Teacher –Learner Contract: Gynecologic Surgery Block

Teacher – Learner Contract: Outpatient Clinics
UNC 3rd year OBGYN Clerkship – Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Chapel Hill, NC
Student Name: ___________________________
Rotation Block: _______
Instructions: The student should review this document with the clerkship director. Any changes
to this document must be agreed to by all.
Outpatient Clinics and Longitudinal Faculty Clinic
CURRENT GOAL: Students assigned to the Outpatient Clinic Block will work in a variety of
outpatient clinic settings to experience depth and breadth of obstetrics and gynecology. Students
should contribute to the care of their assigned patients by seeing patients independently when
possible, creating progress notes, following up on labs and imaging studies performed since last
visit, and reporting their findings to the supervising resident or attending.
1. Where and when should the students report (will this be the same everyday or will
it vary day to day – how will they know)?
Students should review their schedules the afternoon before each clinic assignment.
They should verify that they have no questions about start time or location of clinics for
the following day. Questions should be clarified the day prior.
2. Who should the students report to – who assigns patients to the students?
The student should report to the attending or resident staffing the clinic at the start of
clinic. The supervising physician is responsible for assigning patients to the student to
3. Should the student initially see the patients by themselves or should the student
wait for a resident/attending to accompany him/her to see the patient.
In general, the student should first evaluate the patient independently. The student
should obtain a pertinent history and perform a focused physical exam (excluding pelvic).
The student should then report this data to the supervising physician who will then
evaluate the patient with the student and confirm the history and physical exam findings
and also perform the pelvic exam if indicated. In Longitudinal Faculty Clinics, the student
should check with the faculty to see if (s)he would prefer the student evaluate the patient
independently or not.
4. Should the student write a clinic note? If yes, who will review the student’s notes,
co-sign them and provide feedback to the student?
The student should check with the supervising physician prior to clinic to clarify what will
work best for clinic flow in that particular clinic. The student should be prepared to write a
note in webCIS, write a note on a paper chart (as in OB clinic), or make only personal
notes for presentation in case the supervising physician dictates a note. The supervising
physician will review the note and should provide feedback.
5. What other tasks is the student responsible for during outpatient clinic
The student should review course objectives as they relate to their clinic assignment and
work towards achieving those objectives through reading, uWise questions or other
educational materials.
Last update 05/15/10
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