Rev3-IAEA-Paper on AssessmentApproach_MELS Kuzmina

Nordic PSA Conference – Castle Meeting 2011 / 5-6 September 2011, Stockholm, Sweden
An Approach for Systematic Review of the Nuclear Facilities Protection against the
Impact of Extreme Events
I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany
International Atomic Energy Agency
Wagramer Strasse 5, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria,,
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) through an extra-budgetary project funded by
Norway aimed at building competence and capacity for nuclear safety is also reviewing the
impact of extreme events on plant response. The emphasis is currently placed on development
of a methodology for a systematic review of the protection provided at a nuclear facility against
the impact of extreme events. The methodology may be utilized through the existing IAEA’s
Design and Safety Assessment Review Services. The scope of the methodology encompasses
the principles of the ‘stress test’ being performed within the European Union; it will focus on
the design and safety assessment aspects of the protection against extreme events including
defence-in-depth, safety margins, robustness of the design, cliff edge effects, multiple failures,
and the prolonged loss of support systems. The methodology will also focus on the evaluation
of whether the emergency procedures, including severe accident management guidelines,
provide sufficient guidance for the operator actions that need to be carried out for the extreme
event damage states identified. The extra-budgetary project is also evaluating the means for
dissemination and sharing the information relating to the lessons learned amongst Member
States. The paper highlights some preliminary outcomes of the IAEA activities and encourages
further discussion and development of the assessment methodology internationally.
The accident that occurred in Japan at Fukushima nuclear power plant (NPP) on 11th March
2011 highlighted the need to examine the impact of extreme events for extended design basis
conditions on the level of protection provided at nuclear facilities and to identify possible
vulnerabilities that the protection systems may have to extreme events. The latter include not
only external events (natural and human-induced), but also internal hazards and all credible
combinations, for which protection may not be explicitly envisaged in the design basis.
After the accident in Japan it became evident that further effort should be pursued worldwide
to build and enhance competence and capacity for comprehensive safety assessment of NPPs
and specifically for the analysis of an impact and sufficiency of protection in terms of
systems, structures, and components (SSCs) and emergency procedures against extreme
events. The extra-budgetary project funded by Norway is focused on building competence and
capacity for nuclear safety and is being utilized by the IAEA to promote the development of
competence and capacity to review plant protection against extreme events. A consultants’
meeting of a small group of experts was held at the end of June 2011 to identify priority areas
where further work is needed and provide suggestions for specific activities. Specifically, it
was found relevant to concentrate efforts on:
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
1) Enhancement of the existing IAEA’s Design and Safety Assessment Review
Services to address extreme events;
2) Development of a methodology for a systematic assessment of the protection in
terms of sufficiency and adequacy of safety provisions from the defence-in-depth
perspective provided in a nuclear facility against the impact of extreme events
including severe accident management guidelines (SAMGs); the methodology
should encompass the principles of the ‘stress test’ being performed within the EU;
3) Development of an approach for conducting peer reviews of plant protection on the
basis of the existing IAEA safety review services and the methodology mentioned in
Item (2).
For Item (2), the work has been already started, and the paper provides information on the
developments taken place.
In response to the challenges posed by the Fukushima accident, the European Commission
(EC) and European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) in its ‘Declaration of
ENSREG’ [1] announced that all 143 NPPs within the European Union (EU) will undergo a
safety examination named ‘stress test’. The latter is defined in Ref. [1] as a ‘comprehensive
and transparent risk assessment’ focused on ‘targeted reassessment of the safety margins of
NPPs in the light of the events which occurred at Fukushima: extreme natural events
challenging the plant safety functions and leading to a severe accident’. The scope and
modalities of ‘stress test’ are specified in Ref. [1]. Two major analysis areas will be covered:
(a) evaluation of the response of an NPP to the postulated extreme events, and (b) verification
of the preventive and mitigative measures from the perspective of defence-in-depth.
The technical scope includes the consideration of external hazards with emphasis on
earthquake, flooding, and combination of the two, accident sequences involving loss of power
sources and ultimate heat sink, and mitigatory measures, including design provisions in terms
of available equipment, emergency operating procedures (EOPs) and SAMGs.
The process of conducting EU stress tests will include the stages of self-assessment,
regulatory review, and peer review. Technical reports will be produced at each stage and
made available to the public. Full transparency is promoted throughout the whole process.
Ultimately, the evaluation will provide indications of robustness of NPP designs being
operated within the EU and highlight the measures to further enhance nuclear safety in
response to extreme events.
The methodology being developed by the IAEA is aimed to encompass the scope and
modalities of the EU stress test specified in Ref. [1].
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
This section summarizes preliminary outcomes of the IAEA activities on development of a
methodology for the assessment of plant protection against extreme events from the defencein-depth perspective.
Several terms that are widely used in connection with the discussion of plant response and
protection in accident conditions need to be clearly defined. In this paper, the definitions
provided below are used.
Design Safety Margins
There is no single definition of the term ‘design safety margins’ (or just ‘safety margins’).
The review of different IAEA Safety Standards [Refs. 2, 3, 4] publications shows that the
term ‘safety margins’ is primarily used in three different meanings reflecting different aspects
of NPP design safety. Accordingly, for the purpose of the paper the following definitions are
1. Hazard/Fragility-Related Safety Margin – can be split into two parts:
1a. Design Hazard Safety Margin: the difference between the magnitude of the design
basis hazard and a higher magnitude hazard that structures and components can factually
withstand due to their internal inherent properties.
Means of assessment: load assessment, hydrological studies, structural analysis etc.
1b. Site Hazard Safety Margin: the difference between the magnitude of the hazard
credible for the site and the magnitude that the plant can factually withstand.
Means of assessment: statistical analysis of event occurrence data; load assessment,
hydrological studies, structural analysis etc.
2. Plant Parameters-Related Safety Margin: the difference between the values of design
parameters for operation of components in accident conditions (including the reactor core)
and the limiting values of the parameters, at which components fail. These are primarily
pressure and temperature parameters.
Means of assessment: thermal hydraulic, neutronic, thermal physics calculations
3. Plant Response-Related Safety Margin: the difference (in terms of components/
systems) between the configuration of components survived after the accident and the
minimal configuration of components needed to cope with the accident (both by the
design and design extension provisions). Required human actions are also considered.
These margins are assessed sequentially; firstly, for core damage scenarios, and then for
containment failure scenarios.
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
Means of assessment: engineering analysis (deterministic and probabilistic) of
sufficiency and adequacy of the design provisions in terms of equipment/
components and procedures from the perspective of defence-in-depth.
Correlated Hazards
Correlated hazards are characterized by simultaneous occurrence of a causal combination of
external and/or internal hazards that are not statistically independent. Frequency of
simultaneous occurrence of correlated hazards is higher than the frequency estimated under
the assumption of their full independence.
The examples of correlated hazards include:
 Source correlated hazards: seismic hazard and tsunami;
 Phenomenologically correlated hazards: strong winds and heavy rain;
 Duration correlated hazards: any external hazards occurred during the prolonged
hot summer temperature period;
 Induced hazards: seismic hazards and seismically induced fire, etc.
Extreme Event
Extreme event is an event involving widespread damage to the systems, structures and
components at a nuclear facility caused by an external or internal hazard or correlated hazards
that is more severe than the postulated initiating events and component failures considered in
the design of the plant. Such an event would provide a severe challenge to the ability of the
plant to carry out the fundamental safety functions of criticality control, removal of residual
heat and confinement of radioactive material. However, even for an extreme event, the plant
may be capable to withstand the damage due to the existing plant response safety margins.
Limiting Extreme Event
Limiting extreme event is an extreme event of a very low probability, for which there are no
plant response safety margins to prevent core damage. For the limiting extreme events caused
by external hazards, the magnitude of the hazards is of specific interest as it characterises the
threshold, beyond which the core damage is unavoidable.
Objectives, General Framework, and Scope of the Assessment Methodology
The methodology for the assessment of plant protection against extreme events being
developed by the IAEA focuses on the assessment of the plant response safety margins from
the perspective of defence-in-depth in accordance with the definitions given above.
It is currently envisaged that the assessment methodology will include five stages as follows:
(1) Examination of accident scenarios leading to core damage (CD) in the reactor
(2) Examination of accident progression after the core is damaged and associated severe
accident management programmes (SAMP)
(3) Examination of accident scenarios involving other sources of radioactivity such as
spent fuel pool (SPF), radioactive waste treatment facilities, etc. focusing on fuel
damage scenarios
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
(4) Examination of interactions between plant units at multi-unit sites and the accident
scenarios involving simultaneous failures of containments
(5) Integral evaluation of the results of the assessments accomplished in the previous four
stages and drawing attention for potential safety improvement as appropriate.
The first two stages form the basis of the assessment methodology. The first stage will be
focused on prevention of severe accidents with core damage, and the second stage will be
dealing with mitigation of the consequences of core damage and prevention of containment
failure. The methodology for Stages #3 and #4 will be based on the methodologies for Stages
#1 and #2 with necessary adjustments. Stage #5 will focus on holistic consideration of all the
results obtained in the previous four assessment stages for all plant units located at the site.
The range of nuclear installations, for which the methodology is applicable, is currently
restricted to NPPs only, although the principles and concepts can be applied to other nuclear
installations as well.
General Approach
Systematic assessment of the NPPs response to extreme events, with focus on long term
development of the accident and identification of cliff edges in provision of important support
functions (AC, DC power, essential service water, etc.) and safety functions, is usually
beyond the scope of the licensing basis. Plant systems – normal operation as well as safety
classified – have usually been assessed only against design basis accidents. Comprehensive
assessment of an overall NPP response would necessitate a large set of analyses performed for
different initial conditions affected by extreme events.
Generally, the assessment approach is aimed to estimate the robustness of the relevant safety
systems, civil structures and the continued presence of the defence-in-depth principle for load
cases that exceed the design basis.
The overall approach is based on the IAEA Safety Standards. The assessment is focused on
determining whether the SSCs that remain available in the NPP following an extreme event
are sufficient to carry out the fundamental safety functions of:
Criticality control;
Residual heat removal; and
Confining radioactive material (focus on providing containment integrity which requires
heat removal from the containment, prevention of containment overpressure, prevention
of containment bypass through interfacing systems, and containment isolation).
In order to achieve the three fundamental safety functions, different safety-related aspects
need to be addressed, such as provisions for redundancy, diversity, spatial separation, absence
of cliff edges – that is, there is no sudden aggravation of the situation.
The first stage assessment specified above in Section 3.2 is dealing with the first two
fundamental safety functions. Currently, the first stage assessment methodology (i.e.
examination of accident scenarios leading to core damage in the reactor) is under
development; details are provided further in the paper.
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
Overview of the Methods for the First Stage Assessment
Specific objectives
The specific objectives of the first stage assessment for NPPs are the following:
To identify all credible limiting extreme events and the associated accident
scenarios (leading to core damage) in terms of initiating events accompanied by
component failures and identify possible technical measures that could be
implemented to prevent core damage.
To perform a bounding assessment of the frequency of limiting extreme events, for
which no reasonable measures could be suggested.
For the extreme events of the magnitude lower than the respective limiting extreme
event, to evaluate the sufficiency of the existing plant response safety margins from
the perspective of defence-in-depth and to identify practical measures that could be
implemented to reduce plant vulnerability, if found appropriate.
Two practical methods are proposed for the first stage assessment to address the fundamental
safety functions of criticality control and residual heat removal.
1) Fault Sequence Analysis (FSA) Method
The method uses linked event trees and fault trees developed for an NPP under
consideration in the course of an internal initiating events Level-1 PSA. Specifically, the
method focuses on the analysis of minimal cutsets (MCSs) generated in PSA.
A minimum prerequisite for the use of the FSA method is the availability of a Level-1
internal initiating events PSA of reasonable technical quality/level of detail. In case a
more comprehensive PSA is available (e.g. internal and external hazards PSA), then a
more comprehensive fault sequence analysis can be performed.
2) Configuration Matrix (CM) Method
The CM method is based on the application of defence-in-depth concept, Level 3 and 4,
for NPP in beyond design basis conditions due to extreme events.
The method requires development of a dedicated tool - database - allowing for a
systematic treatment and assessment of the availability of all combinations of SSCs under
different conditions evolving as a consequence of an extreme event. It can be employed if
a Level 1 PSA of reasonable technical quality/level of detail is not available.
The two methods are aimed to examine minimal combinations of components and human
actions needed to assess the plant protection against extreme events: the FSA method analyses
critical failure configurations; and the CM method is dealing with the analysis of the success
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
The major difference between the methods is that the first method requires the availability of
a Level-1 PSA for internal initiators (as a minimum, in terms of minimal cut sets for the Loss
of Off-site Power (LOOP) initiating event) of a reasonable quality, and the second method can
be applied even when only deterministic analyses are available, but it requires substantial
efforts to prepare information needed for the analysis.
Discussion on common features of FSA and CM methods
In both methods, the assessment of vulnerability of the complete NPP has been transformed
into the assessment of specific vulnerabilities of all individual plant systems (operational and
safety related), which can be used and operator actions (including accident management) that
can be performed, under specific conditions caused by the extreme event, for maintaining the
fundamental safety functions. That means that the consequences of the extreme event are to
be analysed from all points of view (safety functions, operational regimes, recovery actions,
cliff edges, timing, etc.) important for long term provision of subcriticality and residual heat
The following specific common features of the two methods could be listed:
1) The methods use a stepwise approach, when the magnitude of the extreme event and
associated loads are gradually increased until a limiting extreme event is identified. Steps
are defined according to the nature of the hazard, for example, for flood, one step
magnitude increase could be a flood which is 1 meter higher for tidal water or river flow is
the factor of 1.5 bigger.
2) Both methods need data on location of plant components in plant compartments,
equipment qualification and elevations, where electrical parts of components are located.
3) Methods apply the same set of basic assumptions:
Prolonged loss of off-site power (non-recoverable) and all external power sources
(except for emergency power) are not available;
SSCs fail if loads (acceleration, vibration, humidity, temperature) exceed design loads;
SSCs remain operational if loads are below design loads;
All equipment located inside damaged buildings/structures or close to the failed
structures are inoperable;
Human actions are successful if:
They are performed remotely from the Main Control Room (MCR) and it is not
affected by the extreme event;
They are performed locally and the hazard does not affect the location and the
pathways to the location.
Otherwise human actions are assumed to be impossible.
In addition, the assessment initially assumes the adequacy of the existing design basis
and the appropriateness of existing procedures/ guidelines.
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
4) Both methods are of iterative: after a limiting extreme event is identified and no technical
measures to increase safety margins are available, attempts are to be made to revise the
assumptions and to assess them more realistically.
Fault Sequence Analysis Method
The logical models constructed in Level-1 PSA identify the fault sequences that start from a
potential initiating event and proceed to core damage through possible failures of components
needed to mitigate the accident.
These logical models in Level-1 PSA take account of:
The safety functions of criticality control and residual heat removal;
Combinations of safety systems and other equipment that could operate to perform
these safety functions;
Support systems that are required for operation of front line systems; and
Required operator actions.
These logical models can be used to carry out an analysis of the fault sequences that could
occur following an extreme event and they form a basis of the FSA method.
The framework of the FSA method is illustrated in Fig. 1. It includes four major steps:
STEP 1: Information collection
STEP 2: Identification of components susceptible to damage
STEP 3: Identification of critical combinations of components failures/human errors
STEP 4: Identification of possible measures
Step 1: Information collection
At this step, all information needed to perform the analysis is gathered and analysed. The
information that needs to be collected and information sources are shown in Table 1.
The outcomes from Step 1 are the following:
Compiled list of extreme events with parameters and magnitudes to be analyzed,
including single and correlated hazards with indication of the hazards beyond the
design basis;
Information on component elevations and locations in buildings/ compartments,
design operation limits, etc. (i.e. characteristics needed for assessment of
vulnerabilities towards extreme events for the SSCs and human actions);
List of components and human actions included in the accident sequences;
List of minimal combinations (i.e. MCSs) of component failures and/or human errors
that having occurred simultaneously would lead to CD. The initiating event to be
considered in most cases will be LOOP or LOCA in LOOP conditions.
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
STEP 1 Information collection
Data source 1
SAR, hazard assessment
studies, lists of extreme
Compiled list of
extreme events with
parameters and
magnitudes to be
Data source 2
Data source 3
SAR, plant layout
drawings, TecSpec
Information on
elevations and
locations in
operation limits
List of
components and
human actions
included in
List of minimal
combinations of
failures and/or
human errors that
having occurred
would lead to CD
STEP 2 Identification of components susceptible to damage
Analysis of susceptibility of components included in accident
sequences for the damage due to the specified extreme events of
various magnitudes
List of components and
human actions with
indication of the potential
to damage due to the
specified extreme events
of various magnitudes
STEP 3 Identification of critical combinations of components failures/human errors
Identification of critical combinations of component failures and/or human errors that could
occur simultaneously due to the damage imposed by the specified extreme event
associated limiting extreme events (including their magnitudes) are to be identified
this process is repeated for all specified extreme events of various magnitudes
List of critical
combinations of
components and/or human
errors with indication of
the associated limiting
extreme events
STEP 4 Identification of possible measures
Analysis of possible feedback measures and their implementation
in the plant
Fig. 1 Steps of the Fault Sequences Analysis Method
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
Table 1
Example of Information Required for FSA Method
Information to be Collected
Information Source
1) List of hazards with parameters and magnitudes to be
analysed. The list of hazards is compiled based on:
- List of hazards considered in the safety analysis report
- Generic list of hazards recommended by the IAEA
Safety Guide SSG-3 [5]
- External and internal hazards considered in PSAs for
similar units and units located in the region.
PSR, hazard
assessment studies,
SSG-3 [5], plant
Correlated hazards are
included in the list of
2) Information on characteristics needed for the assessment of
vulnerabilities against extreme events for the components
and human actions identified in Level-1 PSA:
- Location (building, floor, room)
- Elevations
- Qualification (against acceleration, humidity, direct
water impact, vibration, temperature, electromagnetic
disturbance, other environmental conditions, etc.)
- Control (e.g. main control room, reserve control room,
control cabinets room, local)
- Supporting function needed for operation (component
cooling, air cooling, oil, pressurized air)
- Electrical power supply, other support systems, etc.
- Time windows for operator actions
- Location of the place where the action is performed.
PSA, PSR, plant
layout drawings,
fragility studies,
system drawings,
system operational
manuals, EOPs,
SAMGs, etc.
Additional human actions
(not included in the
Level-1 PSA) that can be
performed to control
operation are identified
based on the information
from system operational
manuals, EOPs, SAMGs.
3) List of components and human actions that are needed to
prevent core damage or radioactive releases for the most
severe initiating events included in the Level-1 internal
initiating events PSA model that can be caused by the
extreme event under consideration.
Level-1 internal
initiating events
The most severe initiating
event is defined as
- LOCA with LOOP
conditions (when
extreme event has a
potential to cause
- LOOP in all other
4) List of minimal combinations of components failures
and/or human errors that being failed simultaneously would
lead to core damage. The minimal combinations are
extracted from the existing PSA as a list of MCSs for
LOOP event (no recoveries are applied) or has to be redefined, if needed, by the quantification of LOCA event
tree with assigned LOOP conditions.
Step 2: Identification of components susceptible to damage
At this step, an analysis of susceptibility of components and/or human actions included in the
accident sequences for damage due to the specified extreme events of various magnitudes is
made based on the information collected. The following is checked:
Design resistance of the components and their cables1;
Resistance of structures housing the components; and
 Feasibility of human actions.
Generally in Level-1 PSA cables are not included in the model; therefore it is important to extend the consideration of
the components to the cables associated with it (power, control and instrumentation).
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
The impact of extreme events is analyzed starting from the ‘initial magnitude’, for which the
plant is designed. It is expected that for this magnitude, no induced damages will occur.
The magnitude of the event is increased up to the physically impossible or when all
components and human actions are disabled or when the frequency of the extreme event is
proved to be below 1.E-7 per year based on reliable analysis. When design resistance is higher
than the loads caused by the considered extreme event, the component is assumed to be
operable; otherwise it is assumed failed. Similarly, human actions are assumed failed when
the considered extreme event significantly affects the possibility to perform them. The process
stops when all extreme events (including those caused by correlated hazards) are considered.
The analysis may be documented in the form of susceptibility matrix presented in Table 2.
Table 2 Example of Susceptibility Matrix
Extreme Event and Magnitudes
Components and
Human Actions
Extreme Event 1
Magnitude 1
Magnitude 2
Magnitude N
Component #1
Component #2
Component N
Human Action # 1
Human Action # 1
Human Action M
Component #1
Component #2
Magnitude 1
Magnitude 2
Extreme Event i
Magnitude N
Legend: O – operable; F – failed; X – failed at a lower magnitude of the extreme event
The outcome of this step is a list of components and/or human actions with indication of the
potential to damage due to the specified extreme events of various magnitudes.
Step 3: Identification of critical combinations of component failures and/or human errors
At this step all SSCs and human actions included in MCSs for the selected initiating event
(e.g. LOOP or LOCA with LOOP) are analysed for the potential to be disabled
simultaneously by the conditions caused by the extreme events identified. The analysis is
done based on the results of the previous step and the list of MCSs by means of the impact
matrix presented in Table 3.
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
Table 3 Example of Impact Matrix
Combinations of SSCs and Human Actions
Minimal Cut Set #1
Component 1 Component 2 … Component N
Action 1
Action 2
Action M
Extreme Event 1
Magnitude 1
Magnitude 2
Magnitude N
Extreme Event i
Magnitude 1
Magnitude 2
Magnitude M
Minimal Cut Set #2
Legend: O – operable; F – failed
If an element in the MCS is disabled, the corresponding cell is marked by ‘F’ (failure), when
not – it is marked by ‘O’ (operable). Rows of the impact matrix represent impact vectors
characterizing the status of the elements in respective MCSs.
The whole analysis is conducted starting from lower orders of MCSs (i.e. lower number of
elements in MCSs) proceeding to higher orders. More MCSs are considered, more
comprehensive analysis is done. The output of this step is a list of critical combinations of
components and/or human errors with indication of associated limiting extreme events.
Step 4: Identification of possible measures
At this step, an analysis of possible feedback measures and their implementation in the plant
is performed. For the critical failures identified at the previous step, it is seen whether EOPs
and SAMGs not credited in the PSA are available and adequate to prevent core damage. It is
also considered whether any practically reasonable technical measures can be suggested to
prevent critical components from failure and promote feasibility of human actions. If no
technical measures could be proposed for the limiting extreme event, a bounding assessment
of its frequency should be performed and this should be considered in the final decision.
The results of the analysis are documented in detail for the reporting purposes and decision
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
Configuration Matrix Method
The CM method allows consideration of the stepwise increase of the ‘magnitude’ of the
extreme events until the ultimate consequential loss of all safety functions will be indicated.
All potential impacts of extreme events on the operability of relevant SSCs – environmental
parameters, seismic impact, power supply and cooling means, other supporting systems,
required operator actions, etc. – are taken into account and considered either quantitatively or
The method includes the development of a database tool and proceeds along the following
Preparation for the assessment (database development)
1. Identification of all configurations of SSCs which can provide for the specific safety
function in a specific operational regime. Configurations can be presented in a matrix
form (therefore a ‘Configuration Matrix’ approach).
2. Grouping of the identified ‘configurations’ into sets respective to a specific safety
function and operational regime of the NPP and compilation of the list of all relevant
SSCs (i.e. SSCs used in at least one configuration).
3. Definition for all SSCs of the representative quantitative characteristics which are relevant
from the perspective of extreme events.
These quantitative characteristics represent the margins of the SSCs against the
consequences of extreme events and allow assessing the vulnerability of the SSCs. The
SSCs characteristics needed for assessment of vulnerabilities against extreme events and
addressed in the database are shown in Table 1.
4. Storage of all information (identified and verified ‘configurations’, collected SSC
characteristics) in the dedicated database (e.g. simple MS Excel sheets or a dedicated
database with user-friendly interface and controls of inputs).
After the dedicated database is completed, the assessment is performed in the following steps:
5. Identification of the extreme event (single and correlated).
6. Definition of the ‘initial’ severity of the extreme event.
7. Estimation of impact of the extreme event on the SSCs and introduction it as an input (or
several inputs) into the database.
8. Assessment of the availability of SSCs based on the estimated impact and assignment of
the ‘failed’ states to those SSCs in which the design limits have been exceeded, support
functions affected/lost, etc. The assessment is performed according to the specific
methodologies capable to account for different impacts of the extreme events (e.g.
submergence, humidity spray impact, direct water loads for floods).
9. Identification of the remaining operable configurations and of potentially recoverable
configurations (e.g. those with only one component unavailable). Analyses of potential
recovery actions (under specific environmental conditions on site) with account for
necessary resources and their availability.
‘Approach for Review of Protection against Extreme Events’ by I. Kuzmina, A. Lyubarskiy, M. El-Shanawany, IAEA
10. Analysis of the potential cliff edges. This information is available in the database as all
configurations are characterized by their different ‘capacities’, which include time
window for availability e.g. due to media resources, power resources, etc.
11. Increase of the severity of the extreme event (single or correlated) and Steps #7 – 10 are
repeated until all configurations needed for a specific safety function are lost. This
severity will be the limiting extreme event when the capability to maintain a specific
safety function is lost.
12. Analysis of measures and their implementation in the plant (similar to Step 4 in the FSA
The IAEA through an extra-budgetary project funded by Norway aimed at building
competence and capacity for nuclear safety is also reviewing the impact of extreme events on
plant response and evaluating the means for dissemination and sharing the information
relating to the lessons learned amongst Member States. The paper contributes to these
The methodology for assessment of plant protection against the impact of extreme events
presented in the paper is currently in an initial development stage; the overall approach and
ideas were elaborated during the consultants’ meeting held in June 2011. The methodology is
seen to be a useful tool to facilitate the review of plant protection against extreme events; it
may be used either as an analysis tool or a review tool, or both. The methodology is open for
discussion and further development.
The IAEA would like to thank the invited experts, Mr. Charles Shepherd, UK, Mr. Jozef
Misak, Czech Republic, and Mr. George Vayssier, Netherlands, for their contribution to the
outcome of the consultants’ meeting held in June 2011 and active collaboration on the
development of the assessment methodology.
[1] Declaration of ENSREG
[2] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Fundamental Safety Principles,
IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, IAEA, Vienna, 2006.
[3] International Atomic Energy Agency, Safety Assessment for Facilities and Activities,
IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 4, IAEA, Vienna, 2009.
[4] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Safety of Nuclear Power Plants:
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