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Faculteit CTW/ CivT: Afdeling (BInfra)
2 februari 2006
9.00u – 12:00u
Let op:
. Beantwoord alle 5 vragen. Besteed max. 35 min/ vraag (±10 min. per deelvraag) en laat de
moeilijkste vragen tot het eind. De puntenverdeling is gelijk voor alle 5 vragen.
. Alleen het gebruik van het boek SOIL MECHANICS & FOUNDATIONS van M. Budhu. (of SOIL
MECHANICS van R. F. Craig) is toegestaan: het gebruik van alle andere studiematerialen en
PC’s niet.
Tentamen is opgesteld door Dr. ir. U. F. A. Karim
Qu. 1. The wet weight of 500 cm3 of soil is 8.7 N and its dry weight is 7.66 N. Assuming the
specific gravity is 2.7 and the unit weight of water is 9.8 kN/m3, determine:
(1) the water content [%],
(2) the degree of saturation [%],
(3) the void ratio [-],
(4) the bulk unit weight[kN/m3].
(5) the solids unit weight [kN/m3]
Qu.2. A cylindrical oil storage-tank with a circular base poses axi-symmetric vertical stress
increase of 60 kPa and lateral stress increase of 24 kPa under the centerline of the tank at the
center of a 3 m thick elastic soil layer. Assuming that the soil has an elastic modulus of 5000
kPa, determine:
(1) the maximum increase in vertical strain at the centre of the layer (Poisson’s ratio =
0.3) [%],
(2) the corresponding vertical displacement [mm],
(3) the volumetric strain at the instant of loading at the centre of the layer (assume
Poisson’s ratio of 0.5) [%] and the corresponding volume change [mm3]
(4) Which of the situations (1) or (3) above can be classified drained (D) and which as
undrained (U). State at least 4 conditions (boundary loading and/or drainage conditions
and/or soil properties) in a soil mass corresponding to the U situations.
Qu. 3. In a 2-layered construction ground, the following is given from a laboratory and a field
Top soil layer I: Sand, 6 m thick, water table 1 m below ground level, void ratio 0.5, degree of
saturation above the ground water table is 40 % and 100 % under.
Bottom soil layer II: Clay, thickness: deep, water content 80 %, degree of saturation 100 %.
Assuming the specific gravity for both soils is 2.7 and the unit weight of water is 9.8 kN/m3,
(1) the effective stresses at depths of 1 m, 6 m (layer I) and 12 m (layer II) [kPa],
(2) the over consolidation ratios [-] at these depths assuming a maximum past geological
stress on the current ground level equivalent to 2 times the current weight of the top
soil layer.
Qu. 4. A 3 m thick clay layer has the following characteristics: saturated unit weight 18
kN/m3, over consolidation ratio 7, initial void ratio 1.03, fully-saturated, compression and
rebound parameters respectively Cc = 0.26 and Cr = 0.03, the consolidation parameter Cv =
0.12 m2/yr. This layer is overlain by 3 m thick dry sand with a dry unit weight 17 kN/m3. A
square foundation 2 m x 2 m directly placed on the ground carries a load imposing a stress at
the contact with the sand layer of 260 kPa. Calculate the following:
1) i- final effective stress at the centre of the clay layer due to the initial soil overburden
and foundation caused stress change of 23kPa at a depth of 4.5 m [kPa], and, ii- the
pre-consolidation effective stress [kPa],
2) final primary consolidation settlement [mm] of the clay layer using the suitable
calculation equation corresponding with answers from 1,
3) the displacement [mm] and the time [days] corresponding to 90 % consolidation in
the field: in a laboratory test on the same clay a sample 20 mm thick with double
drainage is tested and 90 % consolidation occurred in 380 minutes.
4) Check with some method if Cv value corresponding to the laboratory results is correct.
Qu. 5. To determine the strength properties of a clay soil (unit saturated weight 20 kN/m3) a
series of shear-box CU tests (consolidated-undrained) is performed. For the first test, the
normal pressure is 36 kPa and the sample fails when the shear stress is 13.2 kPa. The second
soil sample is tested under a normal stress of 72 kPa, and failed when the shear stress is 24
kPa. The third sample is tested under a normal stress of 120 kPa and failure occurred when the
shear stress is 38.4 kPa. From these data estimate:
a) effective cohesion [kPa]
b) effective shear angle [o]
c) the failure shear stress [kPa] of the same soil in the field at a depth of 10 m where the
ground water table is at the ground surface.