beauty and the beast story

Beauty and the Beast
[Bring Prince Volunteer up, make gold 6-petal flower base]
Once upon a time, long ago there was a Handsome prince. Handsome but arrogant. [While
talking, make 160 rose]
He lived in a castle and was obsessed with beauty. One stormy night, an old beggar woman
knocked on his door asking for shelter from the rain. As payment, she offered the prince a
[show completed 160 rose]
Although he had plenty of room in his castle, he would not let her stay. The old woman turned
into a beautiful witch and cast a curse on the prince. She
turned him into a beast.
[place Beast mask on volunteer] [inflate 646 clear
and start stuffing the rose]
He would remain a beast unless, by his 21st birthday, he
could find someone who would love him as the beast, and
he must truly love that person back. As a way to tell how
much time he had left, the witch gave him a beautiful rose.
He would have the opportunity to find love and be
transformed back into a human until the last petal fell from
the flower. If he had not found love when the last petal fell he would remain a beast forever.
[Pop clear 646] To protect the rose, the prince kept it safe in his castle,
[inflate 646, tie off and twist into gold base] protected by a glass case.
In the nearby village, lived a man named Maurice. [Bring Maurice
volunteer up and put mask on him] Now there are two things
you should know about him. The first is that he was very smart but
sometimes got a little confused. The second, he had a beautiful
daughter, named Belle who loved him very much.
Maurice was away on a trip and had gotten lost on his way home.
He found his way to the Beast’s castle. He did not know who lived there, but the front door
was open and it was very cold out, so he went inside. [have Maurice call “Hello?”] When
the beast found Maurice in the castle he locked him in the
dungeon. [Have Maurice sit on a chair]
[Bring Belle volunteer to front, put dress on her] Belle was
at home waiting for her father to return. When he didn’t come
home, she got nervous and went out looking for him. She
walked deep into the woods – and was very scared, but she
loved her father so much, she kept going. Belle found her Father’s coat outside of the castle
and decided he must have gone in. She walked up to the front door and knocked. When no
one answered, she went inside.
The only person that lived in the castle, besides the Beast,
was his servant, Lumiere. [Bring Lumiere volunteer up]
When the witch cast her spell, Lumiere was changed from
a tall thin man, who happened to be lighting candles at
the time, into a tall thin candleholder. [put candle-mits
on volunteer] He had kept the Beast company for many
years. When Belle arrived at the castle, Lumiere felt bad
for her. He decided to show Belle where her father was.
Her father told her about the beast and why he was in the dungeon. Belle asked the Beast to
let her father go and told him that she would stay at the castle. So the Beast let Maurice go
home. [Maurice sits back in the audience]
In the beginning, Beauty was frightened of the Beast. Then she discovered that, even though
he looked like a monster, he was really nice and she found that she started liking the Beast.
As the days passed, Beauty and the Beast became good friends. One night, Belle came
downstairs for dinner to find the beast was dressed in his nicest clothes and the table was set
for dinner alight with candles. [position Lumiere
with arms upright] They had the most wonderful
evening together, and before they said goodnigt,
the Beast asked her to dance in the ballroom.
[play Beauty and the Beast Love song, have
Belle and the Beast dance]
Beauty and the Beast were falling in love.
But in every love story, there is always a bad guy. In this story, his name is Gaston. [Bring
Gaston volunteer up – smallest boy in the audience] He was the biggest, meanest,
strongest man in the village. [say, “let me see your muscles. And demonstrate how to
flex your arm muscles. “Hmm, I
think we need to give you some
bigger muscles. Add balloon
muscles] Gaston wanted Belle to
marry him. He was angry that Belle
was living in the castle with the Beast.
Gaston, armed with a sword, [wrap a 260 around his waist, stick a sword in it] broke
into the castle and got in a fight with the Beast. The beast did not have a sword so Gaston
won. He drove the sword straight through the Beast. [put the sword under the Beast’s
arm, have the Beast sit or lay down]
The beast let out a horrible ROAR! [ask the kids to make their loudest roar] Gaston
thought he had won and so he left the castle. [Gaston sits down in the audience] Belle ran
into the room. She saw that the beast was hurt. She ran to him, hugged him, and said out
loud that she loved him. [Have Belle say, “I love you”]
At that moment, the beast was healed, [Beast stands up] and he was turned from a beast,
back into a handsome prince. [remove Beast Mask]
Beauty and the Prince got married, and the castle, from that day on, was known as Castle
Rose. [Hand rose under glass to Belle]