Lecture 14 Kolb 8

PSYCOLOGY 415B: Advanced Topics in Biopsychology
Recovery of Function after Brain Injury: Evidence and Models
Chapter 8: Epilogue
A. Overview
1. Admin issues
2. Closure on the analysis of articles (LFA’s, discuss key)
3. Review of Kolb’s conclusions (Ch 8)
4. Give out Part 1 of midterm. Article and answer template posted on Web –
pw RoF Article on paper handed out today.
B. Admin:
1. Midterm Part 1 (on article) available at the end of class
- Password protected, password RoF (Caps count)
- Midterm doc (part 1) will be posted today by 3 pm.
- email Word doc back to me by class time Monday Mar 5, and bring
paper copy
- MidtermA_nnnnnn.doc where nnnnnn = your ID.
- Paper version has appropriate spacing; electronic version will not,
but limit your answer to close to space shown on paper version.
- Part 2 (Basics) is in class (all pre-midterm)
- Key ideas, principles plus examples
- Know key points of articles covered pre midterm (incl Skelton 98)
- Part 3 is take-home (Article and Kolb)
- Following Thursday – Effective posters and presentations
- Part C due
- possibly Part A will be back
- Midterm Review: You’ll get marked test back, I’ll post key with
comments and you can see me during office hours.
- Poster Day 1
- Guest presenter – March 18 – Recovery from brain injury
2. Reminder of assignment due today
- Evaluation of Ch 8
- For each principle in Ch 8, distil it down to the basic principle – a short
simple sentence (no explanations, no qualifiers)
- For each decide whether the principle is a comment, assumption or a
- Comment – Opinion
- Assumption – Starting position
- Conclusion – ending position, based on evidence
- Then decide whether the credibility is Low, Medium or High (Lo, Md,
- In following format:
Principle #: (Paraphrased in your own words)
1. Type: (comment, assumption or conclusion?
2. Credibility = Lo Med Hi
- If conclusion, describe example of evidence (in 1-2 sentences)
C. Preparation materials for your poster, talk and paper are now on the web
- I’ll go over these next Thursday
a) Poster Evaluation form (shows you what I’m looking for)
b) Outline of talk/paper (structure)
c) Criteria for evaluating talk and paper
2. Outline – like my notes
Full idea (not just topic) on each line
1) “‘Cheese’ is a topic, ‘Cheese is evil’ is a theme” (an idea, concept)
D. Article analysis? LFA Key? LFA Consistency?
1. LFA?
2. LFA consistency?
3. Diagram of Big Issue for Skelton
And relation to your talk papers
See Big Issue Diagram.docx
E. Kolb’s Epilogue – What is each “Principle” a comment, an assumption
or a conclusion? If conclusion, what kind of evidence is it based on?
What is its Credibility (Lo Med Hi)
Difference between comment, assumption and conclusion (relates to degree
of factuality/evidence)
Comment – Opinion
Assumption – Starting position
Conclusion – ending position, based on evidence
If conclusion – sample evidence?
1. IOW:_The brain is plastic. Plasticity allows the brain to change with age.
Plasticity allows the brain to change with EXP. Plasticity is an interesting
characteristic that may impact life regardless of neuronal loss _
Plasticity is a key property of the brain, allowing us to respond to
environment and survive.
{comment 111, assumption or conclusion 1}
{Cred = Lo Med Hi}
Sample evidence? X whole book x
2. IOW: x _ Changes in synapses is what modifies the brain; correlated with
behavioural change;_x
Brain perform self-mod by altering synaptic components
Synaptic change correlates with behavioural change
{comment, assumption or conclusion?} xconclusion, assumption; x
assumption/ conclusion
{Cred = Lo Med MH Hi } x x
Sample evidence? X whole bookx
Med evidence: diff dev stages corr with extent of f recovery
Caution: “Don’t assume your conclusion.” (And don’t conclude your
3. IOW A._ We can now image changes in cereb morph directly, & can ID
corrosp. Physio changes_ B. _important to demo how these changes
meaningful to the organism _
{comment, assumption or conclusion?}; x conclusion / comment (a&b)x
Cred = Lo Med Hi } x Hi x
Sample evidence? x x
4. IOW x a.there may be a basic mechanism that underlies all plasticity
(suggesting brain is hardwired for change) b. x
{comment, assumption or conclusion?} x conclusion x
{Cred = Lo Med Hi } x x
Sample evidence? X same sorts of dendritic changes with loss in aging;
plastic changes from BI are sim to what we see in learning from EXP x
5. IOW x brain changes in a variety of ways to enable one to perform a
{comment, assumption or conclusion?} x x
{Cred = Lo Med Hi } x x
Sample evidence?
6. IOW x brain plasticity is limited; (For example when older, fewer
resources available)x
{comment, assumption or conclusion?} x Conclusion x
{Cred = Lo Med Hi } xLO – Med: Not enough evidence provided for all
types of plasticity x HI – plenty of evidence given for specific types of
Sample evidence? X can lose recovered function as plasticity put under
more stress, x
7. IOW x. x
{comment, assumption or conclusion?} xx
{Cred = Lo Med Hi }
Sample evidence? xx
8. IOW x x
{comment, assumption or conclusion?}
{Cred = Lo Med Hi }
Sample evidence? X x
9. IOW xx
{comment, assumption or conclusion?}
{Cred = Lo Med Hi } x x
Sample evidence? x x
IOW xx
{comment, assumption or conclusion?} x x
{Cred = Lo Med Hi } x x
Sample evidence?
IOW x Experience can change the brain all over, or it may only
change specific areas; animal research can be used to explore exp
dependent plastic changes, and this can be applied to humans; EXP can
alter the degree of plasticityx
{comment, assumption or conclusion?} x conclusion, assumption,
comment x
{Cred = Lo Med Hi } x (assumption) med; (conclusion); med (Comment)
Hi x
Sample evidence? x Enriched animals recover betterx
“Never assume your conclusion”
A. Kolb’s closing question: How can we have constancy in the face of such
synaptic plasticity?
B. Key Points of the Day?