Covering Note for Commissioning Best Practice Specification Document use: The attached output specifications will form part of the contract negotiations between the lead commissioner and each Integrated Cancer System (ICS) and monitored at ICS level from 2013. The lead commissioning arrangements for London Cancer Alliance (LCA) ICS are not yet finalised. As such, in 2012 they will sit in individual provider contracts alongside the agreed quality metrics, CQUIN, and plan for the delivery of the model of care. Every commissioner will include it in every contract including cancer services in the current contract negotiations under Section C part 4 ‘Documents to be relied on’. However, commissioning against these best practice pathways will not be actively monitored until a period of monitoring activity over 2012/13. Contracting arrangements 2012-13: The outcome specifications are intended to: Support the best practice pathways with a written description of best practice – moving away from detailed service specifications, towards a focus on key outcomes. Provide closer alignment between pathway descriptions, quality standards, outcome measures and the way that services are monitored. Provide a common format across the two systems for commissioning cancer pathways Standard contracts will continue to be in place between providers and cluster lead commissioners for 2012-13. For Cancer, the quality metrics set out in the output specification will be used to monitor the progress of each ICS. Commissioners are currently working with London Cancer Alliance (LCA) ICS to agree the number of metrics to prioritise from April 1st 2012 and a pragmatic approach to data collection. The best practice pathways will not be performance managed in 2012. However, the informatics requirements as set out in the output specification will be collected so as to inform proposals for an alternative payment methodology. Process for development: The output specifications are based on initial work by Cancer networks in London and have been discussed with clinicians working in the relevant specialties including surgeons and oncologists. They are consistent with the Map of Medicine and NICE guidance. Clinical contributors [names]: Colorectal output specification: Celia Ingham-Clark (Medical Director, Whittington Health, Colorectal surgeon); Other forums that have considered this document: John Bridgewater (Consultant in medical oncology, UCLP); Muti Abulafi (Colorectal Surgeon, Croydon HS) Breast cancer output specification: Arnie Purushotham (Professor of breast cancer, Director of Integrated Care, KHP) Brain cancer output specification: Keyoumars Ashkan (Consultant Neurosurgeon, Kings College Hospital); Jeremy Rees (Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery Queen Square) London Programmes Cancer Implementation board Date of completion: January 2012 Inclusions / exclusions: The content describes commissioner expectations that will be used to monitor ICS delivery of a best practice pathway from 2013. Working with the ICSs, benchmarks will be established against each component of the output specification. Inclusions / exclusions specific to a specific pathway are set out under “scope” in the output specification. Where document should sit in Trust Contracts: The output specification has been produced as part of the implementation of best practice pathways and is a different document from that included in a standard NHS contract between providers and commissioners. It includes information from all the sections of section B of the standard contract. The document could sit in Section C part 4 “Documents to be relied on” so that the key commissioner expectations based on outputs in a specific cancer pathway, are set out in one place. As such it is desirable for this specification to be shared with clinicians. Reference to other documents: Model of care for cancer services – London Health Programmes; Cancer co-dependencies framework – London Health Programmes; National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Improving outcomes guidance; NHS Map of Medicine. Next steps: The lead contractor for each ICS will: Articulate the roles, responsibilities, and interactions between (a) the lead contractor and the ICS and (b) the ICS and it’s provider organisations; Work with ICSs to agree deliverables in 2012/13 and any sanctions for non-delivery; Dovetail the content of the output specifications in into Trust schedules and make explicit about what is being monitored at an ICS level. Agree benchmarks for each of the commissioning measures and prioritise which will be monitored from April 1st 2012. Roll out to other cancer pathways: Output specifications have been developed for brain cancer, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer. Output specifications will be developed for other pathways over 2012. Review frequency: Annual