The core-to-core program of JSPS The first HOPE International

The core-to-core program of JSPS
The first HOPE International workshop
Evolutionary neighbors: from genes to mind
Date: March 6th 900-1230, 7th 900-1630
Place: Kyoto University Clock Tower Centenniel Hall
Host: HOPE “Primate Origins of Human Evolution” project
The Joint project of Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University (KUPRI)
and Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPIEVA)
in the collaboration with
21COE Formation of a strategic base of the multidisciplinary study of biodiversity
21COE Center of Excellence for Psychological studies
21 COE Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences at the University of Tokyo
March 6th (Saturday)
0900-0920 Opening remarks
0900-0910 Nobuo Shigehara (Director, Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University)
0910-0915 Kazio Oike (President, Kyoto University)
0915-0920 Motoyuki Oike (President, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
0920-1050 Session 1: HOPE and the Future Perspective (chaired by William McGrew)
0920-0950 Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
On HOPE project: The core-to-core program by JSPS
0950-1020 Frans de Waal (Living Links, Emory University)
On-going various studies in Living Links: Beyond the dichotomy of human and animals
1020-1050 Richard Wrangham (Department of Anthropology, Harvard University)
Kibare Forest Project: The present situation and future perspective
1050-1100 Break
1100-1230 Session 2: Language and Cognition (chaired by Kazuo Fujita)
1100-1130 Takeshi Nishimura (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Descent of the larynx in chimpanzees
1130-1200 Misato Hayashi (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Development of object manipulation in chimpanzees
1200-1230 Toyomi Matsuno (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Visual search for motion in chimpanzees
1230-1400 (Lunch break)
 Prof. Toshisada NISHIDA will have his final lecture from 1500 at Faculty of Science.
March 7th (Sunday)
0900-1100 Session 3: Comparative Cognitive Science (chaired by Masaki Tomonaga)
0900-0930 Nicholas Mulcahy (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
An alternative approach to the trap-tube problem in great apes.
0930-1000 Juliane Bräuer (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
Chimpanzees and domestic dogs can take the visual perspective of others
1000-1030 Sarah Dunphy-Lelii (Department of Psychology, University of Michigan)
Theory of Mind in chimpanzees: Insights from comparative research
1030-1100 Satoshi Hirata (Hayashibara Great Ape Research Institute)
Experimental studies of cooperation in chimpanzees
1110-1210 Session 4: Genomics (chaired by Osamu Takenaka)
1110-1140 Asao Fujiyama (National Institute of Informatics)
Recent progress in chimpanzee genomics
1140-1210 Naruya Saitoh (National Institute for Genetics)
Silver Project: Simultaneous analysis of human and ape genome sequences
1210-1320 (Lunch break)
1320-1450 Session 5: Physiology, Brain, and Fossils (chaired by Motoharu Hayashi)
1320-1350 Kazunari Ushida (Kyoto Prefectural University)
Molecular identification of vertically transmitted intestinal bacteria
1350-1420 Takao Oishi (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Use for scientific research of brains retrieved from dead chimpanzees
1420-1450 Gen Suwa (University of Tokyo)
Recent progress of the study of fossil hominids
1450-1500 break
Session 6: Field study and wildlife conservation (chaired by Juichi Yamagiwa)
1500-1530 Michael Huffman (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
From self-medicative behavior in primates to traditional medicine in humans
1530-1600 Dora Biro (Department of Zoology, Oxford University)
The death of infant chimpanzees and the care by the mothers at Bossou, Guinea
1600-1630 Elisabetta Visalberghi (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies)
Tool use in capuchins: the solution of a dilemma
1630-1700 Yuji Takenoshita (Department of Zoology, Kyoto University)
Current status of ecological research, habituation, and conservation of the great apes in the
Moukalaba- Doudou National Park, Gabon.
1700-1730 Gen Yamakoshi (Faculty of Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Chimpanzee conservation in West African rural landscapes: A case study in Bossou, Guinea.
1730 Concluding remarks
Discussant: John Mitani, Shigeo Uehara, Chie Hashimoto, Kunio Watanabe, Yoshi Kawamoto,
Takashi Kageyama, Masato Nakatsukasa