Rubric for Personal Journal for 3rd grade (resource room) student Grade _________ Name of student ________________________ 3 points 2 points 1 point No. of words per sentence Every sentence had 7 or more words. Sentences had at least 5 words. Stayed on topic All sentences involved his feelings and why he feels that way. Some sentences mention his feelings. Did not refer to his feelings and what makes him feel that way. Used correct spacing All sentences were correctly spaced. Most sentences are correctly spaced. Did not space adequately. Used correct letter formation No letter formation errors. 2 or less letter formation errors. Asked for help when needed Asked for help when needed on a word or thought. TOTAL: Sentences had at least 3 words. 0 points 3-5 letter formation errors. Sentences had less than 3 words. More than 5 letter formation errors. Did not ask for help with anything. 3 x ____=_____ 2 x _____=_____ 1 x _____=_____ 0 points Total points awarded for Personal Journal Entry: _________ April Gibson, READ 7140, Summer 2002, Dr. Root My Journal Topics Name _________________________ Journal topics I thought of… April Gibson, READ 7140, Summer 2002, Dr. Root Date ________________________ Type of journal I can use for my topic (Personal journal, travel journal, simulated journal, learning journal, dialogue journal, etc)