Make the Initial Structure and Identify Parts- Teacher

Make the Initial Structure and Identify Parts- Teacher Instructions
 Read "The Three Little Pigs" with the events in the wrong order.
Discuss with the students how it is necessary to have events in
a chronological order in order to make sense, and that timelines
help us see a visual of that order.
 Display and discuss the objective to “Create a basic timeline
structure." Teacher will write this either on the chalk board or
white board and discuss with student how they will at the end of
this lesson be able to create the basic structure of a timeline.
 Review with the students how to use a ruler. Instruct students
to make sure they create a one inch space at either side of the
timeline to the edge of the paper.
 Explain that what you just drew was a “horizontal line” and that
this is the base of the timeline. “Horizontal lines are lines that
go from side to side”. Place one inch vertical lines on either side
of the horizontal line. Explain that these are “Vertical” lines.
“Vertical lines are lines that go up and down.”
 As the timeline structure is completed have students take note
of the vocabulary as well as label the timeline.
 Divide students into pairs but they will be drawing the structure
of a timeline separately. This will be the beginning of the
timeline for the “Three Little Pigs”.
 Walk around and provide analytical feedback to those students
who need it.
 Use an objective checklist to review that students can create
the basic structure of a timeline.