INFLUENCE OF FOREIGN BOARS ON FINISHERS FATTENING AND SLAUGHTERING VALUE M. Sołecka, G. Szypuła, J. Ukleja, D. Urbaniak, M. Chwastyk, M. Czerpak AR we Wrocławiu Opiekun naukowy: dr inż. Paweł Gajewczyk ABSTRACT Nowadays meat industry is interested in buying good quality slaughter animals. Usually fast growing finishers with good slaughter and meat value are taken into account. That’s why every breeder wants to maintenance the right pigs breed or hybrids in his herds. There are two ways for improving fattening and slaughtering value. One of them is selection to reproduce in pure breed or using different variants of production crossbreed [1,2,3,4,5,7]. The aim of researches was to test some fattening and slaughtering traits of progeny after three crossbreeding variants. Keywords: genotype of finishers, fattening and slaughtering value MATERIALS AND METHODS The researches were carried out at industry farm on animals from birth to requirement slaughter body weight. Experimental population consisted of 3 genetic groups of finishers (50 heads in every) – table 1. Every group was divided on 2 subgroups: gilts and hogs. Animals were monitored from birth to 177 day of life. After fatten every finisher was weighted and from every group there were chosen animals to control slaughter (weight interval 95 – 100 kg) Experimental animals were maintenanced always at the same microclimatic conditions. Pigs were fed with full-portion mixture at libidum according to nutrition requirements [8]. Slaughtering value and meat content were estimated using shortening SKURTCh method [6]. Dates were statistical analysed using Statgraphics programme version – 5. RESULTS There was stayed that progeny after crossbreeding boars with pietrain blood had worrier rearing resultsthat after duroc boars. Daily gains of progeny after duroc boars were the highest comparing to other groups (P≤0,01). Results of fatten are comparitioned in table 2 . Finishers 1/4wbp1/4pbz1/2duroc had more fat. Differentials in fat depth were statistically confirmed at P≤0,05. These crossbreeds obtained the highest dressing percentage and had lower meat content in carcass. Crossbreed boars (hampxpiet) and (durxpiet) distinctly influenced (P≤0,01) on meat content of their progeny /table 3/. Finishers after crossbreed boars with pietrain blood are unuseful to fattening at industry farm because of high losses from birth to finish of fatten (about 30%). The main reason of these were heart failures. With regard to: high daily gains, lower losses during rearing period and good slaughtering value it should be recommended matting crossbreed sows (wbpxpbz) with duroc boars. Researches carried out abroad last time [1,2] recommend using pure breed boars like duroc and hampshire. Native earlier researches [4,5] confirmed the same. REFERENCES 1.BLANCHARD P.,J. 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Losses of finishers from birth to 177 day of life Masa ciała w 177 dniu życia. – Body weight at 177- day of life Średni dzienny, życiowy przyrost masy ciała.- Average daily gain II ¼ w. b. p. ¼ p. b z. ¼ dur. ¼ piet 50 III ¼ w. b. p. ¼ p. b. z. ½ dur. 50 II Grupa ♀ Group ♂ III Grupa Group ♀ ♂ Grupa Group Sztuk Head 20 30 50 25 25 50 23 27 50 Sztuk Head 6 5 11 6 7 13 3 3 6 % 30,0 16,67 24,0 28,0 26,0 11,11 12,0 kg s 86,30 11,22 88,30 11,83 87,30B 83,90 11,92 5,58 86,80 7,23 85,40B 96,50 6,42 11,38 100,20 98,40A 10,50 10,99 490 24,18 482B 23,84 566 51,35 g s 487 24,32 22,0 499 493B 25,18 24,85 474 23,50 13,04 545 47,25 556A 49,38 Duże litery w tych samych wierszach oznaczają różnice przy P ≤ 0,01. Capital letters in the some line denote significant statysticaly differens at P ≤ 0,01. Tab. 3 Wartość rzeźna i mięsna tuczników. – Carcass and meat value of finishers Wyszczególnienie. Specification Masa ciała w dniu uboju- Slaughter body weight Masa ciała po uboju.Carcass body weight Wydajność rzeźna ciepła.- Dressing percentage/ warm/ Grubość słoniny /średnia z 5–ciu pomiarów.- Back fat thickness/ average from 5 points on back Długość środkowa tuszy- Lenght of carcass Powierzchnia „oka” polędwicy.- Loin „eye” area Masa schabu /MLD/ Loin weight/MLD/ Masa szynki- Ham weight Zawartość mięsa w tuszy.- Meat percentage in carcass Jedn. Units ♀ I ♂ kg s kg s 93,30 2,69 72,60 4,50 93,70 3,25 71,40 1,09 93,50 92,70 2,88 4,62 72,00b 72,30 3,37 4,93 93,50 3,54 72,50 0,71 93,00 95,00 3,74 4,27 72,40b 74,40 3,05 4,78 98,20 2,56 77,60 3,91 96,60 3,80 76,00a 4,58 % s 77,80 1,38 76,22 1,87 77,00 1,54 78,05 1,28 77,54 1,37 77,85 1,32 78,30 1,51 79,08 1,24 78,68 1,38 mm s 18,91 2,17 20,29 1,89 19,60b 21,40 2,08 2,55 19,30 3,25 20,56b 20,39 2,69 2,02 24,60 3,25 22,39a 3,38 cm s 81,57 81,57 81,57 79,33 80,75 79,90 81,09 82,05 81,55 cm2 s kg s kg s 45,67 4,31 3,59 0,25 7,25 0,38 41,49 2,04 3,50 0,26 7,19 0,63 43,49 5,54 3,54 0,26 7,19 0,52 46,57 7,32 3,70 0,44 7,46 0,19 44,00 7,07 3,59 0,12 7,34 0,33 45,54 6,42 3,65 0,32 7,41 0,22 43,24 6,55 3,61 0,37 7,22 0,52 43,76 4,49 3,67 0,27 7,33 0,46 43,49 5,54 3,64 0,32 7,28 0,48 % s 56,70 2,83 56,20 2,92 56,40 3,01 58,50 3,13 54,90 1,94 56,70 2,54 54,20 1,73 50,90 2,01 52,80 1,87 Grupa ♀ Group II ♂ Grupa Group ♀ III ♂ Grupa Group Duże litery w tym samym wierszu oznaczają różnice statystycznie wysoko istotne przy P ≤ 0,01, a małe litery przy P ≤ 0,05. Letters in the same line denote statistical significant differences: capitals P ≤ 0,01; small P ≤ 0,05.