August 2009 Addendum to UW Coastal Geology team tephra report — Lobtsova Locality, northern Kunashir — J. Bourgeois and Jesse Einhorn Note: Some results of these analyses were presented following the 2006 field season. Bourgeois has attempted to compile all the raw data and to support the correlation made by Jesse Einhorn in his senior thesis project 2006-2007. These data are relevant to paleotsunami analyses. On 25 July 2006, a coastal geology team measured one profile and described four excavations [and one beach outcrop] on the Pacific coast of northern Kunashir [Figures 1 and 2] — we called this locality “Lobtsova”. The field team was J. Bourgeois, B. MacInnes, M.E. Martin, J. Einhorn, and M. Nikula-Olsen. 1994 tsunami deposit Tephra from Tyatya 1973 eruption 9-10 1m 1990 + 25 2100 + 35 Ta-c 23 Soil volc anic lastic bac kground [prim arily Tyatya c inders and ash] Tephra, ac idic Sand, undifferentiated 48 Analyzed sam ples 50 m 48 45 10 m Tsunami deposit 45 beach outcrop off profile 23 9-10 Figure 1. Summary diagram of Lobtsova profile and excavations, including radiocarbon analyses of samples [black dots], and highlighting acid tephra [red dots] chosen for Einhorn’s microprobe analysis. Tsunami deposits are shown in darker green. Ligher green sands may also be tsunami deposits, but we are less certain. Excavation 48 and the original sketch of the excavation are shown in Figure 2. See appendix for original profile and sketches. Figure 2. Left: Photograph of Excavation 48 on Lobtsova profile [see Figure 1]. Right: Fieldseason sketches of excavations 48 [left] and 45 [right], with some correlations and interpretations superimposed. Red dots on sketches indicate samples taken for potential tephra analyses, black dots for radiocarbon, and green dots for [tsunami] sand samples. All samples are archived at the University of Washington. The two samples where glass geochemistry has been analyzed are the “non-local tephra” in excavation 48 [called “Lobtsova 48”], and the orange-colored tephra at the base of excavation 45 [right] [called “Lobtsova 45”]. General background and description The soil-pyroclastic cover exposed in excavations is composed primarily of tephra from nearby Tyatya volcano, capped by a thick sequence of medium-gray ash from the 1973 eruption. Tyatya Volcano, situated in Kunashir Island at the southwestern end of Kuril Islands, is a large composite stratovolcano and one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuril arc [Nakagawa et al., 2002]. Tyatya tephra are basic [relatively low silica, 50-60%, medium-dark gray in color] in composition [Nakagawa et al., 2002]. Previously from closer to Tyatya’s flank, Nakagawa et al. [2002] reported several sicilic tephras and correlated them geochemically with Baitushan B-Tm tephra [A.D. 969, from mainland China] and younger tephras from Hokkaido, from Mashu, Tarumai and Komagatake volcanoes [Figure 3]. Figure 3. [caption is copied from Nakagawa et al., 2002]. Distributions of widespread tephras (<ca 1 Ka) from volcanoes in Hokkaido and from Baitoushan Volcano (inset). Localities identifying each tephra are shown in the figure from Tokui (1989), Machida (1996), Furukawa et al. (1997), Wada et al. (2001) and M. Nakagawa et al. (unpubl. data, 2002). Data from W Hirose (unpubl. data, 2000) and H Honma (unpubl. data, 2000) are also included. Distribution of B-Tm from Baitoushan is after Machida and Arai (1983). B-Tm (ca AD 969 •} 20) from Baitoushan– Tomakomai Volcano; Ko-c1 (AD 1856) and Ko-c2 (AD 1694) from Hokkaido–Komagatake Volcano; Ma-b (ca 1 Ka) from Mashu Volcano; and Ta-a (AD 1739) from Tarumai Volcano. At the Lobtsova site, in older excavations [48 and 45] toward the back of the coastal plain/beach-ridge complex [Figure 1], there are two thick silicic [aka acidic, light-colored] tephras relatively low in the sections. One tephra occurs in both sections [labeled “non-local tephra” on Figure 2], and the other occurs at the base of Excavation 45. For sake of shorthand, we will refer to these two tephra as “Lobtsova 48” and “Lobtsova 45,” because the analyzed samples were from those excavations, respectively. Lobtsova 45 is older than Lobtsova 48. Neither of these tephra occur in shoreward excavations 23 and 9-10, indicating that the land surface at these shoreward points is younger than the two silicic tephras of interest. We started an excavation in the low area between points 23 and 45, but ran out of time to complete and describe it. The general trend in excavations from shore to land [Figure 1 and Appendix] is for the proportion of sand and number of sand layers to decrease and the number and maximum age of tephra to increase. The sand is derived from the shoreline and may be deposited by tsunamis across the plain and by storms close to the shore. Tephra, deposited by airfall, should be more blanket-like, but the proximity to Tyatya, the main tephra source, means that tephra are more variable from excavation to excavation [e.g., see the Tyatya 1973 example, Figure 1,2 and Appendix]. Although excavations 48 and 45 are relatively close to one another, their detailed stratigraphy varies, but for the reasons already mentioned, and also likely because they are close to a steeper slope, where some material may have washed down onto the surface of those localities. The most easily correlated part of the excavations [in addition to Tyatya 1973] is a lightcolored tephra overlain by a black, organic-rich muck. Even so, the thickness and character of the light-colored tephra varies, and the space between the light-colored tephra and the black muck also varies. We are confident in our correlation of this tephra, which we refer to herein as “Lobtsova 48.” The other obviously silicic tephra in the sequence occurs only in Lobtsova 45, at the base. [need physical description of samples from Jesse, or redo] Geochemical analyses and correlation [need protocol Jesse used on JEOL microprobe at UW] Multiple glass particles were analyzed in March 2007, for major element composition on the JEOL microprobe in the Department of Earth & Space Sciences at the University of Washington. Results of those analyses are provided in Appendix Tables and summarized in plots Figure 4, 5 and 6 and 7. Results of microprobed glass of Lobtsova 48 are consistent [Appendix Table 1], whereas Lobtsova 45 showed some outliers in analyses [Appendix Table 2]. In both sets of analyses, titanium-oxide results are quite variable [see Figures 5,6]. Lobtsova 48 has a glass composition [Appendix Table 1] very similar to tephra from Tarumai volcano on Hokkaido [summarized in Nakagawa, 2002 with earlier references; also see Furukawa et al., 2006; Furukawa and Nanayama, 2006; Nanayama et al., 2007] [Figures 4-7]. Based on this chemistry, and also on the overlying radiocarbon dates of 1990 + 25 and 2100 + 35, we correlate this tephra to Tarumai Ta-c, age given in Nanayama et al. [2007] as 2500-2700 B. P. Lobtsova 45 lies below Lobtsova 48 and has no additional age control from radiocarbon or otherwise. Its glass geochemistry [Appendix Table 2] is similar to a Pleistocene tephra A-Tn from Aira volcano on South Kyushu island, used as a standard in glass geochemical analyses in Japan [Figure 5-7]. The age of this tephra A-Tn is reported to be 26-29 ka, and it is highly unlikely that Lobtsova 45 is that old — it is likely no older than 5 ka, and probably younger. Thus this tephra Lobtsova 45 remains uncorrelated with a known marker tephra. Oxide Wei ht Percent g 100.00 Major Element Composition 10.00 1.00 0.10 Kunashir tephra 0.01 Si O2 Ti O2 Al 2O 3 Fe O = Tarumai c. 2500 BP M nO M gO Ca O Na 2 O K2 O Figure 4. [from Jesse Einhorn’s powerpoint]. Major element composition of Lobtsova 48 compared to typical Tarumai tephra composition [Jesse, where is the Tarumai plot from?]. Based on stratigraphic position and radiocarbon ages [Figure 2], M. Nakagawa [e-mail communication] agrees that this tephra is likely Tarumai Ta-c, with a reported age of 2500-2700 ybp [also see Nanayama et al., 2007]. 4.00 3.50 Lobtsova48 3.00 K2O Lobtsova48b 2.50 Lobtsova45 Lobtsova45b 2.00 Tarumai Ta-a A-Tn 1.50 1.00 0.50 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 TiO2 Figure 5. Plot of TiO2 vs. K20 for analyzed Lobtsova tephras and selected marker tephras from Japan, Tarumai Ta-a [Nakagawa et al. 2002] and Aira A-Tn [Machida, 1999? Jesse, which refs?]. TiO2 vs. K20 is a common plot for correlating tephras from Japan [Figure 7; also see Nakagawa et al., KPB reports], but analyses of the Lobtsova tephras produce high variability in TiO2. Note that although we point out the similarity between Lobtsova 45 and A-Tn, we do not suggest a correlation, because A-Tn is Pleistocene, and we are quite sure that Lobtsova 45 is Holocene. We correlate Lobtsova 48 with Ta-c [Furukawa et al., 2006; Furukawa and Nanayama, 2006; no analyses plotted, but similar to Ta-a, which is much younger]. Geochemical data for plotted Lobtsova points are in Appendix Tables 1 and 2. 4 Lobtsova45 3.5 A-Tn K2O 3 Lobtsova48 Tarumai Ta-a 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 55 60 65 70 75 80 SiO2 Figure 6. Plot of SiO2 vs. K20 for Lobtsova tephras compared to Tarumai Ta-a and A-Tn [see Figure 5 for references]. Note that although we point out the similarity between Lobtsova 45 and A-Tn, we do not suggest a correlation, as A-Tn is Pleistocene, and we are quite sure that Lobtsova 45 is Holocene. Geochemical data for plotted Lobtsova points are in Appendix Tables points 45 & 48 plotted on Nanayama fig 6, showing 1 and 2. widespread Holocene tephras of northern Japan Potassium oxide (weight percent) 5 4 point 48 point 48 average 3 point 45 point 45 average 2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Titanium oxide (weight percent) Figure 7. [provided by Jesse Einhorn]. Plots of geochemical analyses of glass from Lobtsova 48 and 45 on Figure 6 from Nanayama et al. (2007), showing range of compositions of widespread Holcene marker tephra in northern Japan. The unlabeled gray zone is the reference composition of Aira tephra A-Tn Implications and further work The positive correlation of Lobtsova 48 [and the same tephra physically correlated in the adjacent excavation] extends the known distribution and isopach map of Tarumai Ta-c [Figure 8]. This marker should be very useful on the island of Kunashir, and its occurrence should extend onto Iturup to the north. The age of this tephra [c. 2500 BP, or 2500-2700] makes it useful for paleotsunami, archaeological and other studies. Our radiocarbon ages are limiting minima; their proximity above Ta-c may be useful in establishing the age of this tephra, in that we would suggest that the age may be closer to 2500 than 2700. The unknown correlation of Lobtsova 45 tephra, older than Lobtsova 48, has no implications in the short term, but clearly a correlation and mapping of this tephra would be useful, particularly if it has an age, e.g., of 3500 years, which could aid in future stratigraphic work in the region. No other obvious silicic tephra were identified in our excavations, albeit we worked quickly. Moreover the sections are very rich in Tyatya tephra, which may obscure thin silicic layers. Thus although we did not find Baitoushan B-Tm or other younger Holocene tephras expected on Kunashir [see Figure 3], they may well be present and identifiable in other and in expanded sections on northern Kunashir. The study at Lobtsova was done in one day, and clearly more work could be useful. Even on this profile, additional excavations and more time for careful description and sampling would benefit the study. However, the amount accomplished in this one day is enough to make a new correlation and also to contribute to the paleotsunami history of northern Kunashir, previously unreported [see paleotsunami report]. 8 cm TARUMAI ~2500 Figure 8. [Figure modified from Einhorn powerpoint, map from Google Earth]. The correlation of a thick silicic tephra at the Lobtsova site on northern Kunashir [red dot, 8 cm thick] with Tarumai Ta-c [about 2500 years old] [see Figure 3 for other relevant marker tephra]. References 114December 2002 368 Tyatya Volcano M. Nakagawa et al. 10.1046/j.1038-4871.2002.00368.x Research Furukawa R., Nakagawa M., Furukata C., Yoshimoto M. (2006a) Pre-historic activities of Tarumai volcano, Hokkaido, North Japan. Chikyu Monthly, 28, 302-307. [in Japanese, reference provided by M. Nakagawa] Furukawa R., Nanayama F. (2006b) Holocene pyroclastic fall deposits along the Pacific coastal region of Eastern Hokkaido. Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Japan, 51, 351-371. [in Japanese, reference provided by M. Nakagawa] Machida, H., 1996. Tephras in Marshland at Kucharo Caldera, Biruwa (HK-10). Inventory of Quaternary Outcrops-Tephras in Japan. Japan Association for Quaternary Research, Tokyo. 109 pp. (In Japanese). Machida H. & Arai F. 1983. Extensive ash falls in and around the Sea of Japan from large late Quaternary eruptions. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 18, 151–64. Machida H. & Arai F. 1992. [Atlas of Tephra in and Around Japan]. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo (in Japanese). Nakagawa, Mitsuhiro, Yoshihiro Shizuka, Takashi Kudo, Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto, Wataru Hirose, Yasuo Ishizaki, Nobuo Gouchi, Yoshio Katsui, Alexander W. Solovyow, Genrikh S. Steinberg, and Arslan I. Abdurakhmanov, 2002. Tyatya Volcano, southwestern Kuril arc: Recent eruptive activity inferred from widespread tephra: The Island Arc, v. 11, p. 236-254. Nanayama, Futoshi, Ryuta Furukawa, Kiyoyuki Shigeno, Akito Makino, Yuji Soeda, and Yaeko Igarashi, 2007. Nine unusually large tsunami deposits from the past 4000 years at Kiritappu marsh along the southern Kuril Trench: Sedimentary Geology, v. 200, p. 275–294 Appendix — Field and geochemical data Appendix Figure 1. Field-season sketches of excavations at Lobtsova. Lobtsova Point Elevation (m) 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 -4 -20 -40 Distance from shore (m) 500 480 460 440 420 400 380 360 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Appendix Figure 2. Lobtsova Profile, pink points are, from left to right, points 48, 45 and 23. The fourth excavation, between points 9 and 10, is in the low spot between 40 and 50 m from the shoreline. O on this profile is high tide mark at the back beach. Appendix Table 1: Microprobe analyses of glass from tephra at Lobtsova Point 48, depth of 122-130 cm [analyses by Jesse Einhorn, 2007 at University of Washington]. Oxide Weight Percent (5 March): Pt# Label 25 2 6 5 21 30 24 22 26 28 point 48 pt48tephra12 pt48tephra1 pt48tephra3 pt48tephra2 pt48tephra8b pt48tephra16 pt48tephra11 pt48tephra9 pt48tephra13 pt48tephra14b SiO2 78.75 76.77 76.53 76.31 76.2 75.92 75.91 74.93 74.36 73.94 TiO2 0.0921 0.5983 0 0.3223 0.2763 0.5985 0.1844 0.2759 0.3217 0 Al2O3 13.24 12.57 11.69 12.65 12.24 13.58 13.29 14.87 13.96 13.67 FeO 1.9927 1.9734 1.8832 2.1202 1.956 1.8639 1.4995 2.6834 2.9751 2.2465 MnO 0.0694 0.1561 0 0.0694 0.0174 0.0694 0.0347 0 0 0.052 MgO 0.1952 0.3673 0.3144 0.4323 0.0868 0.1963 0.2415 0.2844 0.4852 0.3866 CaO 1.9528 2.136 1.9311 2.1236 1.8223 2.0078 2.0099 2.8372 2.7573 2.5689 Na2O 2.5926 3.61 3.94 2.4865 3.31 3.33 3.77 3.5 3.04 3.67 K2O 2.3995 2.1473 2.3111 2.221 2.3346 2.4119 2.1905 2.1269 2.007 2.5289 Total 101.28 100.33 98.59 98.74 98.25 99.98 99.14 101.51 99.91 99.06 Average: 75.9620 0.2670 13.1760 2.1194 0.0468 0.2990 2.2147 3.3249 2.2679 99.6790 1.7375 2.2 1.6652 1.9252 2.0697 1.7666 1.8094 2.0693 1.5355 1.9107 1.911 2.0986 2.3012 2.1564 1.9251 1.6941 1.867 1.983 1.9827 2.1268 2.5307 2.0409 2.0409 1.8963 2.214 2.3432 2.3287 2.3574 0.1522 0.0169 0.0169 0.2029 0 0 0.0338 0.0338 0.0508 0.0507 0 0.0338 0 0 0 0.0338 0.1352 0.1352 0.0169 0.0338 0.0507 0.0169 0 0 0 0 0 0.0676 0.181 0.276 0.2909 0.2081 0.3069 0.1662 0.2461 0.2612 0.3079 0.2838 0.3292 0.2996 0.4086 0.2612 0.201 0.2119 0.2157 0.3788 0.2921 0.2848 0.3649 0.447 0.447 0.341 0.4135 0.4294 0.3722 0.4066 1.9546 2.187 1.8009 1.9834 1.7056 2.1074 2.07 2.213 2.0574 2.1074 2.1783 1.9026 2.0556 1.99 2.1996 2.042 1.9099 2.0268 2.3526 1.8792 2.5454 1.8592 1.8593 2.317 2.4617 2.3065 2.6336 2.5914 2.9788 3.06 3.34 3.34 3.45 3.12 3.66 3.16 2.6305 3.36 3.33 3.57 3.04 3.18 3.39 3.69 3.28 3.5 3.61 3.42 3.46 3.58 3.58 3.53 3.6 3.6 3.48 3.51 2.2164 2.183 2.1923 2.1442 2.2158 2.1756 2.1828 2.0052 2.0414 2.3745 1.8632 2.1755 2.1034 2.2548 2.1571 2.0883 2.3983 2.0639 2.093 2.4204 1.8117 2.1042 2.1043 2.046 1.846 1.8844 1.931 2.1546 99.14 99.6 99.14 99.08 98.92 98.08 99.66 99.64 97.94 98.76 98.51 98.39 98 98.31 98.11 98.42 98.5 97.97 98.95 98.17 99.99 98.08 98.06 98.18 98.44 98.03 98.4 98.24 Oxide Weight Percent (7 March): 34 2 3 32 12 15 31 38 39 37 41 6 16 13 14 29 28 27 10 7 35 25 24 18 22 23 20 36 122-130 cm pt48tephra30c pt48tephra18b pt48tephra18c pt48tephra30 pt48tephra23 pt48tephra24 pt48tephra29 pt48tephra32b pt48tephra32c pt48tephra32 pt48tephra33b pt48tephra20 pt48tephra24b pt48tephra23b pt48tephra23c pt48tephra28b pt48tephra28 pt48tephra27c pt48tephra22b pt48tephra20b pt48tephra31 pt48tephra27 pt48tephra27 pt48tephra25 pt48tephra26b pt48tephra26c pt48tephra25c pt48tephra31b Average (7 Mar): point 48 averages point 48 76.86 76.84 76.57 76.57 76.38 76.12 76.02 76.02 75.93 75.83 75.82 75.81 75.76 75.75 75.59 75.56 75.5 75.32 75.24 75.23 75.18 75.13 75.13 74.98 74.51 73.58 73.42 73.41 0.2704 0.1352 0.5859 0.0451 0.4954 0.4057 0.3605 0.7655 0.2255 0.2253 0.4506 0.2252 0.1351 0.3153 0.7659 0.1352 0.4505 0 0.4505 0.8103 0.4949 0.0901 0.0901 0.3605 0.045 0.495 0.4501 0.2251 122-130 cm 12.79 12.71 12.67 12.66 12.3 12.22 13.28 13.12 13.16 12.62 12.63 12.27 12.2 12.4 11.89 12.97 12.75 12.56 12.92 11.97 13.56 12.8 12.8 12.7 13.36 13.39 13.78 13.52 75.50214 0.339425 12.78571 2.017396 0.038639 0.308307 2.117764 3.373189 2.115404 98.59679 75.6232 0.3478 0.208562 12.8884 2.0442 0.0408 0.3059 2.1433 3.3605 2.1430 0.159573 98.8816 Appendix Table 2: Microprobe analyses of glass from tephra at Lobtsova Point 45, depth of 164-178 cm [analyses by Jesse Einhorn, 2007 at University of Washington]. Oxide Weight Percent: 10 March Noraml Analyses: Pt# labels 1 pt45tephra3 2 pt45tephra3b 3 pt45tephra3c 6 pt45tephra5 7 pt45tephra5b 8 pt45tephra6 11 pt45tephra8b 12 pt45tephra9 14 pt45tephra9c 19 pt45tephra11b averages: combined average std dev point 45 164-178 cm SiO2 78.05 78.91 78.1 77.29 78.3 76.62 77.57 76.81 76.75 77.95 TiO2 0 0 0 0.1391 0 0 0.1391 0.1391 0.2318 0 Al2O3 12.15 12.55 12.26 12.41 12.11 12.25 12.21 12.21 12.13 12.4 FeO 0.8467 1.2472 1.1584 1.0246 1.1285 0.8911 1.0839 0.98 1.0839 0.9654 MnO 0.1951 0.1596 0.0887 0.1241 0.1773 0.1951 0.195 0.1419 0.0887 0.1241 MgO 0.1215 0.2275 0.1254 0.1636 0.1448 0.2509 0.2317 0.1942 0.2093 0.2056 CaO 0.9195 1.1691 1.0366 1.2568 1.1247 1.191 1.1614 1.2937 1.0806 1.1468 Na2O 3.65 3.11 3.48 3.71 3.85 3.71 3.33 3.8 3.62 3.99 K2O 3.44 3.53 3.18 3.35 3.35 3.27 3.46 3.47 3.52 3.2 Total 99.37 100.9 99.43 99.47 100.19 98.37 99.39 99.04 98.72 99.98 77.64 0.06 0.08 0.093492 12.27 1.04 0.15 0.19 1.14 3.63 3.38 3.38 0.111128 99.49 Al2O3 12.3 12.29 13.31 12.46 FeO 1.306 1.2623 1.0985 1.1433 MnO 0.3899 0.1064 0.195 0.0887 MgO 0.2784 0.1056 0.1634 0.1293 CaO 1.1238 1.3526 1.0288 1.2057 Na2O 3.77 2.0897 3.5 3.5 K2O 3.31 3.41 3.44 3.45 Total 100.65 98.89 100.03 98.33 These anaylses have anomalous points Pt# labels SiO2 TiO2 10 pt45tephra8 78.17 0 13 pt45tephra9b 78.04 0.2319 18 pt45tephra11 77.1 0.1854 20 pt45tephra12 76.3 0.0464