Booklets for Sale 2015 - Irish Society for Autism



Children with Autism – A Booklet for Brothers & Sisters : €4.50

This booklet is aimed at siblings of children with Autism and it explains the difficulties that children with autism have.

Children with Asperger Syndrome – A Booklet for Brothers & Sisters

Approaches to Autism

This booklet provides an easy to use guide to the many and varied approaches to autism.


This booklet is aimed at siblings of children with Asperger Syndrome and it explains the difficulties that children with Aspergers have.

A Mind of One’s Own – A Guide to the special difficulties and needs of the more able person with Autism or Asperger Syndrome

This booklet provides a useful introduction to Asperger syndrome to parents and young people with Asperger syndrome. It give in detail the special difficulties and needs of the more able person with autism or Asperger syndrome.



Why Does Chris do That?

This booklet provides suggestions regarding the cause and management of the unusual behaviour of children and adults with autism and Asperger Syndrome.

Guidelines for the implementation of a Gluten and/or Casein Free Diet

As title

Autism in the Early Years

– A Practical Guide

Autism in the Early Years provides extensive material that would be equally, accessible and relevant to parents following an early diagnosis of Autism.

Irish Families Under Stress – Planning for the Autistic Persons

A prevalence and psychosocial study in the Eastern Regional Health Authority area of Dublin.

Diagnosis – A Brief Guide for Health Professionals

This booklet presents information to help health professionals in recognising the early signs of autism.

Words will Really Hurt Me – How to Protect to Your Child from Bullying

This booklet gives useful tips on how to reduce bullying, particularly for the special needs child in a mainstream setting, i.e. Asperger Syndrome.

What is Asperger Syndrome and How Will It Affect Me?

This book describes Asperger Syndrome in detail and it also gives some tips on how to overcome some of the problems associated with it.

It Can Get Better – Dealing with Common Behaviour Problems in Young Children


















with Autism.

This book deals with common behaviour problems in children with autism and is a guide for parents and carers. If offers help with issues including temper tantrums, toileting, sleep, feeding, self-help skills and learning to play, coping with obsessional and repetitive behaviour and self injury.

: €10.40

Autism – How to Help Your Young Child : €17.00

Provides many useful suggestions on how to help children with autism through, social interaction, communication, imagination and the need for sameness.

Important Facts about Autism & Asperger Syndrome for GP’s

My Brother is Different

This book is aimed at siblings of children with autism.

This pamphlet gives detailed information on the facts about autism and Asperger syndrome and is aimed specifically for GP’s

Population Study of Children and Adults with Autism

Comprising: South Western Area Health Board, Northern Area Health Board, East Coast Area Health Board

Michael Fitzgerald, Pat Matthews and Gail Birkbeck

Exam Advice for young people with Autism & Asperger Syndrome

Guidelines for examiners, teachers, parents & pupils.

Moving from Primary School to Secondary School

Guidelines for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

I have Autism…..What’s that?

Provides explanations of the ‘differences’ between people with Autism & others. It is straightforward but kind.

We can do it! Helping Children who have Learning Disabilities with Bowel &

Bladder Management, a guide for Parents

This booklet outlines a number of practical methods to guide parents who have children with learning disabilities

– whether these are moderate, severe or profound – as well as children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

Autistic Spectrum Disorders in the Early Years, A guide for practitioners. R. Jordan

As title

















Autistic Spectrum Disorders in young Children, a guide for early years practitioners

As title


Supporting a Child with Autism, a guide for teachers and classroom assistants.

Sharon Powell. As title

The Sensory World of the Autistic Spectrum: A Great Understanding.


This booklet aims to give a basic understanding of sensory integration, offer coping strategies and explain the possible difficulties that individuals with Autism or Asperger syndrome may have.

Mental Health in people with Autism and Asperger Syndrome

This booklet emphasises the diagnosis and treatment of depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders.





Support for the Bereaved and the Dying in Services for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders €11.70

This is a subject that is difficult for everyone but especially those with Autism or Asperger Syndrome. The author approaches the subject with sensitivity, looking carefully at all the issues which need to be addressed and giving a wide range of references and sources of information. This book will be of particular relevance to those who work with adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

Supporting Students with Asperger Syndrome in Higher Education Rachel Pike – N.A.S. : €2.50

This booklet is designed for staff in higher education establishments who currently or may have to in the future support students with

Asperger Syndrome. It is useful for all staff but especially for lecturers, tutors etc.

: €1.50

Bullying and How to Deal with It : A guide for pupils with Autistic Sectrum Disorders

Patricia Thorpe

– N.A.S.

This booklet gives helpful advice to parents and school staff who work with children with Autism and Asperger Syndrome

to deal with bullying.

Asperger Syndrome – An Overview - Stephan Ehlers & Christopher Gillberg

This booklet is aimed at parents of young people with Asperger Syndrome and also professionals who want a concise description.


Going to the Shops: A Guide for Parents of Children with Autistic Spectrum

Disorders Catriona Hauser N.A.S.

This booklet aims to provide some suggested strategies to help reduce some of the difficulties a young person on the Autism

Spectrum may have when going on trips for example to the shops etc.

Going to the Dentist: A Guide for People with Autism and Asperger Syndrome

– Kate Wilkes N.A.S.



Taking children and even some adults to the dentist can be a very stressful experience. This booklet aims to give brief strategies which may help make the experience better for all involved.

Creating an Autism Friendly Environment - Anh Nguyen :

As Title

What’s So Special About Autism - Lorna Wing

Lorna Wing discusses the defining characteristics of Autism and how these characteristics affect the type of services

People with Autism may need to access in order to live their lives to their fullest potential.

Asperger Syndrome – From Diagnosis to Solutions – A Guide for Parents



Phyllis Quigg & Oonagh Nugent

The aim of this book is to help understand more about Asperger’s Syndrome and also to focus on the child’s strengths and in this way find solutions that work for the child and help promote self esteem.

First Steps in Intervention with your child with Autism – Frameworks for Communication :

This book deals with initial intervention with young children, but the many practical ideas and strategies can also be usefully

Applied to children of school age if they are at an early stage of communication. This book is perfect for parents looking to

Understand their child better and, in turn help improve their child’s development and communication. This book will also be helpful to professionals working with families with a child on the autism spectrum.

Going to the Hairdressers: A Guide for Parents of Children with Autism and Asperger

Syndrome - Laura Slade N.A.S.

It can be very distressing for any child to have their hair cut, but for a child with Autistic Spectrum Disorder the visit to the hairdressers may be particularly upsetting. This booklet explains briefly why a child may become distressed when having a haircut and also suggests some strategies to help.

Words Unspoken

– Facilitated Communication gives a voice to those who are unable to speak



As Title

Roisin’s Journey - Patricia Clancy

As Title

Positive Behaviour Support – A brief guide for schools – Mark Wakefield & Sharon Paley


This booklet offers a quick guide to the principles of Positive Behaviour Support for teachers, classroom assistants and others working within a school environment.













Body Language and Communication – A guide for people with an Autism Spectrum

Disorder – Simon Perks N.A.S.

Understanding and using body language can be difficult for people with an autism spectrum disorder, but learning how to use it effectively can help them to communicate more successfully and enjoyably with other people, including family, friends and colleagues. This book discusses some simple body language techniques which can be used when interacting with other people. .


Autism: Understanding Behaviour – Caroline Hattersley N.A.S.

This book looks at the cause and function of behaviour: what might a child be trying to communicate or achieve by acting in

A particular way? It also discusses a number of practical strategies that can be used in day to day situations, or at times of

Heightened stress and anxiety to help a child manage their behaviour.


Play with Me – Including children with Autism in mainstream primary schools –

Isabel Cottinelli Telmo.

What is Autism? What difficulties do children with Autism have? How can other children in the class help them?

This book offers practical help to difficult questions. It gives classmates a better understanding of children with Autism.


Talking together about an Autism diagnosis. Rachel Pike N.A.S.

This book gives some practical tips and strategies for sharing a diagnosis of ASD with a child. It is also useful for people

Working with children and young people with an ASD or for people who care for older adolescents or adults on the Autism



To order please contact:

The Irish Society for Autism,

16/17 Lr. O’Connell Street,

Dublin 1. 01-8744684 email:




