LEDlvita 011114 - Physics and Astronomy

(Rev. 01/11/14)
Education and Professional Summary
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0055
Phone: 859/257-4775; FAX: 859/323-2846
Email: delong@pa.uky.edu
Born, November 12, 1946, Denver, Colorado
Married, four children
Education: 1964:
Graduated from Littleton High School, Littleton, Colorado
B.A. in Physics, Mathematics Minor, University of Colorado, Boulder,
M.S. in Physics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Ph.C. in Physics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Ph.D. in Physics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Ph.D. Dissertation: "Superconducting and Normal State Physical Properties of Dilute Alloys
of LaSn3 Containing Light Rare Earth Impurities", University of California, San
Diego, 1977. (Diss. Abstr. Int. XXXVIII, 1978).
Commitee in Charge: Prof. M.B. Maple (Chairman), Prof. B.T. Matthias, Prof. H. Suhl, Prof.
J.E. Mayer, Prof. J.C. Wheeler
Scholarships: Colorado University Grant: Fall, 1966; Spring, Summer, Fall, 1967, Spring,
National Science Foundation Summer Traineeship: University of Colorado,
Summer, 1966
California Regents' Graduate Fellow: University of California, San Diego, (four
academic years, 1968-1972)
Earle C. Anthony Scholarship: University of California, San Diego, (academic
year, 1973-1974)
Honors and Awards: Phi Epsilon Phi Scholarship-Leadership Honorary, University of
Colorado, Academic Year 1965-1966
Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Honor Society, Elected to University of
Colorado Chapter, 1967
Fellow of the American Physical Society, Division of Condensed Matter
Physics, 2006: “For his contributions to the understanding of magnetic
properties and interactions in superconducting and strongly correlated
metallic crystals and films”
Outstanding Referee (Charter Member) for Journals of the American Physical
Society, February 15, 2008
Professional Origanizations: American Physical Society, IEEE Magnetics Society, Materials
Research Society, Neutron Scattering Society of America
Professional and Academic Experience:
Visiting Scholar, Physics Dept., University of California, San Diego, 1/02-7/02
Member, Users' Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1983-90, 2002Professor of Physics, University of Kentucky, 2001Technical Consultant, LevTech, Inc., 2001-2007
Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, LevTech, Inc., 2000-2001
Faculty Associate, Advanced Science and Technology Commercialization
Center, University of Kentucky, 1994-present
Chancellor’s Appointee, Lexington Campus Budget Hearing Committee, 1994
(review of budget and planning of all academic, administrative units)
Elected by University Faculty to Faculty Senate, 1992-5 Term (Chair, Committee on
Institutional Finances & Resource Allocation, 1993-94)
Program Director for Low Temperature Physics, Division of Materials Research,
National Science Foundation, 1989
Consulting Expert for Low Temperature Physics Program, National Science
Foundation, 9/88-1/89 (one week per month)
Associate Professor of Physics with Tenure, University of Kentucky, 1983-2001
Associate Member of the Graduate Faculty, University of Kentucky, 1981; appointed
Full Member, 1983
Research Associate, Ames Laboratory, 1984-94.
Faculty Research Participant, Argonne National Laboratory, 1986-89
Scientist in Residence, Materials Science and Technology Division, Argonne National
Laboratory, 1985-86 (Sabbatical Leave)
Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Kentucky, 1979-83
Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Virginia, 1977-79
Research Assistant in Physics, University of California, San Diego, 1970-77
Volunteer Teaching Asst. in Physics, University of California, San Diego, 1976
“Novel Class of Ferromagnetic Semiconductors”, Larysa V. Shlyk (Inventor), Lance E.
De Long, Sergiy A. Kryukov, Robert Niewa and Barbara Schüpp-Niewa (CoInventors), U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 12/062,076, filed April 3, 2008. U. S.
Patent 8,357,309 issued January 22, 2013.
De Long Research Group Awards:
Best Poster Award, 58th Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Denver,
CO, November 5, 2013: B. W. Farmer, V. Bhat (Presenter), J. Woods, T. Hastings, L.
E. De Long, J. Sklenar and J. Ketterson, “Observation of Tenfold Rotational Symmetry
in Fivefold Artificial Quasicrystal Arrays”.
Areas of Research
I. Superconductivity
A. Magnetic pairbreaking effects in superconductors, especially impurity effects, and the
upper critical magnetic field of type-II materials
B. Coexistance of superconductivity and other cooperative states such as charge density
waves, magnetic ordering and electronic localization (metal-insulator transitions)
C. Magnetic pairbreaking and proximity effects in coupled superconducting and
ferromagnetic thin films and multilayers
D. Superconductivity in narrow-band and heavy fermion metals
E. Nonlinear magnetic response of type-II superconductors in the mixed state, including
studies of superconducting vortex dynamics using vibrating reed, AC magnetometry
and transport measurements
II. Magnetism, Kondo Effect, Valence Fluctuations and Heavy Fermions
A. Characterization of novel magnetic impurity systems in superconducting hosts
B. General physical properties of weakly ferromagnetic or strongly paramagnetic nonFermi liquids, and valence fluctuation or heavy fermion materials
C. High pressure and elastic studies of materials that contain atoms with unstable
valence; magnetoelastic effects in magnetically ordered metals
D. Low frequency electromagnetic response of narrow-band materials
E. Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering studies of narrow-band and magnetic solids
F. Crystalline electric field effects on magnetic ordering and local moment-conduction
electron scattering in superconducting and normal metals
G. Weak magnetic order and strongly paramagnetic behavior near quantum critical points,
especially in pure/single-crystal materials
H. Discovery of novel high-TC ferromagnetic semiconductors and study of their properties
I. Single-crystal synthesis of novel 4d- and 5d-transition element oxides and studies of
their physical properties, emphasizing the competition between strong spin-orbit
interactions, Coulomb correlations and crystalline electric field interactions
III. Low-Dimensional and Finite-Size Systems
A. Cooperative phenomena, including charge density waves, superconductivity and
magnetic order, in low-dimensional systems at low temperatures, high pressures
and high magnetic fields
B. Fermi surface topology and magnetotransport properties of low-dimensional materials
C. Magnetic properties of nanostructured thin films; novel magnetic textures in patterned
films, nucleation phenomena in mesoscopic superconducting and ferromagnetic films
D. Dynamic magnetic response (ferromagnetic resonance) in patterned ferromagnetic thin
films, including control of domain wall evolution and magnetic switching
E. Physical properties of ferromagnetic metamaterials configured with controlled
symmetry breaking, especially in artificial two-dimensional quasicrystals
E. Methods of analytical and numerical analysis of DC magnetization and FMR data for
confined ferromagnetic systems.
IV. Advanced Methods of Materials Science
A. Growth of single crystals using float-zone, flux or vapor transport methods
B. High pressure studies of transport, magnetic and thermal properties of solids employing
hydrostatic and quasi-hydrostatic pressures up to ≈ 300 kbar and temperatures as low as
25 mK
C. Elastic studies of solids using vibrating reed oscillators operating in a frequency range
10 ≤ f ≤ 105 Hz, at low temperatures and in high magnetic fields
D. Novel methods of measuring and characterizing DC magnetic response for highly
anisotropic materials; nonlinear AC magnetic response of materials
E. Ferromagnetic resonance studies of patterned thin films and multilayers; methods of
analytical and numerical analysis of FMR data for confined ferromagnetic systems.
V. Technological Applications of Superconducting Levitation
A. Disposable levitation mixers for stirring sterile biopharmaceutical liquids
B. Sealed pumps for high-integrity, gentle circulation of blood and cell suspensions
C. Sealed bioreactors for high-integrity liquid cultures
External Support History
"Studies of Superconductivity in Exchange-Enhanced Pauli Paramagnets", (L.E. DeLong,
P.I.), Research Corporation Grant #9820, 6/1/82, $18,008
"Studies of the Microscopic Physical and Chemical Properties of Graphite Intercalation
Compounds" (P.C. Eklund, P.I.; L.E. DeLong, Co-P.I.), U.S. Department of Energy
Contract No. DE-AS05-81ER10936, 6/15/81 to 6/30/82, $68,335
a) Renewal: 7/1/82 to 6/30/83, $ 71,053
b) Renewal: 8/1/83 to 7/31/84, $100,035
"Collaborative Research in Neutron Diffraction and Neutron Scattering Studies of Solids"
Oak Ridge Associated Universities/ U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC05760R00033/S-3162, 7/19/84 to 6/30/86
a) Renewal: 7/1/86 to 6/30/88
b) Renewal: 7/1/88 to 6/30/90
"Faculty Research Leave Appointment as a Temporary Staff Member", Argonne National
Laboratory Division of Educational Programs, 7/1/85 to 6/30/86, $26,683
"Magnetoresistive Effects in the Upper Critical Field of Heavy Fermion Superconductors",
Argonne National Laboratory Division of Educational Programs, 11/11/86-9/30/87, $5,000
(no-cost extension to 2/28/88)
"Magnetoresistive Effects in the Upper Critical Magnetic Fields of Heavy Fermion
Superconductors", Research Corporation (Research Opportunity Award, supplemented by a
$23,000 matching grant from the University of Kentucky), 1/88, $23,000
"Physical Properties of Superconducting and Photovoltaic Films Synthesized by Ionized
Cluster Beam Deposition" (P. C. Eklund, L. E. De Long, Co-P.I.'s), U. S. Department of
Energy Contract No. DE-FG05-84ER45151, 3/15/88-3/14/89, $27,000 (U.K. contribution:
"Request for Partial Support of the 19th Rare Earth Research Conference", The Petroleum
Research Fund of the American Chemical Society, Grant #24915-SE, 5/3/91, $2,000
"Symposium on High Temperature Superconductivity at the 19th Rare Earth Research
Conference", Superconductivity Pilot Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Dept.
of Energy, 7/10/91, $5,000
"19th Rare Earth Research Conference" (L. E. De Long, P.I., K.-W. Ng, Co-P.I.), National
Science Foundation Division of Materials Research, Grant No. DMR-9114379, 9/91,
"Preparation and Properties of Low-Dimensional Conductors and Their Intercalates" (J.
Brill, L. De Long, C. Brock, T. Guarr, J. Selegue, K. Ng, K. Subbaswamy, P. Eklund,
Co-PI's), National Science Foundation Division of Scientific, Technological and
International Affairs, Grant No. STI-9108764-09, 2/92, three years @ M$ 1.3 (LED share
@ $108,000/year)
"Research Assistantship for a Minority High School Student" (L. E. De Long, P.I., Mr.
Anthony Olinger, Dunbar High School Junior, recipient), Kentucky EPSCoR Program
Infrastructure Fund, UKRF #4-32230, one year, $1,750
a) Renewal: Anthony Olinger, Jr., Dunbar High School Senior, $1,100, 5/1/934/30/94
"Acquisition of a SQUID Magnetometer System for the University of Kentucky Materials
Characterization Facility" (L. E. De Long, P.I.), National Science Foundation Office of
Science and Technology Infrastructure, Academic Research Infrastructure Program Grant
No. DMR-9512589, 8/95, one year @ $149,992; no-cost extended to 8/31/98.
"Magnetism and Transport Properties of 5f Intermetallics under High Pressure" (L. E. De
Long and V. Sechovsky, Co-P.I.'s), National Science Foundation Division of International
Programs, East Europe Program Grant No. INT-9515504, 7/15/96 – 6/30/01, $59,034.
"Dynamic Flux Line Response in Layered Superconductors with Tailored Defect
Structures" (L. E. De Long, P.I., V. V. Metlushko and S. W. Smith, Co-P.I.’s), U. S. Dept.
Energy, Division of Materials Sciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Grant #DEFG02-97ER45653, 9/1/97-8/31/00, $300,000.
“Superconducting Levitation Mixer for Biopharmaceutical Applications” (A. Terentiev,
P.I., L. E. De Long and M. Jay, Co-P.I.’s), Kentucky EPSCoR Phase 0 SBIR Grant,
2/20/99 to 9/30/99, $4000.
“Superconducting Levitation Mixer for Ultrafiltration” (L. E. De Long, P.I., A. Terentiev
and I. Kruman, Co-P.I.’s), Kentucky EPSCoR Phase 0 SBIR Grant, 4/1/00 to 12/1/00,
"Physical Properties of Nanostructured Superconducting Materials" (L. E. De Long, P.I., J.
B. Ketterson and V. V. Metlushko, Co-P.I.’s), U. S. Dept. Energy, Division of Materials
Sciences, Office of Science, renewal of Grant #DE-FG02-97ER45653, 11/1/00-10/31/03,
“An Integrated Approach to Making, Understanding, and Using Magnetic Single-Film and
Multilayer Systems” (D. Lederman, P.I., B. R. Cooper, L. E. De Long, J. M. MacLaren, L.
S. Muratov, Co-P.I.’s), National Science Foundation EPSCoR Program Grant, 12/15/00 –
12/14/02, $748,093. University of Kentucky Subcontract funding to L. E. De Long:
“Drive Unit Improvement and Bioreactor Development” (L. E. De Long, P.I., and J.
Chappell, Co-P.I.), Lev Tech, Inc. subcontract from Kentucky Science and Technology
Council, 03/01/03-02/28/04, $56,987.
“Stability, Dynamics and Switching of Magnetic Nanostructures” (L. E. De Long, P.I., B.
Hinds, S. Kevan and J. Kortright, Co-P.I.’s), Kentucky Science and Engineering
Foundation Exploratory Advanced Research Grant, 07/01/03-06/30/05, $96,645.
“Stability, Dynamics and Switching of Magnetic Nanostructures” (L. E. De Long, P.I.),
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Materials Sciences and Engineering
Division, Supplement to Grant #DE-FG02-97ER45653, 07/01/03-06/30/05, $42,001.
“Disposable, High-Purity, Plastic Bag Bioreactor with Levitated Impeller” (J. Chappell,
P.I., L. E. De Long, Co-P.I.), Lev Tech Inc. subcontract from NSF Phase I SBIR, 07/01/0312/31/03, $32,604.
“Investigation of the Stability and Dynamics of Nanoscale Magnetism Using
Superconducting Probes” (L. E. De Long, P.I., B. J. Hinds, Co-P.I.), U. S. Dept. Energy
Office of Science, Division of Materials Science and Engineering, renewal of Grant #DEFG02-97ER45653, 02/15/04-02/14/07, $300,000.
Dr. Amish Joshi, BOYSCAST Fellowship (“Better Opportunities for Young Scientists in
Chosen Areas of Science and Technology”), 08/04/05 to 08/04/06, Indian Ministry of
Science and Technology Fellowship Program, Electronic Materials and
Processing/Nanophase Materials, $28,000 (local, travel expense support for research at the
University of Kentucky). Dr Joshi was a Scientist-C at the National Physical Laboratory in
New Delhi, and was one of two physical scientists in a select group of 38 National
Awardees for 2005.
“Quantum Critical Point and Discontinuous Magnetic Switching in Superconducting Nb/Ni
Multilayers”, Lance E. De Long (PI), Jose L. Vincent (Departamento Fisica Materiales,
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain) and Michael Fitzsimmons (LANSCE-Lujan
Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM) (Co-PI’s), neutron beam time
at LANSCE, LANL, June 15-28, 2005.
“Kentucky Partnership for Nanoscale Electronics and Biotechnology”, Kentucky-NSF
EPSCoR Program (Zhi Chen and Bruce Alphenaar, PI’s; L. E. De Long et al., Co-PI’s),
$2,700,000, 07/01/05-06/30/08; this grant provided new thin-film and nanostructure
fabrication facilities and technical support for the UK Center for Nanoscience and
Engineering. Prof. De Long drew $2000 per year to cover CENSE user fees.
“Investigation of the Stability and Dynamics of Nanoscale Magnetic/ Superconducting
Heterostructures” (L. E. De Long, P.I., Wentao Xu, Co-P.I.), U. S. Dept. Energy Office of
Science, Division of Materials Science and Engineering, extension of Grant #DE-FG0297ER45653, 05/15/07-05/14/08, $74,000.
“Magnetization of a Novel Class of High-Temperature Ferromagnetic Semiconductors” (L.
E. De Long, P.I., Larysa Shlyk, Cinthia Piamonteze and Elke Arenholz, Co-P.I.’s),
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Advanced Light Source, 15 shifts on ALS
Beamline 6.3.1 in January-June, 2008 Cycle. Renewed for 12 shifts on ALS Beamline
6.3.1 and 12 shifts on ALS Beamline 4.0.2 in January-June, 2009 Cycle. Renewed for 12
shifts on ALS Beamline 6.3.1 and 12 shifts on ALS Beamline 4.0.2 in July-December,
2009 Cycle.
“Investigation of a New Class of Ferromagnetic Semiconductors” (L. E. De Long, P.I.,
Larysa Shlyk, Co-P.I.), Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation (Emerging Ideas)
Grant #KSEF-1470-RDE-010, 10/01/07-09/30/08, $20,000.
“Magnetic Order Parameter of BaCo2Ru4O11” (#15047), Jeffrey Lynn, L. E. De Long and
L. Shlyk, Co-PI’s; beam time grant for the BT-9 -- Triple-Axis Spectrometer at the Center
for Neutron Research, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, November 23, 2009, to November 25,
“Novel Magnetic Order in Complex Transition Metal Oxides” (Lance E. DeLong, PI,
Todd Hastings and Larysa Shlyk, Co-PI’s), U.S. DoE Office of Science, Division of
Materials Sciences and Engineering Grant #DE-FG02-97ER45653, 05/15/08-05/14/11,
Semiannual patent royalties from product sales by LevTech, Inc. (ongoing: e.g., $44,000
returned to Department of Physics and Astronomy during Fall, 2008, $22,000 of which
was dedicated to De Long research).
“Novel Materials and Their Applications in Epitaxial Thin Films and Device Structures:
Formation of a Center for Advanced Materials” (John Connolly, EPSCoR PI; Gang Cao
(Project Director), J. W. Brill, W. P. Crummett, L. E. De Long, W. R. Grise, B. J. Hinds,
Amer Lahamer, Kwok-Wai Ng and S. Parkin (Senior Personnel), National Science
Foundation EPSCoR Grant #EPS-0814194, 09/01/08 – 08/31/13, $3,237,861 (NSF),
$928,938 (KY Match), $520,850 (UK Match).
“Competing Interactions in Complex Transition Metal Oxides” (Lance E. DeLong, PI,
Gang Cao, Todd Hastings and Seung Sook Seo, Co-PI’s), U.S. DoE Office of Science,
Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering Grant #DE-FG02-97ER45653, 05/15/1105/14/14, $485,000.
“Valence and magnetism in the ferromagnetic semiconductors, (Ba,Sr)(Fe,Co)2Ru4O11”
(David Keavney PI, Lance De Long, Co-PI), Advanced Photon Source Beam Time Award
#62780, 10/15/11 to 10/18/11, Beamline 4-ID-C.
“MRI: Development of an Electron-Beam-Based Instrument to Study Nanoscale Process”
(J. Todd Hastings, PI, Lance De Long, et al., Co-PI’s), U.S. National Science Foundation,
Grant No. CMMI‐11259982011, 09/01/11-8/31/16, $1,261,069.
“SEMPA study of the nucleation, stability and dynamics of ferromagnetic vortices and
domain walls in permalloy films patterned with antidot lattices” (Lance E. De Long, PI;
Dr. Zheng Gai, ORNL Collaborator), Oak Ridge National Laboratory CNMS Proposal
CNMS2012-067, 02/01/12 – 01/31/13, extended to 01/31/14 (instrument time award for
scanning electron microscopy using polarization analysis at ORNL Center for Nanophase
Materials Sciences).
“ORAU Travel Grant” (L. E. De Long, PI), Oak Ridge Associated Universities, expires
01/31/14, $800 (travel assistance to conduct SEMPA studies at CNMS/ORNL).
“Two-Dimensional Confinement of Strongly Correlated and Spin-Orbit Coupled Electrons
in Transition-Metal Oxide Quantum Wells” (Sung Seok Seo PI, L. E. De Long Co-PI),
Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation Research and Development Excellence
Grant No. KSEF-2694-RDE-015, 07/01/12 to 06/30/13, $50,000.
Professional Activities
NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Advances in Superconductivity", Erice, Sicily, July 315, 1982, participant with scholarship
NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Systematics and the Properties of the Lanthanides",
Braunlage, FRG, July 15-25, 1982, participant with scholarship, Conference Chairman,
July 16th
Sixteenth Rare Earth Research Conference, Tallahassee, FL, Session Chairman for "Rare
Earth Compounds - Mixed Valence, Metallic Glasses", April 21, 1983
Sixteenth Biennial Conference on Carbon, San Diego, CA, Session Chairman for "Physics
of Intercalation Compounds: Structure and Magnetism", July 18, 1983
IX AIRAPT International High Pressure Conference, Albany, NY, Session Chairman for
"Superconductivity and Ferroelectricity", July 26, 1983
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD., Session Chairman for
"Intercalated Graphite I", March 25, 1985
International Conference on Magnetism, San Francisco, CA, Session Chairman for "Rare
Earth Compounds", August, 1985
Seventeenth Rare Earth Research Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, Organizer and Chairman
of Invited Session on "Heavy Fermion Metals", June, 1986
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Las Vegas, NV, Session Chairman for
"Intercalated Graphite II", April 4, 1986
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, New York, NY, Session Chairman for
"Heavy Electrons V", March 18, 1987
Commonwealth of Kentucky Representative to the Federal Conference on the Commercial
Applications of Superconductivity", July 28-29, 1987
Member of the Standing Advisory Committee and University of Kentucky Representative
to the Consortium for Superconducting Materials and Instrumentation, Huntsville,
Alabama, 1987-89
Program Chairman of the Eighteenth Rare Earth Research Conference, held in Lake
Geneva, WI, September 12-16, 1988
General Conference Chairman, Nineteenth Rare Earth Research Conference, held in
Lexington, KY, July 14-19, 1991
Chairman of the Board of Directors and Treasurer of the Rare Earth Research Conference,
Inc., 1988-91
Member of the Steering Committee for International Conferences on f-Elements, 1990-94
Session Chair, 1992 Gordon Research Conference on Superconductivity, Oxnard,
California, January 9, 1992
Member of the Scientific Review Panel for the Materials Synthesis and Processing
Initiative by the National Science Foundation, April 6, 1992
Member of the Board of Directors of the Rare Earth Research Conference, Inc., 1991-93
Chair for Poster Sessions, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron
Systems, La Jolla, California, August 16-19, 1993
Chairman of the Seventh Frank H. Spedding Award Committee (an international award
committee appointed to select an individual for his/her outstanding contributions in the
field of rare earth science and/or technology), presented to Prof. LeRoy Eyring at the 20th
Rare Earth Research Conference, Monterey, California, September 13, 1993
Chairman and Organizer of an Invited Oral Session on "Recent Developments in the
Characterization, Understanding and Applications of Magnetic and Superconducting
Properties in Rare-Earth-Based Materials", at the 20th Rare Earth Research Conference,
Monterey, California, September 15, 1993
Co-Chair of Poster Session on "Applied Superconductivity", 38th Annual Conference on
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 18, 1993
Member of the International Advisory Committee for the International Conference on
Physical Phenomena in Highly Correlated Systems, Goa, India, 1995.
Member of the Scientific Review Panel for the Academic Research Infrastructure Program
at the National Science Foundation, May 24, 1996.
Chair of a Plenary Session of the 3rd Prague Colloquium on f-Electron Systems, Prague,
Czech Republic, August 15, 1996.
Chair of a Plenary Session of the 4th Prague Colloquium on f-Electron Systems, Prague,
Czech Republic, July, 12, 1998.
Member of the Ninth Frank H. Spedding Award Committee (an international award
committee appointed to select an individual for his/her outstanding contributions in the
field of rare earth science and/or technology), presented to Prof. M. B. Maple at the 22nd
Rare Earth Research Conference, Chicago, IL, July 10, 1999.
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Seattle, WA, Session Chairman for
"Superconductors XIII: Periodic Pinning", March 14, 2001.
Third International Workshop on Electron Correlations and Materials Properties, Kos,
Greece, Session Chair for “Effects of Correlations III: Magnetism, Superconductivity and
Novel Materials”, July 7, 2004.
Member of Advisory Committee and Session Chair, Workshop on Novel Electronic
Materials, Lexington, KY, April 25-27, 2005.
Fifth International Conference on Vortex Matter in Nanostructured Superconductors,
Rhodes, Greece, Session Chair for “Jospehson Systems”, September 13, 2007.
Appointed to the United States Nanoscience and Engineering in Superconductivity
Network, October, 2007; this organization promotes workshops, conferences and personnel
exchanges with partner Networks in Europe (supported by the European Science
Foundation) and Japan (supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) on topics
related to nanosuperconductivity with proposals pending at U.S. NSF.
Chair, DMP Session on Hybrid Magnetic-Superconducting Systems I, March Meeting of
the American Physical Society, New Orleans, LA, March 10, 2008.
Member of Advisory Committee, 2nd Workshop on Novel Electronic Materials, Lexington,
KY, May, 2008.
Chair of Invited Session on “High Temperature Superconductors 2”, at: Sixth International
Conference on Vortex Matter in Nanostructured Superconductors (VORTEX VI), Rhodes,
Greece, September 23, 2009.
Member, International Organizing Committee for the Third Workshop on Novel Electronic
Materials, Wuhan, Peoples’ Republic of China, June 10-15, 2011.
Session Chair for Third Workshop on Novel Electronic Materials, Wuhan, PRC, June 13,
Chair for Invited Symposium on “Spin-Orbit-Controlled Ground States in Single-Crystal
Iridates”, March Meeting of the Americal Physical Society, Baltimore, MD, March 18,
"Proceedings of the Seventeenth Rare Earth Research Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, June
9-12, 1986", published as Vols. 126 and 127 of The Journal of the Less-Common Metals
(Elsevier North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987), H. B. Silber, L. R. Morss and L. E. De Long,
"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Rare Earth Research Conference, Lake Geneva, WI,
September 12-16, 1988", published as Vols. 148 and 149 of The Journal of the LessCommon Metals (Elsevier North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1989), H. B. Silber, L. R. Morss
and L. E. De Long, Editors.
"Proceedings of the 20th Rare Earth Research Conference, Monterey, California,
September 12-17, 1993", published as volumes of The Journal of Alloys and Compounds
(Elsevier North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1994), L. R. Morss, M. F. Reid, H. B. Silber and L.
E. De Long, Editors.
"Proceedings of the 21st Rare Earth Research Conference, Duluth, Minnesota, July 7-12,
1996", published as volumes of The Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Elsevier NorthHolland, Amsterdam, 1996), L. R. Morss, H. B. Silber, L. E. De Long, and M. F. Reid,
Acting Divisional Associate Editor, Condensed Matter Physics, Physical Review Letters,
Frontiers of 4d- and 5d-Transition Metal Oxides, Edited by Gang Cao and Lance E. De
Long (Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, 2013; ISBN 978-981-4374-85-9). This
volume is a compendium of topical reviews covering physical properties of novel 4d- and
5d-transition element oxides by several expert contributors to recent research literature.
Books and Textbooks
PHYSICS 242 Laboratory Manual, by L. E. De Long and J.-C. Aguilar (Hayden-McNeil
Publishing, Inc., Plymouth, MI); 1st thru 4th Editions, 1995-96; approx. 150 pp. This is a
laboratory manual for the second semester of a calculus-based science and engineering
physics course (PHY 232) covering electricity and magnetism, waves and optics.
PHYSICS 242 Laboratory Manual, by Lance De Long, Juan-Carlos Aguilar, Steve Ellis,
Adam Martin and Lee-Ann Johnson (locally published); 5th-8th Editions, 1997-2001;
approx. 140 pp. This is a laboratory manual for the second semester of a calculus-based
science and engineering physics course (PHY 232) covering electricity and magnetism,
waves and optics.
Physics of Transition Metal Oxides, by Gang Cao and Lance E. De Long, an advanced
undergraduate/graduate text introducing an emerging field of condensed matter research
(London, Oxford University Press; delivery date: June 1, 2014).
Special Invited Talks and Presentations
"Heavy Fermion Superconductivity in U6X Compounds" (Invited), at: Informal Discussion
Meeting on Magnetic Superconductors, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois,
August 2, 1983
"Normal and Superconducting State Properties of U6Fe at Low Temperatures and High
Magnetic Fields" (contributed paper selected for special oral presentation), at:
International Conference on the Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Ames,
Iowa, May 29, 1985
"Phenomenological Relationships in Heavy Fermi Liquids" (Invited), at: Fifth
International Conference on Valence Fluctuations, Bangalore, India, January 5, 1987
"Phenomenology of Superconductivity and Magnetic Order in Heavy Fermi Liquids and
Narrow-Band Metals" (Invited), at: International Workshop on Novel Mechanisms of
Superconductivity, Berkeley, California, June 23,1987
"Superconductivity at Higher Temperatures" (Invited), at: Annual Fall Meeting of the
American Association of Physics Teachers, Appalachian Section, Buckhannon, West
Virginia, October 31, 1987.
"Superconductivity in High Magnetic Fields: New Problems and Issues" (Invited
Tutorial), at: Workshop on High Temperature Superconductivity, Huntsville, Alabama,
May 23, 1989; sponsored by the U.S. Army Missile Command, U.S. Army Strategic
Defense Command and the U.S. Army Research Office
"Positive Curvature in the Upper Critical Field of Heavy Fermion Superconductors"
(contributed paper selected for special oral presentation), at: International Conference on
the Physics of Highly Correlated Electron Systems, Santa Fe, New Mexico, September
14, 1989
"Empirical Trends for the Occurrence of Magnetic Order and Superconductivity in
Narrow-Band Metals" (Invited), at: 5th International Conference on Physics of Magnetic
Materials, Madralin, Poland, October 9, 1990
"Vibrating Reed Studies of Magnetic Vortices in Superconductors" (Invited), at: Special
Session on "Acoustics in Nonconventional Superconductors", at the Annual Meeting of the
Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2, 1992
"Conditions for Ferromagnetic Order in Narrow-Band Materials" (Invited), at: 20th Rare
Earth Research Conference, Monterey, California, September 15, 1993
"Vibrating Reed Studies of Magnetic and Heavy Fermion Superconductors" (Invited), at:
International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Goa, India, September
27, 1995.
"Kondo Impurities in Superconductors Revisited: Evidence for Strong Coupling Effects in
(La1-nCen)Al2 and (La1-xThx)1-nCen Alloys at High Pressures" (Contributed Paper selected
for special oral presentation), at: International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron
Systems, Goa, India, September 27, 1995.
“Shaking the Truth Out of CeRu2: Dynamic Magnetic and Transport Response” (Invited),
at: 3rd Prague Colloquium f-Electron Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, August 15, 1996.
“Novel Vortex Phases in WGe Films with Periodic Arrays of Artificial Pinning Centers”
(Invited), at: International Symposium on Advances in Superconductivity: New Materials,
Critical Currents and Devices, Mumbai, India, September 20, 1996.
“Vibrating Reed Measurements of the Nonlinear, Anisotropic Susceptibility of
Superconducting and Magnetic Materials” (Invited), at: IMSTG/GMAG Session on
Magnetic Measurements Using Force and Torque Methods, March Meeting of the
American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, March 18, 1998.
“The Case for a Clean Non-Fermi Liquid: U3Ni3Sn4” (Contributed Paper selected for
special oral presentation), at: VI International Summer School “Nicolas Cabrera”, Physics
of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain, September 16,
“Periodic Magnetization Instabilities in a Superconducting Nb Film with a Square Lattice
of Ni Dots” (Contributed Paper selected for special oral presentation), at: Euroconference
on Vortex Matter in Superconductors, Aghia Pelaghia, Crete, September 19, 1999.
“Phase Stability and Dynamics of the Interstitial Flux Lattice in Superconducting Thin
Films with Lattices of Artificial Pinning Centers”, L. E. De Long and V. V. Metlushko
(Invited), at: European Physical Society Workshop on Vortex Imaging, Cadiz, Spain, June
9, 2000.
“Size and Interface Effects in Patterned Magnetic and Superconducting Thin Films”
(Invited), at: Second International Workshop on Electron Correlations and Materials
Properties, Rhodes, Greece, June 28, 2001.
“Whatever Happened to Mott??” (Invited), at: 2nd European Physical Society Conference
on Vortex Matter in Superconductors at Extreme Scales and Conditions, Aghia Pelaghia,
Crete, September 21, 2001.
“The Strange Case of Wrongheaded Superconductors: The Paramagnetic Meissner Effect”
(Invited), at: 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Superconductivity: New
Materials, Critical Currents and Devices, Mangalore, India, September 27, 2001.
“A Novel Approach to the Proximity Effect in Patterned Superconducting/Normal Metal
Bilayers” (Invited), at: 3rd European Physical Society Conference on Vortex Matter in
Superconductors at Extreme Scales and Conditions, Aghia Pelaghia, Crete, September 23,
“Superconductivity as a Probe of Stability and Dynamics of Nanoscale Magnetism”
(Invited), at: Third International Workshop on Electron Correlations and Materials
Properties, Kos, Greece, July 6, 2004.
“Superconductivity Versus Ferromagnetism: New Interfaces on an Old Conflict” (Invited),
at: Workshop on Novel Electronic Materials, Lexington, KY, April 27, 2005.
“Extreme Anisotropy and Multiple Superconducting Transitions in Nb/Ni Multilayers”
(Invited), at: Joint ESF and JSPS Conference on Vortex Matter in Nanostructured
Superconductors (VORTEX V), Rhodes, Greece, September 9, 2007.
“Novel High-TC Magnetic Order in Complex Transition Metal Oxides”, at: Session on
Functional Nanomaterials, KYNANOMAT 2008 Conference, Louisville, KY, March 18,
“Multielectron Kondo Effect and Heavy Electrons in L12 Rare Earth Alloys”, Historical
Overview for Jack Crow Memorial Symposium at: 2nd Workshop on Novel Electronic
Materials, Lexington, KY, May 16, 2008.
“Ferromagnetism above Room Temperature in Semiconducting Ruthenates”, Larysa V.
Shlyk and Lance De Long, at: 2nd Workshop on Novel Electronic Materials, Lexington,
KY, May 17, 2008.
“New Materials for Spintronics” (Invited), L. E. De Long, L. Shlyk and Gang Cao, at:
International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Torino, Italy,
September 14, 2009.
“Staircase magnetization anomalies in superconducting Pb/Au bilayer films patterned into
antidot lattices” (Invited), L. E. De Long, S. A. Kryukov, V. V. Metlushko, M. J. A.
Stoutimore and D. J. Van Harlingen, at: Sixth International Conference on Vortex Matter
in Nanostructured Superconductors (VORTEX VI), Rhodes, Greece, September 18, 2009.
“The Promise of Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling: Novel Materials with Novel Properties for
Novel Devices” (Invited), L. E. De Long, L. Shlyk, Gang Cao and R. Niewa, at:
International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Sydney,
Australia, September 20, 2010.
“Anomalous Hall Effect of Topological Origin in Single-Crystal, R-Type Ferrites
(Ba,Sr)Ru4-xM2+xO11 (M = Fe,Co,Mn)” (Invited), L. E. De Long and L. Shlyk, at:
European Science Foundation Workshop on Nanoscale Superconductivity, Fluxonics and
Plasmonics, Heraklion, Greece, September 25, 2010.
“R-Type Ferrites: Authentic High Temperature Ferromagnetic Semiconductors” (Invited),
at: Third Workshop on Novel Electronic Materials, Wuhan, PRC, June 14, 2011.
“Topological Hall Effect and Berry Phase in R-Type Ferrites (Ba,Sr)T2+xRu4-xO11 (T =
Fe,Co,Mn)” (Invited), at: Workshop on Physics Driven by Spin-Orbital Coupling in
Transition Metal Compounds, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics, Beijing,
PRC, June 20, 2011.
“Competing Interactions in Complex Transition Metal Oxides” (Oral Invited), at: BES
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Principal Investigators Meeting, Rockville, MD,
August 12, 2011.
“Low-field FMR studies of magnetic confinement effects in patterned ferromagnetic thin
films” (Oral Invited), at: ICEAA’11 (International Conference on Electromagnetics in
Advanced Applications, 2011), Torino, Italy, September 12, 2011.
“Low-Field FMR Studies of Magnetic Confinement Effects in Patterned Ferromagnetic
Thin Films” (Oral Invited), at: Seventh International Conference on Vortex Matter in
Nanostructured Superconductors (VORTEX VII), Rhodes, Greece, September 16, 2011.
“Controlled Magnetic Reversal in Permalloy Films Patterned into Artificial Quasicrystals”,
V. S. Bhat, B. Farmer, J. Woods, E. Teipel, N. Smith, J. T. Hastings, J. Sklenar, J. B.
Ketterson and L. E. De Long, Oral Invited Talk given by V. Bhat at: Eighth International
Conference on Vortex Matter in Nanostructured Superconductors (VORTEX VIII),
Rhodes, Greece, September 26, 2013.
“Controlled Magnetic Reversal and Frustration in Artificial Quasicrystals”, V. S. Bhat, J.
Sklenar, B. Farmer, J. Woods, J. B. Ketterson, J. T. Hastings and L. E. De Long, Oral
Invited Talk (30 min.) given by V. Bhat at: Special Focus Topic Session A7 on Magnetic
Nanostructures: Materials and Phenomena (GMAG/DMP), March Meeting of the
American Physical Society, Denver, CO, March 3, 2014.
Review Articles and Special Publications
"Kondo Effect: Alloys and Compounds", M. Brian Maple, Lance E. DeLong and Brian C.
Sales, in: Karl A. Gschneidner, Jr., and LeRoy Eyring, Editors, "Handbook on the Physics
and Chemistry of Rare Earths" (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1978) Vol. 1, Chapt. 11.
"Superconductivity at High Pressures in Graphite Intercalation Compounds", L.E. DeLong
and P.C. Eklund, invited paper for a special issue of Synthetic Metals on "Lowdimensional Superconductors", Synth. Met. 5, 291 (1983).
"Superconductivity in High Magnetic Fields: New Problems and Issues", L. E. De Long,
in: "Proceedings of the Workshop on High Temperature Superconductivity" (Guidence
and Control Information Analysis Center, IIT Research Inst., Chicago, 1989), GACIAC
Rept. GACIAC PR-89-02, pp. 19-37.
"Criteria for the Occurrence of Ferromagnetism and Weak Magnetic Order in NarrowBand Metals", L. E. De Long, J. G. Huber and K. S. Bedell, in: W. Gorzkowski, M.
Gutowski, H. K. Lachowicz and H. Szymczak, Editors, "Proceedings of the Fifth
International Conference on Magnetic Materials" (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991), pp.
"Vibrating Reed Studies of Flux Line Dynamics in Superconductors", L. E. De Long,
Zhigang Xu, Ji-Chang Hou and Joseph Brill, invited review in: S. K. Malik and S. S. Shah,
Editors, "Physical and Material Properties of High Temperature Superconductors" (Nova
Science Publishers, New York, 1993), approx. 30 pp.
“Forward”, Proceedings of the Nineteenth Rare Earth Research Conference, Lexington,
Kentucky, July 14-19, 1991, L. E. De Long (General Conference Chair), J. Alloys and
Compounds 180, pp. ix-xvi (1992).
“Novel Vortex Phases in Superconducting Thin Films with Lattices of Antidot Pinning
Centers”, V. V. Metlushko, L. E. De Long, M. Baert, E. Rosseel, M. J. Van Bael, K.
Temst, V. V. Moshchalkov and Y. Bruynseraede, in: Advances in Superconductivity —
New Materials, Critical Currents and Devices, R. Pinto, S. K. Malik, A. K. Grover and P.
Ayyub, Eds. (New Age International Publishers, Mumbai, India, 1997), pp. 299-305.
“Size and Interface Effects in Patterned Magnetic and Superconducting Thin Films”, L. E.
De Long, Venkat Chandrasekhar, J. B. Ketterson and V. V. Metlushko, in: A. Gonis, B. N.
Kioussis and C. M. Ciftan, Eds., Electron Correlations and Materials Properties 2 (Kluwer
Academic Publishers, New York, 2003), pp. 43-71.
“Superconductivity as a Probe of Magnetic Switching and Ferromagnetic Stability in
Nb/Ni Multilayers”, Lance E. De Long, Asamoah Bosomtwi, Sergey Kryukov, Wentao Xu,
E. Navarro, J. E. Villegas, E. M. Gonzalez, Jose L. Vicent, Chengtao Yu and Michael
Pechan, in: P. Riseborough, Ed., Electron Correlations and Materials Properties 3
(Published as special issue of Philosophical Magazine 86, pp. 2735-2760 (2006)).
“The Contradictory Physical Properties and Extreme Anisotropy of Ca3Ru2O7”, Gang Cao
L. E. De Long and P. Schlottmann, Chapter 6, in: Frontiers of 4d- and 5d-Transition Metal
Oxides, Gang Cao and Lance E. De Long, Eds. (Singapore, World Scientific Publishing,
“Instability of the Jeff = ½ Insulating State in Srn+1IrnO3n+1 (n = 1 and 2)”, Gang Cao and L.
E. De Long, Chapter 8, in: Frontiers of 4d- and 5d-Transition Metal Oxides, Gang Cao
and Lance E. De Long, Eds. (Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, 2013).
Refereed Publications
"Continuously Operating 4He Evaporation Refrigerator", L. E. DeLong, O. G. Symko and
J. C. Wheatley, Rev. Sci. Inst. 42, 147 (1971).
"Superconductivity of NbSe2 to 140 kbar", T. F. Smith, L. E. DeLong, A. R.
Moodenbaugh, T. H. Geballe and R. E. Schwall, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 5, L230
"The Re-Entrant Superconducting - Normal Phase Boundary of the Kondo System
(LaCe)Al2", M. B. Maple, W. A. Fertig, A. C. Mota, L. E. DeLong, D. Wohlleben and R.
Fitzgerald, Solid State Commun. 11, 829 (1972).
"Effect of Pressure on the Superconducting Transistion Temperature of (LaPr)Sn3 and
(LaGd)Sn3", L. E. DeLong, R. W. McCallum and M. B. Maple in: M. Krusius and M.
Vuorio, eds., Low Temperature Physics-LT14 (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1975), Vol.
2, pp. 541-544; and in: L. Van Gerven, ed., Electronic Properties of Solids under High
Pressure (Europhysics Conference Abstracts, European Physical Society, Vol. 1A, 1975),
pp. 56-57.
"Kondo Anomalies Due to Rare Earth Impurity Ions", M. B. Maple, L. E. DeLong, W. A.
Fertig, D. C. Johnston, R. W. McCallum and R. N. Shelton, in: R. D. Parks, ed., "Valence
Instabilities and Related Narrow-Band Phenomena" (Plenum Press, New York, 1977), pp.
"Observation of a Kondo Effect for a Dilute Alloy Containing Sm Impurities", L. E.
DeLong, R. W. McCallum, W. A. Fertig, M. B. Maple and J. G. Huber, Solid State
Commun. 22, 245 (1977).
"Destruction of Superconductivity at the Onset of Long-Range Magnetic Order in the
Compound ErRh4B4", W. A. Fertig, D. C. Johnston, L. E. DeLong, R. W. McCallum, M.
B. Maple, and B. T. Matthias, Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, 987 (1977).
"Anomalous Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of
Dilute Alloys of LaSn3 Containing Light Rare Earth Impurities", L. E. DeLong and M. B.
Maple, in: K. D. Timmerhaus and M. S. Barber, eds., "High Pressure Science and
Technology" (Plenum, New York, 1979), Vol. 1, pp. 320-328.
"Superconducting and Normal State Properties of Dilute Alloys of LaSn3 Containing Ce
Impurties", L. E. DeLong, M. B. Maple and M. Tovar, Solid State Commun. 26, 469
"Superconductivity of Transition Metal Sulfides, Selenides, and Phosphides with the NaCl
Structure", A. R. Moodenbaugh, D. C. Johnston, R. Viswanathan, R. N. Shelton, L. E. De
Long, and W. A. Fertig, J. Low. Temp. Phys. 33, 175 (1978).
"Anomalous Pressure Dependences of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of
Dilute Alloys of LaSn3 Containing Light Rare Earth Impurities", L. E. De Long, M. B.
Maple, R. W. MaCallum, L. D. Woolf, R. N. Shelton and D. C. Johnston, J. Low Temp.
Phys. 34, 445 (1979).
"Superconductivity and Crystal Structure of Ternary CuxMo3S4 Compounds with
0 < x < 1 Prepared by Anodic Oxidation of Cu1.0Mo3S4", M. Tovar, L. E. De Long, D. C.
Johnston and M. B. Maple, Solid State Commun. 30, 551 (1979).
"Superconducting and Normal State Physical Properties of Dilute Alloys of LaSn3
Containing Nd Impurities", L. E. De Long, M. Tovar, L. D. Woolf, M. B. Maple, D. C.
Johnston and J. Keller, J. Low Temp. Phys. 38, 119 (1980).
"Pressure Dependence of Magnetic Ordering Temperatures of Rare Earth-Sn3
Compounds", L. E. De Long, R. P. Guertin and S. Foner, Solid State Commun. 32, 833
"The Anomalous Physical Properties of RESn3 and (LaRE)Sn3 Compounds and Alloys",
L. E. De Long, in: G. J. McCarthy, J. J. Rhyne and H. B. Silber, "The Rare Earths in
Modern Science and Technology", (Plenum, New York, 1980), pp. 255-260.
"Low Temperature Thermal Properties of Two Singlet Ground State Systems: Pr3Tl and
PrSn3", H. R. Ott, B. Luthi, T. Goto, L. E. De Long and J. E. Crow, J. Magnetism Mag.
Mat. 15-18, 9 (1980).
"Fermi Surface Measurements in Layer Chalcogenide Crystals", S. J. Hillenius, L. E.
De Long and R. V. Coleman, Physica 105B, 123 (1981).
"Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of Dilute
(LuRE)Rh4B4 Alloys", L. E. De Long, H. B. MacKay and M. B. Maple in: G. K. Shenoy,
B. D. Dunlap and F. Y. Fradin, eds., "Ternary Superconductors" (Elsevier North Holland,
New York, 1981), pp. 193-196.
"Pressure Dependence of the Re-Entrant Superconducting Phase Boundaries of (LaCe)Al2
and La0.8Th0.2 Ce Alloys", J. G. Huber, L. E. De Long and M. B. Maple, Physica 108B,
1275 (1981).
"Photoelectron and Bremsstrahlung-Isochromat Studies of 4f Levels in g-Ce, CeAl3,
CeSn3 and CePd3", Y. Baer, H. R. Ott, J. C. Fuggle and L. E. De Long, Phys. Rev. B 24,
5384 (1981).
"Observation of High Field Superconductivity and Exchange-Enhanced Paramagnetism in
U6Fe", L. E. De Long, J. G. Huber, K. N. Yang and M. B. Maple in: W. Buckel and W.
Weber, eds., "Superconductivity in d- and f-band Metals 1982" (Kernforschungszentrum
Karlsruhe GmbH, Karlsruhe, 1982), pp. 467-471.
"Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of the Stage-2
Potassium Mercurographitide Intercalation Compound", L. E. De Long, V. Yeh and P. C.
Eklund, Solid State Commun. 44, 1145 (1982).
"Observation of Anomalies in the Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition
Temperature of Potassium-Based Graphite Intercalation Compounds", L. E. De Long, V.
Yeh, V. Tondiglia, P. C. Eklund, S. E. Lambert and M. B. Maple, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid
Communications) 26, 6315 (1982).
"New Ternary Transition Metal Borides Containing Uranium and Rare Earth Elements", P.
Rogl and L. E. De Long, J. Less-Common Metals 91, 97 (1983).
"Anomalous Pressure Dependences of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of
Graphite Intercalation Compounds", L. E. De Long, V. Yeh, V. Tondiglia, P. C. Eklund,
S. E. Lambert and M. B. Maple, in: M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, J. E. Fischer and
M. J. Moran, eds., "Intercalated Graphite" (Materials Research Society Symposia
Proceedings, Vol. 20, North Holland, New York, 1983), pp. 195-200.
"Observation of High-Field Superconductivity of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Liquid in
U6Fe", L. E. De Long, J. G. Huber, K. N. Yang and M. B. Maple, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 312
"Suppression of the Energy Gap in SmB6 under Pressure", J. Beille, M. B. Maple, J.
Wittig, Z. Fisk and L. E. De Long, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 28, 7397 (1983).
"Temperature Dependence of the Electrical Resistivity of the Itinerant Ferromagnet
CeRh3B2", M. Hakimi, J. G. Huber, L. E. De Long, S. K. Dhar and S. K. Malik, J. LessCommon Metals 94, 157 (1983).
"Intercalant Ordering and Lattice Dynamics in Stage-1 KHgC4", W. A. Kamitakahara, L.
E. De Long, P. C. Eklund and R. M. Nicklow, Phys. Rev. B 29, 460 (1983).
"High Pressure Superconducting Behavior of the Stage-I Alkali Metal-Graphite
Intercalation Compounds RbC8 and CsC8", S. E. Lambert, J. W. Chen, M. B. Maple, L. E.
De Long, V. Yeh, V. Tondiglia and P. C. Eklund, in: C. Homan, R. K. MacCrone and E.
Whalley, eds., "High Pressure Science and Technology" (North Holland, Amsterdam,
1984; Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Vol. 22), Part I, pp. 43-46.
"Pressure Dependence of the Transition Temperature of the Heavy Fermion
Superconductors U6X (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni)", L. E. De Long, T. E. Carone and J. J.
Engelhardt, in: C. Homan, R.K. Mac Crone and E. Whalley, eds., "High Pressure Science
and Technology" (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1984; Materials Research Society Symposia
Proceedings, Vol. 22), Part I, pp. 47-50.
"Structure and Phonons in Potassium Mercurographitides", W. A. Kamitakahara, P. C.
Eklund, L. E. De Long and M. H. Yang, in: U. Eckern, A. Schmid, W. Weber and H. Wuhl,
eds., "LT-17 (Contributed Papers)" (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1984), pp. 861-862.
"The Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of LaT4P12 (T
= Fe, Ru, Os)", L. E. De Long and G. P. Meisner, Solid State Commun. 53, 119 (1985).
"Low Temperature Magnetization Study of U6X (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) Compounds", L. E.
De Long, R. P. Guertin, S. Hasanain and T. Fariss, Phys. Rev. B 31, 7059 (1985).
"Normal and Superconducting State Properties of U6Fe at Low Temperatures and High
Magnetic Fields", L. E. De Long, G. W. Crabtree, L. N. Hall, H. Kierstead, H. Aoki, S. K.
Dhar, K. A. Gschneider, Jr. and A. Junod, Physica 135B, 81 (1985).
"The Superconductivity of Pseudo-Binary Compounds Between Th7Fe3 Th7Co3 and
Th7Ni3", M. Hakimi, L. E. De Long and J. G. Huber, Physica 135B, 426 (1985).
"Chemical Enviroment and Ce Valence: Global Trends in Transition Metal Compounds",
R. A. Neifeld, M. Croft, T. Mihalisin, C. U. Segre, M. Madigan, M. S. Torikachvili, M. B.
Maple and L. E. De Long, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 32, 6928 (1985).
"Phenomenological Trends for Heavy Fermi Liquids and Narrow-Band Metals", L. E.
De Long, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 33, 3556 (1986).
"Phenomenological Trends for Heavy Fermi Liquids and Narrow-Band Metals III:
Characteristic Temperatures," L. E. De Long, J. Magn. Mater. 62, 1 (1986).
"Phenomenological Trends for Heavy Fermi Liquids and Narrow-Band Metals II: Practical
Estimates of Electronic Heat Capacity and Magnetic Susceptibility", L. E. De Long, J.
Less-Common Metals 127, 285 (1987).
"57Fe Mossbauer Spectroscopy of U6Fe", G. Lemon, P. Boolchand, M. Stevens, M.
Marcuso, L. E. De Long and J. G. Huber, J. Less-Common Metals 127, 329 (1987).
"High-Field Superconductivity in U6Fe and U6Co", L. E. De Long, L. N. Hall, S. K.
Malik, G. W. Crabtree, W. Kwok and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
63&64, 478 (1987).
"Optical Properties of UBe13, CeBe13, and ThBe13", P. C. Eklund, D. M. Hoffman, L. E.
De Long, E. T. Arakawa, J. L. Smith and Z. Fisk, Phys. Rev. B 35, 4250 (1987-II).
"Optical Dielectric Function of UBe13, CeBe13, and ThBe13", P. C. Eklund, D. M.
Hoffman, L. E. De Long, E. T. Arakawa, J. L. Smith and Z. Fisk, in: L. C. Gupta and S.
K. Malik, eds., "Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Valence Fluctuations and Heavy
Fermions" (Plenum, New York, 1987), pp. 671-674.
"Magnetoresistive Effects in the Upper Critical Fields of Heavy Fermion
Superconductors", L. E. De Long, G. W. Crabtree, L. N. Hall, D. G. Hinks, W. K. Kwok,
S. K. Malik and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., in: L. C. Gupta and S. K. Malik, eds., "Theoretical
and Experimental Aspects of Valence Fluctuations and Heavy Fermions" (Plenum, New
York, 1987), pp. 375-378.
"Phenomenological Relationships in Heavy Fermi Liquids", L. E. De Long, in: L. C.
Gupta and S. K. Malik, eds., "Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Valence
Fluctuations and Heavy Fermions" (Plenum, New York, 1987), pp. 65-76.
"Magnetic Susceptibility of U6M (M = Fe, Co and Ni)", K. Yagasaki, K. A. Gschneidner,
Jr., R. N. Shelton, A. J. Bevolo and L. E. De Long, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 70, 405 (1987).
"Phenomenology of Superconductivity and Magnetic Order in Heavy Fermi Liquids and
Narrow-Band Metals", L. E. De Long, in: S. A. Wolf and V. Z. Kresin, eds., "Novel
Superconductivity" (Plenum, New York, 1987), pp. 253-264.
"Low Temperature Magnetoresistance of UPt3, U6Fe and U6Co", L. E. De Long, G. W.
Crabtree, L. N. Hall, D. G. Hinks, W. K. Kwok and R. B. Mattingly, Jap. J. Appl. Phys.
26, Supp. 26-3, 565 (1987).
"Magnetoresistive Effects in the Upper Critical Fields of Heavy Fermion
Superconductors", L. E. De Long, G. W. Crabtree, L. N. Hall, D. G. Hinks, W. K. Kwok
and S. K. Malik, Phys. Rev. B 36, 7155 (1987).
"Elastic Properties of Polycrystalline La1-xSrxCuO4", X. -D. Xiang, J. W. Brill, L. E. De
Long, L. C. Bourne, A. Zettl, J. C. Jones and L. A. Rice, Solid State Commun. 65, 1073
"Characterization of Doped Nd-Based Superconductors", W. D. Arnett, D. R. Zint, C. E.
Hamrin, R. J. de Angelis, K. Okazaki, D. K. Kim, X. X. Ding, W. D. Ehmann, J. W.
Brill, T. N. O'Neal, L. E. De Long, M. S. Osofsky, V. Le Tourneau and S. A. Wolf, J.
Superconductivity 1, 427 (1988).
"Low Temperature Heat Capacity Study of the U6X (X  Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) Compounds", K.
N. Yang, M. B. Maple, L. E. De Long, J. G. Huber and A. Junod, Phys. Rev. B 39, 151
"Positive Curvature in the Upper Critical Magnetic Field of Heavy Fermion
Superconductors", L. E. De Long, D. Togliatti, G. W. Lehman, W-K. Kwok, G. W.
Crabtree, K. G. Vandervoort, and D. G. Hinks, Physica B 163, 499 (1990).
"High Pressure Phase Stability of U6X (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) Compounds", L. E. De Long
and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., Physica B 163, 158 (1990).
"Shape of the Upper Critical Field Curves in URu2Si2: Evidence for Anisotropic Pairing",
W. K. Kwok, L. E. De Long, G. W. Crabtree, D. G. Hinks and R. Joynt, Phys. Rev B
(Rapid Commun.) 41, 11649 (1990).
"Observation of an Extended Region of Magnetic Reversibility in Nb and NbSe2", H.
Drulis, Z. G. Xu, J. W. Brill, L. E. De Long and J.-C. Hou, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid
Commun.) 44, 4731 (1991-I).
"Reply to 'Comment on "Shape of the Upper-Critical-Field Curves in URu2Si2: Evidence
for Anisotropic Pairing"'", R. Joynt, W. K. Kwok, G. W. Crabtree, D. G. Hinks and L. De
Long, Phys. Rev. B 44, 7122 (1991-I).
"Criteria for the Occurrence of Ferromagnetism and Weak Magnetic Order in NarrowBand Metals", L. E. De Long, J. G. Huber and K. S. Bedell, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 99, 171189 (1991).
"Vibrating Reed Study of a Magnetically Reversible Region in Nb and NbSe2", Z. G. Xu,
H. Drulis, J. W. Brill, L. E. De Long, J.-C. Hou and E. H. Brandt, Superconductor Science
and Technology 5, S491 (1992).
"Structural Properties and Anomalous Composition Dependences of the Superconducting
Transition Temperature of RE(Rh,Co)4B4 Alloys (RE = Y, Er)", L. E. De Long, V.
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"Double-Peak in the Dissipation of NbSe2 Vibrating Reeds", Z. Xu, H. Drulis, Ji-Chang
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"Evidence for Possible Interaction between CDW and Magnetic Vortices in 2H-NbSe2:
Comparison with 2H-NbS2", Z. Xu, H. Drulis, L. E. De Long and J. W. Brill, J. de
Physique IV, Colloque C2 3, 27 (1993).
"Re-entrant Superconductivity at High Pressures in (La1-nCen)Al2 and
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"Effect of Pressure on the Reentrant Superconducting-Normal Phase Boundaries of the
(La1-nCen)Al2 and (La1-xThx)1-nCen Kondo Systems", P. H. Ansari, J. B. Bulman, J. G.
Huber, L. E. De Long and M. B. Maple, Phys. Rev. B 49, 3894 (1994-II).
"Effects of Transport Current and Columnar Defects on the RF Penetration Depth of
NbSe2", M. Chung, Y.-K. Kuo, Zhigang Xu, L. E. De Long, J. W. Brill and R. C. Budhani,
Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.) 50, 1329 (1994-II).
Magnetic Behavior of U6Co in the Superconducting State", K. Yagasaki, K. A.
Gschneidner, Jr. and L. E. De Long, Physica B 194-196, 1559 (1994).
"The Lower Critical Field of U6Fe", K. Yagasaki, K. A. Gschneidner, Jr. and L. E. De
Long, Physica B 194-196, 1561 (1994).
"Magnetotransport Effects in the Mixed State of Heavy Fermion Superconductors", M. A.
Lopez de la Torre, L. E. De Long and J. L. Vincent, Physica B 194-196, 2031 (1994).
"Low Temperature Specific Heat of the Th7(Fe,Co,Ni)3 Pseudobinary Superconductors", J.
G. Sereni, G. L. Nieva, J. G. Huber and L. E. De Long, Physica C 230, 159 (1994).
"Vibrating Reed Study of the Flux Line Dynamics of -(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br", U. G.
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"Vibrating Reed Study of the Flux Line Dissipation of Ceramic and Single-Crystal
(Ba,K)BiO3", Z. Xu, L. E. De Long, J. W. Brill, J-C. Hou, H. Drulis, Y. Zheng, D. G.
Hinks, M. L. Norton, H-Y. Tang and C. P. Brock, J. Supercon. 7, 835 (1994).
"Anomalous Vortex Dynamics in -(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br: Evidence for Field-Induced
Magnetic Order and Unconventional Superconductivity", U. G. L. Lahaise, Qun Chen, L.
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Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.) 51, 3301 (1995-I).
"Physical Properties of 6R-TaS2", E. Figueroa, Y.-K. Kuo, A. Olinger, M. A. Lloyd, L. D.
Bastin, S. Petrosatos, Q. Chen, B. Dobbs, S. Dev, J. P. Selegue, L. E. De Long, C. P.
Brock and J. W. Brill, J. Solid State Chem. 114, 486 (1995).
"Low-Temperature Phase Transitions in -(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br: Evidence from Specific
Heat and Electrical Resistivity", Y.-K. Kuo, J. W. Brill, L. E. De Long, C. P. Brock, H. H.
Wang, K. D. Carlson, J. A. Schleuter and J. M. Williams, in: Physical Phenomena at High
Magnetic Fields-II, Z. Fisk, L. Gor'kov, D. Meltzer and R. Schrieffer, Eds. (World
Scientific, Singapore, 1996), pp. 303-308.
"High-Sensitivity Vibrating Reed Studies of Superconductors", L. E. De Long, J. Childers,
A. Olinger, Jr., Q. Chen, J.-C. Hou, U. Lahaise, J. Zhang, D. G. Hinks, P. Canfield, R.
Schweinfurth, D. Van Harlingen and M. Norton, Physica B 223&224, 22 (1996).
"Nonlinear Dynamics of Magnetic Vortices in Single-Crystal and Ion-Damaged NbSe2",
Junqing Zhang, L. E. De Long, V. Majidi and R. C. Budhani, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid
Commun.) 53, R8851 (1996).
“Supermatching Vortex Phases in Superconducting Thin Films with Antidot Lattices”, V.
V. Metlushko, L. E. De Long, M. Baert, E. Rosseel, M. J. Van Bael, K. Temst, V. V.
Moshchalkov and Y. Bruynseraede, Europhys. Lett. 41, 333 (1998).
“Evidence for an Extended Critical Region near the Metamagnetic Transition of UCoAl”,
A. V. Kolomiets, L. Havela, V. Sechovsky, L. E. De Long, D. B. Watkins and A. V.
Andreev, J. Appl. Phys. 83, 6435 (1998).
“Periodic Arrays of Pinning Centers in Thin Vanadium Films”, V. Metlushko, U. Welp, G.
Crabtree, Zhao Zhang, S. R. J. Brueck, B. Watkins, L. E. De Long, B. Ilic, K. Chung and
P. J. Hesketh, Proc. 43rd Annual Int. Symp. on Optical Science, Engineering and
Instrumentation (SPIE), San Diego, CA, July 19-24, 1998; SPIE 3480, 149 (1998).
“Non-Linear Flux Line Dynamics in Vanadium Films with Square Lattices of Submicron
Holes”, V. Metlushko, U. Welp, G. W. Crabtree, Zhao Zhang, S. R. J. Brueck, B.
Watkins, L. E. De Long, B. Ilic, K. Chung and P. J. Hesketh, Phys. Rev. B 59, 603 (1999).
“Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in U3-xNi3Sn4-y Single Crystals”, L. Shlyk, J. C.
Waerenborgh, P. Estrela, L. E. De Long, A. de Visser, and M. Almeida, in: Electron
Correlations and Materials Properties, A. Gonis, N. Kioussis and M. Ciftan, Eds. (Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 1999), pp. 179-185.
“Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in U3-xNi3Sn4-y Single Crystals”, L. Shlyk, J. C.
Waerenborgh, P. Estrela, A. de Visser, L. E. De Long, A. M. Gurevich and M. Almeida,
Physica B 259-261, 423 (1999).
“Non-Fermi Liquid Behaviour of UCoAl”, A. V. Kolomiets, L. Havela, V. Sechovsky, L.
E. De Long, D. B. Watkins and A. V. Andreev, Physica B 259-261, 415 (1999).
“Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior and Griffiths Phase in U3-xNi3Sn4-y Single Crystals”, L.
Shlyk, L. E. De Long, J. C. Waerenborgh, M. Almeida, P. Estrela, and A. de Visser, in: Z.
Fisk, L. Gor’kov and R. Schrieffer, Eds., Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Fields III
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1999), pp. 588-591.
“Superconducting Nanostructured Materials”, V. Metlushko, U. Welp, G. W. Crabtree, R.
M. Osgood III, S. D. Bader, D. G. Hinks, Zhao Zhang, S. R. J. Brueck, B. Watkins, L. E.
De Long, B. Ilic, K. Chung and P. J. Hesketh, Proc. 194th Meeting of the Electrochem.
Soc., Boston, MA, November 1-6, 1998.
“Possibility of a First-Order Transition in the Magnetization Study of the Anomalous
Superconducting Mixed State of CeRu2”, S. B. Roy, P. Chaddah and L. E. De Long,
Physica C 304, 43 (1998).
“On the Anomalous Pinning Properties of the C15-Laves Phase Superconductor CeRu2”,
S. Chaudhary, S. B. Roy, P. Chaddah and L. E. De Long, Supercon. Sci. Tech. 12, 308
“Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior of U3-xNi3Sn4-y Single Crystals”, L. Shlyk, J. C.
Waerenborgh, P. Estrela, L. E. De Long, A. de Visser, and M. Almeida, J. Phys.:
Condens. Matter 11 3525 (1999).
“Non-Fermi Liquid Features in the Band Metamagnet UCoAl”, L. Havela, A. V.
Kolomiets, V. Sechovsky, L. E. De Long, D. B. Watkins, A. V. Andreev, F. Honda, T.
Kagayama and G. Oomi, in: 4th Symposium on Advanced Physical Fields: Quantum
Phenomena in Advanced Materials at High Magnetic Fields, G. Kido, Ed. (National
Institute for Metals, Tsukuba, Japan, 1999), pp. 219-222.
“Paramagnetic Relaxation and Wohlleben Effect in Field-Cooled Nb Thin Films”, A.
Terentiev, D. B. Watkins, L. E. De Long, D. J. Morgan and J. B. Ketterson, Phys. Rev. B
Rapid Commun. 60, R761 (1999).
“Observation of Magnetic Flux Pinning in a Thin Nb Film with a Square Lattice of Nickel
Dots”, A. Terentiev, D. B. Watkins, L. E. De Long, D. J. Morgan and J. B. Ketterson,
Physica C 324, 1 (1999).
“New Interstitial Flux Phases in Superconducting Niobium Film with Square Lattices of
Artificial Pinning Centers”, V. Metlushko, U. Welp, G. Crabtree, R. Osgood, S. D. Bader,
L. E. De Long, Zhao Zhang, S. R. J. Brueck, B. Ilic, K. Chung and P. J. Hesketh, Phys.
Rev. B Rapid Commun. 60, R12585 (1999).
94. “Stability of the Non-Fermi Liquid State in UCoAl”, L. Havela, A. Kolomiets, F. Honda, A.
V. Andreev, V. Sechovsky and L. E. De Long, Physica B 281-282, 379 (2000).
“Magnetic Properties and Crystal Structure of HoNiAl and UNiAl Hydrides”, A. V.
Kolomiets, L. Havela, D. Rafaja, H. N. Bordallo, H. Nakotte, V. A. Yartys, B. C.
Hauback, H. Drulis, W. Iwasieczko and L. E. De Long, J. Appl. Phys. 87, 6815 (2000).
“Periodic Magnetization Instablilities in a Superconducting Nb Film with a Square Lattice
of Ni Dots”, A. Terentiev, L. E. De Long, D. J. Morgan, J. B. Ketterson and L. D. Cooley,
Phys. Rev. B Rapid Commun. 61, R9249 (2000).
“Periodic Magnetization Instablilities in a Superconducting Nb Film with a Square Lattice
of Ni Dots”, A. Terentiev, B. Watkins, L. E. De Long, L. D. Cooley, D. J. Morgan, and J.
B. Ketterson, Physica C 332 , pp. 5-11 (2000).
“Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of U3T3Sn4 (T = Ni, Cu) Single-Crystals”, L.
Shlyk, J. C. Waerenborgh, P. Estrela, D. P. Rojas, L. E. De Long, A. de Visser, F. Gandra
and M. Almeida, Physica B 292, 89 (2000).
“Flux Line Depinning in a Magnet-Superconductor Levitation System”, A. N. Terentiev, J.
R. Hull and L. E. De Long, Physica C 341-348, 1289-1290 (2000).
100. “Whatever Happened to Mott?”, L. E. De Long, S. Lokhre, T. Yun, V. V. Metlushko, V.
V. Moshchalkov and Y. Bruynseraede, Physica C 369, 118-124 (2002).
101. “Ferromagnetic Resonance in Periodic Particle Arrays”, S. Jung, B. Watkins, L. De Long,
J. B. Ketterson and V. Chandrasekhar, Phys. Rev. B 66, 132401-132404 (2002).
102. “Proximity Effect in the Superconducting Magnetization of a Pb/Cu Bilayer Film with an
Antidot Lattice”, V. V. Metlushko, L. E. De Long, V. V. Moshchalkov and Y.
Bruynseraede, Physica C 391, 196-202, (2003).
103. “Magnetic Switching of Nb/Ni Multilayers near the Superconducting Critical
Temperature”, S. A. Kryukov, L. E. De Long, E. Navarro, J. E. Villegas, E. M. Gonzalez
and J. L. Vicent, IEEE Trans. Magnetics 39, 2693-2695 (2003).
104. “X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure and Field-Dependent Specific Heat Measurements of
Non-Fermi Liquid U3Ni3Sn4”, C. H. Booth, L. Shlyk, K. Nenkov, J. G. Huber and L. E. De
Long, Phys. Rev. B 69, 104430 (2004).
105. “Patterned Bilayer Films as a New Class of Superconducting Wire Networks”, L. E. De
Long, S. Kryukov, V. V. Metlushko, V. V. Moshchalkov and Y. Bruynseraede, Physica C
404, 123-127 (2004).
106. “Structural Analysis of a [CoRe27.Re(5nm)/Co(2nm)/Re(0.6nm)]19 Superlattice Grown on
Al2O3 (110)”, Wentao Xu, T. Charlton, L. E. De Long and D. Lederman, accepted for
publication in: S. Komameri, J. C. Parker and J. Watkins, Eds., Proceedings of the 2003
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Symposium L: Continuous Nanophase and
Nanostructured Materials, (Materials Research Society Proceedings, Vol. 788-C, 2004).
107. “Atomic-Scale Structural Analysis of Epitaxial Co/Re Superlattices”, Wentao Xu, L. E.
De Long, T. Charlton, M. Chisholm and D. Lederman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 4082-4084
108. “Ferromagnetic Resonance Study of Nanoscale Ferromagnetic Ring Lattices”, Wentao Xu,
D. B. Watkins, L. E. De Long, K. Rivkin, J. B. Ketterson and V. V. Metlushko, J. Appl.
Phys. 95, 6645-6647 (2004).
109. “Suspended Carbon Nanotube Shadow Lithography: Incident Evaporation Angle
Dependence”, Nitin Chopra, Rodney Andrews, Wentao Xu. Lance De Long and Bruce J.
Hinds, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. EXS-2, M5.4.1 (2004).
110. “Incident angle of nanogap size in suspended carbon nanotube shadow lithography”, Nitin
Chopra, Wentao Xu, Lance E. De Long, and Bruce J. Hinds, Nanotechnology 16, 133-136
111. “Microscopic Study of Magnetostatic Spin Waves”, K. Rivkin, L. E. De Long and J. B.
Ketterson, J. Appl. Phys. 97, 10E309 (2005).
112. “Matching Effects in the Field and Temperature Dependences of the Magnetization of
Superconducting/Ferromagnetic Nb/Ni Multilayers”, S. A. Kryukov, A. Bosomtwi, L. E.
De Long, E. M. Gonzalez, E. Navarro, J. L. Vicent, J. E. Villegas, and Wentao Xu, J.
Chem. Phys. Solids 67, 610-612 (2006).
113. “Dynamic Magnetic Response of Infinite Arrays of Ferromagnetic Particles”, K. Rivkin,
W. Saslow, L. E. De Long and J. B. Ketterson, Phys. Rev. B 75, 174408 (2007).
114. “Analysis of ferromagnetic resonance response of square arrays of permalloy nanodots”,
K. Rivkin, Wentao Xu, L. E. De Long, V. V. Metlushko, B. Ilic and J. B. Ketterson, J.
Magn. Magn. Mat. 309, 317-325 (2007). http://www.rkmag.com/articles/fmr_dots.pdf
115. “Magnetic Instabilities along the Superconducting Phase Boundary of Nb/Ni Multilayers”,
A. G. Joshi, S. A. Kryukov, L. E. De Long, E. M. Gonzalez, E. Navarro, J. E. Villegas and
J. L. Vicent, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 09G117 (2007).
116. “Structural and Compositional Characterization of a Co/Re Multilayer and Superlattice”,
Wentao Xu, L. E. De Long, T. Charlton, M. Chisholm and D. Lederman, J. Appl. Phys.
101, 103920 (2007).
117. “Magnetic, and electronic properties of a Ba3InRu2O9 single crystal”, L. Shlyk, S.
Kryukov, V. Durairaj, S. Parkin, G. Cao and L. E. De Long, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 319, 6468 (2007).
118. “BaFe3.39(5)Ru2.61(5)O11 and BaCo1.85(6)Ru4.15(6)O11: Preparation, Crystal Structures, and
Magnetic and Transport Properties of Quaternary Transition Metal Oxoruthenates”, B.
Schüpp-Niewa, L. Shlyk, S. Kryukov, L. E. De Long and R. Niewa, Z. Naturforsch. BChem. Sci. 62, 753-758 (2007).
119. “Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in nearly ferromagnetic metal SrIrO3 single crystals”, G. Cao,
V. Duarairaj, S. Chikara, L. E. De Long, S. Parkin and P. Schlottmann, Physical Review B
76, 100402(R) (2007).
120. “Extreme magnetic anisotropy and multiple superconducting transition signatures in a
[Nb(23nm)/Ni(5nm)]5 multilayer”, L. E. De Long, S. A. Kryukov, A. G. Joshi, Wentao
Xu, A. Bosomtwi, B. J. Kirby and M. R. Fitzsimmons, Physica C 468, 523-530 (2007).
121. “Structural, magnetic and transport properties of a novel class of ferromagnetic
semiconductors: SrM2±xRu4±xO11 (M = Fe, Co)”, L. Shlyk, L. E. De Long, S. Kryukov, B.
Schüpp-Niewa and R. Niewa, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D112 (2008).
122. “Observation of Strong Spin Valve Effect in Bulk Ca3(Ru1-xCrx)2O7”, G. Cao, V. Durairaj,
S. Chikara, L. E. De Long and P. Schlottmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 016604, 159902
(Erratum), (2008). (This paper was selected for January 21, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal
of Nanoscale Science & Technology (American Institute of Physics and the American
Physical Society))
123. “High Temperature Ferromagnetism and Tunable Semiconductivity of (Ba,Sr)M2±xRu4±x
O11 (M = Fe, Co): A New Paradigm for Spintronics”, L. Shlyk, S. Kryukov, B. SchüppNiewa, R. Niewa and L. E. De Long, Adv. Mat. 20, 1315-1320 (2008).
124. “Horizontally Aligned Single Array of Co Nanowires Fabricated in One-Dimensional
Nanopore Array Template”, Rui Zhu, Hongguo Zhang, Zhi Chen, Sergiy Kryukov and
Lance De Long, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 11, K57 (2008).
125. “A Novel Class of High-TC Ferromagnetic Semiconductors”, L. V. Shlyk, S. A. Kryukov,
L. E. De Long, B. Schupp-Niewa, R. Niewa, J. W. Lynn, Qing Huang, E. Arenholz and C.
Piamonteze, in: Proceedings of the 17th Biennial University Government Industry MicroNano Symposium, Louisville, KY, July 13-16, 2008 (IEEE Conference eXpress
Publishing, Piscataway, NJ, 2008), pp. 142-147.
126. “Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in Single-Crystal CaRuO3: Comparison to Ferromagnetic
SrRuO3”, G. Cao, O. Korneta, S. Chikara, L. E. De Long and P. Schlottmann, Solid State
Commun. 148, 305-309 (2008).
127. “Giant magnetoelectric effect in the Jeff = ½ Mott insulator Sr2IrO4”, S. Chikara, O.
Korneta, W. P. Crummett, L. E. De Long, P. Schlottmann and G. Cao, Phys. Rev. B 80,
140407(R) (2009).
128. “New Materials for Spintronics”, L. E. De Long, L. Shlyk and Gang Cao, Proceedings of
the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications 2009, pp.
929-932, available through IEEE Xplore, 978-1-4244-3386-5/09.
129. “Pressure-induced Insulating State in Single-crystal Ba1-xGdxIrO3”, O. Korneta, S.
Chikara, L.E. DeLong, P. Schlottmann and G. Cao, Phys. Rev. B 81, 045101 (2009).
130. “Crystal Structures of Ternary Ruthenium Ferrites SrM2±xRu4±xO11 with M = Fe, Co
and Magnetic and Transport Properties of Al-doped Single Crystals”, Rainer Niewa,
Larysa Shlyk, Barbara Schüpp-Niewa and Lance E. De Long, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.
636, 331-336 (2010).
131. “Successive magnetic transitions of the kagome plane and field-driven chirality in singlecrystal BaMn2.49Ru3.5O11”, L. Shlyk, S. Parkin and L. E. De Long, Phys. Rev. B 81, 014413
132. “Giant magnetoelectric effect in the Jeff = ½ Mott insulator Sr2IrO4”, S. Chikara, O.
Korneta, W. P. Crummett, L. E. De Long, P. Schlottmann and G. Cao, J. Appl. Phys. 107,
09D910 (2010).
133. “Ca3(Ru1-xCrx)2O7: A new paradigm for spin valves”, G. Cao, O. Korneta, S. Chikara, L.
E. De Long and P. Schlottmann, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 09D718 (2010).
134. “Complex magnetic order and spin chirality on the Kagomé lattices of BaMn2.49Ru3.51O11
and BaFe3.26Ti2.74O11”, L. Shlyk, S. Parkin and L. E. De Long, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 09E109
135. “Magnetic Structure, Magnetization and Magnetotransport Properties of
(Ba,Sr)M2xT4xO11 (M = Fe, Co; T = Ru, Ti)”, L. Shlyk, B.G. Ueland, J.W. Lynn, Q.
Huang, L.E. De Long and S. Parkin, Phys. Rev. B 81, 184415 (2010).
136. “Staircase magnetization anomalies in superconducting Pb/Au bilayer films patterned with
antidot lattices”, L. E. De Long, S. A. Kryukov, V. V. Metlushko, M. J. A. Stoutimore and
D. J. Van Harlingen, Physica C 470, 739-743 (2010).
137. “The Promise of Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling: Novel Materials with Novel Properties for
Novel Devices” (Invited), L. E. De Long, L. Shlyk, Gang Cao and R. Niewa, Proceedings
of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications 2010, pp.
929-932, available through IEEE Xplore, 978-1-4244-3386-5/09.
138. “Electron-Doped Sr2IrO4- (0 ≤  ≤ 0.04): Evolution of a Disordered Jeff = ½ Mott
Insulator into an Exotic Metallic State”, O. B. Korneta, Tongfei Qi, S. Chikara, S. Parkin,
L. E. De Long, P. Schlottmann and G. Cao, Phys. Rev. B 82, 115117 (2010).
139. “Anomalous Hall Effect in High Temperature Ferrimagnetic Semiconductors
BaFe2xRu4xO11”, L. Shlyk, R. Niewa and L. E. De Long, Phys. Rev. B 82, 134432 (2010).
140. “Negative Volume Thermal Expansion via Orbital and Magnetic Orders in Ca2Ru1-xCrxO4
(0 < x < 0.13)”, T. F. Qi, O. B. Korneta, S. Parkin, L. E. De Long and G. Cao, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 105, 177203 (2010).
141. “Low-Field FMR Studies of Magnetic Confinement Effects in Patterned Ferromagnetic
Thin Films”, V. Bhat, J. Woods, J. T. Hastings, L. E. De Long, J. Sklenar, J. B. Ketterson,
O. Heinonen, K. Rivkin and V. Metlushko, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications 2011, Torino, Italy, IEEE Explore 978-161284-978-2/11, pp. 718-721.
142. “Lattice-Driven Magnetoresistivity and Metal-Insulator Transition in Single-Layer
Iridates”, M. Ge, T. F. Qi, O. B. Korneta, L. E. De Long, P. Schlottmann and G. Cao, Phys.
Rev. B 84, 100402(R) (2011).
143. “Giant Magnetoelectric Effect in Antiferromagnetic BaMnO2.99 and Its Derivatives”, O. B.
Korneta, T. F. Qi, M. Ge, L. E. De Long, P. Schlottmann and G. Cao, J. Phys. F: Condens.
Matter 23, 435901 (2011).
144. “Broad-band FMR study of ferromagnetic thin films patterned with antidot lattices”, V.
Bhat, J. Woods, L. E. De Long, J. T. Hastings, V. V. Metlushko, K. Rivkin, O. Heinonen, J.
Sklenar and J. B. Ketterson, Physica C 479, 83-87 (2012). (Proceedings of the Seventh
International Conference on Vortex Matter in Superconductors, Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 1017, 2011).
145. “Strong magnetic instability in correlated metallic Bi2Ir2O7”, T. F. Qi, O. B. Korneta,
Xiangang Wan, L. E. De Long, P. Schlottmann and G. Cao, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24,
345601 (2012). Featured in Lab Talk of JPCM, August 2, 2012.
146. "Generating wave vector specific Damon-Eshbach spin waves in Py using a diffraction
grating”, J. Sklenar, V. Bhat, L. E. De Long and J. Ketterson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 52404
147. “FMR study of permalloy films patterned into square lattices of diamond antidots”, V. Bhat,
J. Woods, L. E. De Long, J. T. Hastings, J. Sklenar, J. B. Ketterson and M. Pechan,
Proceedings of the ICMM 2012, Kaiserlautern, Germany, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
49, 1029-1032 (2012).
148. “Observation of Robust FMR in Permalloy Quasiperiodic Arrays”, V. Bhat, J. Woods, B.
Farmer, L. E. De Long, J. T. Hastings, J. Sklenar and J. B. Ketterson, Proceedings of the
MMM-INTERMAG, Chicago, IL, January, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49,
3101-3104 (2013).
149. “Broadband Ferromagnetic Resonance Studies on an Artificial Square Spin-Ice Island
Array”, J. Sklenar, V. S. Bhat, L. De Long, and J. Ketterson, Proceedings of the MMMINTERMAG, Chicago, IL, January, 2013, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17B530 (2013).
150. “Strongly Localized Magnetization Modes in Permalloy Antidot Lattices”, J. Sklenar, V. S.
Bhat, L. E. De Long, O. Heinonen and J. B. Ketterson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 152412
151. “Tuning the Jeff = ½ insulating state via electron doping and pressure in the double-layered
iridate Sr3Ir2O7”, L. Li, P. P. Kong, T. F. Qi, C. Q. Jin, S. J. Yuan, L. E. De Long, P.
Schlottmann and G. Cao, Phys. Rev. B 87, 235127 (2013).
152. “Superconductivity and anomalous electrical resistivity in Single-Crystal Ir3Te8”, L. Li, T.
F. Qi, L. S. Lin, X. X. Wu, X.T. Zhang, K. S. J. Yuan, K. Butrouna, V. S. Cao, Y. H.
Zhang, Jiangping Hu, P. Schlottmann, L. E. DeLong and G. Cao, Phys. Rev. B 87, 174510
153. “Tuning electronic structures via epitaxial strain in Sr2IrO4 thin films”, J. Nichols, J. Terzic,
E. G. Bittle, O. B. Korneta, L. E. De Long, J. W. Brill, G. Cao and S. S. A. Seo, Appl.
Phys. Lett. 102, 141908 (2013).
154. “Giant vertical magnetization shift induced by spin canting in a Co/Ca2Ru0.98Fe0.02O4
heterostructure”, S. J. Yuan, L. Li, T. F. Qi, L. E. De Long and G. Cao, Phys. Rev. B 88,
024413 (2013). Selected as a Physical Review B Editors’ Suggestion.
155. “Controlled Magnetic Reversal in Permalloy Films Patterned into Artificial Quasicrystals”,
V. S. Bhat, J. Sklenar, B. Farmer, J. Woods, J. T. Hastings, S. J. Lee, J. B. Ketterson and L.
E. De Long, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 077201 (2013). Figure 1 featured on the Cover Page and
Index Page of Physical Review Letters 111, August 16, 2013.
156. “Anisotropic electronic properties of a-axis-oriented Sr2IrO4 epitaxial thin films”, J.
Nichols, O. B. Korneta, J. Terzic, L. E. De Long, G. Cao, J. W. Brill and S. S. A. Seo,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 131910 (2013).
157. “First-order spin reorientation transition and specific heat anomaly in CeFeO3”, S. J. Yuan,
Y. M. Cao, L. Li, T. F. Qi, S. X. Cao, J. C. Zhang, L. E. De Long and G. Cao, J. Appl.
Phys. 114, 113909 (2013).
158. “Quasi-periodic magnetic flux jumps in the superconducting state of Ba0.5K0.5Fe1.9M0.1As2
(M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn)”, J. Li, Y. Guo, S. Zhang, Y.Tsujimoto, X. Wang, C. I.
Sathish, S. Yu, Y. Sun, W. Yi, K. Yamaura, E. Takayama-Muromachi, Y. Shirako, M.
Akaogi, L. E. De Long, Physica C 495, 192-197 (2013).
159. “FMR Study of Eightfold Artificial Ferromagnetic Quasicrystals”, V. S. Bhat, J. Sklenar, B.
Farmer, J. Woods, J. B. Ketterson, J. T. Hastings and L. E. De Long, accepted for the
Proceedings of the 58th MMM Conference, Denver, CO, November 4-8, 2013, to be
published in Journal of Applied Physics (May, 2014).
160. “Nonstochastic Magnetic Reversal in Artificial Quasicrystalline Spin Ice”, B. Farmer, V. S.
Bhat, J. Sklenar, J. Woods, E. Teipel, N. Smith, J. B. Ketterson, J. T. Hastings and L. E. De
Long, submitted to the Proceedings of the 58th MMM Conference, Denver, CO, November
4-8, 2013, to be published in Journal of Applied Physics (May, 2014).
161. “Novel magnetism of Ir5+ ions in the double perovskite Sr2YIrO6”, G. Cao, T. F. Qi, L. Li,
J. Terzic, S. J. Yuan, L. E. De Long, G. Murthy and R. K. Kaul, accepted for publication in
Physical Review Letters, January, 2014.
162. “Measurement and Analysis of Multipole Magnetizations of Superconducting Thin Films
Using a SQUID Magnetometer”, S. A. Kryukov, Wentao Xu and L. E. De Long, in
preparation for submission to the Review of Scientific Instruments (2013).
163. “Anisotropic Multipole Magnetization of Superconducting Nb Thin Films and Nb/Ni
Multilayers”, S. A. Kryukov, A. G. Joshi, Wentao Xu, A. Bosomtwi, L. E. De Long, B. J.
Kirby and M. R. Fitzsimmons, in preparation for submission to the Journal of Applied
Physics (2013).
164. “Novel Flux Matching Behavior in Superconducting Pb/Au Thin Film Bilayers Patterned
with Antidot Arrays”, L. E. De Long, S. A. Kryukov, Wentao Xu and V. V. Metlushko, in
preparation for submission to Physical Review B (2013).
Conference Talks and Seminars
"The Effects of High Pressure on the Superconducting Transition Temperature of
(LaPr)Sn3 and (LaGd)Sn3", at: European Physical Society - High Pressure Conference:
"Electronic Properties of Solids Under Pressure", Leuven, Belgium, Sept. 3, 1975.
"The Effect of High Pressure on the Superconducting Transition Temperature of (LaPr)Sn3
and (LaGd)Sn3", at: Universität zu Köln, FRG, September, 1975.
"The Effect of High Pressure on the Superconducting Transition Temperature of (LaPr)Sn3
and (LaGd)Sn3", at: Technische Universität, München-- Zentralinstitute für
Tieftemperaturforschung der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Garching, FRG,
September 1975.
"Anomalous Pairbreaking Behavior of the Matrix-Impurity System (LaSm)Sn3", at:
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Atlanta, Ga., March 31, 1976.
"Anomalous Scattering of Conduction Electrons by Rare Earth Impurties in LaSn3", at:
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, February 11, 1977.
"The Third Ordered State of Electrons in Metals at Low Temperature", at: Swarthmore
College, Swarthmore, PA, February 14, 1977.
"4f Shell Instabilities in Superconductors", at: Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., March 1,
"4f Shell Instabilities in Superconductors", at: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
March 4, 1977.
"The Effect of Localized Impurty States on the Superconductivity of Dilute Alloys of
LaSn3 Containing Light Rare Earth Impurties", at: March Meeting, APS, San Diego, CA,
March 22, 1977.
"4f Shell Instabilities in Dilute Alloys of LaSn3 Containing RE Impurties", at: University
of California, Los Angeles, June 14, 1977.
"Recent Results on the Coexistence of Superconductivity and Long-Range Magnetic Order
in Solids", at: Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA, November 7, 1977.
"Superconducting and Normal State Properties of Dilute Alloys LaSn3 Containing Nd
Impurties", at: March Meeting, APS, Washington, D.C., March 28, 1978.
"Local Moment Formation in Dilute Rare Earth Alloys", at: University of California,
Irvine, Irvine California, October 23, 1978.
"Unstable Magnetic Moments in Rare Earth Alloys", at: UC Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory, Livermore, Claifornia, October 27, 1978.
"Reentrant Superconductivity", at: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky,
February 15, 1979.
"Reentrant Superconductivity", at: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia,
February 22, 1979.
"Reentrant Superconductivity", at: Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, February
27, 1979.
"Pressure Dependence of the Magnetic Ordering Temperature of PrSn3", at: March
Meeting, APS, Chicago, Illinois, March 19. 1979.
"The Anomalous Physical Properties RESn3 and (LaRE)Sn3 Compounds and Alloys",
poster presented at: Fourteenth Rare Earth Research Conference, Fargo, ND, June 26,
"Topics in Superconductivity", at: West Virginia Institute of Technology, Montgomery,
West Virginia, September 12, 1980.
"Pressure Dependence of the Tc of Dilute (LuRE)Rh4B4 Alloys", poster presented at:
International Conference on Ternary Superconductors, Lake Geneva, WI, September 24,
"Exchange Interactions in Rare Earth Compounds and Alloys", at: University of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 29, 1980.
"The Destruction of Superconductivity at Very High Pressures", at: University of
Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, December 5, 1980.
"Pressure Dependence of the Reentrant Superconductivity Phase Boundries of
(La1-xThxCe Alloys", at: March Meeting, APS, Phoenix, Arizona, March 18, 1981.
"The Evidence for Valence Fluctuations in Dilute Rare Earth Alloys", at: Los Alamos
National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, August 27, 1981.
"Low Temperature Superconducting and Magnetic Behavior of U6.1X (X = Fe, Mn, Co)
Compounds at Zero and High Pressures", L. E. De Long, T. Fariss, R. P. Guertin, S. K.
Hasanain and J. J. Engelhardt, Poster Session presented at Midwest Solid State Conference
Argonne National Laboratory, September 25, 1981.
"Superconductivity in Spite of Itself in Strongly Paramagnetic Uranium Compounds and
Alloys", at: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, January 22, 1982.
"Observation of High Field Superconductivity and Exchange-Enhanced Paramagnetism in
U6Fe", at: March Meeting, APS, Dallas, Texas, March 8, 1982.
"Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of Graphite
Intercalation Compounds", at: March Meeting, APS, Dallas, Texas, March 8, 1982.
"Observation of High Field Superconductivity and Exchange-Enhanced Pauli
Paramagnetism in U6Fe", poster presented at: IV Conference on Superconductivity in dand f-Band Metals, Karlsruhe, FRG, June 29, 1982.
"Quasi-Two-Dimensional Superconductivity in Carbon Compounds", at: University of
Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, September 17, 1982.
"Superconductivity in Spite of Itself in Actinide Compounds", at: Indiana University,
Bloomington, Indiana, October 22, 1982.
"The Superconductivity of Th7(Fe,Co)3, Th7(Co, Ni)3 and Th7(Fe,Ni)3", M. Hakimi, J.
G. Huber and L. E. De Long, Post-Deadline Poster presented at the Meeting of the
Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Lexington, KY, October 30, 1982.
"Anomalous Pressure Dependences of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of
Potassium-Based Graphite Intercalation Compounds", at: Annual Meeting of the Materials
Research Society, Boston, MA, November 2, 1982.
"Superconductivity in Spite of Itself in Actinide Compounds", at: Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, January 24, 1983.
"Superconductivity and Phase Stability in Graphite Intercalation Compounds", at: GA
Technologies, San Diego, California, March 14, 1983.
"Superconductivity and Phase Stability in Graphite Intercalation Compounds", at:
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, March 14, 1983.
"Structure and Composition Dependences of the Superconducting Transition Temperature
of RE(Rh1-xCox)4B4 Alloys (RE = Y, Lu, Er)", at: March Meeting APS, Los Angeles,
California, March 22, 1983.
"Anomalous Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperatures of
Alkali-Based Graphite Intercalation Compounds", at: March Meeting APS, Los Angeles,
California, March 22, 1983.
"Structural Properties and the Anomalous Composition Dependences of the
Superconducting Transition Temperature of RE(Rh,Co)4B4 Alloys (RE = Y, Er)", L. E. De
Long and P. Rogl, poster presentation at the Seventeenth Rare Earth Research Conference,
Tallahassee, FL, April , 1983.
"Anomalous Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of
Graphite Intercalation Compounds", at: 16th Biennial Conference on Carbon, La Jolla,
California, July 18, 1983.
"High Pressure Superconducting Behavior of the Stage-1 Alkali Metal-Graphite
Intercalation Compounds RbC8 and CsC8", poster presented at: IX AIRAPT High
Pressure Conference Albany, NY, July 24, 1983.
"Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of U6X (X = Mn,
Fe, Co) Compounds and Alloys", poster presented at: IX AIRAPT High Pressure
Conference, Albany, NY, July 24, 1983.
"Superconductivity of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Liquid", at: Iowa State University,
Ames, Iowa, October 13, 1983.
"Heavy Fermion Superconductivity in U6Fe", at: Exxon Research and Engineering Co.,
Annadale, New Jersey, February 16, 1984.
"Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of Strongly
Interacting Fermi Liquids: U6X ( X=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni)", at: March Meeting APS, Detroit,
Michigan, March 28, 1984.
"Recent Progress in Flyweight Superconductivity (U6X)", at: Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, August 14,1984.
"Heavy Electron Superconductors", at: Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, September 12,
"Specific Heat of U6Fe in High Magnetic Fields", at: March Meeting of APS, Baltimore,
Maryland, March 26, 1985.
"High-Field, High-Tc Superconductivity in U6X Compounds", at: Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, March 19, 1986.
"Phenomenological Trends for Heavy Fermi Liquids and Narrow-Band Metals", at: March
Meeting of APS, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2, 1986.
"Unusual Properties of SmSn3", at: March Meeting of APS, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2,
"Systematic Behavior of Heavy Fermi Liquid Groundstates", poster presented at:
Seventeenth Rare Earth Research Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, June 11, 1986.
" Fe Mossbauer Spectroscopy of U6Fe", poster presented at: Seventeenth Rare Earth
Research Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, June 11, 1986.
"High-Field, High-Tc Superconductivity in U6X Compounds", at: Natuurkundig
Laboratorium der Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 3, 1986.
"High-Field, High-Tc Superconductivity in U6X Compounds", poster presented at:
International Conference on Anomalous Rare Earths and Actinides, Grenoble, France, July
9, 1986.
"Phenomenological Trends for Heavy Fermi Liquids and Narrow-Band Metals", poster
presented at: International Conference on Anomalous Rare Earths and Actinides,
Grenoble, France, July 9, 1986.
"Systematic Behavior of Heavy Fermi Liquid Groundstates", at: Universidad Complutense
de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, July 15, 1986.
"Systematic Behavior of Heavy Fermi Liquid Groundstates", at: Universidad Autonoma de
Madrid, Canto Blanco, Spain, July 16, 1986.
"Phenomenological Relationships in Heavy Fermi Liquids", at: University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, December 12, 1986.
"Phenomenological Relationships in Heavy Fermion Metals", at: Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December 18, 1986.
"Magnetoresistive Effects in the Upper Critical Fields of Heavy Fermion
Superconductors", poster presentation at: International Conference on Valence
Fluctuations, Bangalore, India, January 6, 1987.
"Optical Dielectric Function of UBe13, CeBe13, and ThBe13", poster presentation at:
International Conference on Valence Fluctuations, Bangalore, India, January 9, 1987.
"A New Model for the Upper Critical Fields of Narrow-Band Superconductors", at: Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India, January 8, 1987.
"Superconductivity versus Magnetic Order in Heavy Fermion Solids", at: University of
California, Riverside, Riverside, California, February 26,1987.
"Magnetoresistive Effects in the Upper Critical Fields of Heavy Fermion
Superconductors", at: March Meeting of APS, New York, New York, March 18, 1987.
"High-Temperature Superconductivity--a Status Report", at: University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, April 2, 1987.
"High Temperature Superconductivity Research at the University of Kentucky", at:
Progress Symposium of the Consortium for Superconducting Materials and
Instrumentation, University of Alabama, Huntsville, Alabama, September 1, 1987.
"Superconductivity", at: Meeting of the Society of Physics Students, University of
Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, November 19, 1987.
"Superconductivity at Higher Temperatures", at: Physics and Astronomy Club, Murray
State University, Murray, Kentucky, March 22, 1988.
"Semiclassical Superconductors in High Magnetic Fields", at: University of Alabama
Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama, October 18, 1988.
"Superconductivity and Magnetic Order in Heavy Fermion Solids", at: Southern Illinois
University, Carbondale, Illinois, November 18, 1988.
"Semiclassical Superconductors in High Magnetic Fields", at: Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, December 1, 1988.
"Magnetoresistive Effects in the Upper Critical Field of URu2Si2", at: March Meeting of
the APS, St. Louis, Missouri, March 23, 1989.
"Anomalous Curvature of the Upper Critical Fields of Heavy Fermion Superconductors",
at: Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, May 19, 1989.
"High Pressure Phase Stability of U6X (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) Compounds", poster
presentation at: International Conference on Highly Correlated Electron Systems, Santa Fe,
NM, September 12, 1989.
"Phenomenological Criteria for Ferromagnetism and Spin Density Waves in Ce
Compounds and Other Narrow-Band Metals", at: 34th Annual Conference on Magnetism
and Magnetic Materials, Boston, Massachusetts, November 29, 1989.
"Upper Critical Magnetic Fields of Anisotropic Superconductors", at: Pennsylvania State
University, State College, Pennsylvania, December 8, 1989.
"Upper Critical Magnetic Field of Anisotropic Superconductors", at: Washington State
University, Pullman, Washington, February 26, 1990.
"Criteria for the Occurrence of Ferromagnetism and Weak Magnetic Order in NarrowBand Metals", at: March Meeting of the APS, Anaheim, California, March 16, 1990.
"Exotic Superconductors", at: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, August 31,
"Empirical Trends for the Occurrence of Magnetic Order and Superconductivity in Narrow
Band Metals", at: Department of Metal Physics, Charles University, Prague,
Czechoslovakia, October 4, 1990.
"Upper Critical Magnetic Field of Anisotropic Superconductors", at: Department of Metal
Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia, October 5, 1990.
"Empirical Trends for the Occurrence of Magnetic Order and Superconductivity in Narrow
Band Metals", at: W. Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research,
Wroclaw, Poland, October 6, 1990.
"Upper Critical Magnetic Field of Anisotropic Superconductors", at: W. Trzebiatowski
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Wroclaw, Poland, October 12, 1990.
"Universality of the Volume-Scaled Ordered Moments of Metallic Magnets", at: March
Meeting of the American Physical Society, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 20, 1991.
"Magnetoelastic Response of NbSe2", at: March Meeting of the American Physical
Society, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 22, 1991.
"Structural Properties and Anomalous Composition Dependences of the Superconducting
Transition Temperature of RE(Rh,Co)4B4 Alloys", poster presentation at: 19th Rare Earth
Research Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, July 17, 1991.
"Vibrating Reed Studies of Vortex Dynamics in Superconductors", poster presented at:
Gordon Research Conference on Superconductivity, Oxnard, California, January 8-9, 1992.
"Anomalous Low-Temperature Flux Line Dynamics of Single-Crystal
Sm1.85Ce0.15CuO4", at: March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Indianapolis,
Indiana, March 17, 1992.
"Vibrating Reed Studies of Vortex Dynamics in Superconductors", L. E. De Long, at:
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 21, 1992.
"Ferromagnetism in Nature", Colloquium at: Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, January 22, 1993.
"Vibrating Reed Study of Vortex Dynamics and Anomalous Dissipation in
-(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br", poster presentation at: Conference on Molecular and Oxide
Superconductors, Eugene, Oregon, July 29, 1993.
"Multiple Peaks and Low Temperature Anomalies in the Flux Line Dissipation of Ceramic
and Single-Crystal (Ba,K)BiO3", poster presentation at: Conference on Molecular and
Oxide Superconductors, Eugene, OR, July 29, 1993.
"Vibrating Reed Study of Vortex Dynamics and Anomalous Dissipation in
-(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br", poster presentation at: Workshop on the Statics and Dynamics of
Vortices in Superconductors, Eugene, Oregon, August 2, 1993.
"Multiple Peaks and Low Temperature Anomalies in the Flux Line Dissipation of Ceramic
and Single-Crystal (Ba,K)BiO3", poster presentation at: Workshop on the Statics and
Dynamics of Vortices in Superconductors, Eugene, Oregon, August 2, 1993.
"Effect of Pressure on the Reentrant Superconducting-Normal Phase Boundaries in the
(La1-nCen)Al2 and (La1-xThx)1-nCen Kondo Systems", poster presentation at:
International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, La Jolla, California,
August 17, 1993.
"Multiple Anomalies in the Flux Line Dissipation of Ceramic and Single-Crystal
(Ba,K)BiO3", poster presentation at: International Conference on Strongly Correlated
Electron Systems, La Jolla, California, August 18, 1993.
"Vibrating Reed Study of Flux Line Dynamics in (Ba,K)BiO3 Thin Films", at: March
Meeting of the American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 22, 1994.
100. "Evidence for Strong Coupling Effects in the Pressure-Dependent Phase Boundaries of
Reentrant (LaCe)Al2 and (La,Th)Ce Alloys", at: March Meeting of the American
Physical Society, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 24, 1994.
101. "Occurrence of Ferromagnetism in Nature", at: Miami University, Oxford, Ohio,
December 8, 1994.
102. "Effects of Microstructure on Vortex Dissipation and Peak Effect in (Ba,K)BiO3 Thin
Films, Ceramics and Single Crystals", at: March Meeting of the American Physical
Society, San Jose, California, March 22, 1995.
103. "Vortex Dynamics and Peak Effect in CeRu2", at: March Meeting of the American
Physical Society, San Jose, California, March 22, 1995.
104. "Low-Temperature Phase Transitions in -(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br: Evidence from Specific
Heat and Electrical Resistivity", poster presentation at: Conference on Physical
Phenomena at High Magnetic Fields - II, Tallahassee, Florida, May 6-7, 1995.
105. "Nonlinear Dynamics and Plastic Deformation of Flux Lines in NbSe2", poster
presentation at: Gordon Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Wolfeboro, New
Hampshire, July 10-11, 1995.
106. “Shaking the Truth Out of Superconductors: Nonlinear and Chaotic Response of
Quantized Magnetic Vortices in NbSe2”, Colloquium at University of Kentucky, January
26, 1996.
107. “Shaking the Truth Out of Superconductors: Nonlinear and Chaotic Response of Magnetic
Vortices in NbSe2”, Seminar at Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
February 29, 1996.
108. “Vibrating Reed Study of CeRu2”, at: March Meeting of the American Physical Society,
St. Louis, MO, March 18, 1996.
109. “Complex Structures in the Reentrant Phase Diagram of HoNi2B2C”, at: March Meeting of
the American Physical Society, St. Louis, MO, March 20, 1996.
110. “Evidence for an Extended Critical Region near the Metamagnetic Transition of UCoAl”,
at: 7th Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials--Intermag Conference, San Francisco,
CA, January 6, 1998.
111. “The Promise of Superconductors with Artificial Defect Structures”, Seminar at Dept.
Computer Science and Engineering, University of Louisville, February, 12, 1998.
112. “Extended Critical Region near the Metamagnetic Transition of Single-Crystal UCoAl”, at:
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, March 16, 1998.
113. “Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in U3-xNi3Sn4-y Single Crystals”, (Poster) at: International
Workshop on Electron Correlations and Materials Properties, Heraklion, Crete, July 1,
114. “Novel Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in a 5f-Electron System: U3-xNi3Sn4-y Single
Crystals”, (Poster) at: Int. Conf. Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Paris, July 16,
115. “Vortex in the Hole!”, Seminar at: Dept. of Physics, Purdue, University, October 2, 1998.
116. “Novel Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in a 5f-Electron System: U3-xNi3Sn4-y Single
Crystals”, L. Shlyk, J. C. Waerenborgh, P. Estrela, A. de Visser, L. E. De Long, A. M.
Gurevich and M. Almeida, (Poster) at: Conf. on Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic
Fields III, Tallahassee, FL, October 26, 1998.
117. “Holy Superconductors”, Colloquium at: Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, December 11, 1998.
118. “A Tale of Two Non-Fermi Liquids: UCoAl and U3Ni3Sn4”, at: Department of Physics,
U. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, March 3, 1999.
119. “Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in U3-xNi3Sn4-y Single Crystals”, L. Shlyk, L. E. De Long, J.
C. Waerenborgh, M. Almeida, P. Estrela, and A. De Visser, at: Centennial Meeting of the
Amercian Physical Society, Atlanta, GA, March 22, 1999.
120. “The Case for Clean Non-Fermi Liquids: UCoAl and U3Ni3Sn3”, Seminar at: Materials
Science Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, April 8, 1999.
121. “Paramagnetic Relaxation and Wohlleben Effect in Field-Cooled Nb Thin Films”, Poster
presentation at: Euroconference on Vortex Matter in Superconductors, Aghia Pelaghia,
Crete, September 22, 1999.
122. “Recent Revelations from Holy (and Not-So-Holy) Superconductors”, Colloquium at:
Department of Physics, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, October 15, 1999.
123. “Magnetic Dot Lattices in Superconducting Thin Films”, Poster presentation at: DARPA
Spins Workshop, Santa Barbara, CA, January 6, 2000.
124. “The Strange Case of Wrongheaded Superconductors: The Paramagnetic Meissner
Effect”, Colloquium at: University of Kentucky Dept. Physics and Astronomy,
September 8, 2000.
125. “Evidence for a Bose Glass Melting Line in a WGe Thin Film with a Square Antidot
Lattice”, at: March Meeting of the Amercian Physical Society, Seattle, WA, March 14,
126. “Field Matching and Proximity Effect in a Superconducting Pb/Cu Bilayer Film with a
Triangular Antidot Lattice”, at: March Meeting of the Amercian Physical Society, Seattle,
WA, March 15, 2001.
127. “The Strange Case of Wrongheaded Superconductors: The Paramagnetic Meissner
Effect”, Colloquium at: Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure
Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, June 18, 2001.
128. “The Strange Case of Wrongheaded Superconductors: The Paramagnetic Meissner
Effect”, poster presentation at: 2nd European Physical Society Conference on Vortex
Matter in Superconductors at Extreme Scales and Conditions, Aghia Pelaghia, Crete,
September 21-22, 2001.
129. “Whatever Happened to Mott??”, Seminar at: University of Cincinnati Dept. of Physics,
October 31, 2001.
130. “Size and Interface Effects in Patterned Magnetic and Superconducting Thin Films”,
Seminar at: Center for Micromagnetic and Electronic Devices, University of Kentucky,
October 30, 2002.
131. “Size and Interface Effects in Patterned Magnetic and Superconducting Thin Films”,
Seminar at; Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, December 13, 2002.
132. “Proximity-Induced Josephson Network Behavior of a Pb/Cu Bilayer Film with Antidot
Lattice”, S. Kryukov, L. De Long, V. Metlushko, V. Moshchalkov and Y. Bryunseraede,
at: March Meeting of the Amercian Physical Society, Austin, TX, March 4, 2003.
133. “Magnetic Switching of Nb/Ni Multilayers near the Superconducting Critical
Temperature”, L. De Long, S. Kryukov, E. Navarro, J. E. Villegas, E. M. Gonzalez and J.
L. Vicent, at: March Meeting of the Amercian Physical Society, Austin, TX, March 4,
134. “Magnetic Switching of Nb/Ni near the Superconducting Critical Temperature”, S.
Kryukov, L. E. De Long, E. Navarro, J. E. Villegas, E. M. Gonzalex and J. L. Vicent,
poster presentation at: Intermag 2003 Conference, Boston, MA, April 2, 2003.
135. “Size and Interface Effects in Patterned Magnetic and Superconducting Thin Films”,
Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at: Boston University, Boston, MA, April 1, 2003.
136. “FMR Study of Square Arrays of Thin-Film Permalloy Rings of Variable Inner Diameter”,
L. E. De Long, D. B. Watkins, Wentao Xu, J. B. Ketterson, V. Chandrasekhar and V. V.
Metlushko, at: Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, December 3, 2003.
137. “Structural Analysis of a [CoRe27. Re(5nm)/(Co(2nm)/Re(0.6nm)]19 Superlattice Grown
on Al2O3(110)”, Wentao Xu, T. Charlton, L. E. De Long and D. Lederman, poster
presentation given at: Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, December 4,
138. “Nanoscale Ferromagnetic Ring Lattices Probed by FMR”, W. Xu, B. Watkins, L. De
Long, K. Rivkin, J. Ketterson and V. Metlushko, at: MMM/Intermag Conference,
Anaheim, CA, January 6, 2004.
139. “Patterned Bilayer Films as a New Class of Superconducting Wire Network for Quantum
Logic Applications”, L. De Long, S. Kryukov, Wentao Xu, V. Metlushko, V. Moshchalkov
and Y. Bruynseraede, at: March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Montreal,
Canada, March 22, 2004.
140. “Magnetic Switching and Ferromagnetic Resonance of Nanoscale Permalloy Ring Arrays”,
Wentao Xu, D. Watkins, L. De Long, K. Rivkin, J. Ketterson and V. Metlushko, at: March
Meeting of the American Physical Society, Montreal, Canada, March 24, 2004.
141. “Anomalous Switching of Nb/Ni Ferromagnetic/Superconducting Multilayers”, S.
Kryukov, Wentao Xu, L. De Long, E. Navarro, J. Villegas, E. Gonzalez and J. Vicent, at:
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Montreal, Canada, March 24, 2004.
142. “Matching Effects in the Field and Temperature Dependences of the Magnetization of
Superconducting/Ferromagnetic Nb/Ni Multilayers”, S. A. Kryukov, A. Bosomtwi, L. E.
De Long, E. M. Gonzalez, E. Navarro, J. L. Vicent, J. E. Villegas, and Wentao Xu, poster
presentation at: Spectroscopy of Novel Superconductors 2004, July 12, 2004.
143. “Ferromagnetic Switching of Nb/Ni Multilayers and Trilayers in the Superconducting and
Normal States”, Lance De Long, Wentao Xu, S. Kryukov, E. Navarro, J. Villegas, at:
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, March 22, 2005.
144. “Magnetic Switching of Nb/Ni Multilayers Near the Superconducting Critical
Temperature”, poster presentation given at: Materials Research Society Workshop on
Physics and Chemistry of Switching in Condensed Matter, San Francisco, CA, April 1-2,
145. “Superconductivity Versus Ferromagnetism: New Interfaces on an Old Conflict”, seminar
given at: Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, Los Alamos, NM, June 17, 2005.
146. “Superconductivity Versus Ferromagnetism: New Interfaces on an Old Conflict”, seminar
given at: Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, October 14,
147. “FMR between the Very Large and the Very Small”, seminar given at: Department of
Physics, Colorado State University, March 31, 2006.
148. “Novel Flux Matching Effects in Potentially Type-I Superconducting Au/Pb Bilayers
Patterned with Antidot Lattices”, at: March Meeting of the American Physical Society,
Denver, CO, March 8, 2007.
149. “Beware of Geeks Bearing Fits—How to Measure Superconducting Thin Films and
Multilayers and Live to Tell the Tale”, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar given at:
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky, August 28, 2007.
150. “Structural, Magnetic and Transport Properties of a New Class of Ferromagnetic
Semiconductors/Metals: (Ba,Sr)M2+xRu4-xO11 (M = Fe, Co)”, Larysa Shlyk, Lance De
Long, Sergiy Kryukov, Barbara Schüpp-Niewa and Rainer Niewa, at: March Meeting of
the American Physical Society, New Orleans, LA, March 14, 2008.
151. “Extreme Anisotropy and Multiple Superconducting Transition Signatures for a
[Nb(23nm)/Ni(5nm)]5 Multilayer”, at: 14th International Conference on Solid Films and
Surfaces”, Dublin, Ireland, June 30, 2008.
152. “A Novel Class of High-TC Ferromagnetic Semiconductors”, L. V. Shlyk, S. A. Kryukov,
L. E. De Long, B. Schüpp-Niewa, R. Niewa, J. W. Lynn, Qing Huang, E. Arenholz and C.
Piamonteze, “2008 17th Biennial University/Government/Industry Micro-Nano
Symposium, Louisville, KY, July 16, 2008.
153. “Structural, Magnetotransport Properties of High-TC Ferromagnetic Semiconductors/
Metals: (Ba,Sr)M2±xRu4±xO11 (M = Fe, Co)”, Larysa Shlyk, Rainer Niewa, Barbara Schüpp
Niewa and Lance De Long, at: March Meeting of the American Physical Society,
Pittsburgh, PA, March 19, 2009.
154. “Complex Complexity in Complex Oxides”, Seminar given at: Materials Science Division
Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, October 28, 2009.
155. “Complex Complexity in Complex Oxides”, Seminar given at: Department of Physics,
Notre Dame University, November 6, 2009.
156. “Anomalous Hall Effect of Topological Origin in High-TC Ferromagnetic Semiconductors:
Berry Phase, Gauge Flux and All That”, Seminar given at: Department of Physics and
Astronomy, University of Kentucky, October 5, 2010.
157. “R-Type Ferrites: Authentic High-TC Ferromagnetic Semiconductors”, Seminar given at:
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, May 26, 2011.
158. “R-Type Ferrites: Authentic High-TC Ferromagnetic Semiconductors”, Seminar given at:
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory of the PRC, Hefei, PRC, June 17, 2011.
159. “R-Type Ferrites: Authentic High-TC Ferromagnetic Semiconductors”, Condensed Matter
Physics Seminar given by L. E. De Long at: Temple University, Philadelphia, PA,
December 8, 2011.
160. “Observation of Robust FMR in Permalloy Quasiperiodic Arrays”, V. Bhat, J. Woods, B.
Farmer, L. E. De Long, J. T. Hastings, J. Sklenar and J. B. Ketterson, Poster Presentation
at: Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference, Chicago, IL, January 14, 2013.
161. “Study of Quasicrystalline Arrays of Antidots in Permalloy Thin Films”, L. E. De Long, V.
Bhat, B. Farmer, J. Woods, J. T. Hastings, J. Sklenar and J. Ketterson, oral presentation
given by L. E. De Long at: March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Baltimore,
MD, March 20, 2013.
162. “Artificial Ferromagnetic Quasicrystals: Novel Metamaterials”, L. E. De Long, poster
presentation given by L. E. De Long at: Department of Energy Experimental Condensed
Matter Physics Principal Investigators’ Meeting, September 23, 2013.
163. “Controlled Magnetic Reversal in Artificial Ferromagnetic Quasicrystals”, L. E. De Long,
Colloquium given at: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky,
October 25, 2013.
Published Abstracts
"Anomalous Pairbreaking Behavior of the Matrix-Impurity System (LaSm)Sn3", L. E. De
Long, R. W. McCallum, M. B. Maple and J. G. Huber, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 383
"The Effect of Localized Impurity States on the Superconductivity of Dilute Alloys of
LaSn3 Containing Light Rare Earth Impurities", L. E. De Long, R. W. McCallum, W. A.
Fertig and M. B. Maple, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 338 (1977).
"Superconducting and Normal State Properties of Dilute Alloys of LaSn3 Containing Nd
Impurities", L. E. De Long, M. B. Maple, M. Tovar and D. C. Johnston, Bull. Am. Phys.
Soc. 23, 307 (1978).
"Pressure Dependence of the Magnetic Ordering Temperature of PrSn3", L. E. De Long, R.
P. Guertin and S. Foner, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 24, 238 (1979).
"Pressure Dependence of the Reentrant Superconducting Phase Boundaries of (LaCe)Al2
and La1-xThxCe Alloys", P. H. Ansari, J. B. Bulman, J. G. Huber, L. E. De Long and M.
B. Maple, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 26, 344 (1981).
"Observation of High Field Superconductivity and Exchange-Enhanced Paramagnetism in
U6Fe", L. E. De Long, J. G. Huber, K. N. Yang and M. B. Maple, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.
27, 157 (1982).
"Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of Graphite
Intercalation Compounds", V. Yeh, L. E. De Long and P. C. Eklund, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.
27, 340 (1982).
"Temperature Dependence of the Electrical Resistivity of the Itinerant Ferromagnets
RERh3B2 (RE = Ce, Eu)", J. G. Huber, L. E. De Long, M. Hakimi, S. K. Dhar and S. K.
Malik, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 28, 249 (1983).
"The Superconductivity of Psuedo-Binary Compounds of Th7Fe3, Th7Co3 and Th7Ni3",
M. Hakimi, J. G. Huber and L. E. De Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 28, 263 (1983).
"Structure and Composition Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature
of RE(Rh1-xCox)4B4 Alloys (RE = Y, Lu, Er)", L. E. De Long, V. Tondiglia, P. Rogl and
H. C. Ku, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 28, 342 (1983).
"Anomalous Pressure Dependences of the Superconducting Transition Temperatures of
Alkali-Based Graphite Intercalation Compounds", S. E. Lambert, J. W. Chen, M. B. Maple,
L. E. De Long, V. Yeh, V. Tondiglia and P. C. Eklund, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 28, 382
"Structural Properties and the Anomalous Composition Dependences of the
Superconducting Transition Temperature of RE(Rh,Co)4B4 Alloys (RE = Y, Er)", L. E. De
Long and P. Rogl, J. Less-Common Metals 94, 266 (1983).
"Anomalous Pressure Dependences of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of
Graphite Intercalation Compounds", L. E. De Long, V. Yeh, V. Tondiglia, P. C. Eklund, S.
E. Lambert and M. B. Maple, Carbon 22, 215 (1984).
"Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of LaT4P12 (T =
Ru, Fe, Os) Compounds", L. E. De Long and G. P. Meisner, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 29, 314
"Intercalant Ordering and Lattice Vibrations in Potassium Mercurographitides", W. A.
Kamitakahara, L. E. De Long and P. C. Eklund, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 29, 382 (1984).
"Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of Strongly
Interacting Fermi Liquids: U6X (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni)", T. E. Carone and L. E. De Long,
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 29, 404 (1984).
"57Fe Mossbauer Spectroscopy of U6Fe", G. Lemon, P. Boolchand, M. Stevens, M.
Marcuso, L. E. De Long and J. G. Huber, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 29, 405 (1984).
"Specific Heat of U6Fe in High Magnetic Fields", L. E. De Long, S. K. Dhar, K. A.
Gschneidner, Jr. and A. Junod, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 30, 357 (1985).
"Enhanced Upper Critical Field of U6Fe at Low Temperatures", L. N. Hall, G. W.
Crabtree, H. Aoki, L. E. De Long and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 30,
358 (1985).
"Low Temperature Specific Heat of Superconducting U6X Compounds (X = Mn, Fe, Co,
Ni)", K. N. Yang, M. B. Maple, J. G. Huber and L. E. De Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 30,
358 (1985).
"Core Level Absorption Measurements In U-Compounds", I. Perez, M. Croft, J. Crow and
L. De Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 30, 637 (1985).
"Phenomenological Trends for Heavy Fermi Liquids and Narrow-Band Metals", L. E. De
Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 31, 445 (1986).
"Optical Properties of MBe13 (M = U, Ce, Th)", P. C. Eklund, D. M. Hoffman, L. E. De
Long, E. T. Arakawa, J. L. Smith and Z. Fisk, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 31, 447 (1986).
"Unusual Properties of SmSn3", L. E. De Long, et al., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 31, (1986).
"High-Field, High-Tc Superconductivity in U6X Compounds", L. N. Hall, L. E. De Long,
G. W. Crabtree, S. K. Malik, W. Kwok and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.
31, 648 (1986).
"Magnetoresistive Effects in the Upper Critical Fields of Heavy Fermion
Superconductors", L. E. De Long, G. W. Crabtree, L. N. Hall, D. G. Hinks, W. K. Kwok, S.
K. Malik and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 32, 685 (1987).
"Magnetoresistive Effects in the Upper Critical Field of Single-Crystal URu2Si2", L. E. De
Long, R. B. Mattingly, S. Ren, W-K. Kwok, D. G. Hinks and G. W. Crabtree, Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. 34, 850 (1989).
"Criteria for the Occurrence of Ferromagnetism and Weak Magnetic Order in NarrowBand Metals", L. E. De Long, J. G. Huber and K. S. Bedell, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35, 774
"Phenomenological Criteria for Ferromagnetism and Spin-Density Waves in Ce
Compounds and Other Narrow-Band Metals", L. E. De Long, J. G. Huber and K. Bedell, J.
Appl. Phys. 67, 5222 (1990).
"Universality of the Volume-Scaled Ordered Moments of Metallic Magnets", L. E. De
Long, J. G. Huber and K. S. Bedell, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 36, 701 (1991).
"Magnetoelastic Response of NbSe2", L. E. De Long, H. Drulis, Z. G. Xu and J. W. Brill,
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 36, 958 (1991).
"Vibrating Reed Studies of Magnetic Vortices in Superconductors", L. E. De Long, J. W.
Brill, Zhigang Xu and H. Drulis, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 92, 2383 (1992).
"Double-Peak in the Dissipation of NbSe2 Vibrating Reeds", Z. Xu, J. W. Brill, L. De
Long and J.-C. Hou, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 37, 229 (1992).
"Anomalous Low-Temperature Flux Line Dynamics of Single-Crystal
Sm1.85Ce0.15CuO4", L. E. De Long, J.-C. Hou, Z. Xu, J. W. Brill, Y. Dalichaouch, M.
C. de Andrade and M. B. Maple, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 37, 334 (1992).
"Multiple-Peaks in the Flux Line Dissipation of Ceramic and Single-Crystal (Ba,K)BiO3",
J.-C. Hou, L. E. De Long, Z. Xu, J. W. Brill, M. Norton, H.-Y. Tang, Y. Zheng and D.
Hinks, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 37, 334 (1992).
"Failure to Observe Kondo Systematics in the Photoelectron Spectra of Several Ce-Based
Heavy Fermions", J. Lawrence, J. J. Joyce, A. J. Arko, P. C. Canfield, Z. Fisk, R. J.
Bartlett, J. D. Thompson and L. De Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 37, 637 (1992).
"Composition Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of CeRu2", A.
G. Olinger and L. E. De Long, Kentucky Association of Physics Teachers Newsletter 26,
No. 1, page 3 (1992); oral presentation given by Anthony G. Olinger, Jr., at the Spring
Meeting of the Kentucky Association of Physics Teachers, Franklin-Simpson High School,
Franklin, KY, February 27, 1993.
"Surface Sensitivity of PES for Cerium Heavy Fermion Compounds", R. I. R. Blyth, A. B.
Andrews, J. J. Joyce, A. J. Arko, P. C. Canfield and L. De Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.
39, 131 (1994).
"Properties of 6R-TaS2", E. Figueroa, Y.-K. Kuo, A. Olinger, M. A. Lloyd, S. Petrosatos,
L. E. De Long, C. P. Brock and J. W. Brill, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 39, 144 (1994).
"Vibrating Reed Study of Flux Line Dynamics in (Ba,K)BiO3 Thin Films", Q. Chen, U. G.
L. Lahaise, L. E. De Long, R. A. Schweinfurth and D. J. Van Harlingen, Bull. Am. Phys.
Soc. 39, 242 (1994).
"Evidence for Strong Coupling Effects in the Pressure-Dependent Phase Boundaries of
Reentrant (LaCe)Al2 and (La,Th)Ce Alloys", L. E. De Long, P. H. Ansari, J. B. Bulman,
J. G. Huber and M. B. Maple, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 39, 732 (1994).
"Vibrating Reed Study of the Anomalous Magnetic Properties of -(ET)2[N(CN)2]Br", U.
G. L. Lahaise, Q. Chen, L. E. De Long, H. H. Wang, K. D. Carlson and J. M. Williams,
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 39, 881 (1994).
"Peak Effect in NbSe2", M. Chung, Z. Xu, L. E. De Long and J. W. Brill, Bull. Am. Phys.
Soc. 39, 917 (1994).
"Evidence for the Existence of Bulk Sm+2 in SmSn3", J. J. Joyce, A. B. Andrews, R. I. R.
Blyth, A. J. Arko, U. Lehmann and L. De Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 40, 316 (1995).
"Effects of Microstructure on Vortex Dissipation and Peak Effect in (Ba,K)BiO3 Thin
Films, Ceramics and Single Crystals", Qun Chen, U. Lahaise, J. C. Hou, L. E. De Long, R.
A. Schweinfurth, D. J. Van Harlingen, D. G. Hinks and M. L. Norton, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.
40, 385 (1995).
"Vortex Dynamics and Peak Effect in CeRu2", L. E. De Long, Qun Chen, J. Zhang and A.
G. Olinger, Jr., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 40, 386 (1995).
"Nonlinear Vortex Dissipation and Peak Effect in NbSe2", J. Zhang, L. E. De Long and R.
C. Budhani, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 40, 386 (1995).
"Nonlinear Vortex Dissipation and Peak Effect in NbSe2", J. G. Childers, W. F. Henshaw,
J. Zhang, L. E. De Long and R. C. Budhani, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 40, 387 (1995).
“Superconducting Films and Multilayers with Lattices of Artificial Defects (Triangular,
Square or Rectangular) as a Model System for Irradiated Hight-Tc Superconductors”, V. V.
Metlushko, L. E. De Long, M. Baert, M. Van Bael, K. Temst, R. Jonckheere, V. V.
Moshchalkov and Y. Bruynseraede, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 41, 713 (1996).
“Complex Structures in the Reentrant Phase Diagram of HoNi2B2C”, J. Childers, J. Zhang,
A. Olinger, Jr., V. Metlushko, L. De Long and P. Canfield, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 41, 359
“Vibrating Reed Study of CeRu2”, A. Olinger, Jr., J. G. Childers, Junqing Zhang, V.
Metlushko and L. E. De Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 41, 136 (1996).
“New Intercalation Compounds of TaS2”, E. Figueroa, Q. Chen, L. E. De Long, J. P.
Selegue and J. W. Brill, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 41, 197 (1996).
“Enhanced Vortex Pinning at Matching Fields in a Nb Thin Film with a Square Lattice of
Nickel Dots”, D. J. Morgan, J. B. Ketterson, D. B. Watkins, A. Terentiev and L. E. De
Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 43, 325 (1998).
“Vortex Dynamics in Thin Vanadium Films with Periodic Arrays of Pinning Centers”, U.
Welp, V. Metlushko, G. Crabtree, Zhao Zhang, S. R. J. Brueck, B. Watkins, L. E. De
Long, K. Chung, B. Ilic and P. K. Hesketh, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 43, 325 (1998).
“Extended Critical Region near the Metamagnetic Transition of Single-Crystal UCoAl”, A.
V. Kolomiets, L. Havela, V. Sechovsky, L. E. De Long, D. B. Watkins and A. V. Andreev,
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 43, 115 (1998).
“Vibrating Reed Measurements of the Nonlinear, Anisotropic Susceptibility of
Superconducting and Magnetic Materials”, L. E. De Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 43, 512
“Large Area Nanostructured Superconducting and Magnetic Materials”, V. V. Metlushko,
U. Welp, G. Crabrree, R. M. Osgood III, D. Hinks, S. D. Bader, B. Ilic, K. Chung, P. J.
Hesketh, P. Neuzil, R. Kumar, L. E. De Long, Wenjun Fan, S. R. J. Brueck, Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. 44, 188 (1999).
“Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in U3-xNi3Sn4-y Single Crystals”, L. Shlyk, L. E. De Long, J.
C. Waerenborgh, M. Almeida, P. Estrela, and A. De Visser, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 44, 237
“Observation of Periodic Magnetization Instabilities in a Superconducting Nb Film with a
Square Lattice of Ni Dots”, L. E. De Long, A. Terentiev, D. Morgan and J. Ketterson, Bull.
Am. Phys. Soc. 44, 1786 (1999).
“Flux Phases in Superconducting Niobium Films with Square Lattices of Artificial Pinning
Centers”, U. Welp, V. V. Metlushko, G. Crabtree, R. M. Osgood III, S. D. Bader, B. Ilic,
K. Chung, P. J. Hesketh, L. E. De Long, Wenjun Fan and S. R. J. Brueck, Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. 44, 1787 (1999).
“Paramagnetic Relaxation and Wohlleben Effect in Field-Cooled Nb Films”, A. Terentiev,
B. Watkins, L. E. De Long, D. Morgan and J. Ketterson, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 44, 1868
“Evidence for a Bose Glass Melting Line in a WGe Thin Film with a Square Antidot
Lattice”, L. E. De Long, S. Lokhre, T. Ye, V. V. Metlushko, M. Baert, E. Rosseel, M. J.
Van Bael, K. Temst, V. V. Moshchalkov and Y. Bruynseraede, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 46,
731 (2001).
“Field Matching and Proximity Effect in a Superconducting Pb/Cu Bilayer Film with a
Triangular Antidot Lattice”, V. V. Metlushko, L. E. De Long, M. Baert, E. Rosseel, M. J.
Van Bael, K. Temst, V. V. Moshchalkov and Y. Bruynseraede, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 46,
1007 (2001).
“Ferromagnetic Resonance of Permalloy Films with Patterned Array of Holes”, B.
Watkins, J. Feller, J. B. Ketterson, L. De Long, V. Metlushko, J. Sukkoo and V.
Chandrasekhar, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 46, 182 (2001).
“Ferromagnetic Resonance in Periodic Particle Arrays”, S. Jung, B. Watkins, J. B.
Ketterson, V. Chandrasekhar and L. De Long, Bull. Am Phys. Soc. 47, 260 (2002).
“Searching for Lattice Disorder in Non-Fermi Liquid U3Ni3Sn4”, L. E. De Long, C. H.
Booth and L. Shlyk, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 47, 423 (2002).
“Proximity-Induced Josephson Network Behavior of a Pb/Cu Bilayer Film with Antidot
Lattice”, S. Kryukov, L. De Long, V. Metlushko, V. Moshchalkov and Y. Bryunseraede,
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 454 (2003).
“Magnetic Switching of Nb/Ni Multilayers near the Superconducting Critical
Temperature”, L. De Long, S. Kryukov, E. Navarro, J. E. Villegas, E. M. Gonzalex and J.
L. Vicent, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 596 (2003).
“Ferromagnetic Resonance in Periodic Particle Arrays”, V. Chandrasekhar, Sukkoo Jung,
B. Watkins, J. Ketterson and L. De Long, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 1104 (2003).
“Patterned Bilayer Films as a New Class of Superconducting Wire Network for Quantum
Logic Applications”, L. De Long, Sergiy Kryukov, Wentao Xu, V. Metlushko, V.
Moshchalkov and Y. Bruynseraede, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 49, 341 (2004).
“Magnetic Switching and Ferromagnetic Resonance of Nanoscale Permalloy Ring Arrays”,
Wentao Xu, D. Watkins, L. De Long, K. Rivkin, J. Ketterson and V. Metlushko, Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. 49, 847 (2004).
“Anomalous Switching of Nb/Ni Ferromagnetic/Superconducting Multilayers”, S.
Kryukov, Wentao Xu, L. De Long, E. Navarro, J. Villegas, E. Gonzalez and J. Vicent,
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 49, 848 (2004).
“Ferromagnetic Switching of Nb/Ni Multilayers and Trilayers in the Superconducting and
Normal States”, Lance De Long, Wentao Xu, S. Kryukov, E. Navarro, J. Villegas, E.
Gonzalez and J. Vicent, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 50, 545 (2005).
“FMR Study of Ferromagnetic Stability of Nb/Ni Multilayers and Trilayers”, Wentao Xu,
S. Kryukov, Lance De Long, Chengtao Yu, Michael Pechan, E. Navarro, J. Villegas, E.
Gonzalez and J. Vicent, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 50, 1302 (2005).
Courses Taught at the University of Virginia
"General Physics III", Physics 206E, Spring, 1978
Text: K. W. Ford, "Classical and Modern Physics", Vol. 3 (J. Wiley, New York, 1974)
Content: Introductory modern physics for engineers
"Classical and Modern Physics", Physics 211, Fall, 1978
Text: D. Halliday and R. Resnick, "Physics" (J. Wiley, New York, 1978)
Content: First semester of a one-year course in calculus-based general physics for science
and pre-med majors
"Classical and Modern Physics", Physics 212, Spring, 1979
Texts: D. Halliday and R. Resnick, "Physics" (J. Wiley, New York, 1978); R. T. Weidner
and R. L. Sells, "Elementary Modern Physics" (Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1973)
Content: First semester of a one-year course in calculus-based general physics for science
and pre-med majors
"Independent Study", Physics 393
Summer, 1978: Mr. John W. Mc Claulin (3 hrs.)
Content: Construction of an arc furnace and x-ray characterization of rare earth tungsten
Spring, 1979: Mr. William G. Dillon (4 hrs.)
Content: Development of computer fitting routines for germanium resistance thermometry
and the generalized pairbreaking function of Abrikosov and Gor'kov
Spring, 1979: Mr. Daniel E. Johnson (4 hrs.)
Construction of an 8 T magnetic field facility for high pressure/low temperature
measurements of transport properties of solids
Courses Taught at the University of California, San Diego
(Sabbatical Leave, 2002)
“Physics 2C”, Winter, 2002 (Lecturer)
Text: D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics”, 6th Edition (John
Wiley and Sons, New York, 2002)
Content: Third quarter of a general physics survey for students of science and engineering,
covering fluids, thermophysics, waves and optics
“Physics 2C”, Spring, 2002 (Lecturer)
Text: D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics”, 6th Edition (John
Wiley and Sons, New York, 2002)
Content: Third quarter of a general physics survey for students of science and engineering,
covering fluids, thermophysics, waves and optics
Courses Taught at the University of Kentucky
"Physics for Life Sciences I", PHY 205/215, Fall, 1979 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: J. W. Kane and M. M. Sternheim, "Life Science Physics" (Wiley, New York, 1978)
Content: First semester of a one-year, noncalculus general physics course for pre-medical
and bioscience majors
"Physics for Life Sciences II", PHY 207/217, Spring, 1980 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: J. W. Kane and M. M. Sternheim, "Life Science Physics" (Wiley, New York, 1978)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, noncalculus general physics course for premedical and bioscience majors
"General Elementary Physics", PHY 201/211, Fall, 1980 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: F. Bueche, "Principles of Physics", 3rd Ed. (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977)
Content: First semester of a one-year noncalculus general physics course
"Solid State Physics", PHY 524, Spring, 1981
Text: C. Kittel, "Introduction to Solid State Physics", 5th Ed. (Wiley, New York, 1976)
Content: First semester of a one-year introductory solid state course for advanced
undergraduates and graduate students
"General Elementary Physics", PHY 201/211, Fall, 1981 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: F. Bueche, "Principles of Physics", 3rd Ed. (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977)
Content: First semester of a one-year noncalculus general physics course
"Solid State Physics", PHY 524, Spring, 1982
Text: C. Kittel, "Introduction to Solid State Physics", 5th Ed. (Wiley, New York, 1976)
Content: First semester of a one-year introductory solid state course for advanced
undergraduates and graduate students
"General Elementary Physics", PHY 201/211, Spring, 1982 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: J. D. Wilson, "Physics" (D. C. Heath, Lexington, MA, 1981)
Content: First semester of a one-year noncalculus general physics course
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 241, Fall, 1982 (Revision of Course)
Content: First semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 231, a
one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and engineers
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Fall, 1982 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: F. W. Sears, M. W. Zemansky and H. D. Young, "University Physics", 5th Ed.,
(Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1979)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for
science and engineering majors
"Research in Physics", PHY 790, Fall, 1982
Mr. Vincent Tondiglia: "Topics in Low Temperature Solid State Physics Experiment"
Content: Graduate research on the synthesis and superconducting properties of graphite
intercalation compounds (co-authored two publications as a result of this work)
"General University Physics", PHY 231, Spring, 1983 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. Serway, "PHYSICS: For Students of Science and Engineering" (Saunders
College, New York, 1982)
Content: First semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for science
and engineering majors
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 241, Spring, 1983 (Supervisor)
Texts: C. N. Wall, R. B. Levine and F. E. Christensen, "Physics Laboratory Manual", 3rd
Ed. (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1972); R. Hanau, "Physics Laboratory Manual",
2nd Ed. (LMR Books, Lexington, KY, 1980)
Content: First semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 231, the
first semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Fall, 1983 (Lecture Instructor)
Text: R. Serway, "PHYSICS: For Students of Science and Engineering" (Saunders
College, New York, 1982)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for
science and engineering majors
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 241, Fall, 1983 (Supervisor)
Texts: C. N. Wall, R. B. Levine and F. E. Christensen, "Physics Laboratory Manual", 3rd
Ed. (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1972); R. Hanau, "Physics Laboratory Manual",
2nd Ed. (LMR Books, Lexington, KY, 1980)
Content: First semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 231, the
first semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Selected Topics in Advanced Physics", PHY 600, Fall, 1983
Mr. Vincent Tondiglia: "Topics in Low Temperature Solid State Physics Experiment"
Content: Independent study of the synthesis and superconducting properties of graphite
intercalation compounds (co-authored one publication as a result of this work)
"General University Physics", PHY 231, Spring, 1984 (Lecture Instructor-two sections)
Text: R. Serway, "PHYSICS: For Students of Science and Engineering" (Saunders
College, New York, 1982)
Content: First semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for science
and engineering majors
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Fall, 1984 (Lecture and Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. Serway, "PHYSICS: For Students of Science and Engineering" (Saunders
College, New York, 1982)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for
science and engineering majors
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Spring, 1985 (Lecture and Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. Serway, "PHYSICS: For Students of Science and Engineering" (Saunders
College, New York, 1982)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for
science and engineering majors
"Colloquium" (Solid State Physics Seminar), PHY 770, Spring, 1985
Organizer of one seminar per week for faculty and graduate students, including outside
"Independent Work in Physics", PHY 781, Summer, 1985
Mr. A. W. Waheed (3 hrs.)
Mr. P. Charron (3 hrs.)
Content: Graduate research in solid state physics experiment; construction of laboratory
facilities for the measurement of transport properties of solids in high magnetic fields
Sabbatical Leave at Argonne National Laboratory, 1985-86 academic year
"General Elementary Physics", PHY 201/211, Fall, 1986 (Lecture Instructor, two sections)
Texts: F. W. Sears, M. W. Zemansky and H. D. Young, "College Physics", 6th Ed.
(Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1985); R. H. March, "Physics for Poets", 2nd Ed.
(Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1983)
Content: First semester of a one-year, noncalculus-based course in general physics with or
without laboratory
"General Elementary Physics Laboratory", PHY 211, Fall, 1986 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: B. D. Kern, "Laboratory Manual for General Physics" (Kendall/Hunt, 1971)
Content: First semester of a companion laboratory for a one-year, noncalculus-based
course in general physics
"Independent Work in Physics", PHY 395, Fall, 1986
Mr. William J. Brown, Junior (1 hr.)
Mr. Larry G. Smith, Junior (3 hrs.)
Content: Undergraduate research in synthesis of superconducting materials; built a glass
bench and modified furnaces and vacuum pumps
Mr. Robert B. Mattingly, Senior (0 hrs.)
Content: Worked (without enrolling) around 10 hours per week writing software for the
analysis of magnetoresistance and upper critical magnetic field data for actinide
"General Elementary Physics Laboratory", PHY 211, Spring, 1987 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: B. D. Kern, "Laboratory Manual for General Physics" (Kendall/Hunt, 1971)
Content: First semester of a companion laboratory for a one-year, noncalculus-based
course in general physics
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Spring, 1987 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: D. Halliday and R. Resnick, "Fundamentals of Physics", 2nd Ed. (Wiley, New York)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for
science and engineering majors
"Independent Work in Physics", PHY 395, Spring, 1987
Mr. Larry G. Smith, Junior (3 hrs.)
Content: Undergraduate research in synthesis of superconducting materials; built a glass
bench and modified furnaces and vacuum pumps
Mr. Robert B. Mattingly, Senior (0 hrs.)
Content: Worked (without enrolling) around 10 hours per week writing software for the
analysis of magnetoresistance and upper critical magnetic field data for actinide
compounds. He continued this work into the summer of 1987 with salary support from a
DOE grant. This work resulted in co-authorship on one publication, and he was accepted as
a graduate student in physics at Brandeis University in the fall of 1987.
"General Elementary Physics Laboratory", PHY 211, Fall, 1987 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: B. D. Kern, "Laboratory Manual for General Physics" (Kendall/Hunt, 1971)
Content: First semester of a companion laboratory for a one-year, noncalculus-based
course in general physics
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 241, Fall, 1987 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 241", 4th Ed.
Content: First semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 231, the
first semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Independent Work in Physics", PHY 395, Fall, 1987
Mr. William J. Brown, Junior (3 hrs.)
Mr. Larry G. Smith, Junior (3 hrs.)
Content: Undergraduate research in synthesis of superconducting materials; built a glass
bench and modified furnaces and vacuum pumps
"Solid State Physics", PHY 524, Spring, 1988
Texts: C. Kittel, "Introduction to Solid State Physics", 6th Ed. (Wiley, New York, 1986);
J. R. Christman, "Fundamentals of Solid State Physics" (Wiley, New York, 1988)
Content: First semester of a one-year introductory solid state course for advanced
undergraduates and graduate students
"General Elementary Physics Laboratory", PHY 211, Spring, 1988 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: B. D. Kern, "Laboratory Manual for General Physics" (Kendall/Hunt, 1971)
Content: First semester of a companion laboratory for a one-year, noncalculus-based
course in general physics
"Independent Work in Physics", PHY 395, Spring, 1988
Mr. William J. Brown, Senior (3 hrs.)
Content: Undergraduate research in synthesis of superconducting materials; modified
furnaces and vacuum pumps
"Independent Work in Physics", PHY 781, Spring, 1988
Mr. Song-Lin Ren (3 hrs.)
Content: Graduate research in solid state physics experiment; construction of laboratory
facilities for the measurement of transport properties of solids in high magnetic fields, and
development of computer software for data analysis (one abstract published as co-author,
other publications in preparation)
"General Elementary Physics Laboratory", PHY 211, Fall, 1988 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: B. D. Kern, "Laboratory Manual for General Physics" (Kendall/Hunt, 1971)
Content: First semester of a companion laboratory for a one-year, noncalculus-based
course in general physics
Revision: Apparatus selected for refurbishing the laboratory and curriculum
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 241, Fall, 1988 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 241", 4th Ed.
Content: First semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 231, the
first semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
Revision: Apparatus selected for refurbishing the laboratory and curriculum
"Residence Credit for Doctor's Degree", PHY 769, Fall, 1988
Mr. Song-Lin Ren (9 hrs., until 10/27/88 when transferred to P. Eklund)
Content: Graduate Ph.D. research in solid state experimental physics. Constructed
laboratory facilities for the measurement of transport properties of solids in high magnetic
fields, and developed computer software for data analysis
On leave from the University of Kentucky as Program Director for Low Temperature Physics in
the Division of Materials Research at the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, Spring,
Summer and Fall, 1989.
"General Elementary Physics", PHY 203/213, Spring, 1990 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: D. C. Giancoli, "Physics" (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 2nd. Ed.)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, noncalculus-based course in general physics with
or without laboratory
"Introductory Physics", PHY 152, Spring, 1990 (Lecture Instructor)
Texts: D. D. Long, "The Physics Around You" (Wadsworth, Belmont, California, 1988)
R. H. March, "Physics for Poets" (Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1978)
Content: Second semester of a lecture demonstration course in elementary physics for
nonscience majors with little math background
"Advanced Mechanics", PHY 504, Fall, 1990
Text: H. Goldstein, "Classical Mechanics" (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
Second Ed., 1980)
Content: Classical mechanics, including Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods, variational
principles, canonical transformation theory, rigid body rotations, and oscillations, as
appropriate for first-year graduate students of physics
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 241, Fall, 1990 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 241", 4th Ed.
Content: First semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 231, the
first semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Statistical Mechanics", PHY 632, Spring, 1991
Text: R. K. Pathria, "Statistical Mechanics" (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1st Ed., 1991)
Content: A graduate lecture and problem course dealing with the thermal properties of
matter from the standpoint statistical mechnaices. Topics include thermodynamic
properties, perfect gases and Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 1991 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Advanced Mechanics", PHY 504, Fall, 1991
Text: H. Goldstein, "Classical Mechanics" (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
Second Ed., 1980)
Content: Classical mechanics, including Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods, variational
principles, canonical transformation theory, rigid body rotations, and oscillations, as
appropriate for first-year graduate students of physics
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Fall, 1991 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Faculty Mentor for Fayette County Magnet School Mathematics, Science and Technology
Program", Spring, 1992
Student: Mr. Anthony Olinger, Junior, Dunbar High School, Lexington, Kentucky
Title: "Superconductivity of CeRu2"
Content: Experimental research into the superconducting properties of CeRu2, including
approximately 8 hours per week of laboratory research and independent study.
"Statistical Mechanics", PHY 632, Spring, 1992
Text: R. K. Pathria, "Statistical Mechanics" (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1st Ed., 1991)
Content: A graduate lecture and problem course dealing with the thermal properties of
matter from the standpoint statistical mechnaices. Topics include thermodynamic
properties, perfect gases and Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 1992 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Research in Physics", PHY790, Summer, 1992
Students: Gregory Hisel and M. Eric Christy
Content: Experimental research in low temperature solid state physics
"Advanced Mechanics", PHY 504, Fall, 1992
Text: H. Goldstein, "Classical Mechanics" (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
Second Ed., 1980)
Content: Classical mechanics, including Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods, variational
principles, canonical transformation theory, rigid body rotations, and oscillations, as
appropriate for first-year graduate students of physics
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Fall, 1992 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Faculty Mentor for Fayette County Magnet School Mathematics, Science and Technology
Program", Fall, 1992, Spring, 1993
Student: Mr. Anthony Olinger, Junior, Dunbar High School, Lexington, Kentucky
Title: "Superconductivity of CeRu2"
Content: Experimental research into the superconducting properties of CeRu2, including
approximately 8 hours per week of laboratory research and independent study.
"Statistical Mechanics", PHY 632, Spring, 1993
Text: R. K. Pathria, "Statistical Mechanics" (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1st Ed., 1991)
Content: A graduate lecture and problem course dealing with the thermal properties of
matter from the standpoint statistical mechnaices. Topics include thermodynamic
properties, perfect gases and Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 1993 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Introduction to Physics", PHY 151, Spring, 1990 (Lecture Instructor)
Texts: P. G. Hewitt, "Conceptual Physics", 7th Ed. (Harper Collins, New York, 1993)
R. H. March, "Physics for Poets", 3rd Ed. (Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1992)
Content: A lecture demonstration course in elementary physics covering mechanics and
heat for nonscience majors with little math background
"Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements", PHY 402G, Fall, 1993 (Lecture and Laboratory,
with one TA)
Text: R. E. Simpson, "Introductory Electronics for Scientists and Engineers" (Allyn and
Bacon, Boston, 2nd Ed., 1987)
Content: Elementary laboratory treatment of electronic circuits, including ac circuit theory,
filters, simple transistor and diode circuits, operational amplifier circuits, feedback, and
noise. Students attend two hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Fall, 1993 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Special Topical Graduate Course: Seminar in Teaching Physics", GS 600, Fall, 1993
Content: A graded seminar for graduate teaching assistants in PHY 242 (General Physics
Laboratory), with one two-hour meeting each week. TA's discuss the problems
encountered in teaching PHY 242 sections, and how better experiments and methodologies
may be developed. Each TA prepares a "Thought Problem", which is an extension of one
of the regular experimental procedures in the PHY 242 lab manual. The Thought Problems
are designed to stimulate creative thinking and problem solving logic by posing an
experimental task for which no complete write-up exists, and asking the student to design
and use a procedure to complete the task, and to prepare a meaningful lab report on his/her
"Research in Physics", PHY 790, Fall, 1993
Student: Billy Wayne Dobbs (3 hrs.)
Content: Experimental research in low temperature solid state physics
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Spring, 1994 (Recitation Instructor, two secs.)
Text: R. Serway, "Physics: for Scientists and Engineers", 3rd Ed. (Saunders, Philadelphia,
Content: Second semester of an advanced, calculus-based general course covering
electricity, magnetism and optics.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 1994 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Research in Physics", PHY 790, Spring, 1994
Student: Billy Wayne Dobbs (3 hrs.)
Content: Experimental research in low temperature solid state physics
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Fall, 1994 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Special Topical Graduate Course: Seminar in Teaching Physics", GS 600, Fall, 1994
Content: A graded seminar for graduate teaching assistants in PHY 242 (General Physics
Laboratory), with one two-hour meeting each week. TA's discuss the problems
encountered in teaching PHY 242 sections, and how better experiments and methodologies
may be developed. Each TA prepares a "Thought Problem", which is an extension of one
of the regular experimental procedures in the PHY 242 lab manual. The Thought Problems
are designed to stimulate creative thinking and problem solving logic by posing an
experimental task for which no complete write-up exists, and asking the student to design
and use a procedure to complete the task, and to prepare a meaningful lab report on his/her
"Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements", PHY 402G, Fall, 1994 (Lecture and Laboratory,
with one TA)
Text: R. E. Simpson, "Introductory Electronics for Scientists and Engineers" (Allyn and
Bacon, Boston, 2nd Ed., 1987)
Content: Elementary laboratory treatment of electronic circuits, including ac circuit theory,
filters, simple transistor and diode circuits, operational amplifier circuits, feedback, and
noise. Students attend two hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 1995 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: J. S. Miller and F. O. Clark, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"General Elementary Physics", PHY 201/211, Spring, 1995 (Lecture Instructor)
Text: R. Serway and J. Faughn, "College Physics" (Saunders College, Orlando, 4th Ed.,
Content: First semester of a one-year, noncalculus-based course in general physics with or
without laboratory
"Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements", PHY 402G, Fall, 1995 (Lecture and Laboratory,
with one TA)
Text: R. E. Simpson, "Introductory Electronics for Scientists and Engineers" (Allyn and
Bacon, Boston, 2nd Ed., 1987)
Content: Elementary laboratory treatment of electronic circuits, including ac circuit theory,
filters, simple transistor and diode circuits, operational amplifier circuits, feedback, and
noise. Students attend two hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Fall, 1995 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: L. E. De Long and J. C. Aguilar, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 1st Ed.
(Hayden-McNeil Publishing, Inc., Plymouth, MI, 1995)
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Seminar in Teaching Physics", PHY 571, Fall, 1995 (Instructor)
Content: A graded seminar for graduate teaching assistants in PHY 242 (General Physics
Laboratory), with a one-hour meeting each week. TA's discuss the problems encountered
in teaching PHY 242 sections, and how better experiments and methodologies may be
"Introduction to Physics", PHY 151, Spring, 1996 (Lecture Instructor)
Texts: R. H. March, "Physics for Poets", 3rd Ed. (Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1992)
Martin and Inge Goldstein, "The Refrigerator and the Universe" (Harvard U. Press, 1993)
Content: A lecture demonstration course in elementary physics covering mechanics and
heat for nonscience majors with little math background
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 1996 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: L. E. De Long and J. C. Aguilar, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 2nd Ed.
(Hayden-McNeil Publishing, Inc., Plymouth, MI, 1995)
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Introduction to Physics", PHY 151, Summer, 1996 (Lecture Instructor)
Texts: R. H. March, "Physics for Poets", 4th Ed. (Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1996)
Martin and Inge Goldstein, "The Refrigerator and the Universe" (Harvard U. Press, 1993)
Content: A lecture demonstration course in elementary physics covering mechanics and
heat for nonscience majors with little math background
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Fall, 1996 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: L. E. De Long and J. C. Aguilar, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 3rd Ed.
(Hayden-McNeil Publishing, Inc., Plymouth, MI, 1996)
Content: Second semester of a one-year laboratory course that is companion to PHY 232,
the second semester of a one-year, calculus-based, general physics course for scientists and
"Seminar in Teaching Physics", PHY 571, Fall, 1996 (Instructor)
Content: A graded seminar for graduate teaching assistants in PHY 242 (General Physics
Laboratory), with a one-hour meeting each week. TA's discuss the problems encountered
in teaching PHY 242 sections, and how better experiments and methodologies may be
"Introduction to Physics", PHY 152, Fall, 1996 (Lecture Instructor)
Text: R. H. March, "Physics for Poets", 3rd Ed. (Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1992)
Content: A lecture demonstration course in electricity, magnetism, waves and special
relativity, for nonscience majors with little math background.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 1997 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: L. E. De Long and J. C. Aguilar, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 3rd Ed.
(Hayden-McNeil Publishing, Inc., Plymouth, MI, 1996)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, one-hour laboratory course that is companion to
PHY 232, the second semester of a one-year, four-hour, calculus-based, general physics
course for scientists and engineers.
"Seminar in Teaching Physics", PHY 571, Spring, 1997 (Instructor)
Content: A one-hour, graded seminar for graduate teaching assistants in PHY 242
(General Physics Laboratory), with a one-hour meeting each week. TA's discuss the
problems encountered in teaching PHY 242 sections, and how better experiments and
methodologies may be developed.
"Introduction to Physics", PHY 152, Spring, 1997 (Lecture Instructor)
Text: P. Hewitt, “Conceptual Physics”, 7th Ed. (Harper-Collins Publishers, New York,
Content: A three-hour, lecture demonstration course in electricity, magnetism, waves and
special relativity, for nonscience majors with little math background.
"Introduction to Physics", PHY 151, Summer, 1997 (Lecture Instructor)
Text: L. A. Bloomfield, “How Things Work”, 1st Ed. (J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997)
Content: A three-hour lecture demonstration course in elementary physics covering
mechanics and heat for nonscience majors with little math background
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Fall, 1997 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: L. E. De Long and J. C. Aguilar, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
(Hayden-McNeil Publishing, Inc., Plymouth, MI, 1997)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, one-hour, laboratory course that is companion to
PHY 232, the second semester of a one-year, four-hour, calculus-based, general physics
course for scientists and engineers.
"Seminar in Teaching Physics", PHY 571, Fall, 1997 (Instructor)
Content: A one-hour, graded seminar for graduate teaching assistants in PHY 242
(General Physics Laboratory), with a one-hour meeting each week. TA's discuss the
problems encountered in teaching PHY 242 sections, and how better experiments and
methodologies may be developed.
“Introduction to Quantum Mechanics”, PHY 520, Fall, 1997 (Lecture Instructor)
Text: S. Gasiorowicz, “Quantum Physics”, 2nd Ed., (John Wiley & Sons, New York,
Content: A three-hour, lecture and problem course in elementary quantum mechanics, with
emphasis on the Schrödinger wave theory of the free particle, simple potential wells, WKB
theory, the harmonic oscillator, orbital angular momentum and hydrogen atom.
"Introduction to Physics", PHY 152, Spring, 1998 (Lecture Instructor)
Text: P. Hewitt, “Conceptual Physics”, 8th Ed. (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1998)
Content: A three-hour, lecture demonstration course in electricity, magnetism, waves and
special relativity, for nonscience majors with little math background.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 1998 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: L. E. De Long and J. C. Aguilar, "Laboratory Manual for PHY 242", 4th Ed.
(Hayden-McNeil Publishing, Inc., Plymouth, MI, 1997)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, one-hour, laboratory course that is companion to
PHY 232, the second semester of a one-year, four-hour, calculus-based, general physics
course for scientists and engineers.
"Seminar in Teaching Physics", PHY 571, Spring, 1998 (Instructor)
Content: A one-hour, graded seminar for graduate teaching assistants in PHY 242
(General Physics Laboratory), with a one-hour meeting each week. TA's discuss the
problems encountered in teaching PHY 242 sections, and how better experiments and
methodologies may be developed.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Fall, 1998 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: L. De Long, J.-C. Aguilar, S. Ellis, A. Martin and L. A. Johnson, "Laboratory
Manual for PHY 242", 5th Ed. (locally printed, 1998)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, one-hour, laboratory course that is companion to
PHY 232, the second semester of a one-year, four-hour, calculus-based, general physics
course for scientists and engineers.
“Heat and Thermodynamics”, PHY 522, Fall, 1998 (Lecture Instructor)
Text: C. J. Adkins, “Equilibrium Thermodynamics”, 3rd Ed. (Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK, 1994)
Content: A three-hour lecture and problem course on the macroscopic theory of thermal
physics, including the Zeroth thru Third Laws of Thermodynamics, thermal potentials,
entropy; analyses of simple systems such as the ideal gas, simple magnetic materials and
phase transitions.
"Seminar in Teaching Physics", PHY 571, Spring, 1999 (Instructor)
Content: A one-hour, graded seminar for graduate teaching assistants in PHY 242
(General Physics Laboratory), with a one-hour meeting each week. TA's discuss the
problems encountered in teaching PHY 242 sections, and how better experiments and
methodologies may be developed.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 1999 (Laboratory Supervisor and
Instructor for two Sections)
Text: L. De Long, J.-C. Aguilar, S. Ellis, A. Martin and L. A. Johnson, "Laboratory
Manual for PHY 242", 5th Ed. (locally printed, 1998)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, one-hour, laboratory course that is companion to
PHY 232, the second semester of a one-year, four-hour, calculus-based, general physics
course for scientists and engineers.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Fall, 1999 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: L. De Long, J.-C. Aguilar, S. Ellis, A. Martin and L. A. Johnson, "Laboratory
Manual for PHY 242", 6th Ed. (locally printed, 1999)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, one-hour, laboratory course that is companion to
PHY 232, the second semester of a one-year, four-hour, calculus-based, general physics
course for scientists and engineers.
“Heat and Thermodynamics”, PHY 522, Fall, 1999 (Lecture Instructor)
Text: C. J. Adkins, “Equilibrium Thermodynamics”, 3rd Ed. (Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK, 1994)
Content: A three-hour lecture and problem course on the macroscopic theory of thermal
physics, including the Zeroth thru Third Laws of Thermodynamics, thermal potentials,
entropy; analyses of simple systems such as the ideal gas, simple magnetic materials and
phase transitions.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 2000 (Laboratory Supervisor)
Text: L. De Long, J.-C. Aguilar, S. Ellis, A. Martin and L. A. Johnson, "Laboratory
Manual for PHY 242", 7th Ed. (locally printed, 2000)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, one-hour, laboratory course that is companion to
PHY 232, the second semester of a one-year, four-hour, calculus-based, general physics
course for scientists and engineers.
"General Elementary Physics", PHY 201/211, Spring, 2000 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: D. C. Giancoli, "Physics Principles with Applications" (Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 5th Ed., 1999)
Content: First semester of a one-year, noncalculus-based course in general physics with or
without laboratory
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Fall, 2000 (Laboratory Supervisor and
Instructor for three Sections)
Text: L. De Long, J.-C. Aguilar, S. Ellis, A. Martin and L. A. Johnson, "Laboratory
Manual for PHY 242", 8th Ed. (locally printed, 2000)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, one-hour, laboratory course that is companion to
PHY 232, the second semester of a one-year, four-hour, calculus-based, general physics
course for scientists and engineers.
"Seminar in Teaching Physics", PHY 571, Fall, 2000 (Instructor)
Content: A one-hour, graded seminar for graduate teaching assistants in PHY 242
(General Physics Laboratory), with a one-hour meeting each week. TA's discuss the
problems encountered in teaching PHY 242 sections, and how better experiments and
methodologies may be developed.
"General University Physics Laboratory", PHY 242, Spring, 2001 (Laboratory Supervisor and
Instructor for three Sections)
Text: L. De Long, J.-C. Aguilar, S. Ellis, A. Martin and L. A. Johnson, "Laboratory
Manual for PHY 242", 8th Ed. (locally printed, 2000)
Content: Second semester of a one-year, one-hour, laboratory course that is companion to
PHY 232, the second semester of a one-year, four-hour, calculus-based, general physics
course for scientists and engineers.
"Seminar in Teaching Physics", PHY 571, Spring, 2001 (Instructor)
Content: A one-hour, graded seminar for graduate teaching assistants in PHY 242
(General Physics Laboratory), with a one-hour meeting each week. TA's discuss the
problems encountered in teaching PHY 242 sections, and how better experiments and
methodologies may be developed.
“Heat and Thermodynamics”, PHY 522, Fall, 2001 (Lecture Instructor)
Content: A three-hour lecture and problem course on the macroscopic theory of thermal
physics, including the Zeroth thru Third Laws of Thermodynamics, thermal potentials,
entropy, and a survey of elementary statistical mechanics of classical and quantum systems,
such as the ideal gas, simple magnetic materials and phase transitions.
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Fall, 2001 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. Serway and R. Beichner, "Physics: for Scientists and Engineers", 3rd Ed.
(Saunders, Philadelphia, 1992)
Content: Second semester of an advanced, calculus-based general course covering
electricity, magnetism and optics.
"General University Physics", PHY 231, Fall, 2002 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. Serway and R. Beichner, "Physics: for Scientists and Engineers", 5th Ed.
(Brooks/Cole--Thompson Learning Inc., 2000)
Content: First semester of an advanced, calculus-based general course covering
mechanics and thermophysics.
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Fall, 2002 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. Serway and R. Beichner, "Physics: for Scientists and Engineers", 5th Ed.
(Brooks/Cole--Thompson Learning Inc., 2000)
Content: Second semester of an advanced, calculus-based general course covering
electricity, magnetism and optics.
"General University Physics", PHY 231, Spring, 2003 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. Serway and R. Beichner, "Physics: for Scientists and Engineers", 5th Ed.
(Brooks/Cole--Thompson Learning Inc., 2000)
Content: First semester of an advanced, calculus-based general course covering
mechanics and thermophysics.
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Spring, 2003 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. Serway and R. Beichner, "Physics: for Scientists and Engineers", 5th Ed.
(Brooks/Cole--Thompson Learning Inc., 2000)
Content: Second semester of an advanced, calculus-based general course covering
electricity, magnetism and optics.
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Fall, 2003 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. Serway and R. Beichner, "Physics: for Scientists and Engineers", 5th Ed.
(Brooks/Cole--Thompson Learning Inc., 2000)
Content: Second semester of an advanced, calculus-based general course covering
electricity, magnetism and optics.
“Solid State Physics”, PHY 525, Fall, 2003 (Instructor)
Text: “Solid State Physics”, 7th Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1996)
Content: Second semester of a three-hour, intermediate-level, lecture and problem course
providing an introduction to solid state or condensed matter physics for physicists or other
science majors. Topics include cooperative phenomena such as magnetism, ferroelectricity
superconductivity, and general models of phase transitions in condensed matter.
“Solid State Physics”, PHY524, Spring, 2004 (Instructor)
Text: “Solid State Physics”, 7th Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1996)
Content: First semester of a three-hour, intermediate-level, lecture and problem course
providing an introduction to solid state or condensed matter physics for physicists or other
science majors. Topics include crystal structure, bonding and cohesive energy, crystal
diffraction, elasticity and lattice vibrations, free-electron model, band structure and
“General Physics”, PHY213, Spring, 2004 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: D. C. Giancoli, “Physics Principles with Applications”, 5th Edition (Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998)
Content: Second semester of an algebra-based survey course, covering electricity and
magnetism, electrical circuits, Maxwell’s equations, optics and electromagnetic radiation,
and some modern physics.
“Advanced Mechanics”, PHY 504, Fall, 2004 (Lecturer and Grader)
Text: H. Goldstein, C. Poole and J. Safko, “Classical Mechanics”, 3rd Edition (AddisonWesley, New York, 2002)
Content: Core graduate course covering variational formulations of analytical mechanics,
including Lagrangian and introductory Hamiltonian methods, with applications in the
motion of systems of particles, rigid bodies, central forces and small oscillations.
“Solid State Physics”, PHY524, Spring, 2005 (Instructor)
Text: “Solid State Physics”, 8th Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2005)
Content: First semester of a three-hour, intermediate-level, lecture and problem course
providing an introduction to solid state or condensed matter physics for physicists or other
science majors. Topics include crystal structure, bonding and cohesive energy, crystal
diffraction, elasticity and lattice vibrations, free-electron model, band structure and
"General University Physics", PHY 232, Spring, 2005 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. D. Knight, "Physics for Scientists and Engineers", 1st Ed. (Addison-Wesley, New
York, 2004)
Content: Second semester of an advanced, calculus-based general course covering
electricity, magnetism and optics.
“Advanced Mechanics”, PHY 504, Fall, 2005 (Lecturer and Grader)
Text: H. Goldstein, C. Poole and J. Safko, “Classical Mechanics”, 3rd Edition (AddisonWesley, New York, 2002)
Content: Core graduate course covering variational formulations of analytical mechanics,
including Lagrangian and introductory Hamiltonian methods, with applications in the
motion of systems of particles, rigid bodies, central forces and small oscillations.
“General Physics”, PHY213, Spring, 2006 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. A. Serway and J. S. Faughn, “College Physics”, 7th Edition (Thompson
Brookes/Cole, Belmont, CA, 2006)
Content: Second semester of an algebra-based survey course, covering electricity and
magnetism, electrical circuits, Maxwell’s equations, optics and electromagnetic radiation,
and some modern physics.
“Physics and Astronomy for Elementary Teachers”, PHY160, Fall, 2006 (Instructor)
Text: L. C. McDermott, “Physics by Inquiry”, Vols. I and II, 1st Edition (John Wiley and
Sons, New York, 1996)
Content: Basic concepts of mechanics, light, electricity, magnetism and astronomy for
elementary teachers, using inquiry-based laboratory activities.
“Physics and Astronomy for Elementary Teachers”, PHY160, Spring, 2007 (Instructor)
Text: Joseph Straley, experimental notes (course version under development at UK by
Prof. Straley)
Content: Basic concepts of mechanics, light, electricity, magnetism and astronomy for
elementary teachers, using inquiry-based laboratory activities.
“General Physics”, PHY211, Spring, 2007 (Recitation Instructor)
Text: R. A. Serway and J. S. Faughn, “College Physics”, 7th Edition (Thompson
Brookes/Cole, Belmont, CA, 2006)
Content: First semester of an algebra-based survey course, covering mechanics and
thermal physics.
“Review of Lower Division Physics Laboratories”, Lance E. De Long (Reviewer), Fall, 2007
Coverage: PHY211, PHY213 Laboratories, PHY241, PHY242 Laboratory Courses
Purpose: To provide a review of the nature and effectiveness of current laboratory
exercises, TA instruction and equipment for educating University of Kentucky students in
the largest-enrollment, Lower Division physics courses. Prof. De Long observed in-class
instruction and TA meetings on a weekly basis, and submitted a comprehensive report to
the Department of Physics and Astronomy in January, 2008.
“Solid State Physics”, PHY525, Spring, 2008 (Instructor)
Texts: C. Kittel, “Solid State Physics”, 8th Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York,
2005), and S. Blundell, “Magnetism in Condensed Matter” (Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 2007)
Content: Second semester of a three-hour, intermediate-level, lecture and problem course
providing an introduction to solid state or condensed matter physics for physicists or other
science majors. Topics included magnetic properties of materials, interacting and noninteracting magnetic systems.
“Independent Work in Physics”, PHY395, Spring, 2008 (Mentor for Mr. Mohammed Srout)
Content: Mr. Srout was an exchange student from Morocco in his Junior year. He chose to
work on “Building and Testing a 3He Evaporation Refrigerator”, which mainly consisted of
completing the wiring for electrical heaters and resistance thermometers on an existing
cryostat assembly. He learned basic engineering drawing, electrical circuit hookup and
low temperature techniques associated with electrical measurements. A final report was
submitted to the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
“Solid State Physics”, PHY524, Fall, 2008 (Instructor)
Text: “Solid State Physics”, 8th Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2005)
Content: First semester of a three-hour, intermediate-level, lecture and problem course
providing an introduction to solid state or condensed matter physics for physicists or other
science majors. Topics include crystal structure, bonding and cohesive energy, crystal
diffraction, elasticity and lattice vibrations, free-electron model, band structure and
“University Physics Laboratory Development”, PHY241(E), Spring, 2009 (Instructor)
Text and Curriculum Development
Content: Two Learning Assistants, Mr. Kenneth Burns and Mr. Michael Detisch, were
supervised in a weekly two-hour meeting (PHY160 format) in which novel laboratory
exercises were tested for inclusion in a new “hands-on” lower division laboratory for
physics majors. A report and Course Outline were prepared and submitted to the
Department of Physics and Astronomy at the close of the Semester.
“Solid State Physics”, PHY525, Fall, 2009 (Instructor)
Texts: C. Kittel, “Solid State Physics”, 8th Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York,
2005), and J. F. Annett, “Superconductivity, Superfluids and Condensates” (Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2004)
Content: Second semester of a three-hour, intermediate-level, lecture and problem course
providing an introduction to solid state or condensed matter physics for physicists or other
science majors. Topics included general magnetic properties of materials, dielectric
screening, Cooper pairing and superconductivity.
“Solid State Physics”, PHY524, Sping, 2010 (Instructor)
Text: “Solid State Physics”, 8th Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2005)
Content: First semester of a three-hour, intermediate-level, lecture and problem course
providing an introduction to solid state or condensed matter physics for physicists or other
science majors. Topics include crystal structure, bonding and cohesive energy, crystal
diffraction, elasticity and lattice vibrations, free-electron model, band structure and
“Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics”, PHY 522, Fall, 2010 (Lecture Instructor)
Content: A three-hour lecture and problem course on the macroscopic theory of thermal
physics, including the Zeroth thru Third Laws of Thermodynamics, thermal potentials,
entropy, and a survey of elementary statistical mechanics of classical and quantum systems,
such as the ideal gas, simple magnetic materials and phase transitions.
“Solid State Physics”, PHY524, Sping, 2011 (Instructor)
Text: “Solid State Physics”, 8th Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2005)
Content: First semester of a three-hour, intermediate-level, lecture and problem course
providing an introduction to solid state or condensed matter physics for physicists or other
science majors. Topics include crystal structure, bonding and cohesive energy, crystal
diffraction, elasticity and lattice vibrations, free-electron model, band structure and
“Condensed Matter Physics”, PHY525, Fall, 2011 (Instructor)
Texts: C. Kittel, “Solid State Physics”, 8th Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York,
2005), and S. Blundell, “Magnetism in Condensed Matter” (Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 2001)
Content: Second semester of a three-hour, intermediate-level, lecture and problem course
providing an introduction to solid state or condensed matter physics for physicists or other
science majors. Topics included general magnetic and dielectric properties of materials.
Spring Semester, 2012: Sabbatical Leave at University of Kentucky
“Independent Work in Physics”: “Survey of Magnetism”, PHY781, Spring, 2012 (Instructor)
Text: S. Blundell, “Magnetism in Condensed Matter” (Oxford University Press, Oxford,
2001); various resources from literature.
Content: A problem/readings seminar with four Graduate Students attending.
“Thermal Physics”, PHY522, Fall, 2012 (Instructor)
Text: F. Reif, “Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics” (Waveland Press, Long Grove,
IL, 2009)
Content: A lecture/problem course covering both bulk thermodynamics and statistical
mechanics for advanced undergraduate physics students.
“Advanced Mechanics”, PHY 504, Fall, 2013 (Lecturer)
Texts: H. Goldstein, C. Poole and J. Safko, “Classical Mechanics”, 3rd Edition (AddisonWesley, New York, 2002); C. Lanczos, “The Variational Principles of Mechanics” (Dover
Publications, 4th Edition, New York, 1986).
Content: Core graduate course emphasizing variational formulations of analytical
mechanics, including Lagrangian and introductory Hamiltonian methods, with applications
in the motion of systems of particles, rigid bodies, central forces and small oscillations.
“Solid State Physics”, PHY524, Sping, 2014 (Instructor)
Text: “Solid State Physics”, 8th Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2005)
Content: First semester of a three-hour, intermediate-level, lecture and problem course
providing an introduction to solid state or condensed matter physics for physicists or other
science majors. Topics include crystal structure, bonding and cohesive energy, crystal
diffraction, elasticity and lattice vibrations, free-electron model, band structure and
Graduate Committee Service at the University of Virginia
Li-Kong Wang, Ph.D. in Physics (4/25/78), "Mixing with Niobium Variable Thickness Bridges"
Charles Steven Korman, Ph.D. in Physics (5/5/78), "Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy
of Organic Ring Compounds Absorbed on Alumina"
Steven James Hillenius, Ph.D. in Physics (9/21/78), "Quantum Oscillations in 2H-TaS2 and
Magnetic Properties of Iron Doped Layer Structures"
James Joseph Finley, Ph.D. in Physics (9/21/78), "Temperature Dependence of the
Diamagnetism and Trapped Flux in the Superconducting Layer Crystals NbSe2 and
Thomas Joseph Bucelot, Ph.D. in Physics (7/20/79), "Techniques and Measurements Using a
Superconducting Susceptometer System"
Graduate Committee Service at the University of Kentucky
Vincent P. Tondiglia, M.S. in Physics (8/2/84), Prof. L. E. De Long, Chairman, Plan B Exam
Gary Lynn Doll, Ph.D. in Physics (10/9/86), "Optical and Structural Studies of Binary
andTernary Graphite Intercalation Compounds"
Naresh Shah, Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science (1/19/87), "Surface
Analysis of Catalyst Systems Using Ion Scattering Spectroscopy"
Pierre Charron, M.S. in Physics (7/27/87), "VUV Reflectance Studies of the a and b Phases of
Mao Cai, Ph.D. in Physics (9/15/87), "Renormalization Method for Resistive Transition in
Josephson Networks"
Jiming Zhang, Ph.D. in Physics (6/21/88), "Optical Study of Charge Transfer in Graphite
Intercalation Compounds"
Michael John Bader, Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering (5/29/91), "Stability Analysis of
Different Frontend Loader Mounting Arrangements"
Xiang-Xin Bi, Ph.D. in Physics (12/3/91), "Optical Properties of La2-xSrxNiO4+d and Related
High Tc Materials, and Generation and Characterization of Ultrafine Iron Carbide Particles
Produced by CO2 Laser Pyrolysis Technique"
Ji-Chang Hou, M.S. in Physics, (5/92; Plan II, L. E. De Long, Chairman)
Song-Lin Ren, Ph.D. in Physics (7/14/92), "Studies of Surfaces and Films Using Ellipsometry"
Abdollah Ardeshir, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (11/10/92), “Fundamental Mechanics Toward
Analytical Modeling of Solid-Fluid Transport Systems”
Sijia Wu, Ph.D. in Physics (12/92), "Characterization of YBa2Cu3O7-x Thin Films Grown in
Different Orientation"
Scot Aaron Gill, M.S. in Physics (4/16/93; Plan II, L. E. De Long, Chairman)
Gregory Scott Hisel, M.S. in Physics (4/16/93; Plan II, L. E. De Long, Chairman)
Qun Chen, Ph.D. in Physics (4/21/93), "Studies of Gap Anisotropy in High Temperature
Superconductors with a Low-Temperature STM"
Zhigang Xu, Ph.D. in Physics (5/19/93), "Vortex Dynamics Studies in Type II Superconductors"
Michael Eric Christy, M.S. in Physics (5/27/93; Plan II, L. E. De Long, Chairman)
Ulrike Lehmann Lahaise, M.S. in Physics (12/2/93), "Vibrating Reed Study of Flux Line
Dynamics in -(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br" (L. E. De Long, Chair)
Billy Wayne Dobbs, M.S. in Physics (4/7/94; Plan II, L. E. De Long, Chairman)
John J. D’Alessandro, M.S. in Physics (8/24/94), Plan II.
Efrain Figueroa, Ph.D. in Physics (11/14/95), “Physical Properties of New Intercalation
Yimin Bao, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (2/5/96), “Static and Dynamic Analysis of
Piezothermoelastic Laminated Shell Composites with Distributed Sensors and Actuators”
Shixi Ding, Ph.D. in Chemical and Materials Engineering (12/4/96), “A Study of
Superstrengthening and Formability in AA3004 Alloys”
Jeffrey W. Kane, Ph.D. in Physics (5/30/97), “In-Plane Tunneling Spectroscopy of the High
Temperature Superconductor, Bi-2212”
Saion Sinha, Ph.D. in Physics (9/22/98), “Study of the Zero-Bias Conductance Peak in a MetalBi2Sr2CaCu2O7 Junction”
Keith Andrew Williams, M.S. in Physics (11/27/98), “Thermoelectric Properties of
Chalcogenide-Graphite Films Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition”
Chad Everett Wallace, Ph.D. in Chemistry (12/4/98), “The Synthesis, Characterization, and
Reactivity of Some Ruthenocene-Fused Heterocycles”
Robert P. Bauman, Ph.D in Physics (passed Candidacy Exam 12/12/97)
Sa-Lin Cheng, Ph.D. in Physics (passed Ph.D. Candidacy Exam in Spring, 1998; Ph.D Exam,
12/01), “Theoretical Studies of Thin-Film Superconductors with Pinning Centers”.
Daniel Byron Watkins, Ph.D. in Physics (L. De Long, Chair; passed Ph.D. Candidacy Exam in
Spring, 1998; passed Ph.D. Dissertation Defense, December 9, 2003), “Observed Nonlinear
Responses in Patterned Superconducting, Ferromagnetic and Interacting Thin Films”.
Michael C. Sukop, Ph.D. in Soil Physics (L. De Long, Dean’s Representitive for Thesis Defense,
February 27, 2001), “Porosity, Percolation Thresholds, and Water Retention Behavior of
Random Fractal Porous Media”.
Osamoah Bosomtwi, M.S. in Physics (L. De Long, Chair), Plan II, passed oral examination, July
28, 2004.
Praveen Sivakumar, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (M.S. Thesis Defense, February, 7, 2005),
“Investigation of Field, Current and Luminance in a.c. Thin Film Electroluminescent
Display Devices”
Xiaojian Zhong, M.S.--Failed (Committee Chair, Plan B Exam, 11/29/05).
Jonathan Black, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Dean’s Representative, Thesis Defense,
October 30, 2006), “New Ultra-Lightweight Stiff Panels for Space Apertures”.
Qiaoli Yang, M.S. in Physics (Committee Member, Plan B Exam, May 1, 2007)
Sergiy Alexandrovich Kryukov, Ph.D. in Physics, (passed Ph.D. Candidacy Exam, November 3,
2003;Committee Chair, Thesis Defense, October 31, 2007), “Magnetic Properties of Nb/Ni
Superconducting/Ferromagnetic Multilayers”.
Praveen Sivakumar, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (Thesis Defense, November 19, 2007),
“Investigation of Field, Current and Luminance in A.C. Thin Film Electroluminescent
Display Devices”
Erik Stokes, Ph.D. in Mathematics (Outside Committee Member, Thesis Defense, July 21,
2008), “The h-Vectors of Matroid Complexes”
Vinobalan Durairaj, Ph.D. in Physics (Committee Member, Ph.D. Thesis Defense, September 2,
Daheng He, M.S. in Physics (Committee Chair, Plan B Exam, 12/01/08); Ph.D. Qualifying Exam
in Physics (Committee Chair, 12/01/08)
Vinayak Bhat, Ph.D. in Physics Qualifying Exam (Committee Chair, 04/09/09; passed 11/10/09)
Xia Yu, M.S. in Physics (Plan B Exam, 05/13/09)
Qian Zhang, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Committee Member, Ph.D. Thesis Defense, April
16, 2010), “Laminar-Turbulent Transition for Attached and Separated Flow”
Spektorov, Anton, M.S. in Physics (Plan B Exam, 06/20/10)
Chikara, Shalinee, Ph.D. in Physics (Committee Member, Ph.D. Defense, October 28, 2011), “A
Systematic Study of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Layered 4d- and 5dCorrelated Electron Systems”
Salaimeh, Ahmad A., Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Outside Examiner, Ph.D. Thesis
Defense, 11/21/11), “Real-Time Quantification of Viable Bacteria in Liquid Medium Using
Infrared Thermography”
Qi, Tongfei, Ph.D. in Physics (Committee Member, Ph.D. Defense, November 20, 2012),
“Magnetic and Orbital Orders Coupled to Negative Thermal Expansion in Mott Insulators,
Ca2Ru1-xMxO4 (M = 3d Transition Metal Ion)”
Woods, Justin, Ph.D. in Physics Qualifying Exam (Committee Chair, passed 12/07/12)
Postdoctoral Scholars, Associates and Visiting Scientists
Dr. Qun Chen (1992), Harvard Medical School Research Faculty
Dr. Junqing Zhang (1994), Phillips Semiconductor, San Jose, CA
Dr. Vitali Metlushko (1996), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Illinois-Chicago
Dr. Alexandre N. Terentiev (11/24/97-07/31/00), Co-Founder and Chief Scientist,
LevTech, Inc. (subsidiary of ATMI Life Sciences), Lexington, KY
Dr. Larysa V. Shlyk (08/15/98-11/30/98), B. I. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature
Physics and Engineering, Kharkov, Ukraine
Dr. Wentao Xu (05/17/01-07/01/07), Lexmark, Inc., Lexington, KY
Mr. Sergey Terentiev (12/11/01-12/31/03), LevTech, Inc., (subsidiary of ATMI Life
Sciences), Lexington, KY
Dr. Amish G. Joshi (BOYSCAST Fellow, Ministry of Science and Technology of India;
08-04-2005 to 08-04-2006), National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India
Dr. Larysa V. Shlyk (12/15/06 to 07/30/10), on leave from B. I. Verkin Institute for Low
Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkov, Ukraine; now Senior Research Scientist,
Department of Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany.
University and College Committee Service
Merit Rating Appeal Committee, Spring, 1983
Area A Curriculum Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 1984-85
UKRF Major Equipment Committee, 1984
Microteach Leader, Teaching Assistant Orientation, Fall, 1991
Instructional Equipment Grant Allocation Committee, Spring, 1991
Biological and Physical Sciences Subcommittee, Summer Faculty Research Fellowship
Committee, Spring, 1991
Department of Geography Review Committee, Spring, 1992
University of Kentucky Faculty Representative to the Kentucky Accountability Network
Assessment Training Meeting, Spring, 1992
Faculty Microteach Group Leader, Teaching Assistant Orientation, Fall, 1992
Senate Committee on Institutional Finances and Resource Allocation, 1992-3
Summer Faculty Research Fellowship Committee, Spring, 1993
Dean's Appointee to the Graduate Council, Graduate School, 1993-4
Senate Committee on Institutional Finances and Resource Allocation, Chair, 1993-4
College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Retreat Participant, Fall, 1993
Lexington Campus Chancellor's Budget Hearing Committee, Representative for the Faculty
Senate Council, Spring, 1994
William Sturgill Award for Outstanding Research, Selection Committee Chair, Spring,
Member, University of Kentucky Graduate Council, Spring, 1997.
Member, University Graduate Council, Spring, 1997.
Outside Member (Representing the Graduate School) of the Medical Center Academic
Council, 1997-98.
Member, President Lee Todd’s Special Committee to Tour Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Facilities for Neutron Scattering, Advanced Computation and Nanoscience, August 8,
Member, Ad Hoc Committee for Arbitration, College of Engineering (appointed by Prof.
Eric Grulke, Chair), 2008-2009.