BROADLAND CULTURE AND LEISURE STRATEGY – FOUNDATION ACTION PLAN OBJECTIVE 1: Make the most of what we have – facilities, features, assets (from Broads to village halls to city centre facilities); organisations, providers; successful innovations; enhancing, learning and linking. PROJECT A mapping exercise to assess type and location of existing culture and leisure facilities, natural, built and landscape heritage features and assets, services and their providers across the district, how accessible they are and what needs they meet locally and beyond RESULT A detailed picture of what is already provided and available across the district Devising an education and interpretation programme focused on culture and leisure assets available in Broadland More on location interpretation materials (signs, boards etc) and promotional literature and other media Assembling examples of successful and innovative projects and actions (local and external as relevant, including fundraising) USE Used to underpin a marketing plan focused on making the most of existing services and facilities across the district BENEFIT Public aware of and hence able to make more use of existing services and facilities Used to analyse gaps in provision and to define action needed to plug the gaps, and to identify development opportunities and support decisionmaking Visitors will use to enrich their experience and improve their appreciation of culture and leisure assets in Broadland Planning to meet needs will be more strategic and better targeted Education resources and guidelines Use by educators/health/ environmental professions for development purposes An ideas bank to inspire people to develop their own culture and leisure projects and actions locally Different agencies, groups and organisations using this to stimulate and inform those wishing to start new projects Greater use of culture and leisure by educators and development professionals in delivering Community Plan objectives Increased capacity, improved skills and greater knowledge locally around culture and leisure project activity Greater appreciation, awareness and desire to conserve and enhance culture and leisure assets and features, including amongst young people Sustainable, well-managed projects, services and facilities STAKEHOLDERS Relevant District and County Council departments; relevant agencies TIMING Spring & Summer 06 Relevant District and County Council departments; relevant agencies, schools, colleges, PCT Winter 07 Ready Summer 07 As above Immediate and ongoing BROADLAND CULTURE AND LEISURE STRATEGY – FOUNDATION ACTION PLAN OBJECTIVE 2: Improve access to what we have – marketing, signage, information, physical access including transport. PROJECT Creating a culture and leisure services, facilities, assets and features marketing plan communicating about what is already available and information on how to access them RESULT A guide for more joined up marketing action on key facilities, services and features in the district - an information (Link to the establishment of resource new Events Database set up by Archant/EDP and Norfolk Cultural Forum) Investigating options for Improved specific initiatives to extend community community transport and transport and other access schemes to other new support culture and leisure schemes and access provision services USE Guiding appropriate means of informing, communicating and marketing services, facilities and features to the local community and other target groups New transport options and access schemes used by those who currently find access to culture and leisure services and facilities difficult More people (including those with greatest access needs) enabled to take advantage of culture and leisure opportunities Explore the setting up of a county-wide or pan-district council culture and leisure discount scheme Enabling people to make more use of services and facilities More people (especially those with greatest social and economic needs) able to take advantage of culture and leisure services and facilities A discount scheme that operates across council boundaries BENEFIT Greater public awareness about and increased use of culture and leisure services, facilities, features and assets in Broadland STAKEHOLDERS Relevant District and County Council departments; Norfolk Cultural Forum, relevant agencies TIMING Autumn 06 Ready Spring 07 Organisations interested in access issues including Broadland PCT, Disability Forum, Broadland Older People’s Partnership and East Norfolk Rural Transport Partnership Norfolk Cultural Forum; County Council and adjoining Districts Autumn 06 & Winter 07 Increased tourism and associated spend in the area Duplication avoided, better use of marketing resources Increased use of current and newly developed facilities and services Autumn 06 & Winter 07 BROADLAND CULTURE AND LEISURE STRATEGY – FOUNDATION ACTION PLAN OBJECTIVE 3: Develop more where it is needed – supporting projects, activities and facilities’ development where local people have highlighted a need PROJECT Mapping (see Objective 1) RESULT See Objective 1 USE See Objective 1 BENEFIT See Objective 1 STAKEHOLDERS See Objective 1 TIMING See Objective 1 Preparing new guidelines for including and developing culture and leisure in parish plans Parish councils and community groups using plans to improve culture and leisure provision locally Used in strategic planning to guide developers and inform wider decision-making; in development control and other local authority decisions Raised awareness and more involvement of parish councils in helping to mainstream culture and leisure into community provision thereby increasing opportunities for public access and involvement Will help mainstream the provision of culture and leisure services and facilities into spatial planning policy, including promotion of higher design standards Norfolk Rural Community Council, Parish councils Summer 06 Including land use policies and guidance on culture and leisure in the Local Development Framework (LDF) as a result of the culture and leisure assessment exercise being carried out as part of the development of the LDF A checklist and good practice guide for use by those developing parish plans An LDF that provides clear parameters for the development and provision of culture and leisure services and facilities Broadland District Council Policy Unit and Planning Department, developers, architects, CABE Winter 06 Setting up a new culture and leisure capital grant programme with project applications assessed against the objectives of the Culture and Leisure Strategy and the LDF assessment exercise Funding for the delivery of culture and leisure services and facilities that meet needs and fill gaps in provision Used by different agencies, groups and organisations to access funding that helps towards realising their project objectives Will ensure that the aims and objectives of the Culture and Leisure Strategy are realised thereby helping to deliver the Community Plan Broadland District Council, partner bodies, applicants Winter 06 BROADLAND CULTURE AND LEISURE STRATEGY – FOUNDATION ACTION PLAN OBJECTIVE 4: Encourage involvement and action - clear information about opportunities and resources to support and encourage local activities and initiatives; opportunities for learning about other people’s good ideas and practices. PROJECT Organising a launch event for the strategy as the first of an annual Culture and Leisure Ideas Market in Broadland (CLIMB Aboard) RESULT A showcase for Culture and Leisure in Broadland and publicity for the Strategy, its aims and how to be involved in its delivery. USE Groups and organisations use this to build their knowledge of the Strategy and identify opportunities for them to be involved in its delivery Devising and publishing a support and development plan focused on increasing the capacity of agencies, groups and organisations to design, develop and deliver innovative projects and initiatives focused on increasing culture and leisure services and facilities in Broadland A guide for capacity building action By partners, training providers agencies and organisations in delivering high quality support and development activities that meet groups and agency needs and strategic objectives Assembling examples of successful and innovative projects and actions (local and external as relevant, including fund-raising) See Objective 1 See Objective 1 BENEFIT Creates a higher profile for culture and leisure in Broadland and what it can do to deliver the Community Plan vision Wider awareness of the Culture and leisure Strategy, provides information on opportunities for involvement, and chance to learn from others about what they have done or plan to do, leading to improved public provision of services and facilities and use of them Builds capacity, develops skills and knowhow among many different agencies across the district thereby increasing their ability to deliver projects with high positive impact on culture and leisure provision in Broadland and enabling increased participation in delivering the Community Plan vision. See Objective 1 STAKEHOLDERS All TIMING Spring 06 Autumn 06 NNVS, Broadland Training Services and stakeholder steering group drawn from partner bodies and from the community, culture and leisure and voluntary sector Summer & Autumn 06 See Objective 1 See Objective 1 BROADLAND CULTURE AND LEISURE STRATEGY – FOUNDATION ACTION PLAN OBJECTIVE 5: Make young people a priority – through schools and out of school, separate and inter-generational including family activity, 10-14 a priority within the priority, young people to be involved in planning and deciding. PROJECT Developing a programme of work for and with young people as a priority under culture and leisure grantaid schemes Youth Engagement Strategy agreed between the District Council and young people living in Broadland RESULT Additional criteria to be used when assessing project applications received as part of the culture and leisure capital grants programme Establishes a framework in which young people can express their culture and leisure needs and aspirations, alongside other social, economic and environmental issues which young people identify as important USE In assessing applications and allocating resources BENEFIT Applications for funding will be youngpeople-proofed” so that greater provision is made for young people across the district STAKEHOLDERS Broadland District Council, partner bodies, applicants TIMING On-going Young people, the Council and other agencies and organisations developing project ideas that will help to meet young people’s culture and leisure needs and identify resources required to turn these ideas into action Increase in the type and range of culture and leisure services and facilities that young people want and better access to them Relevant District and County Council departments; relevant agencies, schools, colleges, PCT On-going OBJECTIVE 6: Balance urban/suburban and rural needs – understand the differing needs and respond appropriately and fairly PROJECT Mapping (see Objective 1) RESULT See Objective 1 USE See Objective 1 BENEFIT See Objective 1 Also fairer and more equitable access to resources and opportunities STAKEHOLDERS See Objective 1 TIMING See Objective 1