Supplemental Data Table 3: Summary of included studies on PTH stability in whole blood measured by second generation assays. Studies in which anticoagulated and clotted blood samples were compared directly against each other at room temperature are highlighted in blue. * Clarification of published data were sought directly from corresponding author; ** Unless indicated otherwise, values are the range of concentrations observed on EDTA plasma reference samples. BD: Becton Dickinson, Cl: confidence interval; CKD: chronic kidney disease; CRF: chronic renal failure; ECLIA: electrochemiluminescence immunoassay; EDTA: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; GST: gel separator tube; ICMA: immunochemiluminometric assay; IRMA: immunoradiometric assay; PTH: parathyroid hormone; RT: room temperature. Reference Anderson et al, 2003, 15 Number/nature/ concentration range** of samples Sample type studied/tube manufacturer n=11, CRF patients, predialysis samples, 20.7-65.6 pmol/L (95% CI) Serum (plain +/- aprotinin), plasma (EDTA) (Sarsted) Storage of samples Comparator Blood centrifuged 20 min after venepuncture and serum/plasma separated and frozen at -20oC. Test Whole blood samples kept at RT before centrifugation, separation and storage at -20oC after 1, 2, 4, 8 or 24 h Assay type (analyser, manufacturer) ICMA (Immulite, Siemens) Overall conclusion Statistical analysis ANOVA with Tukey-Kramer post-test comparison PTH stable in EDTA whole blood for at least 24 h at RT, but only stable in clotted blood for 8 h Cavalier et al, 2007, 16 n=16, hemodialysis patients, predialysis samples, 08.00 h, 2.098.5 pmol/L Serum (GST), plasma (EDTA) (BD) Blood centrifuged and serum/plasma separated and assayed immediately Whole EDTA and GST blood stored at RT for 8 and 24 h ECLIA (Elecsys, Roche) Applied the criterion of the Royal Australasian College of Pathologists Quality Assurance Program (<25% difference between the sample and the target) GST and EDTA values equivalent at baseline. At RT, PTH more stable in EDTA whole blood than clotted whole blood (-4.1% vs -8.4% after 8 h and -4.1% vs -20.5% after 24 h) Ellis et al, 2003, 17 n=10, healthy volunteers, non-fasting, 08.00-10.00 h, 1.4-5.9 pmol/L Plasma (EDTA ) Blood centrifuged and plasma separated immediately and stored at <-15oC Whole blood stored at RT or 4oC for 0.5 h, 6 h, 24 h before separating plasma and freezing at <15oC IRMA (Nichols Institute) Stability was defined as a change of more than 10% relative to baseline concentrations. PTH stable in EDTA whole blood at RT and 4oC for 24 h English et al, 2007, 18 n=17, hemodialysis patients, predialysis samples Serum (GST), plasma (potassium EDTA) EDTA and GST blood samples centrifuged within 30 min of venepuncture and serum/plasma separated and stored at -20oC EDTA and GST blood samples kept at RT for 4, 8 or 20 h after collection and then centrifuged, separated and stored at -20oC ICMA (ADVIA Centaur, Siemens) 2-way ANOVA and Student’s paired and unpaired ttests. Baseline PTH concentration higher in plasma (7% in dialysis patients; 27% in healthy controls) than serum. PTH unstable in clotted blood over time (10% decrease at 8 h, 22% at 20 h) but stable in EDTA blood. Overall conclusion: PTH stable in EDTA whole blood for at least 20 h at RT but only stable in clotted blood for 4 h Morales Garcia et al, 2009, 19 n=49, CKD patients (249 blood samples), 08.00-09.00 h, fasting, predialysis samples, 21.5 ± 21.2 pmol/L Plasma (EDTA) Blood separated after collection (refrigerated centrifugation) and plasma immediately frozen Sample left 1 h at RT after collection, then separation and aliquoting. 1 tube frozen, 1 tube kept 8 h at 4oC then frozen, 1 tube kept > 24 h at 4oC then frozen; Sample left > 3 h at RT after collection, then separation and aliquoting; 1 tube frozen, 1 tube kept 8 h at 4oC then frozen IRMA (total intact assay, Scantibodies) Paired t-test including the Bonferroni correction PTH stable in all storage conditions tested; PTH stable in EDTA whole blood for at least 3 h at RT Newman et al, 1988, 20 n=4, normal volunteers, n=4, hyperparathyroidism patients Serum Blood clotted for 30 min before centrifugation, then serum frozen at 20oC Whole blood kept at RT for 18 h before separation and freezing IRMA (Allegro, Nichols Institute) Not stated Increase of PTH concentration in blood at RT (32%); PTH unstable in clotted whole blood Oddoze et al, 2012, 29 n=50 healthy volunteers Serum (plain and GST), plasma (EDTA) Sample centrifuged 30 min after blood clotting (serum) and immediately after collection (plasma) Samples were stored at 4oC or RT for 2 h, 4 h, 6 h, 24 h or 72 h. ICMA (Cobas, Roche) Combined analytical and intraindividual imprecisions by the estimation of the square root of the sum of the squared analytic and biologic imprecisions, defined as the total change limit (TCL). If the results for an analyte had a mean percentage difference which exceeded the TCL, then the difference was judged to be significant and not to meet the stability criteria. At RT PTH stable for 72 h in EDTA whole blood and 6 h in plain whole blood; At 4oC PTH stable for 72 h in EDTA and plain whole blood Omar et al, 2001, 21 n=36, stone forming patients, 0.9-10.9 pmol/L Serum (plain), plasma (EDTA) (BD) Serum and EDTA plasma samples separated after collection and immediately frozen. Frozen EDTA plasma obtained from centrifuged whole blood at 0 h and after 48 h at RT. ICMA (Immulite, Siemens) Wilcoxon paired signed ranks test. PTH unstable at RT for 48 h in EDTA whole blood (14.8% lower than at 0 h); PTH concentration 19.5% higher in plasma than serum (sample frozen immediately) at 0 h. Parent et al, 2009, 22 n=31, hemodialysis patients, predialysis samples, 6.6-129.4 pmol/L Serum (plain, and GST), plasma (EDTA and EDTA + antiprotease [aprotinin]) (BD) Plain serum, separated and frozen at -20oC immediately Ratcliffe et al, 1989, 23 n=6, primary hyperparathyroidism patients, 11.1 pmol/L (mean) Polypropylene tube (whole blood, serum) (Sarstedt) Serum frozen immediately Russell et al, 1995, 24 n=18, hyperparathyroidism or renal failure patients, 1.9-23.7 pmol/L Serum (GST) Blood allowed to clot for 2 h and then centrifuged, serum separated and frozen at 20oC. GST blood centrifuged and separated. Serum either frozen immediately or kept at RT or 4oC for 18 h before freezing; EDTA and aprotinin blood either centrifuged immediately and plasma separated and frozen, or left as whole blood at RT or 4oC for 18 h and then centrifuged, separated and frozen Whole blood or serum kept at 20oC for up to 30 h before storage at -20oC and analysis ECLIA (Elecsys, Roche), ICMA (Immulite, Siemens), ICMA (Liaison, DiaSorin ) Student t-test Overall conclusion: At 4oC, PTH stable in EDTA whole blood for 18 h; at RT EDTA whole blood stable, but increase seen with Immulite assay. IRMA (N-tact, INCSTAR) Compared individual means by Student’s t-test, adjusted according to the Bonferroni method for multiple comparisons. PTH stable in whole blood kept at 20oC for up to 6 h, after 24 h 80% of PTH concentration remains. Two tubes centrifuged after 2 h at RT and then stored at RT or 4oC; and two tubes left uncentrifuged at RT or 4oC. Serum samples removed before ICMA (Magic Lite, Ciba Corning Diagnostics) Paired t-test. Serum stored within clotted whole blood stable for 6 h at both RT and 4oC. Significant losses seen in samples after 24-30 h at RT but not at 4oC. Overall conclusion: PTH stable in clotted whole blood for at least 6 h after collection and for longer at 4oC. analysis. All samples divided into 2 groups: samples analysed within 2-6 h or within 24-30 h Stokes et al, 2011*, 25 n=18, metabolic bone disease patients (divided into 3 groups of 6) Serum, plasma (lithium heparin, EDTA) (Sarstedt) Immediate centrifugation, separation and storage of serum/plasma at 70oC Whole blood sample stored at 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48 h before separation. Serum/plasma samples then stored at -70oC until analysis ECLIA (Elecsys, Roche) 1-way ANOVA with Bonferronicorrected post hoc t-tests to compare analyte concentrations at each time point with the baseline concentration. PTH stability was defined by the amount of time a change of <10% occurred. In whole blood PTH stable for 8 h (serum), 48 h (lithium heparin and EDTA) Walker et al, 2000, 26 n=8, dialysis patients, 08.30 h, predialysis samples, 3.1-83.2 pmol/L Serum (GST), plasma (EDTA) Blood samples centrifuged and serum/plasma separated and frozen immediately at -20oC Whole blood samples stored at RT for 3, 6 or 12 h before centrifugation, separation and freezing ICMA (Immulite, Siemens) Paired t-test. PTH stable with time (plasma), reduced at 3, 6 and 12 h (serum) with a decrease of 10% at 12 h (serum). Overall conclusion: PTH more stable in EDTA whole blood than clotted whole blood Wood, 1992, 27 n=6, normal subjects and primary hyperparathyroidism patients, 3.9-56.6 pmol/L Serum Blood samples centrifuged and serum frozen at 20oC as soon as possible Whole blood stored at RT for 2 or 4 h before centrifugation and freezing of serum at -20oC Not stated (but can assume second generation) Not stated Delay in separation of whole blood for 2 or 4 h caused a 6% drop in PTH concentration. Overall conclusion: clotted blood samples taken for PTH estimation should be allowed to clot for 30 min and then the serum separated and frozen without delay Zwart et al, 2009, 28 n=11, healthy volunteers, fasting, 7.5 +/- 2.9 pmol/L Serum (GST) (BD) Serum separated and centrifuged after 45 min at RT and stored -80oC Blood centrifuged and serum separated after 2.5, 5 and 24 h at RT. Aliquots frozen at 80oC Not stated The Bonferroni t test was used post hoc to determine main-effect differences between the first time point (45–60 min) and each of the other time points. PTH stable for at least 5 h in whole blood. PTH concentration lower after 24 h in whole blood.