Issued June 13, 2007
This is the Transcript of the information reported by the small groups at the
Symposium on Poverty and Economic Security on Thursday, May 31, 2007.
People self-selected into small groups that were organized around the 14 topic areas listed in the Table of Contents.
They drafted proposed national goals, accountability measures and suggested strategies to reach the goals. For each general topic, there can be multiple goals.
The ‘reports out’ were compiled into an initial draft of the proposed transcript.
The written notes prepared in each group were then added to the initial draft.
Then, the facilitators and reporters were given that draft of the proposed transcript for verification and some made minor corrections. Their final draft is the official Transcript.
Each of the 62 goals is on a separate page, along with its proposed accountability measures and suggested strategies.
The contact information for the facilitator and/or reporters is listed for each goal.
This information from this Transcript will be merged into the document that will become the draft of the community action network’s recommendation for national goals, accountability measures and suggested strategies -- into what will almost surely be labeled as our ‘plan.’
The draft plan will be posted on the Partnership website, and it will be further refined and new material will be added to it at the Partnership’s Annual
Conference in San Diego in August, at the NASCSP conference in
September, and at state and local meetings, and by the partner organizations
NCAF and CAPLAW. A detailed process and timetable will be ready by the
Annual Conference and will also be posted on the website.
The tentative date for issuance of the Community Action Plan is May of 2008.
This date could change.
Thanks to all of the people who have helped the community action network move along this pathway.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements and overview ………….…………………………………………………2
Topic 5. Political Capital. How can political capital be created or increased? ............... 15
Topic 5. Political Capital. How can political capital be created or increased? ............... 16
Topic 6. Social Capital: How can social capital be created or increased? .................... 17
Topic 6. Social Capital: How can social capital be created or increased? .................... 18
Topic 6. Social Capital: How can social capital be created or increased? .................... 19
Topic 6. Social Capital: How can social capital be created or increased? .................... 20
Topic 7. Social Capital. How can social capital assist youth and ex-offenders, etc.? .... 21
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically
Topic 14: Built Capital. How can enough housing be produced? .................................. 62
Topic 14: Built Capital. How can enough housing be produced? .................................. 63
Topic 14: Built Capital. How can enough housing be produced? .................................. 64
Topic 14: Built Capital. How can enough housing be produced? .................................. 65
Topic 14: Built Capital. How can enough housing be produced? .................................. 66
Topic 1. Human Capital: Preschool.
Goal : Every child, birth to 8, and their families will have guaranteed access to comprehensive, high quality early care and education based on the Head Start model, by 2015.
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Provide for credentialing and ongoing staff development for all early childhood staff and providers, in formal and informal settings.
Developmentally appropriate programming through 3 rd grade.
Goal depends upon strengthened services for families of young children, including health, dental, mental health, social services, housing, and nutrition.
Full day services available to all children.
Comprehensive services for all family structures.
high quality facilities
Competitive wages for all early childhood staff
Consistent, quality standards for ECE programs across the nation and across program models.
Funding to support high-quality services for all children, including full funding for all eligible children.
A community-based delivery system
Eliminate barriers to use of multiple funding streams.
For more information on this goal contact : Biz Steinberg,
Topic 2. Human Capital: K-12. Literacy.
Goal : Every student will graduate high school with skills and knowledge to be able to attend secondary education and succeed & complete in the global economy.
Accountability Measure/s :
Increase literacy rate to 90% within 5 years.
Decrease cohort dropout rate by 20% in 5 years.
80% of students proficient at reading at their grade level
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Obtain more funding and spend more money on training (professional development) on poverty issues for teachers, every year.
All schools must be adequately and equitably funded by taking into account student needs and the effects of poverty. A weighted-student funding formula should be used to ensure that schools with high percentages of low-income children have the necessary resources
Pre-Post tests in reading: o Pre-test each student at the beginning of each year to determine reading level. o Students reading below grade level are placed in mandatory tutoring during school hours. o Reading level re-tested at the end of each semester. o Post-test last week of schedule. o Summer school required for those not meeting goal.
Redesign failing schools for relevance (engaging class work), relationship
(smaller schools), and rigor (college-ready curriculum)
Increase the number and percentage of minority and low-income students attending and completing post-secondary education.
Direct, full funding for No Child Left Behind.
Provide alternative educational options instead of suspension.
Increase parent involvement.
For more information on this goal contact : Evelyn Wilson,
Susana Barrera, 562-908-8393,
or Marizet
DeLaCruz-Leak, 585-503-2821,
, or Sande Rudeseal,
, or David MacDonald, CAFCA & Hartford Board of
Education, 860-560-5847,
Topic 2. Human Capital: K-12. Financial Literacy.
Goal : Increase financial literacy classes in school.
Accountability Measure/s :
Classes offered to juniors and seniors (or whatever the target grade)
Pre-post tests on skills
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Community members provide classes at no cost, giving students chances to learn, meet faces in community, know where to obtain services
Partnerships with adults, students, other agencies to share experiences, lessons, and curriculum.
For more information on this goal contact : Kris Marion, Community Services Inc.,
Topic 2. Human Capital: K-12. Integration
Goal : All students will have opportunity to attend a racial/socio-economically integrated school that provides a rigorous, college ready curriculum
Accountability Measure/s :
Decrease segregation
Increased achievement of urban & low-income students
Increased college completion of urban &low income students
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Public school choice
More educational specialties and options for students
Weighted-student funding that takes into account needs such as poverty, special education, and giftedness. Money follows the child so that good schools thrive and are duplicated, and failing schools are redesigned.
For more information on this goal contact : David MacDonald, CAFCA & Hartford
Board of Education, 860-560-5847,
Topic 3. Post-secondary education.
Goal : Higher education will be more connected to civic engagement, community building and establishing a role in reducing poverty.
Goal : Throughout their lives, all people will have an opportunity and access to post secondary education and training to compete in the changing labor market.
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Identify barriers
Revisit workforce development requirements
Revisit TANF requirements
Revisit financial aid programs like HELP
Conduct roundtable discussions on best practices
CAP role: partner with institutions to identify populations
Bring community colleges more into the community (physically, like with community centers)
Create a curriculum on the history of poverty
Create More opportunities for universal service with educational opportunities awards (like AmeriCorps)
Ensure more corporate social responsibility (provide scholarships, mentoring)
For more info on these goals contact : Jim Scheibel,
Topic 4. Human Capital: Health .
Goal : Increase State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to 300% of the
Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
Accountability Measure/s:
All states provide SCHIP to all children in families that qualify for any entitlement programs.
Federal government increases SCHIP reimbursement to 300% of FPL
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Persuade state legislature and U.S. Congress that investing in children’s health is an investment in their future and ours.
Form alliances with other organizations at the national, sate and local level interested in providing health to children.
For more info on this goal contact : Wendy VanElverdinghe, 503-485-8963,
Topic 4. Human Capital: Health .
Goal : Provide health care coverage to all parents whose children receive State
Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).
Accountability Measure/s:
Increase the number and percentage of parents that receive health benefits through state health programs
Increase number and percentage of parents that receive help to pay employee share of health care premium.
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Persuade state legislature and U.S. Congress that health care coverage for parents is necessary.
Form alliances with other organizations at the national, state and local level who support health care for all people who cannot afford to pay for health insurance.
For more information on this goal contact : Wendy VanElverdinghe, 503-485-8963,
Topic 4. Human Capital: Health .
Goal : Universal Health Care
Accountability Measure/s:
Health care, especially prevention and early intervention available to all regardless of income, employment and social status.
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Persuade state legislatures and U.S. Congress that universal health care is an entitlement.
Form alliances with other organizations at the national, state and local levels that support universal health coverage.
For more information on this goal contact : Wendy VanElverdinghe, 503-485-8963,
Topic 4. Human Capital: Health .
Goal : Mental Health Parity
Accountability Measure/s:
All health care benefits include mental health benefits at the same level as physical health benefits
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Persuade state legislatures and U.S. Congress that mental health is as important as physical health.
Form alliances with other organizations at the national, state and local level who support mental health parity.
For more information on this goal contact : Wendy VanElverdinghe, 503-485-8963,
Topic 5. Political Capital. How can political capital be created or increased?
Goal : By 2010 all 50 states will adopt public policy that reduces poverty by at least 50%.
Accountability Measure/s:
Track number of plans completed and adopted
Suggested Strategy/ies:
State CAA’s lead statewide advocacy;
Local CAA’s lead local advocacy;
Develop a marketing and public education plan;
Gain bi-partisan support.
For more information on this goal contact : Julie Bunch,
Topic 5. Political Capital. How can political capital be created or increased?
Goal : By 2020 all 50 states will reduce poverty by at least 50%.
Accountability Measure/s:
Track state by state census data and track reduction in public assistance/safety net activity.
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Produce an annual scorecard for each state and continue the public education campaign.
For more information on this goal contact : Julie Bunch,
Topic 6. Social Capital: How can social capital be created or increased?
Goal : Engage low-income customers as EQUALS from beginning of planning process and have honest maximum feasible participation at local, state and national levels throughout planning and implementation.
Accountability Measure/s :
Percent of people who are low-income participating in this national planning process
Percent of people who are low-income (not low-income representatives) on CAP and related association boards
Percent of people who are low-income participating in conferences
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Equally fund participation of people who are low-income to levels of staff
Provide support and training/technical assistance to low-income people at the same level of staff
For more information on this goal contact : Lisa Stoddard, 208-746-2602.
Topic 6. Social Capital: How can social capital be created or increased?
Goal : Expand maximum feasible participation to other organizations that affect the lives of people who are low-income (for example, other non profits, local zoning, etc.)
Accountability Measure/s :
Percent of Low Income representation in membership and leadership of these organizations
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Include requirements in government and other contracts
Congressional inclusion of people who are low income in decision making
Expand Walk a Mile to NPOs and local governments
For more information on this goal contact : Lisa Stoddard, 208-746-2602.
Topic 6. Social Capital: How can social capital be created or increased?
Goal : Implement common and accurate education regarding historical systems discrimination that has promoted poverty and its remaining effect today.
Accountability Measure/s :
State curriculum plans
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Identify commonalities and assets as way to engage larger community in education as well as to offer a way through
Engage local and state education boards, and federal Department of Education
Promote critical thinking and the challenging of information provided in text books
Include curriculum that teaches about the reality of poverty, its effects, its cost in public education system
–possibly Bridges Out of Poverty, etc.
For more information on this goal contact : Lisa Stoddard, 208-746-2602.
Topic 6. Social Capital: How can social capital be created or increased?
Goal : Engage larger community in the thriving of the entire community (change who we think of as members of our community)
Accountability Measure/s :
Participation rates
Number of local plans to end poverty and percentage that include community engagement
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Poverty Simulation
Walk A Mile
Illustrate economic impact to community
For more information on this goal contact : Lisa Stoddard, 208-746-2602.
Topic 7. Social Capital. How can social capital assist youth and ex-offenders, etc.?
Goal : Build effective multi-racial/ethnic coalitions that address structural inequalities, ineffective public policy and other barriers to opportunities for youth and ex-offenders.
Accountability Measure/s :
50% increase in the number of regional multi-racial/ethnic coalitions across the nation breaking down barriers to opportunity for youth and ex-offenders.
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Identify initial regions in the nation where this is most needed
Locate racial/ethnic diverse members for the coalitions
Involve those with political power in the coalitions
Include policy makers
Increase private sector involvement (e.g. training, mentoring, jobs)
Increase the business and education sectors (including trade schools)
For more info on this goal contact : Patti Magruder,
Topic 8. Cultural Capital. How can we shape the American Dream so that it will work for everybody?
Goal : Create national, universal system for all people that ensures access to quality education and training.
Accountability Measure/s :
Improvement in enrollment, academic performance, truancy and graduation rates in K-12 nationally.
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Community action agencies advocate in a leadership role to mobilize local, state and national levels and across influential sectors.
Create strong, results oriented partnerships.
For more information on this goal contact : Jack Burch
Topic 8. Cultural Capital. How can we shape the American Dream so that it will work for everybody?
Goal : Create national, universal system for all people that ensures access to earning a livable wage and obtaining economic security.
Accountability Measure/s :
Increase in number of states that adopt livable wage as minimum wage by 2016.
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Communicate a clear, measurable definition of livable wage.
Mobilize on local, state and national levels and across influential sectors.
Create strong, results oriented partnerships.
For more information on this goal contact : Jack Burch
Topic 8. Cultural Capital. How can we shape the American Dream so that it will work for everybody?
Goal : Create national, universal system to ensure access to universal healthcare coverage.
Accountability Measure/s :
100% of Americans have healthcare coverage by 2016.
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Mobilize on local, state and national levels and across influential sectors.
Create strong, results oriented partnerships.
For more information on this goal contact : Jack Burch
Topic 8. Cultural Capital. How can we shape the American Dream so that it will work for everybody?
Goal : Eliminate structural racism.
Accountability Measure/s :
Eliminate critical racial and ethnic disparities across all life areas and social indicators.
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Create national will through increase in intergroup knowledge to promote intergroup understanding.
Develop and implement deliberate efforts to mitigate and eliminate intergroup conflict.
Review laws that undermine equal opportunity and respect.
Examination of all institutions across sectors regarding their internal dynamics that perpetuate institutional racism and challenge their moral responsibility.
For more information on this goal contact : Jack Burch
Topic 8. Cultural Capital. How can we shape the American Dream so that it will work for everybody?
Goal : Ensure maximum feasible participation of the Poor.
Accountability Measure/s :
Increase representation of local, diverse residents on boards of institutions.
Develop a tool for agency self assessment.
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Democratic Selection of Low-Income Representatives
Ensure that people live in the neighborhood they represent.
Every CAA implement self examination.
For more information on this goal contact : Jack Burch
Topic 8. Cultural Capital. How can we shape the American Dream so that it will work for everybody?
Goal : Set standard for community action agency to ensure achievement of performance, efficiency and results.
Accountability Measure/s :
Participation of 1,000 community action agencies
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Organizational self examination
For more information on this goal contact : Jack Burch
Topic 9. Cultural Capital. What is the minimum quality of life, or the minimum safety net, and who is responsible for what parts of it?
Goal : Food: Every American will have access to adequate food and nutrition.
Accountability Measure/s:
Number of qualifying families utilizing food stamps increase
Number of families will be food secure by 2020.
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Outreach for food stamps and WIC
Collaborate with local farmers for fresh produce
Local food support networks
Nutrition education in schools
Tax system on food
For more information on this goal contact : Ann Graff,
Topic 9. Cultural Capital. What is the minimum quality of life, or the minimum safety net, and who is responsible for what parts of it?
Goal : Shelter: Everyone living in America will have access to safe, secure, affordable housing.
Accountability Measure/s:
Increased number of people owing their own home
Increased number of available rental units
Increased number of available housing vouchers
Decrease demand for emergency shelter/transitional housing
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Landlord accountability
Asset building
Construction of affordable housing
Expansion of governmental tax credits/incentives
For more information on this goal contact : Ann Graff,
Topic 9. Cultural Capital. What is the minimum quality of life, or the minimum safety net, and who is responsible for what parts of it?
Goal : Everyone in America will have access to sufficient income to meet their basic needs (based on local economy)
Accountability Measure/s:
Decrease in the number of families needing public/emergency assistance by
Increase the number of people with assets
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Asset building programs/financial education programs
New jobs will be created
Employer based retirement plans
Micro-enterprise development
For more information on this goal contact : Ann Graff,
Topic 9. Cultural Capital. What is the minimum quality of life, or the minimum safety net, and who is responsible for what parts of it?
Goal : Everyone in America has access to affordable healthcare.
Accountability Measure/s:
Decrease in the number of ER visits for non-emergency care by 2020
Increase in child immunization care by 2020
Increase in “preventative” care by 2020
Decrease in infant/senior mortality
Increase in availability of health care services in rural areas
Increase in the number of people who have insurance
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Incentives for doctors to practice in rural areas
National Insurance plan
Employer incentives to provide insurance for employee and dependents
Portability of insurance benefits
For more information on this goal contact : Ann Graff,
Topic 9. Cultural Capital. What is the minimum quality of life, or the minimum safety net, and who is responsible for what parts of it?
Goal : All people have access to quality education and/or training to meet basic needs
(self sufficiency).
Accountability Measure/s:
Increase in number of high school graduates/GED recipients
Increase in number of post-secondary education graduates
Increase the number of training programs
Increase availability of scholarships
—academic and vocational
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Increase scholarship availability
Increased funding for education/training
Employer incentives
Educational professional development
Training opportunities meet the needs of employment
For more information on this goal contact : Ann Graff,
Topic 9. Cultural Capital. What is the minimum quality of life, or the minimum safety net, and who is responsible for what parts of it?
Goal : All families have access to safe, affordable, quality care for dependants.
Accountability Measure/s:
Decrease in number of children removed from home due to supervision issues
Decrease in number of elder abuse cases due to neglect
Increase number of available slots/providers for dependant care
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Employer incentives to provide dependant care
Increase child care subsidies
Advocacy to increase public support for dependant care
Incentives for care providers
For more information on this goal contact : Ann Graff,
Topic 9. Cultural Capital. What is the minimum quality of life, or the minimum safety net, and who is responsible for what parts of it?
Goal : Everyone will have access to affordable, reliable, safe, environmentally friendly transportation and roadways.
Accountability Measure/s:
Increase routes of public transportation
Decrease in missed work hours due to transportation issues
Increased transportation subsidies by employers
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Subsidize purchase of energy efficient vehicles
Strategically locate public transportation routes
Rebuild the National Railroad system
Collaboration of existing transportation systems
Funding for car repair
Volunteer driver program
Incentives for employers to provide transportation programs
For more information on this goal contact : Ann Graff,
Topic 9. Cultural Capital. What is the minimum quality of life, or the minimum safety net, and who is responsible for what parts of it?
Goal : Everyone has access to a positive support network.
Accountability Measure/s:
Increase mentoring programs
Increase community collaboration/partnerships
Increase membership of community/faith based associations, clubs, organizations, etc.
Suggested Strategy/ies :
After-school programs
Circles [of support]
Habitat for Humanity
Leisure activities
Community Leadership Training
For more information on this goal contact : Ann Graff,
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization
Goal : U.S. Trade policies benefit U.S. workers
Accountability Measure/s :
Watchdog groups (WTO, ILO and others) with checklists of accountabilities
Need to be realistic estimates of global trade benefits
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Trade policies require the paying of living wages and the incorporation of the true cost of labor.
Ensure countries employ human rights requirements (living wage, no child labor, etc.) if doing business in or with the U.S.
Pursue financial/trade agreements with countries that agree to: no exploitation, no child labor, paying a living wage, internalizing the true cost of labor.
Focus on accountability to workers and numbers of jobs created, rather than profits only.
Provide financial incentives for real job creation in the U.S.
Ensure that tax and other credits given to international companies doing business in U.S. are used for intended purposes
International companies doing business in U.S. must enhance the communities where they do business.
Give the International Labor Organization TEETH to raise standards
Work with non-compliant countries to effect policy
CAAs challenge international companies doing business in their communities to reflect these practices in other countries (and in the U.S.)
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization
Goal : ALL businesses doing business with the U.S. pay a living wage; both the U.S. and other counties in which they do business.
Accountability Measure/s :
Wages paid compared to median incomes in the US and other countries
Contributions to local communities
Suggested Strategy/ies :
UN Mandates
Developers are bound by inclusionary zoning rules affecting low-income communities
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization
Goal : U.S. will be less dependent of foreign sources of oil and energy.
Accountability Measure/s :
Import numbers for oil
Types of new energy sources created and the level of use of alternative energies
Use of oil, standard energies
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Invest in renewable energies
Develop real conservation strategies
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA,
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization
Goal : Best practices for local communities will be shared (imported/exported) across international boundaries.
Accountability Measure/s :
Number of communities with whom the U.S. has established relationships
Movement of international and local communities along the continuum of poverty after practices are shared
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Identify communities that share similarities with local U.S. communities
Expand the Adopt-a-city program
Convene international opportunities to share best practices
Utilize technology
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization
Goal : Jobs will remain in the U.S. and not be outsourced
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Work to increase benefits, wages, standard of living in other countries to make cost of doing business in U.S. more competitive.
Provide Tax credits for jobs created in the U.S. (real jobs)
Impose penalties/fees for jobs created in other countries
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization
Goal : Population Growth will be decreased.
Accountability Measure/s :
Birth rates
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Education on birth control
Increase overall educational opportunities to all countries
Revise U.S. policy of birth control availability/access/funding in international agreements
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization: World Bank and Other
International Players
Goal : International oversight organizations will better impose true oversight.
Accountability Measure/s :
Election process
Loan process and outcomes transparency
Transparency monitored by UN or others
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Leadership of the World Bank and other institutions will reflect democratically elected leadership that goes beyond US Control.
Policies of the World Bank will be monitored for loan recipients, loan purposes, forgiveness, decision making processes etc.
Such policies will be transparent.
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization: Special Interest Groups
Goal : The practices of Special Interest Groups (beyond companies and governments) are fair, equitable, and comply with human rights.
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Implement lobby reform
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization: Immigration
Goal : Policy on immigration is fair and equitable.
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Raise standard of living in other countries (via other recommendations of living wage, etc.) to decrease the desire to immigrate to U.S.
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization: U.S. Workforce
Goal : U.S. employees will be prepared to work within the globalized economy.
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Include the impact of globalization and the role of US workers in the globalized marketplace in job training provided by CAA and other workforce training programs.
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA
Topic 10. Financial Capital: (Rules about) How the economy operates internationally e.g., international trade, globalization: Market for U.S. Goods
Goal : Increase markets for U.S. goods.
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Exempt small businesses from trade policies/bans.
For more information on this goal contact : Denise Harlow, NYSCAA
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically (work, wages and benefits)
Goal : Raise and index national minimum wage to a regional liveable wage.
Accountability Measure/s :
Passage of legislation “Living Wage Act”
Pass by 2009: number of people receiving living wage by 2014
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Organize a campaign; develop consensus
March on Congress
Identify a political champion.
In the absence of a livable wage, Federal policies should subsidize wages
(EITC), housing (public housing and Section 8), medical care, and child care.
For more information on this goal contact : John Edwards, 904-398-7472,
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically (work, wages and benefits)
Goal : Redefine poverty guidelines.
Accountability Measure/s :
Congress redefines poverty measures
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Organize campaign
Advocate with Congress
Identify a political champion.
For more information on this goal contact : John Edwards, 904-398-7472,
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically (work, wages and benefits)
Goal : All Americans have access to affordable, quality and timely healthcare
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
For more information on this goal contact : John Edwards, 904-398-7472,
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically (work, wages and benefits)
Goal : Tax, trade and economic policies support local economies: small business and entrepreneurship.
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
For more information on this goal contact : John Edwards, 904-398-7472,
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically (work, wages and benefits)
Goal : Asset and wealth development for low-income Americans
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Financial literacy
For more information on this goal contact : John Edwards, 904-398-7472,
Topic 11. Financial Capital. (Rules about) How the economy operates domestically (work, wages and benefits)
Goal : A solvent, publicly-funded retirement system is complemented by employer pensions and personal savings
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
For more information on this goal contact : John Edwards, 904-398-7472,
Topic 12. Natural Capital. How can natural capital be transformed into financial capital in ways that benefit low-income people and preserve natural resources?
Reducing Utility Costs
Goal : Energy Efficient Housing – all new residential housing green building
Accountability Measure/s :
Utility usage reduced by 40% as compared to standard housing
Suggested Strategy/ies :
National Model LEED standard
Passive solar
Insulation, siding
Hot water on demand
Energy Efficient appliances
Energy Efficient heating & cooling systems
Campaign to get utility companies to offer incentives
For more information on this goal contact : Sandy Baz 808-249-2990
Topic 12. Natural Capital. How can natural capital be transformed into financial capital in ways that benefit low-income people and preserve natural resources?
Reducing Utility Costs
Goal : Retrofit existing housing with energy saving measures.
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Insulation & weatherization
Home heaters
Hot water on demand systems
For more information on this goal contact : Sandy Baz 808-249-2990
Topic 12. Natural Capital. How can natural capital be transformed into financial capital in ways that benefit low-income people and preserve natural resources?
Locally grown & naturally produced food
Goal : Farmer’s Markets fresh food & naturally produced food available to low income.
Accountability Measure/s :
Measure how many Food Stamps & WIC at Farmer’s Markets
How many people transported to Farmer’s Markets
How many food Coop’s
Data from farmers about local sales
Suggested Strategy/ies :
For WIC & Food Stamps allow $2 credit at Farmer’s Markets for each $1 value at grocery store
Provide transportation to Farmer’s Markets
Bring Farmer’s Markets to low income neighborhoods
Find grant money for microenterprise for Coop SHARE
Promote growing of food & providing to local grocery stores e.g., through NYS
Council on Food Policy formed by Gov. Spitzer
For more information on this goal contact : Sandy Baz 808-249-2990
Topic 12. Natural Capital. How can natural capital be transformed into financial capital in ways that benefit low-income people and preserve natural resources?
Goal : Reduce transportation costs resulting in smaller proportion of low income family budget.
Accountability Measure/s :
All families have access to viable transportation
Transportation share of budget smaller for families
Suggested Strategy/ies :
National goal
– rebuild railroad system
Low income car ownership program
– good MPGs
Increase public transportation & quality
Promote national program Employers get 80% tax credit if buy for employees
Promote alternative fuels to fossil fuels, bio-diesel, ethanol fuels to fit regional situation
For more information on this goal contact : Sandy Baz 808-249-2990
Topic 12. Natural Capital. How can natural capital be transformed into financial capital in ways that benefit low-income people and preserve natural resources?
(Reducing Utility Costs)
Goal : Energy Efficient CFLs in homes.
Accountability Measure/s :
Compare utility bills
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Check grants to supply to clients
Change strategies for HEAP
Get utility companies to give rebates
Contest local CAAs to see whose light bills reduced the most post-CFLs
For more information on this goal contact : Sandy Baz 808-249-2990
Topic 12. Natural Capital. How can natural capital be transformed into financial capital in ways that benefit low-income people and preserve natural resources?
Incentives to Local Communities
Goal : Get communities to reduce energy use by 3%.
Accountability Measure/s :
Public utilities measure reduction
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Federal Programs for communities use for energy reduction
Create new program
Get businesses to support/underwrite
Advocacy local, state
Incentives to use renewable & alternative energy
County and/or city embrace goal
Statewide utility usage tiers lower for less use, next tier costs more per Kwh (e.g.,
Fuel surcharge on utility usage (e.g., Hawaii)
For more information on this goal contact : Sandy Baz 808-249-2990
Topic 12. Natural Capital. How can natural capital be transformed into financial capital in ways that benefit low-income people and preserve natural resources?
Provide Contact Natural World
Goal : Increase greenspace & accessibility low income
Accountability Measure/s :
Increase percentage of greenspace in neighborhoods
¼ Brownfields reclaim for greenspace
Increase market value homes & businesses with addition of nearby greenspace
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Community planning – low income housing areas provide more greenspace
Zoning to stop suburban sprawl
Berms on top of buildings
Reclaim brownfields as percentage greenspace
Community gardens for food pantries
Utilize median strips
– e.g., plant trees
Require greenspace in schools
Include in curriculum preservation of natural resources, value of greenspace
For more information on this goal contact : Sandy Baz 808-249-2990
Topic 12. Natural Capital. How can natural capital be transformed into financial capital in ways that benefit low-income people and preserve natural resources?
Alternative Energy
Goal : Provide jobs in area of regional alternative energy initiatives.
Accountability Measure/s :
Job creation
Increased use of renewable & alternate energy uses
How many projects funded
How much energy returned to grid (e.g., by windmills)
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Find funding, grants for various efforts – eg home heating systems, producing alternative fuels and energy
Resurrect old DOE demonstration funding
Carbon tax
For more information on this goal contact : Sandy Baz 808-249-2990
Topic 13. Built Capital. How can economic development reduce poverty and promote economic security?
Goal : Bridge between business and community to create wealth for individuals and economic base of the community.
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Participate in economic planning in community and region
Support workforce development and individual development
Support creation of micro-enterprises
Develop evaluation criteria
Develop cost/benefit analysis or (report card) new economic development (tax credits, enterprise and empowerment zones
For more information on this goal contact : Lorraine Daniels
Topic 14: Built Capital. How can enough housing be produced?
Goal : To expand the capacity of CAPs to provide housing.
Accountability Measure/s:
Number of new units
Suggested Strategy/ies:
National Partnerships to include National institute of Architects, National
Homebuilders Association and the National Manufactured Home Association.
Refine & encourage homeownership programs with self-help on sweat equity components.
Homeownership programs (sweat equity/self-help programs)
Encourage technological innovation in prefabricated housing
For more information on this goal contact : Mary Ellen Therriault, Community
Concepts, 207-795-4065,
; or Todd Lare,
Topic 14: Built Capital. How can enough housing be produced?
Goal : Work to eliminate predatory lending.
Accountability Measure/s :
Number of foreclosures
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Advocate for federal and state laws/regulations around lending which is predatory
Increase credit counseling, debt-reduction programs, foreclosure prevention
Increase loan pools
Educate & develop alternatives to payday loans/cash-n-go.
For more information on this goal contact : Mary Ellen Therriault, Community
Concepts, 207-795-4065,
; or Todd Lare,
Topic 14: Built Capital. How can enough housing be produced?
Goal : Ensure that all people live in safe housing.
Accountability Measure/s :
Suggested Strategy/ies :
Adopt minimum housing standards
–especially on the local level–housing codes.
Adopt accessibility standards
Work to increase coordination with other programs, like Weatherization & Owner
Occupied Rehab, to bring housing up to standards
Advocate for more funding on state & national levels
Encourage utility companies to provide funds, energy audit, encouraging conservation
For more information on this goal contact : Mary Ellen Therriault, Community
Concepts, 207-795-4065,
; or Todd Lare,
Topic 14: Built Capital. How can enough housing be produced?
Goal: Maintain or increase low income housing units
Accountability Measure/s:
Number of existing units preserved (use HUD and USDA numbers)
Create one unit for every unit lost (at least one unit created for every unit lost)
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Advocate for preservation with HUD & USDA and state, regional and local governments –incorporating into planning and zoning codes.
Encourage mixed neighborhood development –livable communities.
Advocate with state housing organizations and federal housing organizations to loosen regulations, allowing more people to be served –higher incomes while still low-income.
In communities, advocate for density integration (low income housing units vs. non-low income units) in the same development/neighborhoods.
Address the bureaucracy of HUD –lessen the administrative burden of programs.
For more information on this goal contact : Mary Ellen Therriault, Community
Concepts, 207-795-4065,
; or Todd Lare,
Topic 14: Built Capital. How can enough housing be produced?
Goal: Eliminate/reduce barriers to low income renters such as credit checks, background checks
Accountability Measure/s:
Declining waiting lists
Declining homelessness (declining length of stay)
Suggested Strategy/ies:
Department of Justice, State Department of Correction, and HUD need to work together to set aside funds to assist with prisoner re-integration and eliminate regulatory blocks to them obtaining housing.
Eliminate credit check requirement (or change criteria) so that medical debts and utility disconnections don’t eliminate from obtaining housing.
Work to encourage refitting existing housing to increase energy efficiency –
Weatherization, Owner Occupied Rehab “green” techniques.
Revise eligibility standards so that more can obtain housing –offenders, credit, more incomes.
For more information on this goal contact : Mary Ellen Therriault, Community
Concepts, 207-795-4065,
; or Todd Lare,