Procurement and Contracting Support Branch Contracting and Legal Division Commercial Group Defence Materiel Organisation Department of Defence Commonwealth of Australia Contract Negotiation Report V1.2 Released 1 July 2012 Defence Scope This publication should be considered best practice guidance for Defence and DMO staff undertaking procurement activities. Note to External Agencies External agencies intending to use this template will need to tailor it in order to meet their specific procurement requirements (including relevant internal guidance) and should seek appropriate professional guidance as required. Disclaimer The information in this publication is provided by Defence and DMO for the purpose of disseminating procurement guidance to its staff. While every effort has been made to ensure the guidance in this publication is accurate and up-to-date, any user should exercise independent skill and judgment before relying on it. Further, this publication is not a substitute for independent professional advice and users external to Defence and DMO should obtain appropriate advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Defence and DMO does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained in this publication and nothing in this publication should be considered a representation by the Commonwealth. In publishing this information, Defence and DMO does not warrant that the information will be used in any particular procurement process. Defence and DMO is not liable for any loss resulting from any action taken or reliance made on any information or material in this publication (including, without limitation, third party information). Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2011 With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. The details of the relevant licence conditions are available on the Creative Commons website (accessible using the links provided) as is the full legal code for the CC BY 3.0 AU licence. This publication should be attributed as Department of Defence Contract Negotiation Report V1.1. Use of the Coat of Arms The terms under which the Coat of Arms can be used are detailed on the It’s an Honour website. Feedback All feedback on this publication and suggestions for improvement should be sent to: Amendment Record Version Release Date Closure Date Description of Amendments 106729826 PROCESS TEMPLATE Contract Negotiation Report General Information For Users Use Of The Contract Negotiation Report Process Template 1. This Contract Negotiation Report (CNR) process template has been developed for Complex Procurements. The template will require tailoring to suite the complexity of the acquisition. This template may not be suitable for Strategic Acquisitions which may require more comprehensive documentation. 2. At the conclusion of negotiations a Contract Negotiation Report must be completed for all Complex Procurements. Drafters should refer to the Defence Procurement Policy Manual (DPPM), and DMO users must also refer to relevant Defence Materiel Instructions (DMIs) including DMI(PROC) 13-0-001. 3. The CNR process template has not been designed for situations where the Commonwealth enters into parallel negotiations with more than one tenderer and a comprehensive report is required. In such instances, a summary of negotiation outcomes with all tenderers should be provided to the delegate in the same CNR. 4. All paragraphs can be tailored to suit the requirements of the acquisition, CORE and OPTIONAL paragraphs have not been used in this template. 5. Text utilising examples has been included where appropriate to further guide the types of information that should be contained in various sections of the template. The example text uses a different formatting style; the text is shaded grey and bordered to differentiate it from the rest of the process template and bullet points are used to ensure that the automatic numbering of paragraphs is not adversely affected. The examples are merely suggestions and not definitive prescriptions of what might be contained in each of the sections. 6. All ‘Notes to drafters’ and ‘Examples’ must be removed before the completed document is provided to the delegate for signature. The section entitled ‘General Information for Users’ should also be deleted. Formatting in the Template 7. Within the template sections of text may be contained in table boxes. When modifying the template, if drafters wish to retain the text they should first cut the text out of the box (using Ctrl x), paste it into the document (Ctrl v) and then delete the box. If the text formatting is lost, simply highlight the text and then select the relevant formatting style from the ‘Styles and Formatting’ drop down menu on the Microsoft Word tool bar. Contracting Services 8. Where assistance with drafting a Contract Negotiation Report is required, contact your relevant contracting specialist. For DMO personnel please refer to DMI(PROC) 13-0-001. COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 106729826 […INSERT GROUP OR DIVISION…] […INSERT UNIT…] [INSERT...Correspondence Reference Number] [INSERT...File Reference Number] Note to drafters: Position descriptions should be used for all addressees. Insert relevant delegate and addresses as appropriate. […INSERT AS REQUIRED…] (Location) […INSERT SECTION 44 DELEGATE...] (Location) (for endorsement etc…) (for signature) CONTRACT NEGOTIATION REPORT FOR […INSERT RFT NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION…] References: Note to drafters: Include any relevant references and authorisation documentation. Contract Negotiation Directive (CND), signed […INSERT DATE…]; […INSERT ADDITIONAL REFERENCES AS APPLICABLE…] A. B. To: […INSERT TITLE OF SECTION 44 DELEGATE…] Purpose 1. This Contract Negotiation Report (CNR) details the outcomes of contract negotiations with the authorised representative of […INSERT PREFERRED TENDERER…] for […INSERT DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES…]. 2. This document is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Negotiation Directive (CND) at reference A, which is to prepare a report: a. showing the position reached; b. highlighting any significant differences with the draft contracts, pre-negotiation expectations or relevant aspects of the CND; and c. recommending further actions deemed necessary to conclude satisfactory contractual arrangements. Process 3. Contract negotiations were conducted in accordance with the CND. Face-to-face negotiations took place over the following dates at […INSERT LOCATION…]: a. Session 1: […INSERT DETAILS…] b. […ETC…] Participation 4. The Commonwealth negotiation team, as authorised in the CND (para 4), was: c. Lead negotiator and authorised representative – […INSERT NAME AND TITLE…] (present at all sessions) COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 1 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 5. 106729826 d. Technical Adviser Team Leader – […INSERT NAME AND TITLE OR DELETE IF NOT ASSIGNED…] (present at all sessions) e. Contracting Adviser Team Leader – […INSERT NAME AND TITLE OR DELETE IF NOT ASSIGNED …] (present at all sessions) f. Legal Adviser Team Leader – […INSERT NAME AND TITLE OR DELETE IF NOT ASSIGNED …] (present at all sessions) g. […ETC…] […INSERT SESSIONS ATTENDED…] h. Secretariat – […INSERT NAME AND TITLE…] (present at all sessions) The […INSERT PREFERRED TENDERER…] negotiation team comprised: a. Lead negotiator & authorised representative – […INSERT NAME AND TITLE…] (present at all sessions) b. […ETC…] […INSERT SESSIONS ATTENDED…] c. […ETC…] […INSERT SESSIONS ATTENDED…] Referral of Negotiation Issues to the Delegate 6. Consultation with the Section 44 Delegate on issues outside the scope of the CND […INSERT “was” OR “was not”…] required. The delegate provided the following guidance: […DELETE LAST SENTENCE IF NOT APPLICABLE…] Offers of Employment 7. To the best of my knowledge, there were no offers of employment made to any Commonwealth team members. […IF OFFERS OF EMPLOYMENT WERE MADE PROVIDE DETAILS AND DELETE THE PREVIOUS SENTENCE…] Conduct 8. There were no actual or potential conflicts of interest apparent or brought to my attention. To the best of my knowledge, there were no offers of hospitality or gifts to the Commonwealth negotiation team members. […IF CONDUCT ISSUES AROSE PROVIDE DETAILS AND DELETE THE PREVIOUS SENTENCE…] Objective 9. The objective of negotiations was to formally agree to finalise and recommend for signature, a draft contract between the Commonwealth and […INSERT PREFERRED TENDERER…] for the acquisition of […INSERT DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES…]. 10. This objective was achieved by the conclusion of face-to-face negotiations on […INSERT DATE…]. Limitation of Authority 11. The Commonwealth lead negotiator adhered to the limitation of authority requirements of the CND. Security & Confidentiality 12. Normal Departmental security provisions were observed. NEGOTIATION OUTCOMES Position reached 13. The position reached on each of the negotiations issues is presented below. Issues flagged as ‘Significant’ in the CND 14. A summary of negotiation outcomes for those issues identified as ‘Significant’ in the CND is now presented, mapped to each of the subject groupings listed in the CND. COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 2 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 15. 106729826 Further information on each of the negotiated changes is provided in a Contract Negotiation Report Matrix at Annex A. The “Savings Target” and “Profit” examples below may be applicable to sole source tender processes and other tender processes where cost investigation or negotiation on price takes place. For further information on cost investigation refer to the Conditions of Tender specific to the procurement, DPPM Chapter 3.3, and for further information on negotiating on price refer to DPPM Chapter 5.7. a. Pricing Issues Example: Savings target: The lead negotiator was able to achieve a price reduction of […INSERT PRICE REDUCTION…] equating to a […INSERT PERCENTAGE…] saving. The revised contract price is […INSERT PRICE…] The price reduction was achieved due to both parties agreeing to use reduced cost estimates for labour in the price build-up. Refer to Annex A Reference 3. Profit: The lead negotiator was not able to achieve a reduction in the tendered profit margin. During negotiations the tenderer demonstrated to the negotiation team how the profit margin has been applied in the revised contract price. FIS have reviewed the revised contract price and have advised that the profit margin is […INSERT PERCENTAGE…] which falls within the range suitable for a project of this complexity. Refer to Annex A Reference 4. Price Adjustment: The negotiation teams agreed on the use of the […INSERT PRICE BASE INDEX…] published by […INSERT SUITABLE AUTHORITY…] which is considered suitable by FIS for the work being conducted under the proposed Contract. Refer to Annex A Reference 5. Price Increases: The negotiation team agreed to an increase in price due to […INSERT REASONS eg. technical scope change, commercial risk profile change…]. The negotiation team has reviewed the Source Evaluation Report (SER) […INSERT SER REFERENCE…] and confirms that the negotiated offer still represents value for money compared to other tenders that were evaluated. b. Technical Issues Specification: Clause 1.3.4 has been modified to the effect that the sensors must be operable in a temperature range between -15 and 55 degrees Celsius rather than the RFT requirement of -10 to 60 degrees. Advice has been obtained from the Chief Engineer and the end-user representative that this change is suitable and does not have any adverse implications for the end-user. Refer to Annex A Reference 7. c. Contracting/Legal Issues Intellectual Property: The tenderer has agreed to use the RFT clause which allows sublicensing. Amendments to the IP Plan place restrictions on the Commonwealth using the Contractor’s Background IP to manufacture the Supplies. The draft IP Plan has been reviewed by Contracting Services, and input has been sought from the end-user representative. The limitations placed on manufacture are appropriately drafted and have been evaluated as appropriate from an end-user perspective. Refer to Annex A Reference 1. Limitation of Liability: In accordance with the Liability Risk Management Process both the […INSERT PREFERRED TENDERER…] and the Commonwealth have conducted Liability Risk Assessments to determine reasonable liability caps. Although the tendered caps for each liability head were lower than the figures approved in the Commonwealth Liability Risk COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 3 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 106729826 Assessment, the negotiation teams agreed to recommend the following liability caps for each head of liability: […INSERT LIABILITY CAPS…]. Refer to Annex A Reference 2. Attachment M (Glossary) Definitions. The tenderer agreed that the standard definitions will be used. The changes required by the […INSERT PREFERRED TENDERER…] were addressed by more accurately describing the required limitations on the Commonwealth’s right to manufacture the Supplies. Refer to Annex A Reference 6. d. […INSERT OTHER CATEGORIES AS REQUIRED…] Other changes to the draft contract 16. In addition to the issues identified above, the following outcomes (not addressed in the CND) were negotiated: […INSERT DETAILS AS REQUIRED OR DELETE PARAGRAPH IF NOT REQUIRED…] a. Example: The GFM list was reviewed during negotiations and rationalised. The changes have resulted in an overall reduction of GFM and update of model numbers for specific items. The delivery locations were re-ordered in accordance with a request from the Commonwealth. The […INSERT PREFERRED TENDERER…] was able to agree to modified delivery locations without a cost increase. The change of delivery locations does not affect the overall schedule and has been made to respond to a request from the enduser. FUNDING Note to drafters: This section allows the delegate to consider the achieved negotiation position in comparison to the funding identified in the Regulation 9 Approval. This section may only require a brief statement identifying the available funding, and a reference to other documentation identifying the source of the funding. Alternatively, for more complex submissions it may be necessary to identify whether there has been conditional Regulation 9 Approval, whether contingency funds may be required, or if more complex funding arrangements exist. 17. […INSERT DETAILS AS REQUIRED…] SUMMARY 18. The Commonwealth negotiation team achieved at least the minimum fallback position for each of the issues set out in the CND, except for: a. 19. […INSERT DETAILS OF ANY EXCEPTIONS OR DELETE “except for” AND SUBPARAGRAPH A …] In addition to those issues identified in the CND, the Commonwealth team negotiated some changes to the contractual documents that will improve the Commonwealth’s position; most notably: a. […INSERT ANY IMPROVEMENTS TO COMMONWEALTH POSITION OR DELETE PARAGRAPH 19 AND SUBPARAGRAPH …] Recommendation 20. Based upon the outcomes of negotiations, I recommend the following course of action: a. Final proof read of draft contract by […INSERT PREFERRED TENDERER…] and COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 4 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 106729826 the Commonwealth and correction of any errors identified and assemble final contract for signature. b. Seek from […SECTION 44 DELEGATE…] endorsement for the full value of the proposed contract. c. […INSERT ANY OTHER REQUIRED STEPS REQUIRING APPROVAL …] Note to drafters: DMO Personnel refer to DMI(PROC) 13-0-001 for further information on steps required prior to Contract execution. 21. I seek your endorsement of this Contract Negotiation Report and authorisation to proceed as recommended. […INSERT ADDRESS BLOCK OF LEAD NEGOTIATOR…] […INSERT DATE…] Endorsement I endorse this Contract Negotiation Report acknowledging a. the variations from the CND as noted at paragraph […INSERT PARAGRAPH…] above. […DELETE IF NOT REQUIRED…]; b. the outcomes negotiated for those issues not covered by the CND and specified at paragraph […INSERT PARAGRAPH…] onwards; […DELETE IF NOT REQUIRED…] and I authorise you to proceed as recommended at paragraph […INSERT PARAGRAPH…] Signed ……………….. ……………………….. (Signature) (Printed Name) Annexes: A. B. …………………. (Appointment) ….……………… (Date) Negotiation Report Matrix […INSERT OTHERS AS REQUIRED SUCH AS “Limitation of liability risk assessment” ETC...] COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 5