oceanic waters in the Scotia-Weddell confluence area. Both the median chlorophyll distributions in these areas and the anomaly data indicate that, overall, 2000/2001 had higher chlorophyll concentrations than 2001/2002, particularly in the Bellingshausen Sea, Marguerite Bay, and other coastal areas along the Peninsula (Figs 3 and 4). The median chlorophyll concentrations for the 14 regions reveal relatively small variations from the climatology in offshelf regions of the ACC, Drake Passage, and the Scotia Sea (regions 1 - 6), although chlorophyll concentrations during 2000/2001 in offshore waters of the Bellingshausen Sea (regions 1 and 4) showed a moderate increase with respect to the typical (i.e., climatologic) values (Fig. 3b). Shelf break and coastal regions showed increased production relative to the climatology with median values in some regions exceeding the average by up to 5 mg m-3. In the Bellingshausen Sea (regions 7 and 9), chlorophyll concentrations were generally above average during both seasons, with high variability observed both between and within years. The summer of 2000/2001 showed the highest 7 median concentrations with values reaching 1.7 mg chl m-3 in February, whereas values during 2001/2002 were generally lower and closer to the climatology. Shelf break and coastal regions along the Antarctic Peninsula (regions 8, 10 and 11) also had elevated chlorophyll concentrations in relation to offshore areas, although the variations with respect to the climatology were less evident than in the Bellingshausen Sea and median values never exceeded 0.63 mg chl m-3. Marguerite Bay (regions 13 and 14) had the largest anomalies in comparison with any other region analyzed. In September, average chlorophyll concentrations in northern Marguerite Bay were 0.3 - 0.63 mg m-3, but during September 2000, these values reached 5.62 mg m-3. For the same region, 2002 values were consistently near or below the 8-year mean. Sea ice prevented satellite data collection during most of the 2001/2002 summer in Southern Marguerite Bay, but 2000/2001 showed high median values of up to 3.21 mg chl m-3 from late December through February, a 270% increase with respect to the average conditions (i.e. 1.19 mg m-3). Similar patterns can be observed from a temporal perspective (Fig. 4). During late November, both seasons [which seasons? Do you mean both years?] showed strong positive anomalies west of the Antarctic Peninsula. In 2000/2001, however, these above-average chlorophyll concentrations were observed over the continental shelf, while in 2001/2002 positive anomalies were observed in oceanic waters and to the southwest in the Bellingshausen Sea. By December, 2000/2001 showed positive anomalies in Marguerite Bay and in coastal areas along the entire Peninsula, while offshore areas had negative values. In contrast, 2001/2002 had below-average chlorophyll concentrations in the Peninsula coastal waters and above-average concentrations in oceanic areas. In January and February 2001, widespread and strong positive anomalies were still present in the Bellingshausen Sea, Marguerite Bay, and along the Peninsula shelf, whereas ACC waters showed average 8 conditions. In January and February 2002, overall conditions had progressed toward a mean state, and strong positive values were only observed in a narrow band along the ice edge (black area) in the Bellingshausen Sea during January. It is important to note, however, that due to extensive cloud cover, the number of valid data points available for late February 2002 is considerably lower than that for 2001. In summary, the 2001/2002 season started with higher than normal chlorophyll concentrations offshelf, but by January, conditions had progressed toward an average state. Even though the 2000/2001 spring-summer began with weaker positive anomalies than 2001/2002, by January many areas showed increased production. Throughout the rest of the summer, 2000/2001 showed very widespread positive anomalies, particularly in the Bellingshausen Sea, Marguerite Bay, and along the continental shelf. The location, timing, and extent of sea ice were examined in relation to chlorophyll concentrations to better understand the relationship between sea ice and phytoplankton blooms (Fig. 5). Chlorophyll concentrations were highly variable in relation to the receding ice edge in our study area during 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. In offshelf waters during spring, phytoplankton blooms occurred both adjacent to the ice edge and/or in waters previously covered by sea ice 2 - 4 weeks earlier. For example, during September 2000 and 2001, the ice edge was located in oceanic waters of the ACC. By October, the ice margin had retreated considerably and occurred closer to the coast. Chlorophyll had not increased significantly at the September ice edge locations by October (Fig. 5a and 5b, top 2 panels), suggesting that on average, October was too early in the productive season for any significant chlorophyll accumulations to occur within the ice edge zone. During November, however, chlorophyll concentrations had increased significantly in this region, reaching ~ 5 mg m-3, but presumably were too far from the ice edge to be influenced by ice processes (Fig. 5a and 5b, center 9 panels). During November, the ice edge receded onshelf in the mid-Antarctic Peninsula, but remained offshore of the southern Peninsula in both 2000 and 2001. Subsequently during December, enhanced chlorophyll concentrations occurred within the region of ice retreat. In some regions the 2 phenomena seem to coincide in space after a periodic time lag of 2 to 4 weeks. In addition, areas that were never influenced by sea ice also showed increased production. For example in November and December of 2001 (Fig. 5b), the ice edge occupied coastal areas of the Bellingshausen Sea and along the Antarctic Peninsula to Anvers Island (Fig. 1). Even though ice never occupied the northern end of the Peninsula, elevated chlorophyll concentrations were observed along the shelf break and in coastal areas. Thus, processes other than the retreat of the ice edge likely influenced phytoplankton dynamics in this area. Sea ice coverage in Marguerite Bay also showed strong differences between the spring-summer of 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. During summer and early fall (January - April), typical values of ice-free areas range from approximately 9,000 to 11,000 km2 in northern Marguerite Bay and from ~ 4,500 to 7,500 km2 in southern Marguerite Bay (Fig. 6a). A comparison of the climatology and 2001 and 2002 daily ice-free areas (km2) indicates that 2002 had above average sea ice in both the northern and southern sectors throughout the spring, summer, and fall (Fig 6b and 6c). In addition, ice formed earlier in 2002 than in 2001. In contrast, 2001 had sea ice values significantly below the 8-year mean, particularly from January through July, as indicated by the unusually large ice-free areas observed both in the northern and southern sectors. In 2001 these values reached approximately 12,000 and 11,500 km2 in the northern and southern regions respectively. On the other hand, the areas free of ice only reached 6,000 - 9,000 km2 in the northern and 0 - 2,000 km2 in southern sectors during the same months in 2002, suggesting an especially extensive sea ice cover. 10 During winter (starting in mid-July or Julian Day ~ 200), sea ice conditions were similar for both years, although, as mentioned above, sea ice occupied both the northern and southern sectors considerably earlier in 2002. Discussion Chlorophyll concentrations in waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula show great temporal and spatial variability during spring and summer between 1997 and 2004. Although chlorophyll can reach elevated values over the continental shelf along the Peninsula during January - February, concentrations in Marguerite Bay and the Bellingshausen Sea are consistently higher than in any other areas, making these southern sectors significantly more important in terms of phytoplankton production throughout the spring and summer. In addition, chlorophyll accumulations occur earlier in the spring and persist longer throughout the summer in these southern areas than elsewhere along the Antarctic Peninsula, further contributing to their higher overall production. There have been numerous reports of high chlorophyll concentrations over the continental shelf along the Peninsula with some values occasionally in excess of 30 mg m-3 (e.g., Holm-Hansen et al., 1989; Smith et al., 1998; 2001). This [what? These previous reports or your own result?] contributed to the belief that the continental shelf is the most productive area in the western Antarctic Peninsula region. However, very few studies to date included the Bellingshausen Sea (Smith et al., 1992; Savidge et al., 1995), and data from Marguerite Bay are scarce. [deleted, because no data doesn’t mean people ignored them] Our results reveal the importance of these areas in primary productivity and in the foodweb. West of the Antarctic Peninsula, E. superba typically reproduces during late spring and summer, from November through March (Siegel, 1986). During the spawning season, 11 developmental stages may be spatially separated: adult females migrate near the vicinity of the shelf-break in spring where they spawn in oceanic waters, while juveniles are found in coastal regions (Siegel, 1986). Several processes have to take place in order for krill to achieve a successful recruitment (Daly 2004). First, reproduction during spring and summer has to occur, for which female krill need above-average food concentrations (Ross and Quetin, 1986; Nicol et al, 1995). Eggs hatch at depth and the newly hatched larvae (naupliar stages) swim to the surface before metamorphizing into the first feeding stage, calyptopis I (CI). It is then crucial for these larvae to encounter an adequate food supply in the euphotic zone within about two weeks; otherwise they will not survive (Ross and Quetin, 1986). In addition, offshore larvae that are advected onto the shelf will find an enhanced food supply and more favorable environmental conditions. Larvae that are not advected onto the shelf are transported eastward away from the Antarctic Peninsula and into the Scotia Sea by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Of those larvae advected onto the shelf, retention mechanisms are important to keep larvae in that favorable environment. Lastly, larval krill must survive the long unproductive winter in order to recruit to the juvenile stage in spring. Field evidence indicates that during 2000/2001, krill reproduction started relatively early and continued for an extended period; thus environmental conditions were conducive to support successful reproduction. A wide range of larval stages were observed in off-shelf waters during fall 2001, including older larval stages (furcilia VI), a dominant furcilia I (FI) mode, and significant numbers of calyptopis III (C3) (Daly 2004). Following Ikeda (1984), FI’s are estimated to be about 63 days old and, therefore, likely originated from a late February – early March reproductive event. Assuming that the general eastward current velocity of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is approximately 10 cm sec-1 (refs), E. superba’s spawning would have occurred in oceanic waters of the Bellingshausen Sea, 12 presumably in the area bounded by 85 – 80W, and 65 – 70S. Mesoscale meanders and eddies may act to reduce this transport rate. Nevertheless, on average, the earliest and highest chlorophyll concentrations of the spring - summer season are consistently seen in this region, suggesting that offshore waters of the Bellingshausen Sea and Marguerite Bay can provide an adequate and sustained food supply for both reproducing females and young larvae. Additional evidence that there was successful krill reproduction in 2001 is that fall (April - June) larvae [“fall varvae”? reads awkward] were very abundant on and off-shelf, with concentrations reaching up to ~ 343 ind m-3, the highest numbers ever recorded for the area (Daly 2004). There was a wide range of larval stages offshelf, whereas only older larvae were observed near the coast, suggesting that most larvae were hatched in oceanic waters and later transported into coastal areas. During fall 2002, relatively high concentrations of young larvae were again detected in oceanic waters, although abundances were significantly lower (41 individuals m-3). Offshelf larvae were primarily calyptopis, onshelf they were calyptopis and FI and II stages. In 2002, juveniles also were relatively abundant, indicating a successful recruitment from the 2001 larval population. Ekman transport and Upper Circumpolar Deep Water intrusions may advect larvae onto the shelf (Dinniman and Klinck, 2004; Klink et al., 2004). A cyclonic circulation and relatively long residence times (up to seven months) in Marguerite Bay (Hofmann et al., 1996; Beardsley et al., 2004) act to retain larval krill in the region. [the description of this krill ecology is too long, even after I changed the title] Variability in the recruitment of larval krill populations west of the Antarctic Peninsula appears to be related to differences in food supply during the preceding spring summer. During SO GLOBEC, 2000/2001 was more productive than 2001/2002, with strong widespread positive anomalies during summer in the Bellingshausen Sea, Marguerite Bay and other coastal areas. Chlorophyll concentrations higher than typical values by 2 - 5 mg m-3 13 were observed during 2000/2001 in both oceanic and coastal waters [you sure it is 2-5? This is very high for oceanic water, not to mention that it is an anomaly]. These elevated chlorophyll levels likely provided krill with the food required for a successful reproduction and recruitment, which resulted in the elevated larval abundances observed during fall 2001 and the high juvenile abundances recorded in coastal waters during fall 2002. In contrast, even though 2001/2002 showed above average chlorophyll concentrations early in the season, conditions shifted toward a mean state by February – March. The lack of older stage larvae and relatively lower larval densities in 2001/2002, suggests that there was either delayed reproduction of adult females in summer and/or a lower larval survival. Thus, the presence of above-average chlorophyll concentrations in offshore waters of the Bellingshausen Sea and Marguerite Bay during summer seems critical for the successful reproduction of the Antarctic krill population that will later inhabit coastal waters along the western Antarctic Peninsula. Although sea ice extent and length of the sea ice season in the Bellingshausen Sea and along the Antarctic Peninsula have shown a clear tendency to decrease over the past 25 years (Parkinson, 2002; Ducklow et al., in press), high interannual variability can still be observed in this region. The summer - fall of 2001 showed an unusually low sea ice extent in Marguerite Bay, while 2002 was characterized by particularly extensive and persistent sea ice cover, a pattern that has also been recorded in other areas west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Ducklow et al. (in press) analyzed 14 years of sea ice extent data near Palmer Station in the vicinity of Anvers Island (1991 - 2004), and found that 2001 had the lowest (69,932 km2) winter sea ice extent of all years analyzed, while 2002 had the highest (109,936 km2) (mean = 91,112 km2). The presence of sea ice during late spring and/or summer results in reduced light penetration into the water column and prevents phytoplankton blooms from developing, which in turn leads to lower food concentrations available for herbivores. The early retreat of 14 sea ice in Marguerite Bay in spring of 2001 and subsequent presence of large phytoplankton blooms in ice-free waters during summer probably contributed to the elevated krill concentrations observed in the area during the following fall. In contrast, the persistent presence of sea ice in Marguerite Bay during summer - fall 2002, resulted in overall lower chlorophyll concentrations in coastal surface waters, which probably contributed to lower krill abundances. Sea ice also has been repeatedly linked to larval krill overwintering survival and recruitment (Daly and Macaulay, 1988; Marschall, 1988; Daly, 1990; Kawaguchi and Satake, 1994). Elevated numbers of first year juvenile krill have been observed following years with heavy ice cover, while juvenile abundances are generally lower following years with low sea ice extent, (Siegel and Loeb, 1995). An extensive sea ice cover may provide refuge from predators and sea ice biota as an alternate food source for larvae (Daly, 1990). [But not during SO GLOBEC. I’LL ADD MORE ON THIS] In the Southern Ocean, several factors have been proposed as influencing phytoplankton processes with varying magnitude, including micro- and macronutrient availability (Prézelin et al., 2000; Boyd, 2002; Holm-Hansen et al., 2004), grazing pressure (Walsh et al., 2001; Garibotti et al., 2003; Korb et al., 2004; more refs grazing) and stability of the water column (Holm-Hansen et al., 1989; Moline and Prézelin, 1996; Garibotti et al., 2003). In addition, sea ice often is cited as tightly coupled to spring phytoplankton blooms in Antarctic waters (Sullivan et al., 1988; Arrigo and McClain, 1994; Garibotti et al., 2005). Previous studies relate the retreat of sea ice to the development of phytoplankton blooms a few weeks later at the location of the receding ice edge. They argue that as ice melts the addition of a fresher surface layer increases water column stability, which results in a shallower mixed layer in which cells are retained and light availability increased. These 15 processes, coupled with the availability of nutrients in surface waters, affect phytoplankton production. Our results, however, suggest that the formation of spring phytoplankton blooms west of the Antarctic Peninsula is not coupled to the retreat of the ice edge, but rather that other processes taking place at the shelf-break influence phytoplankton in the area. Even though the location of the receding ice edge and chlorophyll accumulations coincide spatially in the southern sector of the study area (with a 2 - 4 week lag), most sectors north of Anvers Island are never influenced by sea ice and still support significant phytoplankton blooms during spring. In these northern sectors, blooms first appear at the location of the shelf break and gradually progress to more coastal areas, suggesting that shelf-break processes could be fueling phytoplankton growth. Previous results indicate that even in the southernmost sectors where sea ice could have a major influence, spring blooms are not related to the ice edge. Savidge et al. (1995) analyzed chlorophyll distributions in relation to the ice edge in the Bellingshausen Sea between 65.5 - 69°S and 83.5 - 88°W during spring 1992 and found no relation between phytoplankton increases and the retreat of the sea ice. Antarctic surface waters are rich in macronutrients and thus nitrate, phosphate or silica are usually not considered limiting for phytoplankton growth, at least south of the Polar Front (e.g., Daly et al., 2001). However, deficiencies in micronutrients, particularly iron, have been proposed as a possible factor controlling bloom formation (De Baar et al., 1995; Holm-Hansen et al., 2004; 2005). Iron concentrations are generally low in surface waters of the ACC (~ 0.05 to 0.5 nM) (Holm-Hansen et al., 2005; Löscher et al., 1997) and the addition of this trace element has been shown to result in localized increased production (e.g., Martin et al., 1990; Boyd et al., 2000). On the other hand, surface iron concentrations at some frontal regions of the ACC such as the Polar Front and the Southern ACC Front can be elevated and it is believed that this iron is supplied from deep waters rather than by atmospheric input (De Baar 16 et al., 1995). The ACC flows eastward at relatively high velocities, which can reach 25 cm sec-1 at these frontal areas. The strong current interacts with the bathymetry when it encounters the shelf-break generating meanders that can usually be detected at the surface, and this interaction of the ACC with bottom features has the potential of bringing iron-rich deep waters to the surface and supply the necessary nutrients to sustain the development of phytoplankton blooms. The upwelling of iron-rich deep ACC waters has been described for other regions of the Southern Ocean, including the Scotia Sea, the Polar Frontal region downstream of South Georgia and the Ross Sea (De Baar et al., 1995; Measures and Vink, 2001; Holm-Hansen et al., 2005). We hypothesize that the upwelling of iron-rich deep waters at the shelf-break, rather than the retreat of sea ice may be a major factor controlling the formation of spring phytoplankton blooms in offshore waters of the Bellingshausen Sea and along the Antarctic Peninsula. Nevertheless, it is likely that sea ice also plays an important role in maintaining these blooms throughout the summer as they progress toward coastal areas by supplying a fresher surface layer that increases water column stability and light availability. [this is a long paragraph – break up] Summary The analysis of typical chlorophyll distributions west of the Antarctic Peninsula from 1997 through 2004 revealed that the southernmost sectors of the region, such as the eastern Bellingshausen Sea and Marguerite Bay, are considerably more productive in terms of phytoplankton growth than any other areas, including the continental shelf along the Peninsula and the western Scotia Sea. These southern sectors support elevated chlorophyll concentrations from October until March, providing the food levels required by Antarctic krill for a successful reproduction and larval survival. In particular, the variability observed in 17 phytoplankton distributions during the spring - summer 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 can be related to the strong differences observed in krill abundances during fall 2001 and 2002, respectively. The 2000/2001 season was more productive than 2001/2002. High chlorophyll concentrations in the vicinity of Marguerite Bay and the Bellingshausen Sea could be observed from January through March, and coincided with very high krill abundances recorded in oceanic and coastal waters the following fall. In contrast, 2001/2002 showed reduced chlorophyll concentrations during summer and lower overall krill numbers during fall throughout the study area. Differences in sea ice conditions in Marguerite Bay likely contributed to the variable krill numbers observed in this area. Although ice conditions were similar during both winters, sea ice persisted throughout the spring - summer 2001/2002, preventing the formation of diatom blooms which are the main food source for krill in coastal waters during the productive months. In contrast, sea ice melted early in 2000/2001, allowing elevated chlorophyll concentrations to develop within the Bay by December - January. Both the presence of above average chlorophyll concentrations in the Bellingshausen Sea and outside of Marguerite Bay during krill’s reproductive season (November - March) and favorable sea ice conditions in coastal areas during summer - fall likely facilitated the increased krill abundances observed during 2001. The formation of phytoplankton blooms in offshore waters during spring was not related to the retreat of the ice edge in our study area. It is likely that other processes taking place at the shelf break, such as the upwelling of ironrich deep waters, are influencing the development of these blooms. Acknowledgements This study was supported by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) grants OPP-9910610 and OPP-196489 to K. Daly, and by US NASA grant NNS04AB59G to C. Hu. We are 18 grateful to K. Arrigo for providing the daily sea ice data for Marguerite Bay and to E. Chapman for making the monthly ice edge data available. We also thank Brock Murch of USF/IMaRS for his assistance in obtaining and processing the SeaWiFS satellite data. This is GLOBEC contribution number xxx. References Arrigo, K.R., McClain, C.R., 1994. Spring phytoplankton production in the western Ross Sea. Science 266, 261-263. Arrigo, K.R., van Dijken, G.L., 2003. Phytoplankton dynamics within 37 Antarctic coastal polynya systems. Journal of Geophysical Research 108, xxxx Beardsley, R.C., Limeburner, R., Owens, W.B., 2004. 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Information on the 14 regions defined in the study area. ACC: Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Region Location System type Depth 1 ACC - Bellingshausen Sea Oceanic > 2000 m 2 ACC – Drake Passage Oceanic > 2000 m 3 ACC - Scotia Sea Oceanic > 2000 m 4 Bellingshausen Sea - Offshelf Oceanic > 2000 m 5 Antarctic Peninsula - Offshelf Oceanic > 2000 m 6 Scotia Sea - Offshelf Oceanic > 2000 m 7 Bellingshausen Sea Shelf break 500-2000 m 8 Antarctic Peninsula Shelf break 500-2000 m 9 Bellingshausen Sea - Southern Ant. Pen. Continental shelf < 500 m 10 Mid-Antarctic Peninsula Continental shelf < 500 m 11 Northern Antarctic Peninsula Continental shelf < 500 m 12 Scotia Sea – Weddell Sea Cont. shelf & shelf break ~ < 2000 m 13 Northern Marguerite Bay Continental shelf < 500 m 14 Southern Marguerite Bay Continental shelf < 200 m 25 Figures Figure 1. Location of the study area and geographic references. The dashed line represents the 1000 m isobath. [this figure is identical to the RSE figure – you may revise just a little bit to avoid the copyright issue] 26 27 28 Figure 2. Bi-weekly 7-year climatology (1997-2004) of SeaWiFS chlorophyll concentrations (mg m-3) between September. White areas indicate no available data. (a) 29 Figure 3. (a) Location of the 14 regions along the western Antarctic Peninsula, overlaid over the 7-year climatology (1998 - 2004) of SeaWiFS chlorophyll concentrations during January 1 - 14. (b) The median chlorophyll concentration at each region for each 2-week period during the 2000/2001 (black dots) and 2001/2002 (grey squares) spring – summer seasons (Southern Hemisphere). Concentrations lower than 0.01 mg m-3 and greater than 20 mg m-3 were excluded from the calculations. The 7-year climatology (median) was also shown (black solid line) as a reference. 30 31 Figure 4. Biweekly anomalies of SeaWiFS chlorophyll concentrations (mg chl above or below the 7-year climatology) for late November, December, January and February of 2001 (first column of images) and 2002 (second column). Black regions indicate no data is available due to the presence of clouds and/or sea ice. (a) 32 (b) Figure 5. Biweekly SeaWiFS chlorophyll concentrations (Chl, mg m-3) in October (Oct), November (Nov), and December (Dec) of (a) 2000 and (b) 2001. The mean location of the ice edge is also shown: red line for the previous month and yellow line for the current month. White line: 1000 m isobath. 33 Figure 6. (a) Location of the regions analyzed. Ice-free area (km2) in (b) Northern and (c) Southern Marguerite Bay during 2001 (red solid line) and 2002 (blue broken/dotted line). The daily 8-year climatology (1997-2004) also is shown (black broken line). [why not rotate (a) to make it the same orietation as other figures?] 34