1 Modeling the Effects of Fire on the Long-Term Dynamics and 2 Restoration of Yellow Pine and Oak Forests in the Southern 3 Appalachian Mountains 4 5 Charles W. Lafon1, John D. Waldron2, David M. Cairns1, Maria D. Tchakerian3, 6 Robert N. Coulson3, Kier D. Klepzig4 7 8 1 9 77843, USA Department of Geography, Texas A&M University, 3147 TAMU, College Station, TX 10 2 11 FL 32547, USA 12 3 13 University, 2475 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843, USA 14 4 15 71360, USA Department of Environmental Studies, University of West Florida, Fort Walton Beach, Knowledge Engineering Laboratory, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 2500 Shreveport Hwy., Pineville, LA 1 1 Abstract 2 3 We use LANDIS, a model of forest disturbance and succession, to simulate 4 successional dynamics and restoration of forests in the southern Appalachian Mountains. 5 In particular, we focus on the consequences of two contrasting disturbance regimes – fire 6 exclusion versus frequent burning – for the yellow pine and oak forests that occupy dry 7 mountain slopes and ridgetops. These ecosystems are a conservation priority, and 8 declines in their abundance have stimulated considerable interest in the use of fire for 9 ecosystem restoration. 10 Under fire exclusion, the abundance of yellow pines is projected to decrease, even 11 on the driest sites (ridgetops, south- and west-facing slopes). Hardwoods and white pine 12 replace the yellow pines. In contrast, frequent burning promotes high levels of Table 13 Mountain pine and pitch pine on the driest sites, and reduces the abundance of less fire- 14 tolerant species. Our simulations also imply that fire maintains open woodland 15 conditions, rather than closed-canopy forest. With respect to oaks, fire exclusion is 16 beneficial on the driest sites because it permits oaks to replace the pines. On moister sites 17 (north- and east-facing slopes), however, fire exclusion leads to a diverse mix of oaks and 18 other species, whereas frequent burning favors chestnut oak and white oak dominance. 19 Our results suggest that reintroducing fire may help restore decadent pine and oak stands 20 in the southern Appalachian Mountains. 21 22 Key words: disturbance, fire, forest restoration, simulation, succession 23 2 1 Introduction 2 3 Historic changes in the disturbance regimes of eastern North American landscapes 4 have greatly modified the composition and structure of forest ecosystems. Cultural 5 disturbances associated with forestry, agriculture, and urbanization have created forest 6 landscapes that differ strongly from conditions prior to European settlement (Foster et al., 7 1998; Abrams, 2003). At the same time, suppression activities have greatly reduced the 8 frequency of fire, which formerly was a pervasive disturbance integral to the functioning 9 of many ecosystems (Pyne, 1982; Abrams, 1992). The removal of fire permitted the 10 successional replacement of fire-dependent vegetation by species intolerant of fire, and 11 also favored the development of dense stands of stressed trees that are vulnerable to 12 insect infestation and disease (Schowalter et al., 1981; Coulson and Wunneburger, 2000). 13 The impacts (ecological, economic, and social) of these changes have served as the 14 impetus for research on forest restoration approaches that foster conditions in which the 15 disturbances operate within the historic range of amplitude, frequency, and duration 16 (Frelich, 2002; Mitchell et al., 2002; Palik et al., 2002). 17 Of particular interest to many resource managers is the use of fire as a restoration 18 tool, especially in forests dominated by Pinus L., subgenus Diploxylon Koehne (yellow 19 pine) and Quercus L. (oak) (Pyne 1982; Haines and Busby 2001; Palik et al. 2002; van 20 Lear and Brose 2002). These forests are hypothesized to depend on periodic burning for 21 their long-term maintenance (Abrams 1992; Agee 1998; Williams 1998; Wade et al. 22 2000; Abrams 2003). Most pine and oak species are intolerant of shade and appear to 3 1 thrive best in open stands maintained by fire. They also are more fire-tolerant than their 2 associates, and were favored in the regime of frequent surface fires that historically 3 characterized many landscapes in eastern North America. Fire exclusion, in concert with 4 insects, disease, and other natural disturbances, has contributed to recent, widespread 5 declines in the abundance of yellow pine and oak. The declines have prompted concern 6 about the long-term maintenance of these species, because they are among the most 7 valuable trees in North America for wildlife habitat, timber production, and biodiversity 8 conservation. Reversing these declines may require the reintroduction of frequent 9 burning similar to the pre-suppression fire regime (SAMAB 1996; Harrod et al. 1998; 10 11 Williams 1998; Dey 2002; Palik et al. 2002). In the southern Appalachian Mountains, a considerable proportion of the 12 landscape is under federal ownership, and resource managers are using fire to restore 13 yellow pine and oak forests on these lands (SAMAB 1996; Elliott et al. 1999; Waldrop 14 and Brose 1999; Welch et al. 2000; Hubbard et al. 2004). Oak forests are the 15 predominant land cover type, occupying xeric, subxeric, and submesic sites on ridgetops 16 and dry slopes (Stephenson et al., 1993; SAMAB, 1996). These are among the most 17 extensive oak forests in North America (McWilliams et al., 2002). Yellow pine stands 18 are less extensive but nonetheless comprise the second most widely distributed forest 19 type in the region (approximately 15% of the forest cover) (SAMAB, 1996). They 20 generally are confined to ridgetops and southwest-facing slopes, the driest sites on the 21 landscape (Whittaker, 1956; Stephenson et al., 1993). One species, Pinus pungens Lamb. 4 1 (Table Mountain pine), is endemic to the Appalachian Mountains and is a species of 2 concern for land managers (SAMAB 1996; Williams 1998). 3 In the past, burning by Native Americans, European settlers, and lightning-set 4 fires was widespread in the Appalachian Mountains and likely promoted oak and pine 5 (Harmon et al. 1983; van Lear and Waldrop 1989; Delcourt and Delcourt 1997; Delcourt 6 and Delcourt 1998). Paleoecological analyses of sediment charcoal and pollen reveal that 7 fires were common on southern Appalachian landscapes during the last 3000–4000 years, 8 and that oak, chestnut, and pine were the dominant tree species (Delcourt and Delcourt 9 1997; Delcourt and Delcourt 1998). Delcourt and Delcourt (1997, 1998, 2000) argued 10 that burning, particularly on dry upper slopes and ridgetops, was a major factor 11 contributing to the dominance of these species. More detailed records of fire history have 12 been constructed for the past 150–400 years using dendroecological techniques (Harmon 13 1982; Sutherland et al. 1995; Shumway et al. 2001; Armbrister 2002; Shuler and 14 McClain 2003). These studies suggest that surface fires burned at intervals of about 5–15 15 years in pine and oak forests of the southern and central Appalachians. Occasionally, 16 more intense, stand-replacing fires also occurred (Sutherland et al. 1995). The fire 17 history analyses also reveal a sharp decline in fire frequency during the mid-1900s. This 18 change was a consequence of efforts to exclude fire from the forests. 19 Recent work demonstrates that the abundance of more shade-tolerant, and less 20 fire-tolerant, species has increased in xerophytic pine- and oak-dominated stands of the 21 Appalachians during the era of fire exclusion, and suggests that successional replacement 22 of pine and oak may be occurring (Harmon 1984; Williams and Johnson 1990; Abrams 5 1 1992; Harrod et al. 1998; Williams 1998; Harrod et al. 2000; Shumway et al. 2001; Lafon 2 and Kutac 2003). Acer rubrum L.(red maple), Nyssa sylvatica Marsh.(black gum), Pinus 3 strobus L., (eastern white pine, a subgenus Haploxylon Koehne pine), and Tsuga 4 canadensis (L.) Carr.(eastern hemlock) are among the species becoming more abundant 5 on xeric sites in the southern Appalachians. At the same time, regeneration of yellow 6 pine and oak appears to be declining. These trends suggest that in the continued absence 7 of fire, pine and oak stands will be replaced by more mesophytic vegetation, although the 8 rates and specific directions of change will vary spatially and temporally. Oaks 9 themselves are among the potential replacing species in the more xerophytic yellow pine 10 forests (Williams and Johnson 1990; Williams 1998; Welch et al. 2000). Storms, 11 droughts, and native and exotic insects and diseases likely will accelerate these 12 successional trends (Schowalter et al. 1981; McGee 1984; Fajvan and Wood 1996; Lafon 13 and Kutac 2003; Waldron et al, in press). 14 Assessing the potential consequences of different disturbance regimes, such as 15 burning versus fire exclusion, for long-term forest dynamics is difficult because of the 16 long lifespan of the trees. Simulation modeling provides a useful tool for exploring long- 17 term forest dynamics. In this paper, we apply LANDIS, a computer model that simulates 18 disturbance and succession on forested landscapes (He et al., 1996; Mladenoff et al., 19 1996; He and Mladenoff, 1999a, 1999b; He et al., 1999a, 1999b; Mladenoff and He, 20 1999), to the simulation of forest dynamics in the southern Appalachian Mountains, 21 USA. LANDIS originally was developed for the Great Lakes region of North America 22 (Mladenoff 2004), but has been adapted for use in other locations, including the Ozark 6 1 Plateau (Shifley et al., 1998; Shifley et al., 2000), the southern California foothills 2 (Franklin et al,. 2001; Franklin, 2002; Syphard and Franklin, 2004), northeastern China 3 (He et al., 2002; Xu et al,. 2004), Fennoscandia (Pennanen and Kuuluvainen, 2002), 4 Quebec (Pennanen et al., 2004), and the Georgia Piedmont (Wimberly, 2004). Our work 5 extends the application of LANDIS to the floristically diverse and environmentally 6 heterogeneous landscape of the Appalachian Mountains. 7 Southern Appalachian forests are affected by various agents of natural and 8 anthropogenic disturbance, in addition to fire. LANDIS is designed to be able to simulate 9 multiple disturbances. However, in this study we focus solely on fire because it is 10 thought to be the key disturbance process in pine- and oak- dominated forests (SAMAB, 11 1996; Williams, 1998; Dey, 2002; Lafon and Kutac, 2003), and because of the 12 widespread interest in using fire for ecosystem restoration. Simulation modeling is 13 employed frequently to evaluate the role of a specific disturbance process independent of 14 the influences of other disturbances (e.g., Le Guerrier et al., 2003; Hickler et al., 2004; 15 Lafon, 2004; Sturtevant et al., 2004). Simulating the role of fire will establish the 16 template onto which other disturbances can be imposed. The work reported in this paper 17 is a step within a larger effort that will use LANDIS to assess the influences of fire, 18 Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann (southern pine beetle), and other disturbances (e.g., 19 Adelges tsugae Annand (hemlock wooly adelgid), Adelges piceae Ratzeburg (balsam 20 wooly adelgid), Phytophthora ramorum Werres, de Cock & Man in’t Veld. (sudden oak 21 death disease)) on the spatial and temporal dynamics of forests on southern Appalachian 22 landscapes, and to investigate the implications of restoration efforts. 7 1 The landscape simulated in this study is an idealized landscape that captures the 2 predominant physical gradients (elevation and moisture) that influence vegetation 3 distribution in the southern Appalachian Mountains (Whittaker, 1956). Such idealized 4 landscapes commonly are used in simulation modeling studies to facilitate the 5 straightforward interpretation of model projections (e.g., Mladenoff and He, 1999; 6 Pennanen et al, 2004; Syphard and Franklin, 2004; Waldron et al., in press). An idealized 7 landscape is useful for this initial application of LANDIS to our study area, because we 8 seek to elucidate successional dynamics on the individual site types (“landtypes” in 9 LANDIS parlance), without the influences of spatial complexities. Understanding 10 projected successional patterns on this simple landscape will inform our interpretation of 11 subsequent modeling investigations using the same landtypes in more complex 12 arrangements. The subsequent analyses will explore specifically the implications of 13 landscape structure for vegetation patterns and for disturbance dynamics such as southern 14 pine beetle infestations and the spread of fires. 15 16 Methods 17 Study area 18 19 The southern Appalachians region is a mountainous area with a humid, 20 continental climate (Bailey 1978). Temperature and precipitation exhibit pronounced 21 fine-scale spatial patterns because of the mountainous terrain. Oak forests are the 22 predominant land cover type, occupying xeric, subxeric, and submesic sites (Stephenson 8 1 et al. 1993; SAMAB 1996). Because of their topographic complexity, however, 2 Appalachian landscapes contain a variety of community types. These range from 3 mesophytic hemlock-hardwood forests on the moist valley floors, to yellow pine 4 woodlands on ridgetops; and from temperate deciduous forests in the low elevations to 5 Picea Dietr.-Abies Mill.( spruce-fir) stands on the high summits (Whittaker 1956; 6 Stephenson et al. 1993). The landscape we simulate is based on Great Smoky Mountains 7 National Park (35°35' N, 83°25' W), in which most major ecosystems of the southern 8 Appalachians are represented, and for which the general topographic distribution of 9 communities and tree species has been described (Whittaker 1956). For this paper, we 10 focus our discussion on the dry, pine- and oak-covered sites only. 11 12 Model description 13 14 LANDIS 4.0 operates on a raster-based landscape in which the presence or 15 absence of 10-year age classes of each tree species is simulated for each cell. Succession 16 on each cell is influenced by dispersal, shade-tolerance, and the suitability of the habitat 17 for each tree species. With respect to habitat suitability, the landscape can be divided 18 into a series of “landtypes,” each of which represents different conditions of topography, 19 elevation, soil, and/or climate. For each landtype, an establishment coefficient between 0 20 and 1 is assigned to each species to govern the relative growth capability of the species 21 on that site (He and Mladenoff, 1999b). 9 1 LANDIS 4.0 permits the simulation of disturbance by fire, wind, harvesting, and 2 biological agents such as insects and disease (Sturtevant et al., 2004). Fire ignition, 3 initiation, and spread are stochastic processes (Yang et al., 2004). The probability that a 4 fire will initiate and spread becomes higher as time since last fire increases. Fire spreads 5 until it reaches a pre-defined maximum possible size or encounters a fire break (e.g., a 6 recently burned patch) (Yang et al., 2004). Different fire regimes can be defined within a 7 single landscape by assigning different fire parameters (e.g., ignition density, frequency, 8 intensity) to different landtypes. Low-intensity fires kill only the most fire-sensitive trees 9 (young trees and/or fire-intolerant species), while fires of higher intensity kill larger trees 10 and more fire-tolerant species (He and Mladenoff, 1999b). Because burning is simulated 11 as a stochastic process, fire interval varies temporally, fluctuating around the mean for 12 each landtype. These variations in fire interval also lead to temporal variability in fire 13 intensity, which is greater after a long fire-free interval than after a shorter interval with 14 minimal time for fuel to accumulate. In the absence of disturbance, mortality occurs only 15 when a tree cohort approaches the maximum age for the species. 16 Detailed sensitivity analyses of the LANDIS model have been conducted 17 (Mladenoff and He, 1999; Syphard and Franklin, 2004; Wimberly, 2004; Xu et al., 2004), 18 and indicate that model projections are relatively insensitive to differences in fire size, 19 species establishment coefficient, habitat (landtype) heterogeneity, and initial forest 20 conditions. Model results are moderately sensitive to variations in the fire return interval 21 and the level of spatial aggregation (i.e., model performance declines with increasing cell 22 size), and are especially sensitive to differences in seed dispersal. 10 1 Model application 2 3 We used LANDIS 4.0 to simulate forest dynamics over a 1000-year period on a 4 120-ha idealized landscape. The landscape was a 100- × 120-cell grid with a cell size of 5 10 m × 10 m, the smallest cell size permitted. Using this small cell size allowed us to 6 operate at approximately the scale of the individual canopy tree, following the logic of 7 gap models (cf. Botkin, 1993). The landscape was divided into 18 rectangles, each 8 representing an individual landtype. The arrangement of the 18 landtypes follows the 9 mosaic chart used by Whittaker (1956) to depict the elevation and moisture gradients on 10 the Great Smoky Mountains landscape. The landtypes are arranged in three rows of six 11 rectangles. The three rows represent different elevation zones, with elevation increasing 12 from the bottom row to the top. The elevation zones are low (400–915 m), middle (916– 13 1370 m), and high (1371–2025 m). The six rectangles in each row represent different 14 topographic moisture classes. Moisture availability increases from right to left, as 15 follows: (1) ridges and peaks (hereafter “ridgetops”); (2) slopes facing southeast, south, 16 southwest, or west (hereafter “south- and west-facing slopes”); (3) slopes facing 17 northwest, north, northeast, or east (hereafter “north- and east-facing slopes”); (4) 18 sheltered slopes; (5) flats, draws, and ravines; and (6) coves and canyons. Elevation also 19 influences moisture availability, hence, for example, a low-elevation ridgetop would have 20 drier conditions than a mid-elevation ridgetop. Although the simulated landscape 21 incorporates the full range of environments in the Great Smoky Mountains, our interest in 11 1 this paper is only on the successional patterns for ridgetops, south- and west-facing 2 slopes, and north- and east-facing slopes at low and middle elevations. 3 Thirty tree species (the maximum allowable in LANDIS 4.0) were used in the 4 simulations (Table 1). We selected these species based on their importance in 5 Whittaker’s (1956) study of vegetation in the Great Smoky Mountains. The 30-species 6 limit necessitated the exclusion of some minor tree species from the simulations, but did 7 not constrain our ability to characterize the general successional dynamics of the major 8 tree species. Also, because of the focus on montane vegetation, some of the species that 9 are common on the nearby lowlands (e.g., Pinus echinata Mill. (shortleaf pine)) were 10 11 absent from Whittaker’s dataset and were not represented in our simulations. We based the species parameters listed in Table 1 on Burns and Honkala (1990), 12 which contains an extensive array of life-history data for North American trees, and 13 which has served as the basis for a number of previous forest modeling studies (e.g., 14 Lafon, 2004; Sturtevant et al., 2004; Wimberly, 2004). Identical dispersal capabilities 15 were assigned to all species (a likelihood of 0.95 that seeds will disperse within 30 m, and 16 a likelihood of 0.05 that seeds will disperse between 30–50 m) (Waldron et al., in press). 17 The assignment of identical dispersal attributes minimized the effect of this parameter, 18 which was not of primary interest for our study, in order to simplify the interpretation of 19 successional patterns. 20 For the establishment coefficient parameter for each species, we consulted data 21 about the spatial distributions of tree species along the elevation and moisture gradients 22 in the Great Smoky Mountains (Whittaker, 1956). We sought to incorporate into the 12 1 establishment coefficient some of the constraints on tree growth that are hypothesized to 2 control the spatial and temporal dynamics of vegetation along moisture gradients (Smith 3 and Huston, 1989). Specifically, lower establishment coefficients were assigned to 4 drought- or shade-tolerant species than to the less tolerant species to account for tradeoffs 5 between the ability to grow rapidly and the ability to tolerate low resource levels. 6 Consequently, although our establishment coefficients permit drought-tolerant species to 7 grow on moist landtypes, they are not competitive with the mesophytic species 8 encountered there. Shade-tolerant species are not permitted to inhabit the driest 9 landtypes, consistent with tradeoffs between drought- and shade-tolerance (Smith and 10 11 Huston 1989), and with the observed pattern of tree distribution (Whittaker, 1956). Initially, a single species was assigned to each cell on the landscape. The number 12 of cells inhabited by each species was based on its relative abundance in the landtype 13 (Figure 1), as inferred from Whittaker (1956). We distributed each species randomly to 14 the appropriate number of cells within each landtype. 15 We conducted simulations for two disturbance scenarios: (1) fire exclusion (no 16 burning) and (2) restoring fire at a frequency approximating the pre-suppression fire 17 regime. For the burning scenario, a target fire return interval for each landtype was 18 identified from published work on the fire regimes that characterized Appalachian 19 landscapes prior to fire exclusion. Dendroecological data about past fire return intervals 20 are available for xeric sites (south-, southwest-, and west-facing slopes) in the southern 21 and central Appalachians (Harmon, 1982; Sutherland et al., 1995; Shumway et al., 2001; 22 Armbrister, 2002; Shuler and McClain, 2003), and are useful for guiding the selection of 13 1 input parameters for LANDIS. We derived fire return intervals for mesic sites from 2 Wade et al. (2000). We calibrated the return interval for each landtype by adjusting fire 3 parameters until the mean return interval for ten 1000-year simulations was within 10% 4 of the target interval (cf. Wimberly, 2004). The target return interval was 10 years for 5 ridgetops and south- and west-facing slopes, and 20 years for north- and east-facing 6 slopes. The moister landtypes had return intervals of 200–1000 years. Rates of fuel 7 accumulation, and hence fire severity, also varied across the simulated landscape, with 8 the highest levels on xeric sites (He and Mladenoff, 1999b). The fire disturbances 9 imposed in this study are not intended to replicate actual fire size or the patterns of fire 10 spread with respect to landscape structure. Rather, our focus is on applying fire to each 11 landtype at an appropriate frequency in order to evaluate the influence of fire on forest 12 succession at individual landtypes. 13 14 Results 15 16 Under contemporary conditions pines dominate the ridgetops at both low and 17 middle elevations (Figure 1). LANDIS simulations in the absence of fire suggest that this 18 is not sustainable. In middle elevation pine forests, oak species become more important 19 over time (Figure 2A). At low elevations pines remain abundant on the landscape; 20 however, Pinus virginiana Mill. (Virginia pine) and P. rigida Mill. (pitch pine) are 21 replaced by white pine (Figure 2C). Quercus prinus L. (chestnut oak) also becomes a 22 dominant species in the absence of fire. 14 1 When fire occurs within the LANDIS simulations, yellow pine-dominated stands 2 persist on the ridgetops in both elevation zones (Figure 2B, D). Many of the cells do not 3 have trees (Figure 3A, D). These open woodland conditions contrast with the continuous 4 forest cover that develops under fire exclusion. 5 The mid-elevation south- and west-facing slopes show dominance by chestnut 6 oak, Quercus alba L. (white oak), and Q. rubra L. (northern red oak) under conditions of 7 fire exclusion (Figure 4A). Black gum displays a steady rise in abundance over the 8 course of succession, ultimately becoming a dominant species. The yellow pines decline, 9 while the abundance of many of the minor species remains relatively stable throughout 10 the simulation. On low-elevation south- and west-facing slopes, yellow pines also 11 decline, while chestnut oak and white pine increase to become the dominant species 12 (Figure 4C). As in the middle elevations, black gum expands, albeit more slowly. 13 When fire is allowed to occur on the landscape, the south- and west-facing slopes 14 at middle elevations retain considerably different species, with chestnut oak, white oak, 15 and Table Mountain pine dominating the forest (Figure 4B). For the lower elevation 16 sites, pitch pine and chestnut oak are the dominant species when fire occurs on the 17 landscape, and Virginia pine declines (Figure 4D). Burning maintains open stands on the 18 low-elevation site (Figure 3E). 19 Forests on north- and east-facing slopes are dominated initially by chestnut oak, 20 red maple, Oxydendron arboretum (L.) DC. (sourwood), and northern red oak (Figure 21 1A, D). When fire is excluded from the landscape, these land types retain high species 22 diversity (Figure 5A, C). At middle elevations, white oak, chestnut oak, and red maple 15 1 continue to be abundant across the landscape. However, some fire-intolerant mesophytic 2 species steadily increase in abundance throughout the simulation. Eastern hemlock and 3 Tilia heterophylla Vent.(white basswood) show this pattern. Hemlock is particularly 4 important in this regard because it shifts from a rare species in this land type to the most 5 abundant species by the end of the simulation. Dramatic changes in species abundance 6 occur at low elevations as well. Chestnut oak begins as a dominant species and increases 7 in abundance, while white pine and black gum exhibit strong, steady rises over the course 8 of succession. Burning results in dominance of the north- and east-facing slopes by 9 chestnut oak and white oak (Figure 5B, D), and maintains conditions that are slightly 10 more open than under fire exclusion (Figure 3C, F). 11 12 Discussion 13 14 Fire promotes yellow pine and oak dominance on ridgetops and dry slopes of the 15 simulated landscape. The pines are especially dependent on fire. Even on dry ridgetops, 16 pines do not maintain dominance without fire, and they virtually disappear from south- 17 and west-facing slopes. Under the burning scenario, however, they persist at high levels 18 on both the ridgetops and the south- and west-facing slopes. 19 With respect to the individual species of yellow pine, Table Mountain pine and 20 pitch pine fare well under the burning regime we impose, but Virginia pine declines. The 21 species is less fire-tolerant than the other two yellow pines, and consequently frequent 22 burning reduces its abundance. In fact, burning can be used to eliminate Virginia pine 16 1 from mixed pine stands (Wade et al., 2000). Virginia pine is a relatively short-lived 2 pioneer species that apparently thrives in a regime of less frequent, but more intense, fire 3 (Iverson et al., 1999; Wade et al., 2000). Its abundance in Whittaker’s (1956) dataset, 4 and hence in our input file, may reflect (1) a history of intense, stand-replacing fires on 5 some of the low-elevation ridgetops in the Smokies or (2) establishment of the species in 6 abandoned pastures (Pyle, 1988). Our study does not consider either of these disturbance 7 regimes. In any case, the endemic Table Mountain pine of the middle elevations is of 8 greater concern for resource managers, and the fire regime we impose seems appropriate 9 for maintaining that species. 10 The consequences of burning versus fire exclusion are mixed for oaks. Fire 11 exclusion favors oak on the driest sites, which otherwise would be dominated by yellow 12 pine. This result matches previous suggestions that fire exclusion in the Appalachians 13 promotes the successional replacement of yellow pines by oaks (Williams and Johnson, 14 1990; Williams, 1998; Welch et al., 2000). On moister sites, however, the oaks seem to 15 benefit from burning, because it reduces the abundance of competing species that are less 16 fire-tolerant. Chestnut oak and white oak are the most fire-tolerant oak species, and 17 thrive under a regime of frequent burning. These species often dominate forests on 18 moderately dry sites in the Appalachians, and did so historically as well (Whittaker, 19 1956; Stephenson et al., 1993; Abrams, 2003); our results suggest that their importance is 20 largely a consequence of periodic burning, without which a diverse mix of mesophytic 21 and xerophytic species would develop. 17 1 The negative influence of disturbance on the species diversity of dry sites is 2 consistent with empirical observations in the southern Appalachian Mountains (Harrod et 3 al., 1998), and it also agrees with ecological theory. In particular, the dynamic 4 equilibrium model of Huston (1979, 1994) predicts that in the absence of disturbance, 5 species diversity will be high on dry sites because of the slow growth rates of vegetation 6 (and hence relatively low rates of competitive displacement). Frequent disturbances 7 reduce diversity in dry environments because the low growth rates prevent the 8 populations of some species from recovering between successive disturbance events. 9 Such patterns of diversity have been simulated using individual-based gap models of 10 forest succession (Smith and Huston, 1989; Huston, 1994). Our results demonstrate that 11 LANDIS can generate a similar pattern, and imply that LANDIS is capable of 12 incorporating vegetation processes (e.g., interspecific competition, life-history tradeoffs) 13 in a manner sufficient to simulate diversity dynamics that agree with ecological theory 14 pertinent to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration. 15 In our simulations, fire exclusion favors northern red oak, which becomes one of 16 the dominant species at middle elevations in the absence of burning. This trend reflects 17 that (1) northern red oak is more fire-sensitive than chestnut oak and white oak and (2) it 18 has a relatively high establishment coefficient. These results are consistent with an 19 expansion of northern red oak observed in oak forests throughout the eastern U.S. as a 20 consequence of reduced fire activity and also more frequent canopy disturbances (e.g., 21 cutting, chestnut blight) (Stephenson et al., 1993; Abrams, 2003). However, the 22 simulations may overestimate the increase in northern red oak on the driest, pine- 18 1 dominated sites, where conditions may become too stressful for the species during 2 periodic extreme drought events. 3 Our results suggest that frequent burning creates open woodland conditions, 4 rather than continuous closed-canopy forest, on xeric sites. Such open-canopy 5 woodlands may have been typical on xeric sites in the southern Appalachian Mountains 6 prior to fire exclusion (Delcourt and Delcourt, 1998; Harrod et al., 2000). Currently these 7 open conditions are a restoration target for forest managers in the region (e.g., USDA 8 Forest Service, 2004a, 2004b). Under fire exclusion, our simulations imply that denser 9 forests with a more continuous canopy develop. Indeed, such conditions have arisen on 10 southern Appalachian landscapes. The work of Harrod et al. (1998) suggests that canopy 11 tree density nearly tripled during four decades without fire or other anthropogenic 12 disturbances on xeric sites in the Great Smoky Mountains. The recent southern pine 13 beetle outbreak that devastated yellow pine stands throughout the region likely was a 14 consequence of this change in vegetative structure and underscores the need for restoring 15 these ecosystems to a more sustainable condition. 16 Other model projections also correspond with the successional changes occurring 17 as a result of fire exclusion in the Appalachian Mountains. In particular, white pine, 18 black gum, red maple, and eastern hemlock are favored under the fire exclusion scenario, 19 precisely the pattern observed in field studies in the region (Williams and Johnson, 1990; 20 Harrod et al., 1998; Shumway et al., 2001). Our results suggest that the successional 21 trends inferred from these field studies will continue in the future and result in 22 pronounced shifts in tree species composition. One of the most dramatic changes 19 1 projected is the gradual expansion of hemlock throughout the wettest landtype considered 2 here (north- and east-facing slope at middle elevations). The likelihood of this slow- 3 growing, shade-tolerant species actually attaining dominance on a subxeric site may be 4 low, even without fire, because of other disturbances (timber harvest, windstorms, 5 droughts, ice storms, and hemlock wooly adelgid) not considered in this paper. 6 7 Conclusions 8 9 As a spatially explicit model capable of simulating vegetation dynamics across 10 entire landscapes, LANDIS lacks detail with respect to mechanisms (e.g., individual tree 11 growth, tree life-history tradeoffs) that help drive forest succession (Mladenoff, 2004). 12 Nonetheless, the model appears to account for such processes in a fashion that is 13 adequate for representing successional dynamics on a southern Appalachian landscape, 14 and that is also able to generate results consistent with biodiversity theory. 15 The model projections in this paper underscore the critical role of fire in 16 xerophytic forests of the Appalachian Mountains, where burning appears to be necessary 17 for maintaining yellow pine and oak dominance. Simulation modeling augments field 18 studies of Appalachian fire ecology by providing a means to explore long-term vegetation 19 dynamics, and by permitting the examination of a single disturbance agent under 20 controlled conditions. Elucidating LANDIS projections for these simple scenarios of 21 burning versus fire exclusion is an important step in simulating Appalachian forest 22 dynamics under multiple-disturbance scenarios, in which fire is a key process. It is also 20 1 important because burning is one of the primary management tools for restoring 2 xerophytic forests. 3 We anticipate that simulating multiple disturbance agents on more complex 4 landscapes will yield greater realism in some respects, for example, the issue of hemlock 5 dominance noted above. Biotic disturbances (herbivory, disease) may amplify the 6 successional changes identified under the no burning scenario in this paper. This is 7 because an increase in tree density under fire exclusion likely would exacerbate the 8 extent and severity of biotic disturbances (Schowalter et al., 1981; Savage, 1997), leading 9 to more precipitous declines in the dominant pines (Paine et al., 1984; Paine et al., 1985; 10 Coulson et al., 1998) and oaks, and to more rapid rates of successional replacement. 11 Recently, LANDIS has been extended to simulate biotic disturbances (Sturtevant et al., 12 2004); incorporating southern pine beetle outbreaks and other biotic disturbances will 13 enable us to investigate potential consequences of disturbance interactions and restoration 14 efforts. 15 16 17 Implications for Practice Despite simplifying assumptions, LANDIS can represent ecological processes 18 that lead to results consistent with ecological theory and field studies of 19 vegetation change in the southern Appalachian Mountains. The simulations 20 imply that ongoing vegetation changes linked to fire exclusion will contribute to 21 long-term declines in pine and oak abundance. 21 1 2 3 4 Reintroducing fire appears to be necessary if pine and oak stands are to be restored and maintained in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Reintroducing fire likely will restore more open stand conditions similar to those thought to exist prior to fire exclusion. 5 6 Acknowledgements 7 8 This research was supported through USDA Forest Service Southern Research 9 Station cooperative agreement SRS03-CA-11330129-168. Portions of the work were 10 supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation to DMC (BCS-9808989). 11 Special thanks go to David Loftis, Henry McNab, Tom Waldrop, and Jim Vose for their 12 input at various stages of this project. We also are grateful to Brian Sturtevant and Rob 13 Scheller for providing us with the LANDIS program and aiding in its use. 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Sweet cagl 300 75 2 2 0.3 Carya tomentosa (Poir.) Nutt. cato 200 40 2 2 0.4 Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. fagr 300 60 5 1 0.3 Fraxinus americana L. fram 200 55 3 1 0.3 Halesia carolina L. haca 100 60 4 2 0.2 Liriodendron tulipifera L. litu 300 45 2 1 0.3 Magnolia acuminata L. maac 150 55 3 2 0.4 Magnolia fraseri Walt. mafr 70 55 3 1 0.2 Nyssa sylvatica Marsh. nysy 200 55 3 3 0.3 Oxydendrum arboreum (L.) DC. oxar 100 55 3 3 0.4 Picea rubens Sarg. piru 400 70 5 1 0 Pinus pungens Lamb. pipu 250 35 1 5 0 Pinus rigida Mill. piri 200 35 1 5 0.2 Pinus strobus L. pist 400 30 2 3 0 Pinus virginiana Mill. pivi 100 35 1 4 0 Prunus serotina Ehrh. prse 200 30 1 1 0.4 Species 34 Quercus alba L. qual 450 50 3 4 0.3 Quercus coccinea Muenchh. quco 130 50 1 3 0.4 Quercus prinus L. qupr 350 55 3 4 0.4 Quercus rubra L. quru 300 50 2 3 0.4 Quercus velutina Lam. quve 150 40 2 3 0.3 Robinia pseudoacacia L. rops 100 15 1 1 0.4 Tilia heterophylla Vent. tihe 250 60 4 2 0.4 Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. tsca 450 70 5 1 0 1 Maturity: age of sexual maturity; Shade tolerance: between 1-5 (intolerant to tolerant); 2 Fire tolerance: between 1-5 (intolerant to tolerant); Vegetative reproduction: probability 3 of vegetative reproduction following mortality of a parent cohort on a cell 4 35 1 Figure Captions 2 3 Figure 1. Number of cells initially occupied by each species as a percentage of the six 4 land types. A) Middle elevation, north- and east-facing slopes, B) Middle elevation, 5 south- and west-facing slopes, C) Middle elevation ridgetops, D) Low elevation, north- 6 and east-facing slopes, E) Low elevation, south- and west-facing slopes, F) Low 7 elevation ridgetops. Species abbreviations are provided in Table 1. 8 9 Figure 2. LANDIS simulation results for ridgetop sites. Results are presented for the 10 middle elevation range (A & B) and the low elevation sites (C & D). Fire exclusion 11 conditions are shown on the left (A & C) and results from simulations with fire are shown 12 on the right (B & D). Only species that occur on more than 10% of the landscape at any 13 time during the simulation are shown. Species abbreviations are provided in Table 1. 14 15 Figure 3. Proportion of empty cells over time for each simulated landscape type for 16 simulations with (solid lines) and without (dotted lines) fire. A) Middle elevation 17 ridgetops, B) Middle elevation south- and west-facing slopes , C) Middle elevation north- 18 and east-facing slopes, D) Low elevation ridgetops, E) Low elevation south- and west- 19 facing slopes, F) Low elevation north- and east-facing slopes. 20 21 Figure 4. LANDIS simulation results for south- and west-facing slopes. Results are 22 presented for the middle elevation range (A & B) and the low elevation sites (C & D). 36 1 Fire exclusion conditions are shown on the left (A & C) and results from simulations with 2 fire are shown on the right (B & D). Only species that occur on more than 10% of the 3 landscape at any time during the simulation are shown. Species abbreviations are 4 provided in Table 1. 5 6 Figure 5. LANDIS simulation results for north- and east-facing slopes. Results are 7 presented for the middle elevation range (A & B) and the low elevation sites (C & D). 8 Fire exclusion conditions are shown on the left (A & C) and results from simulations with 9 fire are shown on the right (B & D). Only species that occur on more than 10% of the 10 landscape at any time during the simulation are shown. Species abbreviations are 11 provided in Table 1. 12 37 1 Figure 1 2 3 38 1 Figure 2 2 3 39 1 Figure 3 2 3 40 1 Figure 4 2 3 41 1 Figure 5 2 42