
Choose one monologue you would like to do for the audition and MEMORIZE it. You are encouraged to add
blocking and movements. You will be considered for all roles, not just the character you read for.
YENTE (The Matchmaker, speaking with Golde, the mother)
Golde! Golde! I have such news for you. And not every-day-of-the-week
news...Once-in-a-lifetime news! Hmm [thinking about at all the daughters] Such
diamonds, such jewels. I'll find a husband for every one of them. But you
shouldn't be so picky, right? Of course right! Because, after all, even the worst
husband, God forbid is better than no husband, God forbid! And who should
know better than me? Ever since my husband died, I've been a poor widow. All
alone, no-one to talk to, nothing to say to anyone. All I do at night is think of him.
And even thinking of him gives me no pleasure. But what's the use
complaining? Other women enjoy complaining, but not Yente! Not every woman
in the world is a Yente!
HODEL (One of Tevye's daughters, speaking to him about her love for
Yes. But he did nothing wrong. He cares nothing for himself. Everything he does
is for other people. [TEVYE, her Father SAYS: Yes, but if he did nothing wrong,
he wouldn't be in trouble.] Papa, how can you say that? What wrongs did
Joseph do? And Abraham, and Moses? And they had troubles. He is far away,
Papa. Terribly far. He is in a settlement in Siberia. He did not ask me to go. I
want to go. I don't want him to be alone. I want to help him in his work.
Papa...God alone knows when we shall see each other again.
GOLDE (Tevye's wife)
Papa isn't up yet? Then enough lessons. We have to do Papa's work today.
How long can he sleep? He staggered home last night and fell into bed like a
dead man. I couldn't get a word out of him. [To her daughters] Put that away
and clean the barn....Call me when papa gets up. [Sees that Tevye is finally
awake] Ah, he's finally up. What happened last night, besides your drinking like
a peasant. Did you see Lazar Wolf? What did he say? What did you say? Do
you have news....ugh, you could die from such a man!
Choose one monologue you would like to do for the audition and MEMORIZE it. You are encouraged to add
blocking and movements. You will be considered for all roles, not just the character you read for.
TEYVE (A poor milkman, narrating to the audience)
A fiddler on the roof....Sounds crazy, no? But here, in our little village of
Anatevka, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof, trying to
scratch out a pleasant, simple tune, without breaking his neck. It isn't easy. You
may ask, why do we stay up there if it's so dangerous? Well, we stay because
Anatevka is our home. And how do we keep our balance? That I can tell you in
one word! Tradition!
PERCHIK (A revolutionary, speaking with one of Tevye's daugthers)
Hodel, your father, the others here, think what happened at Tzeitel's wedding
was a little cloudburst and it's over and everything will not be peaceful again. It
won't... Horrible things are happening all over the land...pogroms, violence,
whole villages are being emptied of their people...and it's reaching everywhere
and it will reach here. You understand? I have work to do. The greatest work a
man can do. But, before I go....there is a certain question I wish to discuss with
you. A...political question...The question of marriage.
LAZAR WOLF (A butcher, and older man, interested in marrying Tevye's
A milk cow! A milk cow so I won't be lonesome? I was talking about your
daughter Tzeitel! I see her every Thursday in my butcher's shop. And she's
made a very good impression on me. A very good impression. And as for me, you know I'm pretty well off. I have my own house, a good store, a
servant. Look, Tevye, why do we have to try and impress each other? Let's
shake hands and call it a match. I will be good to her. Tevye,...I....I like her.