Study field: Geography Requirements: Geography Starting dates: Autumn/Spring Duration: Autumn/Spring Semester Tuition fee: 1200 EUR Contact person: The module „Geography“ covers theoretical and methodological fundamentals of human and physical geography. The students learn to define the peculiarities of the territorial spread of social and physical phenomena, and get acquainted with contemporary tendencies of socio-economic and physical geographical development of various countries in the world and their global problems. The main aim of the module to provide students with knowledge of world natural, social economic macro and other regions, indentifying homogeneity and links of the region. This course also is designed to introduce the students to the basic principles of Geography or Lithuania, which consists of two parts: natural and social geography. Module presents fundamentals of Geographical information systems (GIS) and their use, foremost in fields of geographical research and teaching of geography. Students learn about concept, development, current achievements and trends of GIS. Human Geography The main aim of the study subject - to introduce the peculiarities of the territorial spread of social phenomena, the basics of geographical modelling, contemporary tendencies of the socio-economic development and global problems of various countries. The students learn to define the peculiarities of the territorial spread of social phenomena, and get acquainted with contemporary tendencies of socio-economic development of various countries in the world and their global problems. They learn to interpret statistical information with the help of contemporary economic and political territorial models. The studies include history of the science of human geography, theories of social development, research methods in human geography, dynamic regional economic models and conceptions (F. Peroux model of “growth poles”; the great cycles of N. Kondratyev; T. Hagerstrand’s innovation diffusion; J. Friedmann’s “core-periphery” model, I. Wallerstein’s conception of “world systems”), the models of the optimal location of settlements, the type of urban land use under the conditions of market economy, territorial problems of social develeopment and life quality, the concepts of the quality and standard of life, territorial bases of industrial, agricultural, services geopgraphy, global market and its subjects. Natural geography Introduction to theoretical and methodological fundamentals of physical geography, concept of geographical sphere, properties and structure, general geographical patterns, substance and energy circuylation, geospheres and their interface, geosystems and landscapes, interaction of nature and society. Teaching abilities to analyse natural geographical phenomena, processes and systems, to identify causal and territorial relations, and to evaluate issues and solutions of geographical regionalisation, environmental changes and social/natural interactions. A systematic perception of the environment, ecological consciousness and responsible and sustainable attitude towards the use of natural resources and transformation of environment is developed. Landscape geography The main aim of the course of Landscape geography – to present for the students the landscape as a complex natural and sociogenic system, to deliver knowledge about natural and anthropogenic landscape and its mapping, to render the basics of landscape protection, management, planning and formation. The course of Landscape Geography is a theoretical course of General Geography, which introduces the students with regional and typological landscape units of various ranks and basic landscape forming factors, analyses the peculiarities of anthropogenic landscape, its relations with natural landscape. A large part of the course is spared for landscape planning, preparation of landscape management plans as for the landscape politics and implementation of landscape politics measures, landscape protection, formation and monitoring. Regional geography of World The main aim of the module object – to provide students with knowledge of world natural, social economic macro and other regions, indentifying homogeneity and links of the region. To enable students to understand the importance of regions in the world economic and social system. To develop an ability to characterise regions, to discuss problems of the regions, to apply knowledge planning and forecasting. Students are taught to identify and model world macro-regions, to clarify problem areas and discuss disputable issues of identification. Most considerable attention is paid to physical, social economic geography of separate regions and countries. Geographic and geopolitical situation, natural environment and natural resources of countries is analysed as well as their place and peculiarities in world culture, economy and politics, economic and social system, lifestyle, territorial organisations of countries. The studies include conceptions and compositions of regions, formation of world political map and regions, analysis of major (macrocivilization) regions of the World, relationships between globalisation and macro regions. Geography of Lithuania The course “Geography of Lithuania” consists or two parts: natural and social geography. The Lithuanian natural geography is a rather broad and integrated module within which the natural features of Lithuania are analysed in the context of economic activity. The introductory part of the module is devoted to full-scale presentation of geographical and geopolitical situation of Lithuania and survey of domestic and foreign integration processes. The bulk of information about the natural peculiarities of the Lithuania’s earth surface, valuable resources, climate, soil, and natural flora and fauna is presented in combination with the issues of their economic evaluation, possibilities and prospects of use in different economic sectors and environmental problems. Social Geography of Lithuania provides with a detailed analysis of the system of Lithuanian economy. The course analyzes the economic activity of Lithuanian population focusing on the changed economic arrangement with the established capitalism and free economy, international relations, the main economic problems and the development of promising branches of economy. The course focuses on individual sectors and branches of Lithuanian economy. It presents a historical review of Lithuanian economy, general and detailed analysis of bio productive and service sectors of economy. The theoretical part of the course is substantiated by practical examples. A lot of attention is directed towards the formation of students’ general and subject-based competencies and the selfdevelopment of creative style of teaching. Geografical Information Systems (GIS) This course presents fundamentals of Geographical information systems (GIS) and their use, foremost in fields of geographical research and teaching of geography. Students learn about concept, development, current achievements and trends of GIS, as well as various spatial data types, digital and WEBmaps, WEB GIS applications. Acquire fundamentals of digital cartography, spatial analysis and modelling. Learn to use main funkctionalities of ArcGIS software: visualize, create and manage spatial data, perform spatial analysis and interpolation, design maps. Nr. Course 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Human geography Natural geography Landscape geography Regional geography of World Geography of Lithuania Credits ECTS 5 5 5 5 5 6. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) 5 Total: 30 Hours per Week 3 3 3 3 3 3 18