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Council Based Projects
Matters to consider in response to EOI
Council Parameters
Indicate the location of your Council
 Metropolitan – Inner/Middle Ring
Metropolitan – Outer Ring
Regional gateway/growth centre
Peri Urban
Council Specific Parameters that are impacting on affordable housing
 Population – growth - is there high demand for housing/affordable housing in your
Population – what are the demonstrable needs which are impacting on the
affordability of housing in your area? E.g ageing population, desire to attract key
workers, young people and/or families.
Is your Council in an Economic Growth/Gateway area and what impacts does that
have for housing?
Are there infill site/s available?
Are there greenfield site/s available?
What current Housing SA properties are in your area? – Do you have Housing SA
areas scheduled for renewal?
What is your Council’s previous experience with Innovative housing design and
Proposal Issues
Development activity in Council area
 Has your Development Plan been recently reviewed or is it undergoing/to undergo
review? Does this take into account the requirements for affordable housing?
Development approval process – Has your Council experienced bottlenecks in the
process? Is there a process in place to be able to test apparent bottlenecks, and
make improvements to the development assessment process?
Will the proposed project work on or assist in developing improvements to the
turnaround time/coordination of referrals to State Government agencies?
Infrastructure Provision Issues
 Will the proposal lead to improvements in the coordination of Local and State
Governments along with utilities/other for provision or renewal infrastructure and
services eg roads, lighting, electricity/gas, schools, community services?
Will the proposal seek to improve Local Government infrastructure provision – i.e.
hard infrastructure provision such as roads, footpaths etc
Will the proposal impact on other infrastructure provided by Local Government - i.e.
libraries, recreation facilities, parks etc?
Will the Proposal assist in State Government planning and provision for other
infrastructure- i.e. schools, health, policing etc?
Relationship with State Government
 Will the proposal assist in collaborative planning with State Government in the
following areas:
Planning – PAR priority setting /fast tracking PAR amendments
Planning SA/Local Government – clarifying apparent bottlenecks and
developing improvements
Housing SA – working cooperatively on renewal projects from planning to