From the Cortland County Area Agency on Aging (Cortland, NY) CORTLAND COUNTY AREA AGENCY ON AGING EMERGENCY/DISASTER PLAN AGENCY GOAL The goal of the Area Agency on Aging in an emergency situation is to ensure that fully qualified personnel are mobilized to rapidly deal with emergency situations and conditions which may adversely impact the health or the environment of older persons. AGENCY OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Agency during a disaster or emergency are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Protection of participants and staff Prevention or reduction of property damage at Agency facilities Continuity of Agency operations during the emergency/disaster Restoration of Agency services as soon as possible following the emergency/disaster 5. Maintenance of favorable public and personnel relations during and following the emergency/disaster EMERGENCY REPONSE PRIOR TO AN EMERGENCY The following measures will be implemented in order to prepare for an emergency/disaster. 1. Educate and train staff, including volunteers, to fulfill designated responsibilities during an emergency/disaster 2. Educate community agencies of the special needs of the elderly and of appropriate responses during an emergency/disaster through active staff participation on the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and in Critical Incident Command training. 3. An education program for older persons will be conducted at Senior Centers. This will include utilization of older persons as resources during an emergency/disaster. 4. Develop and maintain a list of older persons who may be at risk during emergency/disaster, in cooperation with the Cortland County Emergency Management Office (CCEMO) and local fire departments. 5. Cooperate with CCEMO in periodic testing, evaluating and updating county emergency disaster operations plans. 6. Participate in emergency/disaster prevention or mitigation programs and projects as requested and/or required by New York State Office for the Aging, New York State Emergency Management Office, CCEMO, etc. 7. Maintain an Agency disaster plan. Conduct emergency exercise annually that will test the capability of the written plan during actual disaster/emergency. 4/02 1 From the Cortland County Area Agency on Aging (Cortland, NY) 8. Institute a planned communication tree for notification during the alert and response phase of the emergency. 9. Maintain a copy of the emergency manual at all Agency focal points (Senior Centers and program offices), a first aid kit, and emergency kit. Emergency kit to include: flashlight, battery-operated radio, staff name badge copies, clean up supplies and rubber gloves. RESPONSE PHASE-ALERT The following outlines the responsibilities of Area Agency staff upon notification of an emergency/disaster. Following the Alert phase, the Director will: 1. Before Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activation, make all communications with other departments and agencies through the CCEMO to assure coordination of status reports and resource availability and needs. 2. Relocate to the EOC when activated. 3. Institute evacuation/shelter policies as necessary. 4. Provide the EOC with the assistance, information, and operational support to assist older persons during the disaster/emergency. 5. Maintain contact with staff via the Nutrition Program Director and Aging Services Coordinator to provide direction, materials and support as needed. 6. Ensure that the Nutrition Program Director and Aging Services Coordinator have assigned staff as appropriate and that communication and record-keeping are in place. RESPONSE-During emergency/disaster Agency responsibility during a disaster/emergency is to meet the immediate needs of those affected. This includes agency response to ensure individual safety, sanitation, and security. 1. When staff are alerted by CCEMC that there is an impending or potential disaster/emergency, it will be the immediate responsibility of any or all staff to contact the Agency Director. In the absence of the Agency Director, the Nutrition Program Director and Aging Services Coordinator (RSVP Director and I & A Coordinator) shall be contacted. 2. The Agency Director* will immediately institute the following alert system. 3. The Agency Director* will contact the Nutrition Director/Aging Services coordinator. 4. The Nutrition Director will be responsible to alert by phone all Senior Centers, Kitchen, Nutrition Office, and drivers. 5. The I & A Aging Services Coordinator will notify Homebound Services, Day Care and the I & A Staff and Agency Office staff. 4/02 2 From the Cortland County Area Agency on Aging (Cortland, NY) 6. The RSVP Aging Services Coordinator will notify RSVP office staff and RSVP volunteer stations and volunteers as appropriate. 7. In the event telephones are inoperable, it will be the role of the Agency Director to contact CCEMO to obtain Ham, CB, law enforcement agency assistance in notification to centers and/or volunteer stations. *or Nutrition Program Director/Aging Services Coordinator EVACUATION/SHELTER The Agency Director* will liaison with CCEMO to determine if and when Agency facilities should be evacuated and/or when sheltering in place is appropriate. The Agency Director* will alert the Nutrition Program Director and Aging Services Coordinator to implement these procedures. In the event assistance and transportation is needed, the Agency director will make these arrangements through the EOC. RECOVERY PHASE The Agency Recovery Phase is to offer sustained care over a longer period of time to assist individuals in re-establishing their lives. 1. Following the emergency/disaster, a report and/or operations evaluation will be prepared, including but not limited to the following: Type/scope and location of the disaster/emergency Numbers of seniors impacted Services provided, resources utilized and phone log 2. Notify SOFA within 24 hours, and provide the following information: Number of seniors affected Services needed Description of services Need for relocating services 3. Begin process of outreach and advocacy to assist Seniors in accessing services to address immediate, short and long range needs. 4. The Area on Agency Director will communicate with other members from the EOC as they form a coalition to identify needs and provide resources. The AAA director will assign staff to this effect as appropriate. 4/02 3 From the Cortland County Area Agency on Aging (Cortland, NY) SHELTERING IN PLACE Policy for Seniors Centers 1. The AAA director in coordination with the CEOC will decide when sheltering in place is appropriate. 2. The AAA director* will contact the Nutrition Program Director or Aging Services Coordinator. 3. They will in turn contact the Center Manager or Stations Representatives (RSVP) to shelter in place. 4. At Senior Centers, the shelter in place policy will be as follows: 5. Shelter in place at Senior Centers will be utilized as an emergency measure until the local on scene commander (OSC) (generally the Fire Chief) determines that participants can be relocated to a Red Cross Shelter or can be taken home. 6. Staff will close all windows and doors. In the event of a chemical or hazardous materials disaster, doors and windows shall be sealed immediately with masking or duct tape and doorways blocked with towels, rags, or blankets. 7. Staff shall listen to the radio to await further instructions. 8. Staff will make participants as comfortable as possible, provide meals and some type of activity, i.e. cards, game, TV, etc. COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING EMERGENCY SHELTERING PROCEDURE Upon notification from the Emergency Management Office (EMO) and/or Red Cross, the following procedures will be implemented. 1. The AAA Director will notify the Nutrition Program Director, who will then notify appropriate kitchen staff to open the kitchen. 2. The Nutrition Program Director (or Assistant Director) will supervise staff for preparation of coffee, soup, sandwiches, and other foods for shelter operations. 3. The Nutrition Program Director will maintain contact with EMO in order to determine when to serve food for emergency responders. 4. The Nutrition Program Director (and Assistant Director) will assist with other shelter operations as assigned by the AAA Director and/or the County Chairman. 5. The Nutrition Program Director or Assistant Director will maintain a log of foods and disposables used, as well as a record of the number of meals provided and to whom. 6. At the conclusion of the emergency, the Nutrition Program Director will prepare necessary records for billing/reimbursement purposes and forward to appropriate agencies. 4/02 4