
196[includes 58 review articles, commentaries, or solicited research papers (denoted ^); 130 original
research papers; First (30) or last/ corresponding (81) author on 48 reviews; 63 research papers].
^ Lania, L., A. Hayday, G. Bjursell, D. Gandini-Attardi, and M. Fried "Organization and
expression of integrated polyoma virus DNA sequences in transformed rodent cells."
Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 44:597-603.
Lania, L., A. Hayday, and M. Fried "Loss of functional large T antigen and free viral
genomes from cells transformed in vitro by polyoma virus after passage in vivo as tumor
cells." J. Virol. 39:422-431.
Hayday, A., D. Gandini-Attardi, and M. Fried "Detection in situ of foreign DNA in
eukaryotic cells." Gene 15:53-65.
Hayday, A., H.E. Ruley, and M. Fried "Structural and biological analysis of integrated
polyoma virus DNA in transformed rat cells." J. Virol. 44:67-77.
Cook, P.R., J. Lang, A. Hayday, L. Lania, M. Fried, D. Chiswell, and J. Wyke "Active viral
genes in transformed cells lie close to the nuclear cage." EMBO Journal 1:447-452.
Hayday, A., Chaudry, F., and Fried, M. Loss of polyoma virus infectivity as a result of a
single amino acid change in a region of polyoma virus large T-antigen which has
extensive homology with SV40 large T. J. Virol. 45: 693-699.
Saito, H., Hayday, A., Wiman, K. Hayward, W.S., and Tonegawa, S. Activation of the cmyc gene by translocation; a model for translational control. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
80: 7476-7480.
Hayday, A., S.D. Gillies, H. Saito, C. Wood, K. Wiman, W.S. Hayward, and S. Tonegawa
"Activation of a translocated human c-myc gene by an enhancer in the immunoglobulin
heavy chain locus." Nature 307:334-340
Saito, H., D.M. Kranz, Y. Takagaki, A. Hayday, H.N. Eisen, and S. Tonegawa “Complete
primary structure of a heterodimeric T cell receptor protein deduced from cDNA
sequences” Nature 309:757-762.
Saito, H., D.M. Kranz, Y. Takagaki, A. Hayday, H.N. Eisen, and S. Tonegawa "A third
rearranged and expressed gene in a clone of cytotoxic T lymphocytes." Nature 312:3639
Wiman, K., B. Clarkson, A. Hayday, H. Saito, S. Tonegawa, and W. Hayward "Activation
of a translocated c-myc gene: role of structural mutations in the upstream region."
Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci. USA 81:6798-6802.
^ Hayday, A., H. Saito, C. Wood, S.D. Gillies, K. Wiman, W.S. Hayward, and S. Tonegawa
"Activation of c-myc gene by translocation in a human non-Hodgkins lymphoma:
transcriptional and translational mechanisms."
Cancer Cells 2, Cold Spring Harbor
Publication, G. Vande Woude, et al., (ed) p. 243-251.
^ Wiman, K., C.K. Shih, M. Goodenow, A. Hayday, H. Saito, S. Tonegawa, and W. Hayward
"Activation of c-myc in avian and human B cell tumors." Cancer Cells 2, Cold Spring
Harbor Publication, G. Vande Woude, et al., (ed) p. 189-194.
(14) ^
Wiman, K., B. Clurman, C.-K. Shih, M. Goodenow, M. Simon, R. LeStrange, A. Hayday, S.
Tonegawa, and W. Hayward "Activation of c-myc in viral and non-viral neoplasia."
Bristol Myers Symposia #7 "Genetics, Cell Differentiation, and Cancer", ed. P. Marks.
Hayday, A., H. Saito, S.D. Gillies, D.M. Kranz, G. Tanigawa, H.N. Eisen, and S. Tonegawa
"Structure, organization, and somatic rearrangement of T cell receptor gamma genes."
Cell 40: 259-269.
Hayday, A., D. Diamond, G. Tanigawa, J. Heilig, V. Folsom, H. Saito, and S. Tonegawa
"Unusual organization and diversity of T cell receptor alpha chain genes."
Wilson, J., A. Hayday, S. Courtneidge, and M. Fried "A frameshift at a mutational hot spot
in the polyoma virus early region generates two new proteins that define T-antigen
functional domains." Cell 44:477-487.
Toneguzzo, F., A. Hayday, and A. Keating. "Electric field mediated gene transfer: transient
and stable expression in human and mouse lymphoid cells." Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:703-706.
Jones, B., S.M. Mjolsness, C.A. Janeway, Jr., and A. Hayday "Transcription of functionally
rearranged gamma genes in primary T cells of adult immuno-competent mice." Nature
323: 635-638.
Diamond, L., S. Sloan, A. Pellicer, and A. Hayday "T cell receptor gene rearrangement in
primary tumors: effect of genetic background and inducing agent." Immunogenetics
Jones, B., S. Carding, S. Kyes, S. Mjolsness, C. Janeway, and A. Hayday "Molecular
analyses of TCR gamma gene expression in allo-activated splenic T cells of adult mice."
Eur. J. Immunol 18:1907-1915.
Toneguzzo, F., Glynn, S., Levi, E., Mjolsness, S., and Hayday, A."Use of a chemically
modified T7 DNA polymerase for manual and automated sequencing of supercoiled DNA"
Biotechniques. 6:460-469.
^Janeway, C.A., Jr., B. Jones, A. Hayday "Specificity and function of T cells bearing
gamma-delta receptors." Immunology Today 9:73-76.
^Martinotti, S., A. Richman, A. Hayday "The expression of translocated c-myc alleles in
normal human B cells: failure to autoregulate." Curr. Topics in Microbiol. and Immunol.
141: 264-268.
^Richman, A., and A. Hayday "The expression of cloned wild type and translocated c-myc
genes in B cells and in fibroblasts." Curr. Topics in Microbiol. and Immunol. 141: 269-273.
Kyes, S., Carew, E., Carding, S., Janeway, C.A., and Hayday, A. "Diversity in T cell receptor
gamma gene usage in the gut epithelium" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A 86: 5527-5531.
Carding, S., Jenkinson, E., Kingston, R., Hayday, A.C., Bottomly, K., and Owen, J.J.T.
"Developmental control of lymphokine gene expression in fetal thymocytes during T cell
ontogeny" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86:3342-3345.
Richman, A., and Hayday, A.C. "The serum inducible expression of transfected human cmyc genes" Mol. Cell Biol. 9: 4962-4969.
Richman, A., and Hayday, A.C. "Normal expression of a mutated, translocated c-myc
gene after transfection into fibroblasts" Science 246:494-497.
Carding, S., Kyes, S., Jenkinson, E., Kingston, R., Bottomly, K., Owen, J., and Hayday, A.C.
"Developmentally regulated fetal thymic and extrathymic T-cell receptor  gene
expression" Genes and Development 4:1304-1315.
Carding, S., Allan, W., Kyes, S., Hayday, A., Bottomly, K., and Doherty, P.C.
dominance of the inflammatory process in murine influenza by  T cells" J. Exp. Med.
^Kyes, S., and Hayday, A "Disparate types of  T cell" Forums in Immunol 141: 582-587
McVay, L., D., Carding, S., Bottomly, K., and Hayday, A.C. "Regulated expression and
structure of T cell receptor / transcripts in human thymic ontogeny." EMBO J.10:83-91.
^Mann, R., Dudley, E.C., Sano, Y., O'Brien, R., Born, W., Janeway, C.A., and Hayday, A.
"Modulation of murine self antigens by mycobacterial components"
Curr Topics in
Microbiol and Immunol. 173: 151-157.
^ McVay, L.D., Hayday, A.C., Bottomly, K., and Carding, S. "Thymic and extrathymic
development of human  T cells" Curr Topics in Microbiol and Immunol. 173: 57-63.
^Carding, S., Hayday, A, and Bottomly, K. "Cytokines in T cell development” Immunology
Today 12: 239-245.
Kyes, S., Pao, W., and Hayday, A. "Influence of site of expression on the fetal murine 
T cell repertoire" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 88: 7830-7833
Philpott, K., Viney, J., Kaye, G., Rastan, S., Gardiner, E., Chae, S., Hayday, A. & Owen, M.
"Lymphoid development in mice congenitally deficient in  T cells"
^ Hayday, A. “T cell receptor ” The Encyclopedia of Immunology" Vol 1, eds Roitt. I., &
Delves, P. Academic Press publ.1428-1433
^ Gardiner, E.M., Richman, A.,M., & Hayday, A. "myc activation - a case of complex
corruption" Seminars in Virology 2: 341-351
Solimena, M., Aggujaro, D., Muntzel, C., Dirkx, R., Butler, M., de Camilli, P., Hayday, A.
"Association of GAD65, but not of GAD67, with the Golgi complex of transfected Chinese
hamster ovary cells mediated by the N-terminal region". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:
Mallick, C., Dudley, E., Viney, J., Owen, M., & Hayday, A. "Rearrangement and diversity
 chain in
development." Cell 73: 513-519
Findly, R.C., Roberts, S.J., & Hayday, A.C. "Dynamic responses of intra-epithelial T cells of
mice to infection by coccidian, Eimeria vermiformis " - Eur. J. Immunol.23: 2257-2264
^ Hayday, A.C. "Not in the Thymus" - Current Biology 3: 525-528
Palmer, D.B., Viney, J.L., Ritter, M.A., Hayday, A.C., & Owen, M.J. "Expression of the  T
cell receptor is necessary for the generation of thymic medulla" Develop. Immunology 3:
Groettrup, M., Ungewiss, K., Azogui, O., Palacios, R., Owen, M.J., Hayday, A., von
Boehmer, H. "A novel disulfide-linked heterodimer on pre-T cells consists of the T cell
receptor  chain and a 33kD glycoprotein" Cell 75: 283-294
Liu, C.P., Ueda, R., She, J., Sancho, J., Wang, B., Weddell, G., Loring, J., Kurahara, C.,
Dudley, E.C., Hayday, A.,C., Terhorst, C., & Huang, M. " Abnormal T cell development in
CD3 -/- mice, and identification of a novel T cell population in the intestine." EMBO J.
12: 4863-4875
Butler, M., Solimena, M., Dirkx, R., Hayday, A., & de Camilli, P. " Identification of a
dominant epitope of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD 65) recognised by
autoantibodies in Stiff Man Syndrome" J.Exp.Med.178: 2097-2106
Sano, Y., Dudley, E., Carding, S., Dunn, M., Hayday, A., Janeway, C. "Recognition of a B
cell lymphoma by murine intestinal / T cell hybridomas" Immunology 80: 388-394
^Palmer, D., Hayday, A.C., Owen, M.J. "Is T cell receptor  chain expression an essential
event during early thymocyte development?" Immunol Today 15: 460-462
^ Hayday, A.C., Roberts, S.J, Dudley, E.C. " The protection of epithelial integrity by IEL
populations:  T cell receptors constitutively and inducibly associated with epithelia" in
"Mucosal immunology: intraepithelial lymphocytes" Raven, publ.; eds. Kyono, H., &
McGee, J. - 9: 175-183
Viney, J.L., Dianda, L., Roberts, S.J., Wen, L., Mallick, C.,
Hayday, A. Owen, M.J.
"Lymphocyte expansion in mice congenitally lacking  T cells"-Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA
91: 11948-11952
Wen, L., Roberts, S.J., Viney, L., Wong, S., Mallick, C., Peng, Q., Craft, J., Findly, R.C.,
Owen, M.J., Hayday, A. "Immunoglobulin synthesis and generalised autoimmunity in
mice congenitally deficient in  T cells" Nature 369:654-658
Dudley, E.C., Petrie, H.T., Shah, L.M., Owen, M.J., Hayday, A.C. "T cell receptor  chain
gene rearrangement and selection during early thymocyte development in adult mice"
Immunity -1:83-93
^ Hayday, A.C., Findly, R.C., Plehn-Dujowich, D., Viney, J.L., Owen, M.J., and Roberts,
S.J. "Intraepithelial + T cells in natural infection and in coeliac disease: protectors of
epithelial integrity and mediators of immune regulation - an hypothesis 6th International
Proceedings on Coeliac Disease pp 46-57
Dudley, E.C., Girardi, M., Owen, M.J., and Hayday, A.C. “ and  T cells can share a late
common precursor”. Curr. Biol 5: 659-669
Chandler, P., Frater, A.J., Douek, D.C., Viney, J.L., Kay, G., Owen, M.J., Hayday, A.C.,
Simpson, E., and Altmann, D.M. “Immune responsiveness in mutant mice lacking T-cell
receptor  T cells” Immunol. 85: 531-537
Hughes, D.P.M., Hayday, A.C.
cell receptors (TCR) of intestinal type are preferentially expande
-deficient lpr
mice” J.Exp.Med. 182: 233-241
Cheng, A.M., Rowley, B., Pao, W., Hayday, A.C., Bolen, J.B., Pawson, T. “The syk tyrosine
kinase is required for mouse viability and B cell development”
Nature - 378: 303-306
^ Hayday, A.C. "Is antigen-specific suppression now unsuppressed?" Curr Biol. 5:47-50
Rosat, J.P., Waanders, G.A., Beermann, F., Wilson, A., Owen, M.J., Hayday, A.C., Huang,
S., Aguet, M., MacDonald, H.R., Louis, J.A. "Th2 type CD4+ T cell dependent expansion of
 T cells in Balb/c mice infected with Leishmania major" - Infection & Immunity 63:
Martinotti, S., Toniato, E., Colagrande, A., Alesse, E., Alleva, C., Screpanti, I., Morrone, S.,
Scarpa, S., Frati, L., Hayday, A.C., Piovella, F., Gulino, A. "Heavy-metal modulation of the
human intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) gene expression" Biochem. Biophys.
Acta 1261: 107-114
Cilenti, L., Toniato, E., Ruggiero, P., Fusco, C., Farina, A.R., Tiberio, A., Hayday, A.C.,
Gulino, A., Frati, L., and Martinotti, S. "Transcriptional modulation of the human
intercellular adhesion molecule gene I (ICAM-1) by retinoic acid in melanoma cells" Exp
Cell Res. 218: 263-270
Brandle, D., Brduscha-Riem, K. Hayday, A.C., Owen, M.J., Hengartner, H., Pircher, H. "T
cell development and repertoire of mice expressing a single T cell receptor alpha chain"
Eur. J.Immunol.25: 2650-2655
^ Hayday, A., " The Function and Specificity of  T cells - how much like who?" Chapter
4 in The T Cell Receptor, eds. Bell, J., Owen, M.J., & Simpson, E. -publ. Oxford Univ Press,
Hoffman, E., Passoni, L., Crompton, T., Leu, T., Schatz, D., Koff, A., Owen, M.J., Hayday,
A.C. " Productive T cell receptor  chain gene rearrangement: close interplay of cell cycle
and cell differentiation during T cell development in vivo" Genes and Development 10:
Peng, S.L., Madaio, M.P., Hughes, D.P.M., Crispe, I.N., Owen, M.J., Wen, L., Hayday, A.C.,
and Craft, J. “Murine systemic lupus erythematosus in the absence of  T cells”
J.Immunol. 156: 4041-4049
Wen, L., Pao, W., Wong, F.S., Peng, Q., Craft, J., Zheng, B., Kelsoe, G., Dianda, L., Owen,
M.J., and Hayday, A.C. “Germinal center formation, immunoglobulin class switching,
and autoantibody production driven by non- T cells” J.Exp. Med., 181: 2141-2152
Kiyokawa, H., Kineman, R.D., Manova-Todorova, K.O., Soares, V.C., Hoffman, E., Ono,
M., Khanam, D., Hayday, A.C., Frohman, L., and Koff, A. "Enhanced growth of mice
lacking the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor function of p27Kip1” Cell 85: 721-732
Dianda, L., Gulbranson-Judge, A., Pao, W., Hayday, A.C., MacLennan, I.C.M., and Owen,
M.J. “ Germinal centre formation in mice lacking  T cells” Eur. J. Immunol 26: 16031607
Mallick-Wood, C., Pao, W., Cheng, A., Kulkarni, S., Bolen, J., Rowley, B., Lewis, J.M.,
Tigelaar, R.E., Pawson, T., and Hayday, A.C. "Disruption of intraepithelial  T cell
repertoires by mutation in the Syk tyrosine kinase" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA -93: 97049709
Peng, S., Robert, M.E., Hayday, A.C., Craft, J. "A tumor-suppressor function for fas
(CD95) revealed in T cell deficient mice" J.Exp Med.- 184: 1149-1154
Roberts, S., Smith, A.L., West, A.B. Wen, L., Findly, R.C., Owen, M.J., and Hayday, A.C. "T
cell receptor + and + deficient mice display abnormal but distinct phenotypes
toward a natural, widespread infection of the intestinal epithelium" Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA -93: 11774-11779
Pao, W., Wen, L., Smith A.L., Gulbranson-Judge, A., Zheng, B., Kelsoe, G., Owen, M.J.,
MacLennan, I., and Hayday, A.C. "  T cell help for B cells is stimulated by repeated
parasitic infection" Curr .Biol. - 6: 1317-1325
O'Shea, C., Crompton, T., Rosewell, I.R., Hayday, A.C., and Owen, M.J. "Raf regulates
positive selection" Eur. J. Immunol. -26: 2350-2355
Peng, S., Madaio, M., Hayday, A.C., Craft, J. "Propagation and regulation of systemic
autoimmunity by  T cells" J.Immunol -157: 5689-5698
Szczepnik, M., Anderson, L.R., Ushio, H., Ptak, W., Owen, M.J., Hayday, A.C., and
Askenase, P.W. " T cells from tolerized  TCR deficient mice inhibit contact
sensitivity effector T cells in vivo, and their interferon  production in vitro” J.Exp. Med.
184: 2129-2139
Burtrum, D.B., Kim, S., Dudley, E.C., Hayday, A.C., and Petrie, H.T. "TCR gene
recombination and / lineage divergence: productive TCR
exclusive nor preclusive of  cell development" J.Immunol - 157: 4293-4296
Dianda, L., Hanby, A., Wright, N., Sebesteny, A., Hayday, A.C., and Owen, M.J. “T cell
 deficient mice fail to develop colitis in the absence of a microbial
environment” Am.J.Path. 150: 91-97
Peng, S., Madison, J.F., Madaio, M., Ma, J., Owen, M.J., Flavell, R.A., Hayday, A.C, Craft,
J. “ T cell regulation and CD40 ligand dependence in murine systemic autoimmunity”
J. Immunol. 158: 2464-2470
^ Szczepanik, M., Anderson, L.R., Ushio, H., Ptak, W., Owen, M.J., and Hayday, A.C., and
Askenase, P.W. “ T cells from  TCR deficient mice antigen can specifically inhibit
contact sensitivity in vivo, and interferon  production in vitro”. Int. Arch. Allergy
Immunol. 113: 373-375
Zitnik, R.,Wright, C., Rosen, E., and Hayday, A.C. "The cloning and biochemical
characterization of a murine secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor cDNA” Biophys.
Biochem.Res.Comm. 232: 687-69
Passoni, L., Hoffman, E., Kim, S., Crompton, T., Pao, W., Dong, M-Q., Owen, M.J., and
Hayday, A.C. "  T cell development dependent on intrathymic  selection" Immunity 7:
^ Wen, L., and Hayday, A.C. " T cells and the provision of help to autoreactive B cells"
Immunologic Res. 16: 229-241
^ Hayday, A.C., and Geng, L.P. " T cells regulate autoimmunity" Curr Opinion in
Immunol. 9: 884-889
Sant'Angelo, D.B., Waterbury, G.P., Cohen, B.E., Martin, W.D., Van Kaer, L., Hayday, A.C,
and Janeway, C.A. "The imprint of intrathymic self-peptides on the mature T cell
receptor repertoire" Immunity -7: 517-524
^ Hayday, A.C., Roberts, S.J., and Smith, A. " T cells in coeliac disease" in the
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Coeliac Disease, ed. Maki, M. publ
.Coeliac Disease Study Group, pp.311-320
Peng, S.L., Cappadona, J., McNiff, J.M., Madaio, M.P., Owen, M.J., Hayday, A.C., Craft, J.
-deficient lupus-prone mice" Clin. Exp.
Immunol. 111: 107-116
Wen, L., Barber, D., Pao, W., Wong, F.S. , Owen M.J., and Hayday, A.C. " T cell clones
can be defined by Th1/Th2 phenotypes, and illustrate the association of CD4 expression
with Th2 differentiation” J.Immunol -160: 1965-1974
Mallick-Wood, C.A., Lewis, J., Richie, L., Owen, M.J., Tigelaar, R.E., and Hayday, A.C.
“Conservation of T cell receptor conformation in epidermal  cells with disrupted
primary V gene usage” – Science 269: 1449-1452
^ Hayday, A.C., and Pao, W. "T cell receptor gamma delta" in The Encyclopedia of
Immunology eds Roitt. I., and Delves, P., 2nd. edition Academic Press publ., pp22682278
^ Hoffman, E., Passoni, L., Dudley, E.C., Girardi, M., and Hayday, A.C. "The / lineage
decision" in Molecular Biology and B and T cell development eds. Monroe, J.G., and
Rothenberg, E. © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ. pp 367-396
Geng, L., Solimena, M., Flavell, RA., Sherwin, R.S., Hayday, A.C. “Widespread expression
of autoantigen-GAD65 transgene does not tolerise NOD mice, and can exacerbate
disease” Proc Natl. Acad Sci USA 95: 10055-10060
Barber, D.F, Passoni, L., Wen, L., Geng, L., Hayday, AC. “The expression in vivo of a
second isoform of pT: implications for the mechanism of pT action” J.Immunol. 161:
^ Griffith, E., Ramsburg, E., and Hayday, A.C. “Recognition of intestinal epithelial cells by
 T cells”. Gut 43:166-167
^ Smith, A.L., and Hayday, A.C. "Genetic analysis of the essential components of the
immunoprotective response to infection with Eimeria vermiformis" Int. J. Parsitol. 28:
McVay, L.D., Jaswal, S.S., Kennedy, C., Hayday, A., and Carding, S.R. “The Generation of
Human  T Cell Repertoires During Fetal Development”. J Immunol. 160:5851-5860
^Wen, L., Ma, Vergani, D., and Hayday, A.C. " T cells are active in the liver" in T
lymphocytes in the liver: immunobiology, pathology and host defense ed. Crispe I.N.
^Hayday, A.C. “ Cells and Natural Killer Cells – The Edge of the Picture is Coming into
Focus”. The Immunologist 7: 16
^ Hayday, A.C., Barber, D.F., Douglas, N. and Hoffman, E.S. “Signals involved in gamma
delta T cell versus alpha beta cell lineage commitment” Seminars in Immunology 11:
^Hayday, A. C. “ Cells: A Right Time and a Right Place for a Conserved Third Way of
Protection” Ann. Rev. Immunol. 18: 975-1026
^ Steele, C. R., Oppenheim, D.E., Hayday, A.C. “ cells: non-classical ligands for nonclassical cells” Curr. Biology 10: R282-R285
Bellavia, D., Campese, A.F., Alesse, E., Vacca, Felli, M.P., Balestri, A., Stoppaccario, A.,
Tiveron, C., Tatangelo, L., Giovarelli, M., Gaetano, C., Rucco, L., Hoffman, E., Hayday,
A.C., Lendahl, U., Frati, L., Gulino, A., and Screpanti, I. “Constitutive activation of NFkappa B and T-cell leukemia/lymphoma in Notch3 transgenic mice indicate a potential
role for Notch 3 “ EMBO J. 19: 3337-48
^ Miller, C., Roberts, S.J., Ramsburg, E., Hayday, A.C. “ cells in gut infection,
immunopathology, and organogenesis” Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 22: 297310
^ Hayday, A.C., Roberts, SJ., and Ramsburg, E “ cells and the regulation of mucosal
immune responses” Am J Respir Crit Care Med 162 : S161-S163
Smith, A.L. and Hayday, A.C. “Genetic dissection of Primary and Secondary Responses to
a Widespread Natural Pathogen of the gut, Eimeria verimformis” Inf. & Immunity
Smith, A.L. and Hayday, A.C. “An  T-cell-independent immunoprotective response
towards gut coccidia is supported by ”cells" Immunology 101:325-332
^ Hayday, A. C. and Viney, J.L. “ The ins and out of body surface immunology” Science
290: 97-100
Voll, R.E, Jimi, E., Phillips, R.J., Barber, D.F., Rincon, M., Hayday, A.C., Flavell, R. A. and
Ghosh, S. “NF-
-T Cell Receptor Serves as a Selective Survival
Signal in T Lymphocyte Development”. Immunity, 13: 677-689
^ Roberts, S.J. & Hayday, A. “A role for  T cells modulating inflammation: evidence
from protozoan, bacterial and autoimmune model systems” Mucosal Imm Updates, 8 :47
Douglas, N.C., Jacobs, H., Bothwell, A.L.M., Hayday, A.C. “Defining the specific
physiologic requirements for c-myc in T cell development” Nature Immunol. 2:307-315
Bockenstedt, L.K., Kang, I., Chang, C., Persing, D., Hayday, A., and Barthold, S.W. “CD4+ Thelper 1-Cells Facilitate Regression of Murine Lyme Carditis” Inf & Immunity 69: 52645269
Shires, J., Theodoridis, E., and Hayday, A.C. “Biological insights into murine TCR+ and
TCR + intraepithelial lymphocytes provided by the Serial Analysis of Gene Expression
(SAGE)” Immunity 15: 419-434
Girardi, M., Oppenheim, D.E., Steele, C.R., Lewis, J., Glusac, E., Filler, R.B., Hobby, P.,
Sutton, B., Tigelaar, R.E., Hayday, A.C. “ Regulation of Cutaneous Malignancy by  T
Cells” Science 294: 605
Allen, M., Ishida-Yamamoto, A., McGrath, J., Davison, S., Iizuka, H., Simon, M., Guerrrin,
M., Hayday, A., Vaughan, R., Serre, G., Trembath, R., and Barker, J. “Corneodesmosin
Expression in Psoriasis Vulgaris Differs from Normal skin and Other Inflammatory Skin
Disorders” Laboratory Investigations 81: 969-76
Gibbons, D., Douglas, N., Barber, D.F., Liu, Q., Sullo, R., Geng, L., Fehling, H-J., von
Boehmer, H., and Hayday, A.C. “The Biological Activity of natural and mutant pT
alleles” Journal of Experimental Medicine 194:695-704
^ A. Hayday & D. Gibbons "Regulated T-cell development: a victim of multiple
conspiracies”. Immunology 104:8-10
^ Hayday, A., Theodoridis, E., Ramsburg, E., & Shires, J. “Intraepithelial lymphocytes:
exploring the Third Way in immunology” Nature Immunology 2: 997-1003
Girardi, M., Lewis, J., Glusac, E., Filler, R.B., Geng, L., Hayday, A.C., Tigelaar, RE.
“Resident Skin-Specific  T Cells Provide Local Non-redundant Regulation of Cutaneous
Inflammation” Journal of Experimental Medicine 195: 855-867
Bellavia, D., Campese, A.F., Checquolo, S., Balestri, A., Biondi, A., Cazzaniga, G., Lendah,l
U., Fehling, H.J., Hayday, A.C., Frati, L., von Boehmer, H., Gulino, A., and Screpanti, I.
“Combined expression of pT and Notch 3 in T cell leukemia identifies the requirement
preTCR for leukemogenesis”
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
Pritchard, J. Hughes, R.A.C., Gregson, N.A., Hayday, A.C. “Investigating a role for
peripheral myelin protein 22 as an autoantigen in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Clin. Sci. 103:
Steele, C., and Hayday, A “Production of a soluble
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Technol. Biomed. Life Sci. 786: 297-304
Girardi, M., Sherling, M., Filler, R., Shires, J., Theodoridis, E., Hayday, A., and Tigelaar,
R.E. “Anti-
109: 1-7
Girardi, M., Glusac, E., Filler, R., Tigelaar, R.E., and Hayday, A “The distinct contributions
cells to different stages of chemically
induced skin cancer” J.Exp Med 198: 747-755
^Denzel, A., Horejsi, V., and Hayday, AC “The 5th EFIS Tatra Mountain Immunology
Conference on Molecular determinants of T cell Immunity” Immunol Letters 86: 1-6
Pennington, D., Shires, J. , Silva- Santos, B., Theodoridis, E., Pollitt, C., Owen, M.J., and
Hayday, A. “The inter-relatedness and interdependence of mouse T cell receptor
cells Nature Immunology 4: 991-998
Ramsburg, E., Tigelaar, R., Craft, J.E., and Hayday,
T cells in the primary but not secondary protective immune response against an
intestinal parasite” J.Exp Med 198: 1403-1414
^ Tigelaar, R.E., and Hayday, A.
Nature Rev Immunol - 3: 233-242
Denzel, A., Hare, K., Shokat, K., Jenkinson, E., Anderson, G., and Hayday, A.C. “A
chemical genetic strategy for the analysis of T cell development”- J. Immunol – Cutting
Edge: 171: 519-523
Trigueros, C., Hozumi, K., Silva-Santos, B., Bruno, L., Hayday, A., Owen, MJ., Pennington,
D. “Pre-TCR signalling regulates IL7-receptor alpha chain expression promoting
thymocyte survival in the transition from the double-negative to the double-positive
stage” Eur J.Immunol. 33: 1968-77
^ Hayday, A.C., Pennington, D., and Giuggio, VM. “Genomics and Immunology” Seminars
in Immunol. 15: 201-208
^ Schreiber, R., Old, L., Hayday, A.C., and Smyth, M.J. “Response to: A cancer
immunosurveillance controversy” Nature Immunol. 5: 4-5
Girardi, M., Oppenheim, C.,Glusac, E., Filler, R., Balmain, A., Tigelaar, R.E., and Hayday, A
nse to Transplantable
Squamous Cell Carcinoma”. J. Invest. Dermatol. 122:699-70
Gibbons, D.L, Shashikant, C., Hayday, A.C. “A comparative analysis of RNA Targeting
Strategies in the Thymosin Beta 4 Gene” Journal of Molecular Biology 2004; 342:106976.
^ Eberl M, Jomaa H, Hayday AC. Integrated immune responses to infection - cross-talk
between human gamma delta T cells and dendritic cells. Immunology. 112:364-8.
Silva-Santos B, Pennington DJ, Hayday AC “Lymphotoxin-Mediated Regulation of
Science. 307:925-928
^ Pennington, D.J., Silva-Santos, B., and Hayday, A.C
– having
the strength to get there” Current Opinions in Immunology 17: 108-115
^ Pennington, D.J., Vermijlen, D., Wise, E.L, Clarke, S.L.,Tigelaar, R.E., and Hayday, A.C.
“The Integrated Responses of Conventional and Unconventional T cells” Adv in
Immunology 87:27-59.
Oppenheim, DE., Roberts, S.J, Clarke, S.L., Filler, R., Lewis, J.M., Tigelaar, R.E., Girardi,
M., and Hayday, A.C. “Sustained localized NKG2D-ligand expression impairs natural
cytotoxicity in vivo and impedes tumor immunosurveillance” Nature Immunol
^ Girardi, M., A. C. Hayday “Imunosurveillance by gamma delta T cells: focus on the
murine system”. Chem Immunol Allergy. 2005;86:136-50
(141) 2006
Girardi, M., Lewis, J.M. , Filler, RB., A. C. Hayday & R.E. Tigelaar “Environmentally
responsive and reversible regulation of epidermal barrier function by gamma delta T
cells“. J Invest Dermatol. 126:808-14.
^ Hayday A. “Orchestrated leak provokes a thymus reassessment” Nat Immunol 7:9-11
Lewis, J.M., M.Girardi, S.J. Roberts, S. Barbee, A. C. Hayday & R.E. Tigelaar “Selection of
the cutaneous intraepithelial γδ T cell repertoire by a thymic stromal determinant” Nat
Immunol. 8:843-50
Pennington DJ, Silva-Santos B, Silberzahn T, Escorcio-Correia M, Woodward MJ, Roberts
SJ, Smith AL, Dyson PJ, Hayday A C. “Early events in the thymus affect the balance of
effector and regulatory T cells.” Nature 444: 1073-1077
^ Hayday AC and Pennington, DP. “Key factors in the organized chaos of early T cell
development” .Nature Immunol. 8:137-44.
Pritchard, J., Makowska, A, Gregson, N, Hayday, A,. Hughes, RAC. “Reduced circulating
CD4+CD25+ cell populations in Guillain-Barre syndrome” J Neuroimmunol. 183:232-8
Vermijlen, D., Ellis, P., Langford, Klein, A., Engel, R., Willimann, K., Jomaa, H., Hayday,
A.C., and Eberl, M “Distinct cytokine-driven responses of activated blood gamma delta T
cells: insights into unconventional T cell pleiotropy” J Immunol. 178: 4304-14
Roberts, S., Ng, B., Filler, R., Lewis, J., Glusac, E., Hayday, AC., Tigelaar, RE., and Girardi,
M. “Characterising tumor-promoting T cells in chemically-induced cutaneous
carcinogenesis” Proc Natl. Aced Sci USA 104: 6770-6775
Pang DJ, Hayday, AC.,, Bijlmakers MJ. CD8 Raft localization is induced by its assembly
into CD8 alpha beta heterodimers, not CD8 alpha alpha homodimers. J Biol Chem
Dieli, F, Vermijlen, D., Fulfaro, F, Caccamo, N, Roberts, A., Meraviglia, S., Cicero, G.
Buccheri, S., D’Asaro, M, Gebbia, N., , Salerno, A ,. Eberl, M., Hayday, AC., “Targeting
human  T cells with zoledronate and interleukin-2 for immunotherapy of hormone-
refractory prostate cancer – a clinical trial.” Cancer Research 67: 7450-745
Makowska, A., Pritchard, J., Sanvito, L., Gregsno, N., Peakman, M., Hayday, A., and
Hughes, RAC. “ Immune responses to myelin proteins in Guillain-Barre syndrome” J.
Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry E-pub ahead of print (August)
Gregson, NA., Zhang, G., Pritchard, J., Wang, A., Sanvito, L., Hayday, AC., Hughes, RA
“Characterization of a monoclonal antibody specific for human peripheral myelin
protein 22 and its use in immunohistochemical studies of the fetal and adult nervous
system” J Periph. Nerv Syst. 12: 2-10
Strid, J., Roberts, SJ., Filler, R., Lewis, JM., Kwong, BY., Schpero, W., Kaplan, DH., Hayday,
AC., and Girardi, M “Acute upregulation of an NKG2D ligand promotes rapid
reorganisation of a local immune compartment with pleiotropic effects on
carcinogenesis” Nat Immunol 9: 146-154
^Bernard, D., Peakman, M., and Hayday, AC. “Establishing humanized mice using stem
cells :maximising the potential” Clin Exp Immunol. 152: 406-414
Capon F., Bijlmakers, MJ., Wolf, N., Quaranta, M., Huffmeier, U., Allen, M., Timms, K.,
Abkevich, V., Gulin, A., Smith, R., Warren, RB., Young, H., Worthington, J., Burden, AD,
Griffiths, CE., Hayday, AC., Nestle, FO., Reis, A., Lanchbury, J., Barker, JN, and Trembath,
RC. “Identification of ZNF313/RNF114 as a novel psoriasis susceptibility gene”. Hum Mol
Genet 17:1938-45.
Boyden, L., Lewis, JM., Barbee, SD., Bas, A., Girardi, M., Hayday, A., Tigelaar, R., and
Lifton, RP “Skint1, the prototype of a newly identified immunoglobulin superfamily gene
cluster, positively selects epidermal gamma delta T cells”. Nature Genet. 40:656-62.
^ Hayday, A.C., and Peakman, M. “The habitual, diverse and surmountable obstacles to
human immunology research”. Nature Immunol. 9:575-80.
^ Al Ramadi, B., Hayday A.C., and Schwaeble, W “Immunology in the Arabian Desert”
Nat Immunol 9: 699-703
Leggat, J., Gibbons DL,Haque SF, Smith AL, Wells JW, Choy K, Lloyd CM, Hayday AC,
Noble A.”Innate responsiveness of CD8 memory T-cell populations nonspecifically
inhibits allergic sensitization”. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 122: 1014-1021
^Gibbons, D, and Hayday, A “Brokering the peace – the origins of intestinal
intraepithelial lymphocytes” Mucosal Immunol 1: 172-174
Gibbons DL, Haque SF, Copestake SL, Wells JW, Noble A, Smith AL, Hayday AC.
“Suppression of airway inflammation by a natural acute infection of the intestinal
epithelium.” Mucosal Immunol. 2008 Dec 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Dodd J, Riffault S, Kodituwakku JS, Hayday AC, Openshaw PJ. “Pulmonary Vgamm4+
gamma delta T cells have proinflammatory and antiviral effects in viral lung disease.” J
Immunol. 2009 182:1174-81
Ribot, JC., deBarros A., Pang DJ., Neves, JF., Peperzak, V., Roberts, SJ., Girardi, M. , Borst,
J., Hayday, AC., Pennington, DJ., & Silva-Santos, B “CD27 is a thymic determinant of the
balance between interferon-g- and interleukin-17-producing gd T cell subsets” 2009 Nat
Immunol - 10: 427-436
^ Strid, J., Tigelaar, R.E., Hayday, A.C. “Skin immune surveillance by T cells: a new
order?” Semin Immunol. 2009 21: 110-120
^ Hayday AC, Spencer J. “Barrier immunity” Semin Immunol. 2009 21: 99-100
Laggner U, Lopez JS, Perera G, Warbey VS, Sita-Lumsden A, O'Doherty MJ, Hayday A,
Harries M, Nestle FO. “”Regression of melanoma metastases following treatment with
the n-bisphosphonate zoledronate and localised radiotherapy.” Clin Immunol. 2009
Gibbons DL, Haque SF, Silberzahn T, Hamilton K, Langford C, Ellis P, Carr R, Hayday AC.
“Neonates harbour highly active gamma delta T cells with selective impairments in
preterm infants.” Eur J Immunol. 2009 39:1794-806.
^Hayday, A.C. “gd T cells and the lymphoid stress-surveillance response” 2009 Immunity
34: 184-196
Kwong BY, Roberts SJ, Silberzahn T, Filler RB, Neustadter JH, Galan A, Reddy S, Lin WM,
Ellis PD, Langford CF, Hayday AC, Girardi M. “Molecular analysis of tumor-promoting
CD8+ T cells in two-stage cutaneous chemical carcinogenesis.” 2010 J Invest Dermatol.
S. Meraviglia, M. Eberl, D. Vermijlen, M. Todaro, S. Buccheri, G. Cicero, C. La Mendola, G.
Guggino, M. D'Asaro, V. Orlando, F. Scarpa, A. Roberts, N. Caccamo, G. Stassi, F. Dieli, A.
C. Hayday “In vivo manipulation of Vg9Vd2 T cells with zoledronate and low-dose
interleukin-2 for immunotherapy of advanced breast cancer patients” Clinical &
Experimental Immunology, 161:290-7
Cardone J, Le Friec G, Vantourout P, Roberts A, Fuchs A, Jackson I, Suddason T, Lord G,
Atkinson JP, Cope A, Hayday A, Kemper C. “Complement regulator CD46 temporally
regulates cytokine production by conventional and unconventional T cells.” Nature
Immunol. 11:862-71.
^ Swamy M, Jamora C, Havran W, Hayday A. “Epithelial decision makers: in search of the
'epimmunome' “ Nature Immunol. 11:656-65.
Van Hemelrijck M, Garmo H, Binda E, Hayday A, Karagiannis SN, Hammar N, Walldius G,
Lambe M, Jungner I, Holmberg L. “Immunoglobulin E and cancer: a meta-analysis and a
large Swedish cohort study.” Cancer Causes Control. 21:1657-67.
Van Hemelrijck M, Jungner I, Walldius G, Garmo H, Binda E, Hayday A, Lambe M,
Holmberg L, Hammar N. “Risk of prostate cancer is not associated with levels of Creactive protein and other commonly used markers of inflammation.” Int J Cancer. Nov
15. [Epub ahead of print]
Ribot JC, Chaves-Ferreira M, d'Orey F, Wencker M, Gonçalves-Sousa N, Decalf J, Simas
JP, Hayday AC, Silva-Santos B. “Cutting edge: adaptive versus innate receptor signals
selectively control the pool sizes of murine IFN-γ- or IL-17-producing γδ T cells upon
infection.” J Immunol. 2010 185:6421-5.
Genetic Analysis of Psoriasis Consortium & the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium
2, Strange A, Capon F, Spencer CC, Knight J, Weale ME, Allen MH, Barton A, Band G,
Bellenguez C, Bergboer JG, Blackwell JM, Bramon E, Bumpstead SJ, Casas JP, Cork MJ,
Corvin A, Deloukas P, Dilthey A, Duncanson A, Edkins S, Estivill X, Fitzgerald O, Freeman
C, Giardina E, Gray E, Hofer A, Hüffmeier U, Hunt SE, Irvine AD, Jankowski J, Kirby B,
Langford C, Lascorz J, Leman J, Leslie S, Mallbris L, Markus HS, Mathew CG, McLean WH,
McManus R, Mössner R, Moutsianas L, Naluai AT, Nestle FO, Novelli G, Onoufriadis A,
Palmer CN, Perricone C, Pirinen M, Plomin R, Potter SC, Pujol RM, Rautanen A, RiveiraMunoz E, Ryan AW, Salmhofer W, Samuelsson L, Sawcer SJ, Schalkwijk J, Smith CH,
Ståhle M, Su Z, Tazi-Ahnini R, Traupe H, Viswanathan AC, Warren RB, Weger W, Wolk K,
Wood N, Worthington J, Young HS, Zeeuwen PL, Hayday A, Burden AD, Griffiths CE, Kere
J, Reis A, McVean G, Evans DM, Brown MA, Barker JN, Peltonen L, Donnelly P, Trembath
RC. “A genome-wide association study identifies new psoriasis susceptibility loci and an
interaction between HLA-C and ERAP1.” Nat Genet. 2010 42:985-90.
Barbee, SD., Woodward, MJ., Turchinoovich, G., Mention, J-J., Lewis, JM., Boyden, LM,
Lifton, RP., Tigelaar, R, and Hayday, A.C. “Skint-1 is a highly specific, unique selecting
component for epidermal T cells” Proc Nat. Acad. Sci USA. 108: in the press
Bas A, Swamy M, Abeler-Dörner L, Williams G, Pang DJ, Barbee SD, Hayday AC.
“Butyrophilin-like 1 encodes an enterocyte protein that selectively regulates functional
interactions with T lymphocytes.” Proc Nat. Acad. Sci USA. 108: 4376-4381.
Van Hemelrijck M, Jungner I, Walldius G, Garmo H, Binda E, Hayday A, Lambe M,
Holmberg L, Hammar N. “Risk of prostate cancer is not associated with levels of Creactive protein and other commonly used markers of inflammation.” Int J Cancer. 129:
Turchinovich, G and Hayday A. “Skint-1 identifies a common molecular mechanism for
the selective differentiation of IFN-g and IL-17-secreting gd cells” Immunity 22: 59-68
Van Hemelrijck M, Walldius G, Jungner I, Hammar N, Garmo H, Binda E, Hayday A,
Lambe M, Holmberg L. “ Low levels of apolipoprotein A-I and HDL are associated with
risk of prostate cancer in the Swedish AMORIS study.” Cancer Causes Control. 22: 10111019
Gibbons, D.L., Abeler-Dorner, L., Raine, T. Hwang, I-Y., Jandke, A., Wencker, M., Deban,
L., Rudd, CE., Irving, P.M, Kehrl, J.H, Hayday, A.C “Regulator of G Protein Signaling-1
Selectively Regulates Gut T Cell Trafficking and Colitic Potential ” Cutting Edge ~ J
Immunol 187: 2067-2071
Laggner U, Di Meglio P, Perera GK, Hundhausen C, Lacy KE, Ali N, Smith CH, Hayday A.C,
Nickoloff BJ, Nestle FO. “Identification of a Novel Proinflammatory Human Skin-Homing
V{gamma}9V{delta}2 T Cell Subset with a Potential Role in Psoriasis”. J Immunol 187:
Strid, J., Sobolev, O., Zavirova, B., Polic, B., and Hayday, A.C. “The intraepithelial T cell
response to NKG2D-ligands links lymphoid stress- surveillance to atopy” Science- 334:
Shafi, S., Vantourout, P., Vaughan, R., Wallace, G.R., Stanford, M., and Hayday, A.C. "An
NKG2D-mediated human lymphoid stress-surveillance response with high inter-individual
variation.” Science Translational Medicine – 3 :113ra124.
^ Swamy, M and Hayday, A.C “Provocative exhibits at the Seventeen Gallery” Nature
Immunology 12: 1131-33 2012
Modi BG, Neustadter J, Binda E, Lewis J, Filler RB, Roberts RB, Roberts SJ, Kwong BY,
Reddy S, Overton JD, Galan A, Tigelaar R, Cai L, Fu P, Shlomchik M, KaplanDH, Hayday A
and Girardi M. “Langerhans Cells Facilitate Epithelial CNA Damage and Squamous Cell
Carcinoma” Science 335 : 104-108
^Hayday, AC & Tigelaar R.E “Casting new light on the T cell receptor” Nature
Immunology : 3:209-11
Hundhausen C, Bertoni A, Mak RK, Botti E, Di Meglio P, Clop A, Laggner U, Chimenti S,
Hayday AC, Barker JN, Trembath RC, Capon F, Nestle FO. Allele-Specific Cytokine
responses at the HLA-C Locus: Implications for Psoriasis. J Invest Dermatol. 132:635-41
Abeler-Dörner L, Swamy M, Williams G, Hayday AC, Bas A. Butyrophilins: an emerging
family of immune regulators. Trends Immunol. 2012 Jan;33(1):34-41.
Roberts, NA., White, AJ., Jenkinson, WE., Turchinovich, G., Nakamur, K., Withers, DR.,
McConnell, FM., Desanti, GE., Benezech, C, Parnell, SM., Cunningham, AF., Paolino, M.,
Penninger, J., Simon. K., Nitta, T., Ohigashi, I., Takahama, Y., Caamano, JH., Hayday, AC.,
Lane, PJL., Jenkinson, EJ., and Anderson, G. “Invariant gdT-cell Progenitors Promote The
Emergence Of Fetal Aire+ Medullary Epithelial Cells That Reciprocally Regulate Invariant
gdT-cell Maturation” Immunity – 36: 427-437
Willcox CR, Pitard V, Netzer S, Couzi L, Salim M, Silberzahn T, Moreau JF, Hayday AC,
Willcox BE, Déchanet-Merville J. Cytomegalovirus and tumor stress surveillance by
binding of a human γδ T cell antigen receptor to endothelial protein C receptor. Nat
Immunol. 2012 Aug 12. doi: 10.1038/ni.2394. [Epub aheadof print]
Zhang X, Volpe EA, Gandhi NB, Schaumburg CS, Siemasko KF, Pangelinan SB, Kelly SD,
Hayday AC, Li DQ, Stern ME, Niederkorn JY, Pflugfelder SC, De Paiva CS. NK cells promote
Th-17 mediated corneal barrier disruption in dry eye. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e36822. Epub
2012 May 8.
Roberts NA, White AJ, Jenkinson WE, Turchinovich G, Nakamura K, Withers DR,
McConnell FM, Desanti GE, Benezech C, Parnell SM, Cunningham AF, Paolino M,
Penninger JM, Simon AK, Nitta T, Ohigashi I, Takahama Y, Caamano JH, Hayday AC, Lane
PJ, Jenkinson EJ, Anderson G. Rank signaling links the development of invariant γδ T cell
progenitors and Aire(+) medullary epithelium. Immunity. 2012 Mar 23;36(3):427-37.
Hundhausen C, Bertoni A, Mak RK, Botti E, Di Meglio P, Clop A, Laggner U, Chimenti S,
Hayday AC, Barker JN, Trembath RC, Capon F, Nestle FO. Allele-specific cytokine
responses at the HLA-C locus: implications for psoriasis. J Invest Dermatol. 2012
Mar;132(3 Pt 1):635-41.
Michel ML, Pang DJ, Haque SF, Potocnik AJ, Pennington DJ, Hayday AC. Interleukin 7 (IL7) selectively promotes mouse and human IL-17-producing γδ cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U
S A. 109(43):17549-54