NOTES – Spring/Summer 2010
Ocean City
Community Association
P.O. Box 283
Ocean City, NJ 08226
OCCA Officers
Jim Tweed
1st Vice President
Curt Gronert
2nd Vice President
Drew Fasy
John Van Stone
Recording Secretary
Teresa Coggshall
Corresponding Secretary
& Membership Coordinator Regina Ralston
Ocean City
Community Association
Annual Membership Meeting
Saturday, June 5, 2010
10:00AM to 12 Noon
Our Lady of Good Counsel Hall
40th and Central
Invited Guest Speaker
Mayor Elect Jay Gillian
Continental Breakfast
Join Us – Bring a Friend
Even in the winter, more things go on in Ocean City
than you realize especially if you are involved with
Ocean City Community Association. In addition to
proposed revisions to zoning ordinances, your
organization has been active in initiating and
participating in various environmental cleanups, code
enforcement issues, and pushing for more action in
addressing drainage problems (see other sections of
this Newsletter for details).
Last November several of our members met with
Mayor Perillo and several department heads to
discuss the worsening drainage in some parts of our
city. Paul Anselm, a past president of our
Association, gave a presentation of his findings
regarding several drainage problem areas. Marty
Mozzo, an association member and engineer also
shared his ideas at the meeting. In January the
Administration hosted a public meeting to review the
status of our drainage system. About the same time
Council amended its capital budget to begin to
address some of these problems.
Association members Wayne Mozzo and Vic Staniac
identified deficiencies in code enforcement and made
specific recommendations to the Administration for
On the Environmental front Teresa Coggshall’s
Environmental Committee has been tireless in both
initiating and participating in City sponsored cleanups, including two “dune sweeps” to clean up trash
that had been neglected. Our thanks to the Public
Works and Police Departments for their support and
cooperation in these efforts.
In other areas Drew Fasy continues to work to
establish a safe route for bicycles on Haven Ave. from
49th to 56th St. as well as improvements to the existing
route. Dale Nicholas has been working with the Save
Our Station Coalition to help find a private buyer to
preserve this historical site without taxpayer
expense. Curt Gronert continues to step up again
and again. He has volunteered to Chair a new
Drainage Committee as well as take over the Chair of
the Archives Committee.
60 years of community service continues because of
your support. Thank you. Please help us by
continuing your membership and sending in you $10
annual household dues for 2010. Also, if you have an
interest in improving your community bring that
interest to one of our monthly meeting and add our
voice to yours. Together we can make a difference.
Jim Tweed,
Congratulations to Recording Secretary Teresa
Coggshall who received the “Golden Broom
Award” presented to her by Ocean City for her
exemplary work with environmental work for the
city. Thanks, Teresa!
Curt Gronert
This is the third year that OCCA will offer financial awards
to graduating Ocean City High School Seniors. Our
members actively evaluate the outstanding achievements
of students who reside in Ocean City and who have
demonstrated involvement in civic activities and
organizations, and dedication to the community through
service and leadership. The recipients need not have any
further educational plans. Last year we selected one
$1000 and two $500 award recipients. Should you know of
an OCHS senior who would be a worthy applicant for this
program, please have them contact the High School
guidance office.
Regarding the continuing education of our members, this
winter we have entertained informative presentations from:
OC Det. Scott Morgan on CERT, the city’s citizen
emergency response training program; Mr. Gus Bruno,
Planning Board Chairperson of Commerce Committee, on
the proposed Gateway Zoning; and City Engineer Art Chew
on capital improvement projects throughout the city.
Should you have a topic or individual that you would like a
presentation made to our group please forward your idea
through “contact us” at
Teresa Coggshall & Dale Nicholas
So far in 2010, the OCCA Environmental Committee has
held two clean-ups in Ocean City. On Monday, January
18th, we returned to the dunes between 14th Street and 23rd
Street to finish the job began in the fall to clean debris from
the dunes and the beach adjacent to the boardwalk. We
hope to have these Martin Luther Day clean-ups every
On April 17th, we celebrated Earth Day by picking up litter
that the winter storms had carried to the wetlands
bordering West Avenue in the south end of Ocean City.
Thank you to a great group of volunteers who made such a
difference by cleaning up our city’s natural areas and
protecting our environment from the devastating pollution
that comes from tossed bottles, cans, bags and other trash.
Several of our volunteers said that they regularly pick up
litter in their own neighborhoods.
Our committee also had a booth at the City’s Earth Day
celebration on April 18th. Dale Nicholas, Regina Ralston
and Teresa Coggshall had a great time meeting people
and encouraging them to join our organization. We need
volunteers to extend our environmental efforts and
continue our initiatives. Any time you can give to our
committee is most welcomed. We need your input,
comments and new ideas! Contact Teresa Coggshall at Or call her at 267-210-0114.
Thank you and have a safe and enjoyable summer in
Ocean City.
Marty Mozzo
Drainage and flooding is a big issue to the residents of
Ocean City. It is caused by three primary reasons: (1) tidal
flooding which results in water backing up our drainage
system and onto the street, (2) excessive rainfalls,
especially at high tides, which causes the streets to flood,
and (3) cyclic storms known as northeasters which hit the
island. We need to work with the administration in
resolving this issue.
Ocean City has over the years installed numerous tidal flex
valves in some of the outfall drainage pipes leading to the
bay. These valves act as check valves to prevent tidal
waters from flowing back onto our streets. The current
problem is that several of these valves have failed. A failed
valve allows tidal water to flow into our streets during high
tides. Ocean City retained the engineering firm of Hatch,
Mott and MacDonald to evaluate the existing tidal flex
valves, and they found that several valves needed to be
replaced. Ocean City has approved funding for these
replacements. The City should be commended for making
this good first step to solving the problem; however, it is
only the beginning. There are numerous other areas that
have tidal flooding in the city. These areas should be
identified and either tidal valves installed, or berms
constructed to prevent tidal water from intruding onto the
Tidal flooding is not the only cause of flooding in Ocean
City. Heavy rainfalls tax our drainage system at times,
especially at high tides. A solution to this, briefly
mentioned in the engineering study, is the installation of
pumping stations in key areas. The City has not indicated
any further planning for these stations at this time;
however, we need to push for them.
OCCA has formed a drainage and flooding committee.
This committee’s mission is to be an advocate for Ocean
City residents to work with the administration to develop
and implement corrective action to reduce drainage and
flooding issues. This committee will become the citizens’
point of contact to the City in all matters relating to the
identification, development and implementation of storm
water drainage initiatives throughout Ocean City.
The link to the Hatch Mott McDermott report on check
valves is down to the report,
about 1/2 down the page.
Looking for New Members
As a current member, if you have 2 new members
sign up with our group you will receive your 2011
membership free of charge!
Jim Tweed
It’s been almost two years since the Planning Board
started to address issues left by the prior Council
when it passed a new Residential Zoning Ordinance
in its final days before the newly elected Ward
Councilpersons took their seats in July of 2008.
Contrary to the Planning Board’s recommendation,
the Council removed porches and decks from the
Floor Area Ration (FAR) calculation which had been
intended to prevent the massing effect of multiple
stacked porches. It also doubled the allowed size of
secondary building elements and dormers. This was
allegedly to give architects “flexibility” to design more
attractive buildings. It remains an open question
whether that will be the effect, or is just a loophole for
more mass.
Zoning is not supposed to be about advancing
anyone’s particular interest. It is supposed to be
about planning the future of our community. Yes,
businesses are closing now. But it won’t always be
that way. Let’s just hope that when they come back,
they will have a space to come back to.
Wayne Mozzo
There are numerous improvements going on in
Ocean City of which all residents, property owners
and visitors should be aware for the coming seasonal
vacation period.
Rt. 52 Causeway & Bridges Construction
 Watch for digital traffic signs on GSP and in
Somers Point
(Consider alternate routes – (Longport or
34th St. Bridges)
 Varying merging traffic to single lanes
 NO left turns entering into OC on Bay
Avenue from 9th Street
 Varying 9th Street closures and detours
during construction
 STOP for “all” pedestrians in crosswalks
Haven Avenue Bike Route Expansion
 Expansion of route from 49th – 56th Streets
 15 MPH at all times
 Shared right of way w/ bikes & autos
 4 way stops throughout
 STOP (bikes & autos) for “all” pedestrians in
 Ongoing (daily)board replacements
 Understructure repairs forthcoming
 NO motorized vehicles; bikes, scooters,
skateboards, etc.
 `NO dogs permitted at any time
 Smoking ‘ONLY’ in designated locations
 Limited times for bike riding between
Memorial Day to Labor Day
Beach and Dunes
 Beach, dune & dune grass replenishment
programs until Memorial Day
 No dogs, people, bikes, chairs, etc.
permitted on dunes
 Walk between ‘sand fences’ from boardwalk
to beach.
Following passage of the above ordinance a focus
group was formed to propose revisions to the
Ordinance with the intent encouraging outdoor
porches and while still controlling building mass. The
committee included local architects, professionals and
community leaders. As of this writing the proposed
ordinance has been approved by the Planning Board
but has not been acted upon by city Council.
Also on the zoning front a new ordinance which has
been working its way through the Planning Board and
City Council with the objective of preserving Ocean
City’s second downtown on the 34th St. corridor has
been stalled. Right now the Sunoco Gas Station,
Sturdy Bank, Bank of America and the Bacharach
Rehabilitation Center are all nonconforming uses.
The current designation of “Neighborhood Business
Zone” does not protect them. Before Sunoco closed
it had spent a couple hundred thousand dollars trying
to get a variance to add a convenience store but was
turned down by the Zoning Board. If you want
Sunoco or any other gas station to exist there, you
don’t encourage that by making it more costly for
them. Under current law if the Acme lot were sold it
could be subdivided into forty 30 foot residential lots.
Some say that won’t happen. Maybe. But how many
places do you remember in Ocean City that were
once stores, marinas, restaurants, or businesses, that
are now condos or duplexes?
Drew Fasy
The city of Ocean City is now being recognized as a leader
in the state with our efforts in bicycle safety and
infrastructure. Creating a Bike Boulevard - the Haven
Avenue Bike Route (OC1) - from 9th to 36th St; a soon to
be completed second phase from 49th to 56th St on Haven
Avenue; the first use of the Sharrow (share the road
emblem); a new city sponsored bike brochure; the addition
of downtown
bike racks; a youth-based safety program (The Riding
School Bus); and a dedicated website (; have
all contributed to Ocean City on it's way to becoming a truly
"Bicycle Friendly Community". Although we still have a long
way to go, the goal is to create a safe bike network
throughout our community which promotes a healthier
lifestyle and cleaner, less congested environment. The
Ocean City Community Association continues to support
these efforts.
Have you changed your email address is the past year or
so? Is there any reason that we may not have your
present email address? We recently emailed over 600
members asking if they would be willing to help OCCA in
being environmentally and fiscally responsible by accepting
their newsletters via email. Almost 200 people responded
with a 99% acceptance of the email alternative. If for some
reason you did not receive our email then perhaps our
email address records are not up-to-date and again, you
could help by sending us a verification of your email
address via the “contact us” option on our website,, and whether you’d be willing to accept
future newsletters in such manner.
Please add to your favorite websites list,
and check on it often for updated meeting dates, times, and
P.O. Box 283
Ocean City, NJ 08226
ONE YEAR ($10)______________
_____________ PHONE:____________________
Make checks payable to Ocean City Community
Association. (P.O. Box 283, Ocean City, NJ 08226