Part-time fieldwork is one option for completing community practice

Division of Occupational Science &
Occupational Therapy
Part-Time Level II Fieldwork
Fact Sheet
Part-time fieldwork is one option for completing community practice requirements necessary to
become an occupational therapist. Part-time fieldwork may be completed during the Fall and
Spring semesters of the second year of the academic program. Students wishing to be considered
for this option will have completed the foundation coursework to become entry-level
practitioners, and successfully completed one Level II fieldwork.
Students must complete the equivalent of a 12 full-time week Level II Fieldwork experience.
According to ACOTE Standards (12/08), part-time Level II fieldwork “may be completed … as
long as it is at least 50% of a full-time equivalent at that site”. For example, if a full-time week
is 40 hours, then a part-time fieldwork week is 20 hours per week. Students and supervising
practitioners will need to negotiate the weekly fieldwork schedule to allow attendance in
required coursework.
Students will complete the equivalent of 30 full-time days during each of the fall and spring
semesters, for a total of the equivalent of 60 full-time days, and enroll for 1 unit of OT 486 credit
per semester. It is University policy that students complete equivalent amounts of coursework
(in this case, Level II fieldwork), for equal amounts of credit. Therefore, students MAY NOT
complete their Level II fieldwork earlier than dates outlined.
Part-time Level II fieldwork starts the week of September 14, 2009 and continues for 12 weeks
(through approximately December 4th). Students re-start at the beginning of the spring semester
(January 11th) and continue for 12 weeks (through April 2nd). The facility and student may
agree to have the student continue through the Winter Break for patient continuity; however, this
time is not required, and cannot be counted toward Level II fieldwork credit.
Part-time fieldwork experiences present unique opportunities and challenges. Students can
integrate advanced theoretical concepts as they are learned during the second year of academic
coursework. The fieldwork requirement is completed during the spring semester affording
earlier eligibility for the NBCOT exam. Challenges include a more demanding schedule during
the second year of the academic program, generally higher stress due to increased time and
energy demands, and a somewhat limited availability of fieldwork sites and settings for this
format. Working a part-time job in addition to taking a full-time graduate course load and parttime fieldwork is not recommended.
The Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy has established criteria for
assignment of part-time fieldwork as a means to provide success in this unique experience.
Criteria for inclusion in the selection process is based on the following factors:
Summer classroom assistants - priority
Successful completion of first year coursework
Successful completion of first Level II fieldwork
Grade Point Average
Evidence of positive time management skills
Recommendations from faculty
In summary:
Part-time fieldwork is at least 50% of a full-time equivalent at the site (usually means 20
hours/week) which would the equivalent of 60 full-time days over 24 weeks.
Students and supervising practitioners will need to negotiate the weekly FW schedule to
allow attendance in required coursework.
Equal amounts of work shall be completed in both Fall and Spring semesters. (Thus,
students may not complete their Level II fieldwork earlier than 12 weeks into the spring
semester, or roughly April 2nd if completing 20 hours/week).
Students may wish or be asked to come in during the winter break for patient continuity;
however, this time cannot be “counted” toward Level II fieldwork credit (refer to
previous statement above).
Rev. 4/09