St Paul’s Cottage Surgery Minutes of the Patient Participation & Involvement Meeting Wednesday 28th October 2015 7.30pm St Paul’s Attendees: Mr Sheamus Stack Mrs Cynthia Pinnock Dr Caroline Scott Practice Manager Team leader GP Patient Representatives: 7 patients (attendance sheet on file) Apologies received from Natacha Von Mitzinger The meeting was led by Sheamus and minuted by Cynthia. Sheamus opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking all for taking the time to attend, also introducing staff in attendance. AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 Surgery News Surgery Hours NHS Initiatives Technology A.O.B Surgery News Sheamus discussed the following: Why we chose to do this meeting in the evening rather than normal time of 1pm – to hopefully engage with workers/families with children. Unfortunately, this strategy hasn’t proved to be successful as no new patients attended(May consider doing on a Saturday). We are at present experiencing a shortage of practice nurse appointments this is due to us having a new nurse Norline Simba (who Sheamus introduced) and her training process. Sheamus apologised for the lack of clinician continuity due to having to use agency nurses, however this situation should hopefully be coming to an end. We now have a Physicians associate (Kate Jackson) one day a week on a Wednesday at present. Kate’srole is between a nurse and Dr and is not meant to replace a GP but to augment our staff providing additional appointments/resource. However, Kate will not be able to issue prescriptions. We also have a part time receptionist here on a Monday and occasionally a Friday (Ilona Pinnock daughter of Cynthia our Team Leader) Ilona at present is studying Business Admin at Hertfordshire University. 2 Surgery Hours Sheamus explained that by 2020 the Prime Minister wants all GP’s open for up to 12 hours a day, and asked for views regarding our Surgery hours and best times for doing sessions like blood tests, new patient checks etc and had suggested an 8am opening. One of our patients said this time would be good for her and family members. Patients thought a Saturday Surgery for the nurse would be helpful especially for workers and parents with children, we would need to look into this as there are a number of services we would not be able to provide i.e. blood test etc. Patients asked if these extra hours were mandatory. Sheamus advised not at present and discussed our hours at present plus our extended hours. Patient asked what happens when patients book appointments in advance Sheamus explained our appointment system of being able to book 4 weeks in advance and also that we leave a certain amount on the day to be released that morning. 3 NHS Initiatives Sheamus discussed the accountable GP for all patients which started 1 st April 2015 the Government has said all patients should be notified of their named GP by 2016 and that the over 75’s now have a named GP. This does not mean you have to see this particular GP you can see anyone who is working that day. Patients asked how many GP’s working at SPC and if it was personal preference for seeing a particular as all info on computer. Dr Scott confirmed five GP’s at present at and that having a named GP provided a good continuity of care especially for patients with on-going/long term conditions. Dr Scott explained a bit more about the Proactive Care Programme -trying to avoid unplanned admissions and working closer with the hospitals once the discharge summary received the patients named GP will contact them for continuing care. Patients said stand by packs are really good as his wife has one and felt would have Been back in hospital had she not had it, other patient comment that it was a very good idea. 4 Technology Sheamus discussed and explained the following: How does technology help us/patients? We have had on line access for some time now and have roughly one out of seven patients registered appointments can be booked , prescriptions requested and patients can see certain parts of their clinical records By March 2016 you will be able to see anything coded which is a specific ailment you have. If you need to see your clinical notes in full this can be arranged by speaking to Sheamus or Cynthia. Patient concerned others could see your records, Sheamus said whilst he could not confirm full safety but as everything is done by passwords there is an element of risk/safety. If anyone is interested in going on line access Sheamus is more than happy for patients to call reception to arrange a suitable time for them to come in where he will go through the process with them. We would like involvement from our patient group regarding our new web site which could help other patients, please have a look to see if it works. What’s on our website? If you have a particular ailment i.e. cold there are videos with celebs advising on what you can take/do, exercise and health advice. Who decides what’s on website at present Sheamus has put all info on but with the involvement of the patient group this could be widened. 5 A.O.B Patient said have been here for one and a half years and is happy with the Surgery. Sheamus discussed St Georges Hospital and financial issues where they are now putting more out to companies, this is something the CCG is looking into. We are asked on a number of occasions if we have spare rooms for certain services i.e. Psychology at present we don’t. Sheamus asked if next meeting would patient group prefer evening or during the day, Patient asked how about a Saturday and suggested putting this info on web site. Sheamus also mentioned we still have feedback box in waiting room. Next Meeting: Agreed to do another meeting within 6 months. Patients would be advised by email, text or letter. Sheamus thanked everyone for coming and their input and closed the meeting.