SP 5 Summer 2015 MW Syllabus

SP 5: Interpersonal Communication (3 Units—UC: CSU)
Saddleback College, Fine Arts Division
Department of Speech Communication Course Syllabus
Associate Professor Heidi Marie Ochoa
Telephone: 949 582 4404
Office Location: Fine Arts 118
Class Time & Ticket #: MW 11-1:50
Email: hochoa@saddleback.edu
Class Location: LRC 108
Office Hours: by appointment only
1. Complete guidelines for exams, papers, and presentations are posted to my website:
2. Interpersonal Communication, 2nd Edition by Kory Floyd.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to strategies and behaviors in all aspects of the interpersonal
communication process. Includes study of self-concept, relationships, perception, listening, verbal and non-verbal
Through a written explanation, each student will correctly apply the course concept of "perception
checking" to an everyday interpersonal communication interaction.
Students in Speech 5 will demonstrate the ability to identify and distinguish theories of self-concept
Students in Speech 5 will demonstrate an ability to distinguish between facts and inferences.
Students in speech 5 will be able to identify and demonstrate how language actively influences perceptions.
Students in Speech 5 will be able to correctly comprehend the course concept of “nonverbal
DROPPING THE CLASS: It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw (drop) from the class. Students
who no longer attend class but do not withdraw will receive a failing grade (“F”) at the end of the semester,
Saddleback College policy.
DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONS: Students requiring accommodations for a disability that may affect class
performance are requested to schedule an appointment during the first week of the semester with a staff member
in Special Services so that accommodation and any academic adjustments can be authorized. Special Services is
located in the Student Services Center, SSC 113, phone: 582-4885.
MAKE-UPS/UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: No “late” papers/presentations will be accepted and No make-up exams will
be given unless you have an excused absence. Unexcused absences will result in a grade of zero (0) for all assigned
work and presentations.
Excused absences include the following and only the following:
-A physician’s verified medical excuse.
-A school sponsored event (e.g.: debate tournament, athletic event) in which you are a participant.
In this case, it is your responsibility to show me written verification from your coach before the
event occurs.
-A funeral provided you bring me the funeral program.
If you are tardy the day a presentation is due, you will receive a letter grade point deduction for every
presentation you miss. You are not allowed to walk into class while others are presenting. Therefore, missing a
presentation or two could make you 20-30 minutes late.
CLASSROOM DECORUM: You are required to take responsibility for your own actions and must honor the
attempts of others to improve themselves. You will be asked to challenge yourself, to expand your comfort zones,
and to respect those around you. A communication class can be one of the best classes you will take because the
classroom environment is so positive and constructive. This class is about growth, yours and your classmates.
This is also a class about self-expression. Everyone in this class will fumble, everyone will improve, and hopefully
everyone will have fun. I will make every effort to create a classroom environment where people feel comfortable
and confident expressing themselves. This includes everyone and anyone! Therefore I will not tolerate racist,
sexist, or homophobic, condescending, or judgmental language in our class discussions or in your presentations. We
will discuss a wide variety of interesting issues this semester. You never have to agree with an idea, example,
experience or concept, but you must listen receptively to everyone. If I feel you are unable to offer classmates
your undivided respect, you will be removed.
***The only person you are allowed to make fun of in this class is yourself-and even self-deprecation should be
kept to a minimum and only be used as rhetorical devices that prove valid points about the subject area under
Major Assignments (The following are brief descriptions of Major Assignments. Complete guidelines are
posted to my website.):
Personal Connection Panel Presentation (10 pts): This is a 2-3 minute presentation. Each student will be assigned a
chapter from which he/she will select a concept to present. You will meet with others who have been assigned the
same chapter and select your concept. No student should share the same concept, unless the students are opting to
present 2 concepts (1 same, 1 different). For this assignment, the student is responsible for explaining his/her
interpretation of the concept and applying it to at least 1 personal experience. Stronger presentations will include
descriptive details about the personal experience to give the class an elaborate understanding of the concept.
Cultural Artifact Presentation (10 pts.)/Interpersonal Karaoke Presentation (10 pts.): This is a 1-2 minute
presentation. You will choose to either inform your peers about a cultural artifact OR a song that illustrates 1
interpersonal concept introduced in your book.
Exams X 2 (20 pts each): Each exam will be comprised of multiple choice questions, true/false statements, and
matching terms; 882E-SCANTRON REQUIRED. All exams will be open note . However, there is a catch, your
notes must be stamped by the instructor. At the beginning of each lecture class period, I will stamp hand-written
notes of the chapter that was most recently assigned. Notes from your book will be stamped the day that the
chapter is covered in class. Since I am giving you this opportunity, I think it is only fair to expect that you will not
squeeze in notes from a previous class period or chapter. If I catch it, you will lose your opportunity to take open
note exams. Additionally, you must be the person that collects the stamp on your notes. If you cannot be here for
whatever reason, your notes will not be stamped.
2 Reflection Journals (5 pts. each): A student journal is an opportunity for you to analyze the interpersonal
communication you experience within your lives and in the world around you. Select any concept from Chapters 211. The due dates coordinate with “note stamp” days. So, if you decided to write 1 of your 2 journals about a
concept from Chapter 2, you will want to turn it in at the beginning of class on the day the “Chapter 2 note stamps”
are due (in other words, the first day that Chapter 2 is scheduled to be discussed in class). You cannot turn in a
reflection journal using a term from Chapter 2 the week we plan on covering Chapter 8. So, if you lose track of the
number of journals you’ve turned in—you will not be given an opportunity to squeeze in one after the deadline.
All papers will be typed, 12pt font, and double-spaced. Each 1-page reflection will include three paragraphs and will
answer the following questions:
Paragraph One: What was the interpersonal communication concept and interaction being examined?
This is where you introduce the concept from class AND an interaction from your real life that utilized
this concept.
Paragraph Two: What was the MOST valuable thing you learned from analyzing the interaction? Writing
paragraph 1 is a way to analyze your interpersonal communication. This is where you explain what you
learned from doing so.
Paragraph Three: What would you do differently if you could participate in the interaction again? This is
where you use concepts from class to explain what you did well or what you could have done to make the
interaction more successful. Be very specific!!
Interpersonal Film Analysis (10 points): Select a film that depicts many of the interpersonal communication
concepts discussed in class. You will write a 3 page reaction paper highlighting and analyzing two different
concepts depicted in the movie.
Participation (20 points): The class will be assigned participation activities (quizzes, role play, application games,
in-class analyses, etc.) almost every day of class that are worth points. If you are not here to participate in these
activities or if you have not done the reading required in order to effectively participate in these activities, you
will lose points. Your participation score also reflects your ability to effectively listen to others. Listening is after
all a theoretical component, which the author of your textbook dedicates an entire chapter to. Additionally, the
nature of this class promotes personal disclosure of experiences—so if you aren’t providing your full attention, you
are at risk of seeming insensitive. If you are caught distracted by a laptop, cell phone, fingernails, split ends, a loud
candy rapper, or your peers love notes, your participation score will be reduced. (Refer to excused/unexcused
absence policy above for rule contingencies.)
GRADING SCALE out of 100 points (Total number of points accumulated)
A = 90 -100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 59 and below
ACADEMIC HONESTY: Cheating and plagiarism are serious violations of the student conduct code. Cheating or
plagiarizing will result in a zero on the assignment or test and may result in suspension, failure in the course, and/or
other disciplinary action taken by the College. All incidents of cheating and plagiarism will be reported to the
Office of Student Affairs.
This syllabus is a Social Contract, which requires that both students and instructor work to create a supportive,
exploratory and intellectually challenging educational community. This demands preparation for class discussions
and commitment to all classroom engagements as well as providing sensitive, critical response to the work of your
colleagues. Within this class we will foster an environment that is friendly, supportive, safe, and non-threatening.
This means that discrimination and/or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated in this classroom. To that end
we will attempt to acknowledge and respect the diverse experiences, cultures and preferences of each person—as
reflected in their attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviors, while contributing to a common classroom culture of
mutual support and respect. Each student will be expected to offer critical yet supportive comments about all in
class performances. Specific criteria will be established in the class for offering constructive criticism. You will
voluntarily enter this contract by maintaining your enrollment in this class.
Tentative Class Schedule
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
June 1
Overview of Course Syllabus, Student Codes of Conduct, Class Website
Overview of “Any Old Bag” Homework Assignment and Reflection Journals
Positive Buddy Meet-up
Class Introductions
Name Game
Homework: Read Chapter 1, Student Codes of Conduct (look to Saddleback’s Student
Handbook), “Any Old Bag” Assignment
June 3
Stamp Chapter 1 Notes
Chapter 1 Discussion & Activities
“Any Old Bag” Discussion
Student Codes of Conduct Quiz
Homework: Read Chapter 2
June 8
Stamp Chapter 2 Notes
Chapter 2 Discussion & Activities
Homework: Read Chapter 3
June 10
Stamp Chapter 3 Notes
Chapter 3 Discussion & Activities
Homework: Read Chapter 4
June 15
Stamp Chapter 4 Notes
Chapter 4 Discussion & Activities
Homework: Prepare Cultural Artifact/Interpersonal Karaoke Presentations
June 17
Cultural Artifact/Interpersonal Karaoke Presentations. (Be on time-1 point deduction
for every presentation missed.)
Homework: Read Chapter 5
Interpersonal Communication Skills in Action
June 22
Stamp Chapter 5 Notes
Chapter 5 Discussion & Activities
Overview of Personal Connection Panel
Homework: Read Chapter 6
June 24
Stamp Chapter 6 Notes
Chapter 6 Discussion & Activities
Homework: Study for exam and read Chapter 7
June 29
Exam #1 (Chapters 1-6. Study Guide available on my website. Bring 882-E Scantron.)
Stamp Chapter 7 Notes
Chapter 7 Discussion & Activities
Homework: Read Chapter 8
July 1
Stamp Chapter 8 Notes
Chapter 8 Discussion & Activities
Homework: Prepare Personal Connection Presentations
July 6-8
Personal Connection Panel Presentations (Be on time-1 point deduction for every
presentation missed.)
Overview of Interpersonal Film Analysis
Homework: Read Chapter 9
Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships
July 13
Stamp Chapter 9 Notes
Chapter 9 Discussion & Activities
Homework: Read Chapter 10
July 15
Stamp Chapter 10 Notes
Chapter 10 Discussion & Activities
Homework: Write Interpersonal Film Analysis Paper
July 20
Interpersonal Film Analysis Paper Due
Stamp Chapter 11 Notes
Chapter 11 Discussion & Activities
Homework: Study for Exam #2 (Chapters 7-11. Study Guide available on my website. Bring
882-E Scantron.)
July 22
Exam #2
The instructor reserves the right to alter the schedule as needed.