Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information Surname(s) / First name(s) Address(es) ZAVATTARO Laura Home: 85, via Sostegno, 10146, Torino, Italy Work: 44, via Leonardo da Vinci, 10095, Grugliasco (TO), Italy Telephone(s) +39 011 670 8786 Fax(es) +39 011 670 8791 E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender Mobile: +39 3286983756 Italian 08.07.1969 Female Desired employment / Occupational field Researcher Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector December 2006 onwards Technician Research activities in the field of environmental agronomy and soil science Università degli Studi di Torino, Dept. DISAFA (former AgroSelviTer until 2012) ( Via Leonardo da Vinci, 44, 10095 Grugliasco, Italy. Research from 1994 to 2006 Various (including scholarship, research assistant, etc.) Research activities in several sectors of environmental agronomy research, including manure management, soil organic matter conservation, protection of groundwater and surface water quality, soil hydrology, modelling and territorial analyses. Teaching activity in agronomy, soil science, soil hydrology, irrigation, both at national and international level. Organization and management of PhD courses. Università degli Studi di Torino. Dept. AgroSelviTer Via Leonardo da Vinci, 44, 10095 Grugliasco, Italy. Research Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Page 1 / 3 - Curriculum vitae of ZAVATTARO LAURA 1995 - 1998 PhD Thesis title: ‘Assessing water and nitrogen leaching from various soils and forage crops. Measurements and simulations, includes field studies that contributed to improve nitrogen management at the field scale, in intensive cropping system. For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20051110 Name and type of organisation providing education and training Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy) Level in national or international classification ISCED 6 Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered 1988 - 1994 Master of Science in Agricultural Sciences general basis (e.g. botany, zoology, biology, chemistry, physics, plant pathology, entomology, agronomy, etc.) of agriculture production systems; emphasis on plant-based agriculture production systems. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy), Facoltà di Agraria. Level in national or international classification ISCED 5 Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) Self-assessment European level (*) Understanding Listening Reading Speaking Spoken interaction English B2 Independent user C2 French B1 Independent user B1 Independent user A2 Proficient user Writing Spoken production B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Social skills and competences Team work skills: since my graduation in 1994, I have worked in a dynamic research team, often interacting with other national and international teams. As a senior scientist; I have been in charge of training and managing young collaborators, and I have been trained on leadership skills. In my work activities I have to cooperated with researchers, technicians and farmers from all over the world. Organisational skills and competences I have been involved in several research projects, both at national and international level. In several cases I have been in charge of planning, organization of field research activities, data processing, reporting, disseminating and managing administration. I have been involved in the organization of national and international congresses and in the scientific review and editing of the related proceedings. I have reviewed several papers for national and international journals. I have organized and actively participated to several dissemination events. Technical skills and competences Good command of conventional laboratory equipment. Good command of on-field data acquisition devices. Computer skills and competences Good knowledge of the environments Microsoft XP. Good knowledge of Microsoft OfficeTM tools (WordTM, ExcelTM, PowerPointTM and AccessTM). Intermediate skills on the use of Adobe Photoshop and GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). Basic command of AdobeTM InDesignTM CS3 Additional information SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (ISI OR SCOPUS JOURNALS): 19 Tulliani J.-M., Baroni C., Zavattaro L., Grignani C., 2013. Strontium-doped hematite as a possible humidity sensing material for soil water content determination. Sensors 13,:12070-12092; doi:10.3390/s130912070 Alluvione F., Fiorentino N., Bertora C., Zavattaro L., Fagnano M., Quaglietta Chiarandà F., Grignani C., 2013. Short-term crop and soil response to C-friendly strategies in two contrasting Page 2 / 3 - Curriculum vitae of ZAVATTARO LAURA For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20051110 environments. European Journal of Agronomy 45: 114-123. Sacco D. Cremon C., Zavattaro L., Grignani C., 2012. Seasonal variation of soil physical properties under different water managements in irrigated rice. Soil & Tillage Research 118: 22-31. Zavattaro L., Monaco, S., Sacco D., Grignani C., 2012. Options to reduce N loss from maize in intensive cropping systems in Northern Italy. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 147: 24-35. Zavattaro, L., Grignani, C., Acutis, M., Rochette, P., 2012. Mitigation of environmental impacts of nitrogen use in agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 147: 1-3. Borda T., Celi L., Zavattaro L., Sacco D., Barberis E., 2011. Effect of agronomic management on risk of suspended solids and phosphorus losses from soil to waters. Journal of soils and sediments 11: 440-451. Bassanino M., Sacco D., Zavattaro L., Grignani C., 2011. Nutrient balance as a sustainability indicator of different agro-environments in Italy. Ecological Indicators 11: 715-723. Borda T., Withers P.J.A., Sacco D., Zavattaro L., Barberis E., 2010. Predicting mobilization of suspended sediments and phosphorus from soil properties: a case study from the north west Po valley, Piemonte, Italy. Soil Use and Management 26: 310-319. Bertora C., Alluvione F., Zavattaro L., Grignani C., 2010. Regulations concerning agriculture and air pollution. Italian Journal of Agronomy 5(1): 79-101. Alluvione F., Bertora C., Zavattaro L., Grignani C., 2010. Nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emissions following green manure and compost fertilization in corn. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74: 384-395. Bertora C., Zavattaro L., Sacco D., Monaco S., Grignani C., 2009. Soil organic matter dynamics and losses in manured maize-based forage systems. European Journal of Agronomy 30 (3): 177-186. Bertora C., Alluvione F., Zavattaro L., van Groenigen J.W., Velthof G., Grignani C., 2008. Pig slurry treatment modifies slurry composition and N2O and CO2 emissions after soil incorporation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40, 1999-2006. Grignani C., Zavattaro L., Sacco D., Monaco S., 2007. Production, Nitrogen and Carbon balance of maize-based forage systems. The European Journal of Agronomy 26: 442-453. Zavattaro L., Romani M., Sacco D., Bassanino M., Grignani C., 2006. Fertilization management of paddy fields in Piedmont (NW Italy) and its effects on the soil and water quality. Paddy and water environment 4: 61-66. Lo Russo S., Zavattaro L., Acutis M., Zuppi G.M., 2003. Chloride profile technique to estimate water movement trough unsatured zone in a cropped area in subhumid climate (Po Valley - NW Italy). Journal of Hydrology 270 (1-2): 65-74. Jarvis N.J., Zavattaro L., Rajkai K., Reynolds W.D., Olsen P.-A., McGechan M., Mecke M., Mohanty B., Leeds-Harrison P.B. and Jacques D., 2002. Indirect estimation of near-saturated hydraulic conductivity from readily available soil information. Geoderma 108: 1-17. Zavattaro L., Grignani C., 2001. Deriving hydrological parameters for modelling water flow under field conditions. The Soil Science Society of America Journal 65: 655-667. Grignani C., Zavattaro L., 2000. A survey on actual agricultural practices and their effects on the mineral nitrogen concentration of the soil solution. The European Journal of Agronomy 12: 251-268. Zavattaro L., Jarvis N.J., Persson L., 1999. Use of similar media scaling to characterize spatial dependence of near-saturated hydraulic conductivity. The Soil Science Society of America Journal 63: 486-492. FURTHER PUBLICATIONS: 7 on peer-reviewed scientific but not ISI/Scopus journals, 5 book chapters, 25 international Congress proceedings, 13 national congress proceedings, 18 popular science papers Page 3 / 3 - Curriculum vitae of ZAVATTARO LAURA For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20051110