Sample CAD for Continuing Activity

Contract Activity Description For Continuing Activities/Outcomes, Revised
A Contract Activity Description for Continuing Activities/Outcomes (CAD/O) document MUST BE
SUBMITTED for each continuing activity for which the partnership is requesting approval. Each
CAD/O MUST INCLUDE the CAD and Outcomes sheet. A template for CAD/Os is on page 2
and 3 of this document.
Activity Title:
Use the activity title as it appears in Column 1 on the Activity Status Summary if
applicable. (If the activity title has changed, it should be the same as written in
Column 13 of the Activity Status Summary.)
Use the PBIS ID as it appears in Column 2 on the Activity Status Summary.
Use the Purpose Service Code (PSC) as it appears in Column 3 on the Activity
Status Summary if applicable. (If the PSC is different, the PSC should be the
same as written in Column 11 of the Activity Status Summary. Refer to the
Purpose Service Code document on SmartNet.)
Contract Activity Description (CAD)
The contract activity description (CAD) must provide a response to following contracting
 What service will be provided
 Who will receive the service
 What staff will Smart Start fund
 How will the service be delivered
Optional with Planning Consultant input:
 Where will the service be delivered
 When will the service be delivered
Refer to the Smart Start Cost Principles for additional items to be included.
In addition, the contract activity description (CAD) must:
 Be written in the future tense
 Be limited to 200 words or less in length
 Spell out all acronyms and abbreviations when first used
 Be written in paragraph form (no bullet or numbered lists)
 Be free of spelling, grammatical and spacing errors
REMEMBER: The CAD will become a legal document for the NCPC/LP contract.
Required Document
Program and Planning Department
9-29-06; rev 1/30/07
Contract Activity Description (CAD)
Partnership Name:
Activity Title:
PBIS ID: ___________
PSC: __________
If this is a subsidy activity (PSC 1XXX), please also answer the following questions:
 What agency is the administrator? (will report into the Smart Start Reporting System-SSRS or
More At Four-MAFKids)
 Who is the responsible party? (supervisor)
 Who will regularly report into the SSSRS? (specific person, not supervisor) and who will be the
 Can the reporter and backup staff be available for training during July or August?
Submit CAD/Os with appropriate revisions for all continuing activities.
Are the elements of this CAD (title, PBIS ID, PSC, wording, grammar, and punctuation,
etc) exactly the same as the CAD currently in contract?
 Yes
If yes, paste the currently approved CAD into the space below.
 No
If no, is this a wording change only with the activity intent remaining the same?
 Yes
If yes, paste the currently approved CAD into the space below with changes highlighted
in color, italics or bold.
If no, and this a revised, scope change CAD, have you submitted a FAD?
If no, call your planning Consultant immediately!
Contract Activity Description (CAD):
Required Document
Program and Planning Department
9-29-06; rev 1/30/07
Go to next page to complete outcomes section.
Partnership Name:
Activity Title:
1) Describe the need(s) to be addressed by this activity: (Remember to use recent local
needs data. State and/or national data may also be included, all preferably less than 5 years
old whenever possible.)
2) Actual and projected outcomes identified for this activity for the upcoming FY:
 Does this activity require Standard Language Outcomes? (See Smart Net>Program &
Data Evaluation>View all documents>Standard Language for Outcomes) If yes, those
outcomes must be listed first.
The selected outcomes must be linked to the above documented need statement and
relate to at least one of the projected counts in the previous section. Enter one outcome
in a row with no more than 3 outcomes for each activity. For assistance in writing
outcomes, refer to the Word document titled Smart Start Activity Outcome Checklist
(Smart Net>Policies and Procedures>View all documents>Program and
Planning>Annual Plan documents>Basic documents> Supplementary Documents)
Outcomes – Previous FY (List year)
Projected Outcome
Actual Outcome
How did the actual outcome
compare with the projected
Did Not
What factors explain why
the actual outcomes
exceeded or did not meet
the projected outcomes?
Outcomes – Current FY (List year)
Projected Outcome
How do you anticipate the actual
outcomes will compare to the projected
outcomes at the end of the current FY?
Will Not
What factors explain why the actual outcomes
may vary from the projected outcomes?
Projected Outcomes – Upcoming FY (List year)
Required Document
Program and Planning Department
9-29-06; rev 1/30/07