Paula Cristina Almeida de OLIVEIRA1
Silvio Carlos RODRIGUES2
Doctorate student. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121, bloco
H- sala H16. Uberlândia - MG. Brasil. CEP: 38.412.324
Professor. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121, bloco H- sala
H16. Uberlândia - MG. Brasil. CEP: 38.412.324
This paper aims to present proposals for future scenarios in Hydrographic Basin of Guaribas Stream,
Uberlândia-MG according to the Brazilian Environmental Legislation and the diagnosis of the
evolution of land use in the last 30 years. From this main objective was to elaborate a diagnosis of the
environment of the basin, as well as a morphometric analysis of the basin, trying to find parameters that
define more clearly the risk areas to human occupation due to the flood risk or erosion and as those
areas that should be identified for preservation. The approach uses the elaboration of thematic maps on
the issues of topography, soils, vegetation, and land use. For the theme of land use a set of maps were
drawn regarding the situation in the years 1979, 1997 and 2007. The basin is located in the limit
between the urban perimeter and the agricultural area of the city, in an area of urban expansion. The
analysis of the land use indicated that the natural vegetation lost space for agriculture, pasture and more
recently for the urban occupation, due to the growth of the city over the basin. Several morphological
changes occurred in the drainage basin in recent decades. The main channel and some tributaries were
barred. The street system installed on the slopes generated erosion at the edges of settlements due to the
disposal of storm water without proper planning. The environmental assessment of the basin allowed
the mapping of risk areas and identification of the trend of expansion of urban neighborhoods and other
facilities. This information in combination with restrictions imposed by Brazilian environmental
legislation, allowed the assembly of scenarios for the year 2019, which indicates that all the urbanized
part of the basin will be occupied. In light of these data, there are proposals for creation of protected
areas and zoning of the basin, looking for an occupation that causes less environmental impact and is in
line with current proposals for sustainable development.
Keywords: Guaribas hydrographic Basin, environmental planning, urban ambient scenarios.
1. Introduction
Since the 70’s, Cerrados region has started to be intensively exploited by development programs for
agriculture, such as Cerrados Development Program (POLOCENTRO) and the Cerrados Region
Agricultural Development Nipo-Brazilian Program (PRODECER).
In Minas Gerais, a lot of cities in the region of Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba have been
benefited with such programs, principally, for having a topography predominantly flat, which has
permitted a strong mechanization, modifying rapidly the landscape through the almost total removal of
natural vegetation, substituting them principally for soya, corn and coffee.
Within this context, the city of Uberlândia has had its development accelerated by the creation of the
industrial district, the creation of the Federal University of Uberlândia, the expansion of construction
lands and apartment buildings, among others.
The Hydrographic Basin of Guaribas stream, object of this study, as well as the city, has been going
through several alterations since the late 70’s. It’s extremely rural character has been modified due to
transformations from industrial development in the city of Uberlândia.
It is a purpose of this work to present proposals through the representation of environmental scenarios,
the recommended and the intended use of the Hydrographic Basin of Guaribas Stream, with a view to
point the sustainable use for it, according to the current Brazilian environmental law.
2. Study Area
The Hydrographic Basin of Guaribas Stream is located in the southwest portion of the city of
Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, in the 22 zone, between UTM 778000-786000 mE e 7897000 – 7902000
mN coordinates, presenting an area of 20,64 km2, being part of the right margin of Uberabinha river.
(Picture 1). The stream has a total of ten sources, three being in the urban perimeter and the rest in the
rural zone of the city.
Picture 1 – Study area. Source: OLIVEIRA, P.C.A. 2009.
3. Methodology
To elaborate the proposals for the environmental scenarios of the basin, studies have been done such as
the environmental diagnosis, morphometrical analysis, evolution in the land use in the years of 1979,
1997 and 2007. Such studies were made possible through field visits, bibliographical analysis already
existing about the study area and theme maps construction from satellite images and aerial photos.
The elaboration of scenarios was based on the current environmental legislation, within federal, state
and city covering. According to the federal law n. 4.771/65 (Forest Code), reinforced by
Complementary City Law n. 017/91, such are permanent protection areas (APP):
– water bodies less than 10m wide which need 30m of protection range;
– sources, even being intermittent and in the water springs, in a ray of 50m wide;
– around the lagoons, lakes and natural water reservoirs, with a minimum of 50m wide;
– trails and hydromorphic fields.
The article 54 of the complementary Law N 245, of Subdivisions and Zoning of the soil use and
occupation in the city of Uberlândia considers Total Preservation Zone (ZPT) the region of the valley
backgrounds, squares, parks, woods and other similar areas of public interest, of compulsory
And according to the 3rd item, article 54, of referred law, “The building and occupation in the ZPT are
forbidden, except when used for recreation and its supporting structure, through projects approved by
city organ responsible for environment preservation and by the city organ responsible for urban
planning, including the projects of the Linear Park of Uberabinha River”
Also the 4th item of the same article considers that “the ZPT is separated by traffic lanes which include
cycling lanes, and the public areas for recreation and institutional areas can be attached to it”
4. Results
Morphometric analysis points that the basin is round in shape and this fact creates the possibility of one
intense rain which could simultaneously cover all the basin extension is low. Such information permits
a first approximation about the hydrological functioning of it. The water streams of the basin are
straight, which points that the sediments spread more rapidly, showing a strong structural control of the
draining net, probably associated to the lithological threshold, specially the basalts of the Serra Geral
Formation which outcrops rock in the river bottom (Box 1).
Sinuosity Index
Drainage Density
Gravelius Index
Topography relation
Rugosity Index
Dd 
Is 
H máx
Rr 
Ir  H  Dd
Kc  0,28
Is= 1,13
Dd= 0,93 km/km2
Rr= 1,36%
Ir= 93
Box 1: Morphometric indexes found for the basin. Source: OLIVEIRA, P.C.A. 2009.
By analyzing the basin use of land evolution, one can see that the natural vegetation has lost space
(from 53,24% in 1979 to 15,12% in 2007) for pasture, agriculture and more recently for urban
occupation, due to the city growth along the basin. The occupied areas by Cerrado have had the
greatest loss, from 43,71% in 1979, to 5,49% of the basin total area. Still it is possible to observe that
in the period of 25 years, the occupied are for pasture and culture are practically the same. (Table 1)
Bordering forest
Higrophilous Field
Bush (Cerrado)
Exposed Soil
Fowl Ranch
Urban Occupation
Rock Exploration
Table 2:Evolution of land uses on the Guaribas Basin. Source: OLIVEIRA, P.C.A. 2009.
Through environmental diagnosis it was possible to identify that the draining net has also been
modified due to anthropic activities with the creation of dams and the deviation in artificial canals,
which alters the fluvial canal system and interferes with the whole basin balance.
The basin presents small areas of exposed soil, excessive impermeabilization, erosive processes,
superficial draining concentrated in the stream direction, forming in this course, preferential ways
which become lately ravines and other erosive processes.
Another problem is the irregular occupation of the permanent preservation areas (APP), principally
next to Monte das Oliveiras Avenue in the suburb of Jardim Canaã, which directly interferes with the
basin water quality once in these areas horticulture, pigs and cattle exist. This kind of irregular
occupation also affects the vegetation and the hydromorphic soil, which is the specific superficial
material of the permanent preservation area in this basin.
Picture 2 – Anthropic Processes. Source: OLIVEIRA, P.C.A.2009.
Recommended Scenario (2009)
The recommended use of the Hydrographic Basin of Guaribas Stream lands was proposed with a view
to better use the basin space without compromising the environment, based on a previous diagnosis, so
that rapid alterations in the current use of the basin once it is a short term measure. (Picture 3)
Picture 3 – Recommended Scenario -2009. Source: OLIVEIRA, P.C.A.2009.
According to the environmental law, the category Permanent preservation areas (APP) are the ones
where today one can find the hydromorphic fields, the reminiscent of bordering forest and some pasture
areas. For these areas it is proposed the fulfillment of the law, that is, the occupation and the anthropic
exploration have to be forbidden, the housing irregularly built in this area must be removed, the access
permitted only for studies, aiming to recuperate the vegetation. It is also suggested the expansion of
Permanent Preservation Areas, including principally the moist areas. In the urban perimeter, the
fencing of these areas is necessary so that they continue to be preserved, principally due to fact that
they are next to residences. The Conservation Areas (AC) are the ones with reminiscent of Cerrados
which is out of the permanent protection area, where conservation is recommended, once they are
located next to springs and the course of some canals, in the urban area as well as in the rural one, thus
forming corridors along with the Permanent Preservation Areas. The Recuperation Areas (AR) are
those which have been affected by anthropic processes, for instance, accumulation of sand, basalt
extraction and other that need to be recuperated for later be qualified in some protection or
conservation category proposed above. The Urban Expansion Area (AEU) are the ones in the urban
perimeter which currently are occupied by pasture, where, respecting the other zone limits, points to the
neighborhood of Nova Uberlândia expansion, the creation of closed condos or any other urban activity.
In this category the presently urbanized areas are included. Still a small spot occupied by eucalyptus is
part of this area, which was part of a “living fence”. The Agricultural and Cattle breeding occupation
area (AOA) are the current pasture and culture areas, where, by the history of the use observed since
1979, the geological conditions and the topography, the adoption of a set of techniques of recuperation
in a short term is suggested with a view to promptly recuperate the area, such as fertilization
(green/organic) and maintenance, pasture diversification, invader control, forage and leguminous
plantation, which promote the rapid covering of the soil. (WADT, 2003). These actions contribute for
the soil to be well used and to continue to be productive.
Intended Scenario – 2019
The intended scenario is an exploratory one, which takes into consideration a time interval of 10 years,
from the proposal of recommended use, according to what shows the Picture 4. In 2019, with the
uncultivation of these areas to impede the advance of cattle breeding activity and the degradation made
by the man, a gradual restoration may occur of the bordering forest and the reminiscents of Cerrado
existing in the permanent conservation and recuperation areas, where the forest fragments integrate,
thus forming the green corridors, considering that the vegetation is self sufficient for the natural
regeneration. The corridors, besides having a very important ecological function for the biodiversity of
the basin, also contribute to a better life quality of the residents around it and the city as well. This
recuperated vegetation area will occupy 21,75% of the total of the basin. Agriculture and cattle
breeding occupation areas are divided into two kinds: the pastures and the soya culture. In the time
horizon of 10 years, this area will be in conformity to the environmental law, that is, the culture and
pasture areas will not occupy the Permanent Preservation Area.
Picture 4 – Intended Scenario -2019. Source: OLIVEIRA, P.C.A.2009.
The pasture areas will receive, within this time, conservation and improvement strategies such as
terrace construction, the interspersed planting of leguminous and grass and the pasture rotation, again
establishing its production capacity. In the soya culture areas, direct planting practices will be adopted,
leveled planting and green fertilization. These actions decrease the speed of superficial draining,
compacting of more profound layers of soil and consequently the erosion, thus guaranteeing good
levels of production. The Urban Expansion Areas in the basin are found downstream the rapid and
compose the Residential zone 1 and the Partial Preservation Zone, according to the city law of
subdivision and zoning of the use and occupation of the soil, and also the existing urbanization falls
into this category. The proposal for these two zones of urban expansion take into consideration the
declivity, the kind of superficial formation and the high environmental fragility of the area. The
Residential Area 1 corresponds to the left margin of the stream, next to its gorge, and according to the
article 60 of the city Law of subdivision and zoning of the use and occupation of the soil, corresponds
to the South region of the city, “which will have the function of housing in a most restricted way and of
minor intensity than the others
In the basin, this sector is represented by the neighborhood of Nova Uberlândia and, within 10 years,
the most adequate form of occupation which serves the law designations is through closed lots, once, in
this way of housing, the density of soil occupation is low compared to other housing functions. This
housing model can be destined to low income population, such as lot/condo Jardim Holanda next to the
basin under study, as well as to the higher income population, once this suburb does not present a
“dominant social class”. Another relevant factor is that the public areas of these lots (free spaces of
common use, green areas, lanes, squares) most of the times, are for landscape ends, esthetic and
environment recuperation. Due to the urban expansion, this area, which before had been occupied by
pastures, in the time horizon adopted, will be occupied by green areas which, according to the
Complementary Law 017, in its article 164 correspond to “all the area where any form of vegetation is
predominant, being it native or not, of public or private sovereignty. Santos (2006) in his work “Public
green area index: parks and squares in the urban area of Uberlândia” says that the green area index, in
the category of parks and squares in the year of 2006, was of 6,6m2 per inhabitant, below the index
proposed by SBAU which is 15m2 per inhabitant. The installation of green areas will also permit the
recuperation of old rock mining area, which is currently abandoned.
The transition areas between the urban area and the improved pasture, in the urban perimeter with the
rural area of the basin and also in the transition between the recomposed vegetation and the urban area,
diminishing zones will be implemented represented by green areas, of any nature (park, squares, etc)
and infrastructure for leisure, as long as its functioning is according to the zoning legislation of the use
and occupation of the soil and does not affect the functioning of the basin system. Degraded points with
accumulation of sand or erosion, in the urban area as well as in the rural area of the basin, will receive
recuperation techniques and within 10 years will be stabilized. Another aspect predicted for the urban
expansion area is the total paving of the overpass which cuts the right margin of the basin and the City
Road RM 455, towards Campo Florido. A small spot of eucalyptus is also part of this area, composing
a “living fence” where in 2008, after the deforestation the soil became exposed. As this area occupies
0,78% of the basin total area and is part of a bigger context, where its function was only of landscaping,
the soil can be covered by grass or any kind of plant, since it does not remain exposed. The class of use
which will suffer higher suppression is the pasture which, even being improved, principally in the
urban area, will lose space for the increase of natural vegetation areas and urban expansion.
5. Conclusions
One can perceive that anthropic activities developed in the basin are directly reflected upon the hydric
resources, altering its availability and quality, thus a special attention to this fact is required, once the
water is used in multiple ways in the basin area. The main degradation processes which happen in the
hydrographic basin of the Guaribas Stream are located principally in the urban area, and their causes
are directly linked to the lack of planning of the anthropic interventions.
Actions become necessary, principally from the government, to preserve the Hydrographic Basin of
Guaribas Stream system, but principally related to the hydric resources, once, its lack or shortage
makes agricultural expansion, city growth, and consequently economic development difficult and/or
The basin under question must be included in the environmental preservation programs at city
governing level, the Linear Parks, once for the City government, the springs that are out of urban
perimeter are considered of preservation interest.
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