(TNC) and the National Park Service (NPS)

Reply to:
Christina Boser, Restoration Manager
The Nature Conservancy, Santa Cruz Island
Phone: (805) 642-0345 ext. 510
Email: cboser@tnc.org
Kate Faulkner. Chief, Natural Resources
The National Park Service, Channel Islands
Phone: (805) 658-5709
Email: Kate_Faulkner@nps.gov
Reply Due: Proposals will be assessed as they are received and will not be accepted after March
31, 2011.
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the National Park Service (NPS) are requesting information
on the interest and qualifications of a potential academic partner to collaborate on a project to
document and quantify terrestrial invertebrate species diversity in study plots on Santa Cruz
Island, CA. Responses to this request will be used to identify potential collaborators for a project
that will be funded by TNC and NPS.
Project funding will be provided by TNC. A portion of the funding originated with the State
Coastal Conservancy of California, thus the academic institution must adhere to the pass-though
requirements of the state grant. TNC and NPS will provide financial assistance to the partner on
a reimbursable basis in an amount not to exceed $50,000. The final award amount will be
dependent on final approved project budget and determination of available funds.
Based on interest and responses received, TNC and NPS will select partner(s) to assist with
developing a study plan and formal agreement. Written Statements of Interest are due by March
31, 2011. We would welcome a consolidated application from a team of experts in diverse
invertebrate taxa. TNC and NPS hope to select partner(s) in April 2011, finalize a full study
proposal by April or May 2011, initiate field work around May or June 2011, and finish the
project by February 1, 2012.
For additional information and a more detailed Statement of Work, please contact Christina
Boser at (805) 642-0345 ext. 510, or by email at cboser@tnc.org.
All Taxa Biological Inventories (ATBI) are an increasing critical tool employed by scientists and
land managers to inventory and monitor biological features and connectivity. Versatile in nature,
an ATBI is used to house biological data from a variety of disciplines, integrate those data in
ecologically meaningful ways, and facilitate long-term monitoring efforts. Given the high
species diversity and endemism found on California’s Channel Islands, a Channel Island ATBI
would be of significant import to the scientific and conservation community. The Nature
Conservancy (TNC) and The National Park Service are working to create the first Channel Island
ATBI by conducting an invertebrate survey on Santa Cruz Island (SCI). In coming years this
program will be expanded to include each of the Northern Channel Islands.
Project Methods and Goals
In 2011, TNC and NPS will work with the Cooperator to develop a project that utilizes habitat
specific collection techniques to target an ecological niche of invertebrates which will be
cataloged and identified. Specifically we are interested in fulfilling two objectives; firstly, to
augment our knowledge of invertebrate species on Santa Cruz Island by identifying previously
unrecorded species. Secondly, to develop questions addressing the presence/absence of terrestrial
invertebrate species within ecological niches suspected to be impacted by Argentine ants
(Linepithema humile). There are currently four areas of SCI infested by Argentine ants. The
Collaborator may wish to develop study plots inside and outside of infested areas and conduct a
comparison study. Potential focus ecological niches include leaf litter invertebrates, invertebrates
dwelling under ground debris (rocks, boards), pollinators, and honeydew producing insects.
Researchers will collaborate with TNC and NPS to create the study design and will conduct field
trips to SCI to collect invertebrate species from designated study plots using a standardized
collection protocol. Specimens will be identified to genus, and will be recorded in the ATBI
database. Summary data will be compiled and written up for publication in a peer reviewed
journal. The results of this research will inform decisions on the control of Argentine ant
infestations on the Channel Islands as well as document location and abundance of island
Materials Requested for Statement of Interest/Qualifications
Please prepare a not-to-exceed 3 page proposal outlining collection techniques and potential
research questions for this collaborative project. The proposal should include your name,
organization, and contact information, as well as a brief description of your organization’s
capabilities and relevant experience, including expertise in southern California invertebrate
species identification, study design, GIS expertise, and information about staff, faculty, or
students who would be available to work on the project. It is expected that data collected in the
project will be used to write a peer-reviewed paper published for a scientific journal. You may
include, in addition to the summary, supplemental materials such as descriptions or examples of
past projects, reports and/or client names and references. Please submit electronic Statements of
Interest and Proposed Budget and supporting material to Christina Boser at cboser@tnc.org by
March 31, 2011.