Door Supervisor Top-Up Unit Workbook

Door Supervisor Top-Up Unit Workbook
1. Understand counter terrorism issues relevant to Door Supervisors:
1.1 Identify behaviours that could indicate suspicious or terrorist activity.
Unusual or suspicious activities are not necessarily crimes. However, whilst these
behaviours may not be illegal, they may well bear scrutiny to determine if they are
part of a larger operation. No one indicator alone necessarily indicates suspicion,
it is often a combination of behaviours.
Possible indicators of unusual or suspicious activities include:
o a person taking a particular interest in security measures,
o parked vehicles with occupants,
o parked vehicles without occupants that have been left unattended for a
long period,
o a person making unusual requests for information, particularly about
security or procedures,
o a person in possession of forged, altered or stolen identifications,
o a person having identity documents in various names or with different
o a person using of large amounts of cash,
o multiple sightings of the same suspicious person, vehicle, or activity,
a person who don't fit into the surrounding environment because they are
wearing inappropriate clothing for the location or season,
o a person drawing pictures, photographing, videoing, or taking notes of an
area not normally of interest to tourists, (NOTE: people taking photographs
are sometimes the subject of over-zealous security and police
intervention. It should be noted that it is entirely lawful for a person in a
public place to take photographs, even if they are of privately ownedbuildings, etc which are visible from that public place. There is no criminal
offence of simply taking photographs in the Terrorism Act 2000 or any
other statute. If suspicions are aroused, then security officers are entitled
to make enquiry of the person but, in doing so, they should not state, or
seek to imply, that the person is doing anything wrong or unlawful. Where
people are taking photographs whilst actually on privately owned
premises, the situation is different as the owner or management of the
premises may make conditions of entry to, or remaining on, the premises
which prohibit some or all photography. In such a situation it should be
made plain that the prohibition of photography is as a result of a condition
made by the owner or management of the premises and not the criminal
o a person loitering with no apparent or valid reason,
o a person testing security by breaching restricted areas to determine
o a person tampering with electrical, water, gas, or sewer systems.
1.2 State effective deterrents to terrorist activity.
Terrorism may take many forms, and can cause:
o threats to people,
o threats to property,
o major disruption.
Terrorists will often use hostile reconnaissance, which is gathering information
prior to an intended attack. The reconnaissance will include consideration of the
vulnerabilities and weaknesses of a venue’s security measures.
Ensuring a visible presence of vigilant security staff, and regularly patrolling the
venue, will act as a deterrent and will also assist in reducing the opportunity for
hostile reconnaissance to be carried out, and for explosive or incendiary devices
to be left undiscovered. However such measures must not compromise the safety
of customers and staff.
Maintaining good organised search procedures can also help deter a terrorist
Basic good housekeeping reduces the opportunity for suspect packages to be
left, and helps to deal with false alarms and hoaxes. This includes ensuring that
emergency exits are secured when not in use to prevent unauthorised entry when
the building is unoccupied.
1.3 Identify the UK government terrorism threat levels.
Low – an attack is unlikely.
Moderate – an attack is possible, but unlikely.
Substantial – an attack is a strong possibility.
Severe – an attack is highly likely.
Critical – an attack is expected imminently.
1.4 State counter terrorism procedures as they relate to Door Supervisors.
In the case of any suspected terrorism activity, or activity which could potentially
lead to an act of terrorism, including bomb threats, the relevant procedure for
your place of work must be followed. It is essential to know what this procedure
is, and exactly what is required in such a situation.
Any incident requiring an immediate response should be reported to the police on
999. Any suspicious activity that does not require an immediate response should
be reported to the Anti-Terrorism Hotline.
In the event of a serious incident, staff and customers must be informed as soon
as possible about what they are expected to do, in line with company procedures.
It is important to know and understand what your company’s evacuation plan is,
and your own role and responsibilities in it.
Keep messages clear and succinct. If there are any directions for people to follow
it is important not to require too many actions at once. People are more likely to
respond to one or two instructions than a whole list.
Premises might need to be evacuated because of:
o a threat aimed directly at the building,
o a threat received elsewhere and passed on to you by the police,
o discovery of a suspect package,
o discovery of a suspicious item or vehicle outside the building,
o an incident to which the police have alerted you.
Try to answer these six basic questions in relation to any observed unusual or
suspicious activity:
o Who? – Describe who you saw, eg gender, age, race, height, weight, hair
colour, distinguishing features eg scars or tattoos, clothing, any weapons.
o What? – Give a specific description of what you say them do.
o Where? – Describe exactly where the person/people were, and direction of
o When? – Describe exactly when and for how long you saw what you did.
How? – Describe how the person/people behaved and how they
travelled. In describing a vehicle, try to remember the number plate details
(most important), the make and model, the colour, and any damage or
noticeable features (eg headlight out, logos, antennae, etc).
o Why? – Explain why you were suspicious of their behaviour.
2. Know the role of the Door Supervisor when first aid situations occur in
licensed premises:
2.1 Identify common situations requiring first aid that occur in licensed
Many situations that may require first aid in licenced premises relate to the
consumption of excess alcohol and/or the misuse of drugs.
The consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol, or the misuse of drugs,
can in itself lead to unconsciousness.
Customers, whether or not they have drunk any alcohol, can be prone to
slips, trips and falls, resulting in cuts and bruises, and in more severe cases,
broken bones or unconsciousness.
Collapses can also be non-alcohol related, eg due to heart attack, asthma,
heat exhaustion, epilepsy, diabetic coma, allergic reaction (eg to peanuts), etc,
although these are not as common as slips, trips and falls.
Arguments and disagreements can lead to fights that may result in injury.
The use of weapons, including improvised weapons such as glass, bottles
and furniture, inside a venue can also result in the need for first aid. This can
result in cuts and bruises, broken bones and unconsciousness.
Overcrowding can lead to dangerous situations that may result in injury or
public disorder, and can result in some customers suffering from claustrophobia.
2.2 Identify appropriate responses for door supervisors to situations requiring
first aid.
It is essential to know who the first aider is, how to locate them in an emergency
situation, and what arrangements are in place for first aid, including the location
of a fully stocked first aid kit that is adequate for the needs of the premises, and
how to call the emergency services.
It is essential to know and understand the limits of your own ability and authority
to deal with a first aid emergency, and when it is necessary to call for assistance,
including the relevant first aider and/or the emergency services. Do not give first
aid unless you are trained to do so.
Assess the scene for hazards.
Protect yourself and others from the possibility of cross-infection and/or injury.
Summon help and/or call emergency services if appropriate.
Clear other people away from the scene and ensure there is clear access for first
Following any accident or incident, a full report must be completed.
Serious incidents or accidents must be reported to the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE) under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).
If appropriately first aid trained and qualified (up-to-date), it may be appropriate
o Carry out an assessment of the casualty including level of consciousness
and breathing.
o Administer first aid if appropriate,
o Place the casualty in first the recovery position if appropriate.
3. Know legislation and requirements regarding children and young people
relevant to Door Supervisors:
3.1 Identify how to comply with relevant licensing legislation when dealing
with children and young people.
The relevant licensing legislation is detailed below. Note that a ‘child’ is defined
as an individual under the age of 18 in the following bullet points unless stated
otherwise. Door Supervisors needs to know and understand the legislation in
order to be able to comply with it, and should also know and understand any
specific proof of age schemes that their venue implements, eg Challenge 25.
It is an offence to allow an unaccompanied child under 16 to be on premises that
are exclusively or primarily used for the supply of alcohol for consumption at a
time when they are open for that purpose, or to allow an unaccompanied child
under 16 to be on those premises between midnight and 5am when the premises
are open for the purposes of being used for the supply of alcohol for consumption
there. However, no offence is committed if the child is on the premises solely for
the purpose of passing to or from some other place and there is no other
convenient means of getting to or from that place (Section 145).
It is an offence for a person to sell alcohol to any child (Section 146, or Section
102 in Scotland).
It is an offence to knowingly allow the sale (or in, the case of clubs, the supply) of
alcohol to a child on relevant premises (Section 147, or Section 103 in Scotland).
It is an offence for a child to buy, or attempt to buy, alcohol whether or not on
licensed premises (Section 149, or Section 105 in Scotland). A person who acts
as an agent for a child by buying, or attempting to buy, alcohol on behalf of the
child also commits an offence. However, this is not an offence if all of the
following apply:
the person purchasing or attempting to purchase the alcohol is over 18,
the child is 16 or 17,
the alcohol is beer, wine or cider,
the purchase is for consumption at a table meal,
the child is accompanied by an adult.
It is an offence for a child knowingly to consume alcohol on relevant premises
(Section 150, or Section 106 in Scotland), and for a person to knowingly allow the
consumption of alcohol by a child under 18 on relevant premises.
It is an offence knowingly to allow a child to sell or, in the case of a club, to supply
alcohol, unless each such sale or supply has been specifically approved by a
responsible person (Section 153, or Section 107 in Scotland).
In Scotland, under the ‘Alcohol etc (Scotland) Act 2010’, it is a condition for all
premises licences that there is an age verification policy in place in relation to the
sale of alcohol on the premises. As part of this Act, the 'Challenge 25' law means
that a licensee must have a policy in place that requires anyone who appears to
be under the age of 25 to show proof of age.
3.2 State duty of care requirements when dealing with children and young
One of the four licensing objectives of the Licencing Act (2003) (five in Scotland)
is 'protection of children from harm'. This requires that in exercising their duties,
Door Supervisors, as all others, must ensure that children are not exposed to the
risk of harm.
Children and young people may be harmed by alcohol in a number of ways,
o By consuming it, especially if to excess, causing physical or
psychological harm to themselves.
o By consuming so much that they become incapable of properly taking
care of themselves.
o By engaging in criminal or anti-social activity as a result of having
consumed alcohol.
o By witnessing others consuming it (especially if to excess).
o By their parents, guardians or carers consuming it so that they are
incapable of providing proper care.
o By being abused, assaulted or otherwise victimised by people who have
consumed alcohol.
o By witnessing people who have consumed alcohol acting in a criminal or
anti-social way.
Door supervisors should be alert to any child at risk of harm (whether in
connection with the consumption of alcohol or otherwise) and take such steps
as are appropriate and available to prevent that harm occurring.
If the child or young person is on licensed or other private premises, the
situation should be brought to the immediate attention of a supervisor or
Although the law allows the removal of a child or young person who is drunk
or disorderly from privately-owned premises in just the same way as it allows
the removal of an adult, the duty of care to the child or young person extends
to ensuring that they do not come to any foreseeable harm having been
removed. This means that a child or young person who is drunk, or even
under the influence of alcohol, should not be simply ejected from the premises
and allowed to fend for themselves but consideration should be given to
arranging for a parent, guardian or other carer, friend or responsible adult,
genuinely associated with them, to look after the child or young person from
the point of ejection. If this is not possible, consideration should be given to
calling the police so that they decide how to best deal with the situation when
the child or young person is removed to the street or other public place.*
If the child or young person is in a public place, consideration should be given
to calling the police to deal with the situation. If the child or young person is in
serious immediate danger of harm then the police should be called using the
999 emergency system *.
If the child is ill as a result of consuming alcohol, an ambulance should be
called or other medical attention should be sought. Alcohol may have a more
severe reaction on a child or young person than on an adult and so even
relatively small amounts of alcohol can have a very serious effect on their
health and may even prove fatal.
A child or young person who is sleeping, comatose or unconscious as a result
of consuming alcohol should not be left alone whilst awaiting an ambulance or
other medical assistance as it is possible that they could choke on their own
If the parent, guardian or other carer of the child or young person is known, or
can be identified, they should be called and advised of the situation so that
they can decide on an appropriate course of action to safeguard their child or
young person.
The police have powers to remove a child or young person at serious risk of
harm to a place of safety if they consider it necessary. As those powers are
only available to the police then they should be called if it is believed that the
child or young person may come to any sort of significant harm if they are not
removed from the situation. This is particularly relevant in situations where
the harm to the child or young person arises from the fact that their parents,
guardians or other carers are so drunk that they are incapable of properly
caring for them.
3.3 State searching requirements when dealing with children and young
There is no legal distinction between children, young people and adults
insofar as the law relating to the searching of people entering, or on, privatelyowned premises.
If a premises has a search policy in place as a condition of entry to, or
remaining on, privately owned premises then it can be applied to children and
young people in just the same way as it can be applied to adults.
That said, if it is necessary to search children and young people regularly, the
policy should have specific instructions in place to ensure that it is done in an
appropriate way.
In an ideal situation, if the searching of children and young people is
considered necessary on a regular basis, the policy should include provision
for their parent, guardian or other adult carer to be present or otherwise
provide informed consent.
As the searching of people as a condition of entry can only ever be done
where they consent, the issue of the capability of the child or young person to
provide informed, genuine consent needs to be considered. In the case of
younger children this may mean that they cannot be searched until a parent,
guardian or other adult carer has been made aware of the situation and has
consented. In the case of older young people, particularly teenagers, they
may be perfectly capable of consenting themselves and, in such cases, they
may be searched in the same way as an adult.
Even where consent is not an issue, the fact that it is a child or young person
should be built into the assessment of the situation when deciding whether or
not a search is necessary and, if so, to what extent it should be carried out.