Usage of this form is not approved for other program offices. OMB Approval No. 0648-0384 Expiration Date: 3/31/2013 Format for Project Final Report I. Report Title: Restoration within He‘eia Ahupua‘a: Effects on species diversity and water quality A. Authors: Florence Thomas, Judy Lemus, Kimberly Peyton B. Organization: University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, C. Grant Number: NA09NOS4260242 D. Date: 1 September 2010 to 31 August 2011. II. Executive Summary Pollutants are a primary concern affecting the health of nearshore habitats in Hawaii. Invasive species are a form of biological pollution which act as agents of change in coastal systems. In particular, the shifts in species composition associated with invasions can influence water quality in wetlands, waterways and the coastal ocean habitats. As a biologically rich tropical estuary, Kāne‘ohe Bay is an exceptional ecosystem with extensive coral reefs, inland fresh- and brackish water ponds and streams fringed by expansive wetlands. Regrettably both wetlands and coral reefs have been severely degraded by invasive species. KĀKO‘O ‘ŌIWI has spearheaded a grassroots effort to restore the He‘eia ahupua‘a by shifting vegetation and fish assemblages away from invasive dominated systems. We supported the efforts of KĀKO‘O ‘ŌIWI by investigating how the functions of the wetlands and associated ponds changed as the ecosystem transitions from an invasive species dominated to a restored habitat. Our work examined how restoration efforts affected three primary functions of coastal wetlands: the transport of nutrients, sediments, and water through the system. Additionally, we documented changes in species diversity and wildlife habitat, two other primary wetland functions. III. Purpose A. Overarching goal(s) of the project: Collect baseline data to evaluate whether degraded habitats characterized by invasive species or restored native and traditional agricultural habitats are better at reducing terrestrial runoff into downstream coastal habitats. B. Management problem addressed: Understanding how restoration of freshwater coastal systems upstream can affect downstream processes on coral reefs. Changes upstream can affect the reefs and this study provided valuable baseline data on how upstream restoration will translate to coral reef health. C. Objectives of the project. Objective #1: Collect baseline data by documenting the species occurring the He‘eia inland freshand brackish water ponds and wetlands. Objective #2: Trace biological responses before and during the shifts from an invasive species dominated system to one under restoration. Objective #3: Record chemical and physical responses before and during the shifts from an invasive species dominated system to one under restoration. Objective #4: Train interns and community volunteers to monitor and maintain their restoration efforts. IV. Approach A. Detailed description of the work that was performed. Objective #1: Collect baseline data by documenting the species occurring the He‘eia inland freshand brackish water ponds and wetlands. Species lists of vascular plants, fish and macroalgae were developed from surveys conducted from October 2010 to June 2011. Each of the four extant open water ponds was surveyed twice to account for any seasonal differences. Additionally, kalo loi were surveyed as both the areas that had been restored to taro within the past two years and new loi that were opened up during the coarse of this project. All observed wetland vascular plants were identified to species using the Hawai`i Wetland Field Guide: An Ecological and Identification Guide to Wetlands and Wetland Plants of the Hawaiian Islands (Erickson and Puttock (2006)). Fish were sampled using a variety of techniques including traps, hook and line, case net and siene net. Fish were determined to the lowest taxonomic unit possible (because of hybridization of introduced species) using multiple sources. Objective #2: Trace biological responses before and during the shifts from an invasive species dominated system to one under restoration. Maps of vegetative canopy types along open water margins were created using a GPS set on tracking mode. The GPS recorded a position every minute and waypoints were recorded to mark changes in dominant vegetation. ArcGIS software was used to generate maps that projected open water area traces along with dominant vegetation on to base imaginary (aerial) from USGS. This approach was to compare open water area during this funding with historic photographs and to compare vegetation changes before and immediately following a storm event in June 2011. Additional data collected included: water depth habit of dominant species: fully submergent, partially submergent or entirely emergent and rooted, floating mat or free floating dominant species canopy height: above water and below water other species present in the dominant canopy Objective #3: Record chemical and physical responses before and during the shifts from an invasive species dominated system to one under restoration. Coastal ponds To compare water quality associated with dominant vegetation types two YSI 600XLM sondes were used. One sonde was dedicated as the control and positioned at fixed site located in the center of a pond with no emergent or submergent vegetation nearby. A second sonde was deployed for four days each in four different vegetation canopies: Job’s tears grass (Coix lachryma), Neke fern (Cyclosorus interruptus), California grass (Urochloa mutica) and Aka akia sedge (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani). Sondes recorded temperature, salinity, water level, oxygen and pH every ten minutes. Three replicate time periods were used. Additionally, water samples were collected at four discrete depths (10, 25, 50 75 cm) within each canopy and the control site. A set of water samples was sent to University of Washington Oceanography Technical Services for nutrient sample analyses using a Technicon Auto Analyzer II (AAII) for PO4, Si(OH)4, NO3, NO2 and NH4. A second set of water samples was filtered through preweighed and precombusted 47 mm Glass microfiber filters (Whatman GF/F Catalog Number: 1825-047) to measure the amount of particles suspended in the water column. Water volume was adjusted per sample so that it yielded between 2.5 to 200 mg of dried sample. Filters were dried at 60ºC to constant weight and weighed to obtain total weight. Next filters were combusted at 550ºC for 4 hours and weighted to obtain weight of inorganic matter. By subtracting weight of inorganic matter from total weight the weight of organic matter was determined. Taro loi. To estimate how restoration efforts can affect the transport of nutrients during storm events through the taro loi water samples were taken at four locations: stream enter, loi enter, loi exit and stream exit. Varying amounts of water from a stream (at discretion of the farm manager) are diverted into a taro loi that was recently restored (covered in California grass 2 years ago). The sampling strategy followed water movement patterns currently being practiced by the farm manager as follows: water is feed (stream enter) into the loi through pipes (loi enter) and eventually exits the loi via earthen ditches (loi exit) back into the stream (stream exit). A 25-year storm event (flash flood) occurred 4-5 June 2011. Water samples were taken on 3 June (pre-storm), 5 June (storm), 7-12 June and 30 June (post-storm) and sent to University of Washington Oceanography Technical Services for nutrient sample analyses using a Technicon Auto Analyzer II (AAII) for PO4, Si(OH)4, NO3, NO2 and NH4. Sondes were also deployed in taro loi. Objective #4: Train interns and community volunteers to monitor and maintain their restoration efforts. Dr. Lemus met regularly with Kako‘o ‘Oiwi outreach staff to discuss educational applications of the monitoring techniques that were being developed by Drs. Peyton and Thomas. Interns from The Nature Conservancy, as well as a few Kako‘o ‘Oiwi volunteers, also received training in several monitoring techniques, including GPS waypointing, vegetation identification and mapping, vegetation coverage transects, and salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH measurements. Over the course of the monitoring sessions, modifications of the procedures were tested to determine their effectiveness with volunteer groups. Developing protocols that resulted in useful and reliable data, while allowing relatively untrained laypersons to participate in the research, were the primary considerations. Four parameters became the basis for the community-based monitoring program: Dissolved oxygen; Total suspended solids; Vegetation mapping; and Plankton surveys. Fig. 1 Kyrie Yonehiro learning to take water samples for total suspended solids and nutrient analysis. B. Project management: List individuals and/or organizations actually performing the work and how it was done. Summary of Management: Drs. Thomas and Lemus oversaw the completion of the work while Dr. Peyton oversaw and supervised field research. Dr. Thomas’ lab at HIMB lent labor and equipment to the project and provided data direction for data analysis. Objective #1: Collect baseline data by documenting the species occurring the He‘eia inland freshand brackish water ponds and wetlands. Field surveys were preformed by Kimberly Peyton, Lauren Valentino, Kaleo Hurley (HIMB), Kyrie Puaoi, Colton Jones (Kāko‘o ‘Ōiwi), and Brad Wong, Nahaku Kalei (The Nature Conservancy). Data input was done by Lauren Valentino, Kaleo Hurley (HIMB). Identification of specimens was supervised by Kimberly Peyton (HIMB). Objective #2: Trace biological responses before and during the shifts from an invasive species dominated system to one under restoration. Field surveys were preformed by Kimberly Peyton, Lauren Valentino, Kaleo Hurley (HIMB), Kyrie Puaoi, Colton Jones (Kāko‘o ‘Ōiwi), and Brad Wong, Nahaku Kalei (The Nature Conservancy). Data input was done by Lauren Valentino (HIMB). Maps using ArcGIS software were produced by Nahaku Kalei (The Nature Conservancy). Objective #3: Record chemical and physical responses before and during the shifts from an invasive species dominated system to one under restoration. Samples were collected and processed by Kimberly Peyton, (HIMB), Kyrie Puaoi (Kāko‘o ‘Ōiwi). Sondes were deployed and maintained by Kimberly Peyton (HIMB). Data were managed by Kimberly Peyton (HIMB). Thomas and Peyton conducted analysis and interpretation of data. Objective #4: Train interns and community volunteers to monitor and maintain their restoration efforts. Dr. Lemus over saw educational and outreach program and worked with the assistance of Daveyanne "Bootsie" Howard, and Jeffrey Liko Kaluhiwa. V. Findings A. Actual accomplishments and findings. Objective #1: Collect baseline data by documenting the species occurring the He‘eia inland freshand wetlands. Emergent vascular plants – Four species of emergent plants formed extensive canopies along the margins of 4 extant open water areas surveyed: Job’s tears grass (Coix lachryma) Neke fern (Cyclosorus interruptus) California grass (Urochloa mutica) Aka akia sedge (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani) Additionally, nine species of emergent plants occurred within the extensive canopies and two sedge species were associated with the restored kalo loi. Submergent vascular plants – No submergent vascular plants were found in the open water areas or loi. Macroalgae – One macroalga was found in loi and none was observed in the open water ponds. We determined that the alga was Spirogyra however for further identification a sample was sent to A. Sherwood, Botany Department, UH-Manoa. The alga has been included in Dr. Sherwood’s NSF funded research to describe the diversity of freshwater algae in the Hawaiian Islands. Fish – There were 5 fish species found in the open water ponds and loi. All are considered introduced species in Hawaii. Objective #2: Trace biological responses before and during the shifts from an invasive species dominated system to one under restoration. Results indicate that there has been a change in open water area in the freshwater ponds, with a loss of open water -49% between 2005 and 2010 (Figure 1). Comparisons to older satellite photographs indicate that there may be periods of over growth and recovery so this loss may not be a progression. Figure 1. Changes in open water area at Heeia. The four species of emergent vegetation the form canopies responded differently to a flash flood event (4-5 June 2011). For example, in the largest pond on the property extensive areas of the California grass canopy were torn away from the shoreline, swept downstream and were deposited as three islands in the center of the pond (Figure 2a & b). In contrast, the aka akai canopy was not uprooted, however a large floating mat of California grass was deposited in front of one of the aka akai canopies. Figure 2. a. Vegetation along margin of pond in February 2011 pre-storm. b. Vegetation along margin of pond in June 2011 post-storm. Objective #3: Record chemical and physical responses before and during the shifts from an invasive species dominated system to one under restoration. Coastal ponds Dissolved oxygen (DO) saturation was ca. 40% in the coastal pond at the control location and showed little diurnal change (Figure 3). In contrast, DO saturation in the taro loi ranged from ca. 50% in the hours before sunrise to >100% during the day. In the California grass canopy DO was similar to the control and both nitrate and ammonium were low (Figure 4). A depth profile showed that total suspended solids was low between 10 – 50 cm however was ca. 1500 mg l-1 at 75 cm and composed mostly of organic matter. The Job’s tears canopy also had low DO saturation throughout a 24 h period (Figure 5). In Job’s tears ammonium was the highest measured in any of the canopies >5 uM at 75 cm. Neke was characterized by extremely low DO <5% saturation, nitrate and ammonium, and total suspended solids (Fig). The Aka akia canopy had a diurnal signal in DO with ca 20% saturation at night and ca. 45% during the day. Nitrate was highest in this canopy ca. 1.2 uM at 10 cm (Fig). Figure 3. Dissolved oxygen saturation in open water pond and taro loi of a 24 hour period. Figure 4. Dissolved oxygen saturation in a California grass canopy and an unvegetated control location. Ammonium and nitrate (uM) concentrations along a depth gradient in California grass canopy. Total suspended solid, organic fraction and inorganic fraction in California grass canopy. Figure 5. Dissolved oxygen saturation in Job’s Tears grass canopy and an unvegetated control location. Ammonium and nitrate (uM) concentrations along a depth gradient in Job’s Tears grass canopy. Total suspended solid, organic fraction and inorganic fraction in Job’s Tears grass canopy. Figure 6. Dissolved oxygen saturation in Neke canopy and an unvegetated control location. Ammonium and nitrate (uM) concentrations along a depth gradient in Neke canopy. Total suspended solid, organic fraction and inorganic fraction in Neke canopy. Figure 7. Dissolved oxygen saturation in Aka akai canopy and an unvegetated control location. Ammonium and nitrate (uM) concentrations along a depth gradient in Aka akai canopy. Total suspended solid, organic fraction and inorganic fraction in Aka akai canopy. Taro loi. Nitrate and ammonium concentrations associated with a flash flood event varied both spatially and temporally (Figure 8). Pre-storm nitrate was ca. 2 uM at both stream sampling locations, during the storm it increased to >3 uM and attenuated post storm to ca 1 uM 25 days later. The two sampling locations in the loi reflected the spike in nitrate associated with the stream however because the pre-storm nitrate was <0.5 uM in the loi, the change in nitrate concentration was much greater in the loi than the stream. Also, the storm-associated spike in nitrate was only 2-3 days in the loi with nitrate returning to pre-storm levels much faster in the loi than the stream. In contrast, ammonium concentration did not change during the sampling period in the stream sites while a clear spike was measured in the loi (Figure 9). After a 3 day post-storm lag ammonium concentration at the loi enter sampling location increased from ca. 1 to >10 um and at the loi exit from 10 to > 40 um. At both sampling location ammonium concentration dropped to below pre-storm levels. Figure 8. Nitrate (uM) concentrations at four sites, pre- and post-storm. Figure 9. Ammonium (uM) concentrations at four sites, pre- and post-storm. Objective #4: Train interns and community volunteers to monitor and maintain their restoration efforts. Monitoring protocols for the four parameters were developed in tandem with the scientific monitoring program. Detailed protocols for Kako‘o ‘Oiwi staff were created for each parameter, which can also be used to train long-term interns in monitoring techniques. These are accompanied by easy to follow guides with clear graphics and step-by-step flow charts that will be used for short-term and single visit volunteer groups. Reliable and user friendly equipment and supplies were employed to ensure that Kako‘o ‘Oiwi can continue the program well into the future. The guides were printed and laminated in both handout and poster form for practical use with small and larger groups at the Mahuahua ‘Ai o Hoi wetland site. In addition, laminated wetland plants pocket guides and posters were also created. Fig. 2 Examples of visual guides created for community based monitoring. VII. Applications Outputs and management outcomes achieved. Outputs are defined as products (e.g. publications, models) or activities that lead to outcomes (changes in user knowledge or action). How did your project benefit resource managers? Has your project lead to societal improvements? A. Outputs i. New fundamental or applied knowledge Objective #1: Collect baseline data by documenting the species occurring the He‘eia inland fresh- and brackish water ponds and wetlands. Species lists and vegetation maps produced have provided valuable baseline data for future restoration efforts. Objective #2: Trace biological responses before and during the shifts from an invasive species dominated system to one under restoration. Documenting how canopy forming species change during storm and non-storm events is critical for managers’ ability to interpret the changes in vegetation at this site over varying time periods. Identifying how these canopy-forming species respond to disturbance, such as flash flooding, will inform restoration decisions. For example, we now understand that California grass canopies readily fragment and that large mats of this species have the potential take advantage of disturbance by redistributing in the open water and increasing the coverage of this species. With the data we have provide in this study, managers at the site can track the fate of the storm distributed vegetation mats of California grass. In contrast, Aka akai canopies were fairly stable, even during storm disturbance but may be subject to overgrowth by the storm distributed California grass mats. As a direct result of this study managers now have clearer understanding of what it means to replace California grass with Aka akai. The loss of open water at the site has implications for waterbird and fish habitat also. Implicating California grass in the loss of waterbird and fish habitat supports managers in their efforts to control this invasive species. Objective #3: Record chemical and physical responses before and during the shifts from an invasive species dominated system to one under restoration. Restoration of Hawaiian coastal wetlands has only been attempted at a few sites, with very mixed results and little consideration for how that restoration affects downstream habitats. More often than not pre-restoration data were not collected, and decisions were made with little science-based understanding how to precede with restoration, hence the mixed results. Also, communication between wetland managers and coral reef managers was poor, at best. This project provides data that compares different vegetation types and their affects on water quality. Our results also inform managers of trade-offs they will need to make when one species is removed, and replaced with another. In other words, changes in vegetation type impact water quality, and fish and waterbird habitat. Finally, the results of this study were presented to coral reef managers and have a significantly improved and refined their understanding of water quality in coastal freshwater systems that are linked to marine habitats. Objective #4: Train interns and community volunteers to monitor and maintain their restoration efforts. A. Outputs i. A workshop was held during which Kako‘o ‘Oiwi outreach staff received training on how to lead a monitoring session with volunteers for each parameter using the visual guides that were created. Staff also practiced the procedures with a group of eight community research interns that have been working with Dr. Lemus for approximately 3 months on another project. These interns evaluated the guides and protocols and gave feedback for their improvement. Community research interns testing field protocols and guides. ii. Informal presentations about the project and goals were given to community members and visitors to the lo‘i. Presentations were also given at HCRI progress meetings. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Scientific publications: None Patents: none New methods and technology: none New or advanced tools (e.g. models, biomarkers): none Workshops A workshop presenting our results was held 31 August 2011 for the staff of Kāko‘o ‘Ōiwi and TNC interns. Seven people attended. Four water quality workshops for volunteers and staff of Kāko‘o ‘Ōiwi were held April to June 2011 with a total of 23 people attending. Presentations Three presentations were given at the HCRI quarterly meetings. Outreach activities/products (e.g. website, newsletter articles) B. Management outcomes - I. Management application or adoption of: i. New fundamental or applied knowledge We have learned that the invasive California grass is extending its cover over open water wetlands and that the biology of this plant and of Neke creates regions of anoxia. Water flowing through these plant canopies is very low in oxygen. We are working with Kako‘o ‘Oiwi to develop plans for working to increase oxygen levels throughout the open water regions of the wetland in the short term. In the long term it is expected that lo’i will act as oxygenators of the water resources and improve water quality. i. ii. iii. iv. New or improved skills We have trained a post-doc, student, and 4 community members in the use of technical equipment (GPS; Water quality Sonde’s; ADVs). Information from publications, workshops, presentations, outreach products New or improved methods or technology We are developing new techniques to link physical/chemical/ and biological measures into and over all model of wetland function. New or advanced tools We are developing flow and nutrient models for different vegetation cover. C. Management outcomes - II. Societal condition improved due to management action resulting from output; examples: i. Improved water quality - Controlling low oxygen levels with the He’eia wetland as planned based on our data will increase water quality providing better habitat for native fish and invertebrate and vertebrate animals. ii. Reduced hypoxic zone area. This project directly addresses hypoxia in the wetland and downstream areas. Our work has pointed out the role that California grass plays in wetland anoxia and points to a need for eradication of California grass and oxygenation of water in the wetland by opening up areas for taro loi. D. Partnerships established with other federal, state, or local agencies, or other research institutions (other than those already described in the original proposal). We have developed new relationships with the Army Corp and the Hawaii Department of Health. VIII. Evaluation Describe the extent to which the project goals and objectives were attained. Provide explanation for modification of goals and objectives. Project Final Report NOTICE Subsequently, all NOAA COP recipients with approved grants will be asked to file a COP Project Final Report in the specified format upon expiration or termination of grant support. Consistency in reporting requirements for competitive research grant programs is desirable and this is behind COP’s efforts in proposing a standardized format. The use of the Project Final Report format will provide the level of detail required to evaluate the effort invested by investigators and staff on project management; any actual accomplishments and research findings; and what goals and objectives were attained. The proposed final report format is compatible with the format in use by other agencies that participate in joint projects with COP, e.g. the National Science Foundation. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 600 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the National Ocean Service, CSCOR/COP Office, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Grant files are subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Confidentiality will not be maintained--the information will be made available to the public. However, unpublished research results shall not be published without prior permission from the recipient. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.