2013 TOK Essay Titles Brainstorming Session Notes Title In what ways may disagreement aid the pursuit of knowledge in the natural and human sciences? Potential Knowledge Issues How does the role of disagreement change in the human sciences compared to the natural sciences? Strengths Easy to come up with good natural science examples Is disagreement necessary for knowledge to progress? “Only seeing general patterns can give us knowledge. Only seeing particular examples can give us understanding.” To what extent do you agree with these assertions? How are knowledge and understanding different? Does knowledge lead to understanding? Easy to work in almost any AOK. Traps Human sciences examples may be hard to come by. Easy to answer the question without explicitly addressing knowledge issues. (by referring to examples only and not the nature of knowledge in the human and natural sciences) Easy to answer the question without explicitly addressing knowledge issues. Is understanding necessary for knowledge? General Notes Could work in Popper’s theory of falsification Kuhn’s scientific revolutions will be relevant as is conflict theory in the human sciences May need to define disagreement May be worth looking at Imre Lakatos’ work Disagreement is usually in the interpretation of data and not the data itself History and natural sciences would be excellent AOKs for title Looking at the role of generalizations in human sciences could be helpful Is this title about macroscopic vs. microsopic views? Could link reason (inductive logic vs. deductive logic) We are always generalizing because we can never see EVERY specific example. “The possession of knowledge carries an ethical responsibility.” Evaluate this claim. Does the strength of knowledge impact on the level of ethical responsibility? What types of knowledge Easy to work in implications of the essay. Students generally like Easy to write an opinion piece. Essays need to be supported with recognized ethical theories and thinkers (e.g. Hobbes, Rousseau, Nietzsche, The IB command term “Evaluate” means to assess the implications and limitations. Could work in Right and Responsibilities of human beings (UN Declaration of human rights?) carry the greatest responsibility? ethics. Utilitiarian ethics) Counterclaims may be difficult Is there a hierarchy of knowledge that corresponds to a hierarchy of ethical responsibility? Depends on what is selected Crime and Law. Do we share knowledge of crimes? What about “ratting” on friends? Internationalism and colonialism could be interesting links. In what circumstances is this claim true? The traditional TOK diagram indicates four ways of knowing. Propose the inclusion of a fifth way of knowing selected from intuition, memory or imagination, and explore the knowledge issues it may raise in two areas of knowledge. Results of human experiments (Nazis and Japanese) do we use this data? Do we need to define “ethical responsibility”? What about being told things in confidence? VERY wide open so lots of scope for individuality Easy to discuss the nature of intuition, memory or imagination without going into the knowledge issues raised. Do we need to define what is a WOK? Essay title may require students to think about KIs that arise as a result of adding this new WOK. This may be difficult. Asylum seekers, refugees, charity work etc. Intuition: The nature of intuition changes in different AOK Is intuition an amalgamation of other WOK? Instinct vs. intuition Memory: Is memory a WOK? Need to accept that it is for this title Memory changes over time Memory can distort truth/reality Memory is selective Is memory recorded perception? Is it our internal record of our life? Personal vs. Collective memories Imagination: Nature of imagination changes depending on AOK Imagination is needed for empathy What is the role of imagination in interpreting data or information? “That which can be asserted without evidence may be dismissed without evidence” Do you agree? Do we use the same criteria for accepting and rejecting claims? What counts as evidence? Easy title to understand. Easy to work in any AOK. Need to make KIs explicit – too easy to agree or disagree without going into knowledge issues. Link to faith and religion obvious Examples involving the supernatural could be helpful Easy to answer the question without addressing knowledge issues. Science, Mathematics and Art may be good AOK to consider as the other AOK. How do we distinguish between strong and weak evidence? Can we know when to trust our emotions in the pursuit of knowledge? Consider history and one other area of knowledge. To what extent are our emotions informed by reason? Easy to work in bias (selection bias, emotional bias etc.) Could be easy for the history students. We have an emotional drive to succeed that applies to any AOK Link to ethics and ethical decision making Link to faith When emotion and reason conflict, when do we choose emotion and why? Mathematical descriptions of beauty. Is this an attempt to use reason to further justify emotion knowledge?