
Robert H. Allen
List of Refereed Publications
Journal Publications
1. Allen RH, Gurewitsch ED. Temporary Erb-Duchenne palsy without shoulder dystocia or
traction to the fetal head. Obstet Gynecol (accepted for publication).
2. Gurewitsch ED, Donithan M, Stallings SP, Moore PL, Agarwal S, Allen LM, Allen RH.
Episiotomy verses fetal manipulation maneuvers in the management of severe shoulder dystocia:
A comparison of outcomes. Am J Obstet Gynecol (accepted for publication).
3. Gurewitsch ED, Kim EJ, Yang JH, Outland KE, McDonald MK, Allen RH. Comparing
McRoberts' and Rubin's maneuvers for initial management of shoulder dystocia: An objective
evaluation. Am J Obstet Gynecol (accepted for publication).
4. Poggi SH, Allen RH, Patel C, Deering SH, Pezullo JC, Shin Y, Spong CY. Effect of epidural
anaesthesia on clinician-applied force during vaginal delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol (accepted
for publication).
5. Poggi SH, Allen RH, Patel C, Ghidini A, Pezullo JC, Spong CY. Randomized trial of
McRoberts' versus lithotomy positioning to decrease force applied to fetus during delivery. Am J
Obstet Gynecol (accepted for publication).
6. Duan XH, Allen RH. Modeling inherently stable gait. Med Eng Phys (accepted for publication).
7. Allen RH, Shoukas AA, Gurewitsch ED. Computer modeling of shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet
Gynecol 2004;19:1804-5.
8. Poggi SH, Stallings SP, Ghidini A, Spong CY, Deering SH, Allen RH. Intrapartum risk factors
for permanent brachial plexus injury. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;189:725-9.
9. Gurewitsch ED, Johnson E, Allen RH, Diament P, Fong J, Weinstein D, Chervenak FA. The
descent curve of the grand multiparous woman. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;189:1036-41.
10. Poggi SH, Ghidini A, Allen RH, Pezzullo JC, Rosenbaum TC, Spong CY. Effect of operative
vaginal delivery on the outcome of permanent brachial plexus injury? J Reprod Med
11. Allen RH, Edelberg SC. Brachial plexus palsy causation. Birth 2003;30:141-3.
12. Poggi SH, Spong CY, Allen RH. Prioritizing posterior arm delivery during severe shoulder
dystocia. Obstet Gynecol 2003;101:1068-72.
13. Allen RH. Complete brachial plexus impairment: A traction-related injury. Am J Obstet
Gynecol 2003;188:858-59.
14. Allen RH, Rosenbaum TC, Ghidini A, Poggi SH, Spong CY. Correlating head-to-body delivery
intervals with neonatal depression in vaginal births that result in permanent brachial plexus
injury. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;187:839-42.
15. Allen RH, Adler DG. Severe brachial plexus injury in the posterior arm: An alternative
explanation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;186:1377-8.
16. Allen RH, Edelberg SC. A problematic model to predict intrauterine forces during shoulder
dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;184:514-15.
17. Nidamarthi S, Allen RH, Sriram RD. Observations from supplementing the traditional design
process via internet-based collaboration tools. Int J Comp-Integ Man 2001;14:95-107.
Journal Publications (continued)
18. Allen RH, Edelberg SC. Erb’s palsy: Concepts of causation. Obstet Gynecol 2000;96:801-2.
19. Allen RH, Sriram RD. The role of standards in innovation. Tech Fore Soc Chng 2000;64:17181.
20. Steves MP, Allen RH. Evaluating collaborative enterprises- A WETICE 2001 workshop report.
SIGGROUP Bull 1999;20:5 pp.
21. Allen RH. Brachial plexus palsy: An in utero injury? Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999;181:1271-2.
22. Allen RH. Associated factors in 1611 cases of brachial plexus injury. Obstet Gynecol
23. Allen RH, Sriram RD. Knowledge-based systems interoperability. J NIST Res 1998;3:535-7.
24. Duan XH, Allen RH, Sun JQ. A stiffness-varying model of human gait. Med Eng Phys
25. Allen RH, Bankoski BR, Nagey DA. Simulating birth to investigate clinician-applied loads on
newborns. Med Eng Phys 1995;17:380-4.
26. Allen RH, Duan X. The effects of linearizing the rocking blocking problem. ASCE J Struct
Div 1995;121:1146-9.
27. Allen RH. Dynamic responses of a kinetic energy projectile under transverse loadings. Int J
Impact Eng 1995;16:119-32.
28. Allen RH, Bankoski BR, Butzin CA, Nagey DA. Comparing clinician-applied loads for routine,
difficult and shoulder dystocia deliveries. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1994;171:1621-7.
29. Allen R, Sorab J, Gonik B. Risk factors for shoulder dystocia: An engineering study of
clinician-applied forces. Obstet Gynecol 1991;77:352-5.
30. Gonik B, Hollyer VL, Allen R. Shoulder dystocia recognition: Differences in neonatal risks for
injury. Am J Perinatol 1991;8:31-4.
31. Kareem A, Allen RH. Development of knowledge-based systems in wind engineering. J Wind
Eng Ind Aero 1990;36:1245-58.
32. Allen RH, Bose A. A microcomputer-based expert system for the design of composite
sublaminates. Int J App Eng Educ 1990;6:217-26.
33. Gonik B, Allen R, Sorab J. Objective evaluation of the shoulder dystocia phenomenon: Effect
of pelvic orientation on force reduction. Obstet Gynecol 1989;74:44-8.
34. Oppenheim IJ, Gunaratnam D, Allen RH. Limit state analysis of masonry domes. ASCE J
Struct Div 1989;115:868-82.
35. Sorab J, Allen RH, Gonik B. Tactile sensory monitoring of clinician-applied forces during
delivery of newborns. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1988;35:1090-3.
36. Mistree F, Kamal SA, Allen RH. DOMINIC: A domain independent program for mechanical
design. Int J Art Intel 1988;3:44-5.
37. Allen RH. Expert systems in structural engineering: Works in progress. J Comp Civil Eng
38. Allen RH, Boarnet MG, Culbert CG, Savely RT. Using hybrid expert approaches for
engineering applications. Eng Comp 1987;2:95-110.
39. Allen RH, Oppenheim IJ, Parker AR, Bielak J. On the dynamic response of rigid body
assemblies. Earthquake Eng Struct Dyn 1986;14:861-76.
40. Allen RH. Symbolic mathematical computation. Comm ACM 1985;28:1272-3.
41. Allen RH, Oppenheim IJ. Limit state analysis of an arch segment. ASCE J Struct Div
Robert H. Allen, Publication List, August 2004, Page 2
Patent Application
1. Allen RH, Huang S, Tam W. Electomyographic force measuring system and method. US Patent
Application 60/467,375 filed 2 May 2003.
Conference Proceedings
1. Tejani AD, Townsend SA, Goldwine PJ, Hoe YSG, Johnson EL, Kon RC, Kung M, McDonald
MK, Sprowls LA, Tong GH, Boyer RB, Allen RH, Shoukas AS. Measuring cardiovascular
alterations during academic exercises with undergraduate biomedical engineering students. In:
Proc, ASEE ENT-2109, June 2004: 10 pp.
2. Allen RH, Aronhime LB, Shoukas AA, Wierman JC. Integrating biomedical engineering with
entrepreneurship and management: An undergraduate experience. In: Proc, ASEE ENT-2254,
June 2003: 7 pp.
3. Allen RH, Fijol RJ, Szykman S, Sriram RD. Representing the charters of freedom encasements
in a design repository: A case study. In: Proc, ASME DETC/DEC Conf, CIE-21292,
September 2001:7 pp.
4. Rice J, Allen RH, Shoukas AA. Longitudinal design teams: Students teaching students. In:
Proc, ASME DETC/DEC Conf, IED-21208, September 2001:5 pp.
5. Allen, RH, Fijol RJ, Szykman S, Sriram RD. Representing an artifact transport system in a
design repository: A case study. In: Kim YS ed. Proc, ASME DETC/DEC Conf, CIE-14608,
September 2000:6 pp.
6. Knutilla AJ. Steves MP, Allen RH. Workshop on evaluating collaborative enterprises: Final
report. In: Sriram RD ed. Proc, IEEE Int Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure
for Collaborative Enterprises July 2000:79-85.
7. Allen RH, Nidamarthi S, Regalla SP, Sriram RD. Enhancing collaboration using an internetintegrated workbench. In: Gartner M et al. eds. Proc, ASME DETC/DEC Conf, DAC 8573,
September 1999:12.
8. Nidamarthi S, Allen RH, Prakash SR, Sriram RD. Observations from multidisciplinary,
internet-based collaboration on a practical design project. In: Int Conf Eng Des, ICED99, Vol.
2, August 1999:709-14.
9. Allen RH, Nidamarthi S, Rao PVM, Rhorer R, Sriram RD, Teague EC. Collaborating on the
design of an artifact transport system. In: Gartner M et al. eds. Proc, ASME DETC/DAC Conf,
DAC 5600, September 1998:12.
10. Nederbragt W, Allen R, Feng S, Kaing S, Sriram R, Zhang Y. An overview of the NIST
design/process planning project. In: Art Intel Manuf Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, AugustSeptember 1998.
11. Caulfield JN, Allen RH, Miller F. A finite element idealization of the newborn spine and
brachial plexus nerves. In: Miller F ed. Orth Res Symp, AI duPont Institute, Nemours Found,
June 1995:58-9.
12. Romito SA, Allen RH, Miller F. Measuring neonatal clavicle properties. In: Miller F ed. Orth
Res Symp, AI duPont Institute, Nemours Found, June 1995:56-7.
13. Sivack MR, Allen RH, Roy RV. A dynamic analysis of joined stacked blocks. In: Boothby TE
ed. Proc, ASCE Struc Cong XIII Vol. 1, April 1995:992-5.
Robert H. Allen, Publication List, August 2004, Page 3
Conference Proceedings (continued)
14. Allen RH. Including biomedical engineering in our senior design program. In: Yamaguchi G et
al. eds. Front Bio Eng BMES, Univ Arizona, 309, October 1994.
15. Bankoski BR, Allen RH, Nagey DA, Miller F. Measuring clavicle strength and modeling birth.
In: Vossoughi J ed. Bio Eng Recent Develop, Univ DC, April 1994:586-9.
16. Allen RH, Cope RD, Keefe M. Reflecting on our senior design experience. In: Shoup TE ed.
Innov Eng Des Educ, Resource Guide ASME, March 1993:49-52.
17. Srinivasan S, Allen RH. Partitioning and guided search: A generalized approach to problem
solving in preliminary design. In: Seering WP et al. eds. Des Theory Method DTM89 DE
ASME Vol. 17, September 1989.
18. Quiocho LJ, Allen RH. Coupling the find-path and make-path problems: Progress toward
practical robotic simulation. In: Bennett D et al. eds. Comp Eng ASME Vol. 1, August
19. Kareem A, Allen RH. Development of knowledge-based systems in wind engineering. In:
Kareem A ed. Proc 6th U.S. Nat Conf Wind Eng, Wind Eng Res Coun, Section C-8 Vol. 2,
March 1989:20-33.
20. Sorab J, Allen RH, Gonik B. Modeling human birth to study the effects of clinician-applied
forces. In: Rubinsky B ed. Adv Biomech, Vol. BED 15 1989:29-30.
21. Allen RH, Sorab J, Gonik B. Measuring clinician-applied forces during birth using tactile
sensing technology. In: Harris GF, Walker C eds. Proc Ann Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc,
Vol. 10, Part 3, November 1988:1285-6.
22. Quiocho LJ, Allen RH. RCAPS: A hybrid approach to collision avoidance problems for a
robotic manipulator. In: Bennett D et al. eds. Comp Eng ASME Vol. 4, August 1988:377-81.
23. Ruttkay Z, Allen RH, Laczik B. A multiparadigm user interface for CAD systems. In: Ten
Hagen PJW, Tomiyama T, eds. Intel CAD Systems I: Theoretical and methodological aspects.
Springer-Verlag 1987:242-55.
24. Allen RH, Bose A. ACOLADE: A hybrid knowledge-based system for preliminary composite
laminate design. In: Dixon J et al. eds. Comp Eng ASME Vol 1, August 1987:43-50.
25. Lewis TE, Allen RH. Expanding ORING: An expert system for O-ring selection and gland
design. In: Dixon J et al. eds. Comp Eng ASME Vol. 1, August 1987:43-50.
26. Lewis TE, Allen RH. ORING: An expert system for O-ring selection and gland design. In:
Shives TR, Mertaugh LJ, eds. Detection, diagnosis and prognosis of rotating machinery, Naval
Air Test Center, Patuxent River, MD, Cambridge Univ Press 1988:381-90.
27. Allen RH, Gonik B, Haran S, Sharma V, Sorab J. Engineering and artificial intelligence
applications for the evaluation and management of shoulder dystocia. In: Sriram D, Adey R eds.
Knowledge based expert systems for engineering: Classification, education and control, Comp
Mech 1987:43-53.
28. Haran S, Allen RH, Finch RD, Rocha SM. Artificial intelligence in the acoustic signature
inspection of railroad wheels. In: Shives TR ed. Use of new technology to improve mechanical
readiness, reliability and maintainability, Cambridge Univ Press, 1987:369-79.
29. Allen RH. Design guidelines for expert systems. In: Sriram D, Adey R, eds. Applications of
artificial intelligence to engineering problems, Vol. 1, Springer-Verlag April 1986:651-8.
Robert H. Allen, Publication List, August 2004, Page 4
Conference Proceedings (continued)
30. Shupe JA, Mistree F, Allen RH. Models for the design of damage tolerant structural systems.
In: Ship Structures Symp, Soc for Naval Architects and Marine Eng, October 1984:63-78.
31. Allen RH, Oppenheim IJ, Bielak J. Rigid body mechanisms in structural dynamics. In: Shah
HC et al. eds. Proc 8th World Conf on Earthquake Eng EERI Vol. 4, July 1984:299-306.
32. Allen RH, Bielak J, Oppenheim IJ. Dynamic response of rigid prism assemblies. In: Chen WF,
Lewis ADM eds. Recent advances in engineering mechanics and their impact on civil
engineering ASCE Vol. 1, May 1983:142-5.
33. Allen RH, Bielak J, Oppenheim IJ, Ramos JI. Dynamics of prism assemblies. In: Pao YH et al.
eds. Proc 9th U.S. National Cong of App Mech, June 1982:467.
1. Guerwitsch E, Stallings S, Peterson SM, Moore P, Allen L, Fox HE, Allen RH. A comparison of
forceps and vacuum in operative vaginal delivery- associated brachial plexus palsy. J Soc
Gynecol Invest 2004;11;S165A.
2. Poggi SH, Spong CY, Patel C, Ghidini A, Allen RH. Relationship between perineal lacerations
and neonatal birth weight, delivery interval and delivery force. J Soc Gynecol Invest
3. Tam W, Hoe YS, Huang S, Guerwitsch ED, Fox H, Allen RH. Measuring hand-applied forces
during vaginal delivery without instrumenting the fetus or interfering with grasping function. J
Soc Gynecol Invest 2004;11;S205A.
4. Petersen S, Allen R, Donithan M, Moore P, Allen L, Outland K, Gurewitsch E. Is shoulder
dystocia associated brachial plexus palsy more severe among infants of diabetics? Am J Obstet
Gynecol 2003;189;S110.
5. Poggi S, Spong C, Patel C, Ghidini A, Pezzullo J, Allen R. Randomized trial of prophylactic
McRoberts versus lithotomy to decrease force applied to fetus during delivery. Am J Obstet
Gynecol 2003;189;S191.
6. Poggi S, Spong C, Patel C, Ghidini A, Allen R. Epidural anesthesia results in significantly
greater force applied to the fetus during delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;189;S128.
7. Allen R, Donithan M, Moore P, Stallings S, Petersen S, Allen L, Gurewitsch E. Is clavicular
fracture protective against brachial plexus palsy? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;189;S158.
8. Allen R, Petersen S, Moore P, Allen L, Heller Y, Gurewitsch E. Do antepartum and intrapartum
risk factors differ between mild and severe shoulder dystocia? Am J Obstet Gynecol
9. Gurewitsch E, Donithan M, Petersen S, Moore P, Allen L, Allen R. Episiotomy vs fetal
manipulation maneuvers in the management of severe shoulder dystocia: A comparison of
outcomes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;189;S208.
10. Gurewitsch E, Donithan M, Moore P, Allen L, Petersen S, Allen R. Outcomes of mild vs severe
shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;189;S208.
11. Gurewitsch E, Kim E, Yang J, Outland K, Allen R. An objective evaluation of McRoberts' and
Rubins maneuvers for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;189;S208.
Abstracts 20, 22, 23 and 24 refer to those published by The Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, which numbered its
abstracts According to the aggregate of reviewers’ rankings. For example, Abstract No. 1 is considered the top report;
Abstract No. 200 is ranked 200th. Between 1986 & 1988, researchers submitted hundreds of abstracts.
Robert H. Allen, Publication List, August 2004, Page 5
Abstracts (continued)
12. Poggi S, Deering S, Stallings S, Spong C, Ghidini A, Allen R. Are there differences between
shoulder dystocia deliveries resulting in permanent brachial plexus injury vs. no injury? Am J
Obstet Gynecol 2002;187:S175.
13. Allen R, Poggi S, Stallings S, Ghidini A, Spong C. Abnormality in the second stage of labor: A
predictor of permanent brachial plexus injury due to shoulder dystocia? Am J Obstet Gynecol
14. Spong CY, Ghidini A, Rosenbaum T, Allen R. Does the choice of the initial maneuver affect
outcome in cases of shoulder dystocia with permanent neurologic damage? J Soc Gynecol
Investig 2002;9:S280A.
15. Poggi S, Allen R, Rosenbaum T. Does the risk of shoulder dystocia resulting in permanent
neurologic damage change during the week? J Soc Gynecol Investig 2002;9:S280A.
16. Spong CY, Poggi S, Ghidini A, Allen R. Is there a relationship between the location and extent
of obstetric brachial plexus injury in cases of shoulder dystocia with permanent neurologic
damage? J Soc Gynecol Investig 2002;9:S280A.
17. Poggi A. Allen R, Ghidini A, Spong C. Does upper extremity fracture predict degree of
neurologic injury in patients with permanent injury? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;185:S154.
18. Allen R, Rosenbaum T, Ghidini A, Spong C. Which variables predict neonatal asphyxia in
cases of shoulder dystocia with permanent neurologic damage? Am J Obstet Gynecol
19. Ghidini A, Allen R, Rosenbaum T, Spong C. Does operative delivery worsen the outcome of
permanent brachial plexus injury? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;185:S127.
20. Gonik BR. Allen R, Sorab J. Objective evaluation of the shoulder dystocia phenomenon: Effect
of pelvic orientation on force reduction. In: Paul, R ed. 9th Ann Clin Sci Bus Meet Soc of
Perinat Obstet. 1989:Abstract No. 8.
21. Allen RH, Sorab J, Hollyer VL, Gonik B. The application of tactile sensing technology to
evaluate shoulder dystocia. In: Newman, MR ed. Proceedings, 23rd Ann Meet, Assoc Adv of
Med Instrum. Washington DC:1988:10.
22. Gonik B. Sorab J, Hollyer VL, Allen RH. In situ force determinations during vaginal birth. In:
O’Sullivan MJ ed. 8th Ann Clin Sci Bus Meet Soc Perinat Obstet. 1988:Abstract No. 12.
23. Gonik B, Hollyer VL, Allen RH. Shoulder dystocia recognition: Differences in neonatal risks
for injury. In: O’Sullivan MJ ed. 8th Ann Clin Sci Bus Meet Soc Perinat Obstet. 1988:Abstract
No. 164.
24. Gonik B, Allen RH. Establishing an engineering model to define shoulder dystocia: A
preliminary report on applied forces. In: Young B ed. 7th Ann Clin Sci Bus Meet Soc Perinat
Obstet. 1987:Abstract No. 151.
25. Allen RH, Bose A, Chachere II AV, Gonik B. Engineering model applications for defining
shoulder dystocia. In: Neuman MR ed. Proceedings, 22nd Ann Meet, Assoc Adv of Med
Instrum St. Louis:1987:20
26. Allen RH, Sharma V, Gonik B. The application of artificial intelligence for the diagnosis and
management of shoulder dystocia. In: Clark JW ed. Book of Abstracts, 5th Ann Conf Biomed
Eng Res. Houston:1987:32
27. Sorab J, Sharma V, Haran S, Gonik B, Allen RH. The development of laboratory and finite
element models of the shoulder dystocia phenomenon. In: Clark JW ed. Book of Abstracts, 5th
Ann Conf Biomed Eng Res. Houston:1987:80.
Robert H. Allen, Publication List, August 2004, Page 6
Book Chapters and Edited Book
1. Sriram RD., Chandra DN, Allen RH. Environmental issues in collaborative design. In: Hundal
MS ed. Mechanical life cycle handbook: Good environmental design and manufacturing. New
York: Marcel Dekker, 2001:313-37.
2. Allen, RH. University of Delaware. In: Enderle JD ed. NSF 95: Engineering senior design
projects to aid the disabled. Connecticut: Creative Learning Press, 1998:155-66.
3. Allen RH. University of Delaware. In: Enderle JD ed. NSF 94: Engineering senior design
projects to aid the disabled. Connecticut: Creative Learning Press, 1998:97-115.
4. Allen RH. University of Delaware. In: Enderle JD ed. NSF 93: Engineering senior design
projects to aid the disabled. North Dakota: NDSU Press, 1995:147-57.
5. Allen RH. University of Delaware. In: Enderle JD ed. NSF 92: Engineering senior design
projects to aid the disabled. North Dakota: NDSU Press, 1994:189-204.
6. Allen RH. University of Delaware. In: Enderle JD ed. NSF 91: Engineering senior design
projects to aid the disabled. North Dakota: NDSU Press, 1993:167-74.
7. Allen RH ed. Expert systems for civil engineers: Knowledge representation. New York: ASCE,
8. Allen RH. Knowledge representation: An engineering overview. In: Allen RH ed. Expert
systems for civil engineers: Knowledge representation. New York: ASCE, 1992:1-14.
9. Bose A, Allen RH. Rule-based representation. In: Allen RH ed. Expert systems for civil
engineers: Knowledge representation. New York: ASCE, 1992:33-45.
10. Allen RH. University of Delaware. In: Enderle JD ed. NSF 90: Engineering senior design
projects to aid the disabled. North Dakota: NDSU Press, 1992:261-72.
11. Allen RH. University of Delaware. In: Enderle JD ed. NSF 89: Engineering senior design
projects to aid the disabled. North Dakota: NDSU Press, 1991:207-12.
12. Maher ML, Allen RH. Expert system components. In: Maher ML ed. Expert systems for civil
engineers: Technology and application. New York: ASCE,1987:3-14.
Robert H. Allen, Publication List, August 2004, Page 7