
Quiz Answer Key
sco.quiz.questions[1] = new Checkbox();
sco.quiz.questions[1].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[1].correct = "3";
sco.quiz.questions[1].question = "Select the statement(s) that describe
the appropriate applications of climatology data.";
sco.quiz.questions[1].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply.";
sco.quiz.questions[1].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[1].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[1].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[1] = "Can be used to determine what
processes caused the fog or stratus";
sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[2] = "Can be used to analyze the current
synoptic and mesoscale setting";
sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[3] = "Can be used to understand whether
past conditions are similar to the current meteorological situation";
sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[4] = "Can be used to forecast extreme or
unusual events";
sco.quiz.questions[2] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[2].points_possible = 1;
sco.quiz.questions[2].correct = "2";
sco.quiz.questions[2].question = "The application of climatological
data and reasoning when producing a fog forecast requires certain
steps. Which of the following procedures characterizes the recommended
sco.quiz.questions[2].instruction = "";
sco.quiz.questions[2].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[2].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[2].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[2].answers[1] = "Look at the climatology for your
area. If it indicates fog or stratus is likely or possible, then
evaluate the synoptic and mesoscale conditions to see if they support
fog/stratus formation.";
sco.quiz.questions[2].answers[2] = " Evaluate whether the current
synoptic and mesoscale conditions can potentially promote fog or
stratus. Then use climatology to define conditions under which fog or
stratus is likely to form.";
sco.quiz.questions[3] = new Checkbox();
sco.quiz.questions[3].points_possible = 6;
sco.quiz.questions[3].correct = "1,3";
sco.quiz.questions[3].question = "Fog/stratus frequency displays such
as the one shown here are a common form of climatology data. How can
the forecaster use this type of data? ";
sco.quiz.questions[3].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply.";
sco.quiz.questions[3].graphic = "usfog.gif";
sco.quiz.questions[3].graphic_width = "400";
sco.quiz.questions[3].graphic_height = "320";
sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[1] = "It is good for a quick comparison
of fog frequencies from one part of the country to another.";
sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[2] = "It can help in determining the
cause of the fog.";
sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[3] = "It can be useful in helping you
make an initial assessment as to whether or not fog is a forecast issue
in your region.";
sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[4] = "It can help in determining the
frequency of fog events where visibility is significantly reduced but
still above 0.25 mi. ";
sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[5] = "It can help in determining the
event coverage or duration.";
sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[6] = "It can help in determining
differences depending on time of year and time of day.";
sco.quiz.questions[4] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[4].points_possible = 1;
sco.quiz.questions[4].correct = "2";
sco.quiz.questions[4].question = "Spatial and temporal climatological
analyses are most useful for indicating which of the following?";
sco.quiz.questions[4].instruction = "Choose the <b>best</b> answer.";
sco.quiz.questions[4].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[4].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[4].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[1] = "Fog intensity";
sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[2] = "Fog extent and frequency";
sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[3] = "The common wind directions and
temperatures associated with fog";
sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[4] = "The surface characteristics that
may promote fog";
sco.quiz.questions[5] = new SelectParagraph();
sco.quiz.questions[5].points_possible = 3;
sco.quiz.questions[5].points_distribution = "1,1,1";
sco.quiz.questions[5].correct = "3,2,2";
sco.quiz.questions[5].question = "";
sco.quiz.questions[5].instruction = "Use the selection boxes to choose
the answers that <b>best</b> complete the paragraph.";
sco.quiz.questions[5].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[5].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[5].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[1] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[1][0] = "Relying on climatology is not
recommended because climatology does not fully account for the ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[1][1] = "frequency ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[1][2] = "intensity ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[1][3] = "dynamics ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[1][4] = "";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[2] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[2][0] = " of fog occurrence, and it
reveals little about ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[2][1] = "temporal ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[2][2] = "mesoscale ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[2][3] = "spatial ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[2][4] = "";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[3] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[3][0] = " influences and variations
within the ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[3][1] = "middle atmosphere ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[3][2] = "boundary layer";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[3][3] = "upper atmosphere";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[3][4] = " that can significantly affect
fog and low stratus processes. Also, overreliance on climatology can
limit a forecaster\'s ability to provide important specifics to
sco.quiz.questions[6] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[6].points_possible = 1;
sco.quiz.questions[6].correct = "1";
sco.quiz.questions[6].question = "Conditional climatologies can be an
important tool in the forecast process. Select the statement below that
correctly identifies the information that can be gleaned from these
data and the data\'s limitations.";
sco.quiz.questions[6].instruction = "";
sco.quiz.questions[6].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[6].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[6].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[1] = "They can help establish event
duration and intensity trends, but they do not identify the physical
processes that created or sustained the fog.";
sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[2] = "They can provide clues to possible
processes involved in fog formation (radiative vs. advective), but they
cannot effectively establish event duration and intensity trends.";
sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[3] = "They can help establish event
duration and intensity trends and provide reliable assessments for
usual or extreme events, but they do not identify the physical
processes that created or sustained the fog.";
sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[4] = "They can help establish event
duration and intensity trends, provide reliable assessments for unusual
or extreme events, and identify the physical processes that created or
sustained the fog, but they cannot account for changes in the
meteorological situation.";
sco.quiz.questions[7] = new Checkbox();
sco.quiz.questions[7].points_possible = 3;
sco.quiz.questions[7].correct = "1,2,3";
sco.quiz.questions[7].question = "Despite some limitations, conditional
climatology is still one of the most powerful tools for forecasting low
ceilings and visibilities. From the list of questions below, identify
those that conditional climatology may help to answer.";
sco.quiz.questions[7].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply.";
sco.quiz.questions[7].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[7].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[7].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[1] = "Is the event likely to result in
low IFR or MVFR conditions? ";
sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[2] = "Will a change in wind direction
possibly result in a change in fog or stratus?";
sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[3] = "If fog is already occurring, how
long will it last, based on climatological factors? ";
sco.quiz.questions[8] = new SelectTable();
sco.quiz.questions[8].points_possible = 6;
sco.quiz.questions[8].points_distribution = "1,1,1,1,1,1";
sco.quiz.questions[8].correct = "2,1,2,1,1,2";
sco.quiz.questions[8].question = "Determine whether each statement
about AWIPS Conditional Climatology data displays and output is true or
false. ";
sco.quiz.questions[8].instruction = "Use the selection box to choose
True or False.";
sco.quiz.questions[8].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[8].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[8].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[1] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[1][0] = "The display can be in table or
graph form.";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[1][1] = "True";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[1][2] = "False";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[2] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[2][0] = "The output displays the number
of observations that went into a particular climatological database,
which can provide you with some sense of confidence in the data.";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[2][1] = "True";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[2][2] = "False";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[3] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[3][0] = "The data cannot be tailored to
your specific forecast problem or area of concern.";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[3][1] = "True";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[3][2] = "False";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[4] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[4][0] = "Output is provided in the form
of percentages of occurrence for a particular ceiling and/or
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[4][1] = "True";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[4][2] = "False";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[5] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[5][0] = "Future conditions are not based
on model forecasts and therefore do not include model biases and
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[5][1] = "True";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[5][2] = "False";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[6] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[6][0] = "The user cannot change the
inputs for initial ceiling, visibility, and wind direction conditions.
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[6][1] = "True";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[6][2] = "False";
sco.quiz.questions[9] = new Checkbox();
sco.quiz.questions[9].points_possible = 6;
sco.quiz.questions[9].correct = "1,3,5,6";
sco.quiz.questions[9].question = "When using AWIPS Conditional
Climatology data, which of the following considerations are important
to take into account? ";
sco.quiz.questions[9].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply.";
sco.quiz.questions[9].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[9].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[9].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[1] = "The output consists of the most
likely forecast condition based on past events and does not reflect
current or future conditions.";
sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[2] = "The percentage frequency of
occurrences can be used to forecast rare events.";
sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[3] = "The data will, in most cases,
narrow the range of possible events and prevent forecasting a category
that has little chance of occurring. ";
sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[4] = "Applying the exact percentages in
the hour-by-hour trends is a useful way to forecast an event.";
sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[5] = "The number of observations in the
output is directly related to the confidence of the conditional
climatology forecast.";
sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[6] = "The number of occurrences of each
category shows how much data were available to calculate the
probabilities listed.";
sco.quiz.questions[10] = new Checkbox();
sco.quiz.questions[10].points_possible = 6;
sco.quiz.questions[10].correct = "1,4,5";
sco.quiz.questions[10].question = "Identify the common errors
forecasters should avoid when using conditional climatology. ";
sco.quiz.questions[10].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply.";
sco.quiz.questions[10].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[10].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[10].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[1] = "Using the largest single
probability to determine the minimum expected ceiling and visibility";
sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[2] = "Using cumulative probabilities
instead of the largest single probability";
sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[3] = "Assuming that the probabilities
are skewed toward good weather";
sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[4] = "Failing to reassess the
climatology when there is an expected wind shift to consider during the
sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[5] = "Using conditional climatology when
there is an unusual or extreme event";
sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[6] = "Assuming that a smaller sample
size means that the probabilities are less reliable";
sco.quiz.questions[11] = new Checkbox();
sco.quiz.questions[11].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[11].correct = "1,3";
sco.quiz.questions[11].question = "For which of the decisions below,
will climatology data (including conditional climatology, composites,
and analogs) be helpful?";
sco.quiz.questions[11].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply.";
sco.quiz.questions[11].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[11].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[11].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[11].answers[1] = "Whether low overcast conditions
tend to persist at a particular time of year";
sco.quiz.questions[11].answers[2] = "Whether below-normal lake
temperatures will improve the chance of fog";
sco.quiz.questions[11].answers[3] = "Whether an expected wind shift
will end a fog/stratus event";
sco.quiz.questions[11].answers[4] = "Whether a late spring snow will
lead to fog or stratus";
sco.quiz.questions[12] = new Checkbox();
sco.quiz.questions[12].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[12].correct = "1,3,4";
sco.quiz.questions[12].question = "What advantages does using analog
and composite data, in conjunction with climate data, have over using
just climate data alone?";
sco.quiz.questions[12].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply.";
sco.quiz.questions[12].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[12].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[12].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[1] = "Allows you to assess how the
actual conditions and processes may influence the event";
sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[2] = "Allows you to determine the actual
ceiling and visibility restrictions that will occur during the current
sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[3] = "Allows you to relate
climatological fog/stratus frequencies to one or a few synoptic
patterns and mesoscale processes";
sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[4] = "Allows you to assess the
similarities and differences of past events with the current event";
sco.quiz.questions[13] = new Checkbox();
sco.quiz.questions[13].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[13].correct = "1,3,4";
sco.quiz.questions[13].question = "Developing and using composite data
based on a compilation of local case studies can have important
advantages over using other types of climatology data. What are some of
the advantages of composite data?";
sco.quiz.questions[13].instruction = "Choose <b>all</b> that apply.";
sco.quiz.questions[13].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[13].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[13].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[1] = "Can be developed to identify
particular events or processes that typically influence a fog/stratus
sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[2] = "Can be used as a substitute for
current data when time is short";
sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[3] = "Can relate climatological
fog/stratus frequencies to one or a few synoptic patterns and mesoscale
sco.quiz.questions[13].answers[4] = "Can be developed based on event
intensity, duration, or any number of characteristics that may be
useful to categorize an event";
sco.quiz.questions[14] = new SelectTable();
sco.quiz.questions[14].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[14].points_distribution = "1,1,1,1";
sco.quiz.questions[14].correct = "3,1,4,2";
sco.quiz.questions[14].question = "Match the applications or
descriptions on the left to the appropriate climatology data types in
the selection boxes on the right.";
sco.quiz.questions[14].instruction = "";
sco.quiz.questions[14].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[14].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[14].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[1] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[1][0] = "Takes into account actual
conditions and processes of past events that may influence the current
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[1][1] = "Frequency Tables";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[1][2] = "WSCC Tables";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[1][3] = "Analog Data";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[1][4] = "Conditional Climatologies";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[2] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[2][0] = "Accesses fog or low stratus
occurrence as a function of location, time of year, and time of day";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[2][1] = "Frequency Tables";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[2][2] = "WSCC Tables";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[2][3] = "Analog Data";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[2][4] = "Conditional Climatologies";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[3] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[3][0] = "Helps assess an event\'s
intensity, duration, and potential changes out to 9 hours, based on
related factors such as initial wind direction and C/V conditions";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[3][1] = "Frequency Tables";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[3][2] = "WSCC Tables";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[3][3] = "Analog Data";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[3][4] = "Conditional Climatologies";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[4] = new Array();
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[4][0] = "Provides statistically-derived
probability of the occurrence of a ceiling or a visibility for the
specified hour subsequent to the initial time";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[4][1] = "Frequency Tables";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[4][2] = "WSCC Tables";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[4][3] = "Analog Data";
sco.quiz.questions[14].answers[4][4] = "Conditional Climatologies";
sco.quiz.questions[15] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[15].points_possible = 1;
sco.quiz.questions[15].correct = "4";
sco.quiz.questions[15].question = "Once a thorough review of the
climatology data has been achieved, what should be the next step in
your forecast process?";
sco.quiz.questions[15].instruction = "Choose the <b>best</b> answer.";
sco.quiz.questions[15].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[15].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[15].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[15].answers[1] = "Issue the forecast using the
climatology data to provide ceiling and visibility values";
sco.quiz.questions[15].answers[2] = "Put more emphasis on the
information gleaned from the conditional climatology and analog data
and incorporate these data into your final forecast";
sco.quiz.questions[15].answers[3] = "Rerun the conditional climatology
data to adjust for expected changes in the winds and incorporate that
output into your final forecast assessment";
sco.quiz.questions[15].answers[4] = "Reevaluate the synoptic and
mesoscale factors that will influence the potential for fog or low
stratus development";