Art – Grade 5 Week 1 Unit of Study: Still Life P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 5 (Content) 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value are basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Fourth Grading Period TEKS Grade 5 (Skills and Processes) 2 A The student is expected to combine information from direct observation, experience, and imagination to express ideas about self, family, and community. 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. Instructional Guidelines Page 1 of 1 Word Wall still life shading contrast Bilingual Word Wall naturalesa muerta sombrear contrasto Scott Foresman Art Unit 5 – All Kinds of Art Lesson 4 – Still Life Studio Lesson _ Create a Still Life Optional Resources: Fine Art Transparency Rubric 5 Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations Project Rubric The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: examine artistic techniques used in the creation of still life paintings demonstrate shading techniques How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 1. What might the objects illustrated in the still life represent? 2. What type of objects will you C arrange into a still life? Relev ance 3. Where would the light be in relation to the objects? Explain. Identify and describe still life Rigor in a variety of artwork. Express ideas by creating a still life that demonstrates shading techniques. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of still life through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a still life that demonstrates shading techniques. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Before: Engage Renoir Have students view the illustrations in the textbook. During: Check for Understanding Have students compare and contrast the illustration using a Venn Diagram and select a favorite. After: Evaluate Have students explain their choice of still life. Technology Connection Carmine’s WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 2 of 2 Special Education Scott Foresman Art Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students use the color combinations illustrated in the paintings as inspiration for their watercolor painting. Have students incorporate different textures (sand, glitter, etc.) to the colors of paint that they use to differentiate the tints and shades. Art – Grade 5 Week 2 Unit of Study: Murals P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 5 (Content) 1 A The student is expected to communicate ideas about feelings, self, family, school, and community, using sensory knowledge and life experiences. 3 B The student is expected to compare cultural themes honoring history and traditions in American and other artworks. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Fourth Grading Period TEKS Grade 5 (Skills and Processes) 2 C using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. Instructional Guidelines Page 3 of 3 Word Wall mural glazes Bilingual Word Wall mural e Scott Foresman Art Unit 5 – All Kinds of Art Lesson 5 – Murals Studio Lesson _ Make a Mural Optional Resources: Fine Art Transparency Rubric 5 Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations Project Rubric The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: Question students as they examine a variety of mural designs guide students as they develop their mural designs How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 4. How does the theme in the mural relate to traditions in our everyday life? C 5. Why is it important to create Relev ance parallel lines? 6. Does the mural express unity? Explain. Rigor Identify and describe murals. Express ideas by designing a mural using a grid to enlarge the design. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of mural painting through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a mural and enlarge it using a grid. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Before: Engage Have students set up a graphic organizer to compare and contrast artworks. During: Check for Understanding Have students compare and contrast images on pages 173 and 174. After: Evaluate Have students write a short description of the theme they would like to illustrate in their mural. Technology Connection WEB LINKS Special Education Scott Foresman Art SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students use crayons or tissue paper cut outs to apply the color to their design. Have students use magazine illustrations as inspiration for their designs. Page 4 of 4 Art – Grade 5 Week 3 Unit of Study: Mosaics P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 5 (Content) 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value are basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. 3 B The student is expected to compare cultural themes honoring history and traditions in American and other artworks 4 A The student is expected to analyze personal artworks to interpret meaning. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Fourth Grading Period TEKS Grade 5 (Skills and Processes) 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Instructional Guidelines Page 5 of 5 Word Wall mosaic tesserae Bilingual Word Wall mosaico Scott Foresman Art Unit 5 – All Kinds of Art Lesson 6 – Mosaics Studio Lesson _ Make a Mosaic The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: guide students as they discuss and examine a variety of mosaics demonstrate mosaic techniques Optional Resources: How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 7. Do you find the mosaic beautiful? Why or why not? 8. How will you create balance in you C design? Relev ance 9. Does the mosaic show repetition through pattern? Identify and describe mosaics Rigor Fine Art Transparency Rubric 5 Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations as artworks. Express ideas by creating a mosaic that demonstrates balance in its design. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of mosaics through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a mosaic that demonstrates balance. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Project Rubric Before: Engage How do artists create balance in their works? Have students study examples of symmetrical and asymmetrical artworks. During: Check for Understanding Have students create a list objects the artist used to create balance. After: Evaluate Have students explain in writing how they created balance in their mobile. Technology Connection Balance WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 6 of 6 Special Education Scott Foresman Art Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students use objects that have similar weights and dimensions. Art – Grade 5 Week 4 Unit of Study: Photography P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 5 (Content) 1 B . The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value are basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Fourth Grading Period TEKS Grade 5 (Skills and Processes) 2 A The student is expected to combine information from direct observation, experience, and imagination to express ideas about self, family, and community. 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately Instructional Guidelines Page 7 of 7 Word Wall photography camera Bilingual Word Wall photografia camara Scott Foresman Art Unit 6 – More Ideas for Art Lesson 1 – Photography Studio Lesson _ Make a Photogram The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: question students as they examine a variety of photographs guide students as they select a variety of objects and arrange them for their photogram Optional Resources: How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 10. What makes a photograph a work of art? 11. How does blueprint paper work? C 12. What happens when objects Relev ance overlap? Identify and describe Rigor Fine Art Transparency Rubric 6 Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations photography as an artistic media. Express ideas by creating a photogram. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of photography through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will create a photogram using a variety of objects. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Project Rubric Before: Engage How do artist show tension or conflict in their works? Have student study the images on pages 188 and 189. During: Check for Understanding Have students compare and contrast the images using a graphic organizer. After: Evaluate Have students explain how the artist created the unusual using common objects. Technology Connection WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 8 of 8 Special Education Scott Foresman Art During: Check for Understanding Have students view and use images of national holidays for their inspiration. Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP Art – Grade 5 Week 5 Unit of Study: Moving Pictures P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 5 (Content) 2 B . The student is expected to compare relationships between design and everyday life. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Fourth Grading Period TEKS Grade 5 (Skills and Processes) 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. Instructional Guidelines Page 9 of 9 Word Wall motion picture animation video Bilingual Word Wall pelicula animacion video Scott Foresman Art Unit 6 – More Ideas for Art Lesson 3 – Moving Pictures Studio Lesson _ Make a Storyboard Optional Resources: The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: probes students as they analyze film as an artistic expression guide students as they sequence their storyboard frames How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 13. What makes movies a work of art? 14. What other type of art would benefit from the creation of a C storyboard? Relev ance 15. Is the final storyboard easily read? Identify and describe moving Rigor Fine Art Transparency Rubric 6 Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations pictures as an artistic media. Express ideas by creating a storyboard. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of moving pictures through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will create a storyboard. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Project Rubric Before: Motion Pictures Have students read page 195 and 197. During: Check for Understanding Have students answer the questions on page 197. After: Evaluate Have students explain the difference between animation and moving pictures. Technology Connection WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 10 of 10 Special Education Scott Foresman Art During: Check for Understanding Have students use pre-cut shapes to develop their design. Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP Art – Grade 5 Week 6 Unit of Study: Surrealism P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 5 (Content) 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value are basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. . Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Fourth Grading Period TEKS Grade 5 (Skills and Processes) 2 A The student is expected to combine information from direct observation, experience, and imagination to express ideas about self, family, and community. 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. Instructional Guidelines Page 11 of 11 Word Wall Surrealism illusion Bilingual Word Wall Surrealismo illusion Scott Foresman Art Unit 6 – More Ideas for Art Lesson 4 – Surrealism Studio Lesson _ Paint a Dream Scene The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: guide students as they examine a variety of Surrealistic paintings facilitate tools and materials and guide students Optional Resources: How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 16. What parts of the painting are unrealistic? 17. What dream are you going to C illustrate? Relev ance 18. What dreamlike elements did the artist include? Identify and describe Rigor Fine Art Transparency Rubric 6 Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations Surrealism as a style of painting. Express ideas by painting a Surrealistic dream scene. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of Surrealism through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a Surrealistic dream scene. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Project Rubric Before: Engage "Salvador Dali" Have students read pages 202 and 203. During: Check for Understanding Have students create a list of characteristics that define Dali’s artwork. After: Evaluate Have students discuss mood of the paintings. Technology Connection WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 12 of 12 Special Education Scott Foresman Art During: Check for Understanding Have students use magazine pictures for their design. Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP Art – Grade 5 Week 7 Unit of Study: Pop Art and Op Art P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 5 (Content) 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value are basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Fourth Grading Period TEKS Grade 5 (Skills and Processes) 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. Instructional Guidelines Page 13 of 13 Word Wall Pop Art Op Art Bilingual Word Wall Arte Popular Arte Optical Scott Foresman Art Unit 6 – More Ideas for Art Lesson 5 – Pop Art and Op Art Studio Lesson _ Draw a Pop Art Sound Optional Resources: The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: guide students as they examine a variety of Pop Art and Op Art facilitate tools and materials How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 19. What is the difference between Pop Art and Op Art? 20. Why did you select this particular C sound to illustrate? Relev ance 21. How successful was the artist in visualizing the sound? Identify and describe Pop Art Rigor Fine Art Transparency Rubric 6 Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations and Op Art. Express ideas by drawing a scene that demonstrates Op Art. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of Pop Art and Op Art through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a drawing of a sound in Op Art style of painting. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Project Rubric Before: Engage "Pop Art and Op Art" Have students preview images 206 and 207. During: Check for Understanding Have students create a list of similarities. After: Evaluate Have students formulate a definition for each of these two styles of art. Technology Connection WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 14 of 14 Special Education Scott Foresman Art During: Check for Understanding Have students use a computer to create their designs. Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP Art – Grade 5 Week 8 Unit of Study: Jewelry, Old and New P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 5 (Content) 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value are basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Fourth Grading Period TEKS Grade 5 (Skills and Processes) 2 A The student is expected to combine information from direct observation, experience, and imagination to express ideas about self, family, and community. 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. Instructional Guidelines Page 15 of 15 Word Wall jewelry pendant bracelet Bilingual Word Wall joyeria pendente pulcera Scott Foresman Art Unit 6 – More Ideas for Art Lesson 6 – Jewelry, Old and New Studio Lesson _ Design a Bracelet The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: guide students as they examine jewelry as an art form facilitate tools and materials demonstrate jewelry making techniques Optional Resources: How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 22. Does jewelry design have to be functional? 23. Which part of your design gave C you the most trouble? Relev ance 24. How did you show principles of design in your bracelet? Identify and describe jewelry Rigor Fine Art Transparency Rubric 6 Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations making. Express ideas by designing and constructing a bracelet. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of jewelry making through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a bracelet. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Project Rubric Before: Engage Have students look at the jewelry illustrated in the textbook. During: Check for Understanding Have students answer the questions on page 211. After: Evaluate Have students discuss the jewelry making process. Technology Connection WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 16 of 16 Special Education Scott Foresman Art During: Check for Understanding Have students partner with other students for help in the construction of their project. Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP Art – Grade 5 Week 9 Unit of Study: Artist Preparation for Exhibits/Contest/Evaluation P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 5 (Content) 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value are basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Fourth Grading Period TEKS Grade 5 (Skills and Processes) 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. 4 A The student is expected to analyze personal artworks to interpret meaning. Instructional Guidelines Page 17 of 17 Art Express The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: clarify ideas, materials and methods used to create art explain and demonstrate selection and preparation procedures How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 25. How can you use color to create visual tension? 26. What process did you use in order C to create a photogram? Relev ance 27. Why do you think this is your most successful work? Demonstrate knowledge of Rigor elements and principles of design; movement, repetition, balance, contrast, and color schemes. Demonstrate techniques for creating; photogram, mosaics, storyboards, jewelry, and paintings. Select and prepare completed artworks for exhibitions and contests. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of art concepts and techniques through classroom discussions, demonstrations and written examinations. Students will evaluate personal artworks and participate in the selection and framing of the artworks in preparation for exhibits and art contests. Before: Preview Art concept: techniques, materials? Have students set up a graph that reflect the key words During: Check for Understanding Have students list which techniques and what materials were used to illustrate the art concept. After: Evaluate Have students select one of their artworks and use the art criticism format to evaluate their work. Technology Connection SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 18 of 18 Special Education SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Art Express Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students respond orally and/or partner them with a fellow student. Page 19 of 19