Officer Report-2041224.pdf - Bolsover District Council

Conversion of garage and replacement doors and windows (as amended
by email from the agent dated 30th July 2015 confirming timber
replacement doors in the front elevation.)
1 Worksop Road Whitwell Worksop S80 4RF
Mr Steven Loxley 1 Worksop Road Whitwell Worksop S80 4RF
Mrs Karen Wake (Mon, Tues, Wed)
DATE RECEIVED 9th June 2015
The property is a two storey, former saddlery which occupies a prominent corner position
within the Conservation Area and is an unlisted building of merit. The property has a concrete
tiled roof and a pebbledash finish with upvc windows. There is a stone wall approx. 1m in
height around the small front garden on site. There is existing vehicular access adjacent to
the northern boundary with two on-site parking spaces. There is a wall approx. 1.5m in height
along the northeast side boundary with two storey dwelling beyond which has a blank side
elevation facing the site.
The application is for repair/like for like replacement in parts to the garage doors on the site
frontage, replace the two doors in the front elevation with like for like timber doors, replace a
first floor bathroom window in the front elevation with a upvc window to match the existing
windows. The proposal also includes the replacement of a garage door and window in the
rear elevation with upvc French doors with glazed panels and a composite door.
The application was originally submitted including the replacement of the two doors on the
site frontage with composite doors. The application has been amended and the front doors
are now to be replaced with like for like timber doors.
HISTORY (if relevant)
15/00067/FUL: Replacement of 8 timber windows with PVCu double glazed units (as
amended by revised details received 10th April 2015): Approved
04/00461/RETRO: Lowering Patio by 1.85m: Approved 16/8/2004
DCC Highways: No objection subject to applicant maintaining 3 off street parking spaces:
Parish Council: No objections subject to compliance with conservation regulations: 9/7/2015
Conservation Officer: No objections to conversion of garage provided the front garage doors
are repaired/replaced to match the existing exactly. No objection to the replacement of the
bathroom window. No objection to the new doors in the rear elevation as they will not be
visible from the conservation area. Objects to the replacement of the two doors in the front
elevation with composite doors, requires timber painted doors in the front elevation: 17/7/2015
Site notice press notice and 5 neighbours notified. One letter received from the neighbour of
the adjacent dwelling asking for confirmation that the conversion of the lean-to between the
dwelling on site and the adjacent dwelling being converted to a boot room will not
compromise the status of the adjacent property as a detached dwelling either as part of this
application or in any future applications to modify this space
Bolsover District Local Plan (BDLP)
Policies GEN 1(Minimum requirements for development) GEN 2(Impact of Development on
the environment) & CON 1 (Development in Conservation Areas) of the Bolsover District
Local Plan
National Planning Policy Framework
Paragraph 131 - In determining planning applications, local planning authorities should take
account of: The desirability of sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage assets and
putting them into viable uses consistent with their conservation
 The positive contribution that conservation of heritage assets can make to sustainable
communities including their economic vitality; and
 The desirability of new development making a positive contribution to local character
and distinctiveness
Paragraph 132 - When considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance
of a designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to the asset’s conservation. The
more important the asset, the greater the weight should be. Significance can be harmed or
lost through alteration or destruction of the heritage asset or development within its setting. As
heritage assets are irreplaceable, any harm or loss should require clear and convincing
justification. Substantial harm to or loss of a grade II listed building, park or garden should be
exceptional. Substantial harm to or loss of designated heritage assets of the highest
significance, notably scheduled monuments, protected wreck sites, battlefields, grade I and II*
listed buildings, grade I and II* registered parks and gardens, and World Heritage Sites,
should be wholly exceptional.
Paragraph 134. Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the
significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public
benefits of the proposal, including securing its optimum viable use.
Paragraph 137 Local Planning Authorities should look for opportunities for new development
within conservation areas and world heritage sites and within the setting of heritage assets to
enhance or better reveal their significance.
Other (specify)
Historic Environment Supplementary Planning Document
Whitwell Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (December 2008) -
This document defines the special character and appearance of the Whitwell
Conservation Area by assessing built form, landscape and townscape value and provides
further guidance on development in the conservation area.
Article 4 Direction Whitwell (25 May 1990)
The site is within the settlement framework in a predominantly residential area and is within
Whitwell Conservation Area and is covered by an Article 4 Direction. The only issue for
consideration is the impact on the character and appearance of the building and the character
and appearance of the Conservation Area.
The property is a former saddlery and is identified as an unlisted building of merit in the
Whitwell conservation area appraisal. It is a semi-detached cottage that has a former cart
shed attached to one side. It sits in a prominent location on the junction of Worksop Road
and High Street. The adjacent properties are also identified as unlisted buildings of merit.
The conversion of the garage does not require consent, merely the external alterations. The
cottage has recently installed windows which are a higher quality upvc window with a matt
wood effect finish casement windows with a slimmer profile. The proposed window in the front
elevation is to be replaced with a window to match the other windows. The doors in the front
elevation are to be replaced with like for like timber doors and the garage doors in the front
are to be repaired/replaced in places in a like for like manner. The alterations in the rear
elevation are not visible from elsewhere in the conservation area.
The external appearance of the building has already been significantly altered such that it is
considered to have little architectural merit. Subject to conditions about the type and finish of
the windows to ensure they match the existing and that other alterations in the front elevation
are like for like, it is considered that the proposal would preserve the character and
appearance of the building and the conservation area and meet the requirements of Policy
CON 1 of the Bolsover District Local Plan and the guidance set out in the NPPF.
The issue raised by the local resident is not a material planning consideration which could be
taken into account as part of this application.
Other Matters
Listed Building: N/A
Conservation Area: Covered in the above assessment
Crime and Disorder: N/A
Equalities: N/A
Access for Disabled: N/A
Trees (Preservation and Planting): N/A
SSSI Impacts: N/A
Biodiversity: N/A
Human Rights: N/A
Approve subject to the following conditions:
1. A101
2. The bathroom window in the front elevation shall be an Evolution flush casement
window to match the existing windows with white wood finish in accordance with the
submitted details received 10/04/2015.
3. The replacement doors and repairs to the garage doors in the front elevation of the
building shall be like for like timber in accordance with the agent’s email dated 30Th
July 2015
1. Y101
2. To preserve the character and appearance of the building and the Conservation Area
in order to meet the requirements of Policy CON 1 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.
3. To preserve the character and appearance of the building and the Conservation Area
in order to meet the requirements of Policy CON 1 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.
Statement of the Decision Process
The proposal complies with the policies and guidelines adopted by the Council and the
decision has been taken in accordance with these guidelines of the National Planning Policy
K Wake
Endorsing Officer
T. Ball
Date 3/8/2015
Date 04/08/2015
referrals to 3rd officer)
Determining Officer
S. Phillipson
Date 04/08/2015