here - Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre

List of publications and reports (alphabetic order) from research in the Udzungwa Mountains
(updated November 2012)
Please send details of missing or new publications to
Ahumada J. Faresin C. Gajapersad K. Hallam C. Hurtado J. Martin E. McWilliam A. Mugerwa B. O'Brien
T. Rovero F. Sheil D. Spironello W. Winarni N. and Andelman S. (2011). Community structure and
diversity of tropical forest mammals: data from a global camera trap network. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 366: 2703–2711.
Bauer, A. M. and Menegon M. (2006). A new species of Prehensile-tailed Gecko, Urocotyledon
(Squamata Gekkonidae), from the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. African Journal of
Herpetology 55: 13-22.
Boswell A.K. and Marshall A.R. (2011). Saving our forests: why are forests important and what can we
do to save them? CIRCLE, York, ISBN 978-0-9569862-0-7.
Bowie, R.C.K. and Fjeldså, J. (2005) Genetic and morphological evidence for two species in the Udzungwa
forest partridge Xenoperdix udzungwensis. J. East Afr. Nat. Hist. 94:191-201.
Bowkett, A.E., Lunt, N., Rovero, F. and Plowman, A.B. (2006). How do you monitor rare and elusive
mammals? Counting duikers in Kenya,Tanzania and Zimbabwe. In: Animals, Zoos and
Conservation. Zgrabczyñska, E., Ćwiertnia, P. and Ziomek, J. (eds.), Zoological Garden in Poznan,
Poland. pp.21-28.
Bowkett A. E., Rovero F. and Marshall A.R. (2008). The use of camera-trap data to model habitat use
by antelope species in the Udzungwa Mountain forests, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 46:
Bowkett, A.E. (2008). Notes on the use of reconnaissance walks for surveying rare mammals in the
Mwanihana Forest, Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Zoo Research News BIAZA Research Group
Newsletter 9.2
Bowkett, A.E., Plowman, A.B., Stevens, J.R., Davenport, T.R.B. and van Vuuren, B.J. (2009). Genetic
testing of dung identification for antelope surveys in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania.
Conservation Genetics 10: 251–255.
Bowkett, A.E., Plowman, A.B., Jones, T. and Stevens, J.R. (2009). The use of non-invasive genetic
sampling to assess conservation status: a case study of forest antelope in the Udzungwa
Mountains, Tanzania. Proceedings of the 7th TAWIRI Scientific Conference. 2nd – 4th December
2009, Arusha, Tanzania.
Bowkett AE, Jones T, Rovero F, Plowman A and Stevens R (2011). Notes on the distribution and
genetic diversity of Abbott's duiker Cephalophus spadix in the Udz Mts, TZ. Proceedings of the
VIIIth TAWIRI Scientific Conference, Arusha,Tanzania, 2011.
Brink, H., Topp-Jørgensen, J.E., Marshall, A.R. and Fanning, E. (2002). First record in sixty-eight years
of Lowe’s servaline genet (Genetta servalina lowei). Oryx 36: 324.
Bruner E., Pucci A. and Jones T. (2006). Cranial morphology and anatomy of two adult females of
Piliocolobus gordonorum, Matschie 1900 (Udzungwa Red Colobus). Aldrovandia 2: 73-78.
Burgess N.D., Butynski T.M., Cordeiro N.J., Doggart N., Fjeldsa J., Howell K.M., Kilahama F., Loader
S.P., Lovett J.C., Mbilnyi B, Menegon M., Moyer D.C., Nashanda E., Perkin A., Rovero F., Stanley
W.T. and Stuart S.N. (2007). The biological importance of the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania
and Kenya. Biological Conservation 134: 209-231.
Butynski T.M., Ehardt C.L. Struhsaker T.T. (1998). Notes on two dwarf galagos (Galagoides
udzungwensis and Galagoides orinus) in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Primate
Conservation 18: 69-75.
Butyski T.M. Ehardt C.L. (2003). Notes on ten restricted range birds in the Udzungwa Mountains,
Tanzania. Scopus 23: 1813-1828.
Butynski T.M. de Jong Y.A. Perkin A.W. Bearder S.K. and Honess P.E. (2006). Taxonomy, Dsitribution,
and Conservation Status of Three Species of Dward Galagos (Galagoides) in Eastern Africa. Prim.
Conserv. 21: 63-79.
Caro T. Jones T. and Davenport T.R.B. (2009) Realities of documenting wildlife corridors in tropical
countries. Biological Conservation 142: 2087- 2811
Channing, A., D. C. Moyer and K. M. Howell. (2002). Description of a new torrent frog in the genus
Arthroleptides from Tanzania (Ranidae). Alytes 20:13-27.
Channing, A., D. Moyer, and M. Burger (2002). Cryptic species of sharp-nosed reed frogs in the
Hyperolius nasutus complex: advertisement call differences. African Zoology 37: 91 - 99.
Cordeiro N.J., Lovett J.C., Mulungu E., Maina G.G. and Gerstle J.H. (2004). Initial trends of bird
assemblages before and after river diversion in an endemic-rich African forest. Biodiversity and
Conservation 15: 971-983.
Davenport T.R.B. and Jones T. (2005) The Highland Mangabey – Africa’s first new monkey for 20
years further illustrates the exceptional value of Tanzania’s forests. The Arc Journal 18:.1-6.
Davenport T.R.B., Jones T., Mpunga N.E., Machaga S.J., De Luca D.W., Laizzer R., Mndeme A. and
Mwakilema W.S. (2005) The Highland Mangabey Lophocebus kipunji – Africa’s ‘newest’ monkey.
Proceedings of the 5th Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Annual Scientific Conference.
Davenport TRB, Stanley WT, Sargis EJ, De Luca DW, Mpunga NE, Machaga SJ, and Olson LE. (2006). A
new genus of African monkey, Rungwecebus: morphology, ecology and molecular
phylogenetics. Science 312:1378–1381.
Davenport T.R.B., De Luca D.W., Jones T., Mpunga N.E., Machaga S.J., Kitegile A. and Picton Phillipps
G. (2008). The kipunji Rungwecebus kipunji in southern Tanzania: first census and assessments
of distribution and conservation status. Oryx 42: 352-359.
Decker, B. S. (1994). Endangered primates in the Selous Game Reserve and an imminent threat to
their habitat. Oryx 28: 183–190.
DeFries R., Rovero F., Wright P., Ahumada J., Andelman S., Brandon K., Dempewolf J., Hansen A.,
Hewson J. and Liu J. (2010). From plot to landscape scale: linking tropical biodiversity
measurements across spatial scales. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8: 153-160.
De Luca, D.W. and Mpunga, N.E. (2002) Preliminary observations of Lowe’s servaline genet (Genetta
servalina lowei) from Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Small Carnivore
Conservation 27: 17–18.
De Luca, D.W. and Mpunga, N.E. (2005a) Carnivores of the Udzungwa Mountains: Presence,
Distributions and Threats. Wildlife Conservation Society, Mbeya, Tanzania.
De Luca, D.W. and Mpunga, N.E. (2005b) Small carnivores of the Udzungwa Mountains: presence,
distributions and threats. Small Carnivore Conservation 32: 1–7.
De Luca D. and Rovero F. (2006). First records in Tanzania of the Vulnerable Jackson’s mongoose
Bdeogale jacksoni (Herpestidae). Oryx 40: 468-471.
Doggart, N., C. Leonard, A. Perkin, M. Menegon and F. Rovero (2008). The Biodiversity and forest
condition of Udzungwa Mountain forests in Mufindi District. TFCG Technical Paper No 18. DSM,
Tz. 142 pp.
Doody K. (2005). Udzungwa Mountains Workshop. Report to WWF-TPO. Available at:
Dinesen L. (1998) Priorities for biodiversity conservation in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania –
based on bird data. J. E. Afr. Nat. History 87: 195-204.
Dinesen, L., Lehmberg, T., Svendsen, J.O., Hansen, L.A. and Fjeldsa° , J. (1994) A new genus and
species of perdicine bird (Phasianidae: Perdicini) from Tanzania; a relict form with Indo-Malayan
affinities. Ibis 136: 2–11.
Dinesen L. and Lehmberg T. (1996) Problem identification in Udekwa (Iringa District, Tanzania) in
relation to the conservation of forest and biodiversity. Project Identification Report, Birdlife
Denmark, Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Dinesen, L., Lehmberg, T., Rahner, M. and Fjeldsa° , J. (2001) Conservation priorities for the forests of
the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania, based on primates, duikers and birds. Biological
Conservation 99: 223–226.
Ehardt C.L. (2001). The endemic primates of the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. African Primates, 4:
Ehardt C.L., Struhsaker T.T. and Butynski T.M. (1999). Conservation of the Endangered Primates of
the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania: Surveys, Habitat Assessment, and Long-Term Monitoring.
Final Report, Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, Great Falls, Virginia, and Conservation
International, Washington DC.
Ehardt C.L., Jones T.P. and Butynski T.M. (2005). Protective status, ecology and strategies for
improving conservation of the Sanje mangabey Cercocebus sanjei in the Udzungwa Mountains,
Tanzania. Int. J. Primatol. 26: 557–583.
Ehardt C.L. and Butynski T.M. (2006). The recently described Highland Mangabey, Lophocebus kipunji
(Cercopithecoidea, Cercopithecinae): Current knowledge and conservation assessment. Primate
Conserv. 21: 81–87.
Fjeldså, J. and Kiure, J. (2003). A new population of the Udzungwa Forest Partridge, Xenoperdix
udzungwensis. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 123: 52-57.
Fjeldså, J. (1999). The impact of human forest disturbance on the endemic avifauna of the Udzungwa
mountains, Tanzania. Bird Conserv. Internat. 9: 47-62.
Frontier Tanzania (2001). Botanical, Zoological and Management Reports of the Udzungwa
Mountains Biodiversity Survey (3 volumes each for New Dabaga/Ulangambi and West Kilombero
Scarp Forest Reserves). Reports for the Udzungwa Mountains Forest Management and
Hall, J.B. (1986). Luhombero Massif, Iringa Region, Tanzania: Reconnaissance Vegetation Survey in
August 1985. Department of Forestry and Wood Science, University College of North Wales,
Bangor, UK.
Harrison, P. (2006). Socio-Economic study of the Udzungwa Scarp area: a potential wildlife corridor.
Incorporating livelihood assessments and options for future management of Udzungwa Forests.
unpublished report for Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund and WWF-Tanzania.
Harrison, P., (2006). Socio-Economic Baseline Survey of Villages Adjacent to the Vidunda Catchment
Area, Bordering Udzungwa Mountains National Park: Incorporating a Socio-Economic
Monitoring Plan for 29 Villages North and East of the Udzungwa Mountains National Park. WWF
Harrison, P., and Laizer, J., (2007) Socio-Economic Baseline Assessment of Villages Adjacent to
Magombera Forest. WWF TPO, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Harrison, P., and Laizer, J., (2007) Iyondo’s Livelihoods: A Socio-Economic Assessment of Villages
Adjacent to Iyondo Forest Reserve, Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. WWF TPO, Dar es Salaam,
Hoyle D. (1997). Udzungwa Mountains National Park: socio-economic survey. Institute of Resource
Assessment (IRA). July 2000. Udzungwa Mountains National Park (UMNP).
Homewood, K. M., and Rodgers, W. A. (1981). A Previously Undescribed Mangabey from Southern
Tanzania. Int. J. Primatol. 2: 47–55.
Hutterer, R., Jenkins, P.D. and Verheyen, W.N. (1991). A new forest shrew from southern Tanzania.
Oryx 25: 165-168.
Jensen, F.P. and Brøgger-Jensen, S. (1992). The forest avifauna of the Udzungwa Mountains,
Tanzania. Scopus 15: 65-83.
Jensen F.P. (1983) A new species of sunbird from Tanzania. Ibis 125: 447-449.
Jones T. (2005). Surveys of the endangered primates of the Udzungwa Mountains outside of the
Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Report to the Primate Society of Great Britain.
Jones T. (2006). Kipunji in Ndundulu Forest, Tanzania: Distribution, Abundance and Conservation
Status. Unpublished report for the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Fauna and Flora
Jones T. (2006). Conducting Baseline Ecological surveys and Developing an Ecological Monitoring Plan
for the Vidunda Water Catchment Area and East side of the Udzungwa Mountains National Park.
A Report to WWF-Tanzania. 45pp.
Jones T. (2007). Mangabey Educational Tourism Project in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania: Phase
I. Final Report to the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund.
Jones T. (2007). Cassin's Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus Africanus in Ndundulu Forest: a First Record for
Tanzania, with Biogeographical Implications. Journal of East African Natural History 96: 187-192.
Jones T. (2009). Checklist of the birds of Mwanihana forest.
Jones T. (2011). Faunal Surveys of the remote Ng’ung’umbi plateau, part of the Ndundulu-Luhomero
massif, Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Report to WWF-TPO.
Jones T. and Rovero F. (2003). Faunal Survey of West Kilombero Forest. Report to Tanzania National
Parks, Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology.
Jones T. and John J. (2008). Distribution of Two Endemic Cisticolas of the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania.
Jones T and Nowak K (2012). Mountain elephants. Africa Geographic.
Jones T and Bowkett A (2012). New populations of an Endangered Tanzanian antelope discovered
using camera traps and DNA. Oryx 46: 14-15.
Jones T. Ehardt C.L. Butynski T.M. Davenport T.R.B. Mpunga N.E. Machaga S.J. De Luca D.W. (2005).
The highland mangabey Lophocebus kipunji: a new species of African monkey. Science 308:
Jones T., Laurent S., Mselewa F. and Mtui A. (2006) Sanje mangabey Cercocebus sanjei kills African
crowned eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus. Folia Primatologica 77: 359-363.
Jones T., Rovero F. and Msirikale J. (2007) Vanishing Corridors: A Last Chance to Preserve Ecological
Connectivity between the Udzungwa and Selous-Mikumi Ecosystems of Southern Tanzania. Final
Report to Conservation International.
Jones T., Caro T. and Davenport T.R.B. (2009) Wildlife corridors in Tanzania. Tanzania Wildlife
Research Institute. 60pp.
Jones T. Bamford A.J. Ferrol-Schulte D. Hieronimo P. McWilliam N. and Rovero F. (2012). Vanishing
wildlife corridors and options for restoration: a case study from Tanzania. Tropical Conservation
Kessy J.F. (2003) Identification, dissemination and adoption of improved wood fuel stoves
technologies around Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Unpublished report to
Kiondo M.R. (2001) The ecological impact of deadwood collection to the biodiversity of small
mammals and reptiles in the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Dar Es Salaam.
Kingdon J. and Rovero F. (2013). Harveys’ duiker. In: Kingdon, J.S., Happold D., &, Butynski, T.,
Hoffman M., Happold M and Kalina J. (Eds). The Mammals of Africa. Vol. 6. Pigs, Deer, Giraffe,
Bovids, and Hippos. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Laurance W.F. and 216 authors 2012. Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas.
Nature 489: 290-294.
Loader S.P., Channing A., Menegon M. and Davenport T.R.B., (2006). A new species of Probreviceps
(Amphibia: Anura) from the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania. Zootaxa 1237: 45-60.
Lovett, J.C. (1996). Elevational and latitudinal changes in tree association and diversity in the Eastern
Arc mountains of Tanzania. Journal of Tropical Ecology 12: 629-650.
Lovett, J.C. (1998). Continuous change in Tanzanian moist forest tree communities with elevation.
Journal of Tropical Ecology 14: 719-722.
Lovett, J.C. (1999). Tanzanian forest tree plot diversity and elevation. Journal of Tropical Ecology 15:
Lovett, J.C., Hatton, J., Mwasumbi, L.B. and Gerstle, J. (1997). Assessment of the impact of the lower
Kihansi hydropower project on the forests of Kihansi Gorge, Tanzania. Biodiversity Conserv. 6:
Lovett, J.C. and Pócs, T. (1993). Assessment of the condition of the Catchment Forest Reserves, a
botanical appraisal. Catchment Forestry Report 93.3, Dar es Salaam.
Lovett J.C. and Wasser S.K. (1993). Biogeography and Ecology of the Rain Forests of Eastern Africa.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 341 pp.
Lovett JC, Bridson DM, Thomas DW. (1988). A preliminary list of the moist forest angiosperm flora of
Mwanihana Forest Reserve, Tanzania. Ann Missouri Bot Gardens 75: 874–885.
Lovett JC, Marshall AR, and Carr J. (2006). Changes in tropical forest vegetation along an altitudinal
gradient in the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania. African J Ecol 44: 478–490.
Lovett, J.C., Marchant, R., Marshall, A.R., Barber, J. (2007). Tropical Moist Forests. In: R. Hesler and
Harrison (eds.) Biodiversity Under Threat. Royal Society of Chemistry.
Marshall, A.R. (2004). Ecology and social demography of Udzungwa colobines: a summary of current
knowledge. Folia Primatologica 75(suppl 1; Abstracts of the 20th Congress of the International
Primatological Society), 23-24.
Marshall A.R. (2007). Disturbance in the Udzungwas: Responses of Monkeys and Trees to Forest
Degradation. Ph.D. Thesis, University of York, UK.
Marshall A.R. (2008 a). Ecological Report on Magombera Forest. Unpublished report to WWF-TPO.
Marshall A.R. (2008 b). Udzungwa Forest Project Summary for EAZA June 2008. Report for Flamingo
Marshall A.R., Brink H. and Topp-Jørgensen, J.E. (2001). Effect of bushfires on forest expansion in
West Kilombero Scarp Forest Reserve. In Frontier Tanzania (ed.): West Kilombero Scarp Forest
Reserve - Botanical and Forest Use Report, pp. 83-101. Udzungwa Mountains Forest
Management and Biodiversity Conservation Project, Iringa, Tanzania.
Marshall A.R., Topp-Jørgensen J.E., Brink H. and Fanning E. (2005). Monkey abundance and social
structure in two high elevation forest reserves in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Int. J.
Primatol. 26: 127-145.
Marshall A.R., Aloyce Z., Mariki S., Jones T., Burgess N., Kilahama F., Massao J., Nashanda E., Sawe C.,
Rovero F. and Watkin J. (2007). Tanzania’s second Nature Reserve: improving the conservation
status of the Udzungwa Mountains? Oryx 41: 429-430.
Marshall A. R., Lovett J.C. and White P.C.L. (2008). Selection of Line-Transect Methods for Estimating
the Density of Group-Living Animals: Lessons from the Primates. Am. J. Primatol. 70: 452-462.
Marshall, A.R., Jørgensbye, H., Rovero, F., Lovett, J.C. and White, P.C.L. (2010) The species-area
relationship in a threatened monkey community, controlling for externalities. American Journal
of Primatology 72: 325-336
Marshall A.R. et al. (2012) Measuring and modelling above-ground carbon and tree allometry along a
tropical elevation gradient. Biological Conservation 154 20-33.
Marshall A.R. Platts P.J. Gereau R.E. Kindeketa W. Kang'ethe S. and Marchant R. (2012). The genus
Acacia (Fabaceae) in East Africa: distribution, biodiversity and the protected area network. Plant
Ecology and Evolution.
McCabe, G.M. (2012). Reproductive ecology of the Sanje mangabey in the Udzungwa Mountains,
Tanzania. PhD dissertation, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA. pp.211.
Menegon M. and Salvidio S. (2000). The diet of Nectophrynoides viviparus. Herpetological Review 31:
Menegon M. and Salvidio S. (2002). Notes on habitat, egg-laying and first record of the advertising
call of Hyperolius kihangensis Schiøtz and Westergaard, 1999 (Anura, Hyperoliidae). Biota 3:
Menegon M. and Salvidio S., and C. Tilbury (2002). A new dwarf forest chameleon from the
Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, East Africa, (Squamata:Rhampholeon Günther, 1874). J.
Herpetol. 36: 51-57.
Menegon M., Salvidio S. and Moyer D. C. (2003). Amphibians and Reptiles of Nguu North Forest
Reserve, Tanzania, First Contribution. African Herps News 36: 2-8.
Menegon M. and Salvidio S. (2005). Amphibian and Reptile diversity in the southern Udzungwa Scarp
Forest Reserve, south-eastern Tanzania. In: Huber B.A., Sinclair B.J. e Lampe K.H. (eds.), African
Biodiversity: Molecules, Organisms, Ecosystems. Proceedings of the 5th International
Symposium on Tropical Biology, Museum Koenig, Bonn, 205-212.
Menegon M., Salvidio S. and Loader S.P. (2004). Five new species of Nectophrynoides Noble, 1926,
(Amphibia Anura Bufonidae) from the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania. Tropical Zoology 17: 97121.
Menegon, M., S. Salvidio, and D. Moyer (2006). Reptiles and amphibians from a montane grassland:
Gendakwi Valley, Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. African Herp News 40: 8-14.
Menegon, M., Tolley, K., Jones, T., Rovero, F., Marshall, A.R., Tilbury, C.R. (2009) A new species of
chameleon (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae: Kinyongia) from the Magombera forest and the Udzungwa
Mountains National Park, Tanzania. African Journal of Herpetology.
Moyer D. and Mulungu E. (2004). Report on a fieldtrip to the central part of the Uzungwa Scarp
Catchment Forest. Unpublished report, WCS, 9 pp.
Moyer, D. C. (1993). Foraging Ecology, Habitat Selection, and Community Structure of Afromontane
Forest Birds in Tanzania. MSc Thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State
University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Department of Zoology and Physiology. 99
Moyer, D. C. (2004). Ploceus buurnieri, in C. H. Fry and S. Keith (Eds.), The Birds of Africa Vol. VII.
Christopher Helm, London.
Moyer, D. C. (1993). A preliminary trial of territory mapping for estimating bird densities in
Afromontane forest. Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress 8: 302-311.
Moyer, D. C. (1993). Report on the Natural Resources Consultancy for the Udzungwa Forest
Management Project Preparation Mission, pp. 1-72. Vol. 3. Annex 4 in: J. Lovett (ed.). Udzungwa
Forest Management Project. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen.
Moyer, D. C. (2003). Conservation Status of Abbot's Duiker, Cephalophus spadix, in the United
Republic of Tanzania. In Ecology and Conservation of Small Antelope: Proceedings of an
International Symposium on Duiker and Dwarf Antelope in Africa. A.B.Plowman (ed.) FilanderVerlag.
Moyer, D. C., J. C. Lovett, and E. A. de Leyser. (1990). Birds of Ngwazi, Mufindi District, Tanzania.
Scopus 14: 6-13.
Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali (2007). Conservation status, connectivity, and options for
improved management of southern Forest Reserves in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania:
urgent need for intervention. Unpublished report to Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund.
Mwakalila, S., Burgess, N., Ricketts, T., Olwero, N., Swetnam, R., Mbilinyi, B., Marchant, R., Mtalo, F.,
White, S., Munishi, P., Marshall, A., Malimbwi, R., Smith, C., Jambiya., G., Marshall, A., Madoffe,
S., Fisher, B., Kajembe., G., Morse-Jones, S., Kulindwa., K., Green, J., Balmford, A. (2009) Valuing
the arc: linking science with stakeholders to sustain natural capital. The Arc Journal 23 23-28.
Ndangalasi, H., Bitariho, R., and Dovie, D.B.K. (2007). Harvesting of non-timber forest products and
implications for conservation in two montane forests of East Africa. Biological Conservation 134:
Nielsen, M.R. (2006). Importance, cause and effect of bushmeat hunting in the Udzungwa
Mountains, Tanzania: Implications for community based wildlife management. Biol. Cons. 128:
Nowak K, Jones T and Lee PC (2010) Using dung bolus diameter for age estimation in an unstudied
elephant population in Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Pachyderm 46: 47-52.
Nowak K, Jones T, Lee PC and Hawkins D (2010) Savanna elephants in montane forest: assessing the
population of a landscape species in the biodiverse Udzungwa Mountains. Proceedings of the
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Seventh Scientific Conference, Arusha, Tanzania.
Nowak K and Jones T (2012) Rebuilding a bond. Africa Geographic. June 2012
Nyundo B.A., Mtui A. and Kissaka H. (2006). An assessment of ecological and social-economic impacts
caused by collection of deadwood, medicinal plants and cutting of grass for thatching in
Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Unpublished report to WWF-TPO.
Olson L.E, Sargis E.J., Stanley W.T., Hildebrandt K.B.P and Davenport T.R.B. (2008). Additional
molecular evidence strongly supports the distinction between the recently described African
primate Rungwecebus kipunji (Cercopithecidae, Papionini) and Lophocebus. Mol. Phylogenet.
Evol. 48: 789–794
Perkin A.W. (2007). Comparative penile morphology of East African galagos of the genus Galagoides
(Family Galagidae): Implications for taxonomy. Int. J. Primatol. 69: 16-26
Poynton J. C., Menegon M. and Salvidio S., (2005). Bufo uzunguensis of southern Tanzania
(Amphibia:Anura): a history of confusion. African Journal of Herpetology 54: 159-170.
Roberts TE, Davenport TRB, Hildebrandt KBP, Jones T, Sargis EJ, Stanley WT and Olson LE (2010) Local
introgression, not hybrid origin, explains mitochondrial DNA variation in Rungwecebus kipunji.
Biology Letters 6: 233-237
Rodgers, W.A. (1981). The distribution and conservation status of colobus monkeys in Tanzania.
Primates 22: 33-45.
Rodgers, W. A., and Homewood, K. M. (1982). Biological values and conservation prospects for the
forests and primate populations of the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Biol. Cons. 24: 285–304.
Rovero F. and Mashall A.R. (2004). Estimating the abundance of forest antelopes by using line
transect techniques: a case from the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Tropical Zoology 17:
Rovero F. and Marshall A.R. (2005). Diversity and abundance of diurnal primates and forest antelopes
in relation to habitat quality: a case study from the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, pp. 297304. In: African Biodiversity: Molecules, Organisms, Ecosystems. Proc. 5th Intern. Symp. Trop.
Biol., Museum Koenig, Bonn (BA Huber, BJ Sinclair, K-H Lampe, eds). Springer Verlag. 2005.
Rovero F. and Menegon M. (2005). Uzungwa Scarp, an outstanding Eastern Arc forest: biological
value and urgent need for protection. Tanzanian Wildlife Research Institute. Proceedings of the
5th Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Scientific Conference, 2005: 183-187.
Rovero F. and Rathbun G.B. (2006). A potentially new giant sengi (elephant-shrew) from the
Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Journal of East African Natural History 95: 111-115.
Rovero F. and Mtui A. (2006). Comparing multi-observer, line transect data for primate monitoring: a
case from the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the
International Primatological Society. International Journal of Primatology, 27 (Special Issue):
abstract #350.
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