Instructor: Carola Smith - Santa Barbara City College

Instructor: Holly Eubank
Office: Career Center, Room SS-282
Phone: (805) 965-0581 Ext. 2942
Fax: (805) 892-3663
General Work Experience 290 A: Career Planning Skills
Summer Session 1: 2015
Course Description: Work Experience 290 A: Career Planning Skills is a Credit/No Credit course designed to assist
students in developing marketable employment skills and developing career and educational planning skills. Students
must have a volunteer or paid employment position prior to enrolling in the course, however, jobs held by students
do not need to be related to their educational goals or college major. Students may use hours from two separate jobs as
long as all required paperwork is completed for both sites.
Students must be able to complete the minimum hours required per unit during the summer session dates (Summer
Session 1: May 18 – June 25):
1 unit: 75 paid hours (12.5 hrs per week)
2 units: 150 paid hours (25 hrs per week)
3 units: 225 paid hours (37.5 hrs per week)
60 volunteer hours (10 hrs per week)
120 volunteer hours (20 hrs per week)
180 volunteer hours (30 hrs per week)
To receive credit for this course, students must do all of the following:
 Watch the online Orientation video by the assigned deadline.
 Complete and turn in all assignments by the assigned deadlines.
 Work the minimum hours required (determined by section and whether you are paid or volunteer).
How to get started…
 Log into Moodle through your Pipeline and follow the steps outlined in the “Get started here” section.
Begin tracking your work hours on your Student Time Report and update it weekly.
Check your pipeline email weekly for updates from your instructor.
Course Info
Length of Course: Students can enroll in a six-week summer course. The minimum required hours for the credits you
enrolled in must be completed between the dates of May 18 – June 25.
General Work Experience Units: Units are based on the number of hours you work during the summer session. You
must complete your hours in order to receive credit for this course. Students can take up to 3 units per semester for a total
of 6 Work Experience units overall.
Please be sure to make photocopies of all your assignments before turning them in. All forms must be submitted on or
before Thursday, June 25th at 12 noon by turning them in to the Career Center in the Student Services Building, Room
282 or by emailing them to Jamie at
**SBCC Students with disabilities who are requesting accommodations should use the following SBCC procedure:
contact the DSPS office, submit documentation of your disability to the DSPS office, communicate with a DSPS specialist
regarding options for services and accommodations, and reach written accommodation agreement not only with the DSPS
specialist but also with your instructor. SBCC requests you complete this process at least ten working days before your
accommodation is needed, in order to allow DSPS staff and SBCC instructor’s time to provide your accommodation.
Course Assignments Checklist
To receive credit, you must complete all assignments and submit them on or before the due date. If you lose a form, you
may download another syllabus from your Moodle page. Assignments must be received at the Career Center by hand
delivery, email, or uploaded to Moodle on or before the due date of Thursday, June 25th at 12 noon. Late
assignments will not be accepted. Please note that there are forms that must be signed by your supervisor and you must
make a copy of the assignments for your records before you submit them.
Orientation video: Log into your Pipeline account and into Moodle to find your Work Experience
course. In Moodle, watch the Orientation video, then complete the Orientation Video Quiz to get credit for
watching the video.
Orientation Quiz: Complete this assignment through Moodle after you watch the Orientation video.
Student Profile: Complete your Student Profile assignment by logging into Moodle and clicking the link
“Student Profile Assignment.”
 Learning Objective Plan: Prepare a Learning Objective Plan with the help of your supervisor. This
plan requires you to identify three behaviors, attitudes or skills you want to improve or develop. Complete this
assignment by logging into Moodle, reading “Tips for Writing Learning Objectives,” and completing the
“Learning Objectives Assignment” through Moodle.
 Employer Orientation Sheet: Ask your employer to read and sign the Employer Orientation Sheet.
Make sure they understand that you are getting course credit for the hours you will complete at your job. Turn
this assignment in to the Career Center by the assigned due date.
Career Planning Assignment: At the end of this packet, complete pages 7-9, the Career
Planning Assignment, by using the website: . Click on “join/register”, use VUOHNDU as
the site id code, and complete your registration. Use your pipeline log in and password when you register.
Complete your assignment and turn this in to the Career Center by the assigned date.
Student Time Report: Submit a completed, signed Student Time Report reflecting your work hours at
the end of the course. You may start counting your hours from the beginning of the summer session (May 18th)
through the end of the course (June 25th). Be sure to have your supervisor review and sign your timesheet before
turning it in to the Career Center.
Supervisor Rating Sheet: Your supervisor must evaluate your performance by using the Supervisor
Rating Sheet. All criteria must be addressed, and additional comments are optional. The Supervisor Rating Sheet
must be signed by your supervisor and submitted to the Career Center on or before the due date.
Final Report: Complete a Final Report that describes the extent to which the three objectives for your
Learning Objective Plan were met. To complete this assignment log into Moodle, review the learning objectives
you completed earlier in the session and complete the “Final Report Assignment.”
Student’s Name ________________
Employer Orientation Sheet
Dear Employer,
Thank you for participating in the SBCC Work Experience program and supporting a student’s education!
General Work Experience 290 is a course designed to assist students in acquiring and improving good work habits,
attitudes and career awareness in actual job settings. Jobs held by students do not need to be related to their educational
goals or college major. In this course, students earn units by the hours they work or volunteer. There are assignments the
students are required to complete in which they will set goals to achieve, requiring your participation and signature.
Students are responsible for getting the assignment information to you. The assignments are as follows:
Learning Objectives Plan
Student Time Report (must be signed by supervisor)
Supervisor Rating Form (must be completed and signed by supervisor)
Final Report (on their Learning Objectives)
If time allows, a staff member from the SBCC Career Center may contact you during the semester to arrange a convenient
time to come by to visit the student’s work site. During this short visit, we will follow up on the student’s work
performance and progress in achieving their goals as well as introduce you to some helpful resources SBCC offers. If you
have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Holly Eubank, Work Experience Instructor, at (805) 965-0581
x2942 or
Non Discrimination Policy
The Santa Barbara Community College District and Santa Barbara City College, in compliance with California State law
and regulations, Titles VI and VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Age Discrimination Act,
does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, ancestry, marital status, age, physical or mental disability,
status as Vietnam-era veteran, sexual orientation, ethnic group identification, creed or national origin in any of its policies,
procedures, or practices.
Supervisor's Signature _______________________________________
Date ______________________
Student’s Name
Student Time Report
This form must be signed by your supervisor at the end of the semester.
**Hours may only be completed during the semester: May 18 – June 25, 2015.
Total Hours
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
By signing below, we verify that the total number of hours worked during the semester was:
Supervisor's Signature
Student's Signature
To obtain credit for General Work Experience 290, the total number of hours must meet or exceed the minimum
requirements for the section in which you are enrolled:
Summer session (May 18 – June 25, 2015):
1 unit: 75 paid hours (12.5 hrs per week) or 60 volunteer hours (10 hrs per week)
2 units: 150 paid hours (25 hrs per week) or 120 volunteer hours (20 hrs per week)
3 units: 225 paid hours (37.5 hrs per week) or 180 volunteer hours (30 hrs per week)
Student’s Name ________________
Supervisor Rating Sheet
Memo of Understanding: A training agreement exists between Santa Barbara City College, an employer, and an SBCC student
in the form of a contract containing at least three learning objectives which are specific, measurable, and achievable during the course
period. Santa Barbara City College, cooperative education function, agrees to grant work experience credit to a student enrolled under
the rules, regulations, policies, practices, and procedures as adopted by the college. Student agrees to abide by all the above and
further agrees to abide by all rules, regulations, policies, practices, and procedures of the employer. The student will apply him/herself
to the job and give full value for job assignment. Employer recognizes that employment is partly a learning experience for the student
and therefore agrees to provide continuous opportunity for the employee/student to increase his/her knowledge and skills on the job.
To the Supervisor: Please take a few minutes to complete this evaluation and sign your name on the signature line. Additional
comments are optional. Please use the reverse side of this form for additional comments. Thank you.
Rating Criteria
Attitude: Conveys a positive attitude in the workplace
Attendance: Adheres to his/her work schedule in a
dependable, reliable manner
Punctuality: Reports to work on time
Cooperation: Works cooperatively with co-workers
and supervisors
Performance: Accurately and quickly performs all
work duties
Motivation: Takes an interest in the job
Rules/Regulations: Consistently observes company
Communication: Effectively communicates with
clients, co-workers, supervisors
Criticism: Responds well to constructive criticism
Responsibility: Works responsibly with a minimum
amount of supervision
Initiative: Takes the initiative to move from one task
to another as needed
Goals: Student is consistently striving to meet stated
learning objectives
Supervisor's Signature ________________________________
Date _____________________
Work Experience 290 A:
Career Planning Assignment
NAME: ____________________________ K#: ______________________
The purpose of this assignment is to help you explore a couple of different majors and
occupations. If you are undecided on your major, you should begin with Step 1: Assessment
and complete two online assessments using the websites below:
1. Assessments allow you to see how your interests and preferences relate to various majors and
 Go to and complete the Assess Yourself section which consists of four short
activities. The Interest Profiler is a good place to start.
 Go to, “Create Account” using VUOHNDU as the site ID code, and complete the
registration screens. You might choose Inner Heros, True Colors or any of the assessments
 If the results don’t sound true to you, the Career Center offers a professional Career Assessment
packet for $30, which includes the Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory.
2. Use to research two majors under “Majors/Programs”. Go to, “Create
Account” using VUOHNDU as the site ID code, and complete the registration screens.
List one college major you would like to research.
What interests you about this major?
What are some typical courses you would take within this major?
Are there any specific program or entrance requirements for this major?
List some of the Related Occupations which you would like to explore.
Major #2
List another college major you would like to research.
What interests you about this major?
What are some typical courses you would take within this major?
Are there any specific program or entrance requirements for this major?
List some of the Related Occupations which you would like to explore.
3. What occupation would you like to research for this assignment? Occupations are listed for each major or
alphabetically listed under “Occupations” on the Eureka website.
1. Based on the information in Eureka, what appeals to you and what concerns do you have about this
occupational choice?
2. What is the salary and job outlook for this occupation?
3. Carefully read the Preparation section in Eureka.
What education or training is usually required for this occupation?
What are some other majors that could lead to this occupation?
5. What will be your next step to prepare for your chosen occupation or to further explore occupations?
(Suggestions: use additional resources in the Career Center, meet with a counselor, find volunteer
or internship opportunities, conduct informational interviews.)
For more information or to look for a job or internship, visit the following sites online.
 The Career Center Website ( has useful links and resources, e.g.,
developing or updating a cover letter and résumé, taking career assessments, and conducting
informational interviews.
 The Job Connection is SBCC’s on-line site for on-campus and off-campus jobs, internships and
volunteer opportunities. To use it, go to, log in to your Pipeline account, click on the
“Life” tab, scroll down and select “Student Jobs”.
Turn this assignment into your Work Experience instructor in the Career Center.