Central Office

Teacher Compass Fidelity Check Form: Central Office
Framework Indicator
The district administrator facilitates the
development of a shared system-wide vision for
collaboration and co-teaching.
Central Office
Program Development
Possible Documentation
Meeting agendas
Improvement plans
 N/A
The district administrator communicates vision
and goals of collaboration (professional learning
communities) and co-teaching with teachers,
families, community members, school leaders
and board of education members.
The district administrator determines systemwide goals for co-teaching implementation.
Agendas, Board of Education
(BOE) reports, newsletters,
Advisory Committee Minutes
 N/A
The district administrator
determines system-wide goals
for co-teaching implementation
 N/A
The district administrator determines systemwide timelines for co-teaching implementation.
School Improvement Plan or
Grant Plan
 N/A
The district administrator determines staffing
allocations based on a co-teaching service
delivery model.
Special Education Staffing Planschool staffing
 N/A
Maryland Co-Teaching Network This document was developed and produced by the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special
Education/Early Intervention Services (June 2011) with funds from the [U.S. Department of Education, Grant # H323A07000-10].
Framework Indicator
The district administrator allocates time, training
and resources to support collaboration and coteaching.
Program Development
Possible Documentation
Budget, staffing, PD Plan,
release time, materials
 N/A
The district administrator assists the school teams
in planning, implementing and evaluating
professional development related to
collaboration and co-teaching.
Meeting Notes
 N/A
The district administrator assists the school teams
in planning, implementing and evaluating
professional development on Universal Design for
Learning (UDL) and differentiation.
Meeting Notes
 N/A
The district administrator links collaboration and
co-teaching to existing initiatives and professional
Master Plan
 N/A
The district administrator establishes a periodic,
collaborative review process for monitoring
district progress in co-teaching implementation.
A plan for each year of the
cohort, grant or American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(ARRA) plan
 N/A
The district administrator creates a system of
sharing and disseminating information regarding
collaboration and co-teaching.
Copies of communications,
emails, newsletters, local PD
 N/A
Maryland Co-Teaching Network This document was developed and produced by the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special
Education/Early Intervention Services (June 2011) with funds from the [U.S. Department of Education, Grant # H323A07000-10].
Framework Indicator
The district administrator collaboratively plans
with principals and School Leadership Teams to
support implementation of Co-Teaching
Program Implementation
Possible Documentation
Plans and Agendas
 N/A
The district administrator builds capacity within
the district by assisting school based leaders in
their implementation of co-teaching.
Site based visits, documentation
of PD
 N/A
The district administrator provides program
development guidelines and professional
development in effective collaboration, coteaching, UDL, differentiation and data driven
The district administrator adjusts co-teaching
implementation based on review process for
monitoring district progress in co-teaching
Shared district and school-based
PD, site visits
 N/A
Observation/feedback tool;
programmatic improvement
plan linked to Master Plan
 N/A
The district administrator implements centralized
data collection procedures for use in monitoring
district progress in co-teaching implementation.
Data reports, review process
 N/A
Maryland Co-Teaching Network This document was developed and produced by the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special
Education/Early Intervention Services (June 2011) with funds from the [U.S. Department of Education, Grant # H323A07000-10].
Framework Indicator
The district administrator monitors and provides
tools to support the school leadership team in
monitoring the alignment of curriculum,
instruction and assessments in co-taught
The district administrator uses least Restrictive
Environment (LRE) and student achievement data
to make informed decisions on program
implementation and professional development.
Program Monitoring and Evaluation
Possible Documentation
PD and site visits, Co-teaching
 N/A
School Improvement Plan,
 N/A
The district administrator provides professional
development to school leadership teams in use of
multiple sources of data for analysis of student
performance that drives instructional decision
The district administrator assesses the impact of
system and school-wide co-teaching on student
Documentation of PD
 N/A
Data Reports
 N/A
The district administrator anticipates future
needs based on data and plans ongoing support
accordingly to ensure sustainability.
Staffing Plans, Data Review
 N/A
Maryland Co-Teaching Network This document was developed and produced by the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special
Education/Early Intervention Services (June 2011) with funds from the [U.S. Department of Education, Grant # H323A07000-10].