JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1981. Vol 10. Num 4 · Robert F. Barnes, “Interval Temporal Logic: A Note”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1981. Vol 10. Num 4. PP 395-397 · Kosta Dosen, “A Reduction of Classical Propositional Logic to the ConjunctionNegation Fragment of an Intuitionistic Relevant Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1981. Vol 10. Num 4. PP 399-408 · Jean Porte, “The Deducibilities of S5”. JOURNAL OF 1981. Vol 10. Num 4. PP 409-422 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. · John David Stone, “Simplism and the Liar”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1981. Vol 10. Num 4. PP 423-451 PHILOSOPHICAL · Raymond Turner, “Counterfactuals without Possible Worlds”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1981. Vol 10. Num 4. PP 453-493 · Bas C. Van Fraassen, “Probabilistic Semantics Objectified: II. Implication in Probabilistic Model Sets”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1981. Vol 10. Num 4. PP 495-510 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1982. Vol 11. Num 1 · Anil Gupta, “Truth and Paradox”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 1. PP 1-60 · Hans G. Herzberger, “Notes on Naive Semantics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 1. PP 61-102 · Nuel D. Belnap, JR., “Gupta’s Rule of Revision Theory of Truth”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 1. PP 103-116 · Steve Yablo, “Grounding Dependence, and Paradox”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 1. PP 117-137 JOURNAL · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 1. PP 139-141 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1982. Vol 11. Num 2 OF · “Editorial Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 2. PP 143 · Greg N. Carlson, “Generic Terms and Generic Sentences”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 2. PP 145-181 · Nino Cocchiarella, “Meinong Reconstructed Versus Early Russell Reconstructed”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 2. PP 183-214 · Michael Katz, “The Logic of Approximation in Quantum Theory”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 2. PP 215-228 · Robert K. Meyer, Ermanno Bencivenga, and Karel Lambert, “The Ineliminability of E! in Free Quantification Theory without Identity”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 2. PP 229-231 · Krister Segerberg, “The Logic of Deliberate Action”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 2. PP 233-254 JOURNAL OF JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1982. Vol 11. Num 3 · Kent Bendall, “A “Definitive” Probabilistic Semantics for First-Order Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 3. PP 255-278 · G. Lee Bowie, “Lucas’ Number is Finally up”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 3. PP 279-285 PHILOSOPHICAL · Martin Davies, “Individuation and the Semantics of Demonstratives”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 3. PP 287-310 · Giovanni Sambin and Silvio Valentini, “The Modal Logic of Provability. The Sequential Approach”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 3. PP 311-342 · Bas C. Van Fraassen, “Quantification as an Act of Mind”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 3. PP 343-369 · “Erratum”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 3. PP 371 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 3. PP 373 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1982. Vol 11. Num 4 · Nuel D. Belnap, Jr., “Display Logic”. JOURNAL OF 1982. Vol 11. Num 4. PP 375-417 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. · Franco Montagna, “Relatively Precomplete Numerations and Arithmetic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 4. PP 419-430 · Charles G. Morgan, “There is a Probabilistic Semantics for Every Extension of Classical Sentence Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 4. PP 431-442 · Charles G. Morgan, “Simple Probabilistic Semantics for Propositional K, T, B, S4, and S5”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 4. PP 443-458 · Roy A. Sorensen, “Epistemic and Classical Validity”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 4. PP 459-460 JOURNAL OF · Brian Ellis, “Reply to Sorensen”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 4. PP 461-462 · Bas C. Van Fraassen, “Epistemic Semantics Defended”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 4. PP 463-464 · “Correction”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1982. Vol 11. Num 4. PP 465 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1983. Vol 12. Num 1 · Slawomir Bugajski, “Languages of Similarity”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 1. PP 1-18 PHILOSOPHICAL · Roger M. Cooke, “A Result in Renyi’s Conditional Probability Theory with Application to Subjective Probability”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 1. PP 19-32 · Kit fine, “The Permutation Principle in Quantificational Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 1. PP 33-37 · Glen Helman, “An Interpretation of Classical Proofs”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 1. PP 39-71 JOURNAL OF · Alan McMichael, “A New Actualist Modal Semantics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 1. PP 73-99 · “Errata”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 1. PP 101 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 1. PP 103 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1983. Vol 12. Num 3 · Graeme Forbes, “Physicalism, Instrumentalism and the Semantics of Modal Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 3. PP 271- 298 · Rolf George, “Bolzano’s Consequence, Relevance, and Enthymemes”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 3. PP 299-318 · Rolf George, “A Postscript on Fallacies”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 3. PP 319-325 · Ernest Le Pore and James Garson, “Pronouns and Quantifier Scope in English”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 3. PP 327-358 · Peter Schroeder-Heister, “the Completeness of Intuitionistic Logic with Respect to a Validity Concept Based on an Inversion Principle”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 3. PP 359-377 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1983. Vol 12. Num 4 · Hugues Leblanc, “Probability Functions and their Assumption Set-The Singulary Case”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 4. PP 379-402 · Wolfgang Rautenberg “Modal Tableau Calculi and Interpolation”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 4. PP 403-423 · Mark Richard, “Direct Reference and Ascriptions of Belief”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 4. PP 425-452 · Glenn Shafer, “A Subjective Interpretation of Conditional Probability”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 4. PP 453-466 · Bas C. Van Fraassen, “Shafer on Conditional Probability”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 4. PP 467-470 · Silvio Valentini, “The Modal Logic of Provability: Cut-Elimination”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 4. PP 471-476 · Dolph Ulrich, “The Finite Model Property and Recursive Bounds on the Size of Countermodels”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1983. Vol 12. Num 4. PP 477-480 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1984. Vol 13. Num 1 · Harry Deutsch, “Paraconsistent Analytic Implication”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 1. PP 1-11 JOURNAL OF · Harold T. Hodes, “Some Theorems on the Expressive Limitations of Modal Languages”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 1. PP 13-26 · Harold T. Hodes, “Axioms For Actuality”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 1. PP 27-34 PHILOSOPHICAL · Jim Mackenzie, “Confirmation of a Conjecture of Peter of Apain Concerning Question-Begging Arguments”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 1. PP 35-45 · David Pearce and Veikko Rantala, “A logical Study of the Correspondence relation”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 1. PP 47-84 · S.K. Thomason, “On Constructing Instants from Events”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 1. PP 85-96 · Albert Visser, “The Provability Logic of Recursively Enumerable Theories Extending Peano Arithmetic at Arbitrary Theories Extending Peano Arithmetic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 1. PP 97-113 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 1. PP 114-116 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1984. Vol 13. Num 2 · Charles S. Chihara, “Priest, the Liar, and Gödel”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 2. PP 117-124 · Bradley H. Dowden, “Accepting Inconsistencies from Paradoxes”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 2. PP 125-130 · Anil Gupta and Robert L. Martin, “A Fixed Point Theorem for the Weak Kleene Valuation Scheme”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 2. PP 131-135 · Terence Parsons, “Assertion, Denial, and the Liar Paradox”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 2. PP 137-152 · Graham Priest, “Logic of Paradox Revisited”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 2. PP 153-179 PHILOSOPHICAL · Albert Visser, “Four Valued Semantics and the Liar”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 2. PP 181-212 · Peter W. Woodruff, “Paradox, Truth and Logic. Part I: Paradox and Truth”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 2. PP 213-232 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 2. PP 233 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1984. Vol 13. Num 3 · John P. Burgess, “Beyond Tense Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 3. PP 235-248 · Charles S. Chihara, “A Simple Type Theory Without Platonic Domains”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 3. PP 249-283 · Aron Edidin, “Inductive Reasoning and the Uniformity of Nature”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 3. PP 285-302 · Johan Van Benthem, “Foundations of Conditional Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 3. PP 303-349 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1984. Vol 13. Num 4 · Anthony Appiah, “Generalising the Probabilistic Semantics of Conditionals”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 4. PP 351-372 · George Boolos, “Don’t Eliminate Cut”. JOURNAL OF 1984. Vol 13. Num 4. PP 373-378 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. · John P. Burgess, “Synthetic Mechanics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 4. PP 379-395 · Kit Fine and Timothy McCarthy, “Truth Without Satisfaction”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 4. PP 397-421 · Harold Hodes, “On Modal Logics which Enrich First-Order S5”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 4. PP 423-454 · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1984. Vol 13. Num 4. PP 455-456 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1985. Vol 14. Num 1 · Nino B. Cocchiarella, “Frege’s Double Correlation Thesis and Quine’s Set Theories NF and ML”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 1. PP 1-39 · Solomon Feferman, “Intensionality in Mathematics”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 1. PP 41-55 JOURNAL OF · Kit Fine, “Natural Deduction and Arbitrary Objects”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 1. PP 57-107 JOURNAL OF · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 1. PP 108-110 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1985. Vol 14. Num 2 · Herbert E. Hendry and M.L. Pokriefka, “Carnapian Extensions of S5”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 2. PP 111-128 · Erick C.W. Krabbe, “Noncumulative Dialectical Models and Formal Dialectics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 2. PP 129-168 · Donald Nute, “Permission”. JOURNAL OF 14. Num 2. PP 169-190 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol · Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz, “Intuitionistic Truth”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 2. PP 191-228 PHILOSOPHICAL · “Corrections”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 2. PP 229 · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 2. PP 230 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1985. Vol 14. Num 3 · M.J. Cresswell, “The Decidable Normal Modal Logics are not Recursively Enumerable”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 3. PP 231-233 · Steve Giambrone, “TW+ and RW+ are Decidable”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 3. PP 235-254 · Timothy McCarthy, “Abstraction and Definability in Semantically Closed Structures”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 3. PP 255-266 · James Van Aken, “Analysis of Quantum Probability Theory. I”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 3. PP 267-296 · Stephen Yablo, “Truth and Reflection”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 3. PP 297-249 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1985. Vol 14. Num 4 · George Boolos and Giovanni Sambin, “An Incomplete System of Modal logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 4. PP 351-358 · Branislav R. Boricic, “On Sequence-Conclusion Natural Deduction Systems”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 4. PP 359-377 · Enrico Martino, “On the Brouwerian Concept of Negative Continuity”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 4. PP 379-398 · Vann McGee, “How Truthlike Can a Predicate Be? A Negative Result”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 4. PP 399-410 · R.I.G. Hughes, “Semantic Alternatives in Partial Boolean Quantum Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 4. PP 411-446 · Alberto Zanardo, “A Finite Axiomatization of the Set of Strongly Valid Ockhamist Formulas”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 4. PP 447-468 · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1985. Vol 14. Num 4. PP 469 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1986. Vol 15. Num 1 · Walter Edelberg, “A New Puzzle About Intentional Identity”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 1. PP 1-25 · Lloyd Humberstone, “Extensionality in Sentence Position”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 1. PP 27-54 · Daniel N. Osherson and Scott Weinstein, “Identification in the Limit of First Order Structures”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 1. PP 55-81 · John Perry, “From Worlds to Situations”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 1. PP 83-107 · Robert Stalnaker, “Possible Worlds and Situations”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 1. PP 109-123 JOURNAL OF · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 1. PP 124-125 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1986. Vol 15. Num 2 · Nicholas Asher, “Belief in discourse Representation Theory”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 2. PP 127-189 · Erick C.W. Krabbe, “A theory of Modal Dialectics”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 2. PP 191-217 JOURNAL OF · William N. Reinhardt, “Some Remarks on Extending and Interpreting theories with a Partial Predicate for Truth”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 2. PP 219-251 · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 2. PP 252 · “Call for Papers”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 2. PP 253 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1986. Vol 15. Num 3 · Ernest W. Adams, “On the Logic of High Probability”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 3. PP 255-279 · Joseph Y. Halpern and Yoram Moses, “Taken by Surprise: The Paradox of the Surprise Test Revisited”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 3. PP 281-304 · Robert K. Meyer and Errol P. Martin, “Logic on the Australian Plan”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 3. PP 305-332 · James Van Aken, “Analysis of Quantum Probability Theory. II”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 3. PP 333-367 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1986. Vol 15. Num 4 · Harold Hodes, “Individual-Actualism and Three-Valued Modal Logics, Part 1: ModelTheoretic Semantics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 4. PP 369-401 · David Makinson, “On the Formal Representation of Rights Relations”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 4. PP 403-425 · W.N. Reinhardt, “Epistemic Theories and the Interpretation of Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 4. PP 427-474 · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1986. Vol 15. Num 4. PP 475 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1987. Vol 16. Num 1 · George Boolos, “A Curious Inference”. JOURNAL OF 1987. Vol 16. Num 1. PP 1-12 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. · M.J. Cresswell, “Magari’s Theorem via the Recession Frame”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 1. PP 13-15 · Harold Hodes, “Individual-Actualism and Three-Valued Modal Logics, Part 2: Natural Deduction Formalizations”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 1. PP 17-63 · José M. Méndez, “A Routley-Meyer Semantics for Converse Ackermann Property”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 1. PP 65-76 · David Otway Wray, “Logic in Quotes”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 1. PP 77-110 · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 1. PP 111-113 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1987. Vol 16. Num 2 · C. Anthony Anderson, “Bealer’s Quality and Concept”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 2. PP 115-164 · Charles McCarthy and Neil Tennant, “Skolem’s Paradox and Constructivism”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 2. PP 165-202 · Thomas Weston, “Approximate Truth”. JOURNAL OF 1987. Vol 16. Num 2. PP 203-227 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1987. Vol 16. Num 3 · “Editorial Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 3. PP iii · Michael Pendlebury, “Stalnaker on Inquiry”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 3. PP 229-272 PHILOSOPHICAL · Peter Roeper, “Principles of Abstractions for Events and Processes”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 3. PP 273-307 · Stewart Shapiro, “Principles of Reflection and Second-Order Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 3. PP 309-333 · “Call for Papers”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 3. PP 335 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1987. Vol 16. Num 4 · Tore Langholm, “H.B. Smith on Modality: A Logical Reconstruction”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 4. PP 337-346 · J. Michael Dunn, “Relevant Predication 1: The Formal Theory”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 4. PP 347-381 · David Makinson, “On the Status of the Postulate of Recovery in the Logic of Theory Change”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 4. PP 383-394 · Anil Gupta and Leah Savion, “Semantics of Propositional Attitudes: A Critical Study of Cresswell’s Structured Meanings”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 4. PP 395-410 · Allen Hazen, “Natural Deduction and Hilbert’s є-Operator”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 4. PP 411- 421 · Timothy McCarthy, “Modality, Invariance, and Logical Truth”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 4. PP 423-443 · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1987. Vol 16. Num 4. PP 444-446 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1988. Vol 17. Num 1 · Mark A. Brown, “On the Logic of Ability”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 1. PP 1-26 · Kit Fine, “Semantics for Quantified Relevance Logic”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 1. PP 27-59 PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL OF · Timothy McCarthy, “Ungroundedness in Classical Languages”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 1. PP 61-74 · Colin McLarty, “Defining Sets as Sets of Points of Spaces”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 1. PP 75-90 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1988. Vol 17. Num 2 · “Publisher’s Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 2. PP iii · John Bacon, “Four Modal Modelings”. JOURNAL OF 1988. Vol 17. Num 2. PP 91-114 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. · David Ballard, “Combinatory Completeness without Classical Equality”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 2. PP 115-132 · Alexander George, “The Conveyability of Intuitionism, an Essay on Mathematical Cognition”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 2. PP 133-156 · Adam Grove, “Two Modellings for Theory Change”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 2. PP 157-170 JOURNAL OF · Z. Stachniak, “Two Theorems on Many-Valued Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 2. PP 171-179 · Ming Xu, “On Some U,S-Tense Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 2. PP 181-202 · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 2. PP 203-205 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1988. Vol 17. Num 3 · John F. Halpin, “Indeterminism, Indeterminateness, and tense Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 3. PP 207-219 · Lloyd Humber Stone, “The Lattice of Extensional Connectives: A Correction”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 3. PP 221-223 · Michael Kremer, “Kripke and the Logic of Truth”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 3. PP 225-278 JOURNAL OF · José M. Méndez, “The Compatibility of Relevance and Mingle”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 3. PP 279-297 · Timothy Williamson, “Assertion, Demial and Some Cancellation Rules in Modal Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 3. PP 299-318 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 3. PP 319 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1988. Vol 17. Num 4 · Richmond Thomason, “Philosophical Logic and Artificial Intelligence”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 4. PP 321-328 · Ronald Fagin and Joseph Y. Halpern, “I’m OK if You’re OK”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 4. PP 329-354 · Hector J. Levesque, “Logic and the Complexity of Reasoning”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 4. PP 355-389 · Vladimir Lifshitz, “Circumscriptive Theories: A Logic-Based Framework for Knowledge Representation”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 4. PP 391-441 · Yoav Shoham, “Efficient Reasoning about Rich Temporal Domains”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 4. PP 443-474 · Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1988. Vol 17. Num 4. PP 475-476 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1989. Vol 18. Num 1 · Daniel N. Sharon and Scott Weinstein, “Paradigms of Truth Detection”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 1. PP 1-42 · S. K. Thomason, “Free Construction of Time from Events”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 1. PP 43-67 · Sten Lindström and Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz, “On Probabilistic Representation of Non-Probabilistic Belief Revision”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 1. PP 69-101 John Slaney, “Solution to a Problem of Ono and Kamori”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 1. PP 103-111 · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 1. PP 112-113 · “Editorial”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 1. PP 114 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1989. Vol 18. Num 2 · Brent Mundy, “Elementary Categorial Logic, Predicates of Variable Degree, and Theory of Quantity”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 2. PP 115-140 · John Bacon, “A Single Primitive Trope Relation”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 2. PP 141-154 · H. Krips, “Irreducible Probabilities and Indeterminism”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 2. PP 155-172 JOURNAL OF · Steven Kuhn, “The Domino Relation: Flattening a Two-Dimensional Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 2. PP 173-195 · Joseph Almog, “Logic and the World”. JOURNAL OF 1989. Vol 18. Num 2. PP 197-220 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. · “announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 2. PP 221-222 · “Call for Papers”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 2. PP 223 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1989. Vol 18. Num 3 · Melvin Fitting, “Bilattices and Theory of Truth”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 3. PP 225-256 · Zbigniew Stachniak, “Many-Valued Computational Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 3. PP 257-274 · John C. Simms, “Traditional Cavalieri Principles Applied to the Modern Notion of Area”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 3. PP 275-314 · Jan Mycielski, “The Meaning pf Pure Mathematics”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 3. PP 315-320 JOURNAL OF · Michiro Kondo, “A1 Is Not a Conservative Extension of S4 but of S5”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 3. PP 321-323 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 3. PP 325-326 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1989. Vol 18. Num 4 · Krister Segerberg, “Bringing It About”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 4. PP 327-347 · Philip Kremer, “Relevant Predication: Grammatical Characterizations”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 4. PP 349-382 · Cinzia Bonotto and Alberto Zanardo, “A Non-Compactness Phenomenon in Logics with Hyperintensional Predication”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 4. PP 383-398 · Bart Jacobs, “The Inconsistency of Higher Order Extensions of Martin-Löf’s Type Theory”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 4. PP 399-422 · Alan Hájek, “Probabilities of Conditionals- Revisited”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 4. PP 423-428 JOURNAL OF · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 4. PP 429-430 · “Call for Papers”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1989. Vol 18. Num 4. PP 431-432 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1990. Vol 19. Num 1 · Kevin T. Kelly and Clark Glymour, “Theory Discovery from Data with Mixed Quantifiers”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 1. PP 1-33 · Ross T. Brady, “The Gentzenization and Decidability of RW”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 1. PP 35-73 · Sven Ove Hansson, “Preference-Based Deontic Logic (PDL)”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 1. PP 75-93 · Mark A. Brown, “Action and Ability”. JOURNAL OF 1990. Vol 19. Num 1. PP 95-114 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1990. Vol 19. Num 2 · Johan Van Benthem, “Categorial Grammar and Type Theory”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 2. PP 115-168 · Lou Goble, “A Logic of Good, Should, and Would. Part I ”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 2. PP 169-199 · Graham Priest, “Boolean Negation and All That”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 2. PP 201-215 · Seiki Akama, “Subformula Semantics for Strong Negation Systems”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 2. PP 217-226 · “Announcements”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 2. PP 227-228 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1990. Vol 19. Num 3 · Daniel Bonevac, “Paradoxes of Fulfillment”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 3. PP 229-252 PHILOSOPHICAL · Lou Goble, “A Logic of Good, Should, and Would. Part II”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 3. PP 253-276 · Keith Simmons, “The Diagonal Argument and the Liar”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 3. PP 277-303 · John M. Vickers, “Compactness in Finite Probabilistic Inference”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 3. PP 305-316 · Charles B. Daniels, “The Propositional Objects of Mental Attitudes”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 3. PP 317-342 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1990. Vol 19. Num 4 · Michael Detlefsen, “On an Alleged Refutation of Hilbert’s Program Using Gödel’s First Incompleteness Theorem”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 4. PP 343-377 · Ian F. Carlstrom, “A Truth-Functional Logic for Near-Universal Generalizations”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 4. PP 379-405 · William Seager, “The Logic of Lost Lingens”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 4. PP 407-428 PHILOSOPHICAL · Peter Turney, “Embeddability, Syntax, and Semantics in Accounts of Scientific Theories”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 4. PP 429-451 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1990. Vol 19. Num 4. PP 452 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1991. Vol 20. Num 1 · Walter Edelberg, “A Case for a Heretical Deontic Semantics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 1. PP 1-35 · Gerhard Schurz, “How Far Can Hume’s Is-Ought Thesis Be Generalized”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 1. PP 37-95 · Ross T. Brady, “Gentzenization and Decidability of some Contraction-Less Relevant Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 1. PP 97-117 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 1. PP 119-120 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1991. Vol 20. Num 2 · John P. Burgess, “Synthetic Mechanics Revisited”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 2. PP 121-130 JOURNAL OF · Alberto Zanardo, “A Complete Deductive-System for Since-until Branching-Time Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 2. PP 131-148 · Hans Rott, “Two Methods of Constructing Contractions and Revisions of Knowledge Systems”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 2. PP 149-173 · André Furhmann, “Theory Contraction through Base Contraction”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 2. PP 175-203 · Thomas E. Patton”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 2. PP 205-223 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1991. Vol 20. Num 3 · Johan Van Benthem, “Language in Action”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 3. PP 225-263 PHILOSOPHICAL · Ming Xu, “Some Descending Chains of Incomplete Model Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 3. PP 265-283 · Marcus Kracht, “A Solution to a Problem of Urquhart”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 3. PP 285-286 · Philip L. Peterson, “complexly Fractionated Syllogistic Quantifiers”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 3. PP 287-313 · Daniel H. Cohen, “Conditionals, Quantification, and Strong Mathematical Induction”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 3. PP 315-326 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 3. PP 327 · “Declaration”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 3. PP 328 · “Call for Papers”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 3. PP 329-330 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1991. Vol 20. Num 4 · Christopher Menzel, “The True Modal Logic”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 4. PP 331-374 PHILOSOPHICAL · Jean-Pierre Marquis, “Approximations and Truth Spaces”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 4. PP 375-401 · Arnon Avron, “A Note of Provability, Truth and Existence”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 4. PP 403-409 · Roberto Giuntini, “A Semantical Investigation on Brouwer-Zadeh Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 4. PP 411-433 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1991. Vol 20. Num 4. PP 435 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1992. Vol 21. Num 1 · Paul Schweizer, “A Syntactical Approach to Modality”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 1. PP 1-31 · Michael Morreau, “Epistemic Semantics for Counterfactuals”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 1. PP 33-62 · Timothy Williamson, “On Intuitionistic Modal Epistemic Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 1. PP 63-89 · Peter M. Sullivan, “The Functional Model of Sentential Complexity”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 1. PP 91-108 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 1. PP 109 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1992. Vol 21. Num 2 · Hartry Field, “A Nominalistic Proof of the Conservativeness of Set Theory”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 2. PP 111-123 · Jan Mycielski, “Quantifier-Free Versions of First Order Logic and Their Psychological Significance”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 2. PP 125-147 · Thomas Mormann, “Structural Accessibility and Similarity Possible Worlds”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 2. PP 149-172 · Yde Venema, “A Note on the Tense Logic of Dominoes”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 2. PP 173-182 · Joachim Schröder, “Körner’s Criterion of Relevance and Analytic Tableaux”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 2. PP 183-192 · Werner Stelzner, “Relevant Deontic Logic”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 2. PP 193-216 PHILOSOPHICAL · Graham Priest and Richard Sylvan, “Simplified Semantics for Basic Relevant Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 2. PP 217-232 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 2. PP 233 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1992. Vol 21. Num 3 · Vann McGee, “Maximal Consistence Sets of Instances of Tarski’s Schema (T)”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 3. PP 235-241 · Arnon Avron, “Whither Relevance Logic?”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 3. PP 243-281 PHILOSOPHICAL · Kosta Došen, “Modal Translations in Substructural Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 3. PP 283-336 · “Correction”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 3. PP 337 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1992. Vol 21. Num 4 · “Publisher’s Notice”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 4. PP iii · Kosta Došen, “The First Axiomatization of Relevant Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 4. PP 339-356 · Ross T. Brady, “Hierarchical Semantics for Relevant Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 4. PP 357-374 · Michael Böttner, “Variable-Free Semantics for Anaphora”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 4. PP 375-390 · Kevin T. Kelly and Clark Glymour, “Inductive Inference from Theory Laden Data”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1992. Vol 21. Num 4. PP 391-444 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1993. Vol 22. Num 1 · J.L. Bell, “Hilbert’s ε-Operator and Classical Logic”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 1. PP 1-18 JOURNAL OF · Colin McLarty, “Anti-Foundation and Self-Reference”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 1. PP 19-28 JOURNAL OF · Gabriel Sandu, “On the Logic of Informational Independence and Its Applications”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 1. PP 29-60 · Jeffrey C. King, “Intentional Identity Generalized”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 1. PP 61-93 JOURNAL OF · Edwin D. Mares and Robert K. Meyer, “The Semantics of R4”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 1. PP 95-110 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1993. Vol 22. Num 2 · S. K. Thomason, “Semantic Analysis of the Modal Syllogistic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 2. PP 111-128 · Peter Milne, “The Foundations of Probability and Quantum Mechanics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 2. PP 129-168 · Charles B. Cross, “From Worlds for Probabilities: A Probabilistic Semantics for Modal Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 2. PP 169-192 · Geoffrey Hellman, “Gleason’s Theorem Is Not Constructively Provable”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 2. PP 193-203 · Kenneth J. Perszyk, “Against Extended Modal Realism”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 2. PP 205-214 · Linda Wetzel, “What Are Occurrences of Expressions?”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 2. PP 215-219 Falta el vol. 3 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1993. Vol 22. Num 4 · Aldo Bressan, “On Gupta’s Book The Logic of Common Nouns”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 4. PP 335-383 · Edward N. Zalta, “Twenty-Five Basic Theorems in Situation and World Theory”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 4. PP 385-428 · Juan Barba, “A Modal Reduction for Partial Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 4. PP 429-435 · Daniel N. Osherson and Scott Weinstein, “Relevant Consequence and Empirical Inquiry”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 4. PP 437-448 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1993. Vol 22. Num 5 · Alasdair Urquhart, “Failure of Interpolation in Relevant Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 5. PP 449-479 · Greg Restall, “Simplified Semantics for Relevant Logics (and Some of Their Rivals)”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 5. PP 481-511 · Munindar P. Singh and Nicholas M. Asher, “A Logic of intentions and Belief”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 5. PP 513-544 · Thomas Ede Zimmermann, “Scopeless Quantifiers and Operators”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 5. PP 545-561 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1993. Vol 22. Num 6 · Franz von Kutschera, “Causation”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 6. PP 563-588 · Paul Schweizer, “Quantified Quinean S5”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 6. PP 598-605 · George Gargov and Valentin Goranko, “Modal Logic with Names”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 6. PP 607-636 · Sven Ove Hansson, “Reversing the Levi Identity”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1993. Vol 22. Num 6. PP 637-669 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1994. Vol 23. Num 1 · Walter Edelberg, “Propositions, Circumstances, Objects”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 1. PP 1-34 · John F. Horty, “Moral Dilemmas and Nonmonotonic Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 1. PP 35-65 · Brian F. Chellas and Krister Segerberg, “Modal Logics with the MacIntosh Rule”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 1. PP 67-86 · Timothy Williamson, “Non-Genuine MacIntosh Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 1. PP 87-101 · Franz Von Kutschera, “Global Supervenience and Belief”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 1. PP 103- JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1994. Vol 23. Num 2 · Ross T. Brady, “Rules in Relevant Logic – I Classification”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 2. PP 111-137 · George Bealer, “Property theory: The Type-Free Approach v. the Church Approach”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 2. PP 139-171 · Andrzej Wiśniewski, “Erotetic Implications”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 2. PP 173-195 · Mark Reynolds, “Axiomatisation and Decidability of F and P in Cyclical Time”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 2. PP 197- JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1994. Vol 23. Num 3 · William Demopoulos, “Frege and the Rigorization of Analysis”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 3. PP 225-245 · Stephen Read, “Formal and Material Consequence”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 3. PP 247-265 · Willem Groeneveld, “Dynamic Semantics and Circular Propositions”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 3. PP 267-306 · Scott Lehmann, “Strict Fregean Free Logic”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 3. PP 307-336 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1994. Vol 23. Num 4 PHILOSOPHICAL · Krister Segerberg, “A Model Existence Theorem in Infinitary Propositional Modal Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 4. PP 337-367 · Mark Norris Lance and Philip Kremer, “The Logical structure of Linguistic Commitment I: Four Systems of Non-Relevant Commitment Entailment”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 4. PP 369-400 · Fred Johnson, “Syllogisms with Fractional Quantifiers”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 4. PP 401-422 · Timothy G. McCarthy, Self-Reference and Incompleteness in a Non-Monotonic Setting”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 4. PP 423- 449 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1994. Vol 23. Num 5 · Paul John King, “Reconciling Austinian and Russellian accounts of the Liar Paradox”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 5. PP 451-494 · Abhaya C. Nayak, “Foundational Belief Change”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 5. PP 495-533 · Ina Hodkison, “Finite H-Dimension Does Not Imply Expressive Completeness”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 5. PP 535-573 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1994. Vol 23. Num 6 · Genoveva Marti, “Do Modal Distinctions Collapse in Carnap’s System?”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 6. PP 575-593 · Ken Gemes, “A New Theory of Content I: Basic Content”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 6. PP 595-620 · Ming Xu, “Doing and Refraining from Refraining”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 6. PP 621-632 · Gian Aldo Antonelli, “Non-well-Founded Sets via revision Rules”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 6. PP 633-679 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1994. Vol 23. Num 6. PP 681-682 Faltan los volumenes 24-25 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1997. Vol 26. Num 1 · G.Y. Sher, “Partially-Ordered (Branching) Generalized Quantifiers: A General Definition”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 1. PP 1-43 · Graham Priest, “On a Paradox of Hilbert and Bernays”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 1. PP 45-56 · Yannis Delmas-Rigoutsos, “A Double Deduction System for Quantum Logic Based on Natural Deduction”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 1. PP 57-67 · Volker Halbach, “Tarskian and Kripkean Truth”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 1. PP 69-80 · Ian Hodkinson and András Simon, “The k-Variable Property is Stronger than H-Dimension k”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 1. PP 81-101 · J.A. Burgess, “Supervaluations and the Propositional Attitude Constraint”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 1. PP 103-119 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1997. Vol 26. Num 2 · Geoffrey Hellman, “Quantum Mechanical Unbounded Operators and Constructive Mathematics – A Rejoinder to Bridges”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 2. PP 121-127 · S.K. Thomason, “Relational Models for the Modal Syllogistic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 2. PP 129-141 · Charles B. Cross, “The Modal Logic of Discrepancy”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 2. PP 143-168 · Peter Apostoli, “On the Completeness of First Degree Weakly Aggregative Modal Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 2. PP 169- 180 · Paul St. Denis and Patrick Grim, “Fractal Images of formal Systems”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 2. PP 181-222 · Graham Priest, “Inconsistent Models of Arithmetic. Part I: Finite Models”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 2. PP 223-235 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1997. Vol 26. Num 3 · George Boolos, “Constructing Cantorian Counterexamples”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 3. PP 237-239 · Franz Von Kutschera, “T × W Completeness”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 3. PP 241-250 · Peter Roeper, “Region-Based Topology”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 3. PP 251-309 · Zlatan Damnjanovic, “Elementary Realizability”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 3. PP 311-339 · I.L. Humberstone, “Singulary Extensional Connectives: A Closer Look”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 3. PP 341-356 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 3. PP 357 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1997. Vol 26. Num 4 · Frank Döring, “The Ramsey Test and Conditional Semantics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 4. PP 359-376 · Chris Mortensen, “The Leibniz Continuity Condition, Inconsistency and Quantum Dynamics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 4. PP 377-389 · Timothy J. Surendonk, “Canonicity for Intensional Logics Without Iterative Axioms”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 4. PP 391-409 · Michael Kaminski, “The Elimination of De Re Formulas”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 4. PP 411-422 · Sven Ove Hansson, “Situationist Deontic Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 4. PP 423-448 · Ken Gemes, “A New Theory of Content II: Model Theory and Some Alternatives”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 4. PP 449-476 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1997. Vol 26. Num 5 · Melvin Fitting, “A Theory of Truth Prefers Falsehood”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 5. PP 477-500 · James Hardy, “Three Problems for the Singularity theory of Truth”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 5. PP 501-520 · Thomas Schwartz, “De Re Language, De Re Eliminability, and the Essential Limits of Both”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 5. PP 521-544 · Frank Wolter, “A Note on the Interpolation Property in Tense Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 5. PP 545-551 · Fred Johnson, “Extended Gergonne Syllogisms”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 5. PP 553-567 · Claudio Pizzi and Timothy Williamson, “Strong Boethius’ Thesis and Consequential Implication”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 5. PP 569-588 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1997. Vol 26. Num 6 · Richard G. Heck, Jr., “Finitude and Hume’s Principle”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 6. PP 589-617 · A.P. Hazen, “Relations in Monadic Third-Order Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 6. PP 619-628 · Michael Kremer, “Marti on Description in Carnap’s S2”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 6. PP 629-634 · Leon Horsten, “Provability in Principle and Controversial Constructivistic Principles”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 6. PP 635-660 · Helen Billinge, “A Constructive Formulation of Gleason’s Theorem”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 6. PP 661-670 · Grigori Mints “Indexed Systems of Sequents and Cut-Elimination”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1997. Vol 26. Num 6. PP 671-696 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1998. Vol 27. Num 1 · James Hawthorne, “On the Logic of Nonmonotonic Conditionals and Conditional Probabilities: Predicate Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 1. PP 1-34 · Ken Akiba, “Nominalistic Metalogic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 1. PP 35-47 · Marcus Kracht, “On Extensions of Intermediate Logics by Strong Negation”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 1. PP 49-73 · José M. Mendez and Francisco Salto, “A Natural Negation Completion of Urquhart’s Many-Valued Logic C”. JOURNAL OF Num 1. PP 75-84 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. · Athanassios Tzouvaras, “Logic of Knowledge and Utterance and the Liar”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 1. PP 85-108 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1998. Vol 27. Num 2 · Maarten De Rijke, “A System of Dynamic Modal Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 2. PP 109-142 · Gabriel Sandu, “If-Logic and Truth-Definition”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 2. PP 143-164 · Enrico Martino, “Negationless Intuitionism”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 2. PP 165-177 · Greg Restall, “Displaying and Deciding Substructural Logics 1: Logics with Contraposition”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 2. PP 179-216 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1998. Vol 27. Num 3 · Hajnal Andréka, Stand Németi and Johan Van Benthem, “Modal Languages and Bounded Fragments of Predicate Logic”. JOURNAL OF 1998. Vol 27. Num 3. PP 217-274 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. · Jon Barwise and Lawrence S. Moss, “Modal Correspondence for Models”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 3. PP 275-294 · Chris Swoyer, “Complex Predicates and Logics for Properties and Relations”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 3. PP 295-325 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1998. Vol 27. Num 4 · Robert K. Meyer, “E is Admissible in “True” Relevant Arithmetic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 4. PP 327-351 · Frank Wolter, “On Logics with Coimplication”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 4. PP 353-387 · Peter Novak, “Logic and the Classical Theory of Mind”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 4. PP 389-434 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1998. Vol 27. Num 5 · Maria Concetta Di Maio and Alberto Zanardo, “A Gabbay-Rule Free Axiomatization of T × W Validity”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 5. PP 435-487 · Eric M. Hammer, “Semantics for Existential Graphs”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 5. PP 505 · Ming Xu, “Axioms for Deliberative Stit”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1998. Vol 27. Num 5. PP 505-552 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1999. Vol 28. Num 1 · David De Vidi and Graham Solomon, “Tarski on “Essentially Richer” Metalanguages”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 1. PP 1-28 · Gary Mar and Paul St. Denis, “What the Liar Taught Achilles”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 1. PP 29-46 · Colin Oakes, “Interpretations of Intuitionist Logic in Non-Normal Modal Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 1. PP 47-60 · Aviad Heifetz, Iterative and Fixed Point Common Belief”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 1. PP 61-79 · D.W. Mertz, “The Logic of Instance Ontology”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 1. PP 81-111 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1999. Vol 28. Num 2 · Peter W. Woodruff, “Partitions and Conditionals”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 2. PP 113-128 · Richard Bradley, “More Triviality”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 2. PP 129-139 · Roy A. Sorensen, “Mirror notation: Symbol Manipulation without Inscription Manipulation”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 2. PP 141-164 · Fernando Ferreira, “A Note on finiteness in Predicative Foundations of Arithmetic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 2. PP 165-174 · A.D. Yashin, “Irreflexive Modality in the Intuitionistic Propositional Logic and Novikov Completeness”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 2. PP 175-197 · Philip Kremer, “Relevant Identity”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 2. PP 199-222 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1999. Vol 28. Num 3 · Peter Roeper and Hugues LeBlanc, “Absolute Probability Functions for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 3. PP 223-234 · Frank Foulks, “On the Concept of the Scale”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 3. PP 235-264 · Bryson Brown and Peter Schotch, “Logic and Aggregation”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 3. PP 265-287 · Lisa A. Reed, “Necessary Versus Probable Cause”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 3. PP 289-326 · David Sherry, “Note on the Scope of Truth-functional Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 3. PP 327-328 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1999. Vol 28. Num 4 · Lennart Åqvist, “The Logic of Historical Necessity as Founded on Two-Dimensional Modal Tense Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 4. PP 329-369 · Stefan Wölfl, “Combinations of Tense and Modality for Predicate Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 4. PP 371-398 · Oliver Schulte, “The Logic of Reliable and Efficient Inquiry”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 4. PP 399-438 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1999. Vol 28. Num 5 · Douglas S. Bridges, “Can Constructive Mathematics Be Applied in Physics?” . JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 5. PP 439-453 · Keith Simmons, “Deflationary Truth and the Liar”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 5. PP 455-488 JOURNAL OF · Bryson Brown, “Yes, There Really Are Paraconsistent Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 5. PP 489-500 · Hans Root and Maurice Pagnucco, “Severe Withdrawal (and Recovery)”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 5. PP 501-547 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 1999. Vol 28. Num 6 · Graham Priest, “Semantic Closure, Descriptions and Non-Triviality”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 6. PP 549-558 · André Furhmann, “When Hyperpropositions Meet…”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 6. PP 559-574 · Dimitar P. Guelev, “A Propositional Dynamic Logic with Qualitative Probabilities”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 6. PP 575-605 · William H. Hanson, “Ray on Tarski on Logical Consequence”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 6. PP 607-618 · Edward N. Zalta, “Natural Numbers and Natural Cardinals as Abstract Objects: A Partial Reconstruction of Frege’s Grundgesetze in Object Theory”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 6. PP 619-660 · “Author Index”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 1999. Vol 28. Num 6. PP 663 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2000. Vol 29. Num 1 · Donald Bamber, “Entailment with Near Surety of Scaled Assertions of High Conditional Probability”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 1. PP 1-74 · Jaroslav Peregrin, “The ‘natural’ and the ‘Formal’”. JOURNAL OF JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 1. PP 75-101 · Lou Goble, “An Incomplete Relevant Modal Logic”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 1. PP 103-119 · Erratum notice [followed by the correct and fully reprinted article by Hans Rott and Maurice Pagnucco on Severe Withdrawal (and Recovery)]. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 1. PP 121 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2000. Vol 29. Num 2 · Stephen Read, “Harmony and Autonomy in Classical Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 2. PP 123-154 · Francesco Orilia, “Meaning and Circular Definitions”. PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 2. PP 155-169 JOURNAL OF · Stephen Murray Glaister, “Recovery Recovered”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 2. PP 171-206 · Theodore Hailperin, “Probability Semantics for Quantifier Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 2. PP 207-239 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2000. Vol 29. Num 3 · Ivo Düntsch and Ewa OrŁowska, “A Proof System for Contact Relations Algebras”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 3. PP 241-262 · Edwin D. Mares, “CE Is Not a Conservative Extension of E”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 3. PP 263-275 · G. Aldo Antonelli, “Proto-Semantics for Positive Free Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 3. PP 277-294 · Fabrice Correia, “Propositional Logic Essence”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 3. PP 295-313 · Sven Ove Hansson, “Coherentist Contraction”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 3. PP 315-330 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2000. Vol 29. Num 4 · Lloyd Humberstone, “The Rival of Rejective Negation”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 4. PP 331-381 · Davis Makinson and Leendert van der Torre, “Input-Output Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 4. PP 383-408 · Gustavo Fernández Diéz, “Five Observations Concerning the Intended Meaning of the Intuitionistic Logical Constant”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 4. PP 409-424 · Fred Richman, “Gleason’s Theorem Has a Constructive Proof”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 4. PP 425-431 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2000. Vol 29. Num 5 · Brian Edison McDonald, “On Meaningfulness and Truth”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 5. PP 433-482 · Eric Martin and Daniel Osherson, “Scientific Discovery on Positive Data via Belief Revision”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 5. PP 483-506 · Tapani Hyttinen and Gabriel Sandu, “Henkin Quantifiers and the Definability of Truth”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 5. PP 507-527 · Mario Gómez-Torrente, “A Note on Formality and Logical Consequence”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 5. PP 529-539 · Erratum (Lennart Åqvist, “The Logic of Historical Necessity as Founded on TwoDimensional Modal tense Logic”)”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 5. PP 541-542 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2000. Vol 29. Num 6 · Kit Fine, “Semantics for the Logic of Essence”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 6. PP 543-584 · John L. Bell, “Sets and Classes as Many”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 6. PP 585-601 · Mary C. MacLeod and Peter K. Schotch, “Remarks on the Modal Logic of Henry Bradford Smith”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 6. PP 603-615 · Panu Raatikainen, “The Concept of Truth in a Finite Universe”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 6. PP 617-633 · “Author Index”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2000. Vol 29. Num 6. PP 637 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2001. Vol 30. Num 1 · John F. Phillips, “Modal Logics of Succession for 2-Dimensional Integral Spacetime”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 1. PP 1-25 · Hans Halvorson, “On the Nature of Continuous Physical quantifies in Classical and Quantum Mechanics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 1. PP 27-50 · Kenneth Harris and Branden Fitelson, “comments on Some Completeness Theorems of Urquhart and Méndez & Salto”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 1. PP 51-55 · Dominic Gregory, “Completeness and Decidability Results for Some Propositional Modal Logics Containing “Actually” Operators”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 1. PP 57-78 · Theodore Hailperin, “Potential Infinite Models and Ontologically Neutral Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 1. PP 79-96 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2001. Vol 30. Num 2 · Tomasz Bigaj, “Three-valued Logic, Indeterminacy and Quantum Mechanics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 2. PP 97-119 · Tim Fernando, “A Type Reduction from Proof-conditional to Dynamic Semantics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 2. PP 121-153 · David Makinson and Lendeert van der Torre, “Constraint for Input/Output Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 2. PP 155-185 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2001. Vol 30. Num 3 · John N. Martin, “Proclus and the Neo Platonic Syllogistic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 3. PP 187-240 · Per Lindström, “Penrose’s New Argument”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 3. PP 241-250 · Achille C. Varzi, “The Best Question”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 3. PP 251-258 · Leon Horsten and Hannes Leigeb, “No Future”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 3. PP 259-265 · Diderik Batens, “A Dynamic Characterization of the Pure Logic of Relevant Implication”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 3. PP 267-280 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2001. Vol 30. Num 4 · Hannes Leitgeb, “Truth as Translation — Part A”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 4. PP 281-307 · Hannes Leitgeb, “Truth as Translation — Part B”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 4. PP 309-328 · Jody Azzouni Truth via Anaphorically Unrestricted Quantifiers”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 4. PP 329-354 · Yannis Stephanou, “Indexed Actuality”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 4. PP 355-393 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2001. Vol 30. Num 5 · L. Humberstone, “The Pleasures of Anticipation: Enriching Intuitionistic Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 5. PP 395-438 · Mark Lance, “The Logical Structure of Linguistic Commitment III Brandomian Scorekeeping and Incompatibility”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 5. PP 439-464 · Storrs McCall, “Axiomatic Quantum Theory”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 5. PP 465-477 · Horacio Arló-Costa and Richmond H. Thomason, “Iterative Probability Kinematics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 5. PP 479-524 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2001. Vol 30. Num 6 · Dongmo Zhang and Norman Foo, “Infinitary Belief Revision”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 6. PP 525-570 · Holger Sturm and Frank Wolter, “First-order Expressivity for S5-models: Modal vs. Two-sorted Languages”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 6. PP 571-591 · Bradley Armour-Gab and J.C. Beall, “Can Deflationists be Dialetheist?”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 6. PP 593-608 · Tim S. Roberts, “Some Thoughts about the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 6. PP 609-612 · Warren Goldfarb, “First-Order Frege Theory is Undecidable”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 6. PP 613-616 · “Announcement”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2001. Vol 30. Num 6. PP 620 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2002. Vol 31. Num 1 · Hartry Field, “Saving the Truth Schema from Paradox”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 1. PP 1-27 · Laurence Goldstein, “The Indefinability of “One””. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 1. PP 29-42 · M.J. Hill, J.B. Paris and G.M. Wilmers, “Some Observations on Induction in Predicate Probabilistic Reasoning”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 1. PP 43-75 · Kevin Knight, “Measuring Inconsistency”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 1. PP 77-98 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2002. Vol 31. Num 2 PHILOSOPHICAL · B. Jack Copeland, “The Genesis of Possible Worlds Semantics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 2. PP 99-137 · Igal Kvart, “Probabilistic Cause and the Thirsty Traveler”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 2. PP 139-179 · Gabriel Uzquiano, “Categoricity Theorems and Conceptions of Set”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 2. PP 181-196 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2002. Vol 31. Num 3 · Jaakko Hintikka, “Quantum Logics as a Fragment of Independence-Friendly Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 3. PP 197-209 · D.M. Gabbay, “A Theory of Hypermodal Logics: Mode Shifting in Modal Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 3. PP 211-243 · Samir Chopra and Eric Martin, “Generalized Logical Consequence: Making Room for Induction in the Logic of Science”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 3. PP 245-280 · Patrick Blackburn and Maarten Marx, “Remarks on Gregory’s “Actually” Operator”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 3. PP 281-288 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2002. Vol 31. Num 4 · Fred Seymour Michael, “Entailment and Bivalence”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 4. PP 289-300 · Fernando Ferreira and Kai F. Wehmeier, “On the Consistency of the 11 –CA Fragment of Frege’s Grundgesetze”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 4. PP 301-311 · Eros Corazza, “Description-Names”. JOURNAL OF 2002. Vol 31. Num 4. PP 313-325 PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. · Jouko Väänänen and Dag Westerståhl, “On the Expressive Power of Monotone Natural Language Quantifiers over Finite Models”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 4. PP 327-358 · Torben Braüner, “Modal Logic, Truth, and the Master Modality”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 4. PP 359-386 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2002. Vol 31. Num 5 · Stefan Wölfl, “Propositional Q-Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 5. PP 387-414 · Thomas Meyer, Johannes Heidema, Willem Labuschagne and Louise Leenen, “Systematic Withdrawal”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 5. PP 415-443 · Graham Priest, “The Hooded Man”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 5. PP 445-467 · Ian Pratt-Hartmann and Dominik Schoop, “Elementary Polyhedral Mereotopology”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 5. PP 469-498 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2002. Vol 31. Num 6 · Stephen Donaho, “Standard Quantification Theory in the Analysis of English”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 6. PP 499-526 · Roy A. Benton, “A Simple Incomplete Extension of T which is the Union of Two Complete Modal Logics with f.m.p”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 6. PP 527-541 · Chris Brink and Ingrid Rewitzky, “Three Dual Ontologies”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 6. PP 543-568 · Sara Negri, “Varieties of Linear Calculi”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 6. PP 569-590 · Heinrich Wansing, “Diamonds are a Philosopher’s Best Friends”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 6. PP 591-612 · “Author Index”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2002. Vol 31. Num 6. PP 615 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2003. Vol 32. Num 2 · Luc Lismont and Philippe Monging, “Strong Completeness Theorems for Weak Logics of Common Belief”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 2. PP 115-137 · Hartry Field, “A Revenge-Immune Solution to the Semantic Paradoxes”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 2. PP 139-177 · Volker Halbach, Hannes Leitgeb and Philip Welch, “Possible-Worlds Semantics for Modal Notions Conceived as Predicates”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 2. PP 179-223 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2003. Vol 32. Num 3 · Philip Kremer and Michael Kremer, “some Supervaluationbased Consequence Relations”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 3. PP 225-244 · Neil Tennant, “Frege’s Content-Principle and Relevant Deducibility”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 3. PP 245-258 · Francis Jeffry Pelletier and Alasdair Urquhart, “Synonymous Logics”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 3. PP 259-285 · Peter Pagin, “Communication and Strong Compositionality”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 3. PP 287-322 · Lon Berk, “Why the Liar Does Not Matter”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 3. PP 323-341 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2003. Vol 32. Num 4 · Renata P. de Freitas, Jorge P. Viana, Mario R.F. Benavides, Sheila R.M. Veloso and Paulo A.S. Veloso, “Squares in Fork Arroz Logic”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 4. PP 343-355 · Anthony G. Cohn and Achille C Varzi, “Mereotopological Connection”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 4. PP 357-390 · David Makinson and Leendert van der Torre, “Permission from an Input/Output Perspective”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 4. PP 391-416 · Samir Chopra, Aditya Ghose and Thomas Meyer, “Non-Prioritized Ranked Belief Change”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 4. PP 417- 443 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC 2003. Vol 32. Num 5 · Friederike Moltmann, “Nominalizing Quantifiers”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 5. PP 445-481 · Lou Goble, “Neighborhoods for Entailment”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 5. PP 483-529 · Francesco Paoli, “Quine and Slater on Paraconsistency and Deviance”. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 5. PP 531-548 · Kenji Tokuo, “Extended Quantum Logic”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC. 2003. Vol 32. Num 5. PP 549-563 PHILOSOPHICAL