[KSLAB-547] When two COC CO-Chairs exist on same node, neither can approve/disapprove a proposal Created: 03/Mar/10 Updated: 18/May/10 Resolved: 28/Apr/10 Status: Project: Component/s: Affects Version/s: Fix Version/s: Closed KS Idea Tracker Workflow None Type: Reporter: Resolution: Labels: Remaining Estimate: Time Spent: Original Estimate: Bug/Defect Ben Clark (Inactive) Fixed None Not Specified Attachments: R1 RC1 Priority: Assignee: Votes: Major Ben Clark (Inactive) 0 Not Specified Not Specified route-log.tiff Issue Links: Fix fixes KSQATC-211 If more that one approver exists at a... Open Relate relates to KSLAB-811 When two COC Chairs exist on same nod... Closed KS Environment: Steps to Reproduce: Tomcat/Oracle/Redhat Description setup: add a co-chair to a Department COC, Division COC or College COC. Department will get you there quicker 1. Submit a proposal within the Department 2. Login as co-Chair for Department COC 3. click on Action List 4. Should have proposal waiting for "Approval" 5. Open Proposal via Action list 6. click on Authors/Collaborators Tab 7. click on Approve Result: Approve button isn't displayed. Expected: Co-Chair should be able to approve/disapprove proposal. When a new proposal document reaches a node containing two co-chairs(in COC), neither cochair can Approve or Disapprove the proposal as the buttons are absent from the Authors/Collaborators tab. When a new proposal document reaches a node containing one chair (in COC), the chair can approve or disapprove the proposal as expected. The Test and situation can be seen here: login as fishdvchair1 or fishdvchair2 pass same as the user name verify position: click on Organization Click on Browse Drill down from Senate/College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences/Oceanography Division Click on Oceanography Division, and click on Position/Members See two chairs: fishdvchair1, fishdvchair2 See route log for proposal Either view attachment or as this user fishdvchair1 or 2 click on Action List, see proposal #303 Trout Fishing 3037 Comments Comment by Ben Clark (Inactive) [ 03/Mar/10 ] Route Log Comment by Ben Clark (Inactive) [ 08/Mar/10 ] Scott's team is looking into a fix for M5. Per Carol this issue does cover a requirement. Comment by Scott Gibson (Inactive) [ 09/Apr/10 ] This no longer appears to be a problem. Comment by Ben Clark (Inactive) [ 26/Apr/10 ] Currently blocked from testing on RC1. Admin can't add/modify orgs due to a data issue. Comment by Ben Clark (Inactive) [ 27/Apr/10 ] now when a proposal arrives a node with 2 co-chairs, they can only clear an FYI. Expected: each should be required to Approve. have scenario setup currently on KS-STG/RC1 under The College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences/Fresh Water Division/Streams Depart Co-Chairs: streamchair1, streamchair2 (password same as user name) Member: stream1 Comment by Ben Clark (Inactive) [ 28/Apr/10 ] Hey Ben and Carol, I think someone was confused about the org positions when the workflow was originally written. The 'Co-Chair' position itself wasn't taken into account in our design for who gets the Approve request. The way it's working right now in R1 is that there are two different 'role types'. One is to identify the Chair (org person relation type 'kuali.org.PersonRelation.Chair') of an org and the other is to fetch the 'committee members' (or anyone who has any org person relation type for the org that isn't 'kuali.org.PersonRelation.Chair'). If the intention of the 'Co-Chair' position is that there is no 'Chair' then I believe the behavior you're seeing is a bug. My thought was that someone thought that every committee would have a 'Chair' and then any others might be added as 'Co-Chair's... but that's just a blind guess since I didn't do the initial design of this. The good news is that it should be fairly straightforward to either add a new role type service for 'Co-Chair' or to add the 'Co-Chair' to the existing KS 'Org Admin Reviewer' role if that's indeed what we need. You can see how we're setting up which org person relation types in the StudentStandaloneSpringBeans.xml files in either ks-web/ks-embedded/src/main/resources or ks-web/ks-rice/src/main/resources. Just look for the bean with id 'ksOrgAdminRoleTypeService' and look at the list of values we're setting in the 'includedOrgPersonRelationTypes'. David Comment by Ben Clark (Inactive) [ 28/Apr/10 ] anyone but a Chair can by FYI'd. so Co-Chair is FYI'd. Only CHAIR can approve/disaprove Generated at Tue Feb 09 08:23:27 CST 2016 using JIRA 6.1.5#6160sha1:a61a0fc278117a0da0ec9b89167b8f29b6afdab2.