Crop References: [planning for 3 years] 1. Strawberries (Earliglow): a. Plant lifespan – 3 – 5 years (1) b. Replacing plants – Plant sends out new plants every year can renew and dig out old plants (1) c. Beds Required (25’ x 4’): 2 - 3 d. 1 qt = 1 ½ lb e. 1 serving = 6 strawberries (wt 2oz). [baseline; depends on person] f. Harvest Late May to Jun 30 @ 1.5 qt (2.25 lb) per plant g. 2 oz (wt) x 5 people = 10 oz h. 10 oz x 2 servings per week = 20oz i. 20 oz x 52 weeks = 1040 oz j. 1040 oz/16 oz (per lb) = 65 lb needed k. 65 lb @ 2.25 lb/plant = 29 plants l. Current production 44 lb/ 15 lb freeze in approx 64 sq. ft m. Goal to freeze 40 lb (eating fresh another 20 – 30 lb) 2. Broccoli a. Plant lifespan: annually replanted b. Seeds: avg. 8,100 seeds/oz or 290 seeds/gm (4) c. Minimum germination % = 75% (4) d. Spacing: 18 – 24” in-row and 30” between rows (2) e. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 24 inches between and 48 inches between rows (3) f. Relative life of seeds: 3 yr (can make all seeds 10 yr if stored correctly) (4) g. Plant Need: 59 plants needed. 2 rows per 25’ bed 30” apart. h. Seed Need: Approx 100 seeds/yr for 3 yr = approx 300 seeds or 1 gm i. Beds Required (25’ x 4’): 2 – 3 j. 1 serving = 5 florets (wt 3 oz) [baseline; depends on person] k. 3 oz (wt) x 5 people = 15 oz l. 15 oz x 1 serving per week = 15 oz m. 15 oz x 52 weeks = 780 oz n. 780 oz / 16oz (per lb) = 49 lb o. Ref: 12 plants in 25 ft = 10 lb production or 0.83 lb/plant (2) p. 49 lb / .83 lb (per plant) = 59 plants q. 59 plants to x sq. ft is to 12 plants to 25 sq. ft = 122 sq ft needed r. Current production: 11 plants = 9 lb or 0.81 lb/ plant 3. Beans, string (green) a. Plant lifespan: annually replanted b. Seeds: avg 100 seeds/oz or 4 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 70% d. Relative Life of seeds: 3 years e. Spacing: 3 – 4” in row and 18 – 24” between rows (2) 1 f. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: Bush: 12 inches in-row and 18 inches between rows; Pole 12 inches in row and 24 inches between rows. (3) g. Relative Life of Seeds: 3 yr (4) h. Beds Required: 2 rows 18 – 24 inches apart per bed (tot 50 ft each bed). 138 row feet/50 = 2 ½ beds i. 1 serving = ½ cup (wt 2 oz) j. 2 oz wt x 5 people = 10 oz k. 10 oz x 2 servings per week = 20 oz l. 20 oz x 52 weeks = 1040 oz m. 1040 oz/16 oz (per lb) = 65 lb needed n. Ref: 1/8 lb seed = 15 ft row = 7 lb production o. 0.47 lb/ft row = 65 lb/.47 = 138 row feet needed p. Seed Need: 1/8 lb seed for 15 ft ; 138 row feet/15 ft per 1/8 lb seed = 9.2 x 1/8 lb seed. Seed needed = 1 1/8 lb seed needed. (when planning to thin) x 3 years = 3 3/8 lb q. Current production: 3 rows approx 40 ft = 120 ft = 20 lb [pretty poor in new soil]. Did much better in wide rows in old garden area. 4. Beans, shelling 5. Peas a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. Plant lifespan: annual replanting Seeds: 200 seeds/oz or 7 seeds/gm Minimum germination % = 80% Relative life of seeds: 3 years Spacing: 2– 3” in-row and 12 - 18” between rows (2) Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: Bush: 2 inches between and 18 inches between rows Climbing: 6” in row and 24” between rows(3) 1 serving = ½ cup (wt 2 ¼ oz) 2 ¼ oz x 5 people = 11 ¼ oz 11 ¼ oz x 1 serving every other week = 11 ¼ oz 11 ¼ oz x 26 weeks = 292 oz 292 oz / 16 oz per lb = 18.25 lb Ref 1 lb seed per 100 ft row = 28 lb Seed Need: Approx 20 lbs peas = 0.71 lb seed/yr x 3 = 2.13 lb Beds Needed (25ft x 4 ft): 2 beds each with 3 rows 12” apart Current production: 3, 25 ft rows = eating fresh only. Need to increase production. 6. Peppers, sweet a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 4500 seeds/oz or 160 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 55% d. Relative life of seeds: 2 years 2 e. Spacing: 14 – 18” in-row and 24 - 30” between rows (2) f. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 24 inches between and 24 inches between rows (3) g. 1 serving = ½ cup (wt 2 oz) h. 2 oz x 5 people = 10 oz i. 10 oz x 1 serving per week = 10 oz j. 10 oz x 52 weeks = 520 oz k. 520 oz/16 oz per lb = 32.5 lb l. Ref: 6 plants in 10 ft row = 6 lb m. 32.5 lb/ 6 lb per 6 plants = 5.41 sets of 6 plants n. 6 plants x 5.41 sets of 6 plants = 33 plants o. Seed Need: 2 seeds/pot (55% germ rate); 70 seeds/yr x 3 = 210 seeds p. Beds Needed (25’ x 4’): 1 bed, 2 rows 24” apart q. Current Production: 10 plants with 7 lb (some big some hot peppers) 7. Tomatoes; Slicing; Primarily paste (for sauce) a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 10,000seeds/oz or 360 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 75% d. Relative life of seeds: 4 years e. Spacing: 24 - 36” in-row and 36 - 48” between rows (2) f. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: Determinate: 36 inches between and 48 inches between rows Indeterminate: 48” in row and 48” between rows(3) g. 1 serving = 1 roma tomato h. Used for sauces mainly i. Ref: 10 plants per 40 ft row = 3 bushel j. Ref: 56lb per bushel k. 3 bushel x 56 = 168lb from 10 plants or 16.8 lb/plant l. Usage: 2009 688 lb; 2008 541 lb m. Current Production: 66 plants for 810 lb or 12.27 lb/ plant [some planted later and not many harvested due to mostly green when frosted; many lost due to rodent damage and some rotting but otherwise great] n. Need 688 lb current production 12.27 lb/plant. o. 688 total lbs /12.27 lbs per plant = 56 plants needed to meet need. p. 56 total plants / 10 plants per 40 ft row = 5.6 sets of 40 ft q. 5.6 sets of 40 ft x 40 ft = total of 224 ft r. Seed Need: 2 seeds/pot (75% germ rate) x 56 plants = 112 seeds/yr x 3 = 336 seeds (plus backup if have problems etc.) s. Beds Needed (25’ x 4’): 2 rows 36” apart per bed; need 3 beds 8. Potatoes: a. 1 serving = 1/3 (5.3 oz) to ½ lb(8 oz) [and ¼ cup /person for gravy]. b. Spacing: 10 – 12” in-row and 24 - 36” between rows (2) c. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 8 -12 inches between and 48 inches between rows(3) 3 d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 8 oz x 5 people = 40 oz 40 oz x 2 servings per week = 80 oz 80 oz x 52 weeks = 4160 oz 4160 oz / 16 oz/lb = 260 lb Ref: 5 lb seed plants 50 ft row for yield of 50 lb Ref: 60 lbs per bushel Current Production: 2009 poor yield/ late sown, new ground (very hard compact clay hard to break into it to form tubers) used long sprouted potatoes from 08 as most of seed. 60 lb in 63 plants or 1.32 lb/plant ; use 2008 production figures of 3.1 lb/ plant for calc. k. Need 260 lb minimum [4.33 bu]. 260 lb/3.1 lb per plant = 84 plants l. Seed Need: 260 lb needed /50 lb per 5 lb seed = 5.2 sets of 5 lb or 26 lb of seed. [approx $58 + ship for 25 lb seed from Woodprairie Farm] m. Beds needed (25’ x 4’): 2 rows 24” apart per bed (need 250 ft) = 5 beds 9. Carrots: a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 22,000seeds/oz or 790 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 55% d. Relative life of seeds: 3 years e. Spacing: 1– 2” in-row and 18 - 24” between rows (2) f. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 1 -2 inches between and 18 inches between rows(3) g. 1 serving = 10 baby carrots (4 oz wt) h. 4 oz x 5 people = 20 oz i. 20 oz x 2 servings per week = 40 oz j. 40 oz x 52 weeks = 2080 oz k. 2080 oz / 16 oz/lb = 130 lb l. Ref: ½ pkt of seed = 15 ft row yield of 15 lb or 1 lb/ft m. Current Production: 3 rows of 22ft = 40 lb; total 66 ft; or .67 lb/ ft (a bunch eaten by rodents/ few eaten by root fly but good production generally). n. 130 lb needed/ .67 lb per ft = 194 ft o. 130 lb/15 lb per ½ pkt of seed = 8.67 sets of ½ pkt or 6 pkts of seed. p. 650 – 750 seeds per gram; = 1 packet (territorial) = $2.95 q. Seed Needed: 6 pkt of seed (6 gm) = 3900 – 4500 seeds r. Beds Needed (25’ x 4’): 3 rows 18” apart per bed x 3 beds s. Ref: 6 gm = .21 oz 10. Onions (transplants): a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 8500 seeds/oz or 400 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 70% d. Relative life of seeds: 1 year e. Spacing: 2– 3” in-row and 12 - 18” between rows (2) 4 f. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 3 - 4 inches between and 18 inches between rows(3) g. Use for cooking and canning recipes h. Ref: 120 transplants in 30 ft row yields 25 lb i. Current Production: 1 bunch onion transplants (50 – 75 plants) = 14.2 lb; Used up in Jul – Sep; Need to x 4 production. (57 lb) j. Need 16 lb for 70 qt tomato sauce and 13 lb for 42 pints salsa. = additional 29# = Grand total of 86 lb k. 86 lb/25 lb for each 120 transplants = 3.44 sets of 120 transplants. l. 3.44 sets x 120 transplants = 413 transplants total needed. m. From Territorial total 413 plants / 50 plant min sets = 8 - 9 sets of 50 – 75 needed (or start from seed in Jan). or 120 – 140 ft n. Seed Needed: 413 transplants needed with 70% germ rate; start 500 seeds/yr x 3 = 1500 seeds. = .2oz or 4gm o. Beds Needed (25’x 4’): 3 rows, 18” apart per bed x 2 beds. p. 2009 have also multiplier onions 1 lb Fall 2009 will see production from these as well in 2010. Best production from fall planted; reserve some for spring to be sure don’t freeze out and lose variety. 11. Garlic: a. Spacing: 3” in-row and 12 - 18” between rows (2) b. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 6 inches between and 24 inches between rows(3) c. Use for cooking and canning recipes d. Ref; 4 cloves yields 4 bulbs e. Ref: Hardneck garlic: 5 – 10 cloves per head; 40 – 65 cloves/ lb f. Need 8 bulbs for tomato sauce and 2 bulbs for salsa (total 10 bulbs) g. Need to reserve seed for following year (min 130 cloves or approx 16 lg heads); Plant largest cloves. h. Seed Needed: 130 cloves (avg 8 – 10 / bulb = 13 bulbs). [choose biggest/best]. 4 cloves/ft = 32.5 ft i. Beds Needed: short side ways rows: 8/row with 24’ between x 12 rows = 96 bulbs x 1.4 beds = 130 bulbs j. Current Production: 65 cloves = 65 bulbs; 12 lb 2 ½ oz; 1/3 reserved as seed to increase production. Need 2 – 3 x production or 130 - 195 cloves. New German hardy variety also 3 bulbs purchased fall 2009. 12. Squash, winter: a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 300 seeds/oz or 10 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 75% d. Relative life of seeds: 4 years e. Spacing (of hills): 48 - 60” in-row and 60 - 72” between rows (2) f. Spacing (of hills) per Solomon: 60 - 72 inches between and 96 inches between rows(3) g. Serving Size 1/2 cup cooked/mashed (1/2 lb peeled) 5 h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. Wt. 2.2 lb (acorn) 8 oz x 5 people = 40 oz 40 oz x 1 serving every other week (26 weeks) = 1040 oz 1040 oz/ 16 oz/ lb = 65 lb Acorn (most people’s favorite) Butternut Ref: 1 pkt of seeds = 4 hills = 10 fruits 10 fruits / 4 hills = 2.1 fruits/ hill 10 fruits x 2.2 lb = 22 lb 65 lb/ 22 lb per set of 10 fruits = 3 sets of 10 or 30 fruits. Seed needs: 3 pkt of seeds = 12 hills = 30 fruits Beds Needed: 1 bed Current Production: 12 hills = 13. Squash, summer a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 300 seeds/oz or 10 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 75% d. Relative life of seeds: 4 years e. Spacing (of hills): 36 - 48” in-row and 36 - 48” between rows (2) f. Spacing Semi-intensive (of hills) per Solomon: 48 inches between and 48 inches between rows(3) g. Serving Size ½ cup cooked or uncooked h. Type: Black beauty Zucchini i. Type: Spaghetti j. Seed Needs: k. Bed Needs: share with other squash bed 14. Raspberry – From Raeann a. Plant Lifespan: 10 years; if suckers are allowed to come up dig out oldest looking wood in Feb and will last indefinitely. b. 1 serving = ½ cup (2 oz wt) c. Harvest July – Aug ( 1 ½ to 2 months production) d. 1 ½ - 2 qt per plant at maturity (2 – 3 yr) e. 2 oz x 5 people = 10 oz f. 10 oz x 2 servings per week = 20 oz g. 20 oz x 52 weeks = 1040 oz h. 1040 oz/ 16 oz/ lb = 65 lb need [Freeze 40 lb eat 20 lb fresh] i. Ref: 2 ¼ lb per plant at maturity (mature at 2 – 3 years) j. 2pints/ 4 cups = 1 pie k. 1 ½ cups fresh = 10 oz pkg frozen l. 12 plants = 27 lb at maturity. m. 65 lb/ 2.25 lb per plant at maturity = 29 plants n. Current Production Current bed with 12 plants that expanded to fill 4 x 20 ft bed. 2010 should have 2 year maturity of original 12 plants. (27 lb). eating fresh only ; early in maturity. Eager to see production in 2010. 6 o. Order New dark raspberries and ever-bearing raspberries in 2010.; Total 3 beds of 4 ft by 20 ft. (have one now). With 12 in each = 36 plants (grow new plants each year as well. p. Goal of minimum of 40 lb frozen or dehydrated or a combination of both. 15. Blueberries [Herbert; Blueray] a. Plant lifespan 25 – 30 years; as long as 40 years. After 3 years prune out oldest and thickest branches/wood. (1) b. Starts Bearing in 1 – 2 years c. 1 serving = ½ cup (2 oz wt) d. High blueberry bushes 4 – 6 qt at maturity (6 – 8 years) [Planted 2009] e. Herbert: Harvest Late June to Mid July f. Blueray: Harvest Mid-July to Mid- Aug g. 2 oz x 5 people = 10 oz h. 10 oz x 2 servings per week = 20 oz i. 20 oz x 52 weeks = 1040 oz j. 1040 oz/ 16 oz/ lb = 65 lb need [40 lb frozen eat 25 lb fresh] k. Ref: High bush varieties 4 – 6 qt at maturity. 1 qt = 1.5 lb (6 0- 9 lb) l. Have 10 bushes x 6 lb = 60 lb m. Current Preserving: u-pick 25 lb; froze 18.5 lb n. Goal of minimum of 40 lb frozen or dehydrated or a combination of both. 16. Corn, sweet a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 140 seeds/oz or 5 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 75% d. Relative life of seeds: 2 years e. Spacing: 10 - 12” in-row and 30 - 36” between rows (2) f. Spacing per Solomon: 10 - 12 inches between and 30-36 inches between rows(3) g. Serving size 1 ear or ½ cup (2 ¼ oz wt) h. 2.25 oz x 5 people = 11.25 oz [5 ears] i. 11.25 oz x 1 serving every other week = 11.25 oz [5 ears] j. 11.25 oz [ 5 ears] x 26 weeks = 292 oz [130 ears] k. 292 oz / 16 oz/ lb = 18.5 lb l. Ref: ¼ lb seed = 2 rows 25 ft = 40 ears of corn m. 130 ears/ 40 ears per 50 ft row = 3.25 sets of 50 ft row n. 3.25 x 50 ft = 162.5 ft. o. ¼ lb seed x 3.25 sets = 1 lb seed needed. 17. Popcorn 7 18. Pears a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. Plant lifespan: 100 years (semi-dwarf and standard) Serving size 1 pear Pear semi-dwarf trees produce ½ - ¾ bushel per year. 1 Bu = 56 lb; .5 bu x 56 lb/bu = 28 lb; .75 bu x 56 lb/bu = 42 lb Average 6oz per pear Production average 28 lb x 16 oz/ lb = 448 oz. 448 oz/6oz per pear = 75 pears. Beurre D’Anjou: Ripens Late September; Stores 70-80 days [Oct; Nov] Hosui Dwarf Asian: Ripens July-Sep; Stores 28 – 42 days [Sep; Oct] 1 pear x 5 people = 5 pears 5 pears x 1 serving 1 x week = 5 pears 5 pears x 52 weeks 260 pears Avg wt hosui pear 400g (5.29 oz) D’anjou 150 – 180 gm (14 oz) Current Production: 2009 Hosui pear (15 pears) D’Anjou (1 pear) Many blossoms; D’Anjou was stressed will work on nutrition 09 and 2010. 19. Apples a. Plant lifespan: 50 years, can be longer (1) b. Serving Size 1 apple c. Per semi-dwarf apple tree 5 bu/year (210 lb @ 42 lb/bu) d. Mac Free: Harvest Sep-Oct Keeps 2 – 4 mo [Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan]; Good eating , pie, salad, sauce e. Fuji: Harvest Mid-late Oct; Keeps 4 – 5 mo [Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar]; Good eating, pie, salad, sauce. f. Tompkins County King: Harvest Sep- Early October; Keeps 1 – 3 mos; [Oct, Nov, Dec] Good eating, sauce, salads g. Northern Spy: Harvest Late Oct – Dec; Keeps 4 – 5 mos [ Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb]; Good for Pies, salads and sauce. h. Total Potential Yield: 5 bu x 4 trees = 20 bu or 42 lb/ bu x 20 = 840 lb. i. 1 apple x 5 people = 5 apples j. 5 apples x 1 serving per week = 5 apples k. 5 apples x 52 weeks = 260 apples l. 8 – 12 bushels per average tree (semi – dwarf) at maturity m. Thin each cluster of fruits to two per cluster with sharp pointed scissors after Fuji's pink-white blossoms fall and the fruit is visible. This will keep the fruit from crowding when it fully matures. n. Fuji harvest when seeds turn from white to brown o. Prune your trees in late fall to winter to establish tree growth in the early years. The pruning in the first 2 to 3 years should focus on developing a strong framework. Prune the subsequent years in late summer to encourage fruit buds. 8 20. Applesauce: a. 1 serving = 4 oz b. 4 oz serving x 5 people = 20 oz c. 32 oz per qt d. 20 oz x 1 serving / week = 20 oz week e. 20 oz x 52 weeks = 1040 oz f. 1040 oz/ 32 oz/qt = 33 qt g. 1 bu apples does approx 20 qt sauce h. Current Production: Plan on doing 20 qt sauce. [did 12 ½ qt]. 21. Sweet Potatoes a. Spacing: 12 - 18” in-row and 36” between rows (2) b. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 15 inches between and 48 inches between rows(3) c. 1 serving ¼ - ½ potato d. ¼ potato x 5 = 1 ¼ potato e. 1 ¼ potatoes x 1 serving/ week = 1 ¼ potatoes f. Average yield per sweet potato vine = 22. Asparagus: a. 4 lbs approx production for 16 ft row (8’ x 2) 23. Peaches a. Plant Lifespan: 10 years 24. Cherries a. Plant Lifespan: 20- 25 years 25. Pecans (Northern Hardy) a. Plant lifespan: 100+ years b. Begins bearing at approx 10 years. c. Up to Ht of 80 ft x 40 ft wide. 26. Paw Paw (native to MI tastes like banana cream). a. Plant lifespan: 30 – 80 years b. Bears in 2 – 3 years 27. Salad Greens (leaf lettuce/head lettuce /mixed a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 26,000seeds/oz or 930 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 80% d. Relative life of seeds: 1 year 9 e. Spacing: Leaf: 6” in-row and 12 - 18” between rows Head: 8 – 15” in row and 18 – 24” between rows (2) f. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: Leaf: 10 inches between and 18 inches between rows. Head: 12 inches between and 18 inches between rows(3) g. Ref: 5 ft row of 1 pkt seed = 2 ½ lb lettuce (re seed every week till June) h. Seed Need: 28. Arugula 29. Eggplant a. b. c. d. e. f. Plant lifespan: annual replanting Seeds: 7200 seeds/oz or 260 seeds/gm Minimum germination % = 60% Relative life of seeds: 4 years Spacing: 24 – 30” in-row and 24 - 30” between rows (2) Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 36 inches between and 24 inches between rows(3) g. Used around potatoes to draw bugs away from potatoes. 4 – 8 plants per year. h. Seed need: 2 seeds per pot x 8 plants = 16 seeds x 3 yr = 48 seeds; ½ gm ok i. Beds needed: 30. Spinach a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 2900 seeds/oz or 100 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 60% d. Relative life of seeds: 3 years e. Spacing: 3– 6” in-row and 12 - 18” between rows (2) f. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 3 inches between and 18 inches between rows(3) g. Ref: 10 ft = 5 lb spinach h. Current Production: 12 ft row i. Seed Needed j. Beds Needed: 31. Kale a. b. c. d. e. f. Plant lifespan: annual replanting Seeds: 10,000 seeds/oz or 360 seeds/gm Minimum germination % = 75% Relative life of seeds: 4 years Spacing: 8– 15” in-row and 18 - 24” between rows (2) Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 24 inches between and 24 inches between rows(3) 10 g. Seed Need: 4 – 6 plants per year x 3 @ 2 seeds/pot = 36 seeds for 3 years. h. Beds Needs [ stick on end somewhere] i. Current Production: 4 plants for eating throughout summer. 32. Cucumber a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 1,100 seeds/oz or 40 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 80% d. Relative life of seeds: 5 years e. Spacing: 12” in-row and 48 - 72” between rows (2) f. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 36 inches between and 48 inches between rows(3) g. Dill Pickle recipe: 30 – 36 cucumbers ( 3 – 4’) = 6 pints [8 pt/gal] h. Approx 4 oz per cucumber x 36 = 144 oz / 16 = 9 lb = .6lb/pt or 1.2 lb/qt i. 1 bushel = 48 lb net 16 – 24 qt pickles = 1 lb/qt j. Ref: 1/2pkt seed / 10 ft row = 6 lbs = 5 qts pickles k. Seed needs; ½ - 1 pkt l. Beds Needed: 33. Watermelon a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 300 seeds/oz or 10 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 70% d. Relative life of seeds: 4 years e. Spacing: 72 - 96” in-row and 72 - 96” between rows (2) f. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 48 inches between and 48 inches between rows(3) g. Seed needs: h. Bed Needs: 34. Muskmelon/Cantaloupe a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 1,100 seeds/oz or 40 seeds/gm c. Minimum germination % = 75% d. Relative life of seeds: 5 years e. Spacing: 36 - 48” in-row and 48 - 60” between rows (2) f. Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: 48 inches between and 48 inches between rows(3) g. Seed Needs: h. Bed Needs: 35. Cabbage (for sauerkraut) a. Plant lifespan: annual replanting b. Seeds: 7,700 seeds/oz or 280 seeds/gm 11 c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. Minimum germination % = 75% Relative life of seeds: 4 years Spacing: 18– 24” in-row and 24 - 30” between rows (2) Spacing Semi-intensive per Solomon: Early Cabbage: 16 inches between and 24 inches between rows. Late Cabbage: 24 inches between and 30 inches between rows.(3) 40 lb kraut in 5 gal container (crocks up to 20 gal can be found) From each 5 gal container = approx 16 qt sauerkraut 1 lb pickling salt with 40 lb cabbage 40 lb cabbage is less 15% processing loss. If do 40 lb kraut (2 2.5 gal crocks) with 15% loss total lbs 40 lb x 1.15 = 46 lbs prior to processing. 71 lb/130 sq ft approx 46 lb to x sq ft = 71 lb to 130 sq ft = 46 x 130 = 71x = 84 sq ft Seed Needs: Late Flat Dutch: Avg head is 8 lb ( veg seed desc) [46 lb/8 lb per head = 6 [48 lb] so 6 heads needed. 1 bed = 32 plants or 256lb. Bed Needs: 50 sq ft is 1 bed with 2 rows 24” apart.[32 plants]. We only need about 6 – 10 plants; so only 1/3 of bed would be fine. 36. Ground Cherries References 1. Miller Nurseries (source of crop) Discussion with service personnel. 1–800–8369630. 5060 West Lake Road, Canandaigua, New York, 14424-8904 2. Michigan State University extension office tables (from extension office in Hastings). Vegetable Planting Chart. 3. Gardening when it counts. Steve Solomon. New society Publishers (2006) pp 148 – 149. 4. Colorado State University Extension: Storing Vegetable and Flower seeds. 5. [seed reference to size of head/wt for cabbage]. 12